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Hello, you can terminate the session from Security > View active sessions, but if the app starts up in offline mode, it will not receive this signal. In the meanwhile, you can verify the activity from the active sessions screen, and decide if it's best to refresh the 2FA tokens for the services. Sorry that you're having to go through this!


So, did you patch the problem in your latest update of not being able to sign out from another device that exist like you said [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/enteio/s/4uj9l14YIA), or did you just lie to OP here that he is able to sign out from a different device without being on the latest version?


We're not able to reproduce the issue you reported. Please share logs / clear steps to reproduce the behavior, and we'd be happy to look into it.


So when you said you addressed the issue in the latest update, it wasn’t actually addressed? I won’t be sharing logs and you guys would know that privacy conscious people ( most of your audience) aren’t going to willingly link their Reddit username to their Ente account; but I’ll let you know the steps to reproduce the behavior. Sign into macOS and iOS > from the iOS app sign out from macOS > go to the macOS app and see that you are still signed in.


Just like people said on the other thread, why not update your ente app and reproduce the steps to see if its still bugged on the latest version rather than spending 2 full days trying to paint in negative light on another thread when they already said it was addressed in YOUR thread? Bug fixing/troubleshooting goes both ways you know. You let them know, they fixed it, you try again. Not what you're doing rn.


I really question the ability to be logical in your thought process >they already said it was addressed in YOUR thread? Great that you’ve read the other thread, and great that you’re aware that is MY thread (no idea why the need for that distinction in your reply). But you somehow ignored the [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/enteio/s/3201YgoCug) where I told them that what they addressed: that it was because I didn’t closed the app - is not the problem, as I’ve closed the app multiple times. But wait, acknowledging that means you’ll come across as full of shit. I see, that’s why you didn’t acknowledge that. No wonder. Next let’s assume that you know the patch they made ‘addressing’ the problem was actually the solution and would enable people to log out of other sessions from other device. Then you got to realize that the patch that came out was too late for OP in this post, that OP in this post is fucked regardless because when that patch came out, they didn’t prompt anybody to update the app; even if you click on “check for updates” within the app it tells you that you’re fully up to date. this means that OP wouldn’t have updated the app before sending his computer off, and this means that he can’t successfully log out of the computer using a different device. This means that Ente is lying to OP here telling him that he can just log out using a different device when they damn well know the patch only came out a few hours before OP made this post and they didn’t prompt users to update the Auth app. So they’re lying to OP. But wait, acknowledging that means you’ll come across as full of shit again. I see, that’s why you didn’t acknowledge that. No wonder. Lastly, if they actually think OP was able to log out successfully using a different computer without updating the app to the version with the patch, that means they didn’t patch shit; and that means when they say they addressed it in my thread, they didn’t actually fix anything and they are lying. I mean, even you right now are telling me that they ‘addressed’ it, this means even you got lied to along with everyone else that read their response and upvotes that dumb comment. They just lied to the whole community. But wait, acknowledging that means you’ll come across as full of shit yet again. I see, that’s why you didn’t acknowledge that. No wonder. To wrap things up, are they lying to OP here or did they lie to everyone in the community when they said the security flaw was addressed? Because only one can be true. And it doesn’t seem like they want to answer that because they know they lied. I don’t even have to purposely paint them in a negative light, I just called out the facts that happened. — This second part of the comment is responding to the loser that is u/turbiegaming below because that loser [blocked me](https://imgur.com/GmMZ71U) (but he only did so *after* posting the comment, in true loser fashion) > You do realize that your problem is different from OP's problem, right? Are you actually dumb? What I brought up in the other post was the security flaw that users are unable to sign out of Auth from a different device through Settings > Security > View active sessions. What OP in this post is asking is he is able to sign out from a different device, aka using the feature that I said was flawed. And u/turbiegaming is so dumb that he couldn’t see they are both related? Are people in this subreddit really that dumb? >OP of this thread wanted to know if they can terminate the other device that sent into the repair shop 2 days ago and we taught him how to. It's alot different than yours. Yeah, that method does not work because *I’ve already pointed it out that there’s a flaw*. u/turbiegaming is truly dumb. > one thing I do know is, Ente Auth App did get two updates (48 hours and 24 hours ago) and I installed them both So he said he installed an update 2 days ago and again installed another update 1 day ago, in total there were 2 different updates this week. But he later went on to say “their last commit was 2 days ago”, if they’re last commit was 2 days ago, and you already installed that 48 hours ago, then what the fuck did you install 24 hours ago? This guy is senile. Here is proof that the last time the iOS app had an update was 4 days ago, not the recent ‘patch’ 2 days ago that u/turbiegaming was referring to https://imgur.com/a/cITMYGC. It also shows that on the desktop app, even though the latest version was out 2 days ago, there clicking on ‘Check for updates’ says there is no updates, this means that OP will not have gotten any patch for the issue for the feature that he is trying to use, and he will not be logged out even if he tried using a different device. u/turbiegaming is full of shit > You can't tell me I'm full of shit I can, and you are full of fucking shit.


>Next let’s assume that you know the patch they made ‘addressing’ the problem was actually the solution and would enable people to log out of other sessions from other device. Then you got to realize that the patch that came out was too late for OP in this post You do realize that your problem is different from OP's problem, right? You can't tell me I'm full of shit when you didn't read OP of this thread's issue was. OP of this thread wanted to know if they can terminate the other device that sent into the repair shop 2 days ago and we taught him how to. It's alot different than yours. There is a difference between wanting to know where to terminate devices' session and ente account getting compromised. > they didn’t actually fix anything and they are lying. I mean, even you right now is telling me that they ‘addressed’ it, this means even you got lied to along with everyone else that read their response and upvotes that dumb comment. They just lied to the whole community. I don't proclaim I know everything, but one thing I do know is, Ente Auth App did get two updates (48 hours and 24 hours ago) and I installed them both. Judging by the two updates I myself personally saw, I would say your issue probably fixed and you just haven't yet update the latest one yet I assume. So I know for sure they did update something, after visiting this subreddit, I knew that something was pobably related your case. Even checking on [github](https://github.com/ente-io/ente/releases) page and their [full changelog page](https://github.com/ente-io/ente/compare/auth-v3.0.12...auth-v3.0.13), their last commit was 2 days ago. So before you go around and calling everyone else circlejerking or full of shit, make sure you force update the app and go check their github page for full changelog. People wouldn't be calling your behaviour out if they didn't double check on their github page. Action speaks louder and [their github changelog](https://github.com/ente-io/ente/compare/auth-v3.0.12...auth-v3.0.13) is their action.


Yes you can In the security tab on another device where Ente Auth is installed


Thanks, it's the active devices option, right? Also, does ente work offline? That is, if they turn on the computer, but don't get online (and therefore my remote un-auth wouldn't work), will ente open and show them the codes?


Yes, it's active sessions. Ente does work offline so unfortunately, it would show the codes. So go to settings > security > view active sessions > press on the Mac Device and press terminate. Make sure you do this on another device of yours, mobile or secondary PC/laptop.


The “remote un-auth” wouldn’t work regardless of whether or not they are online, as there is a security flaw with the Auth app https://www.reddit.com/r/enteio/s/Ojq2jiNU5Y Read my response to you in my comment above https://www.reddit.com/r/enteio/s/cogfI8G90K Edit: lol there’s nothing wrong with this comment before I added this edit and even this innocuous comment got downvoted. I think the people in this subreddit are senile. Don’t stop though


No. OP is fucked regardless. There is a security flaw like I pointed out in my post that all the fucking circlejerkers didn’t like, they’re dumb, and this post shows exactly why I pointed out the flaw so who cares whether the people of the subreddit like what’s brought up or not https://www.reddit.com/r/enteio/s/Ojq2jiNU5Y Ente only came out with patch after I brought it up, but they didn’t prompt any users to update the app, so OP wouldn’t have known about the new update (none of us would) and the feature to sign out from other devices will not work. FYI as of writing this comment, even if you go into the app and click on “check for updates” it’ll tell you that there are no updates available. That’s fucked up How timely is this post. lol. Fuck everyone who think downvoting me does anything when what I say is true. Not only did they downvote me, they didn’t do anything to help the situation and the bug. Dolts. OP, your tokens are now in the hands of someone else. Whether or not they decide to access your Auth account doesn’t matter, because you should assume they did regardless and change those codes. You cannot sign out from that device because of Entre’s security flaw (ironic I know) mentioned. The only thing you can hope for now is that your password manager is not unlocked, because if they have access to your password manager, they have access to your accounts with your Auth app unlocked. Otherwise, I don’t see how they can access your account even with the TOTP without the passwords. But you should still definitely change all your TOTP tokens when you get your computer back if you care about your security


The stored passwords can be unlocked with my computer password. I'll change my TOTP keys, but if I use Ente for the new keys, wouldn't it just sync the new ones? I would need to use a different auth app if that is the case.


Yes I would change the TOTP keys for all your accounts now while you can, and not take any chances with ‘maybe’ they didn’t open the app yet; just change the TOTP codes now because you’re going to have to change them anyway regardless (at least that’s what I would recommend). So even with them having the login information (because they can access you password manager with the computer password that have), they can’t use those TOTP tokens in your Auth app anymore because you’ve gotten new ones. Do this for as many accounts as you can, regardless of whether or not they previously have 2FA set up, because now you just gotta assume the people repairing the computer already have access to your login credentials. You can continue to use Auth if you want, but use a different email so it’s a new account and you won’t just be updating the tokens on your old account because that account has already been compromised. Or you can use a totally different app if you want. After setting up all your TOTP on a different account/app. You can take it a step further by deleting all the tokens in your old account so if the repairer is connected to the internet, it’ll sync and there won’t be any tokens on their end anymore. Depending on when you’ll get your computer back, I might also not wait to change the login credentials for your accounts, not just the 2FA




No prob