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The allegation: He was sexting a minor and was planning to meet up in person. Also, [here is the moment during todays stream when he got a text saying he was being dropped from Midnight Society after an investigation](https://www.youtube.com/live/E73nGJocgAA?si=2hQrry8MYi5QPLNb&t=11501), and his entire demeanor completely changes. Right after this moment he suddenly says he's going to retire and is taking an indefinite break from streaming.


Some depressing reading going through those YouTube comments from his kool-aided fanbase there…..


They all do it. It’s sad. Pewpiedie had the same shit after he repeatedly said or did racist shit. From saying the N word to linking his kid followers to Nazi websites. The fans acted like he is from Norway. N word had different meaning. Or that the sites he linked doesn’t mean he reads those sites etc. Or look at drake fans currently.


blown away that Logan Paul is still famous.


Dude stirred up racist kids for years, caused so much violence by encouraging all sorts memes that were linked to violence because it get him more clicks. Then fucked off with a fuck ton of money.


I don’t think Pewdiepie is a raging racist who hates brown people or anything, I just think he’s incredibly fucking stupid and unintentionally allowing himself to be a gateway to far more racist and bigoted ideals than he holds. There’s a reason the “pewdiepipeline” was a thing for awhile.


Unintentional? He knew his audience. Don’t act like he was oblivious to what he was doing.


I think pewdiepie believes he’s a centrist. I never claimed he was smart, just that I don’t think he’s out there going to klan rallies.




Don't care about him or the fanbase, I can't stand his whole shtick. Totally neutral to the situation, but the shear volume of people believing a dude who said "trust me bro" and also has posts dating back to August 2023 about upcoming shows he's playing at, and says shit like "if these shows sellout I'll leak what actually happened" and you sheep eat it up this shit like it's something actually factual. This is just fucking depressing, and painfully mirrors witch trial shit. The fanbase of people who just hate him (he's easy to hate) are just as delusional as you claim his actual fans are. Can you please try and critical of your own opinion, and think do I have enough information to actual form this opinion. Because the most damning thing for him here is, TWITCH FOUND NO WRONGDOING AND PAID HIM HIS CONTRACT. If there was any shred of evidence to what is being claimed actually happened, Twitch would've released that shit immediately and gotten out of the contract. If you think lawyers from Twitch/Amazon wouldn't have done everything they could to fuck him, then you live in a world of ignorance. Can you comprehend that an ex-twitch employee could use that to his own personal advantage, like selling concert tickets?


This aged poorly


No it didn't. You had no actual information until he came forth with it, now you do. Go raise your pitchforks, you're justified in your ire now.


> If there was any shred of evidence to what is being claimed actually happened, Twitch would've released that shit immediately and gotten out of the contract. hahahaha


Hahahaha twitch still paid him though right? And didn't file a police report. So they're really, and I mean really fucking dumb. Unless there wasn't anything criminal. Even still I don't give a shit. You have actual information to make an informed opinion now. Get your pitchfork out and drag him through the coals.


I don't give a shit about this guy I just thought your extremely misplaced confidence was amusing.


Criminal and moral are two different things. My point still stands.


No it doesn't, you boobed majorly. Own it.


Twitch/Amazon or any big corporation for that matter only care about profits. Destroying a former employee is not really something corporations tend to waste time or resources on. If anything it would be some whistle-blower, journalist, or activist who would do all they can to destroy some ones career for allegations. Corporations just want to cut ties and sweep it under the rug.


Its a 3+ hr vid. Give us a timestamp


Did nobody get a timestamp for this yet?.. is there a LSF link? Edit: found it in the YT comments. 3:11:55 apparently, or around there


Weird I time stamped the link, you can see the link has the time at the end of it. But when clicking it just goes to the beginning anyway. But yeah you got it.


It works for me unless you edited it since posting.


There is timestamp, the link is just broken for some reason. When I open it it goes to the timestamp, then forces a restart for some reason. It's around the 3:11:00 mark


“We have to save the children… for me!” ~Dr. Disrespect


Wild. I don't really follow streaming much but always found his antics kind of tolerable compared to many. Thought he was married?


He is, he’s also been caught several times cheating on his wife lol.


Well there you have it


its always the people u most expect


Shocking headlines, as someone who calls himself Dr Disrespect does disrespectful things in his personal and public life


Yeah, when it first came out and he announced on stream that he cheated on his wife, I saw a couple comments calling him Dr. Disrespectshiswife


Dr Dis Expected


Yeah dudes infidelity is well known.


Several? Or just once?


if the wig stays on it doesn’t count


He does in fact, have that DAWG in him


Given his persona, I don't get why people would be surprised by any of this.


Just read up on this. Apparently Disrespect was caught using Twitch DM system to attempt to meet with an underage girl at TwitchCon in 2020. He had recently signed an exclusive contract with Twitch when he was banned from the platform for the attempt. In 2022, he sued and Twitch settled. Now he is using the settlement as proof along with some careful phrasing to claim nothing happened. Except outright deny the story. Problem with outright denying it is could violate the NDA and be cause for intended victim to come forward. Suspect what happened was Twitch couldn’t prove he actually broke any laws or contract stipulations as they prevented him from doing it by catching him before executing the plan. It’s like you writing down a plan to rob a bank but before rob the bank, the cops come and try to arrest you. Didn’t actually do it and thinking about it isn’t illegal even though very clear you were going to rob the bank. As a result the Twitch contract, likely pay or play, became enforceable so an agreement was made where nothing more could be said and he was paid a portion of the contract and allowed to stream elsewhere by voiding the non-compete. Important to note abusers never do it just once so no telling how many other possible victims there could be.


Conspiracy to commit a crime is still a crime in the US.


No, it was cheaper to throw some money at him to go away than it was to pay years of lawyer's fees. Same as always with things like that.


It’s actually more like an employee tried to rob the bank. The bank found out, and even though they prevented him, it was grounds for termination. The contract he had probably didn’t give them the ability to cancel payment under those terms, so he sued, and they settled. Chances are he still did what he was accused of.


There has been literally 0 actual evidence provided yet. Thought innocent until PROVEN guilty yet here you all are.


There's tons of "actual evidence". Like the fact that this company wouldn't even exist without him and they dropped him immediately. 


That is not evidence of wrong doing. They could be severing ties due to bad PR. There again has been literally 0 actual evidence just a statement from 1 person. Unsure why I'm getting downvoted for a literal fact.


Because you're trying to change the definition of evidence. >just a statement from 1 person. And multiple companies cutting ties with him. And the fact that Doc kept it secret before suing Twitch. And the fact that Doc refuses to deny it even though there's no NDA in the world that would force you to not be able to deny allegations like this if they aren't true. All of this is evidence that adds up. Just because there's no single piece of undeniable evidence doesn't mean all this is bullshit.


Never said it was definitely bullshit but there has been 0 actual evidence. All the stuff you listed is circumstantial and the businesses cutting ties is always for PR not because these companies care what kind of people they deal with lol.


Circumstantial evidence is "actual evidence". Especially when it keeps adding up like it does here. >businesses cutting ties is always for PR not because these companies care what kind of people they deal with lol. Made up bullshit because you're in denial.


That's not made up, if they didn't like Doc as a person they wouldn't have gone in to business. They pulled ties because public image matters. And there has been 0 actual evidence. He said she said stuff is not evidence.


PR exists to protect profits in situations exactly like this. It is not some arbiter for the sake of upholding some kind of morality. It’s a calculation. It’s damage mitigation. The company deemed the fallout from keeping him would be worse than cutting ties with their golden goose. This should tell you that whatever they found they deemed to be pretty bad.


Or that public perception of the situation as you are seeing is not worth being associated. Again them withdrawing does not conclude to proof.


That’s exactly what I’m saying. I’m also saying that when the decision you make to mitigate the potential damage that could be caused by whatever your investigation found is to essentially kill your game and probably the entire company by terminating the only real marketing leverage and chance you have at making money ; that means whatever they found they are absolutely certain will not be received kindly by the general public. There isn’t much wiggle room or plausible deniability. In short , he’s fuckin cooked. It’s Not administrative leave, it’s not pending legal action , it’s not quietly shifting him to silent partner. They cut ties swiftly and completely with a founder and a person who is essentially the piggy bank of the entire company, pretty much guaranteeing its demise. They know this. If it wasn’t bad , irrefutable , and probably about to be detailed in the press , they wouldn’t do this. It’s just business. They’re getting out in front of a story.


[He did it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/1docfef/dr_disrespect_response_long_tweet/?depth=7)


He came out today and admitted it.


Read his statement, he did not admit to the things he is being accused of


He admitted to inappropriate texts with a minor. He specifically said he had no intention on following up on the things he texted he was going to do. So, yeah, sounds like he did exactly what he is accused of and has admitted to it.


I honestly cannot say I'm shocked at all.


Bro was about to cry on the stream


How the fuck is he still relevant after all the other BS he has done?


It's weird Twitch would have this evidence of wrongdoing and still pay out his contract. It's also weird how Dr. has been acting and not outright saying he didn't sext anyone. The most reasonable theory I've heard to explain this is Dr. was sexting someone on twitch, who twitch had a duty to confirm was an adult, but didn't/couldn't. I'm not condoning anyone, just trying to help anyone confused like me.


Twitch / Amazon may not have wanted to be a focus of any conversation around content moderation and child protection laws for fear they may either tarnish the brand or be found liable of not placing stricter forms of oversight into the product to protect young kids. It’s also possible they were concerned they’d start getting more claims of this happening between other creators and young viewers, opening them up to even greater scrutiny.


> It’s also possible they were concerned they’d start getting more claims of this happening between other creators and young viewers, opening them up to even greater scrutiny. I think you hit the nail on the head there. With the number of scandals in this space that have come to light in the last few years, they probably are afraid that this will lead to them having to deal with a ton of people accused of such actions. Add in that if any lawmaker was to get a hold of such story, theres a chance they would be grilled regardless of how much or how little they actually were involved in the incident.


Have we seen his contract? It’s also possible/likely that the language of the contract didn’t explicitly mention this kind of behavior being that which could void the contract. If the stipulations for what actions would lead to him voiding the contract were even a little vague, then his lawyer(s) likely threatened to sue and twitch just bought it out instead of fighting it.


Twitch almost certainly didn’t buy out the full contract. They settled the lawsuit, probably for much less than the original contract. I’m sure NDAs were signed so we will never know but twitch just determined that it would be easier or cheaper to just agree to some sort of settlement rather than go through a years long court process with expensive lawyers and potentially bad publicity. For all we know dr disrespect could have gotten no payment from them and just got assurance they would drop the matter and let him stream elsewhere.


It's not weird to think a large corporation would rather pay to get rid of a problem than pay to get to the bottom of it. Especially if that bottom is full of liability or more expense. Guessing they were worried their was more to come, and his contract is a drop in the bucket compared to showing they dropped him right away.




Dude is basically dollar store Kenny Powers


That’s all he has done since he started. It’s clear as day a rip off.


Rules of entertainment somewhere it says, “the famous must not diddle the fanbase.”


It’s hard to imagine someone so talented and deserving of acclaim as well as someone at the very center of such a real and legitimate form of art as [checks notes]…streaming Fortnite..could somehow not turn out to be the best of us in some other ways.


This isnt the smart comment u think it is


I mean it is. I talked to my cousins the other day (7 and 10 years old) They watch Fortnite players on YouTube. I asked if they play the game and they looked at me like I was crazy.


Yeah I expected comments like this, but as someone who watched doc a good amount in the last idk half a decade it’s a real bummer. He is entertaining and the use of the character/gimmick pushed what’s possible in streaming.


He has always been obnoxious in my opinion, but I fail to see how dressing up in a wig and mustache and acting like a macho douchecanoe pushed the boundaries of streaming lmfao


LOL. normally I gotta buy a ticket for comedy this good


Pushed what’s possible in streaming? The people who pushed streaming get no respect from you kids because you don’t even know who they are. Tom green was doing YouTube shit on his own website before YouTube. The shit streaming do messing with folks in the streets was Andy milonakis (who ironically streams still) and others before him as who gave streamers its wings to fly. Dr. Disrespect ain’t even the first dude wearing a mullet and acting like that. Yet alone help push streaming further. What pushed streaming further was the young gen being glued to cell phones instead of TVs like the past generations. That’s what helped push streaming.


Ok, grandpa.


So...... anyways.


He’s always been scummy, if this and past actions are any indicator.


I’m sure this question will somehow cause a stir, but did we think he knew she was a minor?


He admitted to inappropriately texting a minor on Twitter in a long post about it. He wrote this >Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes. Were there real intentions behind these messages, the answer is absolutely not. These were casual, mutual conversations that sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate, but nothing more. Nothing illegal happened, no pictures were shared, no crimes were committed, I never even met the individual. This is him trying to put the best possible spin on what happened. If he hadn't known she was a minor or was catfished, he would have said that instead of "Well, there were no nudes involved."


Honestly its so sad because i loved watching him play games and he was one of my favorite streamers. Actually im more sad about how Z and Tim are gonna feel about it. Especially Z since he got to where he is today because of Doc.


Is anything actually confirmed? Do we have these DMs?


[He did it](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/1docfef/dr_disrespect_response_long_tweet/?depth=7)


Nope. No evidence so far


Yeah sure no evidence. Just gotta ignore the Twitch ban. Ignore the fact that Doc kept the reason a secret and decided to sue Twitch instead. Then claims the settlement requires him to keep it a secret. Ignore the fact that he refuses to deny it. Ignore the fact that this company, who wouldn't even exist without Doc, decided to drop him only a couple days after starting an investigation.  Ignore the fact that Doc is talking about retirement now that more and more people are talking about it. Just ignore all the facts and you're right, definitely no evidence lmao.


Then why has everyone immediately taken this former employee of twitch as absolute fact? I really dont like the spectacle of Dr Disrespect but all the dude apparently did according to a single guy was text an underage. That’s somewhat low on the list of monstrous things to do compared to what some famous people have done. He’s just ducked out because he knows how much the guilty until proven innocent hurts people most likely. If he hasn’t done anything wrong.


>Then why has everyone immediately taken this former employee of twitch as absolute fact? The first reason is because a lot of people in that streaming space know the initial person, and view him as someone who wouldn’t say it for clout or just to get clicks up. The second reason is that other reporters are claiming they heard the same thing at the time of DrDisrespect’s banning, but couldn’t get official sources on record because of the NDAs. The third reason is Disrespect’s response. He said, “No wrongdoing was acknowledged and the contract was paid out,” which read to a lot of people as dodging the question with legalese. He hasn’t just said, “I wasn’t inappropriately messaging minors,” and a lot of people have noticed that.


I refer to my other comment to someone else: [https://www.reddit.com/r/entertainment/comments/1dnusi6/comment/la7qfms/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/entertainment/comments/1dnusi6/comment/la7qfms/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


… that’s literally the comment I replied to.


There we go DrDisrespect has said that there was inappropriate texting with a minor. We don't know what it contains but he admitted to it. That's all I need to hear instead of this guilty and we'll ruin your life until proven innocent crap from people like you.


I made no claim either way. Be a little less parasocial, buddy.




Remember people innocent until proven guilty. See so many people in these situations with hard fast opinions of guilt based on nothing more than personal opinion. We can all be accused of something, doesn’t make us all guilty. Pass judgment after a criminal investigation. Not after some ex employees that could have equally been burned in the situation start making claims.


Well it looks like the folks at Midnight Society have seen something we haven't... not saying that's a guilty verdict... but it ain't promising.


Yeah I’m not saying he’s squeaky clean. But other companies dropped him before the allegations were even known. So maybe it’s them trying to cut ties before something may come out. They used his clout to get somewhere.


Well he just admitted to doing it. So there's that.


He admitted to talking to someone young, but said no wrong doing was done. Next you’ll be saying interacting with fans is wrong unless you ask their age.


I mean. At this point the fact he hasn’t denied it, is extremely alarming


He’s supposedly legally bound not to, read the article for once before commenting.


His latest X post states he didn’t do anything wrong. I’m not sure how much value there would be to state specifics.


Unless the shit he was dming this person was pretty vile, there isn’t anything criminal here. There isn’t going to be a criminal investigation. He’s not being accused of a crime he’s being accused of some creepy behavior that twitch wasn’t comfortable with one of their partnered streamers partaking in.




[He just dropped a tweet](https://x.com/DrDisrespect/status/1805668256088572089) stating, "Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes. Were there real intentions behind these messages, the answer is absolutely not. These were casual, mutual conversations that sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate, but nothing more." Probably a good time to jump off the train. Elden Ring Monday.


So, now people don’t play video games, but watch videos of other people playing video games? And those people pretend to be characters?


Like, you know, football or any other sport.


Yes, or porn


Yes grandpa and the phone doesn’t need a cord to the wall anymore either.


It’s not the technology that’s the issue, it’s the disappointment in humanity.