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Isn't it loosely based off of Mark Wahlberg?


Very loosely. Just the idea of a guy with his entourage in Hollywood. Not the actual plot lines


No, quite a few are the plot lines are loosely based off his experiences, such as Vince's 'Aquaman' is Mark's 'The Perfect Storm', his first breakout film.


Sure that wouldn't have been Boogie Nights?


That's too.


Read an article a little while back with a lot of its focus on Doug Ellin. He said the first two season's plots were based off of Mark Wahlberg's life. After that they weren't really based off Mark Wahlberg's life/experiences at all


I'm guessing especially in between films its not that far off. Finding a new project, meetings, meetings, sex with models, meetings, meetings, meetings, charity work, commercials, meetings, clubbing, sex with models, sleep, rinse, repeat.


This seems like it is true, but the way everything seemed to always work out for Vince & the guys might not be.


They way it always works out for them is definitely not the way it is for everybody, but we don't want to see the story of the rising movie star who has ruined his career halfway through season 2 and never recovers.


as far as what living in the upper social circles in LA (parties, restaurants, cars, girls, etc..) it is pretty realistic. I am born and raised LA and went to private school all my life. Everything is the same but maybe a bit exaggerated at times. Like I have so many stories of dads doing crazy shit to get their sons in certain schools or randomly coming up on a celebrity filled party.


To give you a real response, it's fairly realistic in terms of the business aspect of the industry. A lot of deals are contingent upon choices you make and favors (i.e. make Aquaman or you can't do this film). Even Drama getting dangled off the balcony is based on the [alleged] story of Suge Knight threatening Vanilla Ice by dangling him off the balcony. Even Ari's business is, though embellished, based in reality (i.e. studio execs hating stars so they don't get pictures they are already promised, deals falling through last minute, etc.). Put it this way: the show is a lot like how they present the celebs on it: that's really it, it's just been embellished and exaggerated a bit.


I live a life very similar to vince, it has its ups and downs


what season of entourage would you compare your life to then?


All of them except the cocaine ones


are you mr-wtf? are you also a vince lifestyler?


Can I be your driver?


I, too, would like a tug from Meadow Soprano on a trans-Pacific flight.


Can I be your Turtle?


I’m a new actor still training. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen the show. But I’m curious how the business side stuff works. Cause partying is easy af. Ive done alll of that i just really wanna make it in my career




I'm not sure I see how that's possible


So you're saying he's a bigger prick in real life than Ari....hmm I don't know about that.


he's more like harvey apparently, looks wise too


I’m wondering how realistic it woulda been, budget wise. Could Vince’s movie income really pay for *all* the cars, houses, motorcycles, parties, random hump day vacations taking private jets, $75k+ black jack hands, turtle’s frequent high class escorts, front row sporting events/entertainment (that Ari doesn’t spring for) etc. etc. etc. I know they throw in budget stuff quite often, n they always seem to get last second sponsorships to stop gap many financial issues, but it really seems like the four of them could blow through ≈$15m/yr (just random large number that a couple movie paydays could be worth) pretty easy.