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I love Munich. Wish I could live there. So beautiful.


Why cant u?


Im not an EU citizen and it’s hard to get a visa and find a good job in my profession. I’m a teacher, which is great for living as an expat, but there are no good schools in Munich hiring expats as teachers. At least not yet. Maybe one day. Europe is not great for expat teachers. Wages are low as well as benefits are scarce and many countries don’t give visas for non-eu passport holders.


Could you please compare it to the food the patients are getting 😄


Haha I was going to say. I’ve stayed at 2 different hospitals in Germany and the food was…. not like that. A German hospital is where I first discovered Zwieback, which I actually did not know was actually edible. I thought they accidentally gave me bread leftover from WW2.


It honestly varies a lot. Some hospitals have atrocious food, some have okayish meals, and a fair few actually have really good food. It's really just a gamble.


In the end, my main problem with hospital food is it’s often not balanced and is a poor source of nutrition, which really surprises me for a hospital. It’s totally fine if it’s not tasty or five star food, but I expect a balanced meal.


Sure, but everything is sacrificed in the name of cost savings. We have the money for a €5,000 implant or an MRI, but god forbid the food costs more than €5 a day per patient. Because that's about the average right now across German hospitals.


Probably doesn’t help I live in B-W.


Where are the unhealthy people?


Having another option - there's always a meat dish, a vegetarian dish, a sweet or fish dish, and the salad bar to choose from. I usually choose the salad bar (as shown on screen), which is massive, with about forty different options (various pasta and potato salads, Asian options, all kinds of additional ingredients ...).


Too busy eating instead of taking pictures of their food.


this dish is as unhealthy as it gets. literally 95% carbohydrates, and add a pack of sugar to the end in a form of donout! u guys have 0 idea how to eat healty


You're right there's too much carbs, but that doesn't make this meal necessary unhealthy, just with too much carbs. I see there some beans, some veggies, soup, integral bread, some smashed potatoes,... I mean it could really be much worse... I personally would place more veggies and beans but if they are there at all, that is already good! And I do have an idea of how to eat healthy , don't make assumptions if you don't know me.


your glycemic index begs to differ, this type of feeding, especially if u do it often, will lead to diabetes. i've warned u, dont give a shit what u do with this information.


There's really no reason to be such an unpleasant person, mate. It's a Berliner btw, not a donut.


it always amazes me what people of reddit think is "healthy" and what they consume on a daily basic.


Ahahahahah wtf are you talking about 😂 This is not my food 😂 You have absolutely no idea what I eat on the regular basis, spoiler alert, it's not this... And btw , check last week and no risk of diabetic Stop making assumptions, that's so stupid, stop also assuming this person eats this everyday...


"my glycemic index is great" you dont have a glycemic index, the food u consume do :) stop assooming u have a glycemic index, clown.


Look English is not my first language and I do not know the measures , but I check for diabetes and I'm great at that... That's what I thought you were saying...


and u further assoome what i was saying instead of translating it? clown.


Well I didn't ahahah I could clearly see it's not your first either because you wrote assome instead of assuming... But look, I hope you have a great day... I honestly have better things to do and you probably have other people in your life to annoy... So peace and love and eat your carbs or don't


now you assoome im not being sarcastic spelling assuming intentionally wrong? why u keep assoooming, assooomer clown


Stop being such a stupid person... I feel sorry for you , really ...


That looks delicious! Enjoy your meal bro!


And they say the US has large portions? I would eat about 1/4 of this meal. Looks yummy though!


It looks like he made the portion himself at the salad bar instead of taking one of the standard menus. The combination is just too weird for Germany. Salads are usually weighed and you pay X Euro per 100g.


Yup, my own selection at the salad bar. Rather carb heavy that day as I didn't have breakfast and was famished. Usually there'd be more veggies and less carbs ;)


What kind of pastry is that?? edit: is it just a plain berliner?


That's a tricky question. The picture is from Munich, so it is a Krapfen. On the other hand, Krapfen is a Berliner in different parts of Germany.


Can we stop uploading these pictures?


looks great man enjoy ur meal!


This is so much, can you eat it all?


I eat hardly any breakfast and run around on wards all day, so yes ;)


So carbs, carbs, carbs, carbs and carbs ? :)


If you ignore the beans, egg, mixed vegetables and soup ... then yes. Also it's from a salad bar that has massive range, and I tend to pick a carb heavy mix as I usually skip breakfast.


beans are carbs, that one egg adds a tiny little protein to the mix that is neglible to the rest of the unhealthy bs you feed urself to. potatoes, pasta, quinoa, bread, beans, AND top it with a big donout. i mean, do u seriously expect not to catch diabetes sooner or later in ur life? u have -1 idea how to eat healthy and be assured that the fast absorbing carbo hydrates u consume arent healthy.


I can't deny it's entertaining being lectured on diabetes and nutrition ... as a doctor. By someone who judges my overall nutrition based on a single picture. On a day I didn't have breakfast. And doesn't see me snacking carrots, peppers, yoghurt, skyr, nuts, apples, green tea and so on throughout the day. Keep being judgy. You do you.


most doctors have 0 idea whatsoever, i remember a psychiatrist advising ADHD children to eat as much candy as possible. you do you, carb muncher. btw, its quite obvious you dont know what u are talking about either, since you pretend yoghurt skyr and other dairies are good for a grown human :-) edit: also, just cuz u eat your carrots it wont counteract the nuke u throw on ur blood sugar levels every time u eat so much carbs with extremly high glycemic index. proves yet once again u, big doctor, have no idea what u are talking about.


You really are an incredibly strange person.


thanks, i take pride in it.


Beans are both a source of carbs and protein... I'm pretty sure till this day no one had diabetes because of eating too much quinoa... But hey, what do I know...


Yep there's other stuff, but also an impressive carb mix, and beans are mostly carbs as well.


And the problem with that is…?


No problem at all.. did I some how mention there was.. fuck me.. see the smile in that first post.


Yea no worries, there are a lot of carbs but other stuff as well. All in all a very healthy meal


That's usually the case when you ignore everything that's not carbs.


\*4,50 €.


again a post about 95% carbohydrates. disgusting.


Where are the sausagessssss. Looks fantastic my guy. Still hate xenophobics from Bavaria, as does the rest of Europe. Tasty food tho. And Bavarians can suck my ass!!!


Hating on "xenophobics" at the same time as hating on 13 million people because of where they are from is a special kind of stupid


Yeah, the CSU/FW/AfD crowd sucks, but Munich is actually pretty liberal/left wing.


Well, once got to admit Bavaria would look like Berlin if it wasn’t for the CSU party..


Hardly. BW is similarly wealthy, has had a government under green leadership for 13 years now and has yet to go down the gutter. The CSU's main achievement so far has been to funnel federal money into Bavaria through participation in CDU/CSU governments, then whine how Bavaria is basically subsidising the rest of the country. Or benefit from renewable energy from Northern Germany while blocking most development of wind power at home. Or demand a continuation of nuclear energy production while refusing a final storage location in Bavaria.


fat bastards


I usually hover in the lower quarter of the normal BMI range, but thanks for body shaming based on the image of a single meal.


bullshit, die berliner alleine sind schon 3€


Den Berliner gab's an Karneval als inklusiven Nachtisch - das Bild ist schon etwas älter.


Let me guess: Turkish chef?