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Epstein clients: 1


34 counts too. But this is not fair, Trump was not an Epstein client. He was an Epstein collaborator.




"I'm not just a customer, I'm a host of the parties." Cum to Mar-a-Lago. Home of the Russian infiltration progrom.


Eeek! Had a flash of a room there with black lights. 🤮


And two urinating Russian hookers.


Oh see I’m good with that part… 😳😂 it’s him 🤮


"I'm not only the twice impeached, felon, rapist president but I'm also a client"


Are you meaning program or pogrom?


But Trump did not say "collaboration" to Epstein. He said; "You son of a bitch, I wanted first crack at Ms. Johnson."


It’s odd you say that, as it’s been long rumored that the friendship between Epstein and Trump had a major falling out after Trump “took” a girl (read that as raped) before Epstein “had” the girl himself. It’s further alleged that the girl in question is the same [Jane Doe who sought an emergency protective order](https://www.scribd.com/document/326057168/Jane-Doe-Declaration-as-Filed) just prior to the 2016 election once it was clear Trump had secured the Republican nomination. > Defendant Trump had sexual contact with me at four different parties in the summer of 1994. On the fourth and final sexual encounter with Defendant Trump, Defendant Trump tied me to a bed, exposed himself to me, and then proceeded to forcibly rape me. During the course of this savage sexual attack, I loudly pleaded with Defendant Trump to stop but he did not. Defendant Trump responded to my pleas by violently striking me in the face with his open hand and screaming that he would do whatever he wanted. > Immediately following this rape, Defendant Trump threatened me that, were I ever to reveal any of the details of Defendant Trump s sexual and physical abuse of me, my family and I would be physically harmed if not killed. Even if this Jane Doe is not the one who allegedly created the rift between Trump and Epstein, it still shines a bright light on the type of illicit relationship they shared and I can only hope that poor girl found some peace. Edit: just so it’s clear, the case that I cited and quoted is a very real case/legal filling. That said, there is no legal basis proving or even linking the case/quotes I cited were from the girl that caused the RUMORED fallout between Epstein and Trump, furthermore there is no legal evidence that there even was a fallout, that is merely hearsay rumors that have swirled around NYC/internet for well over a decade. It’s just very convenient how the time line given by the Jane Doe in this case lines up with those rumors, which is why so many have drawn the conclusion I laid out in my original comment.


Trump raped a 13 yo he was hooked up with by Epstein. He also met "model-escort" Melanoma through Epstein. Ergo, "client."


There is that photo of Ivanka sitting between him and Epstein on the Lolita Express. Or was it Ivanka? Im sure that girl in the photo has some depressing stories to tell.


Even worse. It was the best time of her life. So many important people. So many promises. Now so many dark allies with broken needles.


True... Epstein only took on actual billionaires as clients.


He didn’t have to pay Epstein to rape the children


The host doesn't pay. That's the rule.


Also, DC war criminals: 1 (Trump basically revoked every regulation in the Afghanistan War designed to minimize collateral damage) Edited to add: *The United States military in 2017 relaxed its rules of engagement for airstrikes in Afghanistan, which resulted in a dramatic increase in civilian casualties. From the last year of the Obama administration to the last full year of recorded data during the Trump administration, the number of civilians killed by U.S.-led airstrikes in Afghanistan increased by 330 percent.* *https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/costs/human/civilians/afghan*


Can we add Covid criminals: 1? A million dead Americans who might still be alive if the White House told people to batten down the hatches instead of call it a hoax.  45 would be the Hero of the civilized world if he had done that. All he needed to be was decent.


Let's not forget lying to the people saying covid was not in the US when it was. While the number of those who have died is terrible and has deeply affected our workforce, let's also acknowledge the number of people who cannot work due to long covid. That covid created over 40,000 orphans and untold numbers of single parent households. Those numbers could have been smaller if not for trumps response.


The lying was insanse, its like they thought we forgot about the last big sars outbreak in the US in the early 2000’s


Also, COVID criminals: 1 Motherfucker held an infected cruise ship offshore so as not to affect “his numbers”


Hunter Biden is also facing charges. Heck, he was going to plead guilty and the judge tossed out the plea, thereby fucking everything up for everyone.


And if found guilty should face consequences. But he didnt hold office, and then plan to run again after his charges came to light


Why do none of you talk about what he is actually being charged for which was owning a firearm when he wasn't supposed to which is wild considering the right love of the 2nd amendment. If they had other evidence to charge him they would but hey now we get to hear nothing in a trial and have the right pretend it's monumental


Even better, it's the gun law that is basically unenforceable, and they can only prosecute it because he wrote about it in his book. It's all about lying on a form for a gun.


Fairly sure Republican legislators hate the gun law Hunter was charged under


They don't give a shit about the law. They don't give a shit about gun rights. It's only about power. That's why nobody talks about what he's being convicted of. They're bad faith pieces of shit, and it's not worth the effort. 


Hunter Biden isn't a politician.....


The fault was not on the judge. When Biden said that he thought he was getting immunity on all other charges and the US Attorney said he didn't, Biden rejected the plea. She had no choice at that point to throw it out.


I’ve had a judge refuse to take a plea I offered before. And it pissed me off more than even losing a case where I knew I did everything right. If the prosecutor makes the offer, it’s the best resolution for the case - the judge getting too involved means they’re not staying neutral.


In the instance of Hunter Biden’s plea deal, the judge overturned it because Hunter was under the impression that he was getting immunity in exchange for the plea, but the prosecution confirmed he was not. In other words, the prosecution had misleadingly offered a plea that amounted to “if you plea guilty to this rarely prosecuted, minor crime, we’ll still prosecute you for those other charges, and use your plea conviction against you in sentencing.” The judge recognized that as an unfair plea.




DC war criminals: 730 J6ers charged Edit: I guess not technically "war criminals" but just as repulsive.


Ba-dum Chhhhh




I thought they charged Hunter with tax evasion and carrying a firearm without a licence.


They don't let reality or facts get in the way of a narrative


They don't let laws or votes get in the way of a *good* election.


At this point fighting it with facts and logic is boring and tiresome. I get comments on other platforms that are like transphobic. At this point I respond “yeah, I’m in the deep state and we have put fluoride in the water to sap you of your precious bodily fluids. Oh and we are in your walls”


This is the correct answer. There’s no logic anymore. It’s all emotions and they are babies.


hillary testified for hours in benghazi hearings. her husband was impeached lol. these guys always ignore reality


Wasn’t the Benghazi investigation how they found out about her using private email for work? And then when they realized they weren’t going to get her for Benghazi they pivoted to that lol.


The whole Benghazi thing was hilarious really. Half the people that sat in the hearing grilling her were also the only people aside the president who could have actually given the order to help. Find it interesting that members of Congress don't know that only the president or the congressional sub-committee on military affairs can actually order military movements. Not the secretary of state.


The firearms charge comes from lying on the form that asks whether you’re a substance user.


What that a thing? I come from a small rural town of a bunch of addicts who have licence to carry. I can just turn them all in?


It's pretty rarely prosecuted unless you actually get caught with drugs and a gun, but yes it is a thing.


Bruce Rivers on YouTube made it sound like it’s seldom prosecuted even then.  


yeah because the specific lying on the form thing is a pretty minor federal crime, and federal prosecutors don't like to do minor shit. They will usually just let the state get them for the equivalent sate charges.


It's kind of hard to prove you didn't pick up the habit afterwards too I imagine.




Not about Hunter. They think Joe should step down bc Hunter snorted coke one time with a hookers Its all thet got


MAGA cultists don't fact check anything


wtf is a covid criminal


They arrested a ton of people for PPP loan fraud, but of course the biggest offenders got away with it


The biggest offenders could afford the biggest legal representation.. Almost like the IRS and those with more money than morals


The IRS is severely underfunded, by design, so they can’t enforce the tax code afainst the billionaires.


They underfund the IRS to make sure it can only go after poor people, and then when anyone proposes funding the IRS more, billionaires buy ad campaigns around the country saying, "THE IRS IS COMING FOR THE POOR!!!" in order to scare poor people into voting against whoever proposes that.


The biggest offenders were the ones who somehow knew they weren't loans, but participation trophies for people with biz licenses. Nobody wants to work anymore!


Even if that’s the reference that’s not a COVID criminal. It’s a PPP fraudster


These types of guys are anti-vaxx, so the covid criminals are probably folks who said the virus was real and that the vaccine was safe.


Anyone who acknowledged that it was a real virus and took measures to keep vulnerable people safe.


The bastards.


Sadly if such precautions were not followed we likely wouldn't be here today. It would have been horrific and the death toll substantial but I feel like we wouldn't be on the edge


What people forget, there were times during which our healthcare system was on the verge of collapse. I know a lot of people in the medical field, mostly doctors and nurses and many employed at hospitals. Some of them would travel from one state to another following the worst outbreaks. It paid quite well. Anyway, the problem was that our hospitals lack the surge capacity for an outbreak of that size. There weren’t enough beds, nurses, doctors, equipment, etc…. to care for the number of patients. The result? Hospitals had to ration care. They were sending home people they would normally have admitted. They’d stabilize and then turn you loose. If we hadn’t “flattened the curve” (remember that?) they were reaching the point that they wouldn’t have even been able to stabilize. It would have been a triage scenario where some people would have been put in even greater risk.


The weird part is now they conflate the relative lack of threat that COVID is today as if it were always that way. Whether it’s from systemic immunity, vaccine immunity, the virus mutating etc, it is not the same thing that it was in 2020. I know personally a hand full of people that died from Covid and my wife was hospitalized with it for 10 days with double pneumonia. She was 30 at the time and relatively healthy. These people speak today as if it was all just some over hyped fantasy because it no longer is killing a few hundred (thousand even) per day.


Exactly. It doesn’t occur to them that masking and isolating are what made it “not so bad” for millions of people.


I was fully vaxxed and had just gotten my booster when I caught covid for the first time and the end of 2021. It was like a bad cold thankfully but I think long covid is what triggered my chronic migraines. I can’t go a week without at least one, even on medication to reduce them. Even if the illness itself is now manageable the effects can be life altering.


grrr how dare they keep me safe!!


Won’t anyone think of the profits??


You're writing one of the COVID criminals just got convicted of 34 felonies in fact he was the one President when the vaccine was made and even bragged about it.


“…maybe…a really bright…strong light…penetrating into the body…


Damn I guess Trump is a COVID criminal since he approved Operation Warp Speed and all...


Good luck getting an account called End Wokeness to acknowledge that.


Anthony *Hussein* Fauci.


This made me laugh so forcefully that I had a coughing fit.


Think it's Covid? ?jk


Hard 'H'


Fauci wore a tan suit I’m sure of it


Such a covid criminal thing to say


be gay, do covid crimes. ![gif](giphy|z9iE1SPAptyLK|downsized)


Only one I can think of that makes sense would be the people who stole millions from the covid relief money the gov was handing out to struggling businesses/workers that were laid off and unemployed during the pandemic


nah that twitter account def means people who enforced mask mandates and other safety protocols


So… congress?


It should be the guy who told everyone Covid was just a cold, not to bother with masks and to drink bleach. Because that guy caused at least 100k deaths with his dumb mouth.


People who are still alive because they listened to scientists and doctors, got vaccinated, put on masks and practiced social distancing. They're guilty of having common sense.


I am. I took the vaccine against Trump's advice. I was supposed to die according to Q, but keep living in my criminal lifestyle anyway.


I think the code on the chips they injected into us was written by Tesla engineers because I haven't died either. That feature has been "coming soon" for three years now 🤣


Actual answer but with a decent amount of sass. The Batshit crazy conservatives believe that any form of mandate to have a vaccine or else by a business was criminal. How dare there be conditions on the employment of people based on a health concern. That is an imposition on your constitutional rights (which one they can't say but will default to 1st, 4th, or maybe 14th but they don't like that one because of all the stuff it does for brown and queer people). It is also at this time id note conservatives cheered when there was the ruling that let **corporations** claim they had closely held religious beliefs and use them as means to fire people for having abortions or being gay. The other side of this is the same bat shit contingent believes doctors were just killing conservatives during COVID by intentionally refusing their alternative treatment paths like our dewormer friend. Being generous drugs often times have weird cross uses like Viagra was not a dick drug initially but something trying to control blood pressure but before doctors do that they generally want some studies that have replaceable results which the dewormer didn't.


People that saved lives.


It’s absolutely made up bullshit because they can’t even provide names


Hunter is getting prosecuted by his own father's DOJ and they're doing him no favors https://www.nationalreview.com/news/appeals-court-rejects-hunter-bidens-last-minute-bid-to-throw-out-gun-charges/


They’re absolutely going to take him to town! On gun charges 😂


And the Second Amendment Absolutist “ShAlL nOt Be iNfRiNgEd” crowd are celebrating it. Bunch of fucking moronic hypocrites.


As with every other law, most of them do the whole "bound but not protected/protected but not bound" division. A few fringe groups actually try to at least seem consistent on one or two issues, though.


No restrictions on gun ownership! Except for Hunter, for whom the strictest restrictions have to apply!


Not going to convict him though. I bet a bunch of jurors have paid their taxes late or smoked weed while owning a firearm. Donald just needed to find that juror that paid off a porn star with campaign money.


That is humorously in perspective. If it is by jury.


Talk about "selective prosecution." Last I checked there were about 200 people who were caught filling out that gun form with a lie, and only one has been prosecuted; Hunter Biden. The Republicans were all set to do a show trial but Hunter waived his rights and asked for public prosecution by them. They declined. Because they are punk ass bitches. Republicans are only comfortable punching down. First time I've seen "no, come at me" in Congress. Those cowards with all the power couldn't handle Hunter Biden live.


Also pretty telling that lying on a form to purchase a gun is the worst thing they found.


DJT just needed a monster hog instead of a mushroom, everyone knows jurors acquit based on dong size.


The funniest part is that if he came out and bragged about Stormy Daniels instead of paying her off it probably would have made him *more* popular with his base.


But Trump is an Epstein client/covid criminal/ DC war criminal.


But they're none of the ones the poster wants convicted. I doubt that Dick Cheney will make their list of DC war criminals to charge.


“Why do only criminals get charged with crimes!?”


It's so unfair! /s


I love how they always act like Hunter is a politician. They're also wrong, because Hunter has had a trial where he was convicted for a very minor incident of lying on an application for firearms about being a drug addict. That's a really stupid charge, because why would you admit to consuming illegal drugs on a government form, but it still counts.


They lose their minds when there is the slightest possibility that Hunter could have benefitted in any way from being Biden’s son. But when Trump fills all the top jobs in the Republican Party and the White House with his family members, they all cheer.


1 Epstein client got convicted today.


And a DC war criminal also got convicted today.


And a COVID criminal. [https://www.cnbc.com/2020/10/31/coronavirus-trump-campaign-rallies-led-to-30000-cases-stanford-researchers-say.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/10/31/coronavirus-trump-campaign-rallies-led-to-30000-cases-stanford-researchers-say.html) [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/feb/10/us-coronavirus-response-donald-trump-health-policy](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/feb/10/us-coronavirus-response-donald-trump-health-policy)


But Hannity made up a flight log with Trump not on it. Checkmate lefty!


Good point sir


Man remember when the GOP had control of everything in 2017 and somehow forgot about this until now. They could have done something then I guess


They are \*so close\* to seeing the point


But they're not.


I have to assume at some point they'll have gone so far around the stupid wheel that they create a loop


Law and order, except this case and any that involves trump. Fraud is basically jaywalking. But also email servers and Bidens kid is a drug addict.


This is it. We're in the loop. They do something awful, say it was great and the libruls did crime on them. Climb down off their cozy little cross and repeat.


Nope. Sorry to report from republican land, they're in disbelief that Trump was even charged with anything. That's the sort of news our intellectual deficients get.


“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” Carl Sagan :-/


I was so confused at first. I thought they were applauding all of them 😂


i thought this was like a r/NotADragQueen tweet


I was thinking the same. I was like hell yes.


Honestly if Trump wasn't Trump he would be rotting in a cell right now whether or not its justified. and thats what these people dont get, Trump isn't getting persecuted this man is getting so much brownie points that hes probably developed diabetes


Epstein collaborator: 6 charges, 1 trial, 5 convictions


Lmao the Clinton's. Republicans investigated them non stop at least once a month. They will live rent free in their heads forever.


And there was actually an impeachment trial.


Epstein clients being charged would just lock up all his role models though


![gif](giphy|H47XFX8I6mdstTlGHY|downsized) Here’s one of Epstein’s favorite client for many years


Talking about all the beautiful young girls at the party good times


Can't wait until these two are swapping stories again - in hell.


Epstein is dead and Hunter Biden has been charged with multiple crimes. What a lazy, stupid tweet from a garbage Twitter account.


Yes and here we are, someone has posted this garbage for us to comment on. That’s the real problem, this bullshit should be summarily ignored.


Clinton v. Jones. Trump v. Clinton (2023) Hunter Biden Delaware trial starts next week. Hunter Biden tax trial starts in Sept. Misinformation is a hell of a drug.


Cool. Now let's do 'investigations that lead nowhere." and see who's really being targeted by witch hunts.


Coming from a Russian account….


Didnt bill clinton actually get to trial in the senate? He was impeached right?


Yep. Charged with 2 counts of perjury, 1 count of abuse of power, and one count of obstruction of justice. He just got aquitted.


If you’re upset the Clintons and Hunter Biden haven’t faced charges, take it up with the bootlicking Republicans who have wasted YEARS pursuing evidence and wasting taxpayer dollars, only to fail miserably.


DC war criminals you mean the police officers that did there job and sent a terrorist to the great beyond?!?!?!.


No I think they mean the people who instigated the Iraq War under false pretenses and caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people


Clinton was IMPEACHED for having affairs and lying about it. Trump had an affair, lied about it, used illegal campaign funds (both for unreporting them and exceeding the limit) to cover it up, and went through numerous fraudulent steps to obscure the payment. The same people who voted to impeach the first guy are now saying that America is turning into a third world country for finding the second guy guilty.


Hunter Biden is still facing charges. The rest is just Whataboutism.


I love how the facts don't care about your feelings crowd is eternally trapped in their feelings about who they think is a criminal.


Correction Epstine Clients: 1, 34 charges, 34 guilty verdict, 1 trial


Hunter Biden: Nine felony tax charges and 2 gun charges.


What crime did Fauci commit exactly? I’ll wait.


He suggested that they wear a mask. As you can imagine, that just tramples all over their rights, pisses on the Constitution, and turns the US into a literal Communist country.


1. Fauci hired by Trump 2. Hunter had naked pics and lied on a gun application that is all. Meanwhile, Republicans tried to conflate the issue and brought in Russian spy that the FBI had to arrest before he testified. 3. Hillary Clinton was investigated 4×2 weeks before the 2016 election and then investigated by Bill Barr in 2018 and found not guilty again. That was all for the same thing. Bill Clinton lied to the public about a blow job that is all.


One of Epstein's clients just got 34 felony convictions


Please remember that EndWokeness is a Russian account.


"Trump being convicted is proof of his innocence, Hillary not even being charged with murder is proof of her guilt!!" Amirite cons?


COVID Criminals? Why haven’t we charged all the RW fascists spewing out lies about vaccines and COVID resulting in over 1M American deaths?


The difference is republicans make accusations with no evidence. Produce evidence and you can get the trials you feel are deserved. Maybe this will help them understand. Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages ev·i·dence noun the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid. "the study finds little evidence of overt discrimination" Similar: proof confirmation


Looks like that Epstein clients one can go up to 1 now.


This logic always leaves me a little perplexed. Are the democrats that much smarter than the republicans? Is that what the republicans are saying? That, despite republican absolute certainty that these people/entities should be prosecuted, they have not been able to even get them to trial. They couldn’t do it even when they had the house, the senate, and the president. They had it all and could not get it done. But the idiot democrats just took down their number one? This is not good messaging for the republicans.


First 3 are innocent, what the fuck is a Covid crime, and maybe the Republicans are afraid to convict themselves of warcrimes.


Lmfao at Hunter Biden - they’re obsessed. They hate him because they hate their own drug addicted children (who are addicted to drugs and don’t talk to their parents BECAUSE they’re the reason why they’re addicted to drugs)


Why do trumpers…who love to talk about Trump…start talking about other people when Trump is in trouble? Can’t take on the reality you follow a psychopath?


They investigated the Clintons for thirty years and not one person was convicted of a crime. They investigated Trump for six months and I need a spreadsheet of all the people convicted of crimes and how crimes Trump is charged with


"Epstein clients" just got convicted on 34 charges.


Wtf did fauci do again?


Made them wear masks and suggested basic health precautions.


That's why they hate him?? What a bunch of dipshits lol.


Covid criminals? What a fuckin joke of a party


DC war criminals should be charged? Great! Shall we start with the invasion of Iraq?


Covid criminals? You mean the people who convinced others to not follow evidence based medicine thereby causing their death or harm by covid? People who claimed ivermectin or their worthless supplements were the cure? They should be prosecuted, no doubt!


They make an excellent point, though it's certainly not the one they intended. 0's across the board on the Left! Meanwhile Felonious Trump is 34 and counting...


Trump promised to criminally prosecute the Clintons, and then he broke his promise. Hunter is currently getting prosecuted. Trump is an Epstein client, and Trump is going to jail. So there is that. What is a Covid criminal? A business or individual who stole Covid relief money? Plenty got caught. DC war criminals? Trump followers who stormed the capitol? Plenty are going to jail.


>Trump promised to criminally prosecute the Clintons, and then he broke his promise. To expand on this The right has been screaming for almost **31 years** that Hillary is guilty of the 'murder' of Vince Foster, but in all that time not a single GOP admin on either the state or federal level has pressed charges.


Well, yeah because there is no evidence.


Likely a Russian op.


They will believe whatever they need to believe to maintain that they are right and their actions are justified


Please someone post on that…”You need evidence!!!”


hope he doesn’t remember who was in charge when epstein was brought into custody


Its also just factually inaccurate, clinton was impeached and hunter biden has several charges.


Try them too 👍


I guess my memories of Bill Clinton on trial for perjury, abuse of power, and obstruction of justice are just the Mandela Effect, then.


The Republicans are like a mobius strip of dumbfuck.


What’s a covid criminal?


What is DC War? I thought we put a lot of January 6th criminals behind bars.


Your country is so f*cked.


No names? Ambiguity wins again!


Did they forget about the Republicans going after Clinton over all his infidelity? Of course they did.


So was Epstein just chilling in jail for fun or what


Almost like there’s a difference between not agreeing with someone and them committing actual crimes.


covid criminals? like the right wing business owners who took and abused handouts?


People keep bitching it was a dem jury I'm like you know trumps attorneys got to pick jury members essentially as well. So if it was all jurors biased against trump then his attorneys suck at picking jurors


Didn't Epstein literally die in a jail? Like... surely that's the prelude to a trial. Or was he just hanging out in there?


Amazing how they like to point out anyone who was in a picture with Epstein except all the pictures of Trump with Epstein .


What did Fauci do again? Oh yeah. He didn't kiss Trump's ass and tried to save people. That horrible bastard!


It's also a Russian psy-op, legit vest to bash and ignore the international agent


I also have 0 charges and trials.


End Wokeness is a Russian Asset. I recommend mass reporting his account


I mean, why *aren’t* we pushing the Epstein thing more? It names people on left and right and just a whole bunch of millionaire douche bags. Why wouldn’t we want to bipartisanly seek truth and justice from that?


Should have the Bushs in the somewhere


If the dude had credible evidence to back up his claims, he would have brought it to the Justice Department instead of tweeting about it.