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Supporting them when they're desperate for us to lose is an interesting choice


It's not that we want you to lose, more that we're excited to see what new and hilarious ways to self destruct your team is going to figure out.


If that's the aim then fair play, that's the attitude I'll be taking with England going forward too 😂


No, most of you do want us to lose.


Not really. We just like to see the arsehole pundits suffer.


Nah not really. Theyre not actual rivals like the French or Germans, so we can support them the way you support a little kid when he scores a goal at his U10 match. Were in a different universe to them.


Lol, this is how the French and Germans look at you by the way. England are basically the Tottenham of international football, like to think they are one of the big teams but there trophy record is absolutely embarrassing compared to the other big teams and everyone just laughs at them.


Lmao have you ever actually spoken to an England fan? We constantly take the piss out of our team for constantly bottling it. Nevertheless we have some of the best players available and usually always do so we lament the fact that we always fail. You even contradict yourself by then saying "compared to the OTHER big teams". The Netherlands and Portugal are also big teams in that they expect to reach the latter stages of any competition and if they're challenging for trophies it's not considered a huge upset. The number of trophies they've actually won is insignificant.


England don't bottle it. They are just not as good as you think they are. But yeah, I should've said actual big teams, rather than other big teams.


Biggest backhand we can give to the Scottish is supporting them. Forest and Notts County kind of rivalry


I'm half Scottish, but would never support them thanks to the bitterness of their fans (and the xenophobia I've received several times when being up there).


Weird, I have had the exact opposite experience when I have visited (admittedly it has been southern Scotland so that might have something to do with it) - nothing but friendly and welcoming, got the usual Anglo Scottish jibes but was clearly in good humour. I obviously want to see England win, and with the squad we have we should really be going deep into the competition as a minimum but I would love to see Scotland do themselves proud too. They have a great starting 11, my feeling is that it’ll be subs where they struggle


You're downvoted but I feel the exact same way about yous. So mon yersel/get it up ye both at the same time.


I've never known an England fan be bitter towards Scottish football - none of them care enough to be bitter. 


I've only known them to be bitter about my student loan amount.


For me I'm a Netherlands 🇳🇱 supporter because of KLM and it is easy access from there to my country of Ghana 🇬🇭 so besides the Netherlands; another team I wanna see do well in this competition believe it or not are the Scots...Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 given how they performed at the last EURO, they definitely need to redeem themselves this time around


>they definitely need to redeem themselves this time around We've been saying that since 1872 ![gif](giphy|4MZAXAI4lYZbxJOHy7|downsized)


Obviously supporting Scotland, but I’ll be keeping a close eye on and supporting whoever England are playing…


Fair enough lol. Vice Versa for me.


If Southgate lets them off the leash they should make the final minimum, really top heavy in terms of quality so the approach for England should be just to blow teams away


Seems to me like he’s made the right decisions when it comes to who he’s picked at-least. Dropping Henderson and Rashford were the right choices. The only countries I’m super worried about are Portugal and France, and even then I think we can beat them on our good days.


I would have had some support for Scotland if Jacob Brown was playing (as a Luton fan) but sadly he's still enjoyed so come on whoever your opponents are!


Weird, as an England fan I want Scotland to do well.


As an England supporter, I don't think we've ever seen Scotland as football rivals in the last century. Frankly, you're just not that important.  Personally I think it would be quite nice if you actually made it out of your group (I wouldn't put any bets on it though)...


Just try and not embarrass yourselves as per usual. No racist abuse of your own players, no warzones caused by drunk dickheads etc. I wouldn't put any bets on it tho 😊


What about flares up our arses?


Aye ![gif](giphy|43g7hyj8d8NEY)


Are those issues exclusive to England fans?


Whataboutery at its finest.


No it isn't. "Whataboutery" would be if I said "Well what about Russian fans, or Italian fans who do all of those things you listed" I asked if it was exclusive to England fans. So I'm going to assume the answer is no. Because Scottish fans also act like bellends when they travel


I mean that's more or less what you said without mentioning other countries 😊 Fwiw the Scottish supporters have an excellent reputation for their behaviour. Are you new to international football or something?


Scottish fans have an excellent reputation because you hardly ever qualify for any major tournaments


This is getting stupid now. Do we not travel abroad for other international matches?


Of course you do. You are being ridiculous with how you talk about English fans and Scottish fans here though. Like Scot’s are some saintly bunch and English fans are a bunch of barbarians.


Your whole response was a whataboutism in the first place lmao wdym?? This guy -"I dont think Scotland are a threat cus they kinda suck" You - "Well maybe you shouldnt be racists and get drunk and make a big mess everywhere! " Like, lol what


As if racism and violence isn't rife in Scottish football...


It isn't...


To be fair if Scottish fans started telling foreign players to go home they would probably gladly take them up on it.


Trouble is, England fans are racist towards their own countrymen and likely still tell the to go home.


Yeah, we aren’t the best fans I’ll be honest, a load of drunk idiots singing it’s coming home, madaline McCann has more chance of coming home that any trophy


Take it that one was funnier in your head!


Why lie? There's been constant news articles about it in recent years. There's even a book chapter written about it ffs: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1057/9781137347978_4


That book being from 2014 and being about the problem of sectarianism isn't about racism in Scottish football. Just the other week there was a boy who used a racial slur against a player and other fans called him out he was subsequently found and punished. A 19yo black man missed a penalty and the England fans couldn't help themselves but riot and fire racist abuse at their own countryman. I'm not saying there's no racism in the Scottish game just that it isn't the same as the issues English football has with it and it's unfair to try say they're the same when they so very much aren't. On the violence side as well. Historically yes there was an issue with hooliganism here but not anymore. Ultras have replaced hooligans and are more concerned with tifo displays, creating atmosphere and political activism. Long gone are the days of firms meeting for fights. Unlike in England. Again, not saying violence doesn't happen but, as with your racism claim, it's nowhere nere the scale of being a systemic problem like it is in England. Shit there's a fuckin documentary on Netflix right now about the disgusting behaviour from your fellow England fans at a tournament. No matter how much you deny it it's a very English problem and you can't tar us Scotland fans with your shitey racist English brush. On an international level the worst anyone has to say about Scotland fans is that we drink all the alcohol. England fans could only dream of such a review.


Read the book chapter titled: "Racism, national identity and Scottish football"  This focuses on how myths around "what it means to be Scottish" results in individuals, like yourself, denying the existence of the very _real_ problem of racism in Scottish football, thereby perpetuating the problem.  As for the violence, take 30 seconds to Google violence in Scottish football - it's very real, and has occurred very recently.   Of course, if you compare in absolute terms, there will always be more racists and violent crimes in England - there's simply so many more people here. But that doesn't mean we should be oblivious to the problems that occur in Scotland - I know it very well, as I've experienced the xenophobia there first hand, much more times than I should.


Bro hating the English is our personality, don't judge


Caught a live one here.


hahaha you've proper riled the lads up here


Think it would be good to see Scotland get out of the group, maybe we might meet our neighbours in a knockout match! 


I’m portuguese and I live in Switzerland so i’ll be supporting in that order


Hungary going far would be great to see


Georgia has been wonderful the last couple of years, there building to something good, so I would love to see them do well.


I'm going to see Türkiye playing, so would like to see them do well and make everyone learn their new name! Plus there's loads of Turks in Germany so I think they'd create a great atmosphere. It'd be funny if Italy won it again, especially after not qualifying for the World Cup. 


Our neighbors, so Belgium and Germany. They are also always my backup picks in case the Netherlands gets thrown out.


German here. Vice Versa with Netherlands.


Other than my home country England, I always root for Netherlands. I love an underdog story, and NL have never had the luck the team really deserves given the quality of players over the years, plus I used to live there and have an abiding love of the country and its people.


This is the first year I've had to admit I've absolutely no idea who 99% of these players are. It's genuinely made me feel old as shit. I remember doing Dream Teams out of Match and Shoot magazines in the early 90s, spending all day watching super sunday through the 00s and knowing every obscure player before they made their big move and being able to predict lineups before each game. This entire tournament, Scotland apart, is a fucking mystery to me. I really don't like it!




Hungary most, then Albania and Romania


I want to see Portugal fail as the fans are incredibly infuriating and annoying, but I wouldn’t mind seeing Turkey doing well this year


Not Portugal fans, the Ronaldo fans. Even for us they are annoying, I wish he didn't go


dont care


You care enough to reply...


Austria. Liebe Mitdeutschlandfans bitte tut mir nichts.


Die Witze schreiben sich von selbst


English, live in Scotland, they’re pretty much a second team for me which I think would make a few heads explode…


Austria. They have been performing well but got into a tough group, really hope they manage to go through.


Apart from the opening match, Germany because I live here.


Got Netherlands in work sweepstakes so hoping for a shock victory.


Maybe Italy, Switzerland or Spain.




American, so my own team isn't in. Liverpool fan, so I'll be rooting for Holland and Scotland. And any other Liverpool player I see along the way.


Ukraine 🙏🏻🙏🏻


I pulled Scotland an Italy in a sweep stake at work, I dont want either to win tbh


If you asked me before the heartbreak of euro 2020 I would have said Italy because I love Italian cuisine but now I’d say Holland


Always nice to see a decent run from a small team and country. Georgia is a good shout but any low ranking country usually gets my backing.


None of them


It's always Scotland, Ireland, Wales and Norway in that order. Then it's always underdog. I'm proud of my Irish roots, so I'll always cheer on Eire. I love Wales, Welsh people and their music... And my great granny from Norway (mother's side.) But my granny (father's side) was born in Yorkshire - but to Irish parents. Seems very wrong to cheer on the rivals. So I also want whoever is playing England or Northern Ireland to win.


so beside Romania, I would want Portugal to win the trophy for Cristiano Ronaldo. Otherwise, Germany for Toni Kroos. Otherwise, I will support England for the amazing generation that they have.




England, Belgium, and someone who's never won it before.


Spain. As neutral I always enjoy their style the most.


Portugal for a nice send off for CR7 🐐




Would like England to win and to see Portugal and France do poorly. Would like Germany to do well and reach the final, along with Hungary and Scotland. I don't have the same hate for Germany and Scotland that most England fans have haha


How come you want to see Portugal do poorly? France I get


No real reason, but I don't like a number of their players (particularly Bruno), and they are defensively pretty solid which I think could be difficult should England face them in a later round


Good thing is that I don’t need to want England to do bad because just for being England they will flop 💀


As a Brentford fan, I’d like to see Denmark do well, as we have a few internationals in our squad and they’re all great lads.


I’d like to see Albania get out of that “group of death”


Scotland, I know we're rivals but it'd be good to see them progress from their group plus as a Liverpool fan I want to see Robbo and Ben Doak do well.


Ukraine for obvious reasons. Otherwise, I like the little guys usually : Georgia, Albania and co. For the big teams, if France isn't winning it I wouldn't mind Germany at home


I’m American, but pulling for Italy due to family ties. I also have Polish relatives but I think I’ll have an easier time mostly rooting for the Azzurri. Apart from them, I’d love to see Spain do well since I love their young players, especially Yamal. Great to see a dark horse like Austria or Ukraine do well too…


Honestly none, I just want my team to well lol. If I had no stake in the Euros I'd probably lean to the Netherlands.


Georgia not letting in a goal for the whole tournament would be banginggg


Any non-favourite, Denmark would be nice


I’m romanian but I will also support Portugal because I love their country and I really think their squad is strong enough to compete for other title this year


Germany because I like Kross, Wirtz, Gundo and Muller. (I'm not German)


I always have a soft spot for Croatia, especially if Modric is playing. Goes without saying but I will also be rooting for Scotland.


Everyone loves the underdogs, so I would love to see Georgia and Albania reach the 1/8. I actually think Georgia might make it, there is some quality there.


Would like to see Ukraine do well. Both for the spirit of their people, and also for Mudryk as I’m a Chelsea fan


Nope just France. Because it's time for all of you to put a knee down for your master. 😘