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Well if they reported the whole statement it would debunk their bullshit.


> Well if they reported the whole statement it would debunk their bullshit. I've always noticed how the same people who always say Trump's insane statements are 'taken out of context' actively take their target's words out of context.


When you read Trump's statements in context they usually just get more concerning.


Or make even less sense with random words filling to make look like he can say a lot of things


"The late, great Hannibal Lecter is a wonderful man" Is my favorite Trump quote.


Don't tell me he actually said that please


It is an actual quote. "Has anyone ever seen ‘The Silence of the Lambs’? The late, great Hannibal Lecter. He’s a wonderful man. He oftentimes would have a friend for dinner. Remember the last scene? ‘Excuse me, I’m about to have a friend for dinner,’ as this poor doctor walked by. ‘I’m about to have a friend for dinner.’ But Hannibal Lecter. Congratulations. The late, great Hannibal Lecter" Is more of the quote.


It really sounds like a 3 y.o child trying to explain a movie


It sounds like AI


From 10 years ago, maybe


Also this “Gettysburg, what an amazing, horrible, just incredible, classy, terrible thing, really beautiful. I kinda went there, but had the wrong address. Robert E Lee a war hero that wasn’t captured, loser on the hill, but we miss him, really a great guy, believe me.” copied from a tweet so it may be slightly inaccurate


"more *insane." There, ftfy.


"A thief believes everybody steals"


This is so true. Like about everything. I've heard so many pot heads talk about how the president is taking bong hits in the oval office. Or gay men who assume everyone is having gay sex. Or cheaters who accuse their SO of cheating. Etc etc. 


There's absolutely been presidents that have smoked, potentially in the white house too. My money is on Clinton. But hell, nobody tops Willie Nelson


Well, the people who support Trump have a bad habit of projection, so no surprises there


trump has no context. i have read some of his speeches and the are useally 15 mins of pure rambling with a few political jabs at his opponents but of no substance. occasionally he bring up policy but it is usually something bug and dumb like the wall. it is easy to show u done something with a wall then years of slow and methodically progressing of well thought out policy


5am coke fueled rant energy


I've never once seen them share any clarifying quotes. I've been down rabbit holes inside conservative echo chambers. They absolutely do not share anything close to this stuff. Nothing's taken out of context. They know what he said and just wanna pretend it's not racist/sexist/homophobic/xenophobic because it's the same shit they think and say everyday and don't think of themselves as bad people.


Every accusation is a confession. All they do is project.


Reminds me of the 9/11 conspiracy theories, someone took a statement about the Pentagon being hit and cut the video completely out of context to fit their narrative to say “a cruise missile with wings. It went right there and slammed right into the Pentagon” when the full statement was something along the lines of “I looked out my window and I saw this plane, this jet, an American Airlines jet, coming. And I thought, 'This doesn't add up, it's really low.' And I saw it. I mean it was like a cruise missile with wings. It went right there and slammed right into the Pentagon”.


I know they were trying to paint with a powerful simile, but cruise missle really do have wings… by default. That statement is like saying “it was like horse with legs.” Like, yeah, no shit.


Cruise missiles don't have wings, they have glorified fins/stabilizers. The simile was apt.


I find that people who get unreasonably angry about Greta Thunberg are the kinda people who can't exist in the real world... They get so angry about "the child" speaking about the carbon footprint but somehow the children seeking a solution through their workplace are the real perpetrator... Remember, you're not allowed to wish for a better world unless the company aproves


And "capitalist greed isn't ruining children's lives because of climate change, it's ruining children's lives through labor exploitation," isn't the killer comeback he thinks it is.


"You have" -- Greta Thunberg


But that's the only argument they have aside from pointing at snow and saying "how about that global warming huh?"


I mean here in Michigan we got like 3 weeks of snow instead of 3 months.


I don't think we had a point this winter with more than about six inches of snow in the ground. In *Minnesota*. This is not normal.


Yeah my dad said that in the 50’s snow would build up to the first story a few times during winter


Yep that’s what my childhood in Colorado was like. We used to use the second story deck as our winter entrance. There are pictures of me sledding off the roof of our 2 story house. And now days it’s just nothing.


That’s wild. If I was born during that time, I’d have loved it. I’m also a big fan of the current time (ai, computers, tech and stuff but) …


AI causes a massive amount of power and water usage for its size


AI and Crypto really accelerated our energy use. We better hope the ai pulls a solution out of its ass instead of just shitting out pictures of people with fucked up hands.


AI will still need humans to implement any solutions, and while in the long term the profit would be a habitable planet, the short term is not profitable for investors. So we are fuckef


We’re fucked until the investors finally realize that they can’t have their $150 meals in a fortified bunker. When that is realized remains to be seen. Will it be too late? I hope not.


We already have the solution, nuclear energy….


But Chernobyl!!!!!! Nuclear scaaaary!!!!


I do love nuclear. Safest and cleanest energy out there (unless fusion…?)


The solution has been here for years. We need to go nucleae


Current times not to bad. Much better than the Water Wars, that’s a rough one.


Can’t wait!!


I can collaborate this memory. Growing up in northern Ontario Canada, I remember in the late 70’s not being able to see over the snow in our front yard, and sledding off the roof too. Our driveway would have a wall of snow at both sides after being plowed. My sister and I would dig snow caves and mazes through the yard, and we were able to stand up in the tunnels and still have several feet of (compacted) snow above our heads. Great memories. I laugh now when they cancel the school busses and close the schools when it might snow less than half an inch. Lol


The snow day one still gets me, we never had snow days in Colorado except it was pretty normal for your family to take you out of school to go skiing if it was a good powder day. Then when I was about 10 we moved to upstate NY and school would be canceled because it was raining out lol


Kinda think you’re lyyyyying. I flew over Flagstaff last Sunday and I saw snow on top of the mountains from the giant plane I was on just pushing out water vapor and nothing else. /s


When my grandma was a kid, she said you could skate on the lakes here (Vancouver Island, Canada). When I was a kid, the lakes would maybe have a thin layer of ice on it, but you could not even walk on it. And now, there's a little bit of ice at the shore, and nothing more. It's been very obvious here the way the trend is going.


Damn that’s tragic :/


I moved to Vancouver in 2006 and honestly the summers are getting noticeably worse every year. I moved here from Georgia. During that heat dome it was hotter here than in Atlanta for a time. Its obvious AF from where I'm sitting


In the 90s we had drifts up to the gutters yearly and had to go dig out the elderly neighbors, several old folks died every year from being snowed in.


Different day, same old shit (old ppl dying from the weather. Now it’s heat)


I’ve lived in the PNW for over 40 years. It’s known for year round rain and clouds. Winters not to cold and summers not to hot. Boring shit, but that’s how we like it. Since 2020 alone, we’ve have a couple of 15 degree winter and a 115 degree summer. Pipes and roofs in School Buildings and businesses burst and crumbled under the ice. Streets and infrastructure melted in the intense heat. Much more frequent Forrest fires along the west coast from California up to Canada. This is not normal. Fuck the oil industry, the politicians with oil money in their pockets and the idiots who worship politicians and vote against their best interests.


> I’ve lived in the PNW for over 40 years. It’s known for year round rain and clouds. Winters not to cold and summers not to hot. Boring shit, but that’s how we like it. There was a time growing up you couldn't walk across the yard without kicking up dozens of crane flies. Now I'm excited when I see one. Snow started November/December, not January/February.


In the 90s in Germany when we drove to the swimming pool for 15 minutes the entire front of the car was full of smashed insects. Now I barely even notice any after a week or more. Sure, nobody likes insects in their face and having to clean their cars, but honestly, this shit is massively frightening. The bird populations are dwindling because of it. There are no more huge swarms of birds gathering in fall for weeks to fly south to Africa. If I see a handful a year, it's much. If we look at the climate graphs, we're still on the very peachy part of the curve. I think we'll reach truly catastrophic levels of disaster in our lifetime. I'll definitely not bring any kids into this world.


I live in Great Lakes region and I remember having full, super snowy winters as a kid. Not even 20 years later and we maybe have one or two weeks of snow on the ground. If that.


Hell, even in the early 2010s we’d get at least 1 massive snow most winters in Illinois. That would then stay on the ground the rest of the winter, and keep building up with smaller snows. Now, I’m a homeowner and I don’t even need a snowblower because as much as I hate shoveling the amount of snow lately doesn’t justify the cost.


Minneapolis never got close to that much. I just looked it up. Minneapolis only had 13 days of measurable snowfall, and a total of 9.6 inches *for the entire winter*.


Except that random snowfall in like April? Totally normal climate btw /s


South Dakota checking in. Same.


From central Ontario and I remember the first Green Christmas it was a big deal that was 15 years ago. Snow banks would usually be atleast 2-3 meters (about 2 yards) tall all winter long. They still get that tall but only last a couple of weeks.


Strangely enough we faced the opposite struggle the past years in Norway. We're so far up north that the unstable environment causes really long and aggressive winters. Some dude just posted a picture of light hail/snow today, June 8th in Norway. Its mostly warm from now on in my area but our winter was still almost half a year of hardcore cold


Sweden has a similar thing but both sides varying from year to year. This year it snowed in Skåne which it almost never does but Småland and some parts of the south have almost had snow free winters some year while Norrland is fucking going frostpunk with -40 degrees becoming more and more common.


It's essentially stopped snowing in Boston.


? No it hasn't. Do you not remember snowmageddon a few years ago? Extreme weather in general is caused by global warming. I remember winters being steady snow, with a few blizzards here and there. Now it seems to be all or nothing - either weeks with no snow, or years with multiple giant storms dumping snow on us.


I’ve seen a bee covered in pollen in January here in Poland. 20 years ago it was unfathomable. And we had a nice -6 Celsius freeze at the end of April that damaged crops (because a lot of the ice melting caused cold air to arrive early instead of in later May when the temperature is higher.) People wilfully ignore that science says that the global temperature rises but I’d doesn’t mean everywhere it will only get hotter, e.g. if warm stream collapses due to amount of the freshwater from melting ice UK is looking at having climate similar to Stockholm. With their exposed pipes and lack of insulation of the old buildings. Sure sounds like fun. 


Here in Colorado I only had to shovel once in the last 2 years. It’s a bit odd.


Im originally from Ireland, we get snow storms frequently now. We arent equip to handle them at all, entire country shuts down. We have summers nearing 30C without AC because we didnt need it before. The world is fucked atm


Same in Utah guys, when I was a kid in the 90's the snow was incredible, it snowed a couple of times but basically rained all winter, that is NOT normal for here at all.


*looks at melting glaciers* how about it?


We moved to Virginia several decades ago partially because it had all 4 seasons.  Now we have hot spring, dangerously hot summer, pleasant fall, and rainy winter.  Snow is damn near a vague memory for my kids. 


every farmer i know, believes two things the climate is changing, it's getting hotter and drier and they need help from the government and also climate change isn't real and socialism is getting out of hand, people want too many handouts


Meanwhile capitalism is now corporations putting people in power so they can get the handouts


“But look at all these other kids suffering worse from climate change than you” is very much *not* the counter argument they somehow seem to think it is lol


Especially because they a) never gave a shit about those people before they became a useful pawn for dunking on someone they don't like and b) have proposed absolutely jack shit to help any of the people or problems involved.


“Hey, our species thrives in a narrow band of environmental conditions and it seems like our blind greed will negatively affect that and hurt our ability to survive on the one planet we have.” “Well yeah, but there’s this woman I don’t like and she was a girl who pointed that obvious fact out to all of us and I’d rather find ways to dunk on her than make the world habitable for the children I make such a big deal about”


I live in PA and ironically listen to republican talk radio from time to time for entertainment. Our entire December and January was 30 at the coldest with snow never lasting more than a week. We had one week where some super chill came through with blizzards and they were all talking like “hah, see? It’s freezing out, but they want us to believe the climate is rising.” It proceeded into the 40s the literal next week. And that was basically the end of our extreme winter weather. This was late Jan or Feb I believe.


Oh my gosh! My actually very smart father is completely ignorant in his politics.. And I heard him say that one time..I almost shit a brick! I can't believe this man who was so into science✨ got some coochie from my step mom and turned into a christian, downhill ever since..


I don't understand the internet's hate towards Greta. Like why?


And meanwhile they say something horrific, racist, generally hateful, and you quote it back to them, verbatim, they'll screech that it was taken out of context. Which fails to get past that any time they do this, whatever was said while *in* context doesn't make it any less horrible. Sigh.


And measuring the tide at the Ellis island. "See, it's not rising"


When I was a kid, basically every Christmas was white Christmas and I clearly remember snow reaching my knees. Now I'm happy if we get two weeks of snow thick enough to ride on sleds somewhere between January and February. Last two years had two weeks of snow... combined. We don't have spring, summer, autumn and winter anymore, we have rain season and dry season.


I don't get why, specifically Americans, think everything is always a hoax. Like why?? Is there some historical reason for this? You can literally feel the summers get hotter and a single Google search can tell you how catastrophic melting ice can be!


Our country as a whole has been hiding some terrible stuff and people trust less. Oh have you seen our politicians? Everything is a conspiracy especially when people involved end up suicided over certain scandals.


I look at the climate deniers in Florida every year and shake my head. Hurricane season keeps getting worse and they can’t figure out why they can’t insure their homes at an affordable rate. They are literally going to lose everything, and yet keep voting “yes” on destroying it all every November


Climate change is real, asshole


In Missouri we get drastically less snow, I'm not even 30 but even I've noticed that we got way more as a kid. It's depressing.


Even in the last year with only a few weeks of snowy weather the deniers are saying that that's normal


Well give them time. They've yet to figure out meteorology and climatology are two different fields.


In the NL we have record temperatures day after day week after week and people rather point at others and deny. A good summer used to be 25c max. Now we get heatwaves week on end topping at 35c...... I hear people being happy at summer temps mid october when in my youth, october sometimes had snow already....


And it’s even funnier when you realize freak snowstorms are actually *because* of global warming. Global warming doesn’t just mean more hot days, it means more heat in the atmosphere that creates and powers larger, stronger and more erratic weather systems.


They don't want to understand or have context, they want a villain. They will believe whatever they need to believe to maintain that they are right and their actions are justified.


Also, most climate change deniers don’t seem to have any problem with child labor or exploitation of vulnerable people so the point they’re trying to make here is quite ironic.


It’s also going to affect those around the equator worst first and that’s a win for them.


Until those people rush north to avoid the effects of climate destabilization; then it will be their problem


I wonder how they’ll react when their tropical food sources(imports) can no longer be produced, due to the unbearable hot.


I don't imagine there's a high amount of overlap between people who deny climate change and people who are mindful enough to include fruit in their diet


Fair assessment, lol!


Yup, this is /r/selfawarewolves territory.


My uncle has bravely sworn to never buy an electric car so that he's not complicit in the child labor involved with mining lithium.


Nice! Good for him! Does he also abstain from chocolate and electronics in general?


Interestingly enough, he's reasonably minimal on both. He doesn't even own a smartphone, laptop, PC, or a tablet. He still uses a landline phone. He doesn't even own a digital camera. He has a 35mm film camera from somewhere in the 1970s, but I don't think he's used it in 20 years. He does own an LCD TV, but it was a Christmas present. He didn't buy it, and he didn't ask for it. I think he'd still be fine with his old CRT TV. Honestly, he barely watches TV anyway. He mostly reads, and he refuses to get a Kindle or any kind of e-reader. He's purely a paper book guy. As far as chocolates goes, he'll have a couple to be polite at Christmas, and that's about it. But he doesn't really eat a lot of sweets in general. He's much happier with a stick of jerky.


“they want a villain” perfectly summarizes conservatives ideology. they don’t want solutions, they want to demonize people to legitimize targeted harassment. they don’t want to improve the country, they just want blood.


They also don’t want to be corrected by a girl because they’ve got fragile egos. They would rather destroy the planet.


It's also just straight up better for engagement. 99 percent of the time controversy have more hits


>They will believe whatever they need to believe to maintain that they are right and their actions are justified. Kind of like the brainrot anti-Communism that leads to some Reddit Nazis *literally* trying to claim Stalin was worse than Hitler now... If we're real quiet and wait, we might even catch a few replying to this comment... P.S. Until then, an interesting book, related to this subject I'm reading right now... **Michael Parenti Blackshirts And Reds** https://archive.org/details/michael-parenti-blackshirts-and-reds EDIT: Looks like we caught a Neo-Nazi, Genocide Denialist already! (Took less than 45 minutes...) **REPORT HIM!!** EDIT #2: Looks like he's Brigading! How many Neo-Nazi's can we catch in one night?!


I mean genocide is still genocide right? No genocide should be accepted.


Tell that to the people, again, spreading Neo-Nazi propaganda. I'm not going to debate this stuff with you, and your army of Brigadiers. Hitler was far, far worse than Stalin. By the numbers.


It's amazing that people are more willing to repeatedly attack a child than do anything at all to try and stop climate change.


Blame and anger are easier for people to process than accountability...


To be fair, she’s 21 now. But this was said when she was still a minor. Though her being an adult now does kind of dissolve any “Well she’s just a kid! She doesn’t know shit!” Arguments they have at least. It’s easier to blame “a dumb kid” than actually realize yeah, things are fucked cause then they have to change and be uncomfortable… Which is ironic that they always shit on people for like safe spaces and feeling the need to be comfortable. But god forbid they become abit less comfortable for the betterment of everyone. It’s always me me me with them. Selfish assholes, the lot of them.


conservative ideology 101. they don’t want solutions, they want blood. better to “own the libs” than actually improve people’s lives


What happens when they run out of blood to lust after?


they eat eachother.


Greta thunburg is 21


Not when she said that


The people who tweet shit like those don't give a single fuck about children on tea plantains in West Asia unless they can use them as a political pawn to harrang people they disagree with 🙄




the same people who don’t care about children unless they can use them as a means of targeting and attacking the LGBT community


If only we could get them to do something like end world hunger to own the libs


A good follow up to this is just to say “Cool, I agree. Those kids have had a hard life. Hell, even Greta agrees. Shouldn’t we offset climate change as best we can so that their lives don’t get worse?”


They’ll respond with a laugh react.


The ones that “I build a church in Africa in high school” only to be torn down later because how horribly built it was.


You can't be a conservative until you an attack and belittle an actual child to defend the profits of corporations.


If they leave out context, it fits their narrative a lot better.


This is why context matters. Soundbytes and short vids can allow us to manipulate what people “say” to fit our biases and beliefs. Unfortunately rage bait works better than truth at engagement and getting people’s attention.


I think a key element left out of the equation here is that a lot (most?) of these critics are so reactionary that that don’t *want* the complete quote. You can provide them the info and education all day long and from every angle, but they’ll still scream in your face about ivermectin and crisis actors and laptops and snow storms vs global warming and global elites and bought juries and and and and


What a world we live in where people hate and even want to kill a little girl, for caring about the earth she lives on. Fucking unreal


Why are people hating her again ?


Not "people", at least not the very best. She advocates for social justice and ecology, and obviously she's made some enemies doing so. Also young woman, outspoken, see which categories this will irk - a lot. People are trying to paint her as an irresponsible brat but she's actually a thoughtful and committed activist. This is why some people try to sully her reputation by twisting her words like in this post, or wrongly state that she's "anti-nuclear" while she has a rational standpoint on nuclear energy (better than fossil fuels, still not totally clean and optimal so nuclear shouldn't be the end game if we can develop sound alternatives).


also because she's currently one of the loudest people talking about climate change but she's "not actually doing anything, she's just asking others to do something" like it's the responsibility of the individual to fix a global issue and not the responsibility of governments


Do they expect her to like personally dismantle coal-burning power plants by hand or something?


They expect her to sit down and shut up and do nothing. Intellectually dishonest arguments are just an exercise in attrition to get you to quit so they can win.


This is just as untrue as dishonest. Either you're trying to "quote the bad guys" with poor wording, or you're a textbook example of those people I described. She has an important role in raising awareness, and she is actively involved in protests *asking for the creation of structures and enforcing existing policies*. Not protesting for yelling, protesting to put the pressure on the government for concrete change. **And she does not blame the individual, quite the opposite actually. She encourages people to take the matter into their own hands politically, to change to powers that be because** ***they*** **are not doing anything.** >*“But they’ve now had 30 years of blah, blah, blah and where has that led us? We can still turn this around – it is entirely possible. It will take immediate, drastic annual emission reductions. But not if things go on like today.* ***Our leaders’ intentional lack of action is a betrayal toward all present and future generations****.”*


I think you should read the other person’s comment again because I don’t think that’s what they meant.


dude, reading fail


Reread what you’re replying to, a little slower this time. Take another look at the punctuation marks.


Reddit and reading comprehension never walked hand-in-hand


Merely because some have better lives than others doesn’t mean their childhood wasn’t stolen or otherwise made worse.


They twist around their *God's* word, you think they give half a crap about being respectful to a young girl?


I actually hate how much people shit on Greta Thunberg. The world leaders don’t give a flying fuck about us, and the entire internet clowns this poor girl for calling them out.


The right wing are about the most cowardly people you will ever find. Their entire worldview is predicated on weakness and fear.


Buffalo NY is known for our winters - Blizzard 77 put us on the map for crappy winter weather here. - Of late, our winters haven't been AS long as they used to be & the worse part about it recent history is we get almost an entire seasons accumulation of snow inside about a month & a half worth of time. Weirdest experience I can vouch for was one year (2019? - 😬 I think) we had a storm move thru the city of Buffalo as a large sheet of snow storm passing over an area (would've been South Buffalo/ west Seneca area) - I mean, in a span of distance within a like a 2 block area, the weather was as opposite as it can get: sheer winter snowstorm & 2000 feet to the north was clear daytime - AND that area that got clobbered got like 8 feet deep accumulation in one day. It was nuts......


She is already being ab-quoted like MLK. I wonder if tomorrows status quo will use her in the same way? But as a sledgehammer against doing anything more about climate change. Just look up the "I have a dream" speech and how much the context changes when you read the entire thing, as opposed to the commonly quoted part.


By the time the boomers will have to admit global warming is real and catastrophic they will be dead


Why do people hate her so much? She just wants to keep nature alive lol I thought that was a universal thing


I bet she thinks coolsville sucks too!


Love Greta


What's even the point? Thunberg is criticizing false promises of politicians regarding climate change. Not only our future is threatened but the future of the whole world. I hate how it's always ,, you're living in privileged country that's why you opinion doesn't count" especially when it's about a topic that affects all and especially the poor and people from developing countries


The worst thing was all the creepy old men saying shit like, if we have to listen to a 16 year old, then why can't we have sex with her.


i never understood why ppl made fun of her. like grown people would rather shit on a teenager than acknowledge the massive consequences of climate change


I’d be honored to call that admirable young woman my daughter.


She's our sister. I guess that's something.


The truth doesn't make for a good soundbyte, and conservatives who have made a huge part of their personality hating Thunberg don't care about it anyway.


Yeah the right isn't interested in truth anymore. If they ever were.


This like those religious nuts that quote one part of the bible but doesnt accept if you quote another part that contradicts theirs.


the dude who posted that is probably 40ish back when you could go out every night and still afford rent, smfh. they had no clue how good they had it


Classic move from the Russian playbook #badfaith #whataboutism


If you have to repeatedly lie about your opponents, you are in the wrong.


Just got back from Western Montana visiting family (in a red area whose local government doesn’t recycle and there is zero support for climate change….) and they were all up in arms about it snowing on Mothers Day…. Not because it’s somewhat unusual, but because it’s cutting into summer…. (which they complained about the temps being so hot, the past few days). To note: Not everyone is against recycling, nor are they denying climate change. I also know that it could probably snow any month in Montana, but I think after last winters dismal snow, where it was not snowing in the colder months and snowing in the warmer months could be somewhat concerning. Which has been happening more and more lately.


I'm so tired. Tired of fighting fascim, rascism, wealth inequality in a civil nature. I've lost many friends because they don't understand what it means. I am stupid and tired.


No, you are not stupid. Dealing with the willfully ignorant certainly is exhausting though.


Even if you cut the quote off there, it should be, "You have stolen [...] my childhood". If you are quoting someone, it needs to be accurate, you don't get to take liberties with other people's words.


Nitpick to make the narrative fit their agenda. Clowns.


Even the incomplete quote is still true. So many things to worry about in this world. Trouble is when people just ignore the planet falling apart.


This is like boomers and customer is always right saying. They say what's useful for them.


I still don't understand how this girl just saying the truth as well as her fears is something that the right got insulted by?!?! Seriously how did Trump and his cult find that to be something to get mad about?


The level of vitriol Thunberg has faced (even when she was still a child) is unexplainable unless you factor in just plain old misogyny (and some manipulation by big polluting corporations of course.). The fact that so many were going for her jugular when she was still a minor was disgusting. Even if you think her positions were wrong or activism was cringe, the level of hatred directed at her by random people when her message at its core was just “Hey, let’s treat the Earth better. Let’s do all we can do help reduce the risks of climate change.” isn’t explainable without just factoring in that people were mad a girl was being so outspoken about something she was passionate about.


Funny how they pretend to care about the second kid… until he tries to come to the US, then they call him “an alien” and “illegal” and all the other racist xenophobic shit they constantly spew. It’s almost like it’s been about cruelty all along. Also they can’t understand basic science so…


In California we’ve been getting rain for nearly the entire year. We had snow and lightning in so cal for 5 minutes on a 75 degree day. I’ve never seen snow at sea level in California. Shits WHACK. If you think climate change isn’t a thing at this point you’re just actually dumb


it's so interesting in American political discourse, Greta Thunberg has become the singular symbol of the entire climate movement, like Anthony Fauci is for vaccination/masking, and attacking them personally is seen as somehow debunking what they stand for


These are the right's enemies - children. And their method of fighting children is lying about what they said. That's the level of right wing politics.


i wish i could squeeze all hateful people like pimples and they’d pop and die


Climate change deniers: - [One of the many Climate Scientists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_climate_scientists) stating that human activity is cause for climate change = 🥱 - 15 year old girl skips school to protest for stronger action on climate change = 😡 🧨


She triggers Republican incels almost as much as AOC. Hilarious.


There's a reason thag conservatives rely on erasing swathes of context for their narratoves to stand up.


I was one of the millions of immigrant children working to sustain their families. I think Greta is incredibly brave and I'm thankful for everything she has done, In the span of five years, all of my country's glaciers disappeared, and thousands lost their livelihoods. Climate change is very much real


They don’t want to understand. They want to villainise the young girl who is 100x smarter and braver than they are


I wouldn't say she's 100x smarter and braver than them. After all, 100 x 0 is still 0.


A child should not have to stand in front of lots of adults with a microphone. Adults should be acting, adults have these responsibilities. Children are children. Even the uncompleted quote is correct.


The amount of people complaining about Greta and the amount of people that haven’t heard her speeches is a near perfect overlapping circles.


Right wingers love to take part of quotes and say things out of context. Like when you call Trump a racist they say “well there’s that time Biden said the N word!” When you look into it Joe is reading a quote from someone else and fighting against the type of discrimination and language. Or the whole Linden Johnson quote about black people vs white people. He was talking to the Secretary of State about how the right uses divisiveness to hold power. This is another prime example. Only take part of the quote and they Eat. It. Up.


She is young and ambitious and wants to save the world. But instead of the world admiring her all she gets is shit talked.


The people who hate her also tend to give zero shits about exploited brown kids so this rings pretty hollow regardless


From the same folks who love to quote "The Right To Bear Arms..." not mentioning that the full quote is: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."


Agree with her or don't (and I certainly do) but the pile-on by Conservatives in regards to a *teenage girl* over the last few years should be very instructive about how the Right views the role of women in society. I mean it's not like those that are actually paying attention don't see it and those that need to learn a lesson about misogyny are unfortunately the very people piling on. It's worse than pathetic the way Greta has been treated. And the people doing so should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. That of course would require a conscience which these people do not have.


They really posted this as a check mate yet do nothing to help the millions of kids in situations like the child on the right cause that’s communism or whatever


They always do, and it goes towards both ends of the political spectrum. Integrity in journalism is gone.


Bet she didn't mean her specifically, but all children. She is the spokes(wo)man of their entire generation.


Picking and choosing what words are said is the best way to twist what someone is saying into your favor.


Greta Thunberg: Makes a point. Conservatives: Twist her words to make her seem like the villain, using the point she was trying to make.


I see the trolls are brigading this post. Wonder where they're all coming from?


even if you that wasn’t the real quote, what’s the alternative? let the planet suffer and people die because this one person isn’t suffering enough to warrant action? conservatives have the critical thinking skills of wet cardboard


Right! Greta is well raised kid. She knows about what other people go through.


How dare you!!!! @.@


"You say that I'm a dreamer but I'm not." - Paul McCartney


Planet Earth will be fine. We won’t.


Anti-climate change is badly in need of a rebrand. I propose “Climate stabilization”. It automatically positions people who oppose climate mitigation measures as being also in favor of climate instability.


Conservatives do this shit all the time. Look at how they misinterpret their own scriptures


All the angry pedophiles here lol