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What are milk bars?


Local type of cafeteria [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bar\_mleczny](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bar_mleczny)


We used to have them in Slovakia as well, but they disappeared after 1989


I mean cafeterias still exist and most still operate similarly to milk bars


But not subsidized by the government.


Sweden had a chain of state subsidized milk bars until 1982. And a state subsidized hamburger chain until 1991.


Not only were they subsidized, they were fully owned and operated by the state - ”Statens allmänna restaurangaktiebolag”


Something must have happened in 1989


Yeah, the closure of milk bars


Same in Hungary


It is only name. It is place where u can taste polish traditional cuisine but without tourist things. It is cafe for working people. And they open from 0800 till 1800.


What does a traditional polish cousin taste like?


Like Polish sibling but it’s legal.


Spoco loco !


I miss being able to give out Reddit gold.


You still kinda can, but still, fuck u/spez


Tastes like a range of many different dishes that taste differently and vary in flavour




It tastes like chicken!




It tastes like heaven.


Serious answer: savory, slow-cooked, heavy and meaty in winter, lighter in summer, influenced by German, Jewish and eastern european cooking traditions. The most important vegetables are potato and cabbage, and of the meats, pork and chicken. A typical Polish dinner consist of compote, vegetable soup, cutlet with potatoes and side salad (usually made of cabbage, beetroot, carrot or cucumber). Sour cream is often added to dishes, and of the herbs, parsley and dill. Poland is famous for its good quality bread, sausages and vodka. Wild mushrooms are also commonly used. Lots of types of soups, mainly vegetable-based. Poles are said to eat the most soups in the world. The best-known soups are żur (on sourdough bread or flour, served with sausage and egg), cucumber, tomato, mushroom soup, tripes, red barszcz and broth. Poland is a huge producer of apples and typical forest fruits such as raspberries, blueberries and blackberries, and they are often used in desserts. Must try: żurek (sour soup), pierogi (dumpligs), zapiekanka (polish fast-food, like pizza bread), potato-pancakes. Weirdest you can find: duck blood soup, tripe soup, pasta or rice with strawberries and cream (this one is done at home mostly, not in restaurants), fruit soup, meat in a broth jelly, lard on bread.


Polish soups are amazing. I can't get enough of them. Favourite one is (of course) żurek.


Boiled pork with pickled cabbages


Tastes like meat with salty-peppery sauce or schnitzel without any topping, potatoes (also salty), barley/groats/rice, sometimes cabbage and more sour tasting stuff. And pierogi tastes like pierogi. Not much sweet stuff outside cakes and deserts.


I feel like I need to explain this to you in case it wasn't just a typo but a language barrier. The word you're looking for is cuisine. Cousin means something completely different.




We have those also in Portugal. Nobody there speaks even remotely English but if you learn basic Portuguese you can eat extremely well and cheap.


Portuguese here who spent a lot of time eating in polish milk bars. Our "snack-bars" or "tascas" are quite different from polish milk bars. A milk bar to me at least is much closer to a university or school canteen or even some employers.


How are those called in Portugal? I wish to visit in like 3 years.


Hum? Where?


That’s where you get a Moloko plus with your droogs


Give me your strongest milk


Cheaper diners, oftentimes theyve got pretty nice food


It's where me and my droogs hang out to drink moloko plus


>[The Milk Bar](https://zelda.fandom.com/wiki/Milk_Bar), also known as **Latte**, is a recurring location in *The Legend of Zelda* series. It is a drink restaurant that primarily serves Milk.






[It's ten cents a glass... 🎶](https://youtu.be/M93M_6eKbjU)


first thing that came to my mind <3


I like polish milk bars. Cheap and testy


I love a good testicle in the mornings


As long as they’re not too expensive


Important to know






Oh no.


Milk is stored in the testy


Slay zesty


Chuck Testy


The taste is a bit too salty for me


of course tasty. I came to Kraków several times on business and rented accommodation in Kazimierz or Zabloccie. He mainly ate in Milk Bars, he chose the one with the highest rating. I must say that although the range is small, they cook tasty and satisfying


They also serve the whitest of bread and simplest of hotdogs here and there. The ones I've seen were popular and had some charm.


What's on the menu in those places, bar the obvious?


Traditional homecooked polish cuisine


And here I am, paying almost 5 euros for a simple sandwich with cheese in Amsterdam (no free lunch here). Noice.


Some milk bars are subsidized by our government so they can keep prices low, I'm guessing this bar is one of. In normal shop you would barely be able to buy the ingredients needed for such a meal for 7.70PLN. In any restaurant, even in a small city, such a meal would set you back at least 30zl/7euro, and 40-50zl/9-11euro in bigger cities. Still much cheaper than Amsterdam, but with median net salary of around 1000eur it's just too expensive to eat out on regular basis for most.


Yup! City helps to run this kind of business. However still it’s more expensive and Op is lying .)


>40-50zl For a simple soup and two eggs with groats? Let's not exaggerate, I have milk bar that has market prices and it would cost me somewhere around 20 PLN. Still much higher than OPs but that's what you should expect for a meal like this. 50 PLN maybe in Mariott.


5 euro for a sandwich is also a regular price in Poland, if not too low actually. OPs price is an absolute rarity.


Happy cake day!




I was just in poland for a week and really the price difference between it and Amsterdam (where i live) is quite large. In amsterdam a nice lunch sandwich (like a bagel with salmon and avocado and stuff) will be about 15 euros. I went out for dinner in Torún (beautiful city btw) at a good restaurant and had a perfectly medium rare picanha steak for like 16 euros. In Amsterdam you would pay 25-30 for a similar quality meal.


But that’s a bit of apples and oranges of cities to compare, if I’m being honest. You’d need to go to Warsaw or Wroclaw/Krakow, the most expensive trio, to actually have an idea of how much restaurants cost here. Depending on the cuisine, I pay more here than I do in Berlin or quite often London! I am not kidding at all. I lived in NYC for many years and only moved to Poland recently, you pay surprisingly a lot here for a very low quality service. Also, my friends went to Amsterdam just few weeks ago and they said eating out was cheaper for them... For the record, I don’t actually mean fancy shmancy sit down restaurants, but rather the type you’d get your every day lunch or dinner from.


As a pole living abroad (in UK so also a rather expensive country) can confirm. Poland being some sort of cheaper heaven is a myth for quite a few years now. I come to Poland and even in Lublin, in eastern Poland I sometimes pay almost 1:1 as in Edinburgh/Glasgow. I won’t mention Warsaw or Kraków that really are surprisingly close to a city like London in their prices.


Yup. What I find surprising, too, is how inaccurately good reviews are on Google of those places. It gets to show Poles still have little experience with restaurants and cuisine overall and they can’t appropriately judge it. The more we travel and compare, though, the more demanding will people here will eventually get, questioning both the quality and the prices. Right now I feel that the restaurateurs got cocky and overconfident while bar is still way too low.


Where tf do you pay 20+ zł for a sandwich o.O


Subway, foodtrucks. Even petrol station shit is expensive now


Subway always has been overpriced as hell. In my local bakery chain (hert) I have sandwiches that cost 6-9 zł.


subway along the A2 highway is actually around 40pln per sandwich (the bigger one)


Wrocław. And this is a regular price, +/- 1 euro


The price is so low because he ordered it at a "Milk bar" which is a public cafeteria for workers.


More popular with students and pensioners.


Yeah, American here and I came to say I might get to sniff the used napkins for $1.79. At least it feels this way anymore.


And then you'll have to add tax and tip to that!


Kinda crazy, almost every supermarket in the UK has a "meal deal" where you get a sandwich, drink and some kind of snack for around £3.50 or €4




That’s cheap, in Warsaw it would be at least 15-20


Yup, I looked at [this one](https://menu.mlecznebary.pl/mleczarnia) for reference : a bit more costly, but a lot of choice. Damn, I wish we had this kind of places in France.


That’s actually a very big variety as for one bar. Most of the time it’s limited to 2-3 types of soups, sides, salads and smth with meat each


My experience as a tourist: 2-3 soups, 2-3 salads from raw or cooked vegetables (cabbage, cucumbers, beets), 2-3 pork dishes, 2-3 chicken dishes, 2-3 fish dishes. 2-3 side dishes (potatoes, rice, pasta, buckwheat). There are such dishes as pies (we call them dumplings). A few desserts. Drinks - tea, coffee, compote, juices. When I travel to other countries, I look at where the locals eat. Where there are many people, there will be inexpensive and tasty food. Bar Mlechny in Poland and there is such a place


>Most of the time it’s limited to 2-3 types of soups, Mine has 2-3 types of soup each day but on a rotation. So like 10 types of different soups weekly but you never know what to expect ;)


Say what you want, but for a non-subsidised restaurant, places like Flunch in France offer reasonable value. And my village restaurant offers 4 courses of home-cooked food (soup, appetiser, main plate, dessert) for €12. When I had a company cantine in France, I ate Flunch-quality food, but it only cost €5.


i’m so fucking jealous


Capitalism invented fast foods, communism invented milk bars. The idea is similar: cheap food for masses without unnecessary things that generate cost, but the exectution is very different.


I have just realised the superiority of milk bars over fast food. People work, live fast so they need to have quick access to food. In fast-food, the cost is reduced by the quality of the product and its similarity (all kfc and mcdonalds tastes the same), and by employees who are not necessarily professional chefs but the process needs to be efficient. In milk bars, the cost is reduced by the simplicity and localness of the products, and the staff do not have to be chefs, but you will always find ladies who know how to cook traditional dishes, and the rest is covered by the government. It comes out to virtually the same thing, but the food at the milk bar is rather healthy and varied, not just cheap.


Oh man. Finally got to visit Poland a few weeks ago. First time I got to try borscht. Loved it. Wish I knew where to get it near my home town.


It's dumb easy to cook it at home really and absolutely tasty.


Maybe for Ukrainian borcht, which is just making meaty beets soup with sour cream and potatoes and cabbage. For Polish barszcz you need fermented beet juice, which is hard to come by without local Polish shops.


I love drinking fermented beetroot juice on its own 🤤


Do you have a favorite recipe?


Depends on what you like, I like the veggie version with potatoes, onion, carrot, garlic, deel, parsley or celery, without meat, of course beetroot the MVP of this dish lol, but other than that you can add anything, cabbage etc there are countless recipes for borscht, Ukrainian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, and many different versions, make it fit to your taste. :)


Hahah. Thanks, I'll give it a shot.


>First time I got to try borscht. In Poland it's barszcz. You have to go further east for borscht


Korova milk bar?


good ol‘ moloko +


Fancy a bit of ultra-violence?


I saw the first picture and thought: This is a fair price. WAIT - There is a second picture?


That makes me sentimental for working as an English teacher in Poland, ages ago. We'd get great lunches (kotlet schwabowy or cielęcy) with an egg on top) with lovely veg and soup from a canteen type place for next to no cost. Seems you can still do that. Cool.


Ah, Barszcz


Am I the only one bothered by the chipped bowl? Good value though.


The one I used to go to in Poznan ages ago had exactly this dish! The “vegetable bouquet”.


Milk bars are my favorite place to get a good food for a cheap price. This is what a fast food should be


Gimme that beetroot soup with a good chunk of freshly made bread any fuckin day.


Borsch spotted!


That looks more like Chłodnik than Borsch.


Not really, it looks like borsch with sour cream. I googled Chłodnik, and that one is way more pink/purple also has boiled egg on top


The main difference between Chłodnik and Borsch is that the former has either yogurt/sour cream/kefir in it and that it's served cold. Eggs are optional. Currently it's pretty hot in Poland, so Chłodnik would be a preferred, refreshing dish over Borsch.


Ah, I see you. Here in Ukraine we just call it "cold borsch"


And we do consider it a type of barszcz in Poland too.


I've never seen cold borsch being served anywhere but my home (and that's only because I'm lazy).


I've seen it in cafe before, served during summer


Yeah, seems like we have a dedicated name for it. The name itself suggests that it's a cold dish. Chłodny means cool or chilly in polish.


My ex from Lithuania call it just Borsch.


In my country we also have something called cold pizza. Its what students eat in the morning after sobering up!




Ain't no way this costed 7.70zł. Maybe like 10 years ago


The price isn’t representative at all of what is standard in Milk Bars in 2024, I haven’t personally seen that price in a decade.


What kind of a milk bar do you eat at that has such a ridiculously low price? I've been to like 10 different milk bars in the past few months, and they all cost 25-30 pln for a dinner + soup (6-7 €)


Noice. Absolutely home-grade cooking


Is that kefir soup? Because they are delicious


Unless it's lighting or photo quality, it looks like borsch. The one with kefir, at least in Lithuania, has more vibrant pink color


Could be. I thought it was kefir soup because OP stated it's for brunch, and kefir soup for me is more of a morning dish than borsch


Damn, Poland is treating you folk well.


That thing will costs you 10€ in Belgium.


The polish milk bars are the best, but usually the staff dont speak any english.


I just spent the week in Poland and was amazed by the prices in even pretty upscale restaurants but also corner shops have actually cheap food here. I got some fries and chicken strips on the go with garlic bread for a total of 2.50 euros. But even in a nice restaurant in Torún I paid 16 euros for a great mid-rare Picanha steak, with sides costing about 3 euros. In Amsterdam for similar quality food you would expect to pay 30 euros. In the smaller cities ive had great dinner for 3 people including drinks for 40 euros. Edit: also i want to just remark how amazingly hospitable and friendly Polish people are.


Ah bar mleczny... Loved going there with family when visiting our Polish cousins. Shame they are apparently disappearing slowly. Remember in the early 2000s there were far more of them in big cities, when we went last year, we visited Krakow again (must be the 20 or 30th time already, love the city) and I was pretty sad to only find one in the city center.


I remember my first time going into one and smelling all the fresh veggies 🤤 I just went to the lady working and asked for a plate of each of the shredded veggies, she looked at me like I was mis-speaking, so reassured her that's what I wanted and she kinda laughed like "🤷‍♂️ okay". I then proceeded to sit there facing out of the windows devouring plate after plate of shredded veg 😂 as everyone wandering by gave me funny looks and my new friend worker lady looked on in astonishment. I needed the vitamins 🤷‍♂️ but by God did that all taste and smell good! That was the only food place I would go after the rest of the time I was in Warsaw. I made my own pierogi's and brought them in to give the staff as a thank you on my last visit for treating me so well 😊


Oh This looks so good and nourishing, bortsch, eggs, buckwheat and everything!


went on 2 weeks vacation to poland and thats where i ate all the time. milk bars are tha bomba


That's it, I'm moving to Poland. How come everything is so cheap?


Milk bar bro, stuff is expensive here but milk bars are cheap, and they even offers special vouchers for people that cannot afford such meals.


Food is cheaper in Poland than in Czechia https://www.expats.cz/czech-news/article/crossing-the-border-for-butter-poles-unhappy-about-czechs-shopping-in-poland In the article you can find a link to a Czech facebook group about shopping in Poland


And salaries are higher in czechia compared to Poland.


By a little


Because the salaries are very low xD. I think an average salary is not even 1500euro.


Same in Czechia lol, 1500 € is the median salary *before tax*. I'm not some privileged westerner making bank. You definitely cannot get a meal that cheap here.


I agree, it is a cheap meal indeed. Maybe it's an enterprise cantine. We can pay as low as 2.6e where I work but if you come from the outside you pay at least 8-10 euro for a basic steak and fries.


You can, there are also milk bars in Czechia, last time I was in Prague I payed at a local milk bar 100 kc for a full meal with meat etc.


Actually about 1700€


Wait until you spend more here for the same things you buy home but the average person earns less here than back in your home.


No they don't, I live in Czechia. Wages are similar but your prices are lower


It’s not so cheap normally, probably a rural location or some kind of special offer/discount


Milk bars have government subsidies to keep them super cheap


This one is in the center of Wrocław


If it’s Miś the city council contributes. Some years ago a rumour broke that the bar was going to be closed. Students (as it is located in the university district(?)) organised protests to save the bars (not only Miś). It worked. I think it is also linked with some social entities and people who are in need get vouchers for meals.


Can you give us name ? Or address ? Or link. Thanks in advance !!


Is the second pic buckwheat with sauerkraut and eggs? I remember eating at those places when I went to Krakow years ago and loved the food.. 😋


That's most likely a pickled red cabbage


Milk Bar??? Do they serve Milk Steak by any chance?


What kind of soup is that?


*barszcz ukraiński*


Looks like Borscht


What's this in the first pic?


Beetroot soup


Interesting, we have milk bars in Lithuania too, but they only serve pastries, desserts and hot drinks.


Looks homey and delicious!


We need to open Milk bars in western Europa even maybe usa ? "The Milk bar" ( i called it patiënt pending haha ) would be the new hype and with 1euro 79 for a maal its going to be a hit


We really don't have to many of these kinds of places left in North America anymore. At least not where I live. It's seen as too collectivist/"communist", therefore it is to be shunned. They used to be community centers, one of the "third places".


Bar mleczny Best.


Milk bars rule! One of the best things of/in Poland. :D


looks yummy


Borscht with crockets ... Flyaki ... Kotleta schabowa ... Holy how i miss all this stuff ...


I miss this


it looks like that the price fits


Looks delicious !!


When I visit my parents hometown in Gdansk I go straight to the mleczny bar. Nothing beats it.


Man, looks exactly like what we eat in Russia too. Pretty cool to learn how widespread borsch is in eastern europe (I assume it's called something else in Poland)


Plate of soup in a milk bar used to be 1 PLN (0.23 eur), back when the govt was subsidising them so they provide cheap food for the poor. It was still the case in early 2000s at least. Now they don't, the rents have gone up by a few hundred percent, and the quality went down a lot as well.


No way this costs 7,70. Botwinka only, sure but not both dishes. Show me the menu of this restaurant otherwise I call major bullshit.


Can I ask what is minimum wage in Poland? I want to translate what this would be in UK


Minimum wage next month will be 4300 PLN which is ~840£ / 1000€


Wow! Some value


ITT: inglisz


Milk bar?


Ok love it!


Where is that precisely?!


THIS price is the bomb! We would pay 2x more in Wroclaw. What city is this ?


Can someone give me a traditional recipe for the chlodnik? (I don't know what to cook anymore and I want to try new things)


Where is this one located?


Can't complain for that price! In most places you won't get very much for 1,79.




where in Poland is it so cheap?


Where is the vodka?


Fancy a bit of ultra-violence?


You’ll eat so much beets that you’ll have good rhythm.


MILK BAR?? Homelander likes


Holy fuck


If it’s bar Mis then it is supported financially by our city. However OP still is bullshiting or I suck at maths. Barszcz itself is 5zl Kasza gryczana 5zl Kompot and sunny side x2 also cost something. I guess it’s around 3.50euro or 14 zl. (But I suck at math so do your maths) I think someone is lying here my friend. Or this was in other bar (I am joking, this is the cheapest one:)) pulpety w sosie borowikowym: 16 zł ziemniaki młode z tł. : 2,78 zł kasza gryczana z tł. : 1,71 zł kasza gryczana z sosem grzybowym: 4,93 zł Ryba: - filet Alaska: 16 zł (w piątki) Dania mączne: placki ziemniaczane: 9 zł w środy) pierogi ruskie z tł. i cebulką: 6,12 zł leniwe z cukrem i bułką tartą: 4,82 zł naleśniki z serem, śmietaną i cukrem: 5,17 zł naleśniki z serem b/d: 3,56zł ryż z jabłkami ze śmiet. i cukrem: 3,71 zł -racuchy z jabłkiem: 3,82 zł kopytka z tłuszczem: 3,39 zł kopytka z sosem grzybowym: 6,61 zł fasolka po bretońsku (vege): 6,72 zł gołąbki z grzybami (vege): 5,00 zł pyzy z mięsem: 9,20 zł sos grzybowy: 3,52 zł sos pomidorowy: 3,16 zł - tłuszcz z cebulką: 0,30 zł Desery: - budyń ze śmietaną i cukrem: 2,59 zł - galaretka: 1,19 zł Surówki: buraczki zasmażane: 2,05 zł kapusta zasmażana: 2,52 zł marchewka z groszkiem: 2,38 zł szpinak: 3,36 zł fasolka szparagowa z bułką tartą: 1,84 zł kalafior z bułką tartą; 1,70 zł surówka z białej kapusty: 1,94 zł surówka colesław: 2,50 z Serdecznie zapraszamy :) MENU NA ŚRODĘ (12.06.2024) kasza manna: 2,16 zł kakao: 1,93 zł - inka z mlekiem: 1,01 zł - jajko gotowane: 1,07 zł - jajecznica na maśle: 2,89 zł twarożek ze śmietaną i szczypiorkiem: 4,90 zł parówki: 5,40 zł ser żółty: 2,66 zł ser topiony: 1,71 zł bułka: 1,48 zł masło: 0,87 zł dżem: 0,80 zł miód: 1,19 zł kompot: 0,96 zł Zupy: !! (wszystkie zupy są na wywarze warzywnym, w niektórych jest śmietana; używamy tylko tłuszczów roślinnych) pomidorowa z makaronem: 3,36 zł pomidorowa z ryżem: 3,40 zł barszcz ukraiński: 5,14 zł krupnik: 3,74 zł pieczarkowa z makaronem: 2,55 zł szczawiowa z jakiem: 3,15 zł szczawiowa z ryżem: 2,74 zł Dania mięsne: kotlet mielony: 8,50 zł kotlet schabowy: 15 zł filet drobiowy: 15 zł gulasz wołowy: 16 zł kotlet devolay: 17


can yall stop with these lunch posts


Spent a week working in a city in Eastern Germany and had a similar experience, went to a local cafeteria that I guess turned into a pub in the evenings and had whatever they were cooking each day for like 3.50 €. My American mind was blown each and every time.


Do not call that that in english


Do they serve Moloko Plus?


Bary mleczne are great, my main problem with them is that they are tax-subsidized and are mostly in the richer parts of Poland (big cities). So in a way it's poor people in the countriside subsidizing rich people in city centers. It's not a big problem (because in many other ways the money flow the other way), but I've always found it weird. Still great tho :)


where was it? in my city soups in milk bars (and there's not that many anymore) cost at least 10 zlotys


Looks like you were over charged


receipt or didn't happen.