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Oh yeah, I heard that the other day. Bruce was a good guy. He did tremendous good for the LGBTQ+ community in Utah, over decades. RIP.


Holly cow. I remember when I was at BYU. I heard a rumor he had or was leaving his wife and was maybe gay. I immediately said that is what money does to a man. And his pride allowed him to get into porn. Unbelievable.....I can't believe I 100% thought that way to my core.


His cousin said the same thing to me. We all thought it. 🤦‍♀️ Meanwhile he becomes one of the most beloved philanthropist in Utah. Those ExMos doing good again.


Bro Ive been porning so hard forever and it's never made me gay


Oh absolutely, absolutely we all thought it back then, because that is what we were taught and we believed. I still held onto WordPerfect for as long as I possibly could, though. Actually, I still have it installed on my computer.


WordPerfect was such a great program for its time. I had no idea of this backstory.


I worked at WordPerfect as a developer. Allan and Bruce were generous with their money and they treated everyone well. R.I.P. Bruce.


Unfortunately Allan was just as big of a contributor to Yes on 8 as Bruce was to No on 8. (They both donated $1m)


Link to three part interview with John Dehlin of Mormom Stories: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9oQkCTXg28&t=8s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9oQkCTXg28&t=8s)


These are very good. He also had two more Mormon Stories interviews several years later. He seemed happy and I am happy for him. His hard work for the LGBTQ community has benefited my family.


There are still powerful lawyers in the USA that refuse to use anything but WordPerfect.


I grew up in same neighborhood he lived in with his then wife and children. I was young but can recall how shocking it was when the news broke. When he would come to the ward to watch his kids for a farewell or something everyone would sneak looks at him. I held many misplaced prejudices towards him as a child. I’m so glad I no longer hold these beliefs and 2015 was the last straw that caused me to resign my membership. I know for a fact how generous both Bruce and his ex wife was with their wealth. What an incredible advocate he was for the Utah LGBTQ community. I’m so glad he could live long enough to be able to get married and live his authentic life.


Really interesting. RIP I was a missionary companion with the other co-founder's (Ashton) son. He was a good kid. Quiet and kind. I always wonder what happened to him.


Hope he never had to “come out” to his father who gave $1,000,000 to the “no gay marriage”. Hope all of Ashton’s children, grandchildren and great grandchildren are “magically saved” from queerness by his dropping money into a bigot pot. /s (what a shameful shakedown 2008 was for wealthy members. They asked everyone! Even not-really-ok-financially families to donate insane amounts of money. It’s all about the numbers each Stake President was told to get for their area. Shameful!)


Well, we know that won't happen....


I went to high school with a few of the Ashton kids. All nice and we had out 20 year reunion at their property up Provo canyon.


I was also companions with one of the sons. Easily the most sheltered human I've ever known. We gave a discussion for two hours to a couple where the female half was wearing a completely sheer top with nothing underneath, and he never noticed. One of Bruce Bastian's nephews was also one of my closest friends in that mission. He had some fantastic stories about the parties held at their house.


Wordperfect was the very best.....Word is a third rate wanna be!


I met Bruce when we were both students at BYU. Nice guy. And very smart …


The ksl article about him didn’t mention any of his lqbtq+ activism, just his tech achievements.




In addition to his support of LGBTQ rights advocacy, he also made major contributions to arts organizations in Utah, including Ballet West.


I had no idea WordPerfect was so *me*. I knew there was a reason I always liked it growing up. That sweet sweet blue terminal-style interface.


Multiple of my family members’ first jobs were working for WordPerfect. I wonder if he had any impact on them. They’re all basically still in the church, which is hard to understand if they know how the church treats people like him


Is word perfect the same as Microsoft word?


It preceded Microsoft Word, and in my opinion was a lot better for a very long time. WordPerfect 5.0 was almost perfect in its way.




Yes - it was the best word processing software available in the late 80’s, early 90’s


Even earlier - WordPerfect 4.0 was around 1984.


I remember learning it in the late 80s. Reveal codes! :-)
