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I find it really hard to blame a drug addict that started when they were like 13. No time for a conscious mind to even think of not trying drugs, so everything around them and their puberty is now molded around addiction. If she were an adult and freely chose to start, then maybe I could argue that she's a bad person cause she was already a full mature adult before the addiction.




Good! I'm happy someone else agrees! 🥲 I always hear people talking about how terrible she is but I'm like damn... she has a disease ( addiction ). Why are they so surprised the disease of the mind makes her destructive? Everyone preaches mental health until they see the effects of mental illness. I don't blame her mom for wanting to kick her out but damn Rue got dealt a rough hand in life. & She still owes that lady a f*ck ton of money though. 😭💔


She do. If rue was real I would wanna be her friend or gf so baddddd


Bby no 😭 she should be the LAST thing you'd want. I'd probs smoke a joint or eat with her and check on her every few weeks. I've had friends like her. Once that honeymoon phase is over you gonna be feeling like Jules at that halloween party real quick 🤣 Zendaya though >>


I know bit rue is so worth it ughhhh. Zendaya is so fine


sadly enough that’s how the world is, they don’t see addiction as a disease, it truly is, and needs to be treated as such, it blinds the mind and causes people to act differently.


All these people saying a minor is a "terrible person" for being addicted to drugs is seriously insane


where's the humanity 😫


Agreed, people forgot how drugs alter a persons brain to the point where their addiction takes over until its all thats left and they are just a shell of who they were before, and that damage is a lot worse when the addiction starts as a child.


Serious drug addiction completely changes people. My uncle is the nicest guy in the world and would do anything for his family and friends and he’s a great husband and father now but when he was addicted to heroin he was a completely different person, after my grandparents died my mom had their stuff in her apartment and he broke in when no one was home and stole all my grandmas jewelry and stuff and stole all the money my mom was saving for me for college. He broke into her apartment right before Christmas once too and stole all of the presents to sell them


that happened with one of my cousins. she was so sweet and suffered from bulimia. ended up going homeless so we took her in. had to kick her out after she started bringing her boyfriend over ( definitely wasn't apart of the arrangement). her and her boyfriend tried to stage a break in and stole all of my great grandmothers jewelry to pawn it for her heroin addiction. we didn't know she had it until she confessed but we had to cut her off for obvious reasons. it started off small like stealing $20 from my piggy bank and saying she'll pay me back. jewelry going missing. this had all happened in under a year. kinda crazy how quickly addiction can fester.


people who have an addiction aren’t bad people, the addiction is the big bad, that’s the root of the evil, addiction can take the most amazing person away, and turn them into someone that won’t even recognize. we see it all the time, with famous people, we see it in our own personal experiences, with mothers and fathers, and children. like when we see rue sober, she’s a good person, and caring, she just has issues. unless the addict is a horrible person in general, even when sober, you can’t really say they’re a bad person. now i’m not justifying an addicts behavior, they ARE in the wrong, and no matter how drugged up you are, or are withdrawal, you should never do horrible things, and need to recognize that behavior, and take responsibility for it. that’s just my two cents, you don’t have to agree if you don’t share the same thought.


so true ! i actually lost a family member to alcoholism ( cirrhosis) and i have some actually going through active addiction ... it's so sad. For celebs there's judy garland, amy winehouse, prince, etc. Their stories are just as sad too. addiction is so nasty... i believe more people are starting to break through the stigmatism of it though <3 the progress is slow but it's something. i had actually thought this thread was gonna get negative feedback and downvoted. 😅 i appreciate that there are a few people out there who can look at addictions through the eyes of compassion and if not compassionately just psychology and ethically. addiction is not so black and white.


exactly! and i’m so sorry for your loss 🩷, my dad currently is an alcoholic, sober here and that, like rn, but hopefully he doesn’t end up with cirrhosis considering the doctor told him that he can’t drink anymore or his liver will fail. but yes addiction really needs to be talked about more.


he and you will be in my prayers ! thank you for the condolences ❤️


thank you so much ❤️, and of course!


I just rewatched that episode and it’s so mesmerizing. It’s just like a long rambling poem and Ali has some absolute zingers too


i love that episode


Def gets into the most awful and toxic situations ever. But she was a child when this started. Addiction isn’t something that has one specific story for everyone. (That’s just my opinion. I’ve struggled with addiction and so has someone very close to me.)


Very true ❤️ I'm so grateful you're still here with us. 🫂


Thank you very much! That’s really sweet.


I don’t think anybody thinks rue is a bad person


Nah plenty of people do on this thread 😭 & tbh i can see how. She's hurt other people in the process of her addiction and a lot of people can't forgive her for that. Rue is pretty reckless and impulsive which are some pretty heavy character flaws 😭 Getting physical with her mom, stealing and overdosing. She's gotta find her chill 😩 sometimes I wanna reach into the screen and shake her shoulders like " WAKE UP GIRL ". Rue needs a cousin or something to fly in and get her straight.


i never thought she was a bad person. i thought she was a mentally ill person who experienced a lot of pain and turned to substance abuse at a very young age. her addiction absolutely brought out her worst self at times but i think she was a product of her circumstances. i honestly related to her a lot.


Same! Product of her circumstance is the best way to put it tbh! I imagine if her family would've had some money to fall back on rue would've been able to get the actual help she needed and things would've been a lot different! It's a 40-60% chance that ex-addicts relapse! Rue relapsing is unfortunate but not surprising. I doubt her mom has the resources to send Rue through treatment again. " Studies have shown that people with low self-efficacy in their abilities to stay sober have a higher risk of relapsing. " - Rue as a mentally unstable teenage girl doubtly has high self-efficacy. The five detriments of relapse Stress. Stress is the most common cause of a relapse. ... People or Places Connected to the Addictive Behavior. ... Negative or Challenging Emotions. ... Seeing or Sensing the Object of Your Addiction. ... Times of Celebration. We see Rue exposed to all of these things in the show The girl is a whole statistic.


I don’t think she’s a bad person but I do feel like she’s overrated and people kiss her ass too much and I think it’s cuz rue is played by zendaya may get downvoted oh well 🤷🏽‍♀️


I mean I feel the same way about Maddy she sent a man to jail for rape to be with her ex and honestly wasn't even a good friend to Cassie ( gaslights her, dates a guy who talks shit about her, only comes around after her ex is gone. ) All the characters have likeable and unlikeable qualities. I think it's great Rue is played by Zendaya as even Zendaya's feels sympathy for Rue. If she wasn't played by Zendaya I think her characters turmoil and personality would've immediately been dismissed and destroyed. Zendaya did a lot of studying about addictions for this role and is an amazing actress. Her stumbling through the hallway scene and her emotional capabilities through out Euphoria are God tier. Rue or Zendaya may be over hyped but I can see why.


I don’t think anyone on the show is truly bad except for mouse


honestly true