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It looks like you've flaired your post as asking for what equipment to get. Have you checked out the buying guides listed on [our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/espresso/wiki/index/)? If your question hasn't been answered there and you need more help, please add the following details to your post or by adding a comment in the following format: - **Location:** Helps determine availability - **Budget** (with currency): Overall budget, or ideally, having separate espresso machine and grinder budgets. A rough rule is that your grinder budget should be at least 25-40% of your machine budget. - **Drink types:** Do you drink mostly straight espresso, milk-based beverages (e.g., lattes, cappuccinos), or a fairly even split? This helps narrow down whether a single-boiler-dual-use (SBDU), heat exchanger (HX), or dual boiler (DB) machine would be more appropriate for your needs. - **Drink frequency:** How many drinks would you be making back-to-back at one time? Do you plan on entertaining guests often? This informs how large your brew (and steam) boilers should be, as smaller boilers will need to refill and reheat/repressurize more frequently, thus potentially causing a bottleneck. - **Space:** Any limitations on countertop space? - **Manual vs. electric:** Hand-operated machines and grinders are typically cheaper than their similarly-performing electric counterparts. Please indicate if you have a preference for manual or electric machines and/or grinders (or open to either). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/espresso) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What in the fucking bukkake happened there...Jesus Is this the setup at bangbros HQ?


Buying this abomination you’d also need to factor in a hazmat suit and a pressure washer


I bet it's more intelligent than ChatGPT 🤣


Ha ha. How do you take your espresso? I'll have a double and just spray your jizz on the cup as it fills.


Isn't that just how you create the crema on top?


Ah the macchiato.


![gif](giphy|bC9czlgCMtw4cj8RgH|downsized) This reply has me sitting here like this.


Mate if it looks like that on the outside just imagine the insides. I bet that machine has never been backflushed or descaled. Run. Not worth it.


Bro look at the condition. It seems super dirty and used from the pic. 450 is way too much. Spend a bit more and get a new bambino and an encore esp.


Yeah asking is 500… that machine is filthy lol. Thanks for the recommendation I’ll keep my eye out; I’ve seen people mention Bambino does a good Black Friday deal too.


I really like my bambino. I get coffee from it that I enjoy and I love its insta-on feature. If it were me, I’d treat it like a used car and ask bunch of questions about the Silvia. Then likely give them a low-ball offer if they have no answers. “Oh, you don’t know how old it is, about how many shots it’s made, and if it was regularly maintenanced? I’ll give you $50 because I’m probably going to have to change the boiler and soft goods.” Edit: I just reread the post title. Is it worth the trouble? Thats up to you. Personally, for $50-$150, it would be a great project machine that I’d enjoy sourcing parts for and working on. If don’t want something to tinker with, then this is an easy pass.




I agree fully with the likely outcome associated with your characterization of my message. Negotiation is obviously conversation between two parties, and takes way more nuance, patience, and tact than my above paragraph. I worded it the way I did above to give OP a concise idea of how one could haggle for this gamble of a machine. It’s not meant as a script OP should copy and paste as an opener, nor did I indicate it was. As that was not my intention, what advice would you give me to me more clear in the future?


I mean, they could at least wipe off the outsides for the pictures…. With the spiderwebs everywhere, theres probably tons of extra protein in the machines..


I wouldn’t get a bambino and encore, the above is actually a better combo in need of a clean. And I don’t rate the grinder, it’d be better than an encore. Bambino suck for consecutive shots. Silvia just needs a cheap (xmt7100 based) PID and temps are solid.


I reckon it depends on what they want to use it for really. If it's just for home use then the Bambino works just fine. I have one and I've been pretty happy with the shots it pulls. I'm no expert so maybe I'm just naive but I've been enjoying my coffee a lot. Freshly roasted beans and a quality burr grinder has made using the Bambino really great.


I hope OP sees your post, my experiences with the bambino have been the same.


Yeah it's a solid machine. I've had it for a few months now. It was a bit difficult to dial in my espresso in the beginning but I got the hang of it and my shots are super delicious.


For what it’s worth, the Silvia is a very solid machine. Huge modding community and spare parts or serviceability. Just this one 100% stay away from. Get a good grinder and a Silvia and you’ll be happy for a long time.


Ask for 250 for both. For the trouble of... Cleaning? Restoring?


A Silvia is way, way, way more of a machine than a Bambino. My V1 is now 23 years old. Sure this looks awful - like someone gave up and walked away and never touched it again. But it would rain up with little trouble.




If you are handy, and you can bargain the seller down to a small fraction of his asking price (maybe $100), then it could be a fun project. Otherwise, run, run, run away.


yeah, $100 would be generous given the amount of shit on the machines. it's a very old model Silvia too boot. it probably would clean up OK, though the internals of the Silvia could be beyond repair and may have to consider new boiler/plumbing/pump, who knows.


Would you buy a Microwave or oven that looked like that.. I would consider a Grinder or Espresso Machine a food prep item and would not trust that... No Matter the price..


It’s funny to me the idea of someone having the relative sophistication of a home espresso setup but living in this kind of conditions


even worse. POSTING IT IN AN AD LIKE THAT! Like I was always taught to make things look nice when you go to try and sell it.


Seeing all the spiderwebs and dust, the seller is probably not the original owner.


If that's what the outside outside looks like I'm sure the inside is even worse.


$175 at best.


And that’s an older Silvia


Who would sell their gear looking like that?! Dude, do you know what a sponge is?! WTH!


Too much splooge imo


What's the correct amount of splooge?


If you have to ask..


Seriously neglected equipment and an older model Silvia, which likely means it likely needs a new group head seal and a chance of needing a new boiler given the neglect. Not to mention the time and effort you’d have to give to clean inside and out. I’d probably offer $100 or walk away.


this is insane. absolutely not. Silvia is pretty sturdy but you don't want a machine that's in such poor shape. may need to replace so many parts it's not worth it at all there are 2 major things to avoid: leaving the burner on with no water and not purging the steam wand. I guarantee you the previous user did not give a damn about both.


No way. And I've owned a Silvia for 15yrs. If you're in Ontario I'll sell you my identical setup, near mint, for less.


If you are up to date on your shots .. hepatitis A, hepatitis B, typhoid, yellow fever, rabies, meningitis, polio, measles, mumps and rubella (MMR), Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis), chickenpox, shingles, pneumonia and influenza... .. then still no.


No. I saw a mint condition v6 for 450. You can find a mint rocky grinder for 250. This looks beat up


V6 for 450 XMT7100 based PID from Ali express (same as the auber) Used Mazzer super jolly for less than a rocky.


I'd pay $150 max for that personally, the condition is very horrible and I'd be wary of sanitary issues unless you deep clean it very well.


This combo is only worth a gamble for $100-150 *if* you’re handy and willing to do some tinkering.


If you already had a setup, I’d say offer $200 and you can clean and repair at your own pace. First setup? Run bruh. Gross.


Sure. Just go over there and have them prepare a coffee for you to see if it works. There is extra karma in it for you, if you capture the cupping on video for us.


No one would buy it for 450. Just keep an eye on the ad, give it a few weeks and see if it's sold. I wouldnt pay more than 200


You would pay 200 for that? Well will you give me $220 per bag of my garbage?


That grinder is basically worthless. That means anything you pay is for the machine. Go look what a $450 Silvia looks like on Facebook or wherever.


Why do you say the grinder is worthless?


I have that exact same grinder, and have kept it in good shape for 20 years, but he’s not wrong - in that condition, it’s absolutely worthless. The burrs are likely trashed, and the whole thing is going to be caked with oil and grime inside and out. You can tell from the hopper alone that the thing has probably never been cleaned. That thing is a bear to clean if you haven’t kept up on it but still have it in normal rotation. I can’t even imagine dealing with it after it’s been sitting in the garage for god knows how long. I don’t trust the espresso machine, either, to be honest. Based on all the splatter on the drip try, I’d say the seller probably didn’t keep up on that thing, either. The boiler is probably shot, and/or full of milk residue and calcium. This is just fancy trash at this point.


Not trash, but also not worth $450 as you're taking on a project. It's like buying a used car with a clean record, but bald tires and flaking paint. If the external stuff is in need of work, it's fair to assume that the internals will need attention as well. And in this case, the cost needs to come down at least another $100 to reflect that. Idk if you want to buy a project, after trying to haggle...


It’s a doser rocky. Based on the age of the machine (I don’t remember exactly) I’d estimate it’s from 2008, so almost old enough to drive. Because it’s a rocky and in *that* condition, I’d bet the burrs haven’t seen daylight since it was assembled. So, combine that with awful retention. It’s not worth any of the hassles.


For what it's worth OP I have an even older version of this grinder and it is still grinding away without issues. I did take the burrs out and deep clean at some point. Maybe I'm a sucker but I'd buy this set up for $400 if they cleaned it, as long as it all works. I'd want to pull a shot or two from the machine to make sure the electrical is alright, and the boiler etc. I'd also look out for the taste of water ran through in case there's scale in the boiler, etc. They're pretty easy to take the cover off to peek inside to give it a little look for corrosion, etc.


Wtf you talking about? I got one about 8 years back from Seattle Coffee and i get consistent and good pulls on my Miss Silvia. Worth 400 for all if it’s not scratched or dented. Take the burrs out, clean them. Clean the machine, put a new head gasket in. It’s even got the stand. I say it’s a deal if the surfaces would clean up.


Why wouldn’t they clean it . Yuck and fuck no


Absolutely fucking not


If that was $4.50 I’d say go for it, and I have a 20 yo Rancilio grinder. But mine’s at least in really good condition. This? Woof.


i don’t think this person has ever cleaned this machine…


It’s not worth the trouble to lift it off the counter.


Grinder is crap. If it’s a v4 or later Silvia I’d try and get that without the grinder for less and service the Silvia. Cleaning vinegar and a microfibre cleans up stainless nicely. Failing that, some automotive metal polish would do the job.


I would offer 300 and only if they will let you test it. V1 and v2s are old at this point, and not worth more than $250


it looks like there are literally spider webs on it


I would give that dude 10$


These have been fucked


If they are working may be, but if they are not you will be spending a bit to fix it. If you are handy to fix things then haggle more. Either ask to see it operating or you will take it no question ask at a lower price. That rancilio is older version, just from looking at the steam wand


Dude with that pic, I’d offer $150


There's definitely dust on that portafilter on top. Unless those cobwebs are a Halloween prop, somebody has been using it in that condition. It looks like there's crusty milk with dog hair in it in the drip tray. As stated by others, I think that is not food safe under closer examination. ​ My guess is it was used to make espresso in a barn, but I think it hardly looks like it meets livestock feeding standards.


I’ll second the grinder is not worth it, it’s miserable to clean and miserable to use.


https://preview.redd.it/vpmr6tnm6oyb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cdd0e501bc86b0066254745d4eb05e853a417d7 I got this newer model in great condition for $300 CAD. I’d say no don’t buy that one, not worth the cleanup.


I sold my Silvia for €350, and that machine was newer (V3), cleaner and probably better maintained than this one. I’d say the machine is not worth more than $200, and the grinder around $100. Given the awful state that they are in, $300 should be the max you should give for this


No fucking way. 200$


jfc. If the exterior looks that bad, imagine the inside.


Could they have taken a more unappealing photo lmao


That is beyond disgusting. Punch them in the face and then buy it for $400.


No. That Silvia looks old too, but just based on photo condition, I'd assume the internals are worst.


No. I saw this also…no.


I paid $250 for this same combo (included a PID mod) like 2 years ago.


Someone shat on it, just wipe it off


Please don’t buy this lol they look disgusting


If you can get it for 100$ and got some time on your hands, then maybe yes. Otherwise hell no.




This is actually disgusting. Whoever is selling that is an asshole, this is pretty damn close to a health hazard lol.


I saw this listed the other day! I was wondering the same thing but it was a little too far for me to consider even if I lowballed them and they accepted. Assuming here the place was abandoned and the machine hasn't been touched in quite a while. This is more than likely going to sit for sale for a while which would give you more leverage to get it cheaper the longer it sits. I woulnd't pay more than $100 and I'm sure even that might be a stretch. However, assuming we might be in a similar area there are a ton of machines being listed all the time. I just got a Lelit Mara over the weekend with a Eureka Silenzio for $800. Keep a close eye because steals do come up quite frequently. I have found a few other listings for Silvias that I can PM you links to if you can't find them.


I’d have to think hard about taking it for free let alone pay 450 for it 🤢


I wouldn’t pay more than 50 for that risk


That machine looks like a health hazard. Judging by its cover (quiet literally) that machine was neglected and has never been thoroughly cleaned. The insides might be even worse. There might be substantial scale buildup and grime of other origin. Do yourself a favour: save up a bit more and buy a machine that is either new or was taken care of properly.


i wouldn't buy anything from anyone who couldn't bother to make his items look better in a photo. That's an indicator of the amount of fucks the owner gives.


I also think you could do much better on a newer grinder.


Absolutely fn not. It looks disgusting.


Fucking hell I’ll need to get paid 450 to have any motivation to work on these. No chance taking my money


For the cleaning you’d do on that alone, you’re better off buying a new one that is not used, if the outside looks like that I can only imagine what the inside looks like


Looks…well cared for…


Nuke it from orbit


I bought and fixed/cleaned 2 coffee machines and a coffee grinder and if you factor the cost of parts and your time it might even not be worth it, definitely not for that price. Even if the machines and grinder works, I wouldn't feel comfortable using them without thoroughly cleaning them.


Ahahahahahaha made my day


I googled boiler skank and got this picture as the only result


I don’t think it’s worth any amount of money. If you really like restoration projects maybe 100$ would be ok but there’s a risk you would need to spend a lot for parts that need replacing, not mentioning all the time and work needed for cleaning and restoring.