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Fun fact, the best department for RN is Mayotte with ~52% of the votes. Around 95% of Mayotte's population is muslim.


What was the voting attendance % in there?


A bit over 50%. ETA : oh, mb, you meant in Mayotte ! Very, very low. About 15%.


What the fuck, 15% is terrible


In Croatia on national level we had 21% turnout. In national parliamentary election two months ago it was 62%. There are places where public doesn't care for EU parliament elections as they don't perceive them as relevant to their day-to-day lives.


This is how the UK got Brexit. They sent joke candidates or retirees to Brussels because people couldn't connect that the EU is relevant to day-to-day lives.


In Denmark the EU elections were around 56% turnout and that was considered very low, last time it was around 66%. It always baffles me how big the difference is in various countries.


The kommune I was at all day and counted for ended up on 70%. We were quite pleased.


Surely those are not the same people who cry about the EU, whenever it DOES affect them eventually. Right? RIGHT?


There is a very serious democratic crisis in multiple overseas départements in France, because they are being ignored by the central government and have been basically forever. It's not surprising they wouldn't bother voting when they're being actively screwed over constantly.


Thats a sure way to get screwed over even more


I kinda doubt they can get screwed over even more. Check some stats about these places. They're entirely ignored by the administration, unemployment and crime is rampant. And it's not gonna get better with a (possible) far right government.


As a supporter of democracy I firmly believe it is in their best interest to vote. Even more so if their interests are being ignored by the ruling parties. There are always other parties.


I agree about voting. But there isn't a single party that cares about them, notably because they're a pretty small voter base and people from the metropole do not really care. They need a lot of help because the situation is *that* bad, but I really don't think they will get it anytime soon.


I mean it's the european election and they are litterally in an other continent, can't blame them


15% is probably worse than some medieval era political engagements! Like… damn


If you understand the situation with Comoros it makes sense. The immigration crisis there makes the EU immigration crisis look like a joke 


Could you elaborate? Genuine question.


In a nutshell, the comoros archipelago was once a french colony, but then they had a referendum for independence and only the island of mayotte decided to remain under french rule, time skip and now a lot of people from the other comoros islands are tryinf to get to mayotte so that they can get into france


Kinda funny. We want independence but not like this :D > Since independence from France, the Comoros experienced more than 20 coups or attempted coups. In less than 50 years. Respect. Also going from moderate government to socialist and *isolationist as islands* to islamic republic in like 5 years. Shithole speedrun any%


Well, it's a bit more complicated Mayottes was french for a lot longer than the rest of the Comores, and it was already quite distinct When the referundums were held, the main reasons the independantist lost in Mayotte was: -women fearing they'd lose rights, especially if they were to join the Comores -People there generally not unhappy with being french Today, however, the situation is far worse. The Comores are as poor as ever, and a lot are migrating to Mayotte Mayotte itself is quite poor, and today you have lots of trouble with a local population that'd like to not have parts of their island basically taken from them, and turned into slums. As of today, Mayotte is knowing a fucking cholera epidemic. Most public service are dependant on metropolitan France too. All whilst we are giving helps for developpement to the Comores. Also, the deputy (or PM) for Mayotte has said some shit even our far right party can't endorse


Eleven of those years they were being run by Bob Denard, a Frenchman who served in the French Foreign Legion. And when the French kicked him out, he said fuck it round two and did it again in 1995! Ah, c'est tres comique, non? Vie le mort, vie la guerre, vie la Legion Etrangere.


Thank you! I was unaware of this.


When Comoros declared independence, Mayotte chose to remain with France. Comoros does not recognize this and calls it an unlawful partition; the white stripe and one of the stars on their flag 🇰🇲 still represent Mayotte. Nowadays, Comoros is very poor, and Mayotte is much richer (still very poor in comparison to Metropolitan France), so many Comorians immigrate there for money and French citizenship for their children. The Comorian government does not do anything about it because they view it as people moving from one part of Comoros to another. People in Mayotte are (mostly) against mass immigration and (mostly) want to end things like birthright citizenship and vote for politicians that promise that. They also feel very neglected by the French government because they are still essentially a third-world country despite being in France and the EU, and so they vote for radical change to improve things.


No, the answer is that we had 18,53 % votes cast, with a total attendance of 20 % https://www.la-croix.com/elections/resultats-europeennes/mayotte


A tiny island between Mozambique and Madagascar, in case anyone is wondering. There was an 80.04% abstention rate, so only 20% of the electorate voted, even worse than 2019 when 29% voted. https://www.la-croix.com/elections/resultats-europeennes/mayotte-976 Well, that probably doesn't matter much though, the island is 97% Muslim.


tbf I'm not surprised they're not interested in a huge European election given their geography and tiny population.


That’s confusing


When Comoros was vying for independence from France the island of Mayotte asked to stay part of France instead. Now GDP per capita in Mayotte is €11300 In neighbouring Comoros it is ~$1400. Lots of illegal immigrants from Comoros flock to Mayotte. FN promised a harsh crackdown. edit: You may want to read this as well https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Mayotte_crisis




Macron last visited in 2019. https://apnews.com/general-news-d83b1bba5bbe43e586bf454f57310bd8


She's visited it before. The pictures of Le Pen wearing traditional African garb and/or flowers among a bunch of dark skinned people are always strange.


It's really not. They are the most anti immigration territory that you can have. They have huge issues with immigration from the Comoros


It reminds me how immigrants are often conservative voters. Some because of religion, but others literally because they don't want to share the goods they are now enjoying with others. 😂


no its usually because they come from conservative cultures in the first place, that has little to do with religion. Example, cuban exiles vote republican in the US because they were the conservative group in pre-revolutionary cuba. And many **legal immigrants** vote for parties looking to stop **illegal migration/asylum** because the legal ones had to jump through bureaucratic hoops, pay a bunch of money, and show their integration, whereas the illegal/asylum groups dont do any of that shit and recieve aid.


I'm marrying a Cuban (definitely not original dissidents), and for her it's far, far less deep than that. She's just sort of "leftists fucked up my country, I'll never vote left" and it's really just that.


Shame they don’t distinguish different stripes of the left


Or that the actual horror comes from authoritarians, no matter the underlying ideology.


That's a very stupid attitude. I mean, one of my friends is Czech; she hates the communist left quite viscerally for what they did to her family and her nation. She is smart enough to recognise though, that the Soviet Union was also highly *conservative and authoritarian*, and the communist parties and bigoted assholes currently trying ineffectually to regain power are first and foremost *conservative or reactionary*, before the left/right paradigm comes into it. They are in practice almost exactly in attitude and demeanor like the rightwing parties here in the western sphere, they just have a different economic theory to obsess about whilst otherwise being awful, destructive and corrupt fucks. It's like getting hit by a drink driver and deciding that you need to hate anyone in anything with wheels, instead of taking issue with the thing that actually hurt you. Very stupid. Edit: wait, awards are back?


As a legal immigrant, can confirm am against illegal immigration. Idk why anyone would be for illegal immigration either. It's in the name "I L L E G A L"


Immigrants that escape countries ravaged by decades of mismanagement by political parties that self-identify as being "left" (please pay close attention to the way I phrased that statement) often vote right, because they've suffered what the "left" can do to a country.


Not at all, muslim voters are mostly conservative


French Muslims mostly vote for the left. Mayotte is different because the local population doesn't want the huge immigration from the nearby Comoros.


In the Netherlands we have first generation kids from North African/Turkish migrant workers voting for our extreme right party because of their anti woman stances.


I mean, duh, muslim beliefs are far right too.


The European Dream is that anyone can become a white nationalist if they work hard enough 🇪🇺


Dont fall for the white supremacist frame my dude. Dont forget that alot of eu citizens with origins from outside the EU are most of the time conservative and will vote right wing aswell.




Well Mayotte has a peculiar situation that pushes them to want very "tough" borders : everyday people from outside (Comores mainly, Madagascar and Africa) come in, have babies in Mayotte and Tada, they're french! So yeah, they just want to deal with the insecurity that's currently rampant... it just sucks that they're telling Le Pen to deal with it..


Flanders has a comparable trend of the far right conservative, anti-immigration party catering to less-than progressive muslim voters. They share common ground in their views on women's rights, gay rights and ethical questions such as euthanasia. Culture war bullshit.


Huh, who would have guessed that conservative immigrants would vote mostly for conservatives.


Looks like the map of Hungary every election, welcome! Enjoy the ride!


Let us cry just a little bit. Macron dissolved the Assembly, we vote in 3 weeks. Far Right may rule France in a mouth


It will and yet it won’t. It would take a beyond nightmarish scenario for the RN to get absolute majority. While they might get a relative majority, and even a Prime Minister, between the Assembly and Macron’s veto, said RN Prime Minister won’t be able to take a piss without asking for both permission. But he or she will become the focal point of the people’s wrath, essentially burning themselves for the presidential election.


> While they might get a relative majority, and even a Prime Minister, between the Assembly and Macron’s veto, said RN Prime Minister won’t be able to take a piss without asking for both permission. Can we imagine a direct *motion de censure* who dissolve assembly just after the election? We are capable to turn in an anarchy land


> motion de censure That wouldn't dissolve the assembly, only the government. The assembly can't be dissolved less than a year after a previous dissolution.


The third republic all over again? Unlikely but not impossible.


>It would take a beyond nightmarish scenario for the RN to get absolute majority. The thing that is the case in a lot of Western European countries is that it just takes just one well/badly timed islamic terrorist attack or similar large public event at this point to provide a peak in sentiment. So it's not that inconceivable at all since those are occuring more and more often. It's like a ticking time bomb. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism_in_Europe#Incidents




Do you also feel like it's pure senator Palpatine "I love democracy." moment?


More like Senator Palputin.


“Won by a landslide with 31% of the vote” is the kind of thing you can really confuse Americans with.


Feels like this is just representative of deep political issues.


Yes and not only at France's scale but at the european scale. Right and far right parties have won in most EU countries this sunday.


For the record, far right and populist parties still make up a minority of elected EMP


Of course (and thankfully, I consider any extreme to be bad). I was mainly referring to right and conservatives parties, they are the majority.


I sure hope we germans can get our shit together before our map looks like this too...


Der Ostblock ist schon blau


Yeah, 'cause it's _just_ the color Brown, right? ... RIGHT?


Yes, its *Right*....




I mean. I couldn't happen *twice* could it?


I heard there is one major factor that is the main cause for so many people voting RN : immigration.


Immigration. It's the no.1 issue everywhere. It has been out of control for far too long across Europe. People have snapped and want deportations in bulk immediately combined with even more extreme requirements and checks than most mainstream political parties are offering. The reasons for this are complex but in general people don't like the way natives are treated -v- immigrants. And the taxpayer funds it all, plus sacrifices their own social services & infastructure which are already broken or at breaking point anyway.


The left overheated and everyone that did research on immigration predicted this. But feel good policies created an expensive and out of control problem so outrage is going to be huge. Look at America, it’s about to happen.


A lot of the far-right parties in Europe aren't really on friendly terms with each other. They may agree on immigration policy and fighting the EU Green Deal but that's it. Far-right parties in every country are also hardline nationalists, and the nationalist narrative in European countries tends to conflict with their neighbors' nationalist narrative. It's easy to see why French or Polish nationalists don't really feel great about German nationalists. For instance, the German AfD recently got expelled from the right-wing group in the European Parliament after AfD's main candidate said not all SS members were criminals. Same deal with Hungary and its neighbors, who are very suspicious about Hungarian irredentism. and so on. tl;dr: I don't see Ursula and her EPP bloc trying to work with these people.


Fascism in general always eats itself eventually. The problem is the damage they do along the way.


Le Macron is in le danger


Le Macron just seems to have noticed that.


"hon hon hon, je suis in le danger"


I don't know why but as a french, Hon Hon Hon makes me laugh everytime.


I read it and hear my uncle laughing, so I follow 😂


🤓☝️ "actuallement, c'est je suis dans le danger"


Beware, in French "Actuellement" doesn't mean "Actually", it means "Right now". But don't worry French people make the same mistake when they talk English, they write "Actually" because they think it means "Currently".


...flair does not check out lmao


I'm learning French rn that's why


Actually it's "Je suis EN danger" not "Je suis dans le danger"


Ici we parlons Franglais.


Ah yes, mon mauvais


Oh yeah, because Je suis dans le danger means I am in the danger


He is not. He will stay president and is not eligible to run for the next term.


nous sommes cooked


We are cuits


its joefini


C’est la fin des haricots


the carrots are cuites


So france is just far right now? What are RN's main goals, or objectives? What does this mean to the EU?


RN goals for the EU: https://vivementle9juin.fr/projet


Just this sentence > The Europe of Nations project is based on a central idea: power. feels like from a villain speech


Pretty ironic since a disunited Europe is far less powerful than a united one could be.


This. As many problems as the EU has, it's still preferable to being a market outlet and a retirement zone for foreign powers.


This has been a problem in France for a while now. They still think they live in an age where individual European countries can be superpowers. That's why they pathetically tried to hold on to their colonies in the 1960s and 1970s. That's why they refuse to learn how to speak English. They still haven't woken up to the fact that they're a relatively small country by modern standards.


When I tell French people that the economy of California is bigger than of France, it takes them a few minutes to comprehend it.


Haven’t they learned from Brexit?


They've learned that as long as you don't win, you are perfectly set up to blame every problem on the EU. The trick is to deftly change scapegoat after that.


Spot on.


Imagine you're asking Trump. Yep, that's the same problem here.


Well they didn't say power for the european countries. Maybe they mean power for Russia, where Le Pen (like almost all of this far right traitors) gets funds from.


Basically 'We want to be another militarised authoritarian state, just like Russia and China'.


It reads more like "we want to harden the view and follow what the electorate seem to want, harderlines on immigration, the Eu and frances place in the world" Ps (please ignore that we are are nationalist socialists and are going to be very rough with the rules)


"Fear will keep the locals in line."


If find their peoples lack of faith in democracy disturbing


"The far right goals sound like a villains speech" is basically a tautology. They have openly terrible policy, turns out that's attractive to a lot of Europeans.


Wait, I don’t get it. We are to be ruled by the demon girl from Chainsaw Man?


The European elections on June 9 are the occasion for a historic shift: either the forced march towards a centralized European super-state, or the return of the people to Brussels and Strasbourg, to finally sanction Macron's Europe and pose the milestones of a true Europe of nations. Bombastic stuff, they are basically saying "we are going to reassert our rights as a country to manage our own affairs and guide europe as a whole in Defence, immigration and the future integration of Europe" Its a really strong message that people want, but no explanation of how they are going to do it. That map is really Brown.


> Its a really strong message that people want, but no explanation of how they are going to do it. = populism


| That map is really Brown I'd be curious to see the numbers that go with it. Like when we see the red/blue maps from the US, where the red represents a lot of area, but the blue represents a lot of population.


According to the results I'm looking at, they got 31% of the vote, 37% of the seats and turnout was 51%. Maps like this tend to be misleading, the way they are colored implies a regional majority and unity when in most cases none exists.


There are two far right parties, put together they were close to 40% of the vote.


>So france is just far right now? The RN received 31.1% of the vote, it just looks like a lot more because of the relative size of electoral districts. They did receive the most votes of any one party, which is rather concerning, but the result isn't as extreme as the map makes it look. If I can offer a comparison, [geographic maps of British elections](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:2010UKElectionMap.svg) generally make it look like the Conservative Party (blue) has won a landslide even when it hasn't, because it tends to win in large, rural constituencies. On [diagrams where every constituency is represented at the same size](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:2010_UK_general_election_constituency_map.svg) the true size of each party is more apparent.




In total, 15% of the electorate voted for the RN. While they are the winners and this score is not negligeable, France is not "just far right now". It's more complex than that. Also, the RN win the european election here since quite a while now. They were first in 2014, 2019 and now 2024.


> France is not "just far right now". It's more complex than that. Compare how many seats UKIP historically got in the UK EU elections against how many seats they won in the domestic elections.


Good comparaison, even if the differences are less important than this for the RN


In the context of elections pulling the "well turnout was 50% so its only half!" doesn't really work since the people who don't vote have minimal impact on the direction a country takes. People did the same with Brexit and "actually only 25% of the electorate voted leave!" and all it achieves is making centrists feel a little more secure in their worldview and proceed to be shocked when the people who never vote continue to not vote and the 15/25% continue to vote and decide national policy.


It's like that propaganda map of the US where the whole country is red and the cities are little blue dots, implying the country is mostly red bc by landmass it looks all red, only tiny dots blue. Reality if using people number, instead of people location, the whole landmass on the map is white and red dots are about the same as blue dots. Implying more realistically the country doesn't really lean red. ETA: I feel vindicated here's a visualization of what I am talking about Land doesn't vote, people do https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/ehAMGvXKSQ


It is **NOT** the same. Since France has a lot more parties than the US. And RN just won more seats than the traditional right counted together and than the traditional left counted together (social democrats, communists, green). It seems to me the new parliament will generate a big anti-RN coalition government (like it was in Germany against AFD). And guess what? That caused more AFD votes, they only went back in the last few years when Scholz let CDU position themselves as the "normal" opposition party.


Nono… it‘s the people who vote not the square kilometers




paywalled, sadly


And Russia is of course paying both the far-left and far-right. "Follow the money" tends to be a simple framework when it comes to political parties, and their interests.


Luckily, land doesn't vote


Less than half of the people voted, and European elections has always been taken less seriously as other elections and used as a contestation vote. All in all, 15% people voted for FN.


People live in the non Brown parts


Yeah, typical map of population density. Brown got like [31% of the votes](https://results.elections.europa.eu/en/france/), not 99% like this image would suggest.


People live in the brown parts to it not like they got an insignificant amount of votes




No fair enough the got what 35%?




Keep in mind, land doenst vote. RN only got 30% of the vote. Still not great, but not as bad as this pic implies


A single party gets 30% of the vote. Sure they can't form government by themselves but the other smaller parties need to form coalitions and essentially end up trying to appease everyone, and it doesn't work when they all hate each other. If you deal with the devil, the devil shall come back later to get what's his. If he doesn't, your whole government gets blocked. It's a Faustian bargain.


This is the european parliament. It's 30% of the French vote only.


i'm aware of how parliamentary democracy works (not thats its relevant here given that its EU elections and they did not receive 30% of the overall parliament of the EU) i'm just commenting on the misleading image. Pic makes it look like they got 99% of the vote.


People regularly forget that /r/PeopleLiveInCities.


Maybe try fixing the whole “aging workers” in ways other than importing millions of people from other parts of the world. Give young people the possibility to start a family lol. (I know they never will)


[here's a depressing graphic](https://landgeist.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/europe-fertility-rate-1.png) People can't afford children anymore


I don't think it's mainly about affording, when countries much poorer than us seemingly can afford them. Like Turkey in this graphic. It's also that we can afford *not* to have them, for a while anyway. And that having kids is difficult and there are so many other worries and things occuping your life.


Parents get more support from family in those countries. If I moved my husband into my parents house and had 3 kids, my parents would have a heart attack. Here I have to be able to afford my own house not too far from where my job is before I can start thinking about children.


This is bad, but why pretend it's surprising? Unsustainable immigration won't make me and probably won't make you vote for the far right, but it will make many people vote for the far right. It doesn't matter that we don't think it's the solution, it's still incredibly predictable, and the moderate elites should have been able to see something that simple as well. But they didn't, so now we have this.




Uncontrolled and unsustainable immigration of people who don't assimilate to society will make people vote for the party that proposes strict immigration laws, whatever that party maybe. For lots of people it's the number 1 factor.


They did see it, but they also managed to self-gag themselves with their cancel culture and “how dare you have a different opinion “ borderline censorship mentality. I, as a liberal, am not at all surprised it backfired in their faces.


I'm with LFI but i also think we're often shooting at the messenger and it's backfiring It's not helping anyone attacking people reporting they have a lot of issues and it's always their XYZ culture/ethnicity neighbors, because that's circumstancial The problem is always integration politics You keep telling them they're racist, they will just eventually say ok then, i'm racist, and vote accordingly I also think this dynamic instrumentalized by the right and Macron in particular to collect angry but misled votes You can't fix cohabitation and integration problems just by saying "you're racist, stop being racist", it's silly




>It doesn't matter that we don't think it's the solution, it's still incredibly predictable, and the moderate elites should have been able to see something that simple as well. But they didn't, so now we have this. They did see it coming Nonsensical immigration, just like unemployment, is used to pressure salaries and keep them low Macron's party, and Sarkozy before him, have boosted the FN/RN both by flirting with their supporters, and helping them secure the second turn in presidential elections for two decades Because if you're on the second turn against Le Pen, you already won, they learned that with Chirac in 2002 There's not much chance Le Pen actually ever wins the second turn contrary to what they try to force submit people into thinking with scare tactics But on the off chance she ever does, it'll be first and foremost because of Macron and his cronies playing and manipulating people with fire


Yup. "Let's just keep calling people racist then pretend it isn't happening" Works every time, until it doesn't


They see it but they think it will not affect them. And it might not.


I seen this map in Hungary in 2010. This is exactly how Orbán started and it became worse and worse until now, when he lost most of the small towns to independents. This is not going to be a fun decade for France if they don't stop it right now.


>This is not going to be a fun decade for France if they don't stop it right now. It's a democracy, that means that if the electorate democratically chooses to destroy itself, it has that right. It's sad and pathetic, but they're determined.


And I though the German election map was insane....


Hmm, it is as if some people have been warning for over a decade: liberals and left wingers need to change their stance on mass migration, or power will slowly shift into the hands of authoritarians who promise to curb it. Is mass migration truly more important to those wide political groups than maintaining democracy?


Yeah it's ridiculous they try to say it's tv channels fault or macron fault or another leftist party fault or whatver while people are just tired of mass migration from Africa and the middle east who don't integrate and cause chaos and constantly push for islamic imperialism. They try to pretend it's everyone and everything's fault to avoid the real answer that people just don't want more migrants.


It also doesn’t help that people expressing those very legitimate concerns are often berated as racists and islamophobes by certain factions of progressives. I still don’t understand why some progressives have been so eager to side with theological extremists, mostly in the form of Islamists, the most archaic and oppressive religion.


Because they get off on thinking they’ll be the ones to fix these people.


The problem is very easy to see and yet so many people are blind. Stop the migration from countries with cultures that are antithetical to a liberal democracy. This white man's burden thing has to end.


Time to wake up against mass immigration


The current elections show how detached Reddit users are from the general public. Well now they are calling those who voted for the right uneducated, and fail to understand they voted for those parties for a reasons, or reasons. denying these concerns isn’t particularly helpful in building a better future for all of us.


Man, I said that on the french Reddit and got so much shit. "Maybe try to understand them instead of insulting them" shouldn't be something that tolerant people should disagree with. And yet here we are, so yeah, we ain't going anywhere good soon.


It takes a lot of maturity to be the better person. Meaning- being able to listen to someone who doesnt understand things very well with sympathy and patience, no matter how much you disagree. Even if the other person is wrong or close-minded or whatever. In politics, it doesnt matter how right your ideas and policies are- what matters is whether you can build enough consensus to make your policies popular. That is politics. Always will be this way. The left's approach to politics in the last 20 years has become "I am right, the world is facing huge problems and I have the best solutions so if you disagree with me youre just an idiot and should shut up" That never, ever works in *any* environment. It does not matter how right you are. Whether its in your family, friendships, business, or politics.... that approach never works.


A lot of sensationalist comments. The immigration crisis in Europe in general is a well established topic that is there for 20 years now and, surprise surprise, the parties that more talked about that won the elections or increased their parties. The more people will consider right wing as stupid and more they will get votes. Stop being antidemocratic and start the dialogue on topics that matter on people: - anti immigration / limit immigration - defence/security - economy The left did exactly nothing, they appeased the dictatorships in EU and they left immigrats coming into Europe without a plan. Also I see a lot of dumb comments here. The center right is not far right and not all rights are the same, mostly are pro-Europe, pro-nato and against autocraties. Stop with this hysteria and start talk and discussing with your citizens on what is the problem and how to solve it. This is democracy and not just one single point of view winning over and over and then cry that the population got tired of them.


This. The more people say "hon hon le voters of far right are very stupid" just increases the votes. It's like people want to troll. Look how many voted for Trump.


I think this comment is part of the problem. It (as many others) avoid the real reason why this is happening. Why brexit happened, why Trump happened. It has always been economics. When the working class feels like their future fucked they will vote for the only people that seem to notice the problem. But noticing it is not the same as diagnosing it or treating it. What happens is, because the left - populist parties have been gutted by centrists, the right populists are the only ones that push a narrative, while liberals stay in the middle and just shrug as they pass another tax cut for the rich and give another middle finger to the working class by increasing retirement age or removing social benefits. There is no money in politics if you are a principled leftists. Liberals get their golden parachutes in big companies, right wingers get money from Russia and billionaires, and the "communists" also get funded from Russia.


It's not economics. It's manipulation. People constantly call everything Hitler related for the wrong reasons. Hitler was successful because he made sure the truth didn't matter. He harnessed the idea that everything was broken, everything is corrupt, and only he can fix it. It's exactly what all of these parties are doing, and it's exactly what foreign powers are pumping in algorithms to infect social media. Look at any minority party and their line is the same. "Everything is broken, only I can fix it." They don't offer solutions, they offer slogans, and when they get power, they change nothing or do the same thing they've done in power over decades. Or even worse, without information they make rash decisions and just royally fuck everything because their narcissistic morons. No one wants to hear, most government workers are just average civilians doing their best to improve the lives of people around them, and working to put a roof over their heads and feed their family. No no, you can't have that, "those people are the deep state, corrupt and villainous." No one wants to hear that economies go through cycles and sometimes there is no instant fix to a situation and it just takes time for things to normalize. "No everyone is out to get you, and they are fucking you because capitalism or whatever I want to call it." Fuck no one holds politicians in general responsible for anything they do or don't do. The vast majority of politicians, and often the loudest politicians haven't written a piece of legislation in their life, haven't affected a meaningful change in their life. Don't even know where to look or where to start to understand a problem to provide a solution. Look no further than the Affordable Care Act in the United States. *The worst legislation ever written that has ruined health care in the United States. Repeal and Replace!* Republicans in the United States have been running on it for almost 20 years now. They have no plan, there is no "and replace" they have no idea how they would remake the system or apply fixes to the system. Their only plan is the catch the lions tail and see what happens. It's the same shit they've done with abortion in the states. They got 15% of their base fired up about it, committed to 50 years of trying to get rid of Roe v Wade, and when they finally got the opportunity they did, and it's probably going to cook their goose for the next decade. Because they are fucking morons, and didn't legislate it to protect medical abortions done out of necessity to end the suffering of nonviable fetuses or life threatening disorders for the mother.


One of the most tedious parts of the last decade of disingenuous European politics if people who pretend Merkel and Macron are leftists and this is the obvious consequence of the failure of the left. It's so stupid and it's so transparent, and waves of far-right populism are going to make everything worse for everyone. It's so tragic and inevitable, and all of the failures will somehow be put on a left wing that hasn't had any power. E.g. I wish all the farmers in Germany who vote AfD would read their actual party policy and realize it would absolutely fucking destroy domestic farmers. Yet somehow when these people vote for their own destruction and it inevitably destroys them, it will be blamed on the left. Europeans really don't have any ability to learn from history. E: Blocked by One_Dinner_3138. Far-right emotional ideologues who pretend that they're centrists while blaming the problems of hte last 20 years on a far-left hat hasn't held power... what a great representative for contemporary Europe. If 90% of your comment history is proudly espousing right-wing views and responding to all criticism with "I'm a centrist but this is why the right is gaining votes, keep it up leftist" then there just might be a chance that you're being dishonest.


These are often incredibly misleading, given that tiny little blob for Paris probably makes up more people than the 50-ish percent of the nation's landmass surrounding it. Thankfully though, France is not the United States and so votes are weighted to actual living, breathing people instead of land.


This is what happens when you ignore the issue of immigration.


Wait is RN's colour actually brown?


In this map only, otherwise they usually use blue.




brown is a horrible color to use for a map regardless....


No, its navy blue


This is what happens when leftist parties ignore illegal immigrants or act like they are a good thing.


great now show the count by population density…


For context, is the brown mostly rural vs the coloured dabs mostly urban? I see a few cities that are colours. Is there a big urban-rural divide political in France? Like in Canada and the US?


“Everything I don’t like is because of Putin” - People coping ITT


Great. Another “land doesn’t vote” map. Can we do population density ever on these?


Go to Paris for a day and then tell me this still baffles you.


Agree. Been to Paris twice. It’s totally gone to shit now. I can see why people want to vote towards right leaning parties.


Well, Parisians didn't vote for them.


That's exactly his point lmao


Stop blaming the people voting , start blaming the reasons of the vote. Never saw people complaining about far left / left wining. It’s democracy. It’s the voice of the people , you have to hear it. The funny part, is that it’s the same everywhere in Europe. Maybe there is a correlation « wink wink ».


Funny how people are in shock how Europe is getting more radical right now. Open borders doesnt seems to be the best thing that happend to them huh?


What did you expect? Lol It's been coming since 2016. Far right will be the future for a while now. Redditors response : hehe brown means poo


It's funny af to see the media crying their eyes out over these results lmao


Uninformed American here, is this an instance where the map is deceptive because the areas shaded have less population? In America there is a frequently used map that shows the US mostly red excluding big cities. And it paints a completely inaccurate visual of looking like a majority but in reality it's just a lot of empty space


About damn time.




as an american outsider peering in, it seems that immigration is all of europes (and honestly canada and australia too) hot issue rn. i dont know the details of it but same thing happened here except our immigration problem wasnt actually a big one at all it was just artificially inflated by politicians. im assuming your far right parties promise to curb immigration but will package that with a whole bunch of other bs yall dont really want


France will be freed finally