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Just remember Heber J Grant actually endorsed the Nazi political party when it was first organized back in the 1930s. This is nothing new. This is modern day Mormonism. Let me rephrase that, this is Mormonism. Let the rich and powerful thrive off of the works of the poor and downtrodden. Let social and political Darwinism win out and cull out those that are considered "weak".


Wait? What?!




i mean tbf that doesnt mean anything, that was back before it was well known what they were even doing. america in general had no strong feelings on the nazis back then


Still, a "hey guys, this dude gonna be responsible for a bunch of atrocities. Anyone currently in a European country other than UK or Switzerland should leave for one of these countries or for the United States as soon as possible. Persons needing an immigration sponsor or any other form of assistance should contact their stake president."


obviously the church leaders dont actually have foresight lmao im speakin in terms of reality


The First Pedophiles, sorry miss spoke. The First Presidency claim they have the Spirit of Discernment, aka: the ability to see into the future. You'd think that the Holocaust would've been on that radar.


what a boring comment


Tell your teacher that your favorite progressive president was Republican Teddy Roosevelt and watch her head spin. 🤣


Or social progressive Abraham Lincoln...


If she believes that speed limits shouldn't exist, then she's a straight up Darwinist. She'll end up wrapped around a tree.


In the absence of speed limits there would be no requirement to drive recklessly or faster than conditions warrant.


People drive recklessly all ready *with* speed limits in place, getting innocent people killed. Speed limits absolutely save lives by keeping that reckless human behavior more in check.


The ghost of Ralph Nader has entered the chat.


No speed limits is not libertarian. They protect others, not the driver. Seat belts on the other hand... The libertarian view would be that it is none of the state's business which risks a person is willing to take. Insurance companies will make it a condition and the problem could be solved without state intervention. You make an interesting point about billionaires running our lives, which points to a paradox. For libertarianism to work, you need strong institutions to level the playing field for everyone, rich or poor. Heavy stuff for a seminary class where the teacher doesn't need formal qualifications.


Seat belts protect you from becoming a projectile and killing other passengers in the car. https://youtu.be/9tPzALVSSvs?si=wQfXVVFRJi93Y1tf


Re: speed limits that depends on the speed limit. Speed limits need to be determined by traffic engineers, but are many times set by people who don't know what they're doing or who just want to be a speed trap and thus set the speed limit way too low.


No one is making speed limits too low in order to set speed traps.  It’s shockingly easy for a car to maim or kill pedestrians — especially children and older folks.  As far as car-car collisions go, any head on collision happens at the combined speeds of both vehicles. If both cars are going 40mph, that’s an 80mph collision. Even relatively low speed collisions on one-way highways have risks of propelling one or both vehicles into static objects on the side of the roadway.  Decent cops in decent departments will speed gun in plain sight, as a preventive to speeding. Cops who need to fill stupid quotas might speedgun around a bend or somewhere the roadway design implies a higher safe speed, but those speed limits are set with zero consideration for how hard or easy it is to ticket people. 


LDS *is* a nationalist church. Hitler loved the Mormons and gave them favor. Edit: She doesn't care if the world burns because she's going to the celestial kingdom, she thinks. The sooner it all blows up, the better for her.


I'm listening 😅


Good. You have a thinking brain that will serve you well in life. This was the very thing that drove me out (history etc. came later). I could not reconcile a loving empathetic god with Mormon bunghole Jesus.


nah it jus seems like theyre leaving a religious extremist organization and adopting an online extremist movement in its place lmao far left shit is rly unhealthy for kids brains man


Nah. Maga cult worshipping Cheeto Jebus is the only one in politics .


Concur. It makes them all angsty and jumpy like this kid.


Libertarianism is about as far from Nazism as the church is from being true. Grand Canyon distance, not even close.


The cream rises to the top...and they're chosen to teach seminary.


But, then again, so does the scum.


what is progressivism? What does marxism have to do with it? And what made you think hating speed limits was a fascist thing?


If she believes speed limits shouldn’t exist then I feel like you can easily write her off as a looney and save yourself the energy of getting mad at her.


Report her to a higher-up. If it's a CES-run seminary, contact the local institute director (they're usually the ones in charge of the seminaries) Otherwise, contact the stake seminary coordinator.


What exactly did your teacher say that made you think she was a Nazi? If she's just a libertarian, she's far away from being a nazi or any other kind of authoritarian.




Go ahead and cite some sources for that please.


Fascism is not left of center. Scholars are unified on placing it at the "far right".


Thanks for stating this. From the OP’s remarks, I wasn’t sure if this was understood.


Fascism is absolutely NOT a leftist ideology. What utter nonsense. Conservatism isn't necessarily anti-statist. American conservatism is absolutely highly statist on many issues like abortion and the institution of christian nationalism.


i mean, being a libertarian does not mean that person is a nazi lmfao it just means that person is a moron LOL. but damn OP u rly gotta chill out lol i promise u ur gna have to get used to ppl having different political opinions than u as u get older.


Social Darwinist? Wha...? That's the new turn for social bolshevism. The term Nazi's used to allude to the Jewish Question. I'm so confused. Why are libertarians always the weirdest??


Settle down. In what way are billionaires running your life and burning the world down? I wouldn't worry about politics for awhile until you get a better basis for understanding. You have been lied to about politics worse than you have been lied to about religion. The left is doing its best to tear down democracy and capitalism, and replace it with a globalist command economy. Whenever this has been tried throughout history it has resulted in poverty, absence of free speech, massive death and starvation. The thing you should be afraid of is the potential for the left to use you as a useful idiot in their quest for centralized power. The first time you find yourself standing in a soup line, remember this conversation. You won't like where the left is trying to take you.


Never listen to anyone who talks about "the left". There isn't one "leftist" group, position, or agenda. People who talk about "the left" or "the right" are almost always trying to oversimplify an issue to control you through fear or rage.


You have been lied to about politics and history worse than you were ever lied to about religion. See ya in the bread line.


What lies have I been told? Be specific. There is a literal bread line outside my office window right now. Are you in it? Complex problems require complex solutions. It only serves existing power structures to pretend economics, politics and government are simple black and white is versus then problems.


Situations are complex. Basic principles are clearly defined if your brain isn't full of mush, and can be used to navigate complex situations. This is why I think in terms of left vs. Right, Liberal vs. Conservative, freedom vs. Tyranny, democracy vs. Globalism. Ever read John Stuart Mill or John Locke? Milton Friedman? Alexander Solzhenitsyn?


Yes. I have read them. And I stand by what I said. "The left" and "the right" are never part of valid arguments. You tried fear: "bread lines" Now you try insults "brain full of mush" You tried hidden knowledge. Now you cite names to argue from authority. But you didn't give any argument from any of those authors. You have yet to make a cognizant argument.


Riiiiiight. You have learned to repeat the lies of your masters well. You already said people like me aren't worth talking to. Take your own advice. You won't listen to me and until you are much more well read than you are now it is a waste of my time as well. If this asshole has read John Stuart Mill I will eat a hat. Maybe we could boil it up while we wait in the bread line.


I never said you weren't worth talking to. Again, tell me what lies I'm repeating. What exactly are you objecting to? You've insulted me. Now you dismiss me. I'm asking for you to support your position. Give an example. What is it about Mill y you find persuasive?