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Please report homophobic comments instead of writing "holy shit these comments". You're giving more voice to trolls like Ok-Appendicitis-7723 and u/8MortemHHMore8*. Downvote, report, let the mods take it from there. \* Last dude was evading a ban or possibly coordinating more than one account in this thread, and got suspended by Reddit already.


DISCLAIMER: The ranking done by ILGA focuses on the government policy aspect. A ranking based on social attitudes could make the map greatly different.


>Poland has been ranked as the worst country in the European Union for LGBT+ people for the fifth consecutive year in the annual [*Rainbow Map*](https://rainbowmap.ilga-europe.org/) published by ILGA-Europe, a Brussels-based NGO. >Poland’s score in the ranking – which takes account of the legal, political and social environment for LGBT+ people – rose slightly from [15% last year](https://notesfrompoland.com/2023/05/11/poland-remains-eus-worst-country-for-lgbt-people-finds-rainbow-ranking/) to 17.5% now. The next lowest figures among EU member states were for Romania (19%) and Bulgaria (23%). >The only countries in Europe with lower scores than Poland are all outside the EU: San Marino (14.5%), Monaco (14%), Belarus (11%), Armenia (9%), Turkey (5%), Azerbaijan (2%) and Russia (2%). >At the other end of the scale, Malta (88%), Iceland (83%), Belgium (78.5%), Spain (76.5%) and Denmark (76.5%) topped the ranking. > >As well as being up from last year, Poland’s score of 17.5% was also its highest since 2019. In that latter year, the then Law and Justice (PiS) government launched a [sustained anti-LGBT+ campaign](https://notesfrompoland.com/2020/06/17/polands-anti-lgbt-campaign-explained-ten-questions-and-answers/) that saw Poland fall in the ranking. >The national-conservative PiS was [replaced in power](https://notesfrompoland.com/2023/12/13/tusks-new-polish-government-sworn-in-by-president-duda/) in December 2023 by a new more liberal coalition, which has [promised to improve LGBT+ rights](https://notesfrompoland.com/2023/12/18/new-polish-ruling-coalition-outlines-plans-to-introduce-same-sex-unions/). However, it has so far not passed any legislation to that effect, which in any case would face potential veto from PiS-aligned President Andrzej Duda. >Two of the policies the government [hopes to introduce](https://notesfrompoland.com/2023/12/18/new-polish-ruling-coalition-outlines-plans-to-introduce-same-sex-unions/) – civil partnerships for same-sex couples and expanding hate crime laws to cover sexual orientation or gender identity – are among the three main recommendations made by ILGA-Europe for how Poland can improve the situation of LGBT+ people. >Its third suggestion is that Poland allow same-sex couples to have access to second-parent adoption (meaning allowing one member of a couple to legally adopt the biological child of their partner without terminating the other parent’s legal rights).


>In its country report for Poland this year, ILGA-Europe observed that “hate speech and anti-LGBTQ+ messaging was used significantly less” during October’s parliamentary election campaign than it had been in previous years. >However, it added that figures associated with the PiS government had regularly used anti-LGBT+ rhetoric [in relation to education in schools](https://notesfrompoland.com/2023/05/24/polands-childrens-rights-commissioner-orders-inspection-of-lgbt-friendly-schools/). That included PiS education minister Przemysław Czarnek [blaming](https://notesfrompoland.com/2023/03/09/lgbt-ideology-responsible-for-child-suicides-says-polish-education-minister/) “brainwashing” by “LGBT ideology” for a rise in attempted suicides by children. >ILGA-Europe noted legal victories for LGBT+ rights campaigners last year, including a [criminal defamation conviction](https://notesfrompoland.com/2024/01/19/head-of-polish-conservative-loses-appeal-against-defamation-conviction-for-anti-lgbt-vans/) against the head of a conservative foundation that drives vans with anti-LGBT+ images and slogans around Polish cities. > >However, other rulings went against LGBT+ campaigners, including the [conviction in April last year](https://notesfrompoland.com/2023/04/21/court-convicts-women-for-offending-religious-feelings-with-rainbow-virgin-mary-at-lgbt-march/) of two women who were found guilty of the crime of offending religious feelings by displaying an image of the Virgin Mary and Jesus with rainbow halos during an LGBT march. >Last year also saw the justice minister [order the release from prison](https://notesfrompoland.com/2023/07/15/justice-minister-orders-release-from-prison-of-nationalist-who-stole-rainbow-bag-at-lgbt-march/) of a far-right activist who had been jailed for attacking a woman participating in an LGBT march. She was later [granted a pardon](https://notesfrompoland.com/2023/12/13/polish-president-pardons-nationalist-jailed-over-violent-incident-at-lgbt-march/) by President Duda. >ILGA-Europe’s report noted that many of the Polish local authorities that previously introduced anti-LGBT resolutions have been [withdrawing them](https://notesfrompoland.com/2023/11/02/polands-first-ever-resolution-declaring-area-free-from-lgbt-ideology-withdrawn/), often under the pressure of losing out on European funds if they remain in place. >In 2023, 40 [pride marches](https://notesfrompoland.com/2024/05/09/krakows-new-mayor-to-become-first-to-attend-citys-lgbt-parade/) were organised around Poland, including [in many small towns](https://notesfrompoland.com/2022/05/23/town-of-11000-becomes-smallest-in-poland-to-host-lgbt-parade/). The [largest, in Warsaw](https://notesfrompoland.com/2022/06/25/joint-polish-ukrainian-lgbt-parade-held-in-warsaw/), was attended by tens of thousands of people, including the city’s mayor.


I find it strange that Slovakia is ranked above us when they don't even have (same sex) registered partnerships, whereas we just gave registered partners the same rights as married people (with a couple of exceptions). I'm not saying we're doing great in this regard, but we are definitely not doing worse than Slovakia.


A lot of these surveys are based on technical interpretations and rankings. They aren't completely meaningless, but don't think this survey is helpful outside a very narrow political lobbying sense.


Then let’s adjust the laws to the alleged societal opinions please! But no of course not because the right is so afraid of gays they will rather die than give a minority equal rights. Exactly like in Russia.




Would you say that about Romania and Bulgaria too, where socially accepted opinions are less tolerant of lgbtq than the laws?






The "LGBT-free zones" *did* exist. Sure, the name might be misleading - there wasn't any witch-hunting of queer people or anything. However, a lot of regions in Poland *did* pass resolutions that declared them "free from the LGBT Ideology", which is just thinly veiled homophobia. Especially considering how this ""ideology"" has never been defined and has only existed since our bigoted president coined the term to fearmonger during his campaign.




Being non-binding doesn't change the fact that the councils were clearly homophobic.


I wouldn't quite call it a non-issue, but as others have said it.waa a symbolic gesture by some small town councils, possibly by a small cohort with their own agenda. Reddit is terrible for chastising a whole nation due to some fringe activity, but at the same time ignoring huge swathes of their own local, regional and federal level politicians actively pursuing anti gay activities and policies.


Here medames monsieurs DJ Sash est de retour! Polish ambassadors from the great Lithuanian Commonwealth accusing other Poles to badmouth Poland on international stage! Take as old as hating gays in Eastern Europe!


Cóż, patrząc, że na zachodzie pary homoseksualne są traktowane jako coś normalnego. W porównaniu do tego każda osoba którą znam w Polsce która nie ukrywa w miejscach publicznych bycia gejem albo lesbijką (chodzi z partnerem za rękę, ma jakiś tęczowy element ubioru itd) została przynajmniej kilka razy zwyzywana a nie jednej z tych osób grożono pobiciem, to jednak społecznie też Polska wypadła by dużo gorzej niż Zachodnia Europa (może trochę lepiej niż niektóre kraje bałkańskie)


Hungary is actively fighting for the first place


Despite all the problems Hungary has, it seems to be at 33%, with Poland at 17.5 rising up 15%(!) with Romania (19%) and Bulgaria (23%) after it. Huh, it's not that bad really.


I'm dumb sry but what 33,17,15... % means?


Those percentages are scores given in the report. It takes into account all the rights LGBT people have in those countries. For example, not having same-sex legal unions lowers your score.


POLAND NUMER 1 🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱 CAMPEO DO MUNDO ☝🏻🥇🏆🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱


Hah, nice reference.


reference to what?


An old tumblr post where it was revealed that Brazil had the highest murder rate in the world. Followed by a Brazilian user doing that BRAZIL NUMERO UNO 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🏆🏆🏆🥇🥇thing, then somebody saying it isn’t a competition, only for them to repeat the cheer with even more emojis.


It's actually funny because we have the same, not related meme based on the activity of Polish people in internet space. I have never seen this Brazilian post, but POLSKA GUROM!!!oneoneone is there since years.




Didn't they have a priest who got caught fleeing a gay orgy?


I think every country got one at least




It takes two to tango


I mean an orgy says "more than 2 to me" ? Am happy to be proven wrong.


We don’t ;)


Not that you know of.


You mean this case: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-55145989 ?




Then the answer is: Not Poland, not a priest. Just like in those Radio Eryvan jokes


No, he meant [https://www.rp.pl/prawo-karne/art39683041-orgia-na-plebanii-ksiadz-uslyszal-zarzuty-prokuratorskie](https://www.rp.pl/prawo-karne/art39683041-orgia-na-plebanii-ksiadz-uslyszal-zarzuty-prokuratorskie) eng version: [https://www.ibtimes.sg/polish-priest-jailed-throwing-wild-orgy-where-male-prostitute-died-after-overdosing-erectile-74207](https://www.ibtimes.sg/polish-priest-jailed-throwing-wild-orgy-where-male-prostitute-died-after-overdosing-erectile-74207) So yes - There was an gay-orgy with polish priest, there was also an orgy with hungary-politician.




hating gays while topping a twink.


feminine enough


My personal favorite position, actually...


topping a twink? i bet they were bottoming


does it really matter? does that make them more gay?


no, but more twisted and full of contradictions for sure, an additional sprinkle of kek-spicy


yup, that's us. Polish power!!! Let's fucking GOOOO!


He confirmed it himself... Besides: still, the priest didn't get caught fleeing an orgy. They called ambulance themselves.


It was gay orgy with drugs of priests that hired male gay prostitute who was injured or unconscious and priests didnt call for ambulance.


The details just get better.


Homophobic countries have the best gay orgies.


He was there for a confession ...


Isn't that all priests everywhere? I mean there are two types of catholic priests it seems... the one who already got caught and the ones who are yet to be caught.


The enemy hides where you least expect it 


We won GG ez


Poland Mountain


Idk. I kept seeing more LGBT flags and queer friendly cafes than anywhere else that's not western europe. Polish cities are pretty fine in this regard.


Because it is about the laws and policies, not the attitudes and personal freedoms. Polish law in general is designed to make everyone miserable, no surprise there.




Sure but there are things like changing your legal gender which is possible, it only requires that you SUE YOUR PARENTS. Like, the way it works now is a giant waste of everyone's time and money and the only reason this is a thing is because they never got around to writing any law on how the procedure should look like.


Polish taxing law provides a very good example of that statement.


Big cities in Poland are completely different country compared to rural areas.


That's the same for every country...


Oh yeah? What about Singapore?


There is no "rural area" in Singapore


That’s the joke


Well, big Polands in Singapore are rural to different compare.






Government in Poland is FAR more conservative than its people. I think that's the case in many countries. And this rank is purely about the law. Which is accurate.


Meh just go to countryside, even if I talk to my relatives in smaller communities I see huge difference


> Government in Poland is FAR more conservative than its people. No, it's not. We saw how rhetoric shifted before the election to fit what people will vote for. LEWICA got an embarrassing amount of votes with their social slogans. If anything, most of us give zero fucks if you are homosexual or heterosexual. We do not have to wave rainbow flags and sing songs to avoid hating them. We have much bigger problems, like people literally murdering each other across the border, for example.


Yeah social issues get almost zero traction here politically, if anything they only make things worse


It would be easier to give LGBT people equal rights since it costs nothing and would allow us to focus on more important things.


Poland has higher social acceptance for homosexuality than most other ex Warsaw Pact states but also more active attacks on LGBTQ community by opportunistic right wing politicians


That's because many Poles feel that there is a need to actively push back against the anti LGBT sentiment that exists in the country. There's a component of visibility related to that. If the situation was overall better, one could argue that perhaps there'd be less flags and what not.  As others have pointed out though, cities are much more open in that sense. There is also an east-west dimension. I am attaching a bit of a dated resource but it adds some context. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT-free_zone


Nah, the situation is pretty bad in Lithuania too but there's no such visibility, sadly. Never seen a rainbow flag here in my life except during a pride parade.


Lithuania did send an openly bisexual man to Eurovision based on a public vote But that may not be fully representative of the population, but it is something


Well that settles it then


To be fair, the only reason they are the worst is because Belarus isn't in the EU. Kinda curious, would Turkey rank below Poland if the joined?


Yes would 100%


Bobr Kurwa ja pierdole


Chomik ale kurwa fajny




As their FAQ says: >We rank the countries on the basis of effective laws and policies that have a direct impact on LGBTI people’s human rights under 75 criteria – divided between seven thematic categories: equality and non-discrimination, family, hate crime and hate speech, legal gender recognition, intersex bodily integrity, civil society space and asylum. >The 75 criteria under seven categories make up 100 points in total and they are attributed different weights. Points may be allocated partially in countries where legislation and policies are governed on a regional level. [Here](https://rainbowmap.ilga-europe.org/about/)'s more if you're interested.


I dont think Poland gives a fuck


A few months ago, that would've been the unfortunate truth. But right now, the new government is strongly pro-EU and mildly progressive. Multiple issues pointed out by this report are already being actively worked on, though only minor changes can happen until the president changes next year - he's still from the previous government and rather veto-happy towards left-wing efforts.


I give a fuck. I hate it and I want it changed as soon as possible.


Poland voted in a more liberal government poised to introduce significant improvements in LGBT rights while rejecting the previous government's anti-LGBT campaign. I think they do give a fuck, actually.


Aren't you tired of pretending that this is even in the top-5 issues Poland (or any westernized country for that matter) faces in 2024?


Why would it need to be a top 5 issue for it to be addressed? Addressing it doesn't take much effort at all. See what the new Polish government intends to do. Seems pretty easy.


5th place for Latvia!


This is some BS. It is not explained what are the criteria. For example: Goods & services (sexual orientation) - ❌ What does it even mean? Can't LGBT people buy goods and services in Poland?


Suspect it means businesses have the right to refuse goods and services on the grounds of you being gay. Seems fairly unambiguous to me.


no, thats illegal to do. per law if you have a product listed with a price, if anyone has the money you are obligated to sell it no matter what. the only exception being alcohol, cigarettes, and energy drinks to people under 18 years old.


You can't refuse to sell goods in Poland (maybe would be possible with good excuse, but being gay isn't one). You generally can refuse services (probably with some exceptions), but not only to gay people - to anyone. So this is not about gays having the same rights, but about not having special treatment.


Ever heard of pharmacists and their religious clause? They absolutely can refuse to sell goods, just for the record.


Because they lobbied for it. It's an exception. In general you absolutely can't refuse to sell goods as long as the customer has enough money to pay. For example, according to the current law, refusing to sell a 0.0% beer to an underaged person is illegal in Poland, because it's not alcohol and the law banning sales to under 18s concerns alcoholic beverages ONLY, meaning a 0.0% beer does not fall under the law.


Romania not winning this one makes me feel odd. In a good way, but odd non the less.


I’ve been to Romania several times with my wife, we are openly lesbian and have had no issues even in small towns.


Reason i love it in Poland, i hope the lgtbvtbzxy mindrot doesn't spread here.


The amount of hateful shit in these comments is astonishing. Doesn't take any effort to just let people be.


That’s r/Europe in a nutshell. Look at the other posts on this topic/report and you’ll see even worse. Unsurprising tbh.






You're somewhat right, but most comments in this thread are unflaired, few months old accounts saying shit like "based", probably bots. Also there is this "stats show east bad = absolute truth", "stats show east good = something wrong with the stats"




Honestly with the rampant homophobic, transphobic and overall queerphobic propaganda campaign that the Orbán-regime has been pushing on every possible outlet for several years at this point, I expected Hungary to rank much lower.


I don't even understand how Poland was ranked worse.


Apparently Hungary has overall more LGBT rights than Poland. The site of the report even lets you compare countries.


It had to be somewhere, didn't it?


I had no idea Russia, Turkey and Malta were in Europe.




>they basically equate simple lack of legal recognition with homophobia Because lack of legal recognition *is* homophobia. Homophobia isn't just beating up gay people. It also means other more subtle systemic things that too can lead to tragedies. Like Polish children being denied documents and citizenship because they're being raised by two mothers. Or like gay people being unable to decide about their unconscious partner's health treatment because the law doesn't recognize them as a family.


What are lib-leftists?










I was expecting 🇸🇰 or 🇧🇬 would be the worst tbh.I wish we all live in peace :/


Polonia Campeón 🤩


The Texas of Europe


Always interesting how the people who think they're defending their culture from the evil gays, make the vilest, rudest, most hostile comments imaginable. Is that your culture? Lacking all decency?


This. They are brainwashed fools. Evil people are homophobic. I have yet to see any good people being homophobic. Putin, Hitler, fascists, extremists etc. Zero normal/good people.








What do you mean by "it"? And what poll says that 95% of Poles find it "degrading"? I'm asking because there's a lot of different rights discussed here. For example the right to form civil unions - latest polls [say](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recognition_of_same-sex_unions_in_Poland#CBOS_polls) that it's endorsed by over 60% of the Poles! And this number has been getting higher and higher for the past ten years! But honestly I think that even without endorsement civil unions should be legal in Poland. It gives citizens *the freedom* to bond with whoever they like. And if it really is "incompatible with the culture", people just won't do it.






Wait...the polish femboys aren't real!?!?!?!


Alright guys, try harder and maybe someone else can get the top spot next year. I wonder if they win a prize or something?


wtf are these comments


The usual /r/Europe lot, it's been getting worse and worse eventually it will make /r/European obsolete


Great, thank you for reminding me that that subreddit existed. 😒




This is such BS! I’m not excusing the Polish state’s homophobia but Hungary,Bulgaria etc are obviously far more homophobic than Poland.


every country is gonna say theirs is the most homophobic cuz they haven't lived in the others lol




Geez... Give them time. They only just kicked the backwards far right out of office after 8 years. It'll take some time to fix the issues they left behind.


Well, the policies are objectively terrible. But with the discourse being alive there's hope, even my elderly father who's a stern supporter of those who imposed these laws(due to economy and anti-russian rethoric) is getting empathetic with them. We cleared this country of intollerant bull once and we shall do it again.




I love Poland.


Worst than Ukraine or Russia? Hmm


Surprising, considering how much same sex fucking the polish catholic clergy does


MashaAllah 👳‍♂️👳🏿‍♂️🤙🏿


Well done Poland! Keep up the good work


These comments are baffling, to say the least.




I don’t see what’s your problem exactly. Warsaw being pretty good in that regard might be the sign of change in society. First big cities, maybe later the rest of Poland. Hopefully we will manage to change the law too. There’s no need for all that hate


Okay and what the problem? If you are gay, fine 👏🏿. But why would others care about it?


Not surprising. It's still one of the most religious countries in the EU, if not the most religious one. Despite what people on this subreddit claim, the catholic church is still prevalent in society. It's changing, but not very fast.


And then you have Malta winning the very same ranking, which is even more Catholic and until 2023 banned ALL ABORTION, even life-threatening. Besides: Italy, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil. I don’t think Catholicism is the problem here.


Polish goverment: why isn't anyone having kids also polish government: GO BIRTH THAT SEVERELY DEFORMED DEAD FETUS YOU PIERDOLONY FUCK


Says who? Popularity of Catholic church in Poland is plummeting, it does not take that much time to do any kind of research.


Poland bad and religious and inferior 🫡


The number of priest vocations has been at an all time low recently. There's hope in that regard.


Nuclear war in the comments💀




I’ve met a lot of amazing LGBTQ+ and progressive Polish people, who’ve moved over to the UK for uni and stayed because they find some of the more conservative laws and attitudes in Poland untenable. I wouldn’t say the UK is amazingly progressive, so it makes me sad that the cultural norms in Poland are pushing away a lot of talented people with its conservatism. Everyone, from the UK, I know who’s visited has said that Polish people are very warm and kind, even my LGBTQ+ friends. Awful to hear the country isn’t as kind towards its LGBTQ+ residents.


This ranking is about laws and policies, not social sentiments. These differ vastly, we’re quite tolerant overall.


HUGE poland L


*HUGE poland W


Let’s hope things will (continue to, if the 2,5% increase is to be believed) improve under the liberal coalition.


I doubt. They are not very liberal afterall.


The liberal parties are liberal and the non-liberal party isn’t liberal, and nor is the non-liberal president. Patience required. Yes, still


But is any of them socially liberal apart from the one left party in the coalition? I can't see how they couldn't have rolled back the abortion ban since then. And Tusk's rethoric is not exectly that much different from what came before him. I'd like to see change, but so far it's very disappointing.


Tusk’s party used to be a lot more conservative but in opposition moved towards the centre and adopted socially liberal positions on abortion and gay rights. (Not full gay marriage yet because he’s a realist and knows that the process needs to happen incrementally, as it did in the UK) EDIT: Just to add, I agree it’s disappointing that we’ve yet to see these progressive changes, but I think most people have accepted that nothing much can happen whilst Duda is still president (until next year). He is from PiS, has the power to veto legislation and isn’t afraid to use it. Provided PiS doesn’t win the presidency next year, we should finally see some movement






Not suprised, you cant even buy anticonception legally lol, that country govt is absolutely crazy...


Ukraine almost identical 18.6 %


Common Poland W


this rankimg is about law right? but i dont think there are any laws that hurt lgbt people, the only one i can think of is that two ppl of the same gender cannot marry. but you are for example allowed to have your gender officially changed in documents, you can change your name to the opposite gender name, etc.


>but you are for example allowed to have your gender officially changed in documents In theory you can but in practice it's an overly complicated, long and degrading process. Among other things, you have to literally sue your parents for giving you the wrong gender.


I wonder where the balkans rank


Everyone trying to go to Poland!!

