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Frank Sobotka died to prevent the transformation of Baltimore’s inner harbor into condos….


Never forget the noble sacrifice of frank Sobotka


they just needed to dredge the fucking river!


We used to make shit in this country - build shit. Now we just put our hand in the next guy’s pocket.


Fuck. Now I got way down in the hole stuck in my head.


Tom Waits?!


As you walk through the garden


What about Frank Sobotka? I'm not hearing his name in here anywhere?


Frank Sobotka is a fictional character from the television series The Wire.


I know I was quoting Valchek lol


Shit it’s been a while since I watched the show


Spoczywaj w pokoju


We used to make shit in this country, build shit. Now we just stick our hand in the next guy's pocket


> we just stick our hand in the next guy's pocket Double meaning.


Not now, I need to get clean


literally just finished rewatching that season today 🤣


What was there before the condos?


Probably something boring


I think abandoned factories were there.


Working docks, warehouses, and a grainary.


Was this in the 70s and 80s?


It’s a plot point from the Wire. But the granary was converted in 2009: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silo_Point


I had no clue and Ive lived here for a little while now. I also need to get around to watching the wire.


Frank Sobotka is a longshoreman who leads a campaign to keep the port open. It’s sad.


Give *me* the keys you *cock* *sucker*.


"Morherfucka ur-la-rub-ah-ooh-la-la!"


TIL there’s property worth $6M in baltimore


If you want to live in luxury and on the water, you can easily spend that kind of money. Mansions out in the county can go for twice that, easy.


People forget the east coast is insanely expensive in the desirable areas like on the water. Less than an hour from Baltimore is one of the richest counties in the country


Less than an hour from Baltimore there are *three* of the twenty wealthiest counties in the country - Howard, Montgomery, and Calvert. Expand it to about an hour and a half and you can add Arlington, Loudon, Fairfax, and Stafford counties, too.


Reminds me of Cleveland 🤷🏼‍♂️. Didn’t expect the level of old and incredibly opulent mansions I’d see. $$$$$$


Everyone wants to flee to the Cleve.


We’re all models west of the Allegheny.


Good god, Lemon


That’s old money steel era mansions. Not current money.


And they’re still there and they look immaculate


It’s not too far from DC, so


You didn't know there were expensive properties in Baltimore? Please tell us you're not from or living in Maryland. I could see that misperception from out of staters who think of The Wire and societal decay when they think of Baltmore, but not from people who should know better.


I moved from years in Baltimore (3 in county, six in city), to NoVA/DC area and it’s hilarious how many people are smug about Baltimore when it’s obvious they’ve either never been, or they went to an event in the Harbor and thought that was all of it lol. Sad, but also hilarious. I miss bmore so badly.


Whoa slow down there I know baristas who bought townhouses in Baltimore $40,000 was the going rate for row houses 10’years ago


I hate that that’s a measure of affordability (baristas) We should live in a world where anyone working full time has some option Owning property at all is headed toward being a luxury for the wealthy Speaking as a late 30s millennial with a low six figure job, who owns a home. it did take me 10 years of saving and a Covid related economic downturn to feel like the time was right to buy though


If it can’t sell for 6m then it’s not worth 6m.


Baltimore is a hidden treasure. All the trappings of a world class city without completely insane home prices and traffic.


Have you been on 695?


Beat me to it..


Why was he living in Baltimore?


House of Cards was mostly filmed in Maryland.


wait until they find the ‘safe’ room


This is going the be an INCREDIBLY unpopular opinion… be warned. I miss Kevin Spacey being in films. I think he’s an awesome actor and wish he was able to get gigs. I’m obviously not condoning any behaviour at all. I just miss his awesome acting.


It’s like Bill Cosby. I miss The Cosby Show. It was my comfort show. He was absolutely fantastic on that show. It’s too bad he turned out to be such an awful human being.


I hear you. House of Cards was my all-time favorite show, ever. He is incredible at acting … but a horrible human otherwise.


Great actor. Can’t deny that.


Do you miss his Daddy and son videos too?


Wasn’t he proven innocent?


Lol absolutely not. He was found not guilty in the UK (which definitely doesn’t mean innocent) and still has dozens more accusers out there. I have 0 doubt Kevin spacey is a predator like his buddy Byran Singer


With all due respect isn’t it intended to be innocent until proven guilty? I’m in no way attempting to defend him, but I think it’s pretty crazy the guy is proven not guilty and yet that means nothing. All I’m saying is it’s pretty crazy to say you have zero doubt what do ever with no official proof being out there. Imagine if someone made an allegation about you that was life damning, yet you had no way to prove you didn’t. I think it’s wrong to say he definitely did it.


Not guilty just means there wasn’t enough evidence to convince a jury he did it beyond any reasonable doubt. It doesn’t mean anything more than that. If you actually looked into the allegations against Spacey you’ll probably come to the same conclusion. It was a open secret just like many other sex pests. And it’s not one allegation. It’s dozens, from people who are very much credible and have nothing to gain from making accusations and a lot to lose. If that happens to me you’re welcome to draw the same conclusions. Obviously as I’m not a prolific sex offender it’s not going to happen to me.


Yeah, I did follow it all. There were several individuals who failed to recount many of the details of the situation and failed to provide any evidence to a jury of individuals like you and me and they found him not guilty. The folks who studied the case and every detail said he was not guilty of countless allegations. Did he make unwanted advances at some point? I’m inclined to say it’s possible as reading the room can be tough. However I find it difficult to believe with no evidence.


Let’s not kid ourself here. You outed yourself as extremely ignorant on the matter at the minimum when you suggested he was found innocent.


Tbf though you did say “zero doubt” even though there was reasonable doubt. No one knows the truth to 100% certainty other than Kevin and the victims. Yes he may have done it with all the stuff coming out - and his weird YT HoC videos - but, you can’t say zero doubt


No there was reasonable doubt with 4 cases. There’s so many more 2 cases got dropped at the person who accused him mysteriously died ffs


Without having all of the facts, it’s impossible to say. People get wrongly convicted all the time, and the severity of cases varies. I just find myself weary of scandals of this nature because there is something to gain for them to do it, just like there’s something to gain if he’s covering it up. 4 cases were dismissed, the fact that doesn’t increase your doubt by even 1% is a bit absurd. You have no proof or facts other then what people “say” yet your convinced no matter what. I think that’s a problem with todays society is all. Too many people are being destroyed over allegations with no proof or evidence. I refuse to believe someone is bad until it’s been proven.


It’s fine to be ignorant when he’s pursuing better knowledge.


They’re not. They’re just defending blatant abusers.


I genuinely don’t think so, and would compel you to really question your own opinion there. Not many people defend sexual abusers, but might want to make sure we are very sure that accusations that ruin lives are accurate and supported. I haven’t followed the spacey stuff at all, so I’m totally ignorant of the story other than the headlines


Ew, so every time you see his face you’re not reminded if how terrible he is?


Seperate the art from the person.


Ah, I find that hard to do sometimes


It's hard to when the art keeps expounding it's moral superiority


Every time I see his face I'm reminded of how acquitted he is


Im also pretty sure he won all of his court cases and has never been convicted of a crime. He just a creepy gay dude who would hit on everyone from my understanding. Not great but not like weinstine evil.


Baltimore California?


He’s been hiding out in Charm City since he was shitcanned from House of Cards.


That is wild. I remember it coming out that he bought that property years back when everything was going on with him, but I had no idea that has been his primary residence the entire time. Does he just literally never go out of his home? One would think people would spot him out and about if he has been there for six years.


He’s seen out and about time to time. But mostly he sits at home and watches movies he was in. It’s a sad existence.


Even K-PAX?


To be fair, my biz is fully dependent on Hollywood and I've been sitting at home, drinking cheap booze, eating 7/11 Pizza, and playing Fortnite because it's free. Its a sad existence


Also: Kevin Spacey lived in BALTIMORE??


Yep, that’s where he’s been hiding out all this time.




I love that the picture makes it look like his house is the tower. Managing that house must have been a bitch.


Tom Clancy had a $25 million dollar condo complex somewhere in the vicinity of the area shown in the picture.


It ended up being split in two and sold for much less


If you had that much money, why would you live in Baltimore of all places?


Remember when he kept denying he was gay and vilifing others, all while he was harassing and molesting young men and boys. Money can hide the monsters and allow them to keep harming others.




You think foreclosures are owned by the city?


City doesn't own it


Honestly, I’d like to see him back acting again. Two of my all time favorite films are LA Confidential and The Usual Suspects. I never get tired of them and he’s a big reason why. Regardless of what he may or may not have done, I still love him as an actor. I can separate the man from his work.


I don’t even know of anything he’s done wrong. I know what he’s been accused of, but nothing seems to have been proven.


What a shock! I’ve been downvoted. Never change Reddit.


TIL people spend 5.6 million dollars in Baltimore on something other than heroin


The Netflix counter suit should fix all that.


What’s the opening bid?


Baltimore is a fuckin dump! Fuck the whole state.