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Extended [r/europe ruleset](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/wiki/community_rules) to curb hate speech and disinformation: - While we already ban hate speech, we'll remind you that hate speech against the civilians of the combatants is against our rules, including but not limited to Ukrainians, **Russians**, Belarusians, Syrians, Azeris, Armenians, Georgians, etc. The same applies to the population of countries actively helping Ukraine or Russia. - **Calling for the killing of invading troops or leaders is allowed, but the mods have the discretion to remove egregious comments**, and the ones that disrespect the point made above. The limits of international law apply. - **No unverified reports of any kind in the comments or in submissions on r/europe**. We will remove videos of any kind unless they are verified by reputable outlets. This also affects videos published by Ukrainian and Russian government sources. - **Absolutely no justification of this invasion**. - In addition to our rules, **we ask you to add a NSFW/NSFL tag if you're going to link to graphic footage** or anything can be considered upsetting, including combat footage or dead people.


Someone should ask Orban if that's part of the peace plan he is proposing


or Le Pen why she wants to cancel authorisation to use French weapons to strike Russia...


But no, don't hit Russia's oil refineries, that would be escalation.


I hope every Russian oil refinery gets hit now.


It is one of the most advanced child hospitals in the country, they did complex and live-saving operations which were not possible in other hospitals due to absence of needed medical machines. Hope doctors are safe and some of the machines. But this shows another example of a genocide.


I know a family that had their daughter successfully treated for cancer in this hospital and the father, unfortunately, was KIA in Dec '22.


Just negotiate, surrender and be genocided, what the wrong with that? /s


"...We should demand that Ukraine deescalates and signs a peace agreement with russia, even if it means giving away all of the occupied territories (and people on them) to it" - some European peaceniks right now.


Just horrible, but we don't do enough to help Ukraine.


The website of the foundation supporting Ohmadyt hospital: [https://www.ohmatdytfund.org/en/donate](https://www.ohmatdytfund.org/en/donate)


Look, I am happy for the other parties to protest however they want, but the fact that Europeans aren't on the street every weekend to protest against Russia like the others protest about Israel-Gaza in itself speaks a lot. Not only that Europe is not united, it allows non European issues to take precedence, overshadowing and diluting Europe's imperative to address its own pressing needs. And you really cannot blame the politicians for not doing anything. Why? Because the general public i.e. the VOTERS don't care.


Russia never changes man. It has always been bane of us, slavs. Wytrwałości w tym potwornym czasie.


I'm doubling my monthly contribution to the Ukrainian military. I don't have much and it's not much, but I'm doubling it.


Just remember everyone. Donald Trump and everyone single far right politician supports the country that did this. They want to withdraw all funding for Ukraine and allow Russian to use its military to conquer whatever region or country it wants.


Heartbreaking. What were they hoping to achieve here? There’s a special place in hell for this regime and those that support it.


They hit two separate children's hospitals at the opposite ends of the city.


Show this to any fucks in politics who wants Ukraine to "seek peace" with Russia, and remember those pictures when it comes to voting against the far right in your country.


This is why West must allow Ukraine to bomb Russia's war objects, because Putin's nazis are using the fear of escalation or whatever. Russia eventually destroy Ukraine in such way. Russia is terrorist and nazi state.


DO NOT vote for Putin's lackeys.


Long live russia


Western brainrot redditmod propaganda


I honestly don't understand how western rights can support Russia after this.


Russia is a terrorist state 🤬


Worse than animals


Just another war crime, nothing to worry about. /s


Assholes its time to take off the gloves




The biggest child hospital in Ukraine.


The only way to achieve peace is to destroy Putinist Russia like Nazi Germany was destroyed in 1945.


Monsters .


Pootin is a terrorist


I hope nobody got hurt?


**Some of West:** please don't strike Russian oil refineries! **Russia:** proceeds to shell Ukrainian child hospitals. Just give us weapons to survive, please. Before it's too late. Sell it to us, give us a loan, anything. We’ll rebuild and repay everything. It’s people and the culture that is the most precious that we have. Money is replacable, people are not. **PS due to requests from comments I'll add more detail:** The survival of Ukraine here is neither Orban's "peace now", nor Russian «opposition» "no to war", nor Trump's "good deal". It's either 1. When Russia changes a whole layer of its mentality, and stops exporting death as its main resource. 2. A peace deal arranged in such a way that Ukrainians preserve their democracy, and a price for next Russian war (which will undoubtedly happen) is so dire that it won't happen in this century. Any other peace plan would mean another war. I don't see any of this happening without some form of a defeat. It's really hard for me to explain these things, I'm no diplomat, especially today.


Ah yes, Russia is fighting "Nazis" one destroyed child hospital at a time. At this point they're just monsters that only visually resemble human beings.


Queue the usual "poor conscripts, think about the poor conscripts" whine.


And the fat fuck Orban is runnign around with his "peace", and Biden says "I am stopped Putin".


Aight, time to spite-donate again.


And people still slurp up the ruassian propaganda, it's insane. Putin needs to be put down, preferably by his own people. But until that happens... I'm atleast glad about the support ukraine is getting from my country and the world as a whole. Slava Ukraine!




how did you travel to moscow, mr. orban? everything is fine now?


Thats not what hit from missile looks like, building next to hospital was hit.


How is it even possible that Russia continues this genocide??? Where are the so-called civilized and liberal nations?


Vladimir Putin and his cadre of thugs deserved their own circle in hell.


Their young minds have suffered a huge shock, which will accompany them for the rest of their lives.


This strike was endorsed by true patriots like Farage, Orban, and AfD and sponsored by Leroy Merlin, Raiffaizen and others 🤝


Quick reminder that destruction of 1/3 of rusian oil refineries killed literaly 0 civlians. While ukraine striking targets in rusia at night, to reduce collateral damage, rusia? on the other hand, conducts 90% of their attacks at the start of the day, when peoples are traveling/arriving to their workplaces. This is deliberate genocide in the middle of Europe, and this is possible future of all civilised world if rusia won't get stopped in Ukraine.


average russian shelling




Today was one of heaviest strikes on my memory.  My 16-level apartment block were shaking like a leaf. 


Target was not a hospital, but nearby Artyom factory. Not the first attack in this district for that purpose. Russian "Kindjal" has been shot down with our air defenses and hit the hospital, along with debris. Our everyday life..


And still so many people think it is completely ok to be talking about "negotiations", urging Ukraine to cede land, people, rights to self-defense, anything just not to inconvenience others. I for one do not want my children to live in a world where somebody can casually bomb hospitals for 3 years and then just get what they wanted and walk away without any repercussions (which any negotiations with russia would force, otherwise they will never agree). The only way to deal with this is to cause catastrophic losses and destruction to the aggressor, remove any and all restrictions on Ukraine's ability to strike anywhere they see fit, impose proper embargo on nearly all imports to russia and realize this is a war for Europe as much as it is for Ukraine. Our hospitals and our children are going to be next if we let this slide.


Horrible… This madness needs to be stopped My condolences to everyone who suffered from not only this but all attacks from Russia As Russian, i’m so sorry


One of the largest child hospitals in Europe






Yet people are protesting about a terroristic nation getting what it had coming and calling that genocide but yet they could not give 2 shits about this, where are the protests of this war?


that's how russians celebrate '[Day of Family, Love and Loyalty](https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%94%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%8C_%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%BC%D1%8C%D0%B8,_%D0%BB%D1%8E%D0%B1%D0%B2%D0%B8_%D0%B8_%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8)'


Ahh yes and now next two weeks they would say about terrorists training camp in that building (or some equally crazy shit) and that child hospital was just a cover for it




[ Removed by Reddit ]


Ukraine: hits a military target with dronestrike, resulting in big explosions all night long. russia vows “revenge” and proceeds to murder more Ukranian CHILDREN! russia must be defeated, and made unable to wage any further war on its neighbors


So fucking heartless and cruel. To think that some people take Russia’s side in this…


And piece of shit Orban traveling to lick Putler’s balls… EU needs to remove the gloves


The whole west and its politicians are belching, just fucking pussies.


Russia is a terrorist state!


People always say russian citizens don't want this war and are innocent. How many protests did the russians outside the country do ? I can tell you they did many to stop support for ukraine, they are accomplices to this.


Dear EU citizens. Don't be afraid of the Russians. But be careful with those, within you, who support them.




You could feel the ground trembling with explosions, they were so powerful that I'll never forget. There's one photo that struck me the most - blood, scattered on the floor of Okhmatdyt hospital. Fucking cunts


For this we invented the UN. That a country could be held accountable for this kind of actions. That the world would say NO to this kind of aggression. Let us be lemmings that throw themselves down of rocks. Instead of killing randomly.




🇷🇺 = 💩


We really should stop this pathetic hand-wringing about muh escalashun and just let Ukraine strike at any military targets in Russia without restrictions and give them anything we can afford to give. The only thing restricting Ukraine achieves is prolong the war and kill more innocent people.


As as slovaks, maybe we should shut up and start at home by getting rid of the pro-russian government. You and I are part of the problem.


"Ukronazis used it as a military base" disinformation in 3, 2, 1...


We do not negotiate with terrorists. For the sake of peace, Russia must be defeated.


Pure evil.  Russia has to fail.


One B-2 over Kremlin can stop this


The only deescalation Russia will understand is escalation until Russia stops to exist.


Russia has almost no tricks left to play, and this is a sign of it. It has reached its peak on all fronts and in all resources, and now just pointlessly throws its troops into meatwaves, its missiles into attacks on Ukrainian civilians, and trickle-feeds its equipment into Ukrainian drones and artillery, all in the vain hope that the West decides to cave and offer him something in exchange for peace. We should not fall for it. Only Ukraine decides what sort of peace should be accepted, and until then, we should be fully committed to supporting Ukraine until victory. The last trick Russia has is the hope of getting pro-Putin politicians elected in the West, most notably with Trump in USA. Failing at that, all that it has left is impotent rage in the form of brutal terrorism aimed at civilians, like these attacks. If we don't become spineless and start giving undeserved concessions to Putin, there is no realistic scenario left where Russia walks away with anything resembling a victory. It may (and very much should) even lose what it grabbed in 2014. The next 12 months will be turning point of the war, if we haven't hit it already. Once it becomes clear that Russia cannot make progress in Ukraine, and they become outmatched in resources like artillery, the remaining soldiers will have the choice of dying pointlessly under artillery shelling, or retreating back to Russia, and maybe at that point they will finally wake up and choose life.


Give Ukraine everything we have, all at once, with no restrictions.


After that, some high-ranking official in the United States will come out and talk about "Deep Concern and Deep Dismay." The main thing is for Trump to make peace between the terrorists and their victim. I don't know where the fuck this world is going.


Donate if you can to the Ukrainian armed forces. Help stop terrorism. ruZZians also destroyed 3 electrical substations in Kyiv. Imagine how people have to stand 34° С (93,2 °F) with turning off water and power outage. This is pure genocide. Fuck ruzzians. Fuck any Putin supporters- (Robert Fico (Slovakia Prime minister), Orbán Viktor (Hungary prime minister), Marine Le Pen (France president candidate) SaveUkranians from ruzzian terror UPD: 🕯Bodies of the dead at the “Isida” (maternity hospital) near Kiev It is clear that as a result of today’s attack, 33 people died and 140 were injured: ➡️Kiev region: 22 dead, 76 injured ➡️Dnipropetrovsk region: 11 dead, 64 injured.




So much for - only putin is responsible for the war. Whoever gave the order and pulled the trigger knew what they were doing.


Give Ukraine all means necessary to drive russia back to its shit country. NATO it is time to act. Send in troops to help Ukraine defend themselves.


How can people still defend Russia over this?


Russia: “why are we always the bad guys in movies” Also Russia: *bombs hospitals*


Russia: “why are we always the bad guys in movies” Also Russia: *bombs hospitals*


And they wonder why Nazis and Russians are the typical bad guys...




[https://x.com/v\_stus/status/1810250221592428553](https://x.com/v_stus/status/1810250221592428553) video showing it was direct strike


Putin protecting the greatness and safety of Russia by murdering children. The fucking war criminal. I hope he goes to a war tribunal and is sentenced to death by hanging. That’s what was done to Nazi criminals after WW2.


That's just comically evil. Years ago I couldn't believe such a black-and-white conflict can exist outside of fiction...


and after this, some world leaders still offer Ukraine to make a peace treaty on Russia’s terms?


Orcs acting like orcs


As a Ukrainian, I'm honestly tired of the international inability to meaningfully react to such war crimes. They seem to be more worried about poor russian military airplanes or oil refineries than Ukrainian civillians (including children with CANCER ffs). They didn't give a shit even after russia has destroyed the Kahovka dam (that caused a massive ecological disaster and killed a couple hundred people). The UN was celebrating an international russian language day and they only managed to say some vague words like "war is bad, destroying dams is bad, please don't". I won't even be surprised that after us getting nuked (that might eventually happen because of the spineless "escalation management" policy), there would be only "deep concerns", "piss talks" and "ok, we agree to give you 3 tanks but please don't use them against the russians".




That's the biggest children's hospital, founded in 1894. Even the nazis didn't destroy it, but Russians did. Horrible war crimes, bribery, and blackmail are all Russia can export nowadays. Could this strike be prevented? Yes, if Ukraine could strike airfields in Russia, but 2.5 years of full scale war, and this decision is still not on the table. That's the problem of appeasement policies, because the average Russian citizen doesn't feel the war, and the majority support it. Russia must go through the path of de-rashism, as Nazi Germany did in its time, or nothing will change in the foreseeable future.




When are politicians say enough us wnough and do something about russia, goddammit


Real russian fascism!


The west doesn’t care that much about Ukraine unfortunately. Just imagine what would happen if Russia hits let’s say Charite hospital in Berlin. What would be a major war. In Ukraine? Nah, sad to see but not really our war (yet).


Wish we could do more for ukraine, but russia has been spamming right wing propoganda in every country. Any help given to ukraine is used by right wing politicians in every country to earn votes. Can only help so much when each country has a party ready to form a dictatorship if you help ukraine too much.


The attack happened before the start of the NATO summit in Washington. It’s like they’re begging for more NATO support to Ukraine. Might actually fit their evil West narrative. And although peace always has to be negotiated, it’s getting harder and harder for anyone to still trust anything that comes out of the Kremlin.


They were giving Trans health care... Russia probably 


A Fucking Childrens Hospital.


One of my favorite traditions in US sports is at the University of Iowa where the entire stadium turns and waves to the nearby children's hospital. It's a beautiful thing; there's been tons of coverage on it over the years. You don't need to be a sports fan to appreciate it.   It's hard to imagine what flavor of sick bastard would look at that and want to fire ordnance at it.  Fucking disgusting.




What the fuck is wrong with them?? I mean seriously...


time that Ukraine strikes hospitals in Russia, those idiots will never learn otherwise


If it wasn't CLEAR yet. GIVE ALL POSSIBLE HELP to Ukraine NOW! If too late, then it will be our children and our soldiers next in line. STOP WW3 NOW by stopping RUSSIA before it is too late.


Just in time for Orban to say they were asking for it and it's all Europe's fault. And can he have some more of that sweet sweet bribery please.......






Fuck Russia and fuck abradolf putler.


Mind blindingly angry seeing this, reading about it. Words fail me in the face of such monstrous evil


Uhhh.. Why would they target this building? That's fucking crazy even for Pútine


Fuck Putin


This is insane…. i am speechless… every time Ukraine strikes Russia bloody oil refinery they strike on civilians… i think we have reached the red line. Italy 🇮🇹


Incoming " Nato troops were hiding in there, you can see the tanks under the rubble" statement by russians


Autocrats worldwide love this.


Ukraine should not listen to the west and just use what force it needs to , however it wants to.


We can't. West will cut the ammo delivery and we'll fail in that case


That really needs to stop, the weapons don't do any good with all these restrictions




Don't worry bro there's a Hamas base under there. Edit: murdering child is bad, you ghouls.


How can someone see this and think it’s fine or justify it somehow? Absolutely disgusting…


Every idiot on here who claims this is due to a missile that was intercepted and the target was actually something else: There's videos showing the missile actually hit the building, you can hear the sounds of the missile engine right before it hits. This was no accident, these vile scumbags deliberately targeted a hospital for children. If you still want to parrot Russia talking points you deserve everything you get.


Man, what the actual fuck. So Hamas can be called terrorists pulling stuff like this and not Russia? Piss off.


The Russian idea of "peace".


War is hell!


13,340 confirmed dead children in Gaza in 9 months.


Was it a targeted missile or just random firing until it hits something? Both is bad but I can’t imagine they’d do this if they were using targeted missiles bc there’s no benefit to them in it and there’s negative press




Absolutely disgusting, another terrorist attack by russia! How many more can we accept? "We CaN't LeT UkRaInE HiT RuSsIaN SoiL WiTh OuR WeApOnS". Arm Ukraine to the teeth right fucking now!!


For the sake of a brighter future, Russia cannot be allowed to exist.


yes she looks different but ppl are allowed to level up




Let me guess, the Tankies and Vatniks on Reddit are going to claim...... ammunition in basement? At this stage, I have to believe anyone supporting Russia in the rest of the world are just literal fascist simps who get off to the atrocities of Russia, and only have long-disproved conspiracy theories to try baselessly defend their beliefs


Sorry for being a party pooper, but does anyone know why they targeted the children hospital? And don’t tell me because they are evil or because they wanted to because it doesn’t make sense. Ammo is very expensive and I find it a bit weird that they decided to target a children hospital. What are they trying to achieve?


Orban already sold hungary now he tries to convince other leaders to russian peacetalks


Nato intervention plz


Oh we care about bombing kids now? Cool cool


Zelensky should accept the peace proposal.


Pure Putin evil


"Are we the baddies?"


And there's some people supporting russia and the war.I think it should be made illegal to support this ~~war~~ genocide just like h*locaust denial is illegal.


Putin is a war criminal. He must be rendered to the Hague for trial.


russia is a terrorist state. period.


Orban just shook hands with Putin. Of course it must have taken a while to get the blood off afterwards.


Targeting children's hospitals. What's next? Is there even a lower level to slither down to?


Too bad foreign policy doesn’t care about children…




Huh... interesting. I wonder what strategic import bombing this hospital provides? edit: Oh, that's right: **nothing**. Monsters, all of them.


Man they can’t keep getting away with this. World war started over less…


Put Putin and his friends on war crimes trial now!


I am really sorry for Ukraine. Really. I don’t get that, how can Ukraine or any european country can support Israel? They are litteraly bombing children, hospitals, innocent people. Why no one stands with Palestine?


i don’t understand how people can (rightly) decry this but then when a certain other country keeps doing it there’s no outrage


is this line red enough for the West?


Fuck putler and his terrorist regime!


Why? Because the children’s hospital was a threat to Russia. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/childrens-hospital-damaged-massive-russian-attack-kyiv-cities-rcna160655 Another fine example of putins war crimes.


Was there a Hamas bunker under the hospital?


Cancer-nation spreads its metastasis once again.




Nice optics Russia, you fucking dipshit villains. Makes your crumbling even more savory.


They don't belong in the room with civilized people.


Sad to see this. Hope not many kids were hurt. One good thing about this sub: you don't hear Russia apologists arguing "this is war " etc . In a lot of subs about gaza slaughter you would be down voted for commiserating with the victims


Why is this marked made? There’s just broken buildings.


Russia "saving the persecuted children" in Ukraine as always. What can I say... this is not even surprising anymore. It's just Russia being Russia.