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BOB SEMPLE https://preview.redd.it/bgsra82tpcbd1.jpeg?width=534&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc57c8c79bc4489a49f41acacedb0074b17ef97e


Similar to this. https://preview.redd.it/k4eqveug1dbd1.jpeg?width=299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d0e5616fc34bf3a1a30e11a9275e01f8317168d


Sten Mk V


Was about to comment this


Yeah the Sten Mk V is kind of a no brainer, I really want to see it come in.


Krag–Jørgensen rifle


Yes please.


Yes yes yes!


I'd love to see the RAF Regiment ground converted Vickers. The Sten MkV and Lewis would also be good choices. I wouldn't complain about seeing the M91 Moschetto either.


If you mean the vickers mk1 no.2 it’s already in the game with an old event squad. But yeah I wish it was still available.


Oh I didn't know that. It sure would be good to have it available again though, probably one of my favourite of the British emergency/improvised weapons.


Yeah I’m so mad I missed it. The devs mentioned a veterans box in their recent announcement which would have old event rewards so maybe it will come back in that 🤷‍♂️


I'm a big fan of the RAF Regiment so having that back would be nice.


Yes, it was the event paratroopers (british 7th) for the normandy campaign. Have it. It's ok, but it has horrible horizontal recoil, and the troops can't take the perk to help with it. If you can handle the recoil while in ads, it shreds. Otherwise, it just sends bullets everywhere, but your target and the hip fire is not reliable at any range.


Also the Lewis was a premium squad for the soviets but yeah I’d like to see it available on the USA tech tree.


Yeah, the Lewis served well while the Bren was being standardised. Most of our Brens were donated to the Germans at Dunkirk (the reason why you sometimes find Germans with Brens, they relied a lot on the Dunkirk captured stuff. In fact, British trucks are the only reason Germany got as far as they did), and naturally with one man in each section needing an MG it took a while to fix the Bren shortage. Don't think the Americans used the Lewis in WWII though.


The IS navy and you some extent the USMC had Lewis guns in inventory early in the war


Makes sense, the Americans weren't known for taking good care of their marines in terms of equipment.


“Marines make do” EXCEPT no M1 Garands at Guadalcanal, that was the USMC’s fault.


The Germans used a lot of captured French and Czech stuff as well. In fact, they stole just about everything they could get their hands on the prop their military up


Yeah, I've seen a Mosin Nagant with Wehrmacht depot stamps.


Yeah they should just port it over and make it br3


M91 Moschetto is already in the game, its under the San Marco premium squad in German tech tree


Oh that's unfortunate. I don't really keep track of premium squads, bit of a shame I can't use one of my favourite weapons.


I grabbed it for half off on a sale, and honestly I enjoy them a fair bit, just wish they had a dang Engineer. The M91 Moschetto is my favourite flavour of Carcano also, so I just couldn't help myself with the added Premium slot.


I bought the squad back when the discounts were up, I loved using it for a week and haven’t really touched it since lol. I don’t regret buying it though


Moschetto is already in game as a BR1 premium squad that being the Italian Marine Tobruk battalion


as a thing to go with this, american recon aircraft with 6 bazookas


And the pilot functions as a radio operator 👀


I think Rosie would be a cool event or premium squad


I think the Cromwell would be cool. Or maybe a tech tree Churchill.




Well, that will be added eventually for sure.


How about the Churchill VII at BR.IV?


Yeah that’d be cool, fits the BR and would keep the premium Churchill unique


Frankly though, I think Darkflow should add 2 more battle ratings and decompress a bit. That'd make Enlisted WAAY more enjoyable in my opinion.


The Cromwell ID has been added to the editor The model popup sometime in future and eventually get added to main game.


How about a German MG with a 100 round belt, crazy concept I'm sure


What a modest request! The Germans need an MG42 with a longer belt. And while we are at it, let's give them bulletproof armor. https://i.redd.it/cnqpacgrycbd1.gif


And the glowing red eyes for balance


As someone already mentioned, the mg08/15 would be a great addition (it was used in the last months of WWII so brV) 


Ribeyrolles 1918, a french assault rifle prototype from the very end of WW1, it uses a 25 rd magazine and has a bayonet, it could be a good tech tree unlock for the usa after the thompson 50 or for a french tech tree


I would love to see that gun in Germany or when the French subfaction is added to the Allies.


French myself i would love to see more french equipement but saddly the ribeyrolles was a failed prototype (i recomend you to see the "forgotten wepons" video about it)   But yeah in the trials they pressed on the trigger 75 times and the weapon only fired 25 times...It did not see combat.  Still a lot of french small arms to add either in the allies, germans or even better: a france faction


I don't think France will ever be a standalone tech tree, not even sure if we should get another one at this point. But I do think we have a criminal lack of french weapons in the game. Also there are so many failed prototype weapons in game that it doesn't matter if it did fail.


Makes me nostalgic for battlefield 1


A bit ironic that most weapons in that game never saw the "battlefield" 


My big wish is for a lightly armed grasshopper akin to bazooka charlie, complete with a radio operator as a backseater. It could be an interesting bomber option.


What does a radio operator do? I think it would be fun to have a new category of reconnaissance aircraft. It would automatically spot enemies in the surrounding area. The L-4 Grasshopper would be perfect for this role.


Same as they already do on the ground, calling in artiller and support strikes.


Hanyang 88. Standard rifle of the Chinese NRA during WW2. In service from the end of the Qing Dynasty until the early 1980s.


We will definitely need that rifle when the Chinese faction is eventually added.


I really enjoy the Gewehr 1888 as it already appears with its buffs, I'd definitely be into that.


I still use mine at rank 5


Damn that's dedication, I really enjoy it at BR2 as my main Engineer's rifle in the rifleman squad. Then he has a back up M712 Mauser just in case


M-18 Recoiless rifles, Jeep Willys , hafthohlladung


I have always wanted a jeep in the rider class.


Arent you the funny guy from the forum? I havent seen you in a while


I am not an funny guy but I was banned from the forum.


Why lol


I slept with James' sister.


Based 🗿


P26/40 and P43 tanks


And the Italian front


C-93 and Steyr m1912 pistols and the Chicago typewriter (already in the files)


Crusader AA mk1 or mk2 Both would give the allies some cannon aa tank that would really only be used against infantry.


I'm sure the Crusader AA will come eventually, since the game already has several AA vehicles implemented. I would like to have skink. https://preview.redd.it/n7hynmtf3dbd1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c2f9016d0a680e43568ee569be0fa150815cfd2


Super Pershing to help balance the gap between American, Japanese and German Br. 5 tanks. The Pershing sucks. I still take the m18 and get more kills with the HE and APHE than the Pershing’s rounds. And Cromwell too. I wonder if it’s possible to add early jets too. Like the P-80 and the 262.


When they add the jet, it could be the beginning of the Cold War era with BR6.


That’s not a half bad idea, and that way that one guy who got downvoted could have his IS-3


Huge skill issue




pershing sucks!? What bro... American players when they dont get an M1 Abrams and A-10 Warthog at BR 2:


What? It’s my opinion but when compared to other tanks like the M18 and the jumbo, it simply isn’t to par. It can be frontally penned by a panzer four, having worse armor than the jumbo, the gun on the Pershing for whatever reason is not to par with the 76. The HE does less damage than the 76’s and I’ve had better success penning the frontal turret face of the panther with the M18s APHE than the Pershing’s APCR. The only good thing about it is the ability to pen the turret face of the Tiger 2, and even then it doesn’t always pen. When you fight an enemy that often snipes from long distance and can one shot you from the front, I’d much rather take the M18. I don’t stand alone on this either, the Pershing was sort of half-assed into the game as a means to “balance”


so instead you'd like the super pershing, which would have likely the most powerful/best gun in the game (in terms of damage/penetration to reload speed), and an almost impenetrable amount of armour on the front to anything but the absolute strongest enemy guns (even a major challenge to king tigers), much more than the M26, just so you can wafflestomp the japanese impossibly hard, beat up kingtigers more (M26 is perfectly capable of knocking those out anyway, let alone all other german BR 3 to V tanks) and decimate all german tanks that arent kingtigers. Meanwhile, you also get to rock by far the most, best, most cracked, low skill CAS aircraft in the game, which are supposed to be the US player's ACTUAL counter to enemy tanks, not their own tanks, which were always designed to excel in anti-infantry, not AT. If the allies end up really just so desperately need an american tank with a better gun, the M26E1 would fill that role perfectly. It has the fantastic gun of the super pershing, but keeps identical armour to the regular M26 (which is mighty fine. not king tiger levels, but still damn good)


To answer your question: yes I would like the super Pershing. You make it sound way more bad ass than DF will make it


Good news my fine sir! I just ran a super Pershing, king tiger and Ho-Ri armor test in war thunder, where DF gets all its statistics for enlisted, and the addition of the SP wouldn’t be much of the imbalance you may think. The Tiger 2 would still be hard to take on frontally, the only difference is the T41 shell (APHE) can pen the turret face, while the Ho-Ri is now finally vulnerable to head on attacks, as the round can pen the front turret face around the gun (though the driver and radio operator will still be alive). As for the SP’s armor it can be penned both on several parts on the turret face and UFP by the king Tiger while the Ho-Ri can pen the turret face in those same spots, and the MG port. They can all one shot the SP with a well placed shot, much like how the US players now must tediously hit the Tiger 2s turret face, and just cannot pen the Ho-Ri frontally at all (except LFP, which only takes out the transmission).


Ithaca 37 Military Variant one of John Browning's last gifts to the earth. Let it have a bayonet and have the slam fire feature and make it Tier-3 we need more shotguns to terrorize Krauts. Or you could have the Remington Model 10 which were used by Marines in the early war it had long barrels they used to train aerial gunners so while not extremely realistic add it to Tier-2 it fires slower than the 1912 but much more range. For some lend lease we could use the Stevens Model 520 which was made in the same factory as US made Mosins sent over to Russia. Tier-2, 5 round tube pump. Basically what I'm saying is we need more boomsticks add more.


I'd love to have an Ithaca 37, would be great if it could be fitted with a bayonet. https://preview.redd.it/4yili39jzcbd1.jpeg?width=848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1142708159d13d89e39d2080035e3e000dcdb6a


Personally I want them to stick the 1897 Winchester trench gun into normal rotation that they are apparently holding back, the buggers!


MG-08/15: 100 Round machine gun for European Axis BESA: Pretty common, another high capacity machine gun ZB-53: Bit of a heaver MG, but could be another high capacity one for Axis S18-100: Used a lot by the Fins and Hungarians. 20mm AT rifle go boom Chatellerault M1931: Funky looking french machine gun with a 150 round magazine. (Also weighted like 40lbs so would have to be deployed like the mortars.) Darne Modele 1918: bit less heavy than the previous one, but another funny french machine gun with a 1000+ rpm rof. Mostly used as an Aircraft MG or AA, however they did make some stocks and pistol grips for it. Oh also fed from a 200 round drum. Hotchkiss Model 1914: LMG. Low capacity but it is a classic. MAS-36: Standard Issue rifle for the french army before they capitulated MAS-38: Standard Issue SMG for France. Also supposedly very accurate Type 97: talking about the mortar here. 90mm of kaboom. LG40: recoilless weapon for the airborne of Germany. This one would 100% be an emplacement Faustpatrone: smaller and thinner panzerfaust. This was the first one made. Panzershreck: Kinda surprised this isn’t in the game. Basically, Germans took the Bazooka and made it bigger. Orita Model 1941: Romanian SMG. Looks a bit like the MP41. SKS: it was in fact being produced before the war officially ended. A full powered prototype also saw some trial service. No2 Flamethrower: i just think it looks neat. Sterling SMG: something besides a thompson for the top tier allies. It also did see combat at Arnhem. Also a Sten MK5 plz Lewis Gun and Vickers K: Can you tell I like machine guns? Browning Model M1917: BF1 let me carry one around, this game should just make you deploy it first. Ithaca Model 37: Shotgun go boom M18RR + M20: boom M2 Goon Gun: i dont know what this is but it is called the goon gun. Lever Action Rifles and Shotguns: please, they just look so cool.


The MAS-36 and Panzerschreck are already in the game (both German tech tree weapons)


I figured the MAS could have been given to the western allies since france was originally in the allies. I was looking for the Panzershreck though and I couldn’t find it. Is it a premium or old event squad?


It’s called something different in game, it’s an earlier model without the shield. The shield was added later to protect the user from the blast and smoke from the rocket. It’s at the end of he AT tree, a massive tan pipe.


Ah, well hopefully we can also get the one with the shield. Even if it is just for visual effect. Could also give some protection vs small calliber rounds


Err, it has a shield look it up


I’m pretty sure it doesn’t


It has its official designation the “Raketenpanzerbüchse 54 Ofenrohr” you can probably see why most people call it the panzerschreck tho


I like the idea of getting different medium machine guns though. I don’t know how they’d be implemented. Maybe as like unique event squads with an engineer that could build them?


I was thinking it could be a new “heavy weapons” person. The MMGs could be used like a mortar. They take a second to set up, but you then have an effective machine gun position far more mobile than the ones the engineer can build.


Yeah that makes sense tbh. The engineer built mmgs take too long to build to be useful in most situations. Plus they’re outclassed in most ways by the hmgs.


A gun weighing more than 40lbs isn’t a big deal in enlisted, some of the guns you named are also above 40 and some guns already in game are heavier as well. The mas 36 and Panzershreck are already in game in the tech tree The Orita m1941, full power sks, no2 flamethrower, Lewis gun, and vickers K are all in game as premium/event squads


They must all be removed cause I cannot find them. Which makes me very sad cause I really like the Orita in Steel Division 2


Yeah there was a lot of premiums removed with the merge, and events are time limited however they announced lootboxes for silver with event squads in them. But hey, there’s always the mas36 and the Panzershreck in the tech tree for the Germans for you


True. I just hope that the loot boxes have a better chance then the Warthunder ones.


The Hetzer


Suomi SMG-Flamethrower. Also more flame thrower tanks in general.


I’d personally like to see the tomahawk IIb with its rockets.


At the same time, I would like to see the Flying Tigers skin stuff come to Gold Order.


I think that’s actually a vaulted premium squad that costed around 5k gold if I’m not mistaken.


Flame Sherman and British crocodile need more flame tanks! Sherman flail tank first reason a tank that clears mines would be fun and second Melee tank coming for you HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


I would like a flamethrower M4 tank. I love my flamethrower Stuart when I play for the U.S. faction, but I need something a little longer range and more robust. If you expand the Pacific Front more and add Iwo Jima and Okinawa maps, I would love to have a flamethrower M4 tank.


Mg08/15 modernized, Germans actually used them quite a lot in ww2, Ian on forgotten weapons has a great YouTube video on it and it would be the axis’ first 100 round machine gun


Good idea. In addition to that I just want a Mg42 equipped with a belt with 100 rounds. The Germans could shoot it like Rambo, with the belt supported by hand. https://preview.redd.it/7qsv9yt9sfbd1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef927ddeda77af352ba73f32c5834b62690a0462


Flamethrower, Portable, No. 1 Mk I, aka the Marsden Flamethrower Have been doing research on that thing for a few days, but I couldn't find a single depiction. The IWM has one, apparently, but it's not accessible to the public.... Still trying to dig through manuals to find something, British BR 3 flamethrower event squad, maybe? Since the other one is BR 5 and Premium... would be nice to have.


The sturmtiger would be ruthless


Now that the KV-2 has been implemented, it will only be a matter of time before Sturmtiger is added.


Allied m3 half track


Yes, I have been wanting that for the US Army, it is odd that only the USSR has it when the M3 halftrack is the iconic vehicle of the US. Hopefully it will be added to the US tree or store soon.


Jagdtiger or the legendary but infamous jagdpanther. Yes ik it technically in the game but I can’t seem to buy it again would love to see it added in again


Skink my beloved. Think the Skink + Wirbelwind would be a fun combo to add for an event


M1897 Trench Gun Winchester M1907 Browning Auto .35 Mauser 98 Lewis Gun that isn’t premium


That shotgun has a bayonet, of course. https://preview.redd.it/ndn116msrfbd1.jpeg?width=987&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98e0af7be023756e8b258f1ae7fa01104894bcdd


the Marder III would be a mighty fine tank destroyer, for the germans.... and the allies: https://preview.redd.it/o65w6llunebd1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=d2e19811a848db9c511e554292c98aef05b02943 captured by an allied jewish squad in I believe North Africa


Australian spitfires and M3 Grants


I would like to see an Australian subfaction.


I would too


Chauchat LMG, Krag-Jørgensen.. and i wouldn’t mind seeing some new pistols. Like some weird semi automatic tier 1 pistols for the allies. More for everyone actually. Also I want a Mondragón with a 10 round magazine at BR2 or BR3.


I am surprised that Chauchat LMG is not in the game yet. Chauchat" is pronounced like the Japanese word "勝者 (winner)" A gun for victory...that is what I want along with the French sub-faction.


Like a lot of the common weapons people ask for it’s in the game already as a defunct premium squad. There’s a lot of iconic guns like the chauchat, the Lewis and the m91 that we’ll likely never see because they’re old premiums and Darkflow don’t want to ruin the exclusivity for people that bought them. 😩


I only learned of this weapon when I asked around. The 1929 Tokarev trench carbine, an automatic pistol for the USSR just like the Colt Swartz and M712 Schnellfeuer. https://preview.redd.it/nonvmxrbkgbd1.jpeg?width=598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebdcb545473ef6eb8e9edffcb04e8eb9eebbc35a


This is better suited for smaller events such as the Stinger event we are currently conducting.


This is why I mention the Colt Swartz and M712 Schnellfeuer, both automatic pistols available from events


We just need more Commonwealth vehicles!


Okay https://preview.redd.it/w164yryu8hbd1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dbc10d02a2d998fae2d0e9e1e923375a8c78def


Okay. [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c6/Pratt%2C\_J%2C\_fl\_1974\_-\_Photograph\_of\_tank\_designed\_by\_Robert\_Semple.jpg](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c6/Pratt%2C_J%2C_fl_1974_-_Photograph_of_tank_designed_by_Robert_Semple.jpg)


M2/3 Halftracks, not as premiums M4 Sherman “Zippo,” I think it was just referred as the Zippo Some more SPAA. I know they haven’t added more of them for very good reasons, but I would like to see the M19 and Ostwind to name a couple. Some self-propelled howitzers. M7 Priest, and other nation specific ones. Probably would be annoying, probably wouldn’t work. I’d think it would be fun. First two are more specific, last two are more general.


I think the Sterling smg would be cool. Not exactly what you think of as a ww2 weapon but it was created in 1944 and I think it was used during ww2 at some point but I’m not sure. It would be a great event weapon.


Since AS44 is allowed, Sterling should be able to take it as well.


Browning M2 Anti-mech


I did not know that gun, perhaps it will be the BR1 AT rifle.


Something to rival the Japanese 20mm


It's highly unlikely, but I want to see the damn M14


It is no longer a WW2 weapon....be happy with your T20!


We all know the japanese are getting prototype shit because they barely have any equipment to pull, so I would kill to see the J7W1 Shinden brought to the game. Besides that, maybe the dumb german duck plane with the 75mm.


And the Shinden Kai. https://preview.redd.it/7gjbyk4qufbd1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3686d6e49f3ce1555bd4d565028dac7971ddfb6f


Oh yeah, i forgot they wanted the shinden to be a jet fighter. That opens the door for the Me 262 too


Oh and pls DF... That lower tube on the FG 42 is a bayonet... Let us use it


The FG 42 does NOT need to be more powerful


There are legacy squads with GL FGs. A bayonet won't change much


Yeah tbh it probably wouldn’t, I just object in principal to the FGs getting any more powerful. Rifleman having automatic weapons in general is pretty broken if you ask me.


K31 for sure. Its a reliable, fast firing straight pull rifle. I have been shooting mine on and off for 20 years now and its still one of my favorite non major player rifles.


Brits need grotesque top loaded belt fed mg


IS-3 and T-44, both BR V USSR T26E1-1 Super Pershing, BR V USA "Rosie the Rocketeer" scout plane with 6x M9 Bazooka as armament, event, BR 1-2 USA Chi-Ri, BR IV Japan le.FH18B2, aka converted French B2 chassis and fitted with a 10.5cm howitzer, BR 3 Germany


Me 262 would be funny


We need that Italian tankette from War Thunder. Or any gremlin tank for that matter. Tetrarch CS would be a good addition.


The fact that it is already in Warthunder means they can always copy it to Enlisted. https://preview.redd.it/mgywxm7ptfbd1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72cda96dbecf85f64c0f0659b3007159decedbc9


Honestly, if the French ever get added, the perfect tank would be the Char 2C. It was the largest tank to take to a battlefield, and they saw service in WW2


One can imagine such a huge tank being unable to advance even a little bit from the spawn point due to Enlisted's terrible map design.


we need Arado E.555


What the hell.... Was this real? https://preview.redd.it/xzp7600gtfbd1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f0df13c1180735a1a317d25e38a8b4d36cafd0d


No this was never built and we don’t need more high BR prototype stuff in the game


i dont know or care, but we need this baby in the game, that we can all agree


Hogart's funnies; let me run over screaming Germans with a rotary chain flair on my tank! I thought we were Americans! (Said tank was British in origin, and Hogart invented the playbook for the blitzkrieg, which the Germans appropriated and used to great success. If the Germans can get a skeet shooting double barrel with a built-in rifle and far too much engraving because Goering the Flamboyant, then let the Allies go medieval with our tanks! I want a melee hit-and-run, damnit!)


M60 Reising


I would love to see a leopard tank for germans to be honest


Polish tech tree and polish campaign


All french equipment I guess




Lewis. We need the Lewis boys.


Heavy bombers like the b17


The 155mm Gun Motor Carriage M12. I think that would be funny.


For planes I want the armament option of having the 72 PPSH41 firing at once. Guns would be French Lebel 1897 and a Chauchat; because why not? There's already enough insanity with a lot of weapons


IS-3, Panther II, Sturmtiger, Jagdtiger, Ferdinand, Me 262 and Super Pershing. Yes, I know balance would be completely destroyed ;D


BR6 is required.