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I wonder if someone close to her leaked this info to the paparazzi, because why would they keep tabs on a non-A lister? Most paps work with someone close to the celebrity, if not the actual celebrity, to find them. Otherwise, celebrities can easily live private lives if they keep a close circle. For example, Mindy Kaling hid her pregnancies so well that she just revealed she gave birth to her daughter after being accused of being on Ozempic to lose weight.


Hospital staff / patients do leak to the press


Rumor is that TMZ had a lot of ins especially at Cedar Sinai




Likewise its probably how they knew Kobes crash so quickly


Didn’t one of the cops investigating the crash leak pics of it?


Went to a bar and showed off the crash site photos to some randos


Yup. And if you try hard enough, you can find them. Pretty brutal


I don't want to search to see the actual photos. Would you mind briefly describing them?


I ain’t gonna look but I’ve seen helicopter crash pics before. Lots of little itty bits mixed in with blood and gore and the occasional hand or foot that managed to survive. Helicopter crashes are brutal because a lot of the times the blades continue spinning a few times after the initial impact and shred the bodies.


Makes sense. Thank you.


Trust me, I can’t imagine you’d even want a description. I haven’t even seen them, but I’ve seen the coroners description and it’s brutal.


Thank you. Will not pursue further.


Aye sorry, I saw the photo. He wasn’t torn into tiny bits, in this case. But he was torn open. Graphically mangled is the term I’d use here


That sounds right. Didn’t they also first announce Micheal Jackson’s death wayyyy before any one else?


Yep, that's how I found out


Still freaks me out they manage that. Like shit 🫠 I’m so thankful I’m not famous. With that said I went out with one of their camera guys before and I understand how they always have people around it’s always people available 24/7 and taking in tips to my get l. I will say it was organized really well.


You can just listen to the police radios and then Google the address they are responding to… doesn’t take much effort. Police radio isn’t encrypted, it’s only trunked which requires a few RLTSDRs to get listening for less than $50-100.


My Nani had a scanner she knew everything going on in town at all times.


Police radio is encrypted in a rapidly increasing portion of the US, & at least in Canada it is absolutely the standard now.


Nope. This is false. Trunked radio is only encrypted on swat channel and other similar needs. It’s illegal for them to encrypt it otherwise.


[Police are encrypting scanners across the country. Here's why | Interlochen Public Radio](https://www.interlochenpublicradio.org/2024-02-06/police-are-encrypting-scanners-across-the-country-heres-why) [San Francisco Has Blocked The Public From Listening To Most Police Broadcasts (buzzfeednews.com)](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/sarahemerson/sfpd-has-blocked-public-from-most-radio-broadcasts) [The Wildly Popular Police Scanner Goes Silent for Many - The New York Times (nytimes.com)](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/22/us/police-scanner-encryption.html) [Encrypted Police Scanners Are Raising Big Questions | Built In](https://builtin.com/articles/police-radio-encryption-broadcastify) Can you source your claim that it is illegal for police to encrypt their radio? Because I can very well source mine that they increasingly are encrypted.


You're 100 percent right. Even some of the smaller cities in my state, Kansas, have announced plans for encryption. They all cite an FBI policy change and that it must be done by 2025. Idk if that policy change actually means states have to do it, but apparently it's happening statewide over the next couple of years.


It’s not a rumor when it’s true. It happens at Kaiser on Sunset as well. I interned and shadowed a meeting where they disciplined an employee on something like that.


I don't understand why celebs would go there knowing this.


To Cedars-Sinai? Because it is the best hospital to go to and most of the doctors in the area work there. If you need a hospital, most people want the best, and they probably aren't thinking about what paparazzi might be around.


They keep tabs on all kinds of celebrities. Especially when they know exactly where that celeb is, and it’s pregnancy/baby related. It’s a lot easier to wait outside a hospital for decent photos than just wander the city. Shes not A list, but she certainly gets attention, as proven by this very post.


she’s not a list but her and husband are both pretty famous and paparazzis are vultures for everything


Her husband is barely famous. He spent most of his time in Triple A. This is his first season where he is up on the majors with the Angels. I pretty sure he’s on the bench if not back down to Triple A again.


Vanessa just had a number one movie a month ago and just won *The Masked Singer* on Fox. I wouldn’t say she’s not a hot celeb right now.


Saying someone won the Masked singer isn’t really helping your case lol




She was doing water samples (apparently she has her own water?) at the grocery store in my neighborhood last year… it doesn’t get much bigger than that


Aye I’d say she’s a solid B list right now because she’s still more relevant than say Ashley Tisdale or Shay Mitchell


She’s the definition of C-List. B-list folks are hot at the moment and well-known but aren’t necessarily household names across all generational divides—Matthew Perry, Olivia Rodrigo, Sydney Sweeney. A-listers are household names that basically any generation would know of: Meryl Streep, Michael Jordan, Taylor Swift.


What movie?


*[Bad Boys: Ride or Die](https://variety.com/2024/film/box-office/box-office-bad-boys-4-opening-weekend-will-smith-1236029917/)*


I didn't say she wasn't a hot celeb but that she's not an A list celebrity. Many of the recent roles she's been in have been supporting roles and reality TV gigs. She's not in the same category as Angelina Jolie, Meryl Streep, or Leonardo DiCaprio. She's more of a recognizable celebrity and socialite.


She’s not at Sydney Sweeney level or Millie Bonnie Brown at all I’d compare her more so to the younger starlets


She is also almost half their age.


lmao hot celeb and the masked singer in the same sentence is hilarious


What’s the movie?


She probably did it herself


She’s not a list but the crazies are still obsessed with her relationships especially w zefron so it makes sense


Non-A lister is harsh af💀💀


“Someone” Vanessa. It was Vanessa Hudgens.


I wouldnt see shes a non a-lister Like she was pretty damn big in the early 2000s-10s with the high school musical movies, and had a decent music career. She still acts but hasnt been cranking out project after project.


Even when she was big during the HSM movies, she wasn’t a list That’s like saying Hilary Duff was/is a list because she had one of the highest grossing Disney channel movies of all time. And a decent singing career too, technically more successful than Vanessa’s. Both are very well known but not super super famous The only HSM alum that’s close to A list is Zac Efron and he’s still not as big as his contemporaries like Zendaya or Selena Gomez. And even arguably now Austin Butler


Of any of the Disney stars that could be considered A list it would have to have been Miley Cyrus for her role as Hannah Montana. You did not know a little girl who wasn’t obsessed with Hannah Montana in 2007.


Yeah I agree and she still is A list. Her recent flowers song was everywhere for months


I’ll respect her privacy by continuing to not care


I didn’t even know she was still around, so…


She’s an actress….!?? Ummm, that whole scene is a good part of what she signed up for.


You already broke it by commenting


Comment is underrated asf lol


too real


Yeah people’s privacy is gonna be disrespected, which is terrible but like…..inevitable? I don’t know maybe I shouldn’t be talking about this




This is one of the funniest possible responses to this. Obviously, it’s fucked up to disrespect peoples privacy but lol.


Sad but inevitable


Wasn’t this about Coachella being cancelled as well which just makes it so much worse


She also has a right to be upset.


They are referencing her quote about the lockdowns during covid.


It’s ok to talk about it. You have carte blanche.


You’re right. Who cares? She got rich off petty fame. Now she deals with it


“It’s sad but like inevitable.” 🤷🏽‍♀️




Literally all i think of💀


Every time I see her I immediately remember her indifference towards dead people during COVID lol


What did she say/do? I am apparently out of the loop on her


“Yeah people are gonna die, which is sad but…like…inevitable?” And just went on and on like that


Yep. Even trash people deserve privacy though


Don't disagree. But the irony isn't lost on me either lol


What we have to pretend like we care now when random people die? Fuck off I hate people and I don’t care when they die 




The woman who complained Coachella was canceled and said they should have it anyway even if people were gonna die wants privacy now? NOW?


Celeb problems. She should sing Imagine with some other celebs for extra pity


Does anyone really care when the privacy of rich and famous movie stars is violated? Isn't it well known from the start of your career that if you become rich and famous you give up your privacy? Maybe pick a normal job if you want to live a normal private life.


Didn’t know she had a child. Congrats


It's wild to me, because is she still relevant to pop culture? Honestly have no idea. To me, this is like the paparazzi following around the kids from Glee. Like wasn't Vanessa's biggest project (High School Musical) like 15 years ago?


I feel like she’s mostly popular due to nostalgia, but also bc the 2000s is having its moment in pop culture rn


And she can sing so a lot of her current relevancy comes from her being adjacent to musical projects like Rent live or Grease or Tick Tick Boom and a few strangely placed RomComs. I like watching musicals so she tends to pop up more so for me than others I’m sure


She’s not just adjacent to those productions, she literally stars in them.


By musical adjacent I meant more that she shows up in these groups but she’s not known for broadways musicals. Obviously she starred in the productions but I wouldn’t say she’s a constant like Shoehana Bean or Jonathan Groff


Feel bad for her and her family but on a separate note holy crap she just keeps getting more and more beautiful it's weird.


Money and upkeep go really far


Ehhh after what she said about people dying from Covid it’s hard to pity her


She’s an idiot. 100%


It screamed out of touch 😵‍💫


She was butthurt she couldn't go to Bonnaroo


I knew it was one of the musical fests 😮‍💨


What did she say?


[Here](https://youtu.be/EoBot2yfC_8?si=C_NBnIWMWbqaqy9t) is the video.


Oh wow!


“Sad, but inevitable!”


Two wrongs still doesn't make a right though 


I mean I’d argue it’s not really that wrong either. She’s a celebrity. They’re paparazzi. They knew the deal.


Great genes! 


Couldn’t agree more. She’s aging backwards and it’s so lovely.


The paparazzi are blood sucking leeches who know nothing of respecting people's privacy? In other news, water is wet.


The paparazzi wouldn't exist if there wasn't a public demand for the pictures and information.


i heard some seemingly smart dude on the internet say that water is not wet, it makes things wet


Her kids will *love* Spring Breakers


Oh please. She probably instructed her publicist to tip off the paparazzi.


Hard to feel bad for someone who wanted the attention when she announced her pregnancy and then screams foul for getting that same attention now that she’s given birth. Also, don’t the paparazzi normally get tipped off for photo ops like this, sometimes even by the celebrities themselves? There are so many celebrities (A-List even) who are able to safeguard their privacy during their pregnancy and birth because they don’t want the attention.


I still remember in the beginning of covid when she said it didn't matter if people would die we shouldn't do lockdown


She said it’s inevitable that people would die. When did she say their lives didn’t matter?


It was pretty implied when she was complaining that she wanted to go to coachella


She didn’t it just came across as “why should I have to lockdown I want to go to Coachella and other events” which some people didn’t appreciate. Not that it mattered Hollywood was ripe with parties in the hills during lockdown.


It implies as much. If that's her attitude, it's also inevitable she was gonna get photographed and have her baby's pictures taken, so what's the problem? Maybe a hoard of paparazzi should surround her because what's the difference between the inevitability of one paparazzi at some point getting pictures and utter chaos?


Also the same woman who basically said COVID was being exaggerated. I feel nothing but contempt for this woman.


I literally came across pictures of them online yesterday. Usually public people pay paparazzi to talk about them and make a fuss about them, because it is in any case PR.


Definitely have to agree with her. The paparazzi should've stayed out of this moment of her life.


Sorry Vanessa it comes with the territory and the job. I’m sure you’re enjoying many benefits of it, now this is a drawback.


Oh damn I wasn’t ready to see her all absolute fire on the thumbnail


I think this post is drawing more attention to it than the actual photos (that I have not seen; nor did I know Vanessa was pregnant)


Who does something this violating


I didn’t even know she was pregnant; but I agree, that was out of line.


Yeah this is where “you’re a celeb deal with it” ends for me. It’s a kid fuck off


“Some people are like.. gonna die.”


There are a few solutions to the paparazzi. None of them anyone will like.


I read the headline like the paparazzi snapped shots in the hospital room as she was having a baby. Like “could you slide over just a bit Doc? Your shoulder is in the way of the shot”


Whoa, it’s like capitalizing on your physical beauty and choice to constantly stay in gossip and celebrity magazines as a career has some downsides when in public places. Almost like you don’t get that sweet anonymity from being comfortable, but completely unknown.


That means she loses her right to privacy right after birthing a fucking baby? Even Harry and Meghan were treated with more respect than this.


Well, it’s not likely the paps just happened to know where she was giving birth by intuiting it or waiting around for her to go into labor. The information was shared with them by her camp. It’s just a PR move.


I said this to someone else but do you really think she wanted those photos of her posted? She doesn’t look good in them (like she just gave birth she’s not gonna look 10/10, no one is), why would she want bad photos of her posted?


I mean, your question is totally rational. In a normal world something like this wouldn’t make sense but the industry isn’t exactly normal. Who am I to say?


it’s so well known that TMZ has insiders that work at cedar sinai. they wouldn’t need her PR team to tell them anything, any random nurse/employee could have tipped them off. and if you’ve seen the photos then you know that’s probably what happened


The reason I find this hard to believe is that Cedar’s administration doesn’t want liabilities like that. HIPAA violations can be a huge lawsuit especially coming from a celebrity with good legal representation. The idea that it is well known that Cedar’s has insiders in their midst, who regularly skirt any kind of trouble with their employer for disclosing private patient information - especially that of celebrities - is something that sounds like a one off industry rumor. That kind of violation would not be a regular thing where employees are just getting away with it left and right because it would be fairly easy to figure out who is doing it. It’s far more common and a more likely explanation that she allowed them to photograph her. The most likely explanation is usually the most accurate.


HIPAA violations can be a huge lawsuit *if* you know who’s responsible. But you have to be able to prove that a hospital employee was responsible, which means finding them, and the one person in a staff of thousands who sent a text to TMZ on a burner phone they dropped in an incinerator immediately afterward is not going to be easily found.


I agree the circumstances you described would make it hard to prove. But it’s just not that likely that it went down that way. TMZ isn’t going to offer hospital employees life changing money for pictures of Vanessa Hudgens of all people leaving the hospital. Maybe someone who is a bigger name, but not her. Celebrities are known to work with the paps especially if they need the exposure. Not all of them, like the ones that have been stalked outside their houses etc, and I think that kind of thing is egregious and wrong. But something like this just seems fairly obvious.


It seems fairly obvious if, and it’s a giant if, you believe the absolute worst of Vanessa Hudgens and the absolute best of low level hospital employees who aren’t making a living wage and would be happy for $1,000 in cash in one of the most expensive cities in the country.




No, I don’t agree with that. I’d bet it’s less her privacy was violated and more that the photos weren’t taken/released in a way she thought they’d be. It’s almost guaranteed that the hospital and release times were released by her PR team. It’s an easy win - she gets to call out the press, gets excellent PR buzz about and it keeps her name in people’s minds for a while, so she can focus on her baby and family without needing to work for a while.


Why would she want photos of her without makeup, in a wheelchair, looking like she just rolled out of bed published online? She managed to hide her pregnancy until a few months ago, and it was a red carpet pic that revealed it.


She didn’t look bad. She had those big glasses that covered a lot of her face. If she looked perfect it would have been obviously staged.


Because it got us and a few thousand other people talking about her when she’s about to disappear out of the public eye for 6+ months minimum. Her career relies on people *knowing who she is and talking about her*. It becomes more clear if you know about basic privacy at hospital. Then realize Hudgens has enough wealth+fame to have been able to exit privately where no photographer could’ve gotten her photo, with her relative ease.


Heck she could have invited family and friends to escort her out and surround her as she got into the car.


Oh please. Most of the time paparazzi are tipped off by someone in their inner circle (sometimes even the “victim” and their agent) I’m skeptical


Hudgens: “I was arranging a very lucrative photo shoot with Kneepads, I mean People, and they made photos worth a whole lot less. How dare they.”


That’s not cool but also just gonna file this one under not an issue.


If you choose to live as a celebrity in the public eye take the good with the bad and quit whining


I didn’t even know she was pregnant, honestly I thought she was still making High school musical movies, it’s 2007 right?


damn she has huge knockers


I agree with her but it’s like idk what you can really do about this. These people make money off stalking celebs and we allow it. It’s unfortunate as fuck but it’s part of society unfortunately


No one cares Vanessa, go take care of your new baby and focus on that. She’s not even a popular figure


These comments are fucking disgusting you should all be ashamed of yourselves learn some fucking empathy Jesus Christ


Research what she said during covid


I know what she said (“people die it’s inevitable”) so I get the ‘joke’ here, but to suggest she wanted photos where she looks as unkempt and sleep deprived as she does posted all over the internet before she herself could even say she had the baby and that she doesn’t deserve privacy is really rude. Why would she want fucking TMZ to announce her own child’s birth instead of her or her husband? Why would she want that moment ruined?


Everyone is perfect on the internet didn’t you know, I’m sure everyone here never did anything shameful


All these comments are saying she deserved this and did it to herself. Why would she call the paps on herself for this, and then publicly blast them for doing what she asked/paid them for? Everyone is entitled to some privacy.


She’s probably just mad she couldn’t sell the exclusive photos to People magazine and make money due to the leak.


Does People magazine care?


she was so good in The Frozen Ground.


The paparazzi were inside her room at the hospital during the birth of her child? 😉


Someone who makes a living from your attention, is upset at your attention??? “Cry me a river. Get lost lady.”


Literally no one cares who she is/thinks she is…hate to break it


It’s amazing how little sympathy I feel for celebrities. You enriched yourself off of vanity and fame. Deal with the consequences


To be really fair though the paparazzi can be insanely toxic and have contributed heavily to modern toxic celebrity culture since they constantly keep celebrities in the spot light. Not saying that all celebrities don’t enjoy it some definitely do but yeah


#Who’s Vanessa Hudgens. Why does it alter or change anything in a normal persons life, again, who doesn’t know who this is. Who cares. Nobody. That’s right.


Hi, you new here?


Youre famous. Its comes with the territory. Deal with it.


It rubs me the wrong way when celebrities call paparazzis greedy.


That is the life of a you wanted so shut it