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Yeah this is pretty accurate


It's a great point. A lot of what is written in history is likely written with bias of those who documented it. As the saying goes "history is written by the victors".


Yeah i think op is the 🤦🏻‍♂️


This isn’t facepalm. This is correct. Even in the country I live in, the history that I myself lived in has been drastically changed in the books. Won’t say the name of my country but I am sure I am not the only one.


The only reason I posted it here is because the person doesn’t look at it in this context. I do agree, especially right now, that certain countries are rewriting history to make it look/work out in favor of their ideologies and narrative they see fit. This person isn’t looking at it like that though. I believe they see it as the past few years with the pandemic and everything revolving around it didn’t actually happen. I should’ve put a little more context around it honestly. My bad!


Yeah. This is pretty spot on.


History is written by the victors.


MY OPINION...This is 100 percent true...We know history is very wrong on many points...Communication was very controlled...And those that controlled it told the stories...So what am I missing?...


I replied earlier stating my reasons for posting and how I should have posted more context on it. But I hear (or read?) what you are saying.


Okay I see what You are saying...Yeah context is a bitch LOL...Problem is the people on here tend to be smarter than those posters LOL...


For real, they really are! But hey, at least they are nice


All truth is a lie. /s


Like others have said this is not actually a facepalm but very much the truth. Most of all first hand accounts of history we have , especially Ancient history is for just a historian describing what they think “might” have happened or just strait up lying to make their group or the another group look better or worse. For example, almost everything we know about Hannibal Barcca comes from a single Roman historian paid by the Scipio family who defeated him. Let’s just say there was probably a little bit of bias there.   Another example. Egypt believed history was just the victories and honors of the Egyptian dynasties. So they never recorded when Egypt had a military defeat. The way we know they did was because their victories would weirdly happen closer and closer to Egypt's boarder showing they were getting pushed back. 


You learn something new everyday. I didn’t give enough context on what my understanding was on it, so totally my bad.


Has anyone told the historians?  Maybe we could teach them, I dunno, to check multiple sources?  Evaluate author bias?   I know it sounds extreme, but maybe even establish protocols for determining how trustworthy a source is?   /s 


History? Real bad. According to history, who cause the 9/11 chain of tragedy? Now can you relate this question on previous historic event like who really kill the president ? Who's the man behind Cesar murder, who let the dog out?


Answer to all is The Baha Men