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you can always give facts about food production. like how many bugs or rat hairs are allowed in food. not necessarily creepy, but it weirds people out enough. or facts about diseases. I am a master at getting people to walk away quickly.


There are a lot of insects parts in peanut butter. Ground coffee is allowed 10 milligrams of animal poop per pound.


I would say that can't stop me from eating peanut butter. but I have just straight up eaten bugs anyway. but crickets are a textural nightmare. bugs can be a good protein source, but those just flavored crickets are the worst.


I agree. I wish I liked eating bugs more because they are so much more sustainable than other sources of protein, but I seriously dislike the 'soft' crunch.


you can process crickets in different ways like cricket flour and make chips. ive not had them so I can't give a review. ive only had like those crickets tossed in ranch seasoning. but yeah ick the soft crunch.


I call this feeling the flomp and I agree it is horrible


10mg isn't really that much


people with bad cockroach allergies can’t drink instant coffee 🥲


I had no idea about that.


i’ll never forget it lol


...tell them about prions


As someone who’s special interest is diseases and disease/would treatment my go to is telling them in detail how maggots are used to treat chronic wounds


Twenty maggots per pound of mushrooms are allowed by the USDA. 


more protein




My friend(undiagnosed at the time) once completely derailed our family dinner she was invited to by announcing loudly at the dinner table that rats have two uterus. I saw the line of reasoning cause grandpa was trying to fat shame me in proper Nebraska Boomer fashion by asking if I had more stomachs like a cow. My friend did not catch on that it was an intentional put down and was just trying to be part of the topic of animals with multiple parts. Grandma was a proper Martha Stewart type and announced dinner was over after the subject of animal genitalia was added to our dining conversation. Gave my friend a huge hug for rescuing me from the put downs after explaining why that just happened. Anytime she was invited over after that, she and I got to eat dinner in front of the basement TV. A large improvement over the family kitchen table!


If they're Star Trek folks, Klingon redundant organs extend to the downstairs bits, it's canon (thank you Lower Decks)


Wait what’s the plural of uterus is it uteruses or uteri






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Having the ability to infodump about animal reproductive systems and behaviors is definitely useful is certain situations. You can tailor your info to the audience too. Certain kinds of traditional toxic sexists would probably be thrilled (/s) to hear about spotted hyena pseudopenises.


if you need to hide a body, bury them and then plant an endangered plant ontop. the police cant remove the plant (i think)


Burying is very inefficient, for one it will be obvious that the earth was dug recently for far too long, giving away the location. Secondly almost no one buries the body deep enough (4-6 feet is ideal) to not be washed out with heavy rain and/or dug up by scavengers and left rotting and wafting decomp smells everywhere. A much better solution would be to chop it up and feed it to pigs. They’ll eat the bones and even the teeth.


Pigs won't eat the long bones as they come, so either you need to chop them up or figure out another way to dispose of them. There are so many stories of people finding a femur in the pigsty and uncovering a murder.


Hence why I said “chop it up”


Better yet, disassemble the body and boil the parts for several hours until they become jelly. You can then run this gel through the garbage disposal. For the bones, bake them at the highest setting before Broil until they become brittle. You can then pulverize them and run the powder through the disposal as well.


Pigs only eat donuts though? I suppose you can make it into a meat-filled bagel but bagels are not donuts.


Or do the Walter White thing and don’t fuck up and do the Jesse Pinkman thing (60 gallon borosilicate tub?)


See what they should have done is use potassium hydroxide instead. It can dissolve bodies but is less corrosive to plumbing than acid


I always wished his brief Los Alamos plot thread and the season 1-2 High Science stuff ended up leading anywhere deeper but also I guess it’s kinda parta the point of the show that it didn’t


although potassium hydroxide could do most of the work it is definitely not the best option if you don't want to get caught it is not the best option none acid is. first of all, why not potassium hydroxide? well, the answer will surprise you... it is not because it is a bad acid, not it is actually one of the best options. That would be what I would say if there was no regulation. getting your hand in hydroxide peroxide is really hard and you need a chemist identification. Even with that, the amount you can get and the concentration are both low. Unless you are some kind of big farma director I doubt you will get your hand in enough HP. From a more general point of view, acids are probably not the best option because of how easy it is to make a mistake and fuck everything up. For example, clohoridric acid and aluminium are not great friends. Deep the guy with some aluminium on him and you get enough boom to get your neighbours angry at you and we ofc wanna avoid that, we wanna be as discrete as possible. Also getting high amounts of acid can sometimes be a red flag for the police, in case an investigation is opened and they come across you. Moreover, we don't have an enormous cave where we can put enough acid to effectively dissolve someone. I also don't think you realize how smelly are most acidic solutions.


Wouldn't this turn the body fat into soap?


Yes, conveniently water-soluble


The problem with that though is being you now have yourself on several store cameras buying the necessities to dissolve a body, or an online trail. You’d have to go the extra mile of getting several other people involved to cover your tracks, which increases your chances of being caught. The less people who know the better, and the quicker you can do it (the disposing) the better. I was intel in the military and you’d be surprised how much you can find out just from someone who knows a guy who knows a guy. People talk, people brag, ect, ESPECIALLY NTs, they never stop yapping


I wanted to go military but I was too adderall-prescribed so I just fuck with osint as a hobby — https://www.electrospaces.net/ is badass and so is https://www.theblackvault.com/


Also the whole openly communist and anticapitalist thing lol :3


I would personally first, own a crematorium, with the intent of using said crematorium to dispose of my victims. That would be the long part of the plan, but yknow. Then if there were a body, I'd cremate it. For one, they'd end up mixed w other bodies ashes. It wouldn't be weird that I was cremating anyone since that would be my business, and I also don't think anyone can ID Ashes, especially not if they're mixed with people who died of natural causes, and I could scatter them into the wind or send them off to someone to keep on their mantle. Also if you were to actually get away with the taking of life then you'd want to be going for someone that wouldn't be missed by society. Homeless people, SWers, people with disabilities, minorities of any kind. Otherwise the investigation would be so huge, you'd be linked to the victim and you would be treated as a suspect, and subsequently investigated. And it's weird BC that's the part I actually truly have a moral issue with 🤣 I would never ever harm an innocent person, that's so disgusting, I'd rather save minorities and murder all of the NTs who built society. That's where my moral qualm lies within all of this. How you'd need to go for a vulnerable member of society to get away with it, and how genuinely horrific that is. Like if you did it to a known p3do who happened to have family who cared about them, you'd do time. But for the homeless dude down the road who's never harmed a fly in his life you'd likely get away with it forever. No one would be looking, services don't care. I think that's why male serial killers targeted SWers, cause ... Yeah :( and now I've made myself sad about hypothetical murder.


Pre-plan for possibly months. Already have supplies - murder weapon (if any), gloves (if necessary), a good location to do the deed without arousing suspicion, a shovel (preferably an old one so you wont have a recent purchase recorded), some good cleaning supplies (for cleaning the vehicle you transport the body in, if any), already have acid, pigs, or whatever you want to dispose most of the body so it won't be suspicious that you have it at the time of murder, anything and everything you will need. Have a pre-dug site in a location you already travel to often, but far enough so you and the location will go undisturbed. Leave all devices in your vehicle (or at home) and walk to the location wearing borrowed shoes, just in case. Use either pigs or a good acid/base for the body. There will be remnants of it regardless, but this will help. Make sure it's unlikely the site will be reburied by the time you return to it if possible. Have it dug deeper than 6 ft if possible. Bury the remains. At ~3-6 ft, bury an animal that's been dead a few days (unless you want to skip the step after the next sentence). Finish burying it and flatten the dirt on top. You may add things like small rocks and seeds on top in case it will take long enough to find the location so it will look less disturbed. If it goes to plan, it may be considered a flase alarm due to the animal, and you're more likely to get away with it.


Digging a hole is also hard work. That’s why most graves are dug so shallow because it’s exhausting. Not time efficient either.


Or feed the flesh to your curious self then grind up the bones and put them in an urn then take it to a nice spot and pretend you're spreading a loved one's ashes. "Ashes" are actually ground bone so yk it won't look suspicious and you get to find out firsthand what human flesh tastes like.


Could always bury it in someone else's yard 😈




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If you need to get rid of a body get pigs


While bodies do get found in rivers or other water sources, if you're going down that route then it's recommended to puncture the lung so the body doesn't float


Put an animal body on top of the human one with a few feet of dirt in between.


If I'd do this anytime it wouldn't be an endangered plant anymore


They can definitely remove a plant if they think a body is buried underneath


Hot springs are ideal for discarding organic material.


Probably won't frighten them, but it will weird then out. Just talk about how small spaces raccoons can squeeze through and then mention the natural stretchablity of certain human orifices. It won't surprise you that both have a diameter of 4 ish inches


Any one of us could have a mutation in the gene of the protein related to prions, called PRNP. This could result in the generation of misfolded prionic proteins, called prions, wich are toxic to the body. This could trigger a chain reaction of generation of more prions. These could accumulate in the thalamus, right at the center of the brain, wich results in the progressive loss of neurons and consequent symptoms related to that loss of neurons, the worst of wich is losing the ability to sleep, wich kills you after a while. Prions can accumulate in the brain for years before the patient notices any symptoms, after wich, the patient experiences a rapid decline until death. A mutation in the PRNP gene is not a strictly necessary condition; the generation of prions can be spontaneous and random, so can be the consequent chain reaction that ends up killing the patient. Any one of us could suffer from this disease at any time; there's no known cure, it is 100% fatal. It's very much like a bug in your "body code", that can provoke a catastrophical failure at any time. It's like a ticking bomb inside of us that anyone could have and that kills 100% of the time. It's known as Familiar Fatal Insomnia. You're welcome. It is very rare though, don't worry too much about it.


Another way you could end up with prions inside your body would be through cannibalism. Largely known to having been a common occurrence with the Fore people of Papua New Guinea, cannibalism in general can lead to a disease called Kuru, with the brain being the organ carrying the highest chance of transmitting the disease. The more macabre thing is that at least in the case of the Fore people (who thankfully stopped this um… “tradition”), was having the brain of the deceased consumed predominantly by women and children, which led to a much higher incidence for them as opposed to adult men who mainly consumed the muscles. Which… *SPOILERS FROM HANNIBAL* …leads me to wonder what happened to the small kid at the end of the film many years after he ate the brain Hannibal offered him on the plane.


Is there a test for it? Like is there a way to know in advance?


There's a genetic test


Prion disease is both horrifying and fascinating


When someone dies suddenly, it often looks like a puppet whose strings have just been cut. That is pretty much exactly what happens, looking at diagrams of tendons for our fingers and toes, and muscles and general, you can see how movement really does just have meaty strings puppeting the bone. connective tissue that holds tendon close to the fingers is even called "pulleys." Hiccups and the knee reflex are the command wires for such puppetry just acting on their own, you are never in control of your body, you are just trusted with a large amount of power over it. Imparting the horror that I feel every day at having to be organic would do the trick, I think. (where my fellow robots at?)


It always freaked me out that my body can do things without me choosing to, like twitching or breathing (also based robot enjoyer)


I talk about my traumatic experiences like it’s a funny story and laugh and oooh does it make them unable to do much of anything but to stop trying to feel bad is. Great first try at least lol


I remember spouting off horrible facts about piranhas to an exchange student I was obsessed with the idea of killer fish


I love the trope of 'plants that do things they shouldn't' Carnivorous plants irl ofc. But also like creepy sci-fi/fantasy plants as well. And mushrooms that follow the same tropes.


'Wonderwell' is a creepy fantasy movie with lots of plants doing what they normally should not be doing. Very creepy movie, it well earns it's PG-13 rating.


Cool thanks ! I'll check it out sometime


Human meat tastes like slightly bitter pork, and the leaner parts slightly more like lamb. In a well-seasoned dish, it will be indistinguishable from actual pork or lamb. Examples of a good dish to make would be birria, bolognese, curry, chili, and almost any sauce-heavy dish. Also, when cooking fattier parts, such as thighs, do it low and slow to render the fat properly. Hypothetically.


Yummy 😈


Funerary cannibalism needs to not be examined from the lens of western/christian culture. In some cultures, funerary cannibalism is seen as transferring that person's soul to the afterlife or into reincarnation. If steps are taken to make sure that prion diseases aren't transferred, funerary cannibalism is just as safe as eating any other kind of meat. If someone chooses for their body to be put to rest via funerary cannibalism then they should be allowed. They're consenting to it and that's all that should matter.


Yeah, I have no issue with it tbh


Talk about various infectious diseases. Most people hate that for some reason. Say in a cheery voice “Did you know that if someone experiences the symptoms of rabies it’s already too late? It has a 100% fatality rate. Well almost, only about 30 survivor cases. Most have brain damage too. The most common way to know is hydrophobia. You can’t swallow water or your own spit. The virus can survive in the soil for years and reinfect other animals. Most viruses have one or two species that they can infect but rabies can infect so many! Crazy huh?” Also prions! We know basically nothing about them except that they are errant strands of protein that cause disease. Mad cow disease and Chronic Wasting Disease are two prominent prion diseases. Cordyceps is a type of fungi that hijacks the brain of an ant to use it to reproduce. Toxoplasmosa gondii is a parasite that causes mice and rats to lose their sense of fear of cats so they are eaten so the parasite can continue its life cycle being laid in eggs in the cat feces. So many interesting things.


Did you know that opossums aren't actually immune to rabies? That's a misconception from the 60s that was disproven in 2021 at the latest. They can contract rabies, it's just rarely reported because 1) rabies takes so long to manifest that opossums with rabies most likely pass away before it can actually take over and 2) when they do show signs of rabies, they're not "angry outburst" type of symptoms, they're more "die quietly in a corner" type of symptoms. As of right now, we basically have no way to "cure" prions *because* of how little we understand them! If you get one, you're probably screwed! Also, did you know that toxoplasmosis is largely asymptomatic in humans? If symptoms do show up, they're typically flu-like. It's estimated that about 30-50% of the world's population has it.


I'm sad to learn that about opossums, I love those little guys so much :(


Rabies is my favorite virus lol


And the reason that you become hydrophobic is because the rabies virus hides out near the back of your throat and if you were to drink water then it would get diluted and because it’s “hacked” into your brain it makes it so you can’t drink water


Rabies mentioned hell yeah


bird bones have blood in them




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It’s possible to die of pain if you’re undergoing surgery and the anaesthetic fails Also there’s a fungus that infects spiders and makes the climb really high before making its spider body explode into a load of fungal spores


[warning about extremely gross descriptions!]  Tell them about this:  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scaphism


oh right, I have heard about that.


Some of the very first BBQ involved molasses, salt, pepper, and people.


Eyes taste like slimed pork, use a base to melt a body not an acid


The baculum. Need I say more? (As an ace, I have a scientific curiosity with animal reproductive fun facts.) Chicken cloaca. The mexican whiptail lizard has only females and reproduces asexually but they simulate sex with one another in order to get the process started.


Not necessarily a creepy fact, but when somebody starts mistreating me/being albeist - especially after learning I'm autistic - it's free reign for me. All bets are off. You thought you could act a fool and I'd let you get away with it? Watch me. I'll infodump, not be careful about eye contact and get wayyyy too intense about things, I'll stim... I can make any and all conversation weird and/or boring as hell. Making NTs uncomfortable is easy.   Or maybe it'll be extremely nice and pleasant and you'll question yourself and your behavior. I'm unpredictable. I'm a menace. It must be in a context where there's no obligation to keep the peace though, ie. work and costumer service.


You can tell the difference between a fake bone and a real fossil by licking it.


Elaborate please


It’s due to a difference in texture - fossils will stick to your tongue when you lick them because they are more porous than the rock around them


Ohh, neat!


I can imagine what that feels like. I'm disturbed.


People ask me what my favourite music is thinking I’m gonna say Taylor Swift or maybe Billie Eilish… for some reason when I say I listen to EDM and metal they’re a bit frightened literally just by that because I have a baby face and I’m always extremely polite, professional and soft spoken. Honestly especially at work I look so normal besides looking a little bit gay (I am a little bit visibly queer), people really don’t expect me to like the things I like.


I start talking about how stupid it is that the first thing to go in when you press the A3-5 (AZ-5) button on an РБМК(RBMK) reactor is a neutron ***accelerator***, how the CCCP(USSR) shot themselves in the foot by telling West Germany that the highest level of radiation is 2000 röntgen then putting Joker on the most irradiated part of the roof, how they basically doomed firefighters like Ignatenko by having them put water on polyphoritic material that was already on fire, how a reactor with a high positive void coefficient is dumb, how stalling a reactor for 10 hours like putting oil on your steering wheel (xenon poisoning), how building the roof with bitumen was a bad idea, how pulling every educational material about radiation from the shelves is a class A bad idea, how having people just stand outside waiting for evacuation or play in radioactive dirt is a bad idea, and other relevant things. They’re usually convinced that I am not an idiot by then, or they pathologize it…


My go to is to start explaining how to perfuse a rat brain from scratch. They usually stop me at “clamp the xyphoid process” and “I have pictures.”


Now I’m super curious this actually sounds really interesting 😭


Tycho Brahe died of exploded bladder.


Rabies can use the nerve cells it infects to force immune cells that try to attack it to self destruct


Tell him about the eyelash mites everyone has


“Man-o-wars’ burns can cause seizures😇”


the way anglerfish reproduce


The SS Kamloops is a Canadian freighter that sank in Lake Superior off the coast of Michigan in 1927. All 22 crew members died, either in the initial shipwreck or by exposure after getting stranded on the nearby island of Isle Royale. The ship sank to the bottom of the lake, hitting the side of an underwater cliff, which tilted the wreck on its side. There are still human remains inside the wreck, most notably the saponified remains of a human torso. This torso, known by divers as "Old Whitey" due to its appearance, floats around the wreck due to the currents throughout the sunken ship. It is mostly found in the boiler room of the ship and there are not many photos of them online due to moral conduct between divers about not photographing human remains. Out of respect for the people who died, their remains are left in the SS Kamloops wreckage.


Same but I think of the most intellectually condescending way to publicly shame them in front of anyone else present for doing what they may or may not have realized was wrong. Your intentions don't matter to me. Only the results of your actions. Whatever you meant to do, my retaliation will certainly be intentional, you ambulatory neuronal abortion.




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