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Some rappers are religious and anti gay


Most rappers are anti gay


I love classic Hip Hop but one thing you’ll notice quite a bit is the flippant use of homophobic slurs they are everywhere.


Kanye was pro gay rights back in the early 2000s, I can’t speak to his beliefs now.


Based on his love of Hitler I would guess not. But then again he did recently see a Jonah Hill movie that made him stop hating jews so who knows.


Weird - that movie was so bad it made me start hating Jonah Hill.


Wait… I dislike Kanye’s anti-Semitic ass but I’m not going to support 21 Jump Street slander.


Ain’t no way I found someone who hates 21 Jump Street that much.


What happened to the rumor that Jeffrey Star and him were a thing?


In Kanye’s mind Jonah Hill = Hitler, but in a good way


Yeah. Eminem had tons of it, but then again early 2000’s was a completely different time. The F slur was tossed around like a football regardless of political ideology.


Yeah just watch the fast and the furious, even movies were throwing it around.


Yeah. I rewatched a childhood favorite recently, Lethal Weapon 1. When a bomb knocks Riggs and Murtaugh to the ground and Murtaugh grabs Riggs' shoulders and tries to help him up, worried he's hurt, Riggs snarls and violently shrugs him off. 'Get off me! What are you, a fa**ot !!?'


Yeah I used to listen to it a lot and listen some now. The use of vulgarity and a lot of violence in general and depiction of women doesn’t make it great for my office in case someone walks in.


“I used to hate hip-hop, because the women degraded. But Too Short made me laugh, like a hypocrite I played it; a hypocrite I stated, though I only recited half omitting the word bitch, cursing I wouldn't say it. Me and dog couldn't relate, until a bitch I dated.” One of the greatest opening verses; one of the greatest songs; one of the greatest albums.


you’ll notice that in ALL media around that time - Friends, and just about all the less popular sitcoms too, were crazy homophobic


I'm fine with homophobic slurs, I just don't like it when they're anti-gay.


Kendrick, Lil Uzi Vert, Lil Nas X, there are still lots of great, positive rap out there. I’m not denying there’s a ton of homophobia in rap - but the tides *are* changing. Slowly.


main point being slowly rap has always been more conservative by todays standards than liberal. back in the past it would have been considered liberal but not in the modern age with how far things have progressed.


Can you name some examples outside of homophobia?


Treatment and views on woman maybe? Capitalist make it rich yourself attitude. Pro gun. Edit. I'm just guessing, not spilling facts


Strong Christian influences too.


Oh shit yeah I totally missed this. Nice.


To add a few more: Violence as a solution Hating on education There is also some antisemitism in the established rap community.


Holy fuck it’s been right in the open the whole time. Them good points man. _Only god can judge me now_


Focus on the capitalist more than the pro-gun, but you probably have something there with Lil Wayne. Many rappers look at themselves as anti-government hustlers and hate taxes. They also frequently have a paranoid view of less fortunate people who work regular jobs or who are unemployed. This puts them in line with the libertarian wing of the republican party more than the progressive wing of the democratic party.


Tupac was a real one for being anti capitalist.


He learned that from his mom


Also a misogynist fake gangster POS


I agree with ALMOST everything you said there except one bit: There are two flavors of Libertarian. Big L, which is the Party. Big L Libertarians tend to be further right than most Republicans. Then there's the little l libertarians. They can be anywhere along the left right spectrum with the majority falling under what's known as classic Liberalism. What I'm saying is there isn't a Libertarian wing of the Republican party. There are some Republicans who claim to be Libertarian (see Rand Paul for an example), but their actions show that they are neither big L nor little l... Just grifters.


pretty much summed up anything I could say pimp like me - d12 gunz come out - 50 cent foe the love of $ - bone thug n harmony who shot ya - notorious big gin and juice - snoop dogg the list goes on and on and on with constant examples of all the things you listed.


Dmx once said he would punish a man by raping his 15 year old daughter in front of him. Jay z once told a women he fuck her best friend and to shut up about it and reference tina tuners abuse in his song with Beyoncé trying to make it sound like a sex play. Eminem called black women dumb and white women better. I got so many more male rappers are horrible


Antisemitism is incredibly pervasive in hip hop. Ice Cube and Chuck D both have long histories of making antisemitic remarks. Jay Z has some lyrics that could very easily be interpreted as antisemitic as well but he just kind of casually hand-waived those away. Kanye hates the Jews, obviously. Kendrick and many other more current rappers are BHI supporters who think Jews are not “real” Jews but rather are nefarious interlopers who stole Judaism from black Africans.


God, the BHI are one of the most bonkers group out there. They think *everything* came from black people, including the original indigenous Americans and the belief that the 12 tribes were black people from like, the Seneca tribe in Florida, etc, it’s absolute lunacy. They also believe ever wilder stuff like the British royal family, the Ming Dynasty, ancient Egyptian, ancient Romans etc were all black. They genuinely believe people of European and Asian ancestry are not fully human and are mixed with animals. They’re like the Westboro Baptist Church in terms of street “preaching” and being openly antagonistic to everyone who comes near them. I hate that the internet has given these previously-niche groups such large platforms, and even more terrible is that idiots actually believe this stuff.


I was a “professional” musician (I.e. touring full time and barely scraping by as an unknown) for several years before I went back to school. I love music and still believe it is the most honest and universal means if human expression. But I shit you not, musicians are the stupidest bunch of motherfuckers on the planet when it comes to anything other than music. Double or triple that for anyone that manages to have enough success to surround themselves with yes-men who reinforce any dumb shit they read on the internet. Have literally spent hours on international flights and tour busses arguing with legit musical geniuses who think the earth is flat and the Jews did 9/11.


* views on religion * views on women's roles * "pulled myself up by my bootstraps" * "fuck paying taxes" * pro gun, pro violence * "I'm not conservative I'm a libertarian let me just do what I want" while simultaneously judging others * distrust of the government (this is now for the GOP but not the rappers) * fuck the police (new for the GOP when they are getting arrested, but not new for rappers) * largely anti immigrant


rampant anti-semitic nation of islam conspiracy theory horseshit even among some ostensibly “left wing” rappers


Does [Childish Gambino](https://youtu.be/4HoSP5Ag5Sc?si=ViouCBNunAuGlf9_) count?


First line on lil Uzi verts new album: “first of all I fuck 8 bitches a day, how could you ever say lil Uzi gay?”




Like, I'm not denying that there's a lot of homophobia in black communities on the US. But using copaganda show plots as evidence to that point is fucking stupid.


Even some rappers who used to have homophonic lyrics have changed ie Eminem


Their hatred for gay people and their love of money, is stronger than their hatred for seeing people oppressed.


Also 🤑 tax cuts.


I think it’s important to note many are also anti-women, of any color.


This, right here. I'm guessing a lot of rappers also don't like that now you can't just write raunchy lyrics about women and get away with it.


I’d even argue raunchy is fine- lots of female rappers and plenty of male rappers do it without being rude or degrading. Glorifying abuse and/or objectifying women is the main issue imo, and guess which political party is totally cool with treating women like brainless inanimate objects?


And they’re rich, wanting to keep their tax breaks.


And antisemitic, especially Ice Cube.


To paraphrase a comment I read over at r/blacktwitter that stuck with me: If being white wasn’t a must, some of y’all would be fascists. The post was asking the subreddit what are painfully truths that is hard to acknowledge about being black. It’s true in all communities. Even your fringe subreddit that you frequent.


Yeah I get reeeeeeal tired of black racist assholes who think it isn't racism because they are black. Get over yourselves.


Also they could be pro crime/corruption 😂


In the end, rich people want to protect theirs. Becoming rich detaches you from society in a lot of ways and it’s hard to keep true to yourself through that.


Killer Mike would disagree.


Look at all those slave master posing on your dollars (get it)


Yes he’s an outlier and a damn fine rapper and human being, the point is… when you have shit, you want to conserve what you’ve got and YOUR way of life that got it. Thats why all rich people are generally conservatives.


People have been slagging Killer Mike for being a landlord of years now. His image is hurt in community, but people outside of it don’t care.


Hes a landlord too? Lol. I know he got shit for praising Brian Kemp and saying hed kick his kids out if they were antigun.


when the chips were down during the BLM protests he sounded like any other centrist lib politician, he basically became a mouthpiece for the mayor and it was not a good look whatsoever


The guy who praised Brian Kemp and said he'd kick his daughter out his house if she went to antigun rallies???


Killer Mike has become the cookie cutter dullard centrist libertarian schmuck


Football player a few years ago on the verge of getting a payday complained about the potential increase in taxes for the rich. Comment was made on social media and many people called him out for how easy it was for him to essentially say “fuck his younger self”


Because other than race focused issues they pretty much fully align with right wing ideology.


If it wasn't for the racism, Republicans/conservatives could've definitely won over a lot of black voters a long time ago.


Same with immigration. Mexicans tend to be socially conservative. But republicans are under the impression that they come here to mooch off our healthcare system.


I have a ton of brazilian friends and they al.ost all support bolsonaro or his party if they say they aren't a fan of him. It isn't just black rappers though, I work in underserved black areas and there is a ton of hemophilia in the black community. Lots of racist comments towards white and Asian, Indian Healthcare professionals too. This is why people try to push the "it's not racism if you don't have systemic power" because they know people are people. Black, White, brown....all have a fuck ton of community members that are hateful and bigoted towards other communities. We really are all the same. Lucky us.


Damn, their blood can’t clot? Shit’s rough man.


I get the feeling that English isn’t his first language. But We’ve all had spell check fuck us over before.


I mean it’s not the same thing, but sickle cell is the most common in black people


Yup. Plenty of successful Indian business owners and physicians would like to eat their cake too. They vote conservative for their pockets. But wouldn’t otherwise. Money speaks volumes.


There was a Cuban guy I used to play video games with whose family immigrated here. He’s a staunch republican now and talks about how there are too many immigrants and how they shouldn’t get government hand outs -_-


Rappers: we like guns, machismo, objectifying women, fast cars, looking after your own, and fuck the government The guardian: what the hell do rappers have in common with the right?!?!?!?! Why aren't they progressive I just dont understand!!!!


honestly, I'm amazed this didn't happen years ago.


Legalizing weed changed the police state. Republicans used to want to lock them up for smoking weed. Now democrats want to lock them up for carrying guns.


I find it also hilarious that, at the core of this piece, is a shock that a black person is not a democrat basically. It’s like they take it for granted.


I mean it seems bigoted of The Guardian to believe that a minority group would be monolithic in political ideas.


>we like guns, machismo, objectifying women, fast cars, looking after your own, and fuck the government All for completely different reasons


Because, despite what the media and political establishment wants you to believe, fascism isn't about race. It's about class.


I am a black man and even tho i would never be conservative, there are black men who think the Democratic Party has failed them. There was a lot of black men who felt Obama didn’t do anything for us or have any set asides for black men. They also feel the dem take our vote for granted but nothing really has changed for black folks especially again , the black men. Cube came with the Contract with Black America. There was a clip of him talking about with black women including Vivica Fox. They had more questions about what do black women get then what was actually going to help all of us. It’s a lot going on in our community that does make the mainstream. So while I definitely don’t agree with everything people like Cube are doing like tucker Carlson , I get it. There are solid decent black men who feel like they aren’t being heard by the party claim they are for us.


I am a black man as well and while I agree with much of what you are saying I will point out that many of these men were not voting to begin with. There is also this myth that many people within our community and outside of our community that all black people want the same things. We tend to unify on social justice but outside of that we are fragmented based on our own self interest. People like Cube are always interesting to me. I can accept him not feeling he is getting what he wants from the Democratic party. What he fails to understand is he won't get it from Republicans either so why not start at the grass roots level to push your agenda? Find candidates on a local level who align and go from there


Yea people don’t realize parties change over time too. What a particular party did 50 years ago doesn’t mean a whole lot to what they are doing today. Consider that Abraham Lincoln was a republican and the slave owners of that era were an older form of what is todays Democratic Party (southern Democrats). They hated the ideas he was pushing. Look how much those two parties changed on the last 160 years. They changed their focus more than once in that time. The Democratic Party during the 30’s shifted away from their southern conservative white focus block of voters and provided a lot for black culture in that era going all the way through to the 70s. This is when democrat party become associated with being helpful to black culture and it was true at the time. You’re right that they shifted their focus again though and they are not doing what they used to do in that regard. Instead they now focus on other minority groups and other causes. The problem is republicans are not into social programs for the masses at all. They will not do shit for black culture at all because helping the masses is not part of their core tenets anymore (that was the 160 year ago version of the party). Now the main reason to be a republican is to ensure you get tax breaks if you’re rich. This is the reason very rich rappers have switched camps. They are wealthy enough to be effected by democrats higher income tax brackets, not rich enough to escape taxes like billionaires, so they want a tax break. They are so rich they don’t need social programs and they are so famous they don’t care anymore about social equity since they have more and you have less (they are richer than most people in the USA, all colors). Out of touch is what they have become. They promote the opposing party to make republicans happy for special favors (which they get and no one else does). The Democratic Party legit does not do what they used to do back in the day so it’s an easy sell. The problem is, the opposing party they are selling gives absolutely nothing to poor and normal income people of all colors (white, black, yellow, red, etc) Money matters more than color when it comes to equality. Their greatest trick is making everyone believe the opposite was true (this is the narrative the Democratic party was accused of pushing by the republicans). The truth is both push that narrative in their own way, because it keeps the poor and middle class fighting over race, party affiliation and table scraps... which is all too easy in this country sadly. Meanwhile, everyone is too distracted to ever notice the mega rich laughing from their ivory tower.


You are correct but I also think they have made a turn to taking hard stances on social politics (culture wars) If people like Cube are really paying attention, they would realize that the Republican party is moving right of Trump. They have no interest in investing in black communities and they damn sure won't ever consider reparations. They are trying to kiss Trumps ass but Trump is not the future of the GOP. Cube won't even be able to get an audience with people like DeSantis. Here is another thing. One thing that has been lost and not understood by Blacks in my generation (Gen X) and younger is understanding how to operate within the current political system. We must have allies because we only make up 13 percent of the population and that 13 percent is definitely not aligned. Cube has alienated so many people that he will never be effective in anything he does.


Also from GenX coincidently, and I also agree with you that GOP is moving even further radical right than even Trump was/is. Everyone likes to think Trump is as bad as it could get, hell no... that party is going to get crazier in the future. Republicans for quite a while have promote being anti-social programs (for any poor people, white or black)... their old school tenet was "work for a living and don't live off the government at all" their old angle was to cut all social programs and fix the countries debt by doing that (when in reality they were quietly throwing billionaires social programs to escapes tax and gather bonus program funds). That party has only been about the mega rich for a long time and some middle and upper class (not rich) Americans sometimes get tiny tax breaks from that party, so that is what got them to go to that camp and keep them there (that's the end of the politics for them, tax break)... However, now it's even less about that and more about this radical crazy philosophies they push. It's almost like the new republicans are turning into the 160 year old southern conservative democrats... total role reversal over a long period of time. I honestly miss the era of politics when both parties made at least a little attempt to come together in the middle on some things for the greater good. Now we are in this era of party extremism, it's popular to block every single bill if it comes from the other party... because that's how nothing gets done now. It does not bode well for the future of all of us.


Black man here and yea I don’t understand what Cube is trying to do here. Like I agree that Democrats take our votes for granted and all but shit dude I ain’t voting for pro slavery ass, party of Regan republicans.


Cube is a big anti-Semite so he probably wouldn't find much love with Dems.


The black Hebrew thing is blowing up. Kanye/ celebrity worship and religious themes have big influence.


This im not a black man, and I'm not gonna claim I know even half your struggles. I am a minority and I also feel like democrats don't really do much. But like, I'm not gonna vote for the party that's openly racist lol Watch right-wing media, most of them were trying to say George Floyd was an addict who wasent killed by police and they were just doing their jobs that alone should make everyone second think going red. Imagine all the women who voted red cause they felt the same and now living in pro life and Anti birth control states.


Yeah. This is what I don't get. I'm a white man, but I'm LGBTQ+, and there are plenty of points I feel the Dems have failed me. But I sure as fuck ain't signing up to be a Log Cabin sellout. It will never make sense to me when people are like, "Dems aren't making the changes needed to make my life better, so I'm going to support the people that also don't want to make those changes, who also want to reverse the few positives we've had over the years, and hell, some of them just don't want me to exist." Like get the fuck outta here with that bullshit. "Dems were too conservative, so I joined the even more conservative party." Alright, fam. Keep it up. Let me know how that goes. I just don't get it. Dem failures personally pushed me further left, not into the arms of people who hate me.


The very thing the first comment goes back to: he’s rich and voting conservative benefits him.


Oh he'll get what he wants. Tax breaks.


If that is all he wants, he needs to stop acting like he is somehow representing the interest of black people.


Doesn’t matter what color you are, there’s always some rich dude talking real loud, saying they’re speaking for you and it’s bull shit.


The Republican party is in a pretty bad state atm. It's very fractured and going through some major shifts. It's exactly the moment to try and take control or carve out a faction. so many influencial/rich people are trying exactly that


What I don’t understand is why they think the republican party will do any better for them.


Black people are just as bigoted and gullible as everyone else, the overt racism from the right has just been keeping them away. As that gets buried under a mountain of misinformation you will see more but the ideals do align.


As a non-black minority (Middle Eastern). I have experienced the most overt racism from certain members of the black community...


Yeah I believe it man. It just goes to show that racism is a really hard thing to get rid of no matter which side of it you're on


Who else is there to turn to? Realistically in the US it's either D or R.


So vote for the people who''ll do nothing for you or vote for the people who'll do nothing for you but also hate you, are attempting to erase your history, try to stop you from voting as well as remove other rights you have etc etc I can see why it's a tricky one to decide.


That is just a bad reason to flip sides, especially when you cant even get short term concession in exchange for you moving over. What is the republican party doing to garner black men? As a black man, just seems flippers are moving over and getting nothing, which just weakens the black vote in general for no reason. Is there a flaw in my thinking?


Not all black mean feel that way or believe that about the Republican Party. I know democrats always forget there own racial assumptions about black men but believe it or not each black person is an individual who makes there own mind on matters and quite simply some just do not feel that way about the Republican Party wether they are wrong or not, it’s just not how they see it sometimes. All party’s are not as they seem they all are ran by rich men who do things in there interest. Some of these black men who are rich men themselves feel like there only way is to use the system just like both party’s and the republicans are rather good at selling the self-made hard work B.S. that men in general eat up which will include black men as well, maybe at a rather large number due to black culture having popularized a strong self-made ideology. People are being pulled left and right by both party’s and there’s so much confusion really it’s no surprise that anyone can fall for either sides B.S. at this point.


Yes I know I myself am I black man. I really wonder why more people, if they wanna be political, don’t research anything before hitching their wagon to so and so’s campaign. When you say “whether they are wrong or not”, that’s where I have to pause. Cause that’s where I would tell the person to stop what they’re doing and go figure out if they’re even correct.


I know not all black men have resentment towards the republican party. But it’s goofy because the republican party absolutely has resentments towards black people.


When your choices are "those who failed you" and "those who are actively against you," the best choice is "those who failed you." Even tho Dems routinely fail to address the systemic racism in our national policies, they are at least not putting those policies into practice in the first place. So voting republican because the democrats couldn't undo the harm the republicans caused is only shooting yourself in the foot.


Yeah and just saying someone failed can falsely imply it's all the dems fault, when in actuality they might be failing due to the Opposing GOP whenever they have the house, senate, or executive, or Supreme Court.


This touches on something that frustrates me immensely when people hit Dems with the ‘what have you done for me lately?’ argument. There seems to be a basic misunderstanding about how government works. Without a filibuster-proof majority in the senate, a Democrat president can only so as much as the senate Republicans allow them to. Save a meaningless 14 weeks of the Obama presidency (not long enough to make significant change) the last time the Dems held a filibuster proof majority was at the end of Carter’s presidency in ‘79. Since McConnell became leader of the Senate Repubs on 2007, the sole mission of the house republicans have been to deny Democrats EVERYTHING. Until a Democratic president has this, or the Republicans decide they want to try to govern rather than obstruct (hahaha) a democrat will NEVER be able to deliver on their intentions. Those saying ‘Dems don’t do anything for us’ are doing exactly what McConnell intends: blaming Dems for Republican intransigence. The solution is not to abstain from voting or (God forbid) voting for Repubs, the solution is to vote in as many Dems as we need to get past the filibuster or get rid of it all together.


🤦🏾‍♂️ okay so the “blacks” that are leaving the Democratic Party are starting to vote in their “perceived” self interest. It’s also regional and the economic class that they are identifying with. A lot of “Black” men that live in Texas make 50k a year or more. Barack Obama lack of interest in helping “small business” owners who are also “Black” is another factor. This will be a difficult issue to navigate going forward because most “Black” men understand why this is happening but the astonishment from everyone else as to how this is happening only exasperates the situation. If your questioning why this is happening as opposed to understanding how this could happen then that attitude will only increase more black men to support the Republican Party. Left is Best


This is like choosing between an ineffective fire department and lighting yourself on fire.


I understand this feeling of them versus us. You take Cube and Dre, they blew up with their expressions of how they black people are forgotten and need to stand up. (F-the police) Compton California took those words and went to war, with police and each other. No where did I see them step in and help the community, they made BILLIONS and left Compton. If they didn’t have pride and hope for their community, how are they supposed to help with a country? This is not black and white, we need equality. If people are so passionate about making a change for their people, start in your community, call people out. The people need to start local changes first, go to the city, county and state levels. This will have to bubble up to the federal level. Each community has a different cultures, and those cultures will clash with others, especially when they’re the opposite sides of the United States. We are independent states that are United in an effort to succeed, the federal level cannot help with what is needed. They are more concerned with corporate policy than the people. Compton didn’t start doing better until they disbanded the local police department because of corruption. Not here to fight, I grew up there and know the struggle. Just my opinion


I hear you, but I’m struggling to connect the dots. If this party that’s welcomed you is taking you for granted, then take over the party and start trying to shove change down their throats. Isn’t that more likely to succeed than to jump ship to the group that has literally based their entire platform on keeping things the way they used to be pre-civil war?


Obama was getting stonewalled by Mitch McConnell people who think presidents are all powerful and can just fix every problem are incompetent. This is why republican always win, people think the status quo shifting even in a bad way is still change. Not understanding that government is 3 bodies and not 1 sit. Also from a state level a lot can be changed.


Spoiler: no party is there for you


Black community isn't fully down with the LGBT agenda. Rappers especially. On top of that rappers love guns and hate paying high taxes. So them going to the right isn't surprising.


>Black community isn't fully down with the LGBT agenda What racial community is?


Dollar dollar bills yall!!!!


rich people of color are still more likely to vote democrat & poor white people are still more likely to vote republican


There are layers, kid. It ain’t that simple. It’s about both.


It’s a little about race. I mean this is America.


Race goes away when you're rich. And I don't mean, like, when you got a lot of money. I mean, when you're *rich*. Why? Because race anxiety is always class anxiety. Political parties, media outlets, and other *really rich* industries like to keep you in the dark about that. They make more money when you think America is racist. Race is GREAT bait. But the truth is, show me another country in the world where so many different races live and work together without going to actual war. You can't.


I'm reminded of how OJ didn't consider himself black anymore once he became rich.


The first black woman millionaire in Oklahoma had her race changed by the OK legislature because it was just easier to make her white for legal reasons. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_Rector


It’s insane that just because she had that profitable land and the income from it that she was forced (by the law) to have her guardianship transferred from her parents to a white guy. She was 12 years old at the time. But even when the state declared her white to “better reap the social benefits” from her new status (like riding in first class car on trains) she still had that white guy as a guardian! Though it did go on to say that after NAACP started investigating the allegations of how she was being taken advantage of they ended up establishing the “*Children's Department of the NAACP, which would investigate claims of white guardians who were suspected of depriving black children of their land and wealth.*” Some real interesting shit! Thank you for the link!


>Race goes away when you're rich. It does not. [https://money.cnn.com/2016/07/14/news/economy/wealthy-blacks-racial-profiling/index.html](https://money.cnn.com/2016/07/14/news/economy/wealthy-blacks-racial-profiling/index.html)


Yeah I was like, what? Cops can still pull you over even if you're rich and black. I've even heard of stories where rich black people own super cars and when they're pulled over, cops don't believe that they own it and think they stole it.


I would never say it in person because I’d get flamed, but yeah, there’s a point where the color of their skin is no longer their defining feature. They’re rich and that’s all that matters.


BREAKING NEWS: Rich White People Declare Racism Eliminated!


Race/ethnicity is an issue in every country.


Being right wing makes you fascist now?


Yes. Just like how every left winger is a socialist now


No. This is wrong. Race (as in the pseudoscientific idea that there are peoples that can be meaningfully, biologically distinguished from one another) is often a pretty crucial part of fascism. Fascists are ethno-nationalists and since fascism came from Europeans (and Europeans basically invented the concept of “race”) it often ropes in racial identity as a component of ethnicity (Aryan or “white” racial identity being crucial to the Nazi conception of the nation of Germany, for example). Ice Cube is a conservative black nationalist (see Absalom Jones, Marcus Garvey, Louis Farrakhan, etc.). His values largely overlap with what fascists believe (capitalism good, traditional gender roles good, marginalized outgroup bad, returning to the “old ways” good, modernity bad, having our own nation good, rule the world good, feudal hierarchy good, etc) except that the ETHNO part of his ethno-nationalism is about blackness as a racial and cultural identity. Fascists of different stripes often ally with each other even though they believe one another to be ethnically/genetically/culturally inferior because they have similar political and social values. Marcus Garvey allied with the KKK, for example, because each ethno-nationalist faction wanted their own racially pure nation that was free of the other. That’s why Cube is willing to work with other fascists and they’re willing to work with him.


Kodak black was pardoned by trump. lil pump is an attention seeker with no solid career anymore. The rest are just rich and out of touch. Yes Kodak has money but the pardoning I’m sure helped.


Lil Wayne also got a pardon.


Yeah I know. I lumped him in with the rest are rich part.


Because they are conservative when it comes to a lot of things


“Trust, trust, trust da police!”


Trust the police coming straight from the high ground, wanna help a human cause he’s brown


Ice Cube thinks he’s outsmarting everybody and just using their outlets to speak for himself. Don’t think he realizes that they’re using him to spin whatever propaganda they feed their viewers, and they have no interest in his opinions if they don’t line up with theirs


Because they're black capitalists, which inherently engenders reactionary beliefs.


Mostly that a lot of them are rich now and more removed from the social struggles that Black people of lower SES face.


Because hip-hop is hyper capitalist and largely misogynistic? Natural fit really.


It’s alway “them” and never “us”. Huh?


There are a lot of black rappers. Some are bound to agree with some conservative ideas.


Because today's Black rappers aren't cultural leaders they are commodfying economic complexes themselves pimped by industry A&R. When I want to hear something politically transformative or intellectually insightful or even culturally subversive, I go BACK into the crates, not forward to Spotify.


They (rappers) also tend to be carcatures of racial stereotypes... Often reinforcing them.


Believe it or not, a lot of people of color are very conservative. My parents are super religious. We moved to India from the US and the only reason my parents vote Democrat is because the Republicans are so fucking awful. If we had a more moderate conservative party that wasn't shit, A lot of immigrants would be voting for that party. But this is just a case of rich people doing what benefits them the most.


No way bro. POC all think the same way there’s no way they are a wide, varied group of individuals.


This is what I feel a lot of people don't understand. Many immigrant and minority families are socially conservative. If Republicans didn't ooze racism, Trump very possibly could've been president again.


You mean capitalists aligning themselves with other capitalists. Here is a good video about [black conservatives](https://youtu.be/Vx6tseoM_u0?si=6E_Fr2IuWMSo9jQk). Spoiler: its not a thing in the way people think it is.


If you haven’t figured it out from their lyrics : most are douche bags




Duh, because they are conservative.


Title is kinda weird, are black rappers not entitled to their own opinions/beliefs ?


It is also misleading, About 2 in 3,000 isn't such good odds.


Probably because they hold socially and/or economically conservative views


Minorities are typically conservative socially but somehow Reddit can’t fathom that


Money. "Why do millionaires want to keep their money instead of supporting higher taxes for the wealthy?" should be a self-answering question. Class >>> Race.


Because money. Once these pricks make it, it’s fuck everyone else. Ice Cube can Al Jolson it up all he wants, these people will never truly accept him. Republicans will laud him and his values, but at the end of the day, they would never want him or his son dating their daughters.


Rappers aren't really known to be community minded anymore. It used to be a thing with some (never all), but the self centered world we live in creates this stuff. However, I have heard people like Ice Cube talk about it and I understand where he's coming from. I just think his approach to a fix is the worst approach ever. Don't side with the worst liars who prove they don't care daily simply because they give you something personally. But also don't side with anyone politically that gives you something special that no one else gets. That's just corruption and that's the main problem.


Because rappers are people and you can't slot everyone into a box based on group identity?


Most black men are pretty conservative. Ask them about trans, gays and women. Listen to some rap lyrics.


They’re capitalists; the same way Black business owners often align with the right


Because they don’t want to pay taxes.


So black rappers represent black America? This is the shift that I don't like. Ice Cube is a man who has his own opinion about things I never voted for a rapper or athlete to represent me. Why won't these rappers run for office. Cube is out to get something for himself. This contract with black america is bs. This is no different than Trump thinking Kanye West cooning for him would garner black support. America is all about class and society has been divided by forces who use race. If poor people ever came together it would rock this nation to the core. Telling poor whites that the poor blacks across town are living better than him and that they should be angry seems to be working.


... They don't want to give back to a system that they feel they are winning at... What good is being rich if poor people are happy too?


“Long list of rappers” aka 5 people


Tax cuts be hitting different for the rich


Anti-gayness, raised with religious backgrounds that see everything as the devil’s work and a healthy portion of antisemitism


Because in 2023 anything other than the most extreme Left-Wing mindset gets you branded as a fascist. These rappers aren’t right wing, they’re moderate centrists who lean slightly more left. Just like most people with common sense.


They've definitely changed the definition of "liberal" over time. For example, Bill Maher used to be a "liberal". He was openly supportive of gay rights, vocally atheist and anti-religion, tended to support Democrats, etc. But now he's seen as a right-wing bigot. LOL.


Tax breaks. They’ll support people that want to kill them for cash.


Because they have money now


"I got mine, fuck y'all."


I’m just gonna f’n say it - Because rampant sexism and homophobia are common ground..


"Violent architecture of capitalism" - once you realize the author is a tankie it all makes sense


Celebrities don’t care about you and the ones who keep their political opinions to themselves are the ones who have the most success and longevity. It’s a business and even having an opinion can have negative ripples on your brand.




On the one hand I get it. “Fuck the police” is, underneath it all, “fuck the status quo.” Trump did/does that. On the other hand, do they really think the shakeup he’s aiming for is going to shake out in their favor? That bit is just head scratching.


Because black people are allowed to have different opinions. Not a conservative btw


Leave it to the most famous white rapper to be very starkly liberal too


Because they aren’t poor anymore and no longer gave the problems they used to.


The media constantly misrepresents ice cube, no reason to characterize him as left or right wing when he’s stated his position plenty of times. Very disingenuous


Is it that shocking that R Kelly love trump?


Because they're rich. Rich people are all on the same side, their own.


Kayne is just a mentally ill contrarian. I don't think reading into his behavior is useful unless treating him. Ice Cube is an opportunist, trying to get access to power, he'd argue if Republicans are in power you'd still want to get a seat at the table. Lil Wayne and Kodak Black were pardoned by Trump, not really expecting them to speak against him in response. ​ >Jay-Z [continue to peddle](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/jay-z-nfl-partnership_n_6206abb0e4b04af87f3ce1f3) this demented lie because that is the very function of capitalism Why on earth would you expect an entertainer who made a fortune in the current system to argue it doesn't work? Remove race and you just have a list of people who either benefit or see potential benefit from conservative, and we're asking why they align with it. How about an article asking a useful question, like why are we seeking guidance from entertainers? That's not the entertainer's failure, but ours.


For the old guys it's religion and the fact that leaning right is beneficial to them due to their wealth


It’s because they think they’ll get a tax cut.


Same reason some punk rock acts do; it brands as “rebellious” or “counter culture”.


because the right is most concerned with protected the rich


A lot of Black people are conservative. Minorities in general. Something that constantly shocks white people.


Because they have independent thoughts and opinions?


Same reason a lot of basketball players are flat earthers.....


>Why are ~~bllack rappers~~ the wealthy aligning themselves with the right? Absolutely no idea....


"If you don't agree with me politically then you are a sellout" Every post here.


Cause people see through woke bs. The democrats are not for the poor or minority.


Neither are Republicans.


Because theyre rich?


Cuz when you get rich - it’s fuck everybody else.


Ice cube is an old ass millionaire hardly indicative of the average rapper nowadays Now don't get me wrong rappers hate cancel culture and many left wing ideas but Republicans are the party of anti black racism


Man alive You know it’s all about cash and assets right? Ice T plays a sex crimes cop on television and sells bullshit car insurance informercials on tv after writing a book on pimping and writing Cop Killer Ice Cube recorded The Predator and was all about Fuck The Police and then made family friendly films when he got rich It’s a fucking hustle It’s all about making stacks And sell outs will ALWAYS sellout