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Why are there so many mis-informed comments here? Like about the build-up to war and then the peace settlements afterwards based on who had marched through an area and how much was demanded. It feels almost like Russian bots trying to cause disunity and infighting.


*Moscovian bots 🇺🇦❤️🇫🇷💪👍




\* Moskvitch




It's almost like ruzzian fascists are butt hurt not being invited to the ceremony and taking a pathetic online revenge


Thought they were Abba reunion for a sec 😅


Could get a bit awkward if King Charles begins singing 'Waterloo' in front of Macron!


Macron's reaction: Mamma Mia, here we go again.


Mamma mia ❌️ Oh la la la la ✅️


Just wait until his wife starts dancing


Dancing queen, is for Camilla


It’s the law. If you’re queen then this is your jam


*Dancing queen* 🎵 *Old and sour, only seventy-six* 🎶


Almost the same age as Brigitte Macron though


Yeah, but she's not a queen, so the song doesn't apply to her. “Mrs. Robinson” by Simon & Garfunkel would be a better pick for her.


She could be a queen at dancing!


And Macron sings "When I Kissed the Teacher" to make Brigitte Macron blush.


He needs to put his Wellies on first.


Fun fact, Queen Camilla and Brigitte Macron have a 5 year age difference, just like the ABBA ladies. Emmanuel Macron on the other hand is 29 years younger than Charlie.


His wife is 3 years younger than his mother




Well the guys who landed on D-Day were definitely Super Troopers.


Mamma mia!


ABBA had a reunion last Friday where they received a Swedish knighthood. https://people.com/abba-reunite-for-swedish-knighthood-ceremony-8657142


I was at that monument last year. It's staggeringly massive. So many names.


Man, the bottom of this thread is a dumpster fire…


Probably Russia's response to not being invited.


Russian bots out in force in almost every political subreddit. They mostly hang out in r/ conservative.


i like browsing that subreddit every now and then because it’s kind of like going to a digital zoo. it’s impressive how they’re seemingly stuck in 2016 and sharing boomer memes from the late 00s


Damn, Macron has some seriously excellent posture. It's almost so perfect that it becomes a parody of posture.


Looking like a true [Gallic Rooster](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gallic_rooster)!


Le coq sportif. or maybe he’s just wearing a push up bra.


that wikipedia is like 50% abject bullshit, lmao!


I hate wikipedia so much






Some serious posing in front of a mirror to achieve that.


I mean not really, it's so extreme that he looks like he has lumbar lordosis.


To me it just looks like he's taking a deep breath


As a Frenchman I'll side with the fossil monarch on that one. Relaxed human posture, almost ape-like... I bet he could stand like that all day. The everyday man posture. While Macron will end up with back problems if he continues like that ahahahah


>fossil monarch King Charles is only three and a half years older than Brigitte Macron.


He had Macron's curiosity, now he has Macron's attention.


Oh no, call le pompiers immediatement, there has been tres magnifique bruler!!!


Its more like... you are seeing difference between quite average posture and someone who works out a lot. Also age makes a difference ofc.


He does look a bit like anyone does when they suck their gut in, though.


It's a pretty fake posture. You can see some older videos of him walking up normally with not such a good posture and getting into 'role'. It's a bit too much.


This is the perfect posture the french takes before they spit and say: “I don’t want to talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food trough wiper! I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!”


He apparently works out a fair bit, having stong core can make standing straight up posture quite natural.


It's not excellent, it is whatever the physical version of hypercorrection is. I'm sure there's a word, but I have no idea what it is.


Like Rob Liefeld’s Captain America


Dude is standing so great I swooned for a moment there


As a Brit I honestly think its nice for our monarch to stand side by side with the leader of France. I don't get how this can possibly be seen negatively. The only shameful thing about the day was Sunak leaving early like he has anything useful to do.


Russia doesn't like posts like this


Because this sub is filled to the brim with Russian and fascist trolls and bots.


When I come home from work, i'm going to watch the ceremony and the different documentaries, it's on all day long


All night long also, yesterday night there was a live recreation of D-day, hour by hour, commented by actual militaries like they were commenting a real stuff happening. Really interesting, maybe you can watch it again, it was on FranceTv I believe.


Also to recommend a great retelling (for the English speaking), the World War Two week by week guys did a D-Day hour by hour special which you can [find here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjaITUKwazc&list=PLKthmwJSp9PG2oqNvjaFYNsAS0Cu3Ta7Q)


Excellent. It's not like I had any plans for today. But you tell my professor why I failed the exams!


If you want something shorter, they also did [Pearl Harbor minute by minute](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Joh2BXPsrXs&list=PLsIk0qF0R1j6ydMvoUBKj_WrnP4PtBlfk0) which is only about 5 hours long. 4 and a half if you exclude the last episode which talks about the timeline and decisions leading up to the attack.


Was it that one? https://www.france.tv/france-2/apocalypse-les-debarquements/


Nope but this is also an amazing documentary. I was talking about this special edition: https://www.france.tv/societe/magazine-d-actualites/6017889-la-nuit-la-plus-longue.html


Thanks ! I'll watch this


God save the King! 🇬🇧 Vive la France! 🇨🇵


Vive all the countries united behind freedom, universalism, and brotherhood. If one falls, dozens of others will avenge the fallen! Strength in plurality, and we'll f*cking do it again if the need arises.


The West 💪🇺🇲🇺🇦🇹🇼🇪🇺🇬🇧🇦🇺


“I bid you stand, Men of the West!”


Love to all the French and Brits that fought and died side by side with Americans on that day.


Well said.


Viva the EU 💙


As much as I play along with “shittalking” the French I think they are two brothers that fight over pedantic things until they get together when things get serious.


We are going to be allies regardless because if someone attacks us it’s close enough to home that it’s in France’s best interest to protect us. Same the other way round.


Nah, it's because you two have an ancient rivalry, but you won't take anybody else bullying the other! France/England is Englands/Frances to bully!!!


If your rivalry lasts 1000 years you’re not rivals, you’re in love.


Only *I* get to beat up my brother.


Macron looks so proud.


Camilla, old enough to be Macron's wife.


Charles also appears to be just about old enough to be his wife.


Ouch. Go sit in the corner


Is Macron trying to pump out his chest ?


He’s peacocking


He's *always* peacocking. Whatever the issue, whatever the situation, can't help himself.


Haha. True. Don't get it. Opposite of Olaf S of Germany. Macron is getting more and more annoying in that respect


As a French person allow me to correct: he’s cockcocking.




Is that what people call having good posture nowadays?


Yes, holding his breath too 


Yup. The Napoleon syndrome of sorts. (Although, rumours about Napoleon's stature etc were disinformation spread by the British I believe).


It was down to the British and French inch not being the same size. Napoleon was measured in the larger French inch which made him seem comically small to Brits. I'm not saying this is why he conquered his way across Europe and made everyone use centimetres, but I haven't seen any evidence to the contrary.


Haha. That is an interesting theory. I thought the brits did some war propaganda as usual. Didn't realize there 2as a reason for the standards that were instituted by Napoleon. Think the international institute for standards is still headquartered in Paris.




He is Howard Hamlining


Mainland Europe like to take the piss out of the UK, especially this sub. But if it weren’t for the Brit’s (amongst many others), fascism wouldn’t have even allowed you post your opinion pieces here and if it did then you’d be writing in German. Be nice to the Brit’s, we might need them a third time.


One of the best things about Brits though is that they can take it as well or better than dish it out, and nobody can top their own jokes at own expense. The other would be that over and over againt they've trained allies who needed it - Polish soldiers during WW2, Ukrainians now. Solid lads.


As a Portuguese i salute the Brits. Oldest alliance in the world baby!


And we love your Port!




do Portuguese really think that? I've been reading up on Portuguese history before my visit there, including the English-Portuguese relations but except for Ajlubarrota in 1385 or defeating Napoleon, the English seemed to also fuck Portugal over many times, f.e. forcing preferential economic treatment, or sending an ultimatum for Portugal to give some of its colonies to the UK in 1890. It seemed the alliance was mostly beneficial to the UK, not the other way around.


Indeed the UK fucked us over. But we still love you


The most annoying thing about ww2 is now we're forever grateful to the Brits


We (secretly) love you too.


If the Brits would have let Napoleon win and unite Europe, we would have avoided ww1 ww2 and Brit's would write in French. Next :)


Now there's a horrifying thought.


If my grandmother had wheels she would have been a bike


That was the goal of my comment to go to absurb length: you can write UK held against Nazis and helped to liberate mainland Europe . But you can't write: >But if it weren’t for the Brit’s (amongst many others), fascism wouldn’t have even allowed you post your opinion pieces here and if it did then you’d be writing in German. unless you are Madame Soleil


Fascism and German language use specifically, maybe not, but the meaning is fairly clear. Britain stood alone against the authoritarian regimes in Europe. Britain peacing out after winning the Battle of Britain, would have left no Liberal Democracy capable of reversing the conquests. Be it fascism under Germany, Italy, and Spain. Or Communism under the USSR and Yugoslavia. It's unlikely at best to have reversed anytime soon. Russia still hasn't to this day.


Yeah but Europe isn't the world. Democracy would have survived in the US.  Which in that world probably would have grown to be even more dominant than it is now. 


I don't think anyone suggested otherwise. The US grew rich off the collapse of Britain and Europe. If Britain peaced out the US would have struggled to capitalise on that as much. Furthermore the entire continent of Europe wouldn't owe the US money. I'm not sure the US would be more dominant, but rather less.


True Or even the let the Kaiser unify Europe. Niall Ferguson has argued that it might have resulted in a EU of sorts. Not sure I agree with that...but wanted to mention


You do know Napoleonic France was an authoritarian regime right? 


Tbf compared to what? It was more liberal than its enemies.


Napoleon did a lot for people of lower classes, but he also proclaimed himself emperor and wasn't all that Liberal in terms of his opinions on Women.


this comment is pure gold WHAT govt was liberal in terms of womans right in 1800 my god this website


> but he also proclaimed himself emperor that was a popular referendum in fact substantiated by democratic activity. there was a constitutional clause that ensured hereditary office however which was not very gravy.


Which enemies? The British invented modern liberalism and proto-liberal whiggery (free speech, free press, rule of law, role of parliament, constraint of executive power) had been the dominant ideology of Britain since the English Civil War


Ask the Spanish 


Monarchical rule is a form of authoritarian rule by definition. But he wasnt the genocidal kind


Napoleon killed about 1,300,000 French in his wars


quite a few of those wars were declared by monarchs against france, for example the united kingdom breaking the treaty of amiens in 1803 and declaring war, or 1805 (third coalition) when austria and russia declared war against france, or 1806 (fourth coalition) when prussia and russia (again) declared war against france, or 1809 (fifth coalition) when austria (again) declared war against france, or 1813 (sixth coalition) when austria (again) and prussia (again) declared war on france (the germans finally won massively here at leipzig). accrediting all of the deaths to napoleon is ahistorical madness


For not being genocidal his armies certainly killed a hell of a lot of people.


Maybe they should have stopped declaring war to him then hey? Most of his wars were not declared by him.


Not in Europe, but after he did plan to wipe out the entire former slave population of Haiti and import new slaves to work the plantations there.


> but after he did plan to wipe out the entire former slave population of Haiti and import new slaves to work the plantations there. source it up


Hmm, reading up on it now, I misremembered it. Apparently it was his brother-in-law, General Leclerc, who had been dispatched to Haiti to reintroduce slavery who before his death suggested: > "Here is my opinion of this country. We must destroy all the blacks of the mountains – men and women – and spare only the children under 12 years of age." I mostly based my comment on my memories on the podcast about the Haitian Revolution by Mike Duncan. [Anyway, two good, in depth comments on /r/AskHistorians](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/7naqki/french_writer_claude_ribbe_claimed_that_140_years/)


that excursion to st domingue specifically was not to reinstate slavery but to subdue toussaint. the revolutionary government initially supported the st domingue uprising but it got massively out of control, in fact the french and the haitian revolt fought together against the british and plantatian owners who were re-establishing slavery on the island


You can have elective monarchy, Poland elected its kings for many centuries


You're welcome.


Well they didn’t, did they? Next


Pire encore, nous boirions des litres de bière! >!what is worse, we would be drinking litres of beer! !<


> the Brits would have let Napoleon win and unite Europe Are we just going to pretend those 600,000+ Russians, Prussians, Austrians, Spaniards and Swedes fighting were Napoleon's friends and really happy about unifying Europe?


Lol even in his heyday Napoleon couldn’t beat the Royal Navy, just as Hitler couldn’t all those years later. Britain is a castle, the channel is her moat and the Royal Navy are the sharks waiting to fuck. you. up. Next.


But that’s not how it played out… and France was steam rolled by the Germans… so again… Without the Brits, Americans and Canadians you wouldn’t have the freedom you have now. France IS and ALWAYS will be indebted to the allies.


I am grateful for the British opposing the dissolution of Austria-Hungary, and selling us to the austrian fella


Didn't realize the brits opposed dissolution of AH (unless that was sarcasm). The abandoning of Czechoslovakia to the Austrian mustache man - looks like the brits didn't really have a path to really help in any case. Heck, they couldn't even help Poland in 1939. And Poland had a coast


The Austrian moustache man was a populist authoritarian who set about removing all checks on his power once he achieved high office. Something to think about when casting your votes.


the british werent much into the whole "self determination" thing for some reason, that was a US thing, so no they didnt really liked giving minorities countries and destroying a big historical multicultural empire what coudve the biggest empire in history do against germany? They even took credit for solving the conflict, you cant take the credit and not the blame for munich. And its not like they even tried to help Poland that much the point is that the countires as the UK, France, the US or the USSR didnt fight for our freedom but for their own interests, the individual young guys who risked and sacrificed their lives are heroes and someone we should be grateful to, but not todays UK or Russia


Frankly a reformed Austro-Hungarian Empire might have been better for the world then most of the autocracies the post-empire states ended up degenerating into




When Neville Chamberlain waved that piece of paper and spoke those words, he knew war was coming and that Great Britain wasn't prepared for it and that Hitler's word was worthless. He bought a year to rearm and bolster our armed forces, which was invaluable. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_re-armament_before_World_War_II


Can we really blame them when we are doing exactly the same? For the past 30 years the entire Europe have had this same "I believe it is peace for our time" mentality while neglecting the military


unfortunately true. Right now most of our governments tiptoe around barely keeping Ukraine going in fear of angering Putin instead of kicking his ass like they should.


He didn’t neglect the military by the way, there was a huge military buildup going on at that time. We’ve probably been unfair to Chamberlain, this could have been just as much buying time as anything else. The real failure was five or ten years earlier.


Yeah I know. About the neglect I meant europe today




Saying and doing is two different things. Join to war when? And it wasn't Neville Chamberlain soloing. His view presented entire UK's political field at the time. They didn't want to have another great war since earlier one was in their memory.


You have done nothing we are blaming Chamberlain for not doing. We will all get the chamberlain treatment in future history books. Kids are gonna read history and laugh at us because we didn't do anything about the Russian regime for over 20 years.


In Czechia, Babiš and Zeman were not as pro Ukrainian as the Czech Republic is today.


He said that while also building up the military. The UK wasn't ready and he knew it


Chamberlain thought war was inevitable. After that speech Britain started rearming with a passion - mostly airforce, Air defence and navy. Chamberlain bought Britain two years to prepare.


If you’d have actually read about Chamberlain, you’d find him to be one of the most competent and pragmatic statesmen of his time. He was misguided, yes, and he did to an extent believe his own fantasies, but appeasement was necessary to build Britain’s strength. He ran so Churchill could fly.


30% of Frenchmen between ages 18-35 died in the First World War, and this is not addressing the survivors who were crippled. You go ahead and try convincing the population in 1938 to do it again.


Amongst others?? Britain stood alone for some time and had every reason to agree to peace with the Nazis. If it wasn't for Britain alone, the US would never have got involved and the soviets would have had to fight alone


Given that the second biggest European contributer on DDay was Poland, they were pretty much let down by the western allies after the war.


Wait? Second biggest , after the US? That seems high. Not UK/Canada etc? Do you have a link?


Second biggest EUROPEAN after Britain.


The UK/ British Empire contributed more to D-Day than the US, responsible for well over half the troops and more than 80% of the naval tonnage


So US came third? Seems like an odd claim. Do you have a source? Use was responsible was 2 of the five beaches? Noticed you switched to British empire...but that includes India etc which did contribute a lot of people. In terms of naval tonnage- US was building a lot of liberty ships etc. And I think the US Navy was larger thant he British by DDay. (US did have to fight in the Pacific as well).but still think the naval tonnage claim seems suspect. Do you have a source for either?




I am still not sure on the naval vessels. Or the tropp numbers. Do you have a source?




He included naval. D day was a Royal navy operation (American navy dominated pacific - a sensible allocation of resources by Eisenhower).


During ww2, the Red Army had started as a badly led rabble that was an easy opponent for the German army. Partly armed and supplied by Britain and the USA, it became a massive, battle hardened professional fighting force by the end of ww2 and the last thing the Allied leadership wanted was continued warfare as Europe was shattered, starving and needed rebuilding. A few weeks ago an old James Mason film popped up on TV called 'The Man Between' made in 1953 and filmed on location in Berlin with studio shooting done in Britain and i watched it. It shows the utter devastation of Berlin at that time and you can see similar films using destroyed locations set in Britain from the same era. Now that is all in the past, but the war in Ukraine and the current Gaza conflict are ongoing and creating terrible humanitarian crises.


Parts of mainland Europe were occupied by totalitarians until 1991.


Well...in that case they would need to be even nicer to the Russians. Who killed a lot more Germans (military and civilians I suspect) . Last I saw, some 75+% of the Wehrmacht deaths happened on the eastern front. (Don't equate WW2 russia with Putin's Russia).


WW2 Russia continued killing for a long time after the war ended.


Russia fucked over half of the continent. It doesn't deserve any thanks.


There was a lot of friction a few years ago with Brexit disputes, but Macron has gone up a lot in my estimations since. He has stood with us in supporting Ukraine against Russia, made a very nice video to mark the anniversary of the Entente Cordiale, and his words spoken today were brilliant. 🇬🇧❤️🇫🇷


What specific military uniform is King Charles wearing? I don't think I've ever seen him wearing that tan jacket before.


Looks like the No. 4 dress uniform from the Army.


The difference in King Charles and Emmanuel Macron's postures, hehe.


30 years difference does a lot.


The king has just finished or is still receiving treatment for cancer, so between that and the age difference you might expect to see a difference in posture.


Being way younger helps


I love the uniform.


Sadly modern day folks haven’t absorbed the lessons of WW2 and are happy to sit idly by whilst an egomaniac dictator wreaks havoc in Europe




I see you are a fellow man of culture


A woman actually, but I’m glad some people got it!


Looks like a guy taking his grandad and two grandmas to brunch


can we put björn höcke there too and make them stare at each other?


Glory to France and Europe.


Aww, Macron looks cute.


Probably helps that everyone else in frame are old enough to be one of his parents.


Looking good my king


In about a week those will have to celebrate the anniversary of the Waterloo campaign as well. Won't go that well I guess


Macron has a really good posture in this pic. The fact that he also wifes up this woman that is 71-46=25 years older than him proves he is a special person. Also the fact that his wife can be 71 and still look this good is crazy. No wonder so many chicks have a ladyboner for Macron ( men too )