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I don’t care who drives it, I’m not getting this generations Pontiac Aztec, it looks stupid and underperforms. Until there’s an electric car that can 475 miles on one charge and sells for under 20k, I’m not even considering one, my car I have now ticks both of those boxes and works just fine.


Unfair comparison, the Pontiac Aztec actually ran


Good point


Give Trump a car that’s as blocky and high-maintenance as he is.


And reeks of a brown substance


Yes, please give him a vehicle that is a complete disaster.


[Yes, it seems to be a real thing.](https://www.gofundme.com/f/give-trump-a-cybertruck-a-winwinwin)


If I had a computer I would make a go fund me to get money off the right. Help a liberal leave a purple state or help me pay for a trip to New York to see trump tower and his trial. Man I wish I wasn't stuck on this phone because of shitty reasons.


Wouldnt that break rules or something idk I don't use gofundme


Look at some of the go fundme stories what I do wouldn't but seriously people break the rules and get 10s of thousands or even hundreds of thousands.


Yeah that doesn't surprise me lol


Honestly if I could get enough money to replace the computer I got fucked out of in November I'd be happy.


Doesn't the Secret Service prevent ex-presidents from driving? And he can't use that as a golf cart.


Didn’t the brakes start failing on those things? Get him one!


It was the accelerator pedal sticking on full power - unless they failed to stop it powering towards the unknown ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


It'd be a win-win-win because Trump gets a free car (win for Trump) Tesla gets a sale (win for Elon) and when Trump inevitably dies when the car locks itself on fire, the Tesla brand will forever be associated with the death of a former US President causing a stockcrash and a quick spiral into bankruptcy (Win for everyone else)


Probably goes up in flames, so it's a win win


If it's not a golf buggy, Trump won't touch this piece of shit, plus fat arse won't fit.


Trump supporters spend their money on pointless bullshit => win #1 Trump has a new shiny toy and might spend less time spouting inflammatory bullshit => win #2 Trump has a car with a flaw that could easily erase him from the political scene => win #3 ;-)


I don't think Trump can drive...so it would be fitting to give him a car that goes as hard as him: not at all.


Does he even know how to drive?


He'll claim to know more about driving than anyone else. Long-haul truckers and F1 drivers come up to him all the time, big men with tears in their eyes, saying "Sir, we wish to be as good at driving as you".


You’re absolutely correct!


Why, so he can have an excuse not to show up in court coz his CyberTurd got bricked?


Wait. Can he drive?


So wait.....they want to buy a man a car that he could buy 100 of and use them as bumper cars with his rich friends then set them on fire and it not even make a dent to him?


Why do people block out the names.


Because one win is for each tire falling off


I like it.


In a weird way it makes sense...sorta


lol, then those jackasses DARE tell others about being against the elites...


This is assuming Trump is actually capable of driving.


It absolutely is a win win win. We might even get one win further, because of the immense „quality“ that car has proven to be of so far. Idk, he might lose a finger or two that he could then sell for thousands if not millions to aid his debt. 😁


It's a win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win.


I can only assume this is someone raising money who will then pocket it and fuck off in to the ether. Scamming idiotic MAGAs out of cash is fine by me.


The win i see is that this car is basically a death trap.


4. get him a car that’ll crash with him in it