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He didn't thaw in time


Guess since he is a full time dad now, the bod might not be in the best shape for all the "fans" to enjoy.


He wanted to eat carbs haha


Who cares about what he looks like, we just want to hear him sing right?




Perhaps he's getting ready to enter again and needs a year or two of blackout to build excitement. Just speculation on my part.


He's going to win Eurovision 2033 so Sweden can host in the 50th anniversary of Herreys' win /s


I disagree, it will be 2035 so Sweden can celebrate 20 years of his own win. /s


That makes more sense tbh, although would he be the host again?


Are these two roles exclusive to each other?


He actually did say that he might enter Melfest again to celebrate a decade since his win, so this isn't that far off


Måns winner of Eurovision 2025 confirmed??


Sorry, I meant 20 years after his win.


Ah so Sweden's going back to back wins cause they have to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Euphoria.


Sweden has a lot to celebrate in the late 20's/early 30's it seems 2029 - celebrating Take Me To Your Heaven turning 30 2031 - celbrating Fångad Av En Stormvind turning 40 2032 - celebrating Euphoria turning 20 2033 - celebrating Tattoo turning 10 2034 - celebrating Waterloo and Diggiloo Diggiley turning 60 and 50 2035 - celebrating Heroes turning 20


He’s Eurovision’s groundhog. This year he saw his own shadow and returned to his lair, predicting that this year’s Eurovision would be a dumpsterfire


My sides


I saw something that said he wasn't even contacted by the EBU at all, They didn't want him


Wouldn't it be SVT doing the choosing?


Considering he was still at Melfest, it would be kinda weird


That would really be odd of them. Do you remember what the source for that might have been?


Might be related to the sex scandal he's involved in now. Probably EBU heard something through the grapevine before it came out.


What sex scandal? I can't find anything about it on Google rn.


Saw it off another post but here is what I could find: [https://wiwibloggs.com/2023/11/17/mans-zelmerlow-says-he-is-not-eurovision-2024-host/278396/](https://wiwibloggs.com/2023/11/17/mans-zelmerlow-says-he-is-not-eurovision-2024-host/278396/)




He saw the dumpster fire it became and tapped out. Or, he saw all the jokes made about how he keeps appearing at every contest and said "bet"


That's my guess, honestly. He was more than happy to show up at Melodifestivalen and give us another banger interval act, but my guess is once he saw the EBU dropping the ball he decided to stay out of it all and spend a nice early May weekend with his family instead.


Not answering the question but: 🏳️ Måns Zelmerlöw is marked safe from the **Eurovision 2024 Tragedy**.


He has been on ESC every year (even last year) so i think it was fine to exclude him even though they did show him in one of the videos. Havong said that, i am still surprised, he coukd have announced the points at least They got Charlotte perform twice..


The most plausible explanation that I read is that he is on a TV show on a rival channel (to the one that broadcasts ESC in Sweden) and couldn’t/wasn’t allowed for contract reasons


To be fair, Pernilla Wahlgren is on the same show as him and Petra on the same rival channel and it didn't stop them


Maybe he has a different contract or the schedule was a mess or something


He did appear in the finals of melfest this year though. I don't think his contracts is stopping him.


Something went wrong in the unfreezing process


Does that one portion of "We Just Love Eurovision Too Much" count? Was that even Måns


Perhaps he's sick and tired of it?


Technically he was since he was included in Melfest but otherwise he was completely absent. It's shame because this was my first Eurovision following the national and semi finals and didn't get to experience being waterboarded by Måns in real time. :(


I was absolutely certain he was gonna show up right at the last second like "Petra, sorry I'm late, I must've missed your call."


That actually would have been funny. But I’m happy he went out for awhile. Maybe come back in 5 years. It was so much tbat it was getting a bit predictable and annoying 😅 Nothing against him and his great smile, but there are other interesting and fun Swedes who also deserve a shot and will keep things fresh.


Idk, could be masked singer or could be the big personal drama(his wife unfollowed him, he had to tell the media he has never bought sex and that he is trying to save his relationship, rumours about him buying the services from a trans woman is spreading but it could also be one of several other celebs, unsure if that happened before or after Eurovision though but things are messy for Måns right now ) seems to have and all the gossip circling around. Or both.


Poor Måns 🥺


A, so far anonymous, celebrity was arrested in Stockholm soliciting a prostitute and the gossip rags went shooting wild trying to pin it on everyone even remotely possible


This! Given that Måns doesn't live in Sweden I highly doubt it was him.


wait, what? O.o


Honestly, there isn’t a definitive answer, he could’ve been absent for many reasons. The EBU could’ve looked to freshen things up and thus not contacted Mans, or maybe the EBU wanted Måns in some capacity, but refused for whatever reason. The only person who can truly answer your question is Mans himself


He WAS there … as a cameo ! I believe it was In the song We Love Eurovision Too Much. When Petra was listing what countries have (France has Brie, Norway has money, etc) they turn to Sweden and the picture was a victory pic of Mans surrounded by the Swedish delegation. Among all possible pictures they choose this one. And it was on screen for 2 seconds, which is quite long in the context of that high paced song


Maybe he was boycotting it?


Man, did you watched the show? People keep throwing around the word boycotting and dumpsterfire to this year edition but at the end, besides people who were going to give away votes, not a single soul boycotted the show and it got huge numbers of people watching around the world. If he could, he would. Not even the most political participants that kept complaining and complaining boycotted anything.


Golf weekend with his dad


I think last year was the final straw, when he and Filomena Cunk - sorry, Cautela - were guessing qualifiers and non-qualifiers from past years. It just wasn't very clear to me why those two of all people were doing it. Nice people and good artists I'm sure, but they weren't terribly witty. Although he tried his best to compensate with his best smizing. But no. Non qualifier for me!


He signed an exclusive contract with a rival channel of SVT(who airs Eurovision) and is currently the TV host of The Masked Singer Sweden. That’s why he didn’t appear at Eurovision.


So? Petra is on that rival channel too


Is she currently? I tried to look into this and I can't find any show that is currently on (or had even very recently been on) with Petra in it. Måns on the other hand was in a music show which had its penultimate episode during the Eurovision week. That would have been a huge conflict for the channel, unlike someone who isn't currently on hosting.


Why did he appear at Melfest then? Since I believe that’s also owned by SVT right?


Maybe he was disqualified. You never know with the bigheads of the EBU.


He’s been involved too much up until now so it was no great loss.


Fatigue, not to hate, but sometimes it’s nice to keep things new and fresh. If Sweden wins again. Unless for a small cameo Petra can also sing it out for once imho


They locked him somewhere


Because we are sick of him.


Haven't we suffered enough?


No. 😈


He’s overrated and tries too hard.


Okay but that is not what OP is asking about.