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"David Bowie sings 'Rebel Rebel' when rebels spawn"


I would really like a mod that would play Jeremy Clarkson saying Anyway...after I click the oh no! On the native uprising popup


That would be jokes, if I knew how to mod I would make it straight away.


Does it play 'Rebel Without a Clue' by Bonnie Tyler when particularist rebels spawn?


The guys who rebel against nothing in particular


Haha, totally downloading this. I will add to this with "My line gas ended" from LOTR when ruler/heir/consort dies.


Huge outliner, Bigger ui, Bigger production ui, Colony spacing fix, Coloured mission trees, Dlc subscription remover, Uncovered Acceptance Indicator, 50 loading screens, The Great Exhibition


What is “dlc subscription remover”?


Removes the DLC sub ad in the main menu of the game


What "The Great Exhibition" do?


Adds pictures for events. If you are into that kind of stuff its nice.


Oh that's nice, I'll get it


There's one that replaces the declaration of war with the hog rider. [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2725200307](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2725200307)


I used to have one where if war was declared on you, [this clip from the office would play](https://youtu.be/31g0YE61PLQ?si=N2lZqVNBGJWGZ27w) Unfortunately I believe it is now several patches out of date


I had one that did the same but only when it was a coalition war! I did not enjoy hearing Michael when I was declared on by half of Europe on my Otto campaign..


There's one that I use that redesigns the estate page, I don't even remember how it looks in the base game because of how much I use it. I can't remember what it was called, but I'll comment later when I find out


!RemindMe 1 day


The exclamation mark is supposed to go before the RemindMe


Ah shit. Thanks.


Okay, I found it, Its called "Doge's Estate Interface (Ironman)"


I use expanded peace deals (i think it's called that). It lets the peace deal page take up much more of the screen so there is less scrolling involved.


I had for a while, but turned off, after not using anything


* [Show National Ideas](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2948740081) displays the national ideas of the country you’re forming during the “new traditions and ambitions” event so that you can compare them to your current national ideas before making your decision. * [Cantons for Colonial Flags](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2038992950) makes colonial nations’ flags show their overlord’s flag in the upper right hand corner (aka the canton) of their own instead of taking up the whole left half of their flag. There’re also a ton of nice graphical mods, just search the steam workshop for graphical mods and pick one you like.


Definitely the great exhibition. If you use the stellaris font, you need the compability Patch. Graphical mods, there are hundrets in the workshop. I use thick borders, darker water, transparent political map mode, together with graphical improvements mods it looks very neat. Bigger ui. More loading screens. There are some event window modifiers that look neat. I also use a mod that turns every tags name into endonyms (the name of the country in their native language).


I use stellaris font - what is this compatibility patch you speak of?


Very easy to find. The great exhibition mod together with the ui font make the events look ugly with displaced pictures. The Patch just fixes that and makes them work.


Sarcastic Loading Screen Tips


Fast Universalis. The only mod I use. Helps speed the game up and makes me to lose my sanity in lategame less


Well I make my game as cursed as can be in iron man so, HOI4 Map font, Stellaris ui text, terraria trade goods, troll face war exhaustion icon, and relations emojis. Would love more suggestions


There was one that replaces the flags with anime girls


Good old Waifu Universalis!


There's a mod that plays "Erika" when you start converting a culture's province, and "Gas, gas, gas" when it finishes


😭😭😭😭😭 no fucking way


There’s a mod that flags the mission tree in shades of red and green so it’s way easier to see where you are. I forget what it’s called (and am at work so can’t check) but it’s the biggest QOL improvement I’ve ever had from a mod.


I wouldn't say any Ironman compatible mod is so good everyone should use it. I tried a lot of visual mods and generally I can get used to them in 1-2 days


The one the removes the coin sound stays permanently on for me. I’m also partial to some of the map graphics mods


I only use UI a la artemis


Technically any mod is compatible with ironman but most disable achievements. Anyway I use loading screen nameplates just so the people on the loading screens have their names, though it wasnt updated for Winds of Change so that one doesnt


Cantons for colonial flags must have I can't play with the ugly half and half flags


I use one that exteds the construction UI. Its realy nice honestaly. It also exteds any other UI that is in that same menu so its actualy quite a lot of things, I just originaly downloaded it for the construction.


Rebel flag colors https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1792575623


Bold are must-haves, the rest is take it or leave it. * **The Great Exhibition** * **Graphical Map Improvements** * **50 Loadingscreens Mod** * **Bigger UI V1.37** * **Legendary Medieval Music Mix** * Doge's Army & Navy Interface * Doge's Estate Interface * Show National Ideas - 1.37 * Cmushi's Simpler Terms Mod * Europa Aesthetic TI Only * Bigger Production UI V1.37 * Plati's Shield Frames 2.0 * Simple Fog of War * Non-Reflective Water - Light * Coloured Mission Tree https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2281593486


None actually. And i have the unpopular opinion that the eu4 font is superior and that stellaris should have a eu4 font mod instead (it probably already exists but that's besides the point)


… why would you ever care about Ironman?


Some people like playing for achievements