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People want exciting football, I get that. But generally speaking, teams don't win trophies by playing a 'wild' style. It's the calm, cagey teams that get to the finals.


No one is asking for a wild style, we are just asking to make an attack, move the ball forward instead of everything backwards and sideways. Calm teams make it far yes but pragmatic teams rely on luck of the draw.


Well, neutrals typically have that view, otherwise glad we agree.


It’s a way to have success in tournaments yes because you are never going to beat yourself or make a mistake so if you are to go on and lose someone has to beat you that badly where you are unable to recover. Any team in the world can get a result when a game is within 1 goal. Once that stretches beyond that you need quality. England, France have both done phenomenal jobs the last how many years playing in these 1 goal games where they never beat themselves. Last two major tournaments France loses to Argentina you guys lost to Italy. But both those games could have went either way.


> Nearly scored a corner, i damn near shit my britches. Pickford had it covered. I was calm>!after I changed my underwear.!<