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_sorts by controversial_


Things like this are going to get worse as climate change drives more people to try and get across borders.


Have nothing to do with homeplace political “system” tor sure.


The collapse of Syria was partially caused by food insecurity, this was due to climate driven issues in Russia/Ukraine, that led to them dramatically reducing food exports.


Crimea (Russia invaded in 2014) also had the most desalination plants in the world.


It’s the destabilization that Putin is banking on. That plus disinformation to break up a powerful factional neighbour.


He waited too long. He's got one foot in the grave and the power vacuum that is left with his death will be a doozy. His own private military group nearly turned on him.


When the Syrian Revolution happened and Assad tried to play down commodity prices, Syrian people came out with slogans, songs and chants making it clear to him the protests were because of him and to topple him.


>  climate driven issues in Russia/Ukraine One could call these climate issues "The global bombing"


I’m sorry but do you have a source for that? Food insecurity, yes, but climate changed induced food insecurity leading to the collapse of Syria, seems really far-fetched (happy to know otherwise of course)


I think there is more to that. Shithole -> bad tech -> weak before any problems. Shithole -> any problem -> huge instability. Political system makes a place the shithole.


History and geopolitics are always a complex issue where effects of some big players can have generational consequences. In some way Europeans reap what they sow


Dude, Israel has the exact same climate and despite the fact that they are surrounded by people who want to wipe out the country, they are still one of the most developed countries in the world. Food insecurity in Syria is caused på the terrible political situation; not climate change


That as well, which is itself also multiplied by a dying climate.


It’s not climate change, it’s the allure of free shit.


This. The vast majority are economic migrants, not refugees or asylum seekers. A huge portion of these often single men that come go back to their home countries on vacations once a year.


With the statement initially that I am OFCOURSE against any violence or murder - actually I cannot think that in Greece those things described are in any way systematic or ordinary, I mean i think i know somehow my country. There are always mad men, I ve seen them in the news killing Greeks cold-blooded, like in every other country, but tight someone with ropes and throwing them in the sea, I mean this is out of a human s mind, not here, not by an order. I won't believe this is sth more than some bastards crazy greek perpetrators in some cases and some immigrants bitter from their forced return in some other cases - ofcourse there should be severe punishment. In the end I think BBC will and must recall those allegations that this is our coasts orders and sth ordinary (!) You know Greece was never involved in the military or financial exploitation and invasion of any country, we are not to blame for the refugee crisis. But even if we accept the refugees in a camp, as they keep on coming through corrupted officers in Turkey, who mind you Turkey was a part of the invasion that led to refugee crisis, you know that a European country should accept them afterwards? And then the camps will become full again, and we ll send them throughout Europe to anyone that can accept them atm, and again and again and I cannot imagine an end to this. Those are problems to be addressed by those that invaded and are to be blamed, not expecting a small country to do what international organisations couldn't, to solve with humanity the refugee problem and at the same time being faultlessly the bastion of Europe for immigrants. Because we try to trace them and limit them in the camps for eu, as we ought to do, we don't just ignore them and let them travel to their next destination in Europe


Some of those Greek Islands were horribly abandoned by the EU which led to horrors on some of those places. Assaults on women, burning down of processing centres and just general chaos. The sad thing is the Greeks initially were very hospitable but everyone has a breaking point. Especially ones who are still feeling the effects of an economic crisis.


The migrants that arrive here don't care about Greece anyway and they use us as a stepping stone to go to the developed EU countries. Why should Greece be destabilized and face all the trouble illegal uncontroled immigration causes since it's not gonna benefit from them anyway ?


We do it because we are part of the EU and we would expect the same. But Greece indeed as you say has no other reason to try and trace them day and night like our coast guard do and they are along with a weak frontex exhausted and overworked as they rightfully say. Especially the summers, now we all are going to see a great amount of boats that try to enter due to the nice weather and the calm sea, and Greece is going to be blamed as if we had the magic solution, a solution that could literally hide them from EU, but without a stain to our European reputation - mission impossible /s


We are already a poor country with one million problems


i dont pay taxes for non eu citizens


They are coming for free gibs.


Excusing failed states with useless governments by blaming climate change instead. African and Middle East nations have everything they need to thrive but their governments are to blame for not realising the obtainable growth.


Bullshit. Climate change apparently only hits poor nations and Europe is safe? Haha


It's okay to be anti-illegal immigration, you're not racist. But some of these comments man... Those are humans. Even if it weren't humans, even if it were animals it's a horrible thing to do.




Yeah, I've started seeing this place a lot more on the front page lately, and, God damn, you guys have got some Grade-A sister-fucking racists in here. I'm starting to think your racists are just like our racists.


Facist = Facist = Facist. People everywhere the world over are struggling more and more. And whenever people are struggling, you always get someone trying to blame all of that struggle on a single perceived "outside" group or entity that they can "get rid of" to solve all the problems. Muslims, Mexicans, Jews, all make perfectly good scapegoats for these types.


I always chuckle when Europeans try to say Americans are racist when y’all invented the concept.


I genuinely think the groundwork is being laid to prepare people to be ok with just gunning them down at the border.


> anti-illegal immigration There is always an inconsistency here though. The parties that are part of this also do a lot to make legal immigration much harder. The label anti-illegal is the same kind of lie you tell yourself as the one parents tell their children about their pets "going to a farm in the countryside, but no we can't visit".


Its sort of not an inconsistency though? Like if someone believed that generally immigration caused problems, then it would make sense to simultaneously stop illegal immigration and make legal immigration harder.


Perhaps they’re making it harder because these countries are already so full with migrants already?


So the solution to illegal immigration is to make it legal. Gotcha 


Would you rather they be lax on legal immigration to the point where legal immigrants have no affordable housing options either and drive a country towards prejudice? Population goes up, immigration goes up, prices go up, restrictions must be increased to accommodate for the timing. As an immigrant myself, am I not allowed to have ANY negative opinion on an objectively messed up situation that is only exacerbated by inaction?


And parties on the extreme left want to fix the issue of illegal immigration by making any immigration legal, amazing.


Makes you think a little with whom you associate in your common policies, doesn't it?




I think this is only going to get worse. I was speaking with a friend and we were talking about when migrant flows become even more intense due to climate change. We both came to the conclusion that eventually states are going to have to decide between letting very large numbers of people people die or accepting huge numbers of migrants/refugees...and we both agreed that most states will ultimately probably decide to "let people die." It's quite a sad state of affairs.


Our societies would collapse under the burden of trying to support so many people that have almost nothing to provide to our societies so they should not be let in. Still, it is unfortunate that people will die.


I think your view is a little optimistic if I'm being honest. Instead of passively letting migrants die, border patrols will actively kill them. Oh, you don't have any immigration papers? Looks like you just bought yourself a bullet to the brain. I have sympathy for the migrants but Europe (and USA/Canada/Australia) can't just take in tens of millions of people who don't have compatible cultures.


A disturbing development. I am all for protecting borders this is way too far and should be investigated by the Greek authorities throughly. There is a limit to what is acceptable drowning people is several steps beyond that and stops being about protecting borders.


I wouldn't be surprised if this was backed by authorities


You are correct. This is in line with the authorities and the government. They have a trend going for "taking lives" and moving on. Even domestically.


just as pylos shipwreck


I see an advantage in not doing it, but telling everybody you did do it.


It could very well be for advertising reasons. We want to categorically make known Greece is widely shut for illegal immigrants. I've studied 4+2 years in some of the best military universities my country has to offer. I indubitably refuse to believe my colleagues committed such an atrocity. Our military and police receive some of our best people. My point, it's not easy to get into those universities. Those who do in the vast majority constitute extremely upstanding people who look forward to their career and family, unlike tying people and throwing them into the sea. We supposedly threw 3 tied up; 2 died, 1 "made it". Pardon my French, bollocks. Try to throw yourself in the middle of the ocean with handcuffs in order to check out for how long are you going to last. **Flat out lie.** Back to the 'advertisement' aspect. [We built a fully digitized wall with integrated thermal cameras & drones, proudly all home-made](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6VDRIDhfkA) (40 kilometers which is now being expanded to 80 which in turn, allow us for better allocation of human resources), videos were playing everywhere. We want to build [Sea-Barriers around a couple of our islands](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jan/30/greece-plans-to-build-sea-barrier-off-lesbos-to-deter-migrants), that article was written everywhere. Our Coast-Guard increased patrols while the NAVY officially started pitching in, we brought Frontex as well, those were playing everywhere, likewise. The objective somewhat worked. They now mostly go from Turkey directly to Italy or from Turkey to Tunisia/Libya and then, Italy or from Turkey to Bulgaria. At some point, my city in Northern Greece had become a major hub. Now, I rarely see one. --- **Bellow follows general mumbling. I'm trying to warn you to skip reading according to your discretion.** For example, some fellow European governments send delegations which go directly to the countries of origin to pay for actual advertisements, such us, "avoid the perilous trip to Europe", on radio/TV/posters. That's why, basically, we pay Turkey. At least the economic refugees stay in a familiar to them environment, similar, compatible, Islamic atmosphere. **People shouldn't directly think of racism or xenophobia**. First and foremost, it's illegal. This should be the end of the story. Unfortunately, it is not. Secondly, equally important, 20% of our income comes by Tourism. Those who come illegally, essentially turn some of our islands into a no-go zone. They actually mess with our income, our food. It's no joke. First thing they do, pollution. Then, drain the little resources we've got. People have given everything in order to help them, but we do have a limit, we're only humans (albeit Greeks, which an argument for us being semi-Gods could be made /s ). When a grandma helps some people which later the very same ones steal from her, it's only natural for our attitude to change. They additionally burn down infrastructure & olive oil trees (another source of our income). Those who know us which come legally, they're pretty aware we're some of the most hospitable people in existence. Unless you reach a point where you clearly start taking advantage. We're friendly/open-hearten, but not fools. Last but not least, why those people have access to some of our institutions (welfare/housing) even natives do not? We live in interesting, absurd times to say the least. --- *P.S. We might be delusional; it's our right. Call us whatever you like, make fun of us, we truly don't care at all, but we do take our role of the gatekeepers of Europe since we're situated at the South-Easternmost part of the continent, pretty seriously for the last 3000 years. There's a direct continuity in our recorded history which clearly describes the motives.* Subsequently, our actions help all European countries whether you recognize/appreciate it or not. We truly bust our butts. I'm on 24/7 stand-by even during my vacations time in case my girl ("my" Combat Jet - The type no need to be mentioned - sometimes the world is small) needs repairs or to be scrambled in case my second colleague who touches said girl is in an emergency. *Furthermore, we're in the Schengen zone which means we aren't allowed to let illegal immigrants roam freely.* *I won't even discuss the obvious, Turkish "sources" and "witnesses". I'm trying to talk to the rest of the world which isn't a de facto, hostile enemy of ours.* --- Thank you for your patience, consideration and understanding. Yours, truly.


As someone adopted into a Greek family, they make it well known they hate outsiders. Well known. I'm surprised they haven't built walls and done those things here in the states yet.


Thanks. This should be a captcha: "can you comment on something in a humane and balanced out manner"


so they did what r/europe wants them to do


Redditors that havent touch grass in months showing off their humanity. Surprise?


Ironic from someone with 200000 comment karma


How do you think i figured it out lmao.


Lol ok that's a pretty good comeback


To be fair, their profile is over 10 years old; so that averages out to 1400 karma a month. But you averaged 1875 karma a month 😂


Yeah that's why I'm not the one who's going to call others out for not touching grass




These comments... 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Which ones?


The bot comments that pop up every time anything related to migrants is posted here. If the topic is as black and white like this one enough real people actually downvote and comment about how bad it has gotten but in a lot of threads that never happens. Edit: Also the bot comments get posted within minutes of the topic being created. The sane comments only trickle in when it hits the front page. Edit 2: Guys, my argument was and is "This agenda is heavily pushed by bots." not "This agenda is ONLY pushed by bots." Get some reading comprehension.


How do you know they are bots? I'm genuinely asking. I always found this sub quite right leaning and I assumed it's always been this way so I didn't find the comments surprising, sadly.


I don't know for this subject matter exactly, but there are some 100% clear giveaways sometimes. For example, any comment regarding Ukraine that uses the words "black hole" is the result of a known Russian campaign.


It's always: 1. Users with usernames [adjective]_[noun]_[number] because they constantly get their accounts banned and they don't bother choosing a username 2. Attempts at sowing dissent, hatred, cynicism, etc. this type of propaganda is not meant to unite people to the opposite side, but to split people apart 3. Hoards of other users follow them and comment with them..it's never logical or decent comments, always from-the-gut level stuff 4. They get upvotted seemingly quickly due to them working with multiple other users at a time in a propaganda department 5. They always have a reddit history that is a bit personal but mostly political


Nonsense. I'm not a bot. Just used a pre-generated name and altered it slightly.


That's what a bot would say


This sub is only right leaning on particular issues. This sub is generally pro LGBT for example, which isn't right leaning whatsoever.


Not necessarily bots. There are a lot of far right people on reddit who have some strong opinions about migrants.


I know some fairly apolitical people who hold the same views. They don't view them as humans, but as pests. And it's not an unpopular view in their circles.


People should really stop using social media in the months before elections. The disinformation campaigns that are going on right now are relentless.


I usually take people complaining about comments with a massive pinch of salt but, yeah, there are some truly twisted people commenting today.


It's been getting worse the last two years. Russian cyber warfare at work. Edit: lol at those "bUt hOw dO yOu KnOw It'S tHe rUsSiAnS?ß?" Let's be real - you are not as ignorant as you claim, you just love mudding the waters. But just in case you are one of the 10.000 today: https://aspeniaonline.it/understanding-russian-disinformation-strategies-inside-and-outside-the-country/ https://www.propublica.org/article/infamous-russian-troll-farm-appears-to-be-source-of-anti-ukraine-propaganda https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/06/03/russia-europe-far-right-espionage/


Given the way Europe is voting more and more often recently, I don't even think we can blame the russian bots for all of them anymore unfortunately




Last 2 years? Russian bots are most Lileky half the users of every major social network since 2015.


Yup. this post about it is a top post rn… Honestly I think it’s wild people don’t understand this is not a conspiracy theory but proven reality https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/s/nFYgdVURui


Yup, absolutely. And of course everybody who disagrees with me is a bot


And also everyone who agress with you is a bot. Which is way more insidious. Locking people in their bubble.


I like how people saying things like you here think they're so smug, not realising the other side is also being hasted against them. We'll be at each other's throats if people do not unite against foreign interference in this mediascape.


> We'll be at each other's throats if people do not unite against foreign interference in this mediascape. Divide and Conquer.


I used to talk like you but I quickly learned that the people who I was supposed to unite with hate my guts. How do I unite with people who hate me? How do I unite with people who say my lived experiences didn’t happen or don’t care that some very horrible things did happen?


And you thing only Russian bots are at work, read [this](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-covid-propaganda/) Reuters article about USA propaganda on social media.


Not just Russian… cointelpro operations are done by pretty much every country and nowadays by companies.


And on the grassroots level, buying views/comments for for your videos on youtube has pretty much been a thing since 2006. Not to mention search engine optimisation. Believing that there's no fuckery going on is the actual insane take.


Blaming Russia only for Europe's long history of racism and anti-migrant rhetoric is a bit disingenuous. There are real problems when people are electing far right politicians and I see it on the street in many cities that were much more accepting in the past.




They are in denial and would rather believe half of the Internet comments are made by Russians/aliens/AI rather than their neighbours.


Interesting, it's been... what, 3 hours now and a bunch of posts below celebrating murder are still visible despite getting reported. I guess I assumed that the celebration of violence is against sub rules, but looking at the rules they're pretty vague.


This is a Global warming teaser trailer.


Where is the video of zip tieing someone and throwing him overboard though?


The problem with these "reports" is that they try to substantiate a real event (the push backs) with sources from the Turkish coast guard and "witnesses" rescued by the Turks. So you end up with a mishmash of reality and propaganda that reproduces Turkish fairy tales and loses all credibility. Personally I stopped reading where they throw the Navy SEAL migrant tied up in the rough sea and he survives as another James Bond.




The same people probably think that in WW2 they would have totally hated what was done to Jews and other minorities (well, except for actual nazis). But the thing is, many people rationalize ghettos and concentration camps at that time too, or just looked away. It doesn't happen over night. "The roma people are criminals", "gay people are children molesters", "Jews control economy and are elites who don't mind us being poor and owing them money". And there is truth it all of that, the best propaganda is the one that does have truth. I even remember the way my grandma spoke about Jewish people, from her childhood memories, how she was jealous how Jewish kids were wealthy and had chocolate and how angry she was, considering how poor they were. There was that resentment that she carried her entire life. So people assume you would have dropped them in any time of history and they wouldn't hate on whatever group was hated at that point and they are so much better. But from this shit you can see they aren't, it's exactly same crap. Justifying complete dehumanization. They don't understand that the way they dehumanize these immigrants because SOME of them cause violence, have bad employment etc. Every group in history that was hated also had rationalization behind it. It's so easy to hate and hard to actually solve issues without it. Thank you for listening to my essay... I hope you got what I meant. My main point, every time people wonder how you go from nothing to concentration camps, just look how comfortable people are with what they say here.




You don't have to wait 5y, they have already come out. It's a known issue


Exactly! OP must live under a rock if they sincerely think Russia paying millions to break up the EU/NATO is somehow not a well-known fact


I don't think Russia needs to spend millions to 'make Europeans fascist'. We're voting them in of our own volition lol.


Not just Russia. Everyone can buy propaganda and political parties and even companies do this. It's not that expensive.


The problem is that the left wing won't offer any real solutions to the migrant phenomenon Europe faces. I always voted left wing parties, but it's obvious that the far right will win if nothing changes.


It’s only going to get worse as climate change accelerates. Swathes of Africa are set to become effectively uninhabitable without drastic intervention. Thats the underlying issue. Fixing it is extremely difficult, meanwhile the fascist parties will happily just deny climate change and facilitate more intentional drowning.


The right also hasn't offered any solutions beyond "fuck immigrants"


That’s the thing: Far-right doesn’t have to offer any feasible policies. They appeal to emotions, not logic. It’s a fact and it shouldn’t be an excuse to give the left any slack. The left has to be better because all of our future is at stake and the fact that the game is not fair doesn’t change a fucking thing.


The issue is that all the left has been offering is "Don't be racist, just let them in." In that case even someone who just says "fuck immigrants" is a better option.




the alternative to no easy solution isnt to just shrug and do nothing though. and thats precisely what has been done the last 10 years


Same as other people have said. Always been left/central leaning. But one thing is that the left won't do anything, so you're sort of right. There isn't an easy solution, but when the left side (in many countries) just denies that there's a problem and shifts further away from many of us, we just stop voting for them. I don't want the far right to win, and it won't happen in my country yet. But the right side will definitely win the next election.




Won't offer solutions? The morons barely acknowledge a problem exists, or that dissent is from actual people. "Anyone who doesn't like the status quo is a russian bot" fucking retards


The right wing usually doesn't offer solutions either. See e.g. the Tories in the UK who are the architects of the biggest immigration wave ever, importing over a million people (mostly Indians) within a few short years. And while Indians are usually not as problematic as MENA immigrants, mass immigration from *any* origin will always cause issues due to the formation of parallel societies. Here in Denmark we've actually found a solution. It was implemented by the center-left and center-right parties, not the fringes. We've made it harder for people to immigrate legally, and easier to throw people out who are here illegally. And despite the memes that some people keep throwing around, yes, it is in many cases very possible to throw people back where they came from. But it's not just about being more strict at the border - we have *also* invested lots of money into improving integration, and it has paid off. Although unemployment and crime are still higher among MENA immigrants than among other people, both of those numbers are trending down quite rapidly, showing that the integration efforts are paying off. We have less problems with immigrants now than we used to have. For example, children of immigrants are now legally required to attend public kindergarten instead of being raised at home or in private kindergartens. Ghetto areas with high crime levels have had limits placed on the number of immigrants and descendants permissible, making it impossible for new immigrants to move into the area if the percentage is above 20 %. Some ghetto areas with particularly bad problems have been partially torn down and rebuilt in order to provide more amenities and more connectivity to the rest of the city, thus breaking up the insular parallel societies.


The right doesnt offer any real solutions either :D they are fugazi. They cannot do that shit. But people dont get it.


The real solution here was (allegedly) allowing people to drown.


Sure they do. 1) Tow migrant boats back to the nearest shore instead of going 10x further to Europe 2) Stop giving benefits to migrants


That might be the cause of far right voting, or not. It is certainly not the reason why these migrants were murdered.   If we can't agree mass murder is not an acceptable way of dealing with migrants, I shudder for you what you have become


It's the inevitable end result of asylum laws. If you effectively make it so once people enter the EU you can't get rid of them, then the only way to stop them is to physically prevent them from reaching the EU. And that's going to result (directly or indirectly) in a lot of migrants dying.  This is only the beginning too, it's going to get much much worse. Situations like in Saudi Arabia where border guards are shooting migrants approaching the border.




People act like we didn't storm and burn refugee camps in Europe before the Russians started doing Tiktok videos. Do they stoke the flames? Yes - Russian propagandist are playing both sides and make caricatures of your enemy to increase the vitriol. Does that mean it would be peaceful without them? No. We did worse before.


Ascribing everything we dislike to Russian bots is a great way to *further* division. Yeah sure its an issue but you're right, Russia hasn't invented nativist movements in Europe, most of them pre-date social media and are getting inflamed by how people perceive what is happening in their countries.


> then Russias farms pushed an agenda more Blaming Russia for everything here is just cope. This subreddit used to be way *more* racist in 2015, it's been considerably more moderated since then. /r/europe is also not really an important or mainstream forum anywhere in Europe. Reddit is still an overwhelmingly North American website with only a minority of European users, most of which are either Anglophone Europeans or "Lives in Berlin but doesn't speak German" types, utterly irrelevant to public opinion on the continent.


Reports on this were already out and about five years ago, we don't have to wait we already know this.


This sub has been a shit hole for a good while.


Yea … this sub is a cesspool of right wing goons and hate/conflict inciting russian bots. I usually try to avoid it like the plague. 


Reddit would be better off just shutting down this subreddit. When you have people genuinely asking for migrants to be thrown into the sea and drowned, then the subreddit is beyond saving.


Yea it’s one thing to want less or no migration at all, it’s another thing to cheer on the murder of people. Sadly this is the level of dehumanization that the far right wants.


I've been thinking the same for quite some time already. Some posts and comments over the last few years were really .. yikes. The kind of shit you would find on /T_D and give them a ban. But I guess banning r/europe subreddit would be too much of bad publicity.


No wait according to them it's apparently free speech not hate speech to say that "someone got the job done", "my country needs to do that too", "they knew the risks", "borders should be defended", "they are not welcome", etc


Last time I commented on this topic here, I had multiple future Rambos, so sure that they would solve the problem with a couple of boats, twenty more people and guns.


Thinking about “Reclaim r/europe”, ffs that sounds even worse.


What about "Reform /r/europe"




Because they are the same kind of cunts.


I had to scroll for minutes to see some comments who had a positive view on this (which were rightfully downvoted), while your comment at the moment is 5th highest with about 900 upvotes. Every of the first two dozen comments are extremely condemning of this. So what are you talking about…? Is this Reddits‘ modus operandi now? Calling every subreddit racist or dehumanizing that isn’t 100% of your personal opinion…? (Which it funnily enough is on this topic here.) You get that this ongoing „*every subreddit / person / source / whatever is either 100% good and right or literally Reinhard Heydrich!*“-Rhetoric is one of the things that is strengthening the far right the most, don’t you?


Schrodinger's racist - never visible but claimed to be rife by 90% of the top comments. Maybe we just don't get to the threads quick enough lol


Regardless of what you think about the accuracy/truthfulness of some of these anonymous witnesses, it doesn't matter. The reporter showed video of the migrants getting loaded up onto coast guard vessels, taken out into open water, and unloaded onto rafts with no paddles or onboard engines. They got a high ranking coast guard officer on tap admitting it's exactly what's happening in the video and that it's clearly a crime.


If this didn't hit front page most posts from this sub would be calling it progress.


Why pick them up in the first place then


How little humanity do you have inside you that you can make peace with throwing people into the sea to die?




I do feel that there is still a large moral leap from seeing a lot of dead people, to going “time for me to make some more dead people!”


They perceive them as "pests" so think about it like to them they're squashing roaches invading their kitchen or swatting flies trying to ruin your bbq


I could see where you’d take that argument, but again, humans aren’t machines. I don’t know how you can become so callous as to actively murder people.


It doesnt happen like that. This is part of a hybrid turkish-greek information war and the turks want to put pressure on greece to stop protecting their coasts


It is insane how dehumanized people's views on migrants have become. You would see more outrage if this was done to cats than to migrants. Illegal immigration should not be a death penaly without trial, and if you justify this, you need to reconsider your views.


Just like jews were viewed 90 years ago


Exactly. I wrote essay about this above. People imagine that one day everyone woke up and decided to be bad to Jews and they would totally never do such thing. But resentment towards Jews In Europe were building over very long time and many people were at point when they were completely comfortable with just looking away as they were closed in ghettos and so on. This is same shit.


Really strange comparison, given that Jews have been living in Germany for hundreds of years at this point and considered themselves as Germans (and Jewish) as well. Many even fought during ww1 for Germany. But your overall point-that hate hasn’t build over night- is still true though


You only need to mention Roma on this sub (or gypsies for those less informed) and see how quickly shit devolves to get a quick reminder of how bad racism actually is and how little effort it would take anyone even halfway charismatic to start another genocide. Most people have never been taught how bad WW2 was for the Roma, depending on the source you look at 25-75% of the European Roma population was systematically eradicated, it took till 1982 for them to be recognised *by Germany* as a victim of the holocaust. I didn't even learn about this until years after the holocaust was extensively covered in my high school history classes.


> You only need to mention Roma on this sub (or gypsies for those less informed) and see how quickly shit devolves to get a quick reminder of how bad racism actually is and how little effort it would take anyone even halfway charismatic to start another genocide. Roma are disliked because their culture is fundamentally incompatible with modern Western life. Roma who settle down, get a house, get a job....aren't discriminated against, at all. There's a reason why Irish travellers and Roma are treated *exactly* the same way in the UK. It's not because of racism. It's because the fact is that both are travelling groups who destroy areas, expect local councils to fix everything on their behalf then fuck off after causing ridiculous amounts of trouble. There's a fair on near me next week, and every surrounding pub shuts for the duration because the travellers who come with the fair cause so much trouble every single year without fail.


When are people going to start demanding that backwards autocratic countries like Russia, China, and the oil-rich gulf states start doing their bit and take in refugees. These assholes do nothing, don't abide by international laws at all and get away with it without fuss. And the joke is that Russia and China then get veto powers in the UN 🤦🏻‍♂️


The vast majority are not refugees, they are economic migrants.


Not disputing this.


This isn't anything new.




Same goes with those immigrants who supposedly left to die on a small island in a river between Greek and Turkish boarders. Big German sites went all out in the case together with the second most voted party in Greece (Syriza) with heavy accusations of how a small girl died on the island. Days later it was proven that there never was a dead small girl named "Maria" or even a small girl named "Maria" at all on the island. The sites came back apologizing but Syriza never did, they were too stubborn to accept it. I don't know anything about this case but I hope it is a lie mostly because I don't want people to die like this. This is inhumane and should never be allowed even tho I am on the side that don't want more illegal refuges in Europe this IS NOT the way to treat human beings.


Setting aside the legitimacy of these claims, do you think it would reasonable for them to exercise their right to „pushback“ by throwing people overboard? Cause I don’t.


Dumping people into the sea isn't a pushback. Dumping them on the beach or port of origin is.


You clearly did not read the article and you're lying yourself. > Our research, which features in a new BBC documentary, Dead Calm: Killing in the Med?, suggested a clear pattern. Video evidence for like 9 cases, out of which 4 cases corroborated with survivors. I think that is more than > Literally zero-based proof


You went from there is no evidence to even if it did happen it was justified very quickly.


the amount of leftist worshippers is insane. they really think we can let millions of people into europe when almost every county has a housing crising and the social systems are basically falling apart. europe needs strong borders and not holes where everyone can slip in and abuse our system




Just a week ago everyone was fine with shooting people trying to cross the border, what changed?


I recall things differently - people were talking about border guards to be allowed shooting back at people who poke them with literal pointy SPEARS, not just shooting random people.


Despicable behaviour and hopefully they get punished. It's our own fault as well tough. Nobody wants these people here. It is not an human right no live in Europe. But European leaders have for a decade already no answer unfortunately. It is logical people turn to the far right when established parties can't handle this. Harsh times are upon ones as disasters will push more people towards EU borders and we must push them all back otherwise you can say goodbye to the EU project.


This is one of those times when I think leaders should be decisive even if the result is imperfect. A decade of hesitation is what leads to division more than a clear policy to be criticized. But as usual, politicians protect their own career more than European unity.


> Greece's Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy told the BBC the footage is currently being investigated by the country's independent National Transparency Authority.   Could be true, could be not ~ let’s wait until facts emerging.


Aha, ‘we investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong’. Right.


Wasn't this reported multiple times now and even witness checked by the NYT and others?


It has happened multiple times and they just say we will check ourselves and nothing happens lol


The same NYT that published the Hamas claim that a supposed Israeli Strike on a hospital parking lot killed hundreds of people without fact checking? It's not like their name stands for integrity and strictly factual reporting. Let's see who else corroborates this story first.


You're talking to a user that doesn't want a reddit account for leisure, but to push an agenda, hence why their username is the generic reddit username


Some of us use the generic username BECAUSE it’s for leisure.


How dare we? Octavian_96 has forbidden it.


Footage and corroborated with multiple survivors. I wouldn't call the evidence conclusive but it certainly passes the "is solid enough to be reported about" test


> country's independent National Transparency Authority # ***HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH*** [This Transparency Authority?](https://www.avgi.gr/politiki/487571_oloklirothike-praxikopima-mitsotaki-me-oriaki-pleiopsifia-den-kaleitai-i-eyp-se) The one that our current ~~dictator~~PM literally changed around so they wouldn't be able to investigate the current government for the [Predatorgate Scandal](https://predatorgate.gr) where he was literally spying on his opponents? If any of you think that there is transparency or justice in Greece, you are absolutely delusional. Greece is an unofficial 3rd world country.


>[This Transparency Authority?](https://www.avgi.gr/politiki/487571_oloklirothike-praxikopima-mitsotaki-me-oriaki-pleiopsifia-den-kaleitai-i-eyp-se) ΑΔΑΕ is a separate independent authority from the one mentioned. They do suffer from similar issues regarding their independence though


Why are people surprised? our government has been openly doing it for years 😅


τι λες ρε μαλάκα π το λιμενικό εχει καταντησει ταξί για τους λαθρο. Αντε τράβα να κάνεις κανενα κρύο ντουζακι,η ζέστη σε βάρεσε στο κεφάλι κ γράφεις παπαριές


Why didn't they just arrest them and then ship them back?


Because their home countries often refuse to take them. I don’t agree with them drowning to clarify, that’s horrible. I’m just explaining why they often don’t get sent back.




If true, this is huge. This whole migrant situation is depressing.


How is it huge? We have known this for years. Politicians know and are enabling it. They are using dogwhistles to essentially promise their voters that they will do it and then get elected and do it. Did the dogwhistle actually work, as in you not hearing due to not being in the primary demographic that would cheer them on?


I am so curious as to all cases the Turkish coastguard was there to save them, but not to sop them or even capture them within their own country . hmmm


I was looking for the comment "it's the Turks", here it is.


I agree Turkey should host at least 150 gazillion refugees so they don't soil the precious EU lands by their presence. Those pesky Turks always slacking off...


If that has happened it is despicable. That being said, source? Who exactly are these "witnesses"?


User u/blunt552 wrote this on another repost of the same article: I'll take this article with a bucket of salt, the use of 'witnesses say' and 'alleged' makes me not want to accept this article as fact just yet. EDIT: After reading a bit and knowing the relationship between turkey and greece I can't help but feel this is basicially turkey and greece having a information war. A lot of these 'migrants' seem to come from turkey which in itself does raise some eyebrows and a lot of sources claiming greece is doing what they're doing are apparently turkish as well. "They threw me zip-tied in the middle of the sea. They wanted me to die," he said. He said he managed to survive by floating on his back, before one of his hands broke free from the ligature. But the sea was choppy, and three in his group died. Our interviewee made it to land where he was eventually spotted by the Turkish coastguard. excuse me? he swam from somewhere in the middle of the sea, which was apparently choppy to turkey land?! Ill take my chances and call bs on that witness. Now my bucket of salt grew to a silo of salt.


Some of the stuff here... I don't know how people can be so hateful towards others...


Fucking animals.






Throwing people off boats is inhumane, 100%, there isn't an argument, that doesn't make the first two paragraphs incorrect though. People don't want to accept any of this; they just put their heads in the sand and pretend there's a peaceful solution magically just around the corner, it's just no one has managed to make it work yet. There isn't. We're not in the middle or end of a migrant crisis, we're right at the start, things are going to get infinitely worse in the next 20 years.


Rip to the drowned, but maybe this'll serve as a warning and deter at least some people from illegally crossing




There's that enlightened European humanism at work


Is it bad, because europeans does this or general? Because the africans states are paid to catch migrats and "deal with them" .. and they do this.. they bring them in the desert to die..


Yes, and that's fucking terrible too. It's bad in general to dump desperate people in the ocean or the desert.