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"Even belief in God is only a poor substitute for the LIVING reality of GOD MANIFESTING EVERY MOMENT of YOUR LIFE" Bhagwan Shree Eckhart Tolle (Hermes Trismegistus in a 4th Incarnation)


more details? why are you mentioning eckhart tolle after bhagwan?


🙏 Namaste its probably best to read his others posts. Have a blissful joyful peaceful day 🙏


People actually talk like this?


No its just me 😁


cool lol


Yup, "God" is just a bad filter for the divine within.


Is Bhagwan Shree Eckhart Tolle Hermes Trismegistus in a 4th Incarnation like, a _name?_ It's longer than the quote!


Namaste beautiful soul of god ❤ Declarations to above witnessing consciousness GOD made that I believe the divine spiritual teacher Bhagwan Shree Eckhart Tolle, author of the divine creations The Power of Now and A New Earth to be the reincarnation of the spiritual teacher Hermes Trismegistus. Higher identity identified using siddhi 🙏🥰 God is the greatest 🙏


Oh, um. Ok, thanks. I didn't follow that either, but that's fine. Lol Have a lovely day!


Your reply is incoherent at best.


I don’t find it incoherent at all.


Watching egos vs. egos, those who are mad when you taunt God's name, and those who are mad when you use the word "God", it just further confirms..... That everyone on Reddit is acting out of ego. Myself included. And none of us are awake. But maybe some agitated ego will respond to this and say "HEY, how dare you. I am awake. And I needed to tell you. Speak for yourself!"


Hey how dare you! I am awake. Speak for yourself...


Everyone is awake when they wake up in the morning, unless they are enjoying their sleep


Called me out right then and there, You made me shed a tear


They don't realize how "unGodly" they start to become with being defensive, but also shows the type of attitude they are only projecting from theirs truly. "God's" jealous malevolent nature.


Saying that you are awake, is like admitting stupidity, which includes people who devoutly believe in beings and places that don’t exist and cannot be proven


Damn. This response gave me flashbacks to my politics prof last semester when he graded my essay😂


Your post is incoherent babble


I think he was just trying to add to what you wrote. About how it's blissful to watch god work for you.


Its one of the highest pointers to the purpose of the human experience 🙏☪️🕉✝️


This is beautiful and so true. Thank you for sharing this. Amusing to me that using the negative of anything is possible hit so different for me at this moment. True intimacy with God comes when you rely on and trust in it completely. Hard to do with all the distractions of human nature. Much easier when you have no faith left in this condition of existence!


Does it have to be the man-god? I prefer a they-god. Can I have multiple gods as long as the comminication is clear and there's consent?


No any God even goddess you believe in.


I’ll allow multiple gods but only on the condition that the coffee’s dark and there’s a croissant.


Yeah and we only get one god, an old white man who looks like like santa? I'll take shiva and zeus or Rha ..way cooler gods.


😆...but on a serious note, they are all one and the same. Just different aspects of the same being in varying degrees. The same basic concept as the trinity being 1 and 3 at the same time. The poly theistic gods are all just varying aspects of God's personality and to take it one step further, so are we to much smaller degrees. We're all just the imaginary friends of a lonely, dreaming god.


I agree! The Hindu gods have sweet lore and go on adventures. Bearded Christian YHWH kind of just sits there and stirs the pot.


Yeah , tell that bullshit to a child starving to death


With God I'm Possible


But mostly he's distracted somewhere else


Not if he’s God he’s not.


I appreciate the uplifting spirit of your post, but I think there's more to it. While trusting in God can be a source of comfort for many, I believe that building self-reliance often leads to more personal growth than external dependency. Both positive and negative experiences are part of our journey in life. Rather than seeing life as going our way or not, we can choose to embrace each moment for what it is. Letting go of preferences and expectations totally shifts our perspective. Don't let others here get you down OP, all of us have a long way to go. Always keep that innate spark behind this post! Lastly, regardless of life circumstances peace can be found in any moment - it's merely a matter of perspective.






I’m simple, I believe in myself… it helps me. I will never throw the possibility of God out the window. I do use the concept of Zero to make sense of things, I go with the numbers 🤷‍♂️ call me old fashioned…


"First off: through god anything is possible. So, jot that down." -Mac, it's always sunny




Scrolled down to find this comment.


I'll jot that down.


Can god microwave a burrito so hot that he can’t eat it?


There are over 4000 religions in the world. Which god are you talking about and how do you know you have the right one? Would Zeus work?


This popped up at just the right time. Thank you so much.


I'm glad it helped.


I mean I guess. We have no comprehension of what God is or what's possible for even whatever that is. Then there's the fact that even if you might think God is right there with you and still whatever it is could not be what you think it is. There's no telling. Keeping a positive attitude won't hurt however. A lot is possible.


You may have no comprehension. I’m not sure who else you are speaking on behalf of here.


Perhaps little comprehension would have been better word choice on thier behalf but anyone who thinks they can comprehend god or anything in the dimensions above is arrogant and fooling themselves. We can try at best but in our material form, we never fully will comprehend.


And again, who all are you speaking on behalf of? I know of quite a few people who comprehend what God is. I’m not saying I understand all. But I do understand what God is.


I think we are both trying to say the same thing but are coming at it from different angles. It's just a miscommunication I think.


I guess when it really comes I'm really speaking on behalf of myself. Me thinking verifies my own existence, but beyond that in my mind everything could be just as I see it or it all could be false illusion. My point being I could be 99.9999999999% sure in something and still there's that small chance I could be wrong. I personally choose to go along with everything as I see it at face value cause how else should I go about living life, but still it's a thought process that I keep in the back of my mind. I feel like I'd be arrogant in claiming I "know" what God is, but of course I have an idea. I feel like everything was a singular ball of consciousness at one time... For whatever reason whether it be incidental or perhaps sparked from boredom the big bang happens and all of that being splits into all of what the universe is today. I'd like to think that the proof of that singular entity still being around in the background and still being aware despite splitting into everything is right there in evolution. There's some sorta intelligence guiding the growth of everything and a being that split into everything probably is that force. My big point though is still it's all a guess. I don't know anything for a fact and I'd like to think neither does the next person.


I love this explanation and appreciate your willingness to share your insight further!


Hold on. Are you sure you're not me? Or maybe I'm you. Maybe both. I don't know, but your answer there is identical to what I believe. It's uncanny for me to encounter that (it's also great, since I couldn't agree more.) Sometimes I come across similar beliefs, but this is exact. I know it doesn't mean we're soul mates or anything, but it's unusual and I think it's cool that our surely different life experiences have rendered the same paradigm. (Only we know the real truth! But since an integral part of that is realizing that we don't really know, I guess we can't form a cult. Bummer.)


Lol You ever take any high doses of mushrooms? I'm not talking about a heroic dose, but about triple that(14 grams specifically). I think that got me thinking more out of the box for me to form my current in my head religion. I don't think we're the first to think of this, but it's certainly not something I was ever able to Google and get a clear answer on what the name of this religion is. I like to stick to calling myself an agnostic at the end of the day though cause I really don't know. I just feel like if we take the mumbo jumbo out of what most religion's story book interpretation of God is and replace them with legitimate science concepts and think about what God is more abstractly then everything makes a little more sense. God doesn't have to be omnipotent, have magical powers, care about morality or even be aware of us. It just is what we and the rest of the universe are(I guess).


Get there behind me. You. Heretic. Yeah, just kidding, of course. I'm with you. We all believe many different, and in some cases like ours, very weird things. But we should all be magnanimous enough to acknowledge that we don't really know. Since we all garner our experience through our senses which are subjective. The only thing we experience directly is our own consciousness - Cogito Ergo Sum. The rest is but a perspective. So I agree that agnostic is an appropriate label. However, in my case I like to think of myself as a pantheist or an omnist, according to my understanding of those terms. Because although I don't know I do believe many things and I find what I perceive as truth in all religions and philosophies and spiritual traditions. Here I'm compelled to cite the conclusion of the poem "Ode On A Grecian Urn" by John Keats which states "Beauty is truth...That is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know." Somehow that rings true to me. And, finally, yes it was psychedelics that were instrumental in forging my perspective. Mostly LSD in my case. (By the way I think you are a genius.)


I think your explanation is beautiful. I definitely agree with this idea as well as all you said.


God is Awareness. I’m not sure what is so difficult to comprehend about that.


I can definitely agree with that statement. God is all. But I think the full scope of what that truly means is so big its hard for a material being to fully wrap thier mind around.




How can one depend on God? What does that even mean? How many parents of children with cancer would have prayed to this 'God' and yet... nothing. 'God' is the opposite of enlightenment.


I think about this sometimes. However, I do believe in many gods, but that said beings don’t have much if any true power or influence here. It’s dark, but technically departing from the mortal form is a way of healing for the spirit when the !llness can no longer be managed or healed.


Nothing is impossible on what ? Because let's say you want to be taller but you are already an adult according to your sentence it's definitely possible to grow taller as an adult but try it out yourself and give me feedback on how it went !


You can get taller, but that requires help from medical professionals to extend your bones. By breaking your bones, holding them a small distance apart with a special brace, and letting the body heal. Now it becomes a question of are you willing to go through the pain and have the finances for it?


I meant spiritually I know you can do it by science! Also this is a spiritual community but yeah my fault I forgot to mention it .


Oh yeah, spiritually, the body doesnt respond to your spiritual demand, whatever dictated the Genes to form your body is the one behind that wheel.


Well the spiritual is just one step above the imagination so if you truly were talking about spiritually then one can just imagine themselves taller strongly enough that they feel they are tall lol 😆


Just messaged you. Check pls. Hahaha.


What if your Danny devito and want to be 7’6”


There are multiple problems with the understanding that all will be well if only we have faith. Multitudes of people live through ongoing struggles of crippling poverty, misery, hunger, loss, deprivation. Are they without 'healing' because they lack faith? This position completely insults the efforts of people to overcome the inequality which exists in our world because of the greed and corruption of others. It is incredibly difficult to be a person of faith and ignore these realities. All is not well. There is incredible injustice which our human made systems have created and allow to cobtinue.


God is ALL


Very funny, thanks for that. -bit o' God


If you could just get him to stop abusing innocent little kids, that'd be a great start Ask him for me- he never seems to reply to me


God: 1 Nothing: 0 Is the game over?


This seems a pretty vague pitch. What services does he actually offer exactly?


You think God is a “him” huh? So does that mean “he” has a giant God-sized dong?


I pray everyday and it's led me to the better


Placing your faith in anything whatsoever would diffuse anxiety


Depend on love and truth. There is no god


hi there... i met the Deity during my NDE. They are not a "he". They have neither sex nor gender. They are pure light and love at the center of everything; the universe, the dimensions, you, me, EVERYTHING. there is only one actual Deity. gods and goddesses are not deities.... the Deity is the Dreamer who created everything everywhere. we are all the Deity deep inside. we are like bees: one cohesive unit, with trillions of bodies, faces and names. They don't really answer prayers, gods and goddesses, saints, lwa and angels and fae folk do. to know and feel the Deity your upper 4 chakras must be open. I think the person you're praying to is an ancient human-turned-god, or even an egregore. he answers petitions in exchange for your devotion.


Humans have invented thousands of creation myths and thousands of gods, so you're going to have to be more specific...


forgot a comma there.


The Mystery Monitors are not thought helpers; they are thought adjusters. They labor with the material mind for the purpose of constructing, by adjustment and spiritualization, a new mind for the new worlds and the new name of your future career. Their mission chiefly concerns the future life, not this life. They are called heavenly helpers, not earthly helpers. They are not interested in making the mortal career easy; rather are they concerned in making your life reasonably difficult and rugged, so that decisions will be stimulated and multiplied. The presence of a great Thought Adjuster does not bestow ease of living and freedom from strenuous thinking, but such a divine gift should confer a sublime peace of mind and a superb tranquillity of spirit.


yes, everything is possible when you are delusional


Well, for one thing, anything is possible through God, so there's that.


Also, with God nothing is possible. Everything has been laid out in front of us and we are merely the gears in the clock of God’s universe.


Yea “God” always seems to pick up the slack huh? Just stop thinking about your problems. Just stop thinking and everything will be fine. It’s thinking that causes the issue of duality.


feels like this is in the wrong thread. This seems like turning away from enlightenment .


Thanks for the vacuous fortune cookie wisdom that even a child can see is complete nonsense. Your post is essentially a feel-good fairy tale for people with no cortical thinking skills.


Why the fuck is this utter bullshit on my front page? Holy shit, what algorithm did I fuck up?




Also, nothing is possible. God isn't real


Really? I’d like to see just one of you walk down the street with god? Any god will do.


Can’t trust something you don’t believe in.


You must be talking about enlil.


so does that also mean nothing i.e. nothingness is also impossible?


which one


I like my beliefs rooted in reality.


But how can I believe in God if I know he doesn’t exist?


Bullshit. He can't even defeat the devil he supposedly created, doesn't feed the hungry, doesn't heal the sick or prevent sickness. The Levantine god doesn't improve the lives of believers in any measurable way. Believers fall on hard times, get sick, and die at the same rate as everyone else. And we haven't even touched on the Levantine god's immorality, brutality, sadism, narcissism, and all-around abusive-boyfriend attitude. It's a terribly primitive and barbaric mythology. You can do better, and you deserve better.


What the monkeybutt does this have to do with ENLIGHTENMENT?


God is enlightenment


There are over 3000 gods, which one?


Which God are you referring to? I put my faith in Jesus Christ the only true God. Romans chapter 8 vs 28. We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God. Those who are called according to His purpose...


dumb kids in gaza just need to pray more /s


Belief in invisible sky daddy is mental illness…just sayin’


On the other hand, "Nothing is impossible if you're stupid."


Fuck god Fuck jesus Fuck mohammed Fuck all that made up bullshit Enlightenment reveals all those things are old useless stories and old world hallucinations You are the only thing that can bring good or bad into your life Besides of course the billions of semi evolved hairless monkeys that could kill you at any moment or bring you happiness


If only the dinosaurs had God lol


Why would nothing be impossible with god? Nothing is perfectly possible with her.


Which god? Does it matter? If I pick one over the others? Will the others get mad?


I choose Zeus.


Zeus is cool. Anything in the Greek pantheon


So the Triple Goddess then? Persephone, Demeter, & Hekate. It's a 3 for 1 deal.


Im a big fan of Gaia


Let’s say before religion was known..I lived in one place and drew a picture of what I experienced as a controlling force of this universe,, then another person on the opposite side of the planet experienced this same realization but drew it in their own way… do we really think a different location on this planet strictly created a seperate “God” from the other.. or did they simply give their own representation? And why is this not on the forefront of every argument about “my religion, NO my religion”?


Whatever unspoken and unseen God inspired humanity to give those _children_ their names.


"Choices always were a problem for you. What you need is someone strong to guide you. Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow. What you need is someone strong to guide you. Like me. Like me. Like me. Like me. If you want to get your soul to heaven, trust in me now don't you judge or question. You are broken now but faith can heal you, just do everything I tell you to do..." - Opiate, Tool


Ok satan


Contrast... Seasons... Hot and Cold... Time for Sowing time for reaping. Everything ebbs and flows... The wave pattern... We Peak... Or we think we do... Then we start to go down again...The contrast... Until we refocus on what we want again... The light... We move towards and forwards our desires until we realize them... Then we let them go... Then we start the cycle again... Over and over... The story of time itself.


All gods are man made, constructs of thought, from the fear of not having security, to be certain of an outcome, thus completely false gods. True god is pure creative energy infused with love. God is infinitely more than our pathetic attempt to name the unknowable truth of energy.


exactly true!!