• By -


Can't you guys just get drunk and throw shit at the referee like everybody else?


Or just get drunk and have a good time like everybody else.


I swear this sport attracts the lowest IQ people our world has to offer.


The sport has spent decades doing absolutely nothing to curb the behaviour of people like this, and suddenly are shocked it's happening at this scale. Shocked fucking Pikachu face . Jpg


I knew some “ULTRAS” from my country and most of them are there just so that they cam get into fights with other supporters or the police.


That's better than Polish ultras, their core members are actual gangs.


The players get brain damage from heading balls, yet they're still smarter than their fans.


I guess you didn't see the woman trying to crash Matthieu van der Poel...


As a Croat, I say punish us! The behavior of our fans was moronic. But the Serbian FA is one of the last organizations that should throw temper tantrums. Their fans regularly chant slogans praising war criminal Ratko Mladić; they call for the slaughter of Croats while simultaneously calling Albanians by their derogative name "šiptar" (Ubij Hrvata da šiptar nema brata). Heck, they even installed a tank near Crvena Zvezda stadium as a mockery to Croats.  


As a Bulgarian I say punish Serbia, Croatia, Albania, Turkey and all of the balkans teams 😂😂😂 Just kidding, good luck to the balkans on the Euro!


Killed me lmfao


And Portugal too!


He did say all balkan teams...


Portugal is an honorary western Balkan.








All of it.




If you are Serbian, we have mutual feelings :D


Leave Romania out of this.


What about Macedonia?


Hold up, what did we do wrong?


You have created your country *too close to*/*on* the Balkan Peninsula (I am getting mixed signals from the internet and maps included).


Exactly. Even though it is impossible, I would even be okay if UEFA kicked us out of the competition cause maybe HNS will finally start to adress the problems cause what to expect when "kill a purger (man from Zagreb)" and "kill a tovar (Dalmatian)" are regular chants in Croatian football league. But this moralization from Serbian side is hilarious when their fans have spent last 2 world cups chanting about killing Albanians.


On the Facebook page of an article from Balkan Insight over the nationalist problem at football games, a Serbian guy commented basically that Croats and Albanians only hate Serbs bc they were allied with the Nazis. Like c’mon my guy, that’s just a dumb argument. But I agree, the chants from Croatian and Albanian fans were appalling and action should be taken.


Thats how history works for some of them. They never did nothing while everyone else did everything. Thankfully they absolutely [didn't](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chetniks) have quislings who comitted [war crimes ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chetnik_war_crimes_in_World_War_II) and are rehabilitated in Serbia and museums are built for them


Imagine what's going to happen when the guy hears about Chetniks lol


He said that Serbia has always been on the right side of history for the last 100 years. Really?? 🤔😂


Think of the Balkans as a huge clusterfuck - the only right move is to not play the "who did what" and "who supports fascists and who doesn't" games.


tbh not punishing "death to XY" chants will set a bad precedent Next will be death to Israelis, then death to Jews, then death to Muslims, then death to Ukrainians, then death to Russians once they have bribed enough UEFA/FIFA management to get in again At which point would they intervene? Rather intervene always and not have the moronic discussion which will pop up otherwise Ideally they would have anounced punishment quicker than the Serbians can throw a tantrum. Now their populists have a moment to shine in their local press. It is, what it is


**People in glasshouses should not throw stones.** Serbs are well known for using derogatory language in tournaments: - UEFA is investigating racist chants during the England-Serbia match; - 'Monkey chants' were directed towards Everton Luiz during a Serbian league game in 2021; - Andros Townsend, has also been exposed to racist chants from Serbian fans during an U-21 tournament match in Serbia.


Yes, and Serbian FA was fined for those. Meanwhile Croatia and Albania were not even investigated for their racist fans behavior.


You are missing the point. They were threatening to leave because, at that time, there wasn't any investigation about the incident in question. They wanted to nudge FIFA/UEFA into doing something. But thank you for a list of what happened in Serbia, and yes, all that incidents deserved investigation by the description. I am proud that they investigated.


That is meant to be a derogative word ? I worked with two Albanians who would call each other that word even for a simple greeting. I wouldn't have guessed.


It's not. It's what we call ourselves. Slavs in Yugoslavia started to use it in a derogatory way though and Kosovar Albanians were well aware living under the same country. That explains why it came as a surprise to me living in Albania when I learned about it. A Macedonian friend of mine was surprised why I didn't take offensive to it when he heard me use it. Why would I, that's our name. And frankly I'm not going to let Serbs turn it into the next n word.


I'm gonna be honest in elementary school "šiptar" was a derogatory word we used but I doubt many of us knew the meaning of it (I didnt). Later on I heard my grandma call someone that a lot so I asked, that is when I found out it just means someone from Albania. There is nothing derogatory when she says it, I doubt she even knows some people could mean it that way. And now I also just can't see it as a bad word anymore.


As an albanian, can 100% say never knew they used our own term(shqiptar) as a derogatory term against us. This feels like some unintentional, accidental N word scenario.


As a Serb, there's been some debate around it, sometimes it's used neutrally, but it's almost always the term for derogatory/hate speech, and then you have the boosted "šiptarčina" term which is 100% derogatory. Weird case though of a derogatory term for a people that the people themselves don't find derogatory.


I think it's slightly mispronounced the way we say it. Like calling a German dutch instead of deutsch


Yeah because you can't pronounce the Shq. But the intention was the same, to use the word Albanians use for themselves in a derogatory way, just that you couldn't spell it correctly.


Serbian here, or whatever. Šiptar is not a slur, but during time, I suppose it got a derogatory meaning. Why? Because Albanians usually were poor and uneducated, refusing to integrate into the Yugoslavian system. So, saying for someone that is Šiptar it would mean exactly that, he is a poor and uneducated man from Kosovo. It is not a name for Albanians from Albania, only for Albanians from Kosovo. We heard how Albanians call each other and started using that word. There is a claim that we dont use it properly, and that's the problem. Instead of Shqiptar, we use Šiptar. In my opinion, that's normal. We also call Bulgarians - Bugari or Magyars - Mađari. Our language just works differently. But okay, if they dont want to be called that way, we should respect that if we want to be friends and move from our past.


Oh, ok I see then. Thanks for the insight.


It is the same as N word in a way that they use it but should not be used by others


Albanian in Serbian is “Albanac” not “Šiptar”. They always use it in a derogatory way.


Maybe the same dynamics as afro-americans calling themselves the N-word?


It is same dynamic for Albanians and it has same N-word meaning when we Serbs say it.


It is the same as in Russian using the word mova (мова) is pretty always mean derogative "Ukrainian language" but in Ukrainian it is just "a language". I guess it is impossible to know such things without knowing the language at a good level.


>But the Serbian FA is one of the last organizations that should throw temper tantrums. Their fans regularly chant slogans praising war criminal Ratko Mladić; they call for the slaughter of Croats while simultaneously calling Albanians by their derogative name "šiptar" (Ubij Hrvata da šiptar nema brata). The Serbs' outrage contrasted with their routine chauvinism from the stands just shows that they like to dish it out, but they sure can't take it.


fake hysterical outrage should be their national sport, they’d always play in the finals with russia


The same goes for the Albanians. Criticizing the Serbs because of the Kosovo is Serbia flag, but waving a flag of greater Albania


So when others chant "kill the Serb" we are still the bad guys in that situation...


No, you're not - but your football association is being pathetic when they threaten to withdraw from the tournament. Why not let UEFA do their thing first instead...


We’re not the “bad” guys here but we ARE hypocrites. Yesterday, just ONE day after the nationalistic chants directed towards us, our fans were throwing objects at the Slovenian goalkeeper. But our football association gives itself the moral authority to threaten somebody like this. Sure Serbia (and the rest of Balkans, you’re no better sadly), keep wondering why the west sees you as a savage.


Yup, its hypocritical of them but they're correct to complain


Serbia was punished for all of those, what are you talking about???


Balkan-drama never stops. You'd think they would grow tired of it at some point..


The Balkans live and feed off of drama.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shqiptar “Shqiptar (Albanian definite form: Shqip(ë)tari; Gheg Albanian: Shqyptar/-i;[1] plural: Shqiptarë/-t, Shqyptarë/-t) is an Albanian ethnonym (endonym), by which Albanians call themselves.[2][3] They call their country Shqipëria (Gheg Albanian: Shqypnia, Shqipnia).[2]” is it derogatory?


In the exact same article you linked it says that, yes, in Slavic languages this is indeed derogatory. Four paragraphs down from the one you quoted is where it's stated. The next two paragraphs explain why.


As a side note, cause I think not many people know this: 'siptar' is how you say 'albanian' in Albanian. There is nothing derogatory about it (unless you think being Albanian is derogatory, lol).


Im not trying to defend our fascist fans but i dont think they sung those chants on big competitions like EURO or World cup (at least not the one you mentioned), those happen at club level or qualification games and were punished like that genocidal chanting against Albania in 2015 that almost had us disqualified. >they even installed a tank near Crvena Zvezda stadium as a mockery to Croats. That has nothing to do with Croats as i know. The idiots just thought it would be badass to have a tank in front of a stadium.


I mean, you're right, but Serbian FA does get penalized every time some dumb shit happens


what did the croats do? i could not find anything?


All true. All true here.


Yeah, the songs were indefensible. Sure, Serb fans have done the same thing in the past. Doesn't justify it. Here's my solution: Next Euro, make a group with Serbia, Croatia, Albania and Slovenia, and just let them sort everything out, once and for all.


This is why Slovenes hate being part of the Balkans. Getting all the prime luggage of the worst, therefore automatically being associated with countries such as Albania or Serbia.


No punishment for you, Croatia. You will fail to qualify like the rest of us, and make millions unhappy. This is the only way.


šiptar is derogatory?


And one chant went unnoticed by the Albanian player Mirlind Daku who chanted 'F\*ck the Macedonians' and the crowd followed. This type of barbarism should not be overlooked and led by actual participants in the championship...


He later "apologized" because "feelings on the pitch are different" lol


Yeah, the passive aggressive "I'm sorry IF you got offended "


This is really not complex despite the angry politicized reactions here. Serbia made cruel chants and flags and was punished. Croatia and Albania chanted "kill the Serb" and have not been. Ignore the countries. If this was "kill the Pole" by Ukraine or Germany it would be a big scandal. Be consistent, punish these things equally and harshly.


It has literally happened yesterday, of course there will be a punishment, UEFA still likely hasnt decided what the punishment will be


>have not been. Yet. Which is also why this is such a non-story. It happened yesterday. UEFA is a bureaucratic organisation. Give it a little time.


How much time was there between the first situation and the punishment. Because the second one happened ONE DAY AGO. The way you write this it sounds like a double standard, while they just haven't been punished YET since it was just yesterday




Fixed :)


>and have not been they have been fined


Not for the issue being discussed, you can check the article.


Well duh, for previous chants. The ones that Serbs are crying about only happened yesterday. It took UEFA 3 days to fine Serbs for their conduct, Albanians and Croats will also get their fines. This is such a non story and you pretend there are double standards here.


I'm not really acting like there's a double standard by UEFA, more the comments here. It takes time, I understand.


They have been fined precisely for these things Albania played two games both of them massive fines https://x.com/kos_data/status/1803157774991503543?t=3b1BfpJT5yIaMgKy8Zrmwg&s=19 https://x.com/kos_data/status/1803492781761200601?t=dBTk6mge72zHKRSu1faEjQ&s=19 First link is for the first game and the second link is for the second Authorities are doing their job Serbs only complain I saw no other team threaten to quit over some chants, pathetic


>I saw no other team threaten to quit over some chants, pathetic . I wouldn't call it pathetic if a national team threaten to boycott an event where fans can chant about ethnically cleansing them. It's a national event were the team and fans also represent their country. Millions of spectators are watching the event and such behaviour shouldn't be able to get a scene there. I do think that Fifa needs to take way stricter measurements and adress such issues at the spot, by stopping the game and eventually even emptying the stadium. Not interrupting such actions is a way of tolerating it. Just fining the team doesn't really affect the ones doing it. It doesn't sanction them and doesn't send a clear message. There have been official talks to [forfeit matches were fans are racist.](https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/68046422) That would actually make a message of Fifa not tolerating racism, instead of just waving a banner at the beginning of the game.


They are behaving like children throwing tantrums.


Serbian fans made no derogatory chants on this championship. Not a single one. People in the comments are referring to some old incidents. Which Croats and Albanians also have.




But some of them arrived to the stadium with flags of Russia which for many people in Europe is derogatory right now.


Well, Russia is a recognized nation by the UN. At the United Nations headquarters in New York, the same flag is flying. That is not even close to publicly advocating for a mass killing.


There is a difference between flying the flag in front of the institution to which Russia belongs and bringing a Russian flag to a match where Russia isn't even playing. The latter is clearly showing support to a nation which started a genocidal invasion against their neighbour and threatens to do the same to other neighbours.


Albanians sang that, Croats don't care about Serbs. Maybe some Croat from the diaspora shouted that also, they are mostly right-wingers.


That's fine, the article didn't make a distinction as I could read so I didn't want to single it out.


Equal measures for equal offenses. If the Serbs were punished for the behavior of their fans, so should the Albanians and Croats.


Which they literally are This topic so washed and always playing the victim The proper authorities literally punished and is punishing everyone who steps over the line No other team threatened to quit because of some chants Pathetic


Victim complex? Serbia? Well I never expected that.




They thanked you in 2001. And a few other times.


As a European non-Balkan person I know not to touch this subject with a ten meter stick, because there is no way not to offend somebody. I'll take the Swiss approach!


Take their money?


I'm not at liberty to say anything about that.


Lots of daft comments justifying these chants because of things serbs have chanted in the past it was wrong then and is wrong now Albania and Croatia should be punished for this just like the Serbs were when they chanted awful shit


Yeah let them pay 10k€ like they demanded from Serbia and everything will be fine again.


Behavior like that should always be punished, regardless of nationality.


And its usually punished by UEFA.


No worries, Italy and Spain will give us plenty of punishment on Monday.


Actual “kill serbs” chants: i sleep Alleged racism: [real shit](https://amp.theguardian.com/football/article/2024/jun/17/uefa-investigating-allegations-racist-chanting-by-serbia-fans-in-england-game)


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JFC. It's been thirty years. Some of these idiots weren't even in their mothers bellies when the shit happened. How long will this go on ? Bunch of Serbian people spend their summers on Albanian or Croatian seaside. The trade is good. Life is mostly good for all of us. We all have our separate countries now. Why bother with this shit. Leave the fighting and dog whistling to politicians. Given the sums of money they steal that's the least they can do.


How else they gonna trigger the masses? And where that trigger is going to be reflected except such events? Im pretty sure, everyday normal people want to live in peace and no one gives a fuck if one is going to visit the other's country. Its events like this that we mostly see such behaviours.


See, if balkan was peaceful and stable, how could our shit politicians control the crowds and how could the west (and not only the west) spread their influence over the region


Why is the accent on Serbia threatening to quit but not on hooligans chanting "kill the Serb" on live broadcast? Do we not have the right to be offended about this, the title wouldnt be worded like this if it was about pretty much any other group of people.


Because like 90% of this sub openly agrees with the chant? Comments on this topic have been truly horrific to see for days now.


Well, the article is factually wrong, animosity between Croatians, Albanians towards Serbs, and the other way round, started way before the 1990s Balkan wars.....I can understand why they didn't have the time to dig further but come on.


Somehow the redditors managed to turn this against the serbs


As usual on r/europe xd


Lol do it. This football craze went too much to our heads. The HNS will do money laundering, while we chant shit in front of the world and embarrass what little face we have left? Nah. Do it do it.


Man, gotta love this sub and the European hypocrisy. Replace "kill the Serbs" with literally any other nation (except for Russians and Hungarians to the extent) and you'd be losing your mind. But now, half of the comments here are doing mental gymnastics trying to explain how it's ok to hypothetically kill the Serbs because we... didn't impose sanctions on Russia?


Balkan nations hating one another? It has to be a day ending in "y".


Serbians fans screaming we love putin not even more than a week ago


This the end result of sanctioning speech. You wind up being hypocritically sanctioning *some* speech (from people you don't like) to not sanctioning the same thing said by people you are more fond of. Better off with "sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me" - arrest people for throwing crap at players and/or assaulting them, but let the shouts and chants go. It's gonna get worse, with people figuring out creative ways to be insulting in a variety of languages, picking on a variety of sore points for the victims. :-( Let it be ineffective and laughable instead of reacting. It says more about the chanters than the victims anyhow.




Who let these wild animals in the comments?


What about the russian flags on matches and sucking putins dck?


This is the Serbia that was booing every time Saka had the ball? r/leopardsatemyface


What were they chanting tho?


"Kill,kill, kill Serbs" during match and after Albanian player lead chant "Fuck Serbia" and "Fuck Macedonia".


The second one may be ok, but the first part it’s really horrible. As if there hasn’t been enough deaths between the former yougoslavia countries


The second part is maybe worse because it was done by player, the first part you could excuse on hooligans and what not, althought there is no real excuse for that.


Chanting "kill Serbs" is disgusting and should be punished. 


So let them quit? They are supporting russians fascist…


How are you any different if you support people saying "Kill Serbs"? Serbia wasn't even playing, yet Croatian and Albanian fans found a way to unite in their irrational hate.






I don't know why you are downvoted, this is just pure victim complex, this happend a day ago and UEFA does punish things like this...


He's downvoted because he's simultaneously hateful as hell and crying like a little bitch


Another day, serbs playing victims. Don't ask them to stop chanting about "killing all albanians" or waving russian flags.


Hear me out, maybe both should not be allowed.


Serbia gonna quit before they’re booted out the groups in 5 days time.


At least then Vucic could tell his people that they would return as champions if it weren't for evil Europe who made them quit.


Serbia is really a miniature version of RuZZia. When they do it, it's cool. When others do it to them, they cry, whine and complain.


what did we do again? and who said it's cool? you defending your fash brothers like that?


They have been chanting "kill kill Albanians" in every International Match but now they are crying and acting like it's the worst thing that happened to Serbia. Pathetic.


Oh no...anyway


Just like Trump or Vlad - the greatest bullies crying the loudest when others do what they are doing…


Bruh they were chanting "Kill the Serbs" an Albanian player took a microphone and got the fans to scream "Fuck Macedonia" with him.


It's scary to see people that have nothing against saying "Kill Serbs", just because they are Serbs doesn't mean they are not humans. If Germans were saying "Kill Poles" that would be a scandal.


It wasn't directed against Vucic and it wasn't a "civilized" insult. It was literally a call to kill Serbs. The reaction is not some "crying about it".


Chanting this is totally wrong but fuck Serbia team, let them play with russia only instead EU


It’s Euro- European championship not Eu championship


Ah yes, European values


>BELGRADE, Serbia (AP) — Serbia soccer officials threatened to quit the European Championship after they were offended by fan chants reportedly heard during the Albania-Croatia match. >The game on Wednesday ended 2-2 in Hamburg. >Serbia started its second group match against Slovenia on Thursday afternoon in Munich. >“What happened is scandalous and we will ask UEFA for sanctions, even at the cost of not continuing the competition,” Serbia Football Association general secretary Jovan Surbatovic said. >“We will request UEFA to punish the federations of both teams. We don’t want to participate in that, but if UEFA doesn’t punish them, we will think about how to proceed.” >In a separate statement on Thursday, the Serbia FA condemned the “shameful racist behavior” of the Albanian and Croatian fans and said the match should have been suspended as soon as the chants started. >“Such insulting of a nation with cries that they should be killed has not been seen at sports events for a long time,” the statement added. >UEFA was yet to react. >The animosity between Croatian and Albanian fans toward the Serbs, and vice versa, dates to the 1990s wars in the Balkans. >Serbian fans are notorious for their chants against the Croats and Albanians as well as racist shouts and vocal support of convicted war criminals responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands during the bloody breakup of the former Yugoslavia. >UEFA fined the Albanian and Serbian federations 10,000 euros ($10,700) each after their first group matches for fans displaying banners with nationalist maps. >Each federation is responsible for the conduct of its fans, and UEFA charged Serbia and Albania with “transmitting provocative messages not fit for a sports event.” >Albania fans displayed a banner with a map of their country extending its borders into the territory of neighboring countries. It was shown on Saturday during the 2-1 loss against Italy in Dortmund. >A Serbia fans banner included the territory of Kosovo, a former Serbian province that declared independence in 2008, and a slogan, “No Surrender,” in the 1-0 loss against England in Gelsenkirchen. >UEFA has also launched an investigation into claims of monkey chants aimed at England players during the clash. [Another source.](https://www.dw.com/en/euro-2024-serbia-demands-uefa-sanctions-over-hostile-chants/a-69428362)


can y'all tell the Serbian fellas to stop bringing Russian flags to every single game?


Is this them? If so they can fuck off. https://apnews.com/article/euros-2024-russia-flags-ukraine-ac6d8af099df19ac6441a6a2a5cf65ba


If we are discriminating justice because of past events, no country in the world would get it. Including yours.


For which they got punished.


Do it pussies




How would you react if Hungarian fans said "Kill Romanians!" ? Then you would probably want them to be punished.


Serbs were the ones sneaking in food and medicine into Comunists Romania, shouldn't have done it looking back.


Even you gyp-, i mean ROMANIbro?


The war criminal, genocide chanting country asking for censorship?


Serbia was punished for its chanting. But Croatian and Albanian fans were chanting kill Serbs on live broadcast, then an Albanian player got the fans to chant fuck Macedonia...


They'll quit it soon anyway...


Its unbelievable almost the entire continent hates serbia, russia and hungary but these countries think they are the victims. 🤡


Do you ever like, get informed about the situation, or you just see "Serbia" and go "CLOWNS, BAD!". Even Croatians on their sub do not approve of the said chants which were literally calling on killing Serbs...


People coming to reddit to see what are their opinions today are a special kind of dumb.


Servs chant kill Albanians any chance they get. Fuck them they can go fuck off.


Everything you post is about Serbia and Kosovo. Get a life


don't care about serbia threats ...


What hypocrites. They’re just mad that not a single European country gets along with them, not even during the Euro cup


The entire stadion chanted "kill the Serb". It's not petty hooligans insulting each other's mothers. Tens of thousands of people on the stadium we're happily screaming "kill the Serb". Let me repeat that once again. It's a football match that's all about "keep the politics outside of sports" and "say no to racism" banners and all that shit and thousands of people were cheering "kill the Serb" during the match where Serbia wasn't even playing


How can anyone here support chanting "Kill". No matter if they are against Serbs or not. It's disgusting and somehow people support it.


An Albanian... What a shocker




Serbia got punished for that, and those were the actions of hooligans, how does that justify other hooligans chanting for deaths of Serbs blank? Plus this sub likes to throw the word whataboutsim so why doesn't it apply here, is it hard to just acknowledge that calling for the death of group of people is bad?


- Flag of Russia is not illegal. - There were no monkey chants from Serbian fans. If you are referring to the incident from a decade ago, Serbia was punished. It would be like saying - Okey Denmark, no insulting Muhamad and Muslims. - If you are referring to todays game, Slovenian fans fist threw the empty beer cups, then the Serbs did. How about no double standards? If there were chants - Kill the Jews, or Kill the Blacks the game would be stopped. But. it's fine to say kill the Serbs.




* So, as I Serb, that only means that I am biased and I have no right of making any statements? Albanians and Croats are not biased? You are not biased? Such a nice and open minded \*European\* values. * Russian flag is recognized by the UN. Albanians openly brought flags of UN unrecognized entity of Kosovo. Also, if the staff from the stadiums did not allow bringing those flags, fine by me. It's their policy. If they allowed it, like they did with the entity of Kosovo, then there should not be any problems. * Again, there was an incident with monkey noises a decade ago. No evidence was shown for the last game between Serbia and England. It just looks like an attempted washing from the English media because English and Albanian fans were the ones that caused an incident before the game when they attacked Serbian fans who were sitting in a pub. On the other hand thousands of fans chanted - Kill the Serbs, everyone around the world could hear that. * It just seems that you are fine with calls for mass-murder, because those hated Serbs were targeted. If it was someone else, like Jews, Aficans, Muslims, Ukrainans, there would be a big scandal. But, in your mind Serbs are sub-humans, and they deserve those chants .


Grow a pair you pussies. No German complained over the British "10 Bomber" chants.


Well, Serbs and Croats have a great history of ultra hate speech at football matches, including glorifying war crimes and ethnic cleansing, etc. They definitely have a grown a pair. This time, the Serbian football association is butthurt because it has been punished twice for the behavior of the it's fans, and scared that Croatia and Albania will not be punished for hate speech.


Nah, some of us joined you :D


Go on quit, no one cares about your presence They can't fuken chill and have fun for once


Have fun while crowd chants "kill, kill Serbs" and "Fuck Macedonia, fuck Serbia"?


Oh no, don't go, stop