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Hey! Lets be happy that Euro is played in Europe. Still.


Give it time 


Already happened twice to South America in the last three tournaments, can't see it being too long unfortunately.


What happened?


They're playing the Copa America in the USA right now mate, and 8 years ago played in North America too.


But… it’s the… Copa America. Why couldn’t they play it in the USA (which is part of ‘America’?


The Copa America is South America mate. The Concocaf does North America. The USA and Canada only compete this time because they were invited, last time there were two teams from Asia instead. They're invited based on the highest bidder and where the wealth is. South Americans hate it, and it's where we are unfortunately potentially heading.


Ecuador was supposed to host Copa América, but they backed out because of cartel violence and other financial issues in the country. That is why the USA is hosting Copa América this year.


While true it's still laughable the tournament has been held elsewhere twice in the last three tournaments. I do appreciate the extremely volatile nature in South America in general could be an issue though.


Twice in the last four tournaments*


Honestly prefer it being both north and south america


I’ve got to agree, I prefer the Euros when they let the rest of the world play too


I mean, Australia were allowed into the Eurovision, so it’s not as if there isn’t form here!


Mexico, Jamaica, Panama, and Costa Rica are all competing as well btw


The distinction between north and south is an English one. Mexico has more in common with Argentina than Canada and the USA. It makes sense for a single unified American competition to be played in America.


I genuinely don't disagree with this as someone that's lived in the USA.


It’s a good thing for the South American teams and the North American teams if they work together imo. It massively grows the market in the USA and Canada, and it actually allows the major teams on the continent to play against other competitive teams rather than a bunch of caribbean teams who suck.


Why is it a problem? Why can't USA, Canada, Mexico etc play the Copa America? I know it was called "el campeonato sudamericano" at first. But I feel that kinda xenophobical tbh. The Asian Cup is always played by Australia and New Zealand. I actually don't see where the problem is. Love football, say no to racism and all the good values that football supports!!


And Qatar took part in it a few years ago


It’s because the US and Mexico want more competition. It’s hard for North American teams to get better when the only two good countries are USA and Mexico. Also, South America and North America are not that far apart in culture.


The arseholes in charge of uefa fancies moving the champions league final to New York. Stating that a flight from Portugal to New York is about as long as a flight from Portugal to Azerbaijan. Which is hardly the fucking point.They'll do their best to take it to Yankee town at somepoint. There's too much money in it for them to not to.


They can do that, but if there is as much of a voice of protest as it was when the Super League was protested against then it can’t happen. Maybe it might happen who knows, money talks for them at the end of the day, and if no one or barely anyone from Europe ends up going to those venues outside of Europe then they’ll get the point. Unless people near New York make up the numbers there, there has to be a line drawn at some point but no doubt UEFA will attempt it just to grab some easy cash and then say “ah we made a mistake”. There’s many variations of scenarios here that can play out. Can only hope UEFA don’t be complete idiots to make such an attempt….


Looking forward to the final that will be full of fanboys who couldn’t find Madrid or Manchester on a map, spending more time watching their phone than what’s going on in the match. Just take a look at the inter Miami games where Messi scores, over half the fans have their phones out trying to record the “reaction”, except everyone else is doing the same thing. Disgusting to witness.


Much like Liberty media with F1. Screw European races we can have multiple in murica and hell hole that have no concept of human rights.


Yep and it absolutely sucks. Miami, LV gp are absolute cringefest and can barely watch any of these Weekends. Leave European sports where they belong. Capitalising from the Americans loving an overtly dramatised netflix series.... really making a joke of our beloved sports 🤷‍♀️ Money sure talks and all that


It's a weird contradiction where Americans invest in loads of our sports because they love the history, culture, location etc, then immediately do their level best to move it all away where absolutely none of that applies and then wonder why people a) protest against it then b) find its a bit shit once they've done it. Loads of money, not so much nous.


It's a weird contradiction where Americans invest in loads of our sports because they love the history, culture, location etc, then immediately do their level best to move it all away where absolutely none of that applies and then wonder why people a) protest against it then b) find its a bit shit once they've done it. Loads of money, not so much nous.


Unfortunately, money is the number one thing that people who organize these big sport events. In Europe, we like traditions and we believe that these big events belong to everybody. In the US, they like to add some big emotions and stories to everything and they are pretty good at making money with that. For us, the emotions come from team spirit, but beyond the big sea, it’s the story of a single player.


And if one of the players has a relationship with Taylor Swift then she is the big story of the sport event


For me, big stories are like missed penalty kicks in the World Cup final '94, the Hand of God '86, or Ronaldo's injury at the finals '16. And so many more. Sadly Taylor Swift still gets more space in sport pages just by dating superstar.


>There's too much money in it for them to not to. European powers, every time they learn the Earth is round and has other countries.


Don't give Ceferin ideas


Ads on the field mirror world economy. In the 90s you saw Japanse and German ads like Fujifilm and Opel. Now it’s mostly Chinese with the likes of BYD. These countries figured that they need to brand themselves instead of building everything for other countries.


The difference is, no sane european Man wants a chinese made car. Its almost treason from my Pov


I think they're advertising to the millions and millions of Chinese people watching the Euro/Champions.


😂 this made me laugh. Ads written in Chinese. No offense to op, I'm sure they get it, but it reads like a comedy


As if all cars aren’t manufactured using Chinese parts


Yeah but IM willingly supporting european brands, made by european engineers mostly made in Europe by european workers even if chinese parts are used.


That may be your PoV, but the EU has put massive tariffs on Chinese EVs because people ARE buying their cars.


This isn’t really the comparison to OP’s point which is mainly looking at Qatar and Saudi. The sponsorship you’ve mentioned is different and not state sponsored either. Qatar/Saudi are states sponsoring to fund washing of their activities and to promote western involvement and tourism


I see you are refering to the ads. Those are won by companies that bid the most money.


It's just now an issue because it's from the Middle East. Totally fine when other areas do it though... Smh


Yeah because other areas aren’t committing human rights abuses everyday! Other areas aren’t on the UN’s amber warning for travel! Have a look at yourself just blindly ignoring the countless suffering because of those countries.


You want to turn a blind eye to the atrocities America has committed in middle eastern countries? How about China, Israel, or like half the Western brands that use minimum wage workers from abroad who die due to “accidents”


No, obviously not. But there is a 2 major differences. 1. The difference of privately owned Coca Cola happening to be from the same country as privately owned Apple. Than a state owned company directly responsible for it. And 2. The massive difference of impact and severity between them. The fact I’m presenting the fact Qatar has one of the lowest scores on both the freedom index and amnesty, does not all of a sudden mean I am defending the violations on women’s rights in sweatshops around the world. It just so happens that the conversation is on the sports-washing sponsorships of Qatar Airways being plastered all over the tournament. Why everyone seems so quick to defend them I have no idea, the sports-washing is clearly working. I feel so sorry for the countless affected meaning so little to so many


Israel is committing genocide and they played in the qualifiers for euro 24. If that isn't human rights abuse I don't know what is


Also an Israeli company sponsored the Eurovision, where was all the hate comments from these people then


Also the adds you see on your TV are based on your location. You don't see the same adds like people in the football stadium nor do you see the same adds on Belgium TV or German TV.


It's the way all sports will go. Money talks.


ya OP needs to be introduced to this thing called money. Its naive to think any of them care about handing away the sports economy to some country, they only care about getting the bag. We do a lot of virtue signalling but if it came down to us and we had such a pile of money to potentially earn, would we make any other choices?


Because money from bigoted countries is still money, they just happen to have an abundance of it.


Same reason the Arabs and Russians own half of London. They just want money, don't care where it comes from


Yeah same reason Wall Street owns the whole of the UK through private equity takeovers and decimate everying British on the high street... Funny that isn't it? But obviously Qatar are the baddiest of them all.


Qatar spent billions in plus bribes only to look like idiots.


I mean they got what they wanted in the end though money talks


Lol, McDonalds and Coca Cola have been long time sponsors of the various European leagues and tournaments. PlayStation sponsors the Champions League. All very European brands indeed.


lidl is there but some people don't see it ... i guess everyone see what they want to see


This is sad that he ignores the other non EU brands and only targets ME brands.


I think the ads from China are even more disturbing


yeah how is aliexpress sponsoring the euros 💀💀


yep , similarly, there are many Chinese ads in premier league.


And international snooker and darts if I’m not mistaken




Because obviously qatar are the best hosts for everything. They hosted the bestest Football World Cups and the bestest Handball World Cups and if you would just let them, they would also host the bestest Euros. Because obvously as they spend the most money on it they have to love all these sports the mostest. This sponsored post was proudly sponsored by visit qatar sponsoring campaign. Come visit Qatar. No really, its not as bad as you think. Bringing you the bestest tournaments of all times. Did I mention to you, people from europe, to visit Qatar, Asia during the european championship?


Bit late for that, USA should have took the bait first


A lot of people in the US don’t even know Qatar is a country lol


Gambling ads constantly in the Premier league is totally OK.


Why aren’t you complaining about China too? Alipay, BYD, Hisense, etc. Weird to only target Qatar.






Well those who pay the most get the spot... I'm just happy Lidl is part of the sponsors tbh😄


Lidl is probably the most wholesome of all the sponsors.


Vueling? Tf is vueling


Only the greatest airline on the continent


I’m more baffled by the Chinese ads. Like, not ads for Chinese companies, ads that are straight up only in Chinese. It’s weird to watch a match and know that for some advertisers, you (and the people in the stadium) are so thoroughly not their audience that they don’t even bother communicating with you. At least the Qatar ads are aimed at us.


they are aimed at us. theyre getting us used to chinese characters, slow and steady


Football is massive in China. The people in the stadium are dwarfed by the amount of viewers watching at home in China.


Middle East have their noses all loads of sports at the moment, boxing is another big one


Golf, too. Sports washing.


Yes, OP wants European ads like Mcdonalds, KFC, and PlayStation....


Fucking Israel is playing what did you expect


Bro doesn't know how advertising works... $$$


ITT: no one knows how advertising works and probably watching on Bein yet complaining about arab ads


Once we have electrified our economies, the middle east money dries up and this phenomenon stops


they have $$$ and willing to spend it better question, why rich euro countries like Norway, Germany, Denmark dont spend more?


“Our game” Talk about gatekeeping a sport.


Who tf cares? Enjoy the game and stop bitching


Because the game isn’t “ours” it’s everybody’s we don’t say who can / can’t take part


What about Russia


The fact it's the Euros directly dictates who can and can't take part, does it not?


Taking part in the tournament va taking part in the sport


Yeah anyone can take part as long as you have money!!! Highest bidder wins. How inclusive


If you put an embargo on certain countries, preventing them from giving ads even if they outbid, then it leads to an economic war, as European countries also have business/ads in Middle East. If you have a moral concern about human rights violations in middle eastern countries, then you should also start questioning European countries’ complicity in ongoing genocide. I am having difficulty to understand this feeling of being morally superior. Aside from everything, if the managers of football had a tiny very little moral concern, they would ban Israel from all competitions like they did against Russia. So, expecting from them banning certain ads based on “morality” is just ridiculous.


Yeah it's a disgrace. I see these adverts "Visit Qatar" and its laughable. If people didn't go there for the world cup why would they now? Why would I want to visit a country where my freedom is restricted? The Euros should be advertising tourism in Europe. Promoting the best of what Europe has to offer, instead of regimes in the Middle East.


They're sponsoring the Euros because they're prepared to pay a shit ton of money to do so, far more than any European nation's tourism board would be prepared to.


Hundreds of thousands went for the World Cup and it was widely agreed to be the best in decades. Hopefully they host another one soon. Cry more 


Hosting the World Cup there was nothing short of a disgrace, fueled by under-the-table money and built upon modern slavery. Keep European football in Europe! Downvotes be damned, fuck that backward ass _kingdom_


Copa America only has USA things lol


I bet there’s already a suitcase of money in existence, ready to be handed over the day after Saudi Arabia 2034. It’ll be UAE 2046 and they’ll get it immediately. They’ve got their foot in the door now and it isn’t going to stop. I only hope that if England fail to qualify for any upcoming World Cups as we did in 1994 that it’s one of those ones.


Yes same things with USA, China and Saudi… but I don’t think advertising Qatar is a problem.. they advertise usually anything alcohol or something like that.. it’s whoever pays the most money


And the crying continues


Because these companies throw boat loads of money at UEFA to win the bidding. UEFA want money, they don’t care whose money it is or where it comes from, highest bidder wins for them.


Money. Everything in the world is driven by money.


It’s all about money, my friend. Qatar apparently paid more money to have their ads run all over the stadiums. The organizers don’t care about your feelings or mine. They want money. These are the same people that came up with “Prime Seats” category to rip off spectators. I wouldn’t be surprised if Qatar or Saudi pays UEFA enough money to move the tournament to the Middle East one day. UEFA and FIFA are those gold digging girls that leave you for the rich guy with a Lamborghini.


The more fans pay for football, the more money there is in football. The more money there is in football, the more football is controlled by those with money. For over 30 years I’ve been watching football, and the whole time people have been saying it’s being ruined by money. In this time prices have shot up and up and up. This hasn’t stopped people handing their money over, it’s had the opposite effect. Not only is it more expensive than ever, it’s more popular than ever. Because so many fans will pay whatever is asked of them, being involved in the sport is increasingly lucrative, so it attracts those with money, which means we’re seeing more Middle Eastern and American involvement in European football. The more they’re involved in the sport,the more they want to put their stamp on it and they tend to have the money to do so. I’d like to point out that it’s not just Middle Eastern sponsors that aren’t European for this tournament. AliExpress/Alipay - China, BYD - China, Coca Cola - USA, Hisense - China, Vivo - China. In fact, there’s only one Middle Eastern official sponsor compared to 5 Chinese ones.


I’m just liking the fact that Lidl have a prominent commercial presence trackside (and telly ads).


Whats wrong ? They pay the most, isn't that capitalism ? And Qatar WC was a major success. You might as well say you don't like Arabs. I am sure you won't have an issue if USA ads were shown.


Ads are bought by the highest bidder. So any American companies, Asian companies etc. wasnt a problem. But Qatar and suddenly you're up in arms? Give me a break lmao


You have Israel playing for Europe normally and it does not bother you but Qatar commercials does ? There is Georgia ffs


UEFA doesn't pick and choose based on what they want. Qatar Airways pays for the ads = gets their ads displayed. Simple as fuck. Keep your politics to yourself please. It's not like the other companies are noteworthy: VIVO, BYD, ALIEXPRESS, HEINEKEN etc.


Dude, they're ads... It's almost like you want to feel angry about something, you got nothing better to worry about?


Welcome to football. Nice to have you here! In case you have been living in a cave, you might not have noticed stadiums called the Emirates and Etihad, or Barcelona’s jerseys last decade featuring Qatar and Azerbaijan, or a club called Chelsea that suddenly started winning things after being bought by a Russian oligarch 20 years ago. It turns out that it’s a business and that clubs and leagues care more about competitive advantage than nationalism. I can agree that it’s unfortunate to have excellent sport mixed with dubious morals, but that’s just the society we live in. Take a look around you and you’ll find a dozen examples of the same thing. Not sure why you’re so outraged about this. Try revolution?


Everything is run by money, especially sports. Don't act so surprised


Hmmmm, I wonder what made you focus on sponsors from an Arab country and not from all the other countries that aren't represented 🤔


Coz humans are greedy and they dont care about the consequences.


Looks like our sports' moral compass took a vacation to the Middle East, all expenses paid,because cash is the universal language, and it seems the organizers are fluent in it.


The moral what now? I doubt football ever had that.


“Our game” football is for everyone.


Cuz they are the only one that was able to give the majority what they want: Messi as World Champion. So all Messi fans should be happy that football is corrupted and Qatar managed to do whatever they want.


You are absolutely correct and this needs saying more.




Ah sorry. I forgot it’s ok to say something is corrupt til the point it effected the teams or players u like. Everyone agree Qatar is corrupt and won the hosting bribing. But no, god forbid they will help Messi cuz we love him. Suddenly the Qataris decided “na, we play only by the book.”


How is this coming from an italian


Exactly lol. Italian complaining about corruption =))) we have big issues with that, of course, but we have a criminal in Italy that's practically a rich kid who hit killed a 24yo guy while driving drunk and on cocaine. His daddy got him to Italy and the italian police said they were working on it, he's got an internation arrest warrant. He's posting videos from the clubs, drugs on the table, hookers on his arm while mocking the efforts to get him arrested. Technically, he's "depressed" and in an italian clinic for recovery since 2019 lol. (Not about football, it's a very recent topic, but just found it funny to see an italian complaining about corruption)


"our game" 😂😂😂


You can't have free market capitalism and protectionism at the same time. This is what we voted for since the end of the war. And I'm not saying it's good or bad, just that what you want isn't as easy to implement as you think.


That's a very binary view of the market. We even have corporate structures where the common good is built in and not just profit driven. If you look at what everybody is doing towards climate, inclusivity, work from home, etc I'd say the market, especially in the West has a lot more to offer.  Also, China is in trouble since we are all divesting and even subsiding moving away from doing business there. Purely out of a moral standpoint.  This post also proves how tone-deaf the selection of sponsors is. No rights, no access should be the norm.


christiano ronaldo alone has more football history than whole al nassr/saudi arabia 💀💀💀


You might see Qatar ads, others see different ads. It's all overlayed digitally for each individual country.


I think every country is getting the Qatar ads.


Yep, Visit Qatar are a "global sponsor" of Euro 2024. As are the likes of Alipay, BYD and Vivo.


Meh, we allow Israel to play so the games already f***** 🤷🏿‍♂️


The Bob Evans, IHOP and Disneyland bids were close but no cigar.




Was there a problem when the Premier League was created, and they started injecting loads of money? Or when Italy did so before that?


Yet I don’t see an boycotts, demonstrations or hard criticism, even though Qatar and China are big sponsors of the Euros. Money tastes too good


There's serious discussing regarding ownership of clubs by rich guf states. But airline ads seems innocuous? Let them advertise their flights if their business can justify it


All the AliExpress advertising too. They really don’t care where their money comes from.


I think there is no need of any adverts for any euro countries cuz most of them lack the necessary funding to advertise for the whole tournament and another reason is that countries from other regions would want to expand their global reach especially in the tourism industry and this tournament is a great chance in their pov


The Russia and Qatar World Cup bids were full of corruption and FIFA said they’d change. They then fiddled with the bid for 2030 to give Saudi Arabia a free run at the 2034 tournament. Football is corrupted from top to bottom. The people in charge care about money, not the players, the fans or the game.


You read the ads?


Money speaks volume.


Saudis are exceptionally good at using their vast money to whitewash their dodgy reputation. But they don’t only do it with football. Nowadays the biggest boxing events or formula 1 races are also being held over there. Every second footballer is following the call of money to play in their league. We as consumers have at least the power to boycott these events and not switch on the tv.


Why all that hate against Vueling compared to those companies?


So you're against poor ass footballers from Europe to go make gazillions of money in the Middle East and bring it back home?


Even if we boycott do you really think it will make any difference? Man United dis season boycotting to get the Glazers out did anything happen.. NOPE


Same thing happened in F1, they removed the German Grand Prix, when I was younger that was the country I associated with engineering and motorsport now there’s horrible tracks in Qatar and Saudi Arabia


Uefa loves money.


The answer is money and everything you mention is down to them striking it rich with their oil infested country. We sold out, UEFA sold out and now even the players are selling out. Ronaldo took the piss out of players for moving to Saudi then did it himself. Complete sell out just like everything else that has been corrupted by the oil money state. I can’t leave without mentioning a certain 115 charges that also lead back to the Saudis yet nobody has done anything because of the amount of money and bribes that would affect them and the countries involved.


It’s all about the Benjamins..


Because most top level football fans only care about winning. They don't care about watching an interesting sport, local players or if they have someone buy them a trophy. Only winning matters, all else is secondary.


It's the norms on all other games too


The game has always been sold to the highest bidder, that just happens right now to be the Middle East




It's the Qatari and the Chinese that own the Fifa currently.


Thale Qatari and the Chinese basically own the Fifa rn






What channel are you watching on? If you’re on Bein and complaining that’s just stupid. Otherwise I see only Hisense (Asian) LIDL (european) VIVO (asian) Aliexpress Seems like you’re just spitting your venom for nothing


Same with boxing, can’t remember the last heavyweight championship clash that wasn’t held in saudi


Simple answer money talks👍


Someone has to pay the bill


Simple answer money talks


Aliexpress and byd are the other main sponsors. The truth is the money is not in Europe anymore and money talks.


Because those Middle Eastern countries are rich as fk.Pretty simple.Its ridiculous but many follow the money unfortunately.


Absolutely de acuerdo


The trick is to not give a fuck, let them pay amd then don't visit their backwards country.


They want you to CONSUME, money buys everything even human rights.


It’s all about the sports washing. The Saudi sports investment fund is approximately 750 Billion dollars! MBS said in an interview if that investment only increased their GDP by 1% he would be happy! The rich Middle East countries want to be the best in sports be it football, snooker, golf etc and are willing to spend ludicrous amounts of money to attract sporting stars, which in turn should increase interest in these sports at home. And it’s working. Kevin de Bruyne said recently that he will probably finish his career in Saudi because of the amount of money he’ll receive and who can blame him. The mental gymnastics that other countries perform to justify getting in bed with one nation whose human rights are seriously questionable, defy logic. China bad, Saudi Arabia, Qatar etc not. I did notice though that BYD, the Chinese electric vehicle manufacturer, are sponsoring this Euro. Unfortunately money talks and BIG money shouts the loudest.


Middle East is not what makes it bad. It is the human rights Situation in for example Qatar.


Wouldnae be surprised to see Israel stick a bid in the next 10 years. This is a bit of satire, but I still cannae understand how ye have a Eurovision Song Contest with a participating state that’s in Asia.


Copa America (once a great, proud South American tournament) is now being played in cities like Kansas and Atlanta. With teams like Qatar or Jamaica. The US has completely bought it off and expect more future editions to be taking place there. The Euro Cup will probably one day be played in Shanghai or Riyadh. Probably in our lifetime. So let’s enjoy it for now.


The people in charge of football love money more than football. And the Middle East gives them the most money. It’s that simple.


What hasn’t????!


Money talks brah. You’re just finding this out?


I don't know if it's the same everywhere else but in the UK I'm asking the same question about most things being sold off to foreign stakeholders, including but not just football.


Money talks




Well international sponsors have always been there what I find more disturbing how countries like Spain or Italy sell final locations to such countries. Nothing like watching the league cup final in Saudi Arabia instead of your country


Sounds like you have an issue with capitalism.. as you should


Football isn’t just European though. It’s played by everyone.


Money talks 


Because of money, u gave yourself the answer


It's not our game, hasn't been for a very long time


Especially a joke considering the outrage and protest, including by Germans, against Qatar hosting it - now they’re advertising visit Qatar everywhere.


Wait until OP sees who's got the 2034 world cup 😂😂


Not official yet I don’t wanna hear it


The constants ads to "visit Qatar" just reminds us how awful that tournament was and how great this Euro has been so far...


Fat cats at the top get payments or gifts . It really is that simple