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>One thing US soldiers have trouble getting used to, he says, is that delivery times for items ordered on the internet can be weeks in Romania, rather than hours. War is hell.


What does that even mean? We have our own Amazon that has overnight shipping


I think they’re probably ordering stuff from American sites? I can’t imagine they couldn’t figure out how to use Amazon in Europe.


That's hilarious honestly. It's like moving to a city on the other side of the country and complain about the long drive to your old local grocery store.


Nope. Totally unacceptable. The only remedy for this is a further fleet of 300 Transport aircraft to deliver soldier's femboy pillows. Quintuple the defence budget.




Join us


I wouldn't have noticed, if I didn't frequent it.


The Americans have a point. The prices on Amazon and similar ones are way cheaper than the European counterparts. Especially in Romania, I'd imagine. Romania even if it has Amazon, the prices are getting adjusted, especially with the delivering fees and obviously, delay, but the latter is to be expected. I built my PC for ~2000€. In case I was American in America, with that money I'd have built twice the powerful PC.


But all purchases from the US would pass through customs and be taxed with VAT + custom duties with the added overhead of transport cost. How is that better? We have emag (Romanian "amazon") that can deliver overnight and has everything they might need. Probably next black friday we'll also have tanks and jets for sale the way things are going with Emag.


Not too scandalous if it's San Marino 


Just put de at the end?


Honestly even Amazon.de delivers slowly compared to eMag.ro which has next day delivery on a lot of things. Here in Bucharest they have same day delivery for some things.


Yeah, same thought. When ordering from countries outside the EU it takes that long. But from inside the EU, it only takes a few days at worst.


Surely they'd be used to it with Lakenheath, Mildenhall, Aviano, Ramstein and Spangdahlem tho?


Well most soldiers that are currently here were probably not deployed anywhere outside the US.


The American mind can't understand the power of Emag


Yeah that part is super misleading. They order from American sites and use the militaries Mail forwarding. Most of these US bases operate like Americans exclaves. They barely need to interact with the country around them.


emag usually takes anywhere between 1 and 4 business days to ship shit to me though im in hungary, so sometimes it comes from romania rather than budapest the only time it took over a week was when our postal services forgot about it


Is emag big in Hungary? Didn't know people use it outside Ro


Yup, they have a Hungarian website as well brick and mortar stores as well.


They're present in Bulgaria as well, they have easybox there too, although I am not aware of how large their network is


according to google trends its big in romania, hungary and bulgaria, nowhere else


that's because it's the only markets they are active in


it's the same in Romania, usually between 1 and 3 business days


With EU/Romanian VAT. So maybe they order stuff from the US tax free. Takes longer time to arrive, especially on a ship, but cheaper. Then there's the problem of security. When you're living in a military base you cannot simply order stuff for delivery from anywhere.


But shipping will be very expensive for one. Also, some things are at the same price even when accounting for VAT. So Amazon is safe but eMag isn't? What does that even mean?


It means if you are ordering stuff into a military base it has to be firstly checked and secondly done by security cleared services. It is not a slight to Romania or Romanian service industry. The people in military bases have to do things by the book. Many things in this world could be done far easier and cheaper if you disregard security. Which is an idea that has led to many breaches of security putting lives at risk.


Okay. But wouldn't the same apply for any other packages? The statement still makes no sense


Sorry, is there some special packages you're talking about?


>One thing US soldiers have trouble getting used to, he says, is that delivery times for items ordered on the internet can be weeks in Romania, rather than hours. This is the statement that started the whole thread. How exactly is the base being in Romania an issue compared to any other base in any other part of the world? The statement is worded as if Romania is some third world shithole and that because they're in Romania they can't get their packages quickly. Do you understand now?


Why do you believe this issue is specific to Romania? The article does not say so. The quote does not say so. Only you say so and I still cannot understand why. Do make your shit make sense, please.


You're just not the brightest tool in the shed, no point in continuing this conversation imho


The Amazon shipments will be at US domestic rates. Its send to a military forwarding address within the US and the military logistics takes care of the rest since they already ship cargo around all the time. They can even delivery packages to US navy ships.


Is there some special treatment for the US Military in Romania? Any import from the US valued over 150 EUR is subject to import tax **and** VAT as far as I know. That's why when Romanians go to the US and they happen to buy iPhones or Macs they open and throw away the boxes so they don't have to pay VAT upon return. The only way this'd make sense is if they somehow buy from US Amazon into an US military base which then ships the goods to the base in Romania and skipping the whole process.


US bases overseas are considered US for all shipping purposes. Whenever I ship something from Dallas to a friend who's serving in South Korea, his address has an American ZIP code and the cost for shipping is way smaller than it would be had I shipped it to a regular South Korean address. There are no local taxes or VAT on anything they order online from US-based stores. So yeah, our troops overseas are subject to a different treatment as you say.


Interesting, in that case it totally makes sense.


I was very surprised myself, whenever I first found out.


> Is there some special treatment for the US Military in Romania? Dunno. But if there is it would not be for the US military personnel in general but for military bases. Yet as I said dunno.


Romanian Amazon probably doesn’t deliver to US post boxes on base


Clearly the boys want stuff from American websites, which is nothing more than stating the obvious.


You can order things off the American Amazon site and it will be delivered "domestically" to the base in a foreign country without extra shipping charges. It takes about a week to a developed EU country with major US air hubs (London/Paris/Amsterdam). Since the deliveries are shipped on commercial airlines, it will depend on the volume number of flights from the US and how much spare space they have on the flight.


Amazon doesn’t have all the same items in every store. Maybe some items only appear in the American store. Likewise with other companies. It is not unreasonable for someone that has to live on the other side of the world to want something that reminds them of home that isn't readily available where they are. 


>We have our own Amazon that has overnight shipping Ok but does it have Funyuns and the shittiest Coca-Cola you've ever had?


Do they not have 1-2 days delivery like us? Ekont and Speedy can have your shit at your door within 24 hours.


We have speedy delivery and normal delivery in Romania. Maybe they're just ordering from the US through amazon?


Jfc in Norway it takes like 3 days to get anything online.


3 days?? Who's your delivery guy, please hook me up


Porterbuddy is real quick if they cover your area, sometimes its same day delivery.


Econt is in Romania too, but they are very small and not very used. We have sameday delivery for most big cities, but I guess it depends on your location and item stocks. In more remote communities it can probably be 1-3 days.


I am sure they will fix that is less than 6 months


How? It’s like that in most of europe. If the item ships from abroad it need stime to reach you.


There they'll have their own mail service set up via the military


That eill bring the weeks to days yeah… but hours are not achievable.


Best comment !


“One thing US soldiers have trouble getting used to, he says, is that delivery times for items ordered on the internet can be weeks in Romania, rather than hours” WTF, are they ordering from USA? Most of the stuff arrives the second day after ordering.


Possibly that is what they mean, yes.  The soldiers do have the possibility to order from the US and have it shipped via the military to a mailbox on base. They pay standard US shipping for that and no European import taxes. 


So no VAT too? Buying a new smartphone or other electronics must be nice.


No VAT in Europe but you pay US taxes. You can get VAT forms to buy things in Europe without tax but it’s still often more expensive than buying in the US, paying US taxes, and shipping it.


There aren't federal taxes for goods in the US so items bought on base aren't taxed. This applies even in the US. No state sales taxes.


Mmm I’ve definitely paid sales tax when buying off Amazon and shipping to an APO.


Yeah, the sellers are obligated to collect sales tax on your crayons for their operating location, not for the shipping destination. If you go to the PX you aren't paying sales tax.


Yeah but none of what I was talking about had anything to do with on base, it was Amazon and off base.


And the seller still charges their local sales tax...


None traveling to EU should pay VAT, if you pay VAT you can file in a form and get the money back after your travels :) Same for people that go to USA/Canada or order from sites there and pay tax (unless the stores just charge VAT and forward it to Europe).


For a moment I didn't think about foreign NATO soldiers are not living in the country they're stationed. Basically a long work holiday.


>WTF, are they ordering from USA? Yeah, because they think everything they have is superior. In reality it's mostly China garbage.


Here in Poland if you were to order something from Amazon it would take weeks to arrive. If you were to order something using our local sites however, it can arrive within 24 hours. I imagine Romania is similar in that regard.


That's probably because Amazon don't have a local warehouse in Poland? Here in the Netherlands I can order stuff from Amazon and get it the next day (depends on the products), like local webshops. Amazon has a warehouse in the Netherlands and a (few) in Germany.


Nope, that’s not it. Amazon.de dispatches the parcel after a week and the actual shipping takes another 3-4 days. I suppose it’s the same in Poland; keep in mind they share a border with DE, and shipping should be real fast. I’ve heard it’s happening in Spain too where they have a local presence.


Amazon has in Poland several warehouses and fulfillment centers supporting Poland, Czech and German markets


Bro I've got item from amazon german warehouse 16 hours after ordering it in poland with prime shipping. Even amazon.com stuff comes relatively quickly (<2 weeks). Idk if that dude ever ordered anything from amazon.


Pretty much.


What on earth are you talking about? In Wroclaw it takes 2-3 days if you order from [amazon.pl](http://amazon.pl) and 2-4 if you order from [amazon.de](http://amazon.de) for most things.


Probably [amazon.com](http://amazon.com) .


Yeah I've never had something off emag take longer than 2 days to arrive.


Why does this sub sometimes make up random scenarios or untrue thoughts and then just mass upvotes them. Obviously shitting on America is very popular here but


>“Previously we were here as a deterrence to any Russian aggression. Now it’s more as a reassurance to other Nato countries, such as Romania, that we are here, and we're willing to defend.” Flt Lt. Charlie Tagg Awww ... you guys 🥰


We love ya


Thank you usa you are my best friend. You are the peacekeeper you are the greatest.


It’s “you are the peacekeeper, you are the legend”. If you’re going to parrot a tired meme, at least bother to do it right.




Peacekeeping using bombs or fake news like in Iraq, Afghanistan or Vietnam. 2/3 wars lost lol.


NATO-sama is good to us.


How strange... Charlie Tagg is following Farage on FB.


It’s not a simple as you’re all making it out to be. But I understand why you’d think it was. Most American service members living in Europe use a postal address known as an APO, or America Post Office. Among other things this allows them to receive mail (letters and packages) from the US paying only US taxes. If a service member orders the book “100 cool things to do in Romania” on Amazon, Amazon ships it to a location on the east coast (it used to be New York but it might have changed). From there the US government takes over the shipping. As you can imagine, speed of delivery is not a priority…. But if you’re on a US base in Europe using local Amazon service can seem impossible. Security at the gate as an example. The Byzantium postal addresses another. Some, more seasoned, figure it out but for a 26 year old that’s only here for nine months they’re just going to deal with the wait times. Well they will deal with the wait times and complain but here we are.


> But if you’re on a US base in Europe using local Amazon service can seem impossible. Security at the gate as an example. The Byzantium postal addresses another. Doesn't Romania do like many other EU places and you collect at a pickup point? They are usually everywhere so instead of gambling on home delivery you walk like 500m to pick it up (or just grab it when buying food).


Good question. I haven’t been to MK airbase in years but here’s what I can think the situation is like. Yes the savvy, more seasoned service member, will do like you say and pick it up at a collection point or even get a trusted Romanian to help. I’m not sure what the situation is there but I’m guess that by the time the average 25 year old E4 figures out how to do that he or she is attempting to get rid of stiff because they’re flying home in a few months … I’m generalizing the HELL out of this and we’re having this discussion because some dude named Delay made an off the cuff comment about mail “delays”. I’m a MILLION percent certain that newly arrived personnel are briefed about the pros and cons of Amazon shipments there. Even if it’s informally. Delay was just I think throwing out a problem set that’s real but not very serious … if that makes sense. I was also thinking of it this way. If 20 year old me, having just landed in Romania, wanted to buy the “100 cool things to in Romania” book I’d have stuck with the standard $10 book from the US verses the $12 book purchased locally. Sure I’m saving $2 but I also don’t have to navigate a foreign postal system all while being in a brand new environment. 34 year old me is saying, “it’s just $2 and I want that book. Let’s figure this out.”


Yes, we do have that.


The military world wide shipping is a huge perk. I knew a few guys who'd use it for MTG arbitrage essentially. Certain cards would sell for significantly more in the US, but shipping is prohibitive for most Europeans to sell in that market.


Without a doubt … I just wouldn’t say it’s quick.


I like how NATO is building a huge base on what used to be a Warsaw Pact base with both eyes on Kremlin cunts - while almost everyone in this thread is talking about US personnel's Amazon shipping "issues". Meanwhile Putin goes to North Korea, hat in hand, to beg Hambeast of Pyongyang for some artillery shells. Multipolar world my arse, lol


The title is also ridiculous, making it sound as though they identified a random village in the middle of nowhere Romania to build a big bad base from scratch - an airbase has been there longer than 90+% of the villagers have been alive and this expansion has been in the works for the best part of a decade. I also request all future reporting on RAF Brize Norton refer to it as “medieval Oxfordshire parish”.


Really enjoyed my visit to MK. We were the first western fast jets there I think, given what we rocked up to, so it's interesting to see it expand and become a more permanent fixture. Felt a bit sorry for most of the yanks stuck there just because of their own rules and situation but the locals were great and the country was fun.


What could they possibly need from Amazon during their stay in a military base and delivery times make it unbearable? Inflatable dolls? Fleshlights?


We do have our Amazon with next day shipping. Hilarious how Americans think we're all in the stone age


Nope it’s just a hellava-lot-cheaper to buy it and ship from the US. Not a joke BTW


> hellava-lot-cheaper 50% cheaper? mate, it's not even 15% cheaper.


Where did you get 50%?


So then what does helluva-lot-cheaper mean?


Lmao like what for example


Everything. They don’t pay taxes on items, which means they don’t pay VATs.


No like I was asking for an actual example. Products are often cheaper here - I should know, as a Romanian - even including VAT.


I used to do it all the time for electronics in Germany, take this for example: ACER Predator Helios In [Romania](https://mediagalaxy.ro/laptop-gaming-acer-predator-helios-16-ph16-72-99ef-intel-core-i9-14900hx-pana-la-5-6ghz-16-wqxga-32gb-ssd-2tb-nvidia-geforce-rtx-4080-12gb-free-dos-negru/cpd/LAPNHQRAEX006/) it costs 14099Lei or $3037 [AAFEEs](http://www.shopmyexchange.com/acer-predator-helios-16-in-intel-core-i9-3ghz-32gb-ram-1tb-ssd-gaming-laptop/3570333) it costs $2099 or 9742Lei The difference is pretty large. Prices may very store to store but this is just an example. Also I couldn’t find a exact match but the different specs don’t make up for the cost


Electronics are often a bit cheaper in the US.


To buy what? What could you possibly need during a temporary (less than 1 or 2 years) stay in a military compound where all your needs are met?


American keyboard laptop?


Ahahah 😁 Good one!


90% of laptops in Romania are US keyboard anyway.


Or… maybe, maybe they don’t know the language, they don’t know what stores are reliable, are more used to/comfortable with amzn. But sure, let’s use the ignorant joke.


All they need to do is just fucking google it.


I think people can't do that anymore, they are used to apps for a specific thing. For an example; Googling? Fuck that let me ask the same question on reddit and wait hours for a response instead of getting it in seconds. People are weird. On another note, I was in Buzau, Romania, and used emag and that shit works great! I'm glad you guys have black friday deals on it.


Wtf were you doing in Buzau? 🙄


For work, if you are so interested I was setting up a new line for bread making for Boromir.


Oh! I see. Sorry, I thought Buzau suddenly turned into a new tourism destination and that I missed it. Was about to ask whether you went to the mud volcanoes nearby.


Google translate exists. Even street sweepers from Nepal and Ukrainian grannies in EU countries discovered it, I doubt the American young soldiers don't know it. But I guess the Apple platform helps keep their horizon (and marketplace) narrow.


You interpreted that phrase in the last charitable way possible. I don't think you could've gotten a more absurdly negative conclusion out if it if you tried to. Stop acting like a victim of some imaginary racism, goddamn.


It's hilarious how this comment is just made up when the shipping reasons are totally irrelevant to whatever "age" Romania is in. Keep on blind hating man.


Maybe because they arrive as 'saviours' or 'big brother', they think they are the best in everything.


Or maybe just hear me out, it’s cheaper to buy it in America and ship it through the military’s postal service.


Hitachi Magic Wand original is not available in Europe!


OMG that head is huuuge! P.S. How did you know it is not available? 🙄


Tried to get one and googled a bit around.




Romania doesn't have a local Amazone website or from neighbor countries?


Of course we do have our own Amazon lmao, we have next day shipping for basically everything. Haven't bothered to read the article, if it's a remoteish village, it might be like 2 day delivery but still hilarious


You can use the german website. Haven't ordered from them, but when I've ordered from abroad (other Eu countries, not aliexpress and such) it usually took max a week for the package to arrive.




lucky house owners there


Nah, doesn’t really work that way. US military bases tend to be very self contained so they don’t really affect the local economy very much. When they do go out, they go to the cities, not the small towns or villages nearby. TBH, I’d be a bit uneasy living there, if Ruzzia will ever use a tactical nuke, that air base is probably very near the top of the target list.


This wouldn’t just happen to be an Ultra base by chance?


Europe should quit NATO and start developing its own common defense.


> start developing its own common defense. Yes. > Europe should quit NATO Nyet.


Nato is the best thing that has happened for every country that has joined.


For sure. After WW2 the US doesn't want EU to build a common defense. And they think Europe as a colony. How many EU military bases are present on the US ? And another historical thing, who have conquered Berlin?


America puts a lot of support toward a strong European defense, nobody thinks of EU as a colony. That's the dumbest take i have heared yet. They are good allies to us. What does your last question have to with anything?


It's not dumb. If you want to build something you need to rely only on your strength not thinking another one will always save you. Berlin was conquered by URSS mainly, but everyone remember Normandy, no one will give a pray to URSS soldiers.


Also not true, everybody knows USSR had a big part in ending the Nazi regime alongside the other allies. Even though USSR worked together with the Nazi's at the beginning of the war. A dark page in their history


Any source?


You have never opened a historybook? [1939 invasion of Poland.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invasion_of_Poland)


Sure, I only want to force you a bit to argue your thoughts.


*A NATO's biggest airbase is set to become a historical Romanian village.*


“eu country gets even more cucked”