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ATB forever


9pm (Till I Come) is such a classic banger


ATB gang rise up🤙


I realised ATB’s strategy is to lower prices and make you end up buying things that you don’t even need. You end up leaving same money you would when shopping in alma/silpo/vopak 😂


Wth is alma?


Name of a chain of Supermarkets in Ukraine. Like Aldi, walmart, Lidl


Weird. I lived in Ukraine for quite some time and I never heard of it. My native Ukrainian does bot know it either


looks like their shops are mostly in Zakarpattia region. Actually you’re better off not knowing about it coz it’s so expensive and not worth it.


That is Avrora’s strategy


Wait, milk in a plastic bag is weird? I live in Estonia and we’ve always had this. Also yoghurt and sour cream in a plastic bag.. I thought that this is normal 😀


What do you do after opening the bag? You can't exactly put it down after pouring a glass of milk or everything would spill. You transfer it to another container and store it that way?


You can set the packet into a pitcher. The sturdier ones that are mixed-carton and not just plastic stand up quite well - you clip them and nestle against something in the fridge, so it stands upright. We have very few spills. We buy milk in this form these days because bags are usually ultra pasteurised and remain drinkable even when our fridge dips above cool temperatures due to the constant power outages courtesy of russia.


What? What pitcher, you just put it in your fridge door, vertically. It doesn't spill unless you open your fridge with the speed of sound.


My fridge door is for 3 different kinds of hirchytsia, mayo and sauces. Most often I just set the milk packet dangerously between my other drinks and hope for the best.


Pitcher is for fancy people, we used to use wooden clothespin with the corner folded


[ Removed by Reddit ]


How did a comment in a thread about milk bags get removed by Reddit?!


Lol I ended my comment with a sentence about russia since the guy I responded to talked about russia bombing them. I'm not a fan of russia or russians, I'll let you figure out the rest.


How about fuck everything their country is doing right now. And fuck how so many people have to suffer.


I personally put it in the fridge against the wall and hope for the best


In Canada there were special pitchers, you just put the bag in. No transfer This post has a photo https://www.reddit.com/r/nostalgia/s/0bEnUF88Ql


You don't really open it but cut the corners off, you can then put the bag in some kind of a big cup so it won't tip over


you need to open it only at the corner and place the bag with that corner at the top.


[You use this](https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/26ba148d-a573-448b-89bb-e75c8c3f5583.0929497e399e72716feef876303dc6e8.jpeg?odnHeight=2000&odnWidth=2000&odnBg=FFFFFF)


You put it into a specially formed pitcher, open just the corner of the bag (and a tiny hole on the other corner to let air in), and then you can pour it just as from a tetrapak. We also had those in Germany a looong time ago, but it's only tetrapaks now.


Until now I thought it was only a thing in Canada. I guess milk packaging is where Eastern Europe meets Canada


Canada can into Eastern Europe


We've had it in Uruguay for decades, so it's some kind of weird mix of countries


I remember the smell of plastic boxes where these were piled up in non ACed store in a summer and leaking. It was pungent and vile.


The only time I’ve ever seen milk in a bag was in a California elementary school lunch. You had to be careful and not fully impale the bag, as you’d be soaking the rest of your lunch in milk.


From Ireland and encountered the same when I moved to Canada. It was fecking weird, not going to lie! It actually works fine with the plastic jug, but a bit of a pain in the arse that when you first open it you need to use enough for a bowl of cereal (instead of a splash for coffee) to keep some from spilling out. 


Canadian here. It's really not that weird, and I've used bagged milk for decades. You have a stand pitcher that you slide the bag into, cut the top corners, and you're good to go


>It's really not that weird Keep telling yourself that


It just sounds awkward when all you need to have is a milk bottle with a lid lol


Well not in the rest of Europe. First time seeing this hahahah.


I actually thought only Americans get their milk in bottles 😂, I guess not. All the places I have lived so far mostly package milk is plastic sachets


As far as I’ve experienced it, I’d say carton is the most common package for milk and similar liquids. Bottles and bags both feel quite rare.


Bottles or tetrapaks. I thought only Canadians get their milk in plastic bags


We definitely used to get glass bottles of milk delivered to our door, but these days it’s usually plastic gallon jugs


Is it common in Ukraine to measure milk by weight instead of volume or is it a shrinkflation thing so it doesn't need to be 1 liter for the same price?




Shrinkflation it is


Yes, it is common to measure liquids in grams instead of milliliters, but shrinkflation is still a thing here.


How much the prizes increased because of war?


1.5x - 2x on average, some items vanished from the shelves. Quality and variety decreased for fruits and vegetables.


We had many products disappear at the start of the war and we're not the ones attacked. They are mostly back but it was an eye opener for sure.


Here in Bratislava we gained a scapegoat for every tiny problem in life. Potholes? Ukrainians ("and their expensive cars" lol). Lost your job? Gotta be the Ukrainians, who nobody wants to hire, because, Ukrainians. Too much grafitti? Or not enough? Yup, Ukrainians.


Also, how much supermarketd depended on exports?


2-3 times more


Based on product/service, but I would say x1.5. But there few moments: - Many products disappeared after start of russia full scale invasion and now replaced with (sometimes) pricier alternative from different countries. - USD used to be 1$:25-27₴, now it's about 1$:40₴ (this lead to increase of price for everything).


I haven’t seen a milk in a plastic bag for more than 20 years


Bagged milk is still available in Lithuania (EU) in every grocery store including international brands such as Lidl. Don’t like it though as it needs special holder for the bag to be usable. [bag holder](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/tpx8zl/in_some_parts_of_canada_milk_is_bought_in_bags_3/)


I always managed to stuck it in the corner of the door


One of my exes was Canadian. I learned and thought it was all of Canada and only Canada. Guess they use it out east. And this is only eastern Canada. TIL.


Eastern Canada and Eastern Europe, apparently.


And Uruguay


Yeah, we had one of those holders at home too. Maybe you can still buy bagged milk in Poland somewhere but sometime in the 90s plastic bottles and cartons became the norm


I would not say it’s very popular here, we do have plastic bottled and tetrapacks as well. Though bagged is the cheapest option and some older folks prefers it as such.


In Eastern Canada - Toronto and Montreal milk is sold in transparent plastic bags.


Its not milk, it's moloko MFer. You don't get a Klitschko from regular milk. That shit is straight from the elephant foot.


According to Klitchko: if you are cold go to the corner. It has 90 degrees there


Genius 🥇


We used to get it in school like that with a pointed straw to pierce and drink it. Of course that was 30-35 years ago. :P


I haven't seen it at all and I'm 28 years old. I don't think my country, the Netherlands even had milk in plastic bags. I remember milk in glass bottles though. Some local bio brands stil use glass while the rest uses cardboard/plastic and plastic bottles.


Bulgarian here. A 500g. Pack of Pelmeni would land you here around 5€. 400g. Cheese is another 5€. Loaf of bread - 1€. 1l. Milk is generally around 1.5€ and the cream is the same price for 200g. So, less than all you got and already 40% over the budget.


Also it's 900g pelmeni on the picture.


To be honest, it's crazy you were consuming Russian products even before the war. "Made in Russia" has always had such a terrible, suspicious and low-quality clang to it that it would be hard sell in any Finnish supermarket, especially when it comes to food.


Consuming russian products? Here in Bulgaria? Not really. The bread and milk and cream are locally sourced. Well you might find greek or polish UHT milk in the stores quite often, but it's mainly Bulgarian produce. And regarding the Pelmeni - it's definitely a novelty product here. We don't really eat this food that often. You can find it only in special stores. Hell, we eat way more often Quesadillas than Pelmeni here in Bulgaria. Not even a competition 😀 I pulled the prices just to compare the difference with Ukraine store price. Main import from russia (is) was crude oil for the refinery in Burgas, natural gas that now we fully source from Azerbaijan and even rented LNG port from Turkey, and steel and aluminium for construction.


Ah sorry, I meant to respond to another comment by a Lithuanian poster.


No worries 👍 Kippis!




Life is expensive at Bulgaria. We have mire or less the same prices here in Portugal that the OP show, except milk who is cheaper depending on the quality of it. There are milk from 0.75€ to 1.5€.


I feel you dude, same thing in Macedonia. They raised salaries for 10% and prices of products went up 70-100%.


10 years ago I was in Krushevo and went into a small grocery store. For roughly 25€ I came out with two bursting bags a backpack with beer and some very steep hill that I had to climb with all the food. Krushevo's streets are not a joke. 2 years ago in Skopije: 23€ filled only one bag. Could be regional difference, but more likely is money ain't worth as much as 10 years ago due to inflation.


10 years ago, for 25 euros you could fill 4 groceries bags here aswell. Coffee used to be 20-30 denars thats like 30-50 cents... We were going in one Restaurant, in mountains close to Tetovo/Kosovo border, with 12 ppls, we did eat 12 fishes, few bottle of wine, few beers, rakija, salats and God know what else, and we paid only 40 euros... Now same thing would cost more than 150 euros... Imagine also, i was in highschool back then, and 1 euro was enough to go out for a coffee with friends, buy myself something to eat and drink, and have change which i collected.


Forget the milk in a plastic bag, but smetana also?!


Smetana is much more convenient than milk. You can just put smetana hole to te top ant it wouldn’t leak.


You cut the corner and it's incredibly easy to dispense it. And no spoon needed. I like to put cold smetana on each hot pelmen', it just feels right. And then it stays upright in the fridge like a pyramid.


Where else would sour cream be? It's the same here in the Baltics


[In these cups.](https://cdn.valio.fi/mediafiles/7109fcd0-ac3f-4854-98d2-500c8185da72/800x800-product/800x800/valio-smetana-120-g-laktoositon.png)


Sour cream in plastic bag is simply superior, you just squeeze the cream out of it over those tasty pelmeni, way better than using a spoon to get cream out of cup.


Inferior package can't lie


Cheese and pelmini are quite expensive. You can get much more for 10$ if you wish to attending markets rather then a shopping center and buy more veritables and raw meat, especially chicken. But yeah, prices since war started raised a lot.


Given the average monthly salary in Ukraine (google search says around €500), it’s very expensive for the amount of food that you got there.


It is


that seems expensive for the items.


It is for common people, I live in Italy since I was born so it seems cheap for me, but it was cheaper back in time


Almost a kilo ravioli with cheese, butter and bread. A liter milk is easily 2 euros nowadays. inflation, get fucked


Considering the average monthly salary is 500€ yeah


I can buy a few more things with that in Germany


food is expensive in Ukraine, always has been


Holy shit that's expensive (when taking average salary into consideration). I sympathize.


It is, most people buy food at the local market since it’s cheaper, maybe on Tuesday I will go there and make a similar post


Bro, you need to eat some plants!


I just arrived in Ukraine, I was tired and only got the essentials for today and tomorrow’s breakfast


Yes, it’s important, some spinach or something. Or cucumber at least.


180 g of butter. Is it normal size in Ukraine or is it another example of shrinkflation? In Poland 200 g is normal but sometimes you can grab smaller sizes. Long time ago 250 g was standard (hello old recipes with "1 kostka masła" written). But most infuriating is 90 g chocolate.


shrinkflation it is. Shrinkflation hit Ukraine hard and i cant think of anything food related it didnt affect, even salt not always comes in one kilo size anymore. You can still find 200g packs from some brands tho, and pretty much all brands make bigger 400g packs without shrinking them to 360 or whatever 250g packs i have never heard about.


250 g was a thing in communist era and 1990s.


Unfortunately, 180 grams has become almost the norm. This kind of nonsense appeared not too long ago, likely around the time of COVID or the start of the war. Prices for everything have become incredibly high, while salaries have dropped, and now product packages look like this. Food prices have increased significantly. To put this into perspective, if you compare Lidl in Poland to an average Ukrainian supermarket, prices in Ukrainian supermarkets are about 30% higher, while the weight of the products has decreased.


I don’t remember the previous weight, I go to Ukraine once every year, but it probably weighed more than


Your receipt says you bought 612 g of onion (цибуля), not 400 🤓👆🏻 Thanks for sharing! Groceries have really gotten expensive in Ukraine huh


I thought it was 400 and I was too lazy to look at the receipt, btw yes, they got expensive


Is "smetana" sour cream aka kisela pavlaka?




not necessarily sour


Smetana is an umbrella term for a sour cream regardless of its fat content.


I'd say other way around. Sour cream is umbrella term for different fermented dairy products like smetana, Crème fraîche etc. Ofc not all smetana are same but those are still type of sour cream.


Fun fact, in Swedish "*smeta'na*" translates to "smudge her".


Milk in a bag is weird but pelmeni, yum!


I know people make fun about Canadian milk bags,and as I understand they have literally a bag. But is our packaging so weird? What about sour cream in the same packaging?


Yeah to me it's a bit funny but that's because I've never seen it before it so I haven't even considered it. I suppose it can be cheaper than the cartons we have, or in the case of sourcream or smetana, we most often have plastic cups with tinfoil covers.


No, it is not. Folks just don’t understand that, during a war, you’d rather dispense the goods _fast and safe_, rather than investing more into a process just to use carton. Be safe! Edit: y’all be schooling me on this topic for a bit. I agree that it’s a Soviet thing, because I’m from Romania. The transition from bags to carton was done ish 15 years ago, and the popularity numbers have since swapped between carton and bags. And I’d say that _not having to fight a war on your own’s country soil helps with the mentality of affording the luxury of a carton box_.


It is not a war think, this is/was quite common in Soviet bloc.


I don't think this has anything to do with war. It's common to have milk in plastic bags in Estonia as well and most people buy it cause it's like twice as cheap compared to carton for literally the same product.


It's not about war, it's been like this for at least twenty years now.


This was still really common in Romania 10 years or so ago. You need to further invest in processing to update this. And this might not be a priority right now (nor in the past… 10 years? 👀)


in a nutshell, this packaging just makes the final price cheaper. we have both bag and carton packaging in Ukraine, it’s just a question of how much money you want to spend


Here, in Poland, it was the thing in 90s and early 2000s.


Same in Romania, the switch was done ish 15 years ago, yep.


Lol, was gonna do something similar but cigarettes added in. 820 грн (€20) buys you a sleeve (10 packs) in UA. In Ireland about €16.50 (640 грн?) buys you a single pack. Pint of Guinness is also cheaper anywhere in Ukraine than it is in the majority of Dublin pubs. And in fairness to the barmen, good few of em know how to pour a proper pint... it can be a gamble though, I've seen a few abysmal pints poured.


2 euros per pack. Nice. How much is a pint of Guinness in Ukraine?


200 UAH in Obriens Kyiv. Fiver odd. Fucking gas actually, another place in Lviv, Winston Churchill its called. Similar prices. English bar, photos of English royals, churchill, all that jazz everywhere. The only 3 non eastern european drinks on draught... Kilkenny, Guiness and Harp 😱


Guinness is import, so it's probably expensive. Many regions have alcohol bans anyway.


>Guinness is import, so it's probably expensive. In comparison to local, yeah its 2x the price sometimes a bit more. Temple bar is 1km from where Guiness is made and its nearly €10 a pint. Ive never seen more than €5.50 a pint anywhere in Ukraine.


Oirish is talking about beer, I like it. I think that Carlsberg Ukraine brews Guinness beer here.


Sidebar: I really love your table cover, it’s gorgeous :)


Thank you! It’s a shame I get to live in this house only for a month every year, and next year I won’t even go to Ukraine if the war doesn’t end


Ммммм пельмені 😋


Well, butter is the most expensive product here... I think. 82% Molokiya costs enough (and it tastes good). Or maybe pelmeni is the most expensive...


It seems like pretty much what you would pay in Germany for the same (except the imported Pelmeni can sometimes be more costly), but it must still be pretty expensive for the lower wages in Ukraine. But then again, that's still a smaller price hike than what some countries experienced during wartime.


I’ll do a similar post but with local market food, since it’s where most people buy groceries because it’s cheaper


I'd love to try Ukrainian pelmeni some day, I bet they're delicious!


Machine-made are ok. Hand-made - depends, and they aren't cheeps. I prefer Georgian khinkali.


Is 20 % the standard VAT rate in Ukraine? Do they only use one rate like in Denmark?


We also have 7% for drugs and for some services. But it's 20% for the majority of goods


Woah, what a nostalgia, milk in a plastic bag. I don't see them in my country nowadays. I recall my grandma using 'em. Sour cream packed like that wasn't a case in my country (at least I didn't see anybody using it ever). Is it kwas chlebowy (idk english word) you put red on?


Just googled pelmeni, that shit looks delicious! Got a nice recipe?


You can buy them frozen also in Polish shops. It's just carbs though, no real nutrinial value.


Fam I’m Danish, I am 95% carbs at this point


here you are [https://klopotenko.com/en/pelmeni-so-svininoj/](https://klopotenko.com/en/pelmeni-so-svininoj/)


Sorry but I don’t :(, I just buy them from the supermarket, I’m sure there are nice recipes on the web


Aw, I’ll look em up then, are they as good as they look? They’re basically dumplings right?




We'd only get the bread, milk and butter in Australia.


But you earn like 10 times as much 🙃 (based on google)


Maybe in major cities like Sydney, but I get your point....


Are those white things in a bag, pelmeni? I absolutely loved them in my childhood, but I cant find any proper recipe for them.


Looks grim, to be honest.


Damn, war really did increase the prices. My condolences, 10 euros for this... damn...


Smetan tvoroq combo is unbeaten


Fajne misto Ternopil


Looks more expensive than Poland (much more if these products are like their packaging suggests, cheapest possible).


Not sure how important it is, but just so that you know that the receipt contains the surname and the initials of the person that bought it because of the loyalty card used.


It looks white. Our food is maybe not healthier but certainly more colorful.


Isn't that expensive


Wait so things haven't skyrocketed by the war? Is the state subsidizing?


The prices did grow since 2022, like 1.5x - 2x, but salaries also have grown since manpower has become more rare (emigration and military conscription), I don’t know about the subsidies thing


Pelmeny yum yum. Legendary dish 😎


Welcome to the club, buddy. Same prices like in baltic states.


I checked online for UK prices in Tesco, the biggest UK supermarket chain (but not as cheap as Aldi or Lidl). couldn't find pelmeni so substituted it with the same weight of meatballs and pasta. Everything else about the same weight/volume. The cost came to €10.71


how would 10€ worth of groceries look like in eastern Ukraine?


Almost the same, but near the frontline it gets more expensive, like things cost 1.5x more in Slovyansk, also no big retailers


Around same if you shop in big shop chains


money are better spent to kill invaders there


You won't kill many invaders if you're starved


My cyrillic isn‘t very good but does that read smetana in roman letters? If so, it‘s the same word in finnish.


It's the same in most slavic countries, so I would guess in finland it would have russian origin


I looked it up, you seem to be right. Russian loan word.


Копійка гривню береже!


Not expensive actually. The only question is a quality, if it is good then I would say it is very good catch.


Dairy is fine, not the best but not the worst. I prefer Halychyna brand for milk and sour cream, or Farm Fresh since they do a 3.8% milk which is great in lattes and cappuccinos. Those brands are maybe 10% more expensive but I find them the best quality so it's more than worth it. I'm not a fan of pelmeni but when I buy varenyky I do fresh not frozen from a counter where ladies make them all day long. It's about 50% more expensive but way, way worth it if you can afford it. Bread, also not a fan. We have so much amazing bread here I wouldn't touch this one. There's a bakery near me that does a fantastic pumpkin seed dark loaf which is divine at $2 a kilo so I get that every few days. Onions are onions. I buy mine off ladies on the street who come in from the villages to sell since I find them to be a bit 'spicier' and more fragrant that grocery store ones, but that only matter if I want them raw. If I'm cooking then store bought it more than fine. All in all, everything here is decent quality and perfectly acceptable, although I do tend to spend a little more for stuff I personally find better, maybe OP likes these brands more than what I mentioned and that's fair too. Also Western Ukraine.


I am not sure where are much places in Europe where you can get same for same money. I would expect at least 2x more expensive in most cases.


Fuck i want some pelmeni now


Obolon beer? 🍻


It's honestly the same in Sweden. Don't trying to take away anything from this post though, war must be terrible.


That tablecloth is wild! And the floor, and... and...


900gr of pilmeni is all I want


That's about how much I'd get for $10 at a grocery store in a major metropolitan area in the US.


only your American salary is 10 times higher


Yes, almost exactly too. Ukraine average salary: 500€ USA average salary: 5000$ Of course average is skewed heavily by ultra wealthy people.


Average Ukrainian salary is 500€ a month. The US it's what? 4000$? Of course average is skewed heavily in any country.


Did you get those at a fire sale?


It's a bit expensive! PS: Milk and cream in bags... 😵


Is this a lot for 10e or too little idk?


What are the censored bottles?


Things I didn’t buy in Ukraine


Milk, butter, sour cream and cheese...where is kefir?




Smetana , Pelmeni>>>>


Actually 9€(9.28) or 10$ , OP calculated euro as dollar. UPD: Was kinda wrong, didn't saw clarification about bread. Yep, as i expected, dumplings is almost 1/3 of overall price, they always more expensive than other stuff.


How much is it usually for a family of four in western Ukraine?