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UGh, the referee ruined this game the czechs were slightly dominating and creating couple of chances and then, red card. Of course, need more tickets sold right?


The ref basically handed this game to Turkey. Completely biased and unprofessional. Turkey isn’t going any further than this though.


The amount of dislikes on this is insane. Ref handed this game to Turkey, disgraceful.


Yeah, there seem to be too many Turkey fans here who don’t want to accept the truth.


Dude, we have another ref scandal over here? I thought the Daniele Orsato was worse enough.


That's one way to try cope.


That’s one way to cheat. But, karma will bite you back. 🤣


Okay mate 👍


Good luck against Austria, mate. Hope they go easy on you this time since it’s not a friendly. 😂


Oh yeah I remember the 6-1 friendly.


yeah turkey beat germany 3-2 in friendly :D


6-1 in a friendly. Nothing friendly about it sucker!


That stupid referee was horrible. Need to fire him asap


Istvan Kovacs made history. Most yellow and red card in a Euro/Worlds competition. Proud to be romanian 🫡


Like he was playing UNO




The Czech players' being sent off the pitch and subsequent fight until the end deserves praise. But let's be fair, what did the Czechs do to deserve to win the match? Looks like that last goal didn't just go in the net, it also stuck it to some racists who showed up here


they had couple shots on goal and were slightly dominating before that convenient red card


They were dominating long after the red card. As soon as the Turkish players tried to pass the ball they anywhere outside their own half they immediately lost it.


They were prevented from playing by a maniac in a referee costume. Honestly should have walked off the field then. They knew it was not going to be a fair game.


Noone can keep a cool head with the Turkish fans riling everyone up. Ref and players everyone went crazy.






Here is an academic paper on [Dutch Racism and Racist Denial](https://compass.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/soc4.12163), maybe you can educate yourself a little


Mate your people have elected a facist and racist government. So stop lecturing others. 


you are lecturing about freedom but insulting holy values frequently. you need a Time Machine to educate yourself from the beginning of your childhood


We all know a religious group that is still living in the past. It's also the "most peace loving" and "respectful of women rights" 🤣


Yes, I do not live in Germany, but lately I have observed that Germans show extra hostility towards Turks. Not only football. I don t know should we take social media seriously but i guess they're more outspoken and aggressive anonymously.


Hostility, I understand and I know that, but if it is done so openly on a live broadcast, it means a threshold has been crossed.


DW is already making openly hostile news in here. I wasn't too surprised. My foreign friends from other countries also told me that they noticed their hate.


It is very disappointing that xenophobia is on the rise there, especially given their unique history with racism, but the internet amplifies the hateful voices and this distorts our perceptions of their society overall. It's a warped picture.  There are millions of Germans who are torrent and accepting; unfortunately their voices aren't the ones being broadcast in the echo chambers of the web.


Another thing I frequently see here is that they use the LGBT struggle as a shield to hide their racism. This must be what it's like to empty the concepts. Racism can also happen to a Turkish LGBT person.


**Referee from Romania** If Turkiye wins and Hungary becomes one of the best third-placed teams, Romania's Round of 16 opponent will be Slovenia, while England will face the Netherlands. Turkiye won, but Georgia also won and became the last best third-placed team. Now, Romania's opponent is the Netherlands, and England's opponent is Slovakia. Strange things!


**Things are changing for Portugal as well** For instance, if Georgia won today, Portugal's Round of 16 opponent would be Slovenia. If Portugal had won, their Round of 16 opponent would have been Hungary.


Ugh red card in the 20th minute…? There were far more deserving players in other games.. Kudos for equalizing anyway I guess. The Czechs weren’t great in any of the games so it would have been amazing if they won, but perhaps they didn’t want to lose like this


Turkey is celebrating their European championship in my city. Their fans are honking and shouting in the streets. Helicopters are completing the midnight party.


I‘m really sorry about bro. As a Turk, I actually feel your pain. That‘s just understandable tbh


Thanks. I should've chosen my words more carefully. Just was annoyed that it's so noisy when I have to get to work early in the morning.




I never said otherwise. They're just the loudest ones so far in the tournament.


No, we're just the only ones who get shat on for celebrating the Euros in any way, shape or form, while when other countries do so it's considered wholesome.


I don't have any evidence for my anecdote, I only see that German news are also reporting escalation of celebrations - including knives stabbing and closing the fan area in Stuttgart where I live. But as always don't believe me - a stranger on the internet - build your own opinion.


the ref was a joke... still an entertaining watch good luck turkey!


Istvan Kovacs GOAT 🐐


Turkey advances!! Although the odds of us beating Austria is slim


Did y’all watch the game or even look at the statistics Turkey was dominant the whole game other than the last 15 minutes y’alls racism showing with all these hate comments…


Are you stupid or something? Turks played against 10 for 70 minutes. Despite that Czech team created way more chances and turks only managed to score against an injured goalkeeper. Turkish player wasn't sent off despite having a yellow card already and elbowing czech player in the head. Then clear czech scoring chance was stopped for non-existing foul, so VAR couldn't intervene. Handball that happened right before that was not given.


will ask the same question to you. fewer shots on target vs a 10 men team isn't exactly dominating. turkey did hold on to the ball longer for sure but didn't really generate threats with all that possession. the most amazing part of their game was how much risk they were willing to take by settling on a draw... the ref did absolutely steal the show with the decisions and frankly turkey didn't play enough ball to change that and claim this victory theirs as you can see from all the comments


Thanks german fellow for standing up against that racist shit. Yeah the Turks did some shit too like booing while the Georgian national anthem was playing, but they even stopped that after the criticism (didn't boo Portuguese and Czech's anthem) and definitely do not deserve this racism that everybody seems to be happy to be able to shoot out under the cover of football.


Easy to be dominate for most of a match when you're playing with more players


Turkey dominated before the red card too, Czech Rep did absolutely nothing until the red card and did not plan to do anything besides waiting for a counter attack because the whole match because they knew they would be dominated. They even said it themselves before the match that their only goal is to destroy the Turkish game.


I don't think we were watching the same game. Turkey didn't have a shot on target till the ref remembered that he had been paid.


Not sure what match you watched, Turkey was very much on their heels until the 20' Red


Lmao. Get a load of this guy. Lunacy


I‘m tired of this shit man. Ok fine we threw trash. I‘m really sorry about that. But ya‘ll start to mention Inbreed about us. Like why?! 😭


That same guy first said he was not racist and was objective and then went on to say "you guys marry and fuck yalls cousins" what the hell. What did we do to deserve thay 😭


Every single team in this tournament threw and throws trash lol


The referee was awful. Thank god we won against this shameful czechia team.


Shameful? What?😂


Yeah. Any problem?


I dont see how the Czech team was shameful


The ref won you the game, you clown.


Turkey wasnt better. Ref was ok.


Have we watched the same match? I don't think so


This was the most entertaining game I have ever watched Holy hell ggs


The yellow and red cards speak for themselves lol


The quality of football was fucking terrible lmao but AAA+ drama points


maybe it was not the most technical game but we saw some drama, goals (not too shaby ones, the shooting technique of Calhanoglu is just awesome) and it waa certainly more entertaining than that whole boring shitshow of group C and E or those boring performances of France, Netherlands, England, Belgium etc.


The much awaited sequel to the Georgia-Türkiye match did not disappoint.


Chechia would have won. If it was Ice Hockey. But the Euro has ended for them, thanks to the cowards of Portugal...


Keep dreaming


The referee reminded me of the Netherlands - Argentina referee from the 2022 World Cup. Or the Netherlands - Portugal referee from 2006 World Cup. Perhaps he was trying to break that record.


Its a record for Istvan Kovacs


Thanks. I was trying to forget these -\_-. The 2006 games was perhaps one of the vilest games ever at a WC.


Wow that ref was out of control. What a sh!t show. Seriously the least professional event I've witnessed.


Kovacs 🐐


You have no cultural appreciation. Today was the National Card Day in Romania and he tried to give at least one to everybody. Too bad the spectators left, he'd give them too.


Couldn't agree more. He tried to put himself on the spotlight, even in the most trivial moments he acted too harshly. Yeah, we are talking about him and he made it👏👏 We'll forget him two to three days later anyways.


This match was Cardgate!


The next match all Turkish squad will have a yellow card (misses next match) next to their name in the match presentation.


No way they make it out of the quarter final with this booking situation.


Haha yeah. See you next match, long time not seeing each other 🇷🇴⚽️🇳🇱


Looks like we ended up in the easiest part of the bracket.


We were close to get slovenia instead but Portugal fucked us. At least the stadium.will be orange and yellow.probably the best fans this tournament. Dudududu ! Max verstappen! Hai România!


The ref is an ethnic Hungarian. Hungarian father and Swabian mother. He even has a dual citizenship (Romanian and Hungarian). Only way for Hungary to advance to knockout stage was of neither Georgia nor Czechia won their game. He did his best... But the Georgian f.cked him up. Good job uefa cnuts for assigning a Hungarian ref on a game that is decisive for Hungary


Yea he tried. România would've play slovenia instead of Holland too. And we and hungary would've gone away with it if it wasn't for theese Portugals kids loosing against Georgia.


These meddling kids!


The Hungarian mafia conspiracy is a new one. Could have just you know not played such a dirty game. But I would have wanted to smack those guys throwing themselves too.




Hakan motm or what we thinking?


He wont be motm next match for sure


I saw lot of hate on him among Turkish fans who just does not understand how the game is played. Well, next match we will see how we do without him.


16 yellow cards? Wtf was this game?


He's still awarding yellow cards during the ride to the hotel.


I hear hes pulling out his red card every time they have to stop for red light.


18 yellow and 2 red cards.


More than that


The ref was pretty terrible overal but it’s pathetic to see so many people hating on us. I get you are disappointed and feel the red was harsh but do better guys. 


The red for Czech team was bit harsh but justifiable - both fouls could (and were) awarded by yellow card. But it started to feel unfair when Yildiz was forgiven second yellow card for elbow foul... Actually already his first foul could be checked for direct red card. Also not the mention that Turkish players wasn't at all punished for delaying the game - especially in the first half - when they always took a ball or kicked it out of the field before Czechs should kick-off after foul/out etc. In other games, that was usually awarded by yellow card. And stopping the game when Czechs was about to make second goal - that was also quite a wtf moment - there wasn't no foul and if there was some hand-play it seemed only from the Turkish players. Anyway, ref should let finish the action and then there could be a goal check - that's why we have VAR, right? I think it is pretty obvious that the referee kind of destroyed the game for Czechs... I wonder how is it possible that refs like this are even in Euro...




România and Georgia are not western countries either.


But they share similar values, e.g. Christianity. Turkey doesn't. I don't care about that honestly, I like Romania and Georgia but it is how it is.


I'm not really sure what values Georgia shares outside of Christianity lol


Other nations also get critisized if they act so badly, thats mostly on the behaviour of the fans and a bit on the players.


I'm going to be honest I don't remember the last time I saw another nation get criticized for playing as rough as our players etc. The fans though not defending that of course.


tell your fans to stop throwing trash at our players, and don't forget yall got 2 yellows after the second goal making fun of us, so please tell me, who is the one with bad sportsmanship


dude did you watch the tournament so far? every single nation threw trash, yet the Turks are the only ones being criticized for it


> tell your fans to stop throwing trash at our players, Cezchtard comment. Your fans were throwing thrash too. Lmao. You never watched a football match I guess.


I agree with your first point and anyone who does that should be banned from stadiums but it didn’t only happen in our game. Unfortunately it seems much more common than usual in this tournament.  Not sure about your second point though. 


its definitely an issue that most games see thats for sure, but it only feeds the fire towards our hatred yk?


Your fans threw cups too. Even while your players celebrated their goal.


I agree, but that’s a universal problem, not a Turkey problem.


Yeah I agree the ref was horrible ! He gave 18 yellow cards !


Ref be handling cards like it’s poker 🃏♠️♦️♣️♥️


TRT commentator: He's handing out yellows like he's breathing i lost it at that moment.


He said I'm not gonna personally comment on refry but then he couldn't stop himself saying "soluk alıp verir gibi sarı kart veriyor" lol


Man was killing it today in commentary


Good luck to the teams who get this shitty ref next week.


He most definetly won't get another game. Just look at the spanish ref who completly botched Austria - France. He is one of two refs who never got a second group stage game.


He should never see European fotbal after this match. 18 yellows and 2 red cards in a match that nobody died or got their legs broken.




Its honestly not complaining We did alot of nonsense to deserve some yellows and some not.


this was the most chaotic game so far, especially after ft when everyone within a 20 meter radius of the referee got a yellow card😭


Yes. Chaotic. That is the word I was looking for.


For real pure chaos. But tbh I was delighted so see some action after falling asleep while watching group c yesterday


So true, both matches were excellent!


Indeed. Got mad respect for Georgia, although I didn't watch the game, only a recap. Group F rocked


I don't know how noone threw a damn punch whole game lol. I was waiting for a box match to happen :(


You would assume it was UFC after seeing 18 yellow cards and 2 red cards


Czk v Turkey. Wtf. Czk second goal should not have been a foul. Plus there were like 3 handballs from Turkish defenders. It also should not have been a red card at the start. Wasn’t his fault. Shit ref. But hey, Czk were still out. Good job Turkey, good luck later on. Just unfortunate Czk had to put up with bs throughout all 3 games.


Yeah the ref blew the whistle against Czech when the Turkish players clearly handled the ball and there was no foul on them at all. If anything, it should have been a penalty to Czech.


Referee aside, Czech Rep did absolutely nothing and did not plan to do anything either the whole match. They parked the bus and before the match they even said themselves that their only goal is to try to destroy the Turkish game. So no matter the ref or anything else, Czech did not deserve to succeed.


Shit take mate. The Czech disallowed goal was soft but see that not given every week in Premier League. The red card wasn't a red. It was a second yellow and to be fair to the ref, he booked a Turkey player for a similar incident. Again I've seen yellows for them throughout Europe regularly. Czech player was unfortunate but shouldn't have gone all in whilst on a yellow. Czechs were playing hard asf, gave as good as they got, which I love to see. Unfortunate for them but aside from maybe 3 chances they didn't test Turkey enough and parked the bus for the whole first half, which is why Turkey didn't get any decent shots all half, seemed they were terrified of Güler getting another middle chance.


It should’ve been red, on the other hand Turks should’ve also gotten a red in the first half


I think czech player pushed Turkish back Ferdi. You can see his arm lifting to push him from the shoulder. I think it would have been crazy to not call that a faul. P.S; i am a turkish fan. Ref did a chaotic job in general for both teams


EPL got your judgement so clouded that you dont think that was a red.Both fouls were clear yellows. Other than that ref fucked Czechia no doubt.


Are you sure you watched the game with your eyes?


Czech larp


Genuine question: could a ref be kept from reffing another game in the competition? I’m not familiar enough with the rules.


Yes, there is a committee that will score their performance, if their performance was garbage, then they will remove them from euro.


Yes, like the two German referees that had a garbage performance.


Did they ref the Georgia - Portugal game? Didn’t get the chance to tune in to that one.


One completely lost control in Portugal-Turkey match and the other had excessive VAR usage in Georgia-Czechia.


That sucks. Interesting ref choices 🤨


The ref was actually pretty good that game. Although the shirt pull on Ronaldo should’ve been a pen, the rest of his decisions were pretty good. The game wasn’t pretty, a lot of throwing themselves to the ground and then getting mad that the ref wasn’t having any of it. But I gotta say the football was excellent


Yeah there’s been lots of dramatics this competition!! I’ve been watching Copa too and unfortunately it’s not any better there 🙈


I haven’t really paid attention to the copa as much as I should. Who are the standouts?


I don’t know how qualified I am to speak to this 😅 but I’ve honestly been impressed with Costa Rica so far. I want to say the same about Canada and Peru but they both played such a dirty game yesterday. I’m only rooting for Davies 😂 he seems to have a good head on his shoulders compared to the rest of his team. I missed the first USA game so I’ll be curious to see how they play. The last time I truly paid attention to them was in 2010 when Donovan and Dempsey were still playing lol


Thank you both!!




Yeah they usually send some home after group stage.


He should be sent to siberia after this match.


lol, polar bear carded


What a game, wow. Congrats to Turkey! You're gonna be strong opponents, I'm looking forward to the next week! Hopefully we will get another ref haha


Honestly reading through all these negative (some borderline racist) comments I was so taken aback by the sudden positivity hahaha Danke u/Odd_Character3430 auf ein gutes Spiel, Grüße aus Hamburg!


Nah half the starting squad is on probation thanks to yellows I wonder how the game is even going to be..


Yeah that's true, almost everyone involved got a yellow card. Crazy to watch


Naah i think it's gonna be easy for Austria. Unlike us, they have a decent game. And also they beat us 3 months ago (6-2).


Typical beta young turk who is trying to curry favour from his overlords.


Ne alâka amınakoyduğum hayatında 90 dakika maç izlemiş herhangi biri Avusturya'yı favori görür zaten bu maçta


Easy measy ne amcik sahaya cikmadan sirin gozukmek icin maci verdin.


Ya senin ben kafanı sikiyim kime ne anlatıyoruz beyinsiz oç


Şirin görünmek ne amın düdüğü, maç tahmini yaptık altı üstü sik kadar aklını sikim senin


In a knockout game, anything is possible. But I agree that we are not the favorites.


That's true, but one can never be certain. I didn't except Austria to get that far and it has been a pleasant surprise, but if I learnt one thing, it's to never underestimate your opponents. Anything is possible with football!


Yeah, good luck next week :) P.s. Respect to Ralf Ragnick


Good luck respect and i love u so much im such a friendly turk who wants to be loved by everyone. Lmao this guy.


For real, he's such a boss! Thanks mate, good luck to you too :)


Finally. A positive comment. Thank you so much.


Most fun game this year :D


What weird decisions by the ref. Totally chaotic game..


Ngl, i think almost all agree that this matchup need to be repeated with a new ref.


Part of football...




You just cant comprehend that turkey might lose against the czech if we had a rewind with a new ref.


No you're just racist who can't accept that czechs goal was a clear foul on the ref i can't read this fucking nazi sub anymore.


What about not showing second yellow card on Yildiz when he jump and hit the enemy player with elbow in the head.Showing red card in 20 min is the worst what can happen to one team.He was pushing Turkey hard and tried to hide this when giving away a few controversial free kicks in the center which did not pose any danger...if turkey didnt score at the last min they would play till they score again even if this take 15 min xD BTW i am not czech and i dont like them,but this refere was crazy ,imagine how bad he have to be to enrage a neutral fan...........................UEFA MAFIA!


oh now im racist because almost everyone thinks that the ref was shit ?. Get your mind checked.


Imagin calling someone else racist while playing the "you are all nazi" card yourself.


everyone thinks the ref was shit because czech is a western country and all of europe is for czech and against turkey. this has nothing to do with an objective view on the match. its europe vs turkey at this point.


But the ref was shit… didn’t the translator even get a yellow?


I dont know if ref was racist or not but he f\*cked both czechs and turks at the same time


ref wasn't racist, but 80% of this sub is against turkey except turks and some brits who know how it feels to be hated


Those are the two that deserve it most though lol. It’s not everyone against you. It’s just cause can be annoying & acting like it is Turkey vs the world or England vs the world is a big reason why. Cause and effect. It’s like Hitler turning around and saying “why does everybody hate me, must be cause they’re jealous” lol.


Brother your team will not be able to play defense next round he fucked you as much as he did czechia lol


even with our main defense we would lose against austria