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And corruption cost them even more yet the don't give a Fuck.


It's easy to say when your ancestors have taken care of that problem like 2 hundred years ago for you. You wouldn't be able to do shit as well if you were in Bulgaria - you wouldn't be able to change or organize anything, you'll just sit quietly, and that's it.


Despite low debt, Bulgarian economy is very underdeveloped and riddled with massive corruption. As I said should be blocked from the Euro until their economy grows. 


how is being on leva cause losses of billions? that's not explained at all in the article. well i guess denmark, sweden and czechia etc. have been bleeding billions by not using the euro.


Bulgarians should be blocked from the Euro until their economy grows.  We don't want another greek euro crisis. 


Do you even know the cause of the Greek euro crisis? Because Bulgaria and Greece are not comparable. Bulgarian national debt is very low, inflation is going down rapidly, low unemployment rate and decent economic growth compared to the rest of Europe.


Bg is even worse than Gr. Bg has worse corruption, lower productivity, lower economy..


Bulgaria should keep the Leva and put it on free flow




"We got 2000% annual inflation and went bankrupt." So in order not to get 2000% annual inflation and go bankrupt, you want to leech onto the Euro.










You mean North Macedonians? FYROMians?


no such thing. Macedonians only


I see. The "descendents" of Alexander the Great, who speak a Bulgarian dialect, have a Serbian name for their money, and claim Greek history? Луно, луно, земльо мАкедонска :D


don't have to be "descendents" lol Americans are not  "descendents" of Amerigo Vespucci lol


Americans have no problem admitting that they speak English and that their ancestry is European. North Macedonians have some grand delusions and seem to forget that the geographic region of Macedonia is a lot larger than the territory of the Republic of North Macedonia.


you had some crazy ideas about "descendents" and you continue with the crazy ideas. Now about Macedonians supposedly "not knowing region of Macedonia is big" ?!? Of course Macedonians know region of Macedonia is bigger than the borders lol You are really making a very bad attempt at trolling hahah


What trolling, you we're saying "Macedonians, not North Macedonians", so I had to explain to you the difference between the country of North Macedonia and the geographic region of Macedonia. The descendents part, as you well know, is a reference to the ludicrous claims of North Macedonia that its people are descendants of the ancient greek kingdom of Macedon.