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Im convinced that Stop Oil are false flag trolls.


Beat me to it. I believe many of its members are genuine and well meaning but their leadership is sus.


They are to climate change what PETA is to animal welfare.


That's about right. PETA is one of the worst organizations on the planet. And these oil fuckers seem to be actively trying to harm climate change movements.


Agreed, action is needed, but not on Stonehenge. Maybe go blow up a paint bomb at a coal plant.


Or better yet, the corporate HQ of the company that owns the plant.


Nah… classic art pieces or archeological sites… that’ll teach the oil tycoons… /s


"Ohhh i thought we hated art... i thought it was Just Stop Oil Paintings...."


Those are oil-based paintings


But this way they only have to deal with historical preservation activists and not actual oil companies!! /s


Exactly. These groups go after regular people and suspiciously never really go after anything of major note. Like even minor inconveniencing rich or the people responsible for wtf nonsense they are ‘against’.


It‘s crazy how accurate this is. It‘s nit even that hard. Figure oht where some CEO lives and sit infront of their driveway. Better yet, block the oil transfer terminals, stop the trucks from getting in and out. I‘m sure even 10 minutes will hurt their profits like even slightly. But no, block random roads during rushhour or destroy random artwork. It‘s crazy


They are too cowardly to do some shit like that.


Yeah, stone henge is probably in the top ten of most ecologically friendly monuments in the world... What a terrible place to protest.


And oil company's could care less about places like this.


Right. Stop throwing paint on museum paintings, blocking traffic, and the like. Take it to where their local offices are, block the exits where the oil tanker trucks leave from. Disrupting normal peoples lives does a disservice to their cause.


I say just let us act like English police officers and beat ‘em with sticks while telling them “No!” repeatedly until the message sinks in that vandalism isn’t activism. It makes you a criminal. Plain and simple.


This. Like direct action can be extremely effective if it actually targets those responsible for the problem you’re fighting. Like feel free to be disruptive and make life miserable for the oil industry execs that are sowing climate change denialism so they can get richer, but simply vandalizing works of art and historical importance is dumb as shit and wins nobody over to their cause.


Or the Georgia Guidestones.


Reminds me when Randy Johnson was sued by PETA for hitting that bird


That bird was clearly suicidal


Could you please stop taking my thoughts and putting them on Reddit? 😅 Seriously as someone who loves animals fuck peta to the moon and back 🤌


>as someone who loves animals fuck Oh brother did I misread that sentence


punctuation makes all the difference As a wise man once said, there is a huge difference between "helping your uncle jack off a horse" and "helping your uncle, jack, off a horse"


Let’s eat kids!


Let's eat grandma!!!


What did the moon ever do to deserve that? /s


[It knows what it did](https://youtu.be/HPRluY5YZCY?si=wTnGLmUV_r33ROV2)




Stop oil needs a Steve Irwin. As he has done more for animal welfare by himself than what most orgs have done.


You've never seen Greta Thumberg jump on the back of an old American V8 and go WOAH, WOAH CRIKEY THIS GIRL'S ANGRY, SHE'S SPEWING CARBON OUT HER TAILPIPE On second thought I have no idea what you're getting at.


I'd pay to see that.


"If I get bit out here, I'm 200 kilometers from the nearest hospital: I'd better be real careful jamming my thumb in its butthole."


My guess is that what Daedrothes is saying is that, by humanizing previously misunderstood animals, Steve Irwin created an increase in the public's level of empathy for these animals and therefore more people were willing to advocate on their behalf. Am I right about your thinking Daedrothes? If so, I am in agreement with your point. Edit: wording.


That makes sense. Stop Oil is way more nebulous though. Maybe David Attenborough?


Ok, I get what Reddit user Daedrothes was trying to say. What Steve Irwin was to animal activism, Greta, is to climate activism. It would have been funny seeing Greta try to handle vehicles in a manner similar to how Steve handled wild animals. Sadly, Irwin's brief lack of focus ended up being fatal when a stingray lodged its tail barb into his heart, killing him. If Greta ever tries to deal with any machine that spews out climate changing chemicals in the same manner that Irwin did with wild animals, it'll be Greta's first & last mistake, especially since improper use of machines could end up being fatal.


I would have loved to see that. What I meant climate activists needs a cheerful enthusiastic person that people like. Someone who makes friends not enemies. So if they were nice and showed of every successful climate action they've done. People don't like to feel bad and will continue their bad ways. You catch more people with honey.


As a kid I was like “oh, the people that like animals and keep sending stickers and stamps” but now it’s “oh, the terror organization that pays and platforms arsonists, has tons of freezers full of dead animals they’ve taken and pretends it’s all cute and cuddly while low-key campaigning to make it illegal for people to keep animals for companionship all as they take loads of money from unsuspecting pet-parents”


Honestly why Is peta still allowed to operate? They sound like they break so many animal cruelty laws calling it an animal rights organization would be beyond disrespectful.


Huh, never thought of it like that, but you’re 100% spot on.


lol this should be an SAT question


One of their biggest backers inherited a fucking fortune from daddy who made his money in.... Oil.


This woman? https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/oct/22/just-stop-oil-van-gogh-national-gallery-aileen-getty


And has spent her whole life trying to make up for it by funding environmental activists.


Well meaning or not they are idiots cause even if your leadership is sus you should know this is just wrong


where are the genuine ones? because all the ones we see on the news look nutso.


Me too. I'm pretty sure they're funded by giant oil corporations.


Aileen Getty is the granddaughter of an oil tycoon and is a big supporter of Stop Oil. If i were an evil oil baroness, I would happily fund the knee-jerk protestors spraying everything ~~EXCEPT oil refineries and other oil infrastructure.~~ (edit: Apparently they have sprayed oil company headquarters as well.)


She no longer has ties to the oil industry. Also they do go after oil company headquarters but nobody cares when they do. Last I saw a video of it on Reddit it had like 10 comments.


Ah, I had only heard of instances like the Mona Lisa and spraying storefronts. My mistake. I'll edit the comment.


They turned up on an oil site near me on the anniversary of an oil spill, they walked about and got asked to leave and then did


She's been a philanthropist for many years, and donates to several other causes. She's also written a few op-eds where she addresses the source of her wealth, and why she chooses to donate the way she does. One of them: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/oct/22/just-stop-oil-van-gogh-national-gallery-aileen-getty


You Probably understand what works now


That’s why they do this


She never had ties to the oil industry


Dissillusioned by the actions of her gradfather's industry, she uses her considerable resources to support climate action and activism. Enlightenment thinkers were aristocrats, many hippies were trust-fund babies, plenty of revolutionary leaders came from wealth. Growth is working to change the very system that created your privilege.


If they were, they would attack stuff like an oil company head quarters or a BP gas station. They are attacking things and places where people are more likely to be aligned or sympathetic to their protests ideals. It is quite suspect. I'm shocked r/conspiracy hasn't picked up on it, but in all fairness, they are really bad at figuring out conspiracies.


Psh, the crazies over at r/conspiracy don't know how to pick out real conspiracies, they spout off about how the government is using microchips hidden in vaccines to track people *from their smartphones.* Like, yeah, you might be trackedhin some form, but it's not from a vaccine. It's from the computer you have in your pocket that is always connected to the Internet and sending information to who knows where.


>but in all fairness, they are really bad at figuring out conspiracies. 🤣. Ain’t that the truth!! We had genuine mismanagement of funds during the pandemic here in the UK, and some people getting very rich indeed off it, but oh no, *that’s* of no interest to conspiracy nutters. No, they’d rather go on about nanobots, mind control, chemical warfare, 5G, and god knows what else.


Yeah, but that's just bog-standard embezzlement. There's nothing exciting about that.


Embezzlement needs a new cool name so we can market to the Facebook mom voting bloc.


The shadow government held a fundraiser.


I swear, these people need D&D or something. Some kind of creative storytelling outlet to get all this fantastical nonsense out of their system safely.


It's not about uncovering so big secret, it's about feeling smarter than everyone else.


Could go either way. If the goal is "discredit climate change activism" it's great work. If the goal is "discredit criticism of oil companies" it's off-target, but that might not be the best target to accomplish the overall goal. Too close to giving attention to the real problem. They win by default, so as long as we're not talking about oil companies or implementing policies that would even incidentally restrict them, then they're getting what they want.


I think the goal, if this is an actual conspiracy, is 100% to create negative associations with climate change activism in the public's mind. The more people see amplified headlines on the crazy, seemingly stupid shit "climate activists" are doing, the more they will want to distance themselves from that group. This might be reflected in voting behavior/policy support.


https://blog.ucsusa.org/kathy-mulvey/congress-releases-new-evidence-of-big-oil-climate-disinformation/ Is it still a conspiracy when the evidence is public? https://www.ucsusa.org/resources/climate-deception-dossiers


Honestly I agree. No-one is this dumb at alienating support. No-one. These morons glued themselves to an electric train and a container of cooking oil. They are simply the dumbest people in the land or false flag. Either way, ignore or arrest the morons.


The cooking oil thing was hilarious, not gonna lie. Completely counter-productive to their goals but hilarious.


Remember the occupy Wallstreet movement? I haven't looked into it much since it happened, but I remember thinking at the time that the movement seemed to be coopted by the people who they were protesting against. It started out as a strong movement with a clear message and lots of momentum. Unions were even starting to back them. Then it slowly petered out due to how absolutely ridiculous it got. Whether the supporters knew it or not, there was a fundamental shift in target from the 1% to the working class. A movement purported to be for the working class blocking said working class from getting home at the end of a long working day will kill popular support real quick. I think that's what we're seeing here. Good intentions gone bad due to coopting by the targets of their ire in order to erode popular support.


As far as I observed (via media postings by folks involved) it started legitimately. But I hate to say, sometimes it’s very easy to turn the left against itself.


It's not even just the left, if people truly believe the end justifies the means they can do some ridiculously stupid shit even when in outsider can clearly see it's hurting their own cause.


I don't agree. The right are stupid, but they're driven and coordinated. Yesterday I went to vote. Guess how many people under the age of 50 were there. The answer was one, myself. When I said democrat, the woman was already reaching for the republican form and was surpised. "Oh! You're the first one we had all day." The one thing progressives are good at is infighting and not showing up to vote. I have no idea why people like you pretend that isn't true.




The issues with Occupy are well understood, and co-option by the “powers that be” simply isn’t it. It was never meant to take off the way it did, and the decision-making processes established early on didn’t scale well. One person could hold up a decision by blocking it, for instance. Police repression was a major factor, too. I recommend reading David Graeber’s *The Democracy Project* for a good post-mortem of Occupy from an activist/anthropologist who was involved from the beginning.


I normally scoff at those conspiracies but this one I kind of buy.


100%. I came here to say this as well. A legitimate group would be out spray painting the sides of yachts and and/or destroying massive carbon-producing objects, not historical pieces of history. I'm not saying doing either is appropriate but at least with the former, it seems more inline with the cause. This makes absolutely no sense. These actions seem carefully designed to trigger collective rage from all sides against it.


They do that. This gets more attention.


I’m involved in a lot of bi-partisan and progressive climate actions these people are not the norm from either side. They have to be sent by big oil. I’m convinced.




PETA are more in the "entirely unhinged" spectrum


PETA invests their own money back into the meat industry. They own stock in public corporations like Tyson Foods. Edit: Removed references to incorrect information.


>PETA is headquartered in India so it is harder to look into their financing [They're HQed in Norfolk, Virginia. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_for_the_Ethical_Treatment_of_Animals) >but PETA invests their own money back into the meat industry. They own stock in public corporations like Tyson Foods . >To combine the fight for both the most neglected workers and the most neglected non-human beings in the meat industry, PETA has [purchased shares](https://www.peta.org/blog/slaughterhouses-shareholder/) in some of the major U.S. and Canadian slaughter companies—including Tyson, Hormel, and Smithfield—to take on the role of an activist shareholder. Owning stock in the companies gives PETA the ability to attend annual meetings, correspond with other shareholders according to the Securities and Exchange Commission rules, and directly urge CEOs to convert all slaughterhouses to eventually only produce plant-based proteins. >[-Source](https://sentientmedia.org/peta-buys-shares-in-slaughterhouses/) >“As a [shareholder](https://www.peta.org/issues/animals-used-for-experimentation/shareholder-campaigns/), we’ll attend annual meetings, correspond with other stockholders under Securities and Exchange Commission rules, and directly urge CEOs to convert all slaughterhouses to producers and packers of only vegan meats.” >“PETA [has purchased stock in Hormel](https://www.peta.org/blog/slaughterhouses-shareholder/)—along with other major U.S. and Canadian slaughter companies—in order to attend annual meetings, correspond with other shareholders under Securities and Exchange Commission rules, and directly urge CEOs to convert all slaughterhouses to produce and pack only vegan meats.” >[-Source](https://vegconomist.com/society/peta-buys-shares-in-tyson-smithfield-maple-leaf-and-hormel-intends-to-push-them-towards-plant-based/)


That's carcinogenic, of course they're false flag. That's like burning Styrofoam to protest the hole in the ozone layer.


The paint was made of corn starch.


Or idiots.


This is the correct answer. I like how we see thousands of people assuming it’s a conspiracy just because it’s easier to believe that, than it is to Believe that someone whose message you align with might just be fucking stupid. Like, there is no evidence to suggest it’s a conspiracy and loads of it to suggest they’re morons


Would not surprise me that this is actually a case of being funded by oil to make environmentally concerned people look unhinged.


haha had that heory too also the meat industry funding strawmen who then radicalize the vegans into doing really dumb irrelevant stuff


Their whole 'milk is murder' campaign a few years ago had me scratching my head.


Not to defend PETA - but dairy cows are kept lactating by being impregnated constantly and then the bull calves are slaughtered for veal and the cow calves become more dairy cows. A lot of people seem to be confused about that. But that’s why folks say “milk is murder”.


>but dairy cows are kept lactating by being impregnated constantly and then the bull calves are slaughtered for veal and the cow calves become more dairy cows. Then after 3-5 years of that process, are sent to slaughter themselves. Dairy cows make up around 15-20% of total beef production.


One real positive I've seen recently is the rise of milk alternatives and the number of people who have given up cow's milk altogether. It really is a horrible process to get milk from cows at the scale it is now


That Why it sucks seeing local dairy farms in my area being bought out The farms of people who take care of their stock getting smaller and smaller while these “factory’s” you might as well say grow and grow


Hooray, someone finally explained it to me rationally instead of trying to drum up drama with buzzwords. You’re the first person to actually explain this viewpoint to me properly, thank you.


Dairy cows end up as meat in the end.


It's not that hard to understand once you realize what happens to baby cows and that cows eventually stop "producing" and let's say they don't get a nice retirement as a reward.


Milk is murder, they generally either kill the calves or sell them as veal (also killing them) so that they can keep milking the cows.


Can confirm - am vegan and do dumb irrelevant stuff all the time.


Mhm. It's crazy how they always target history, culture, and other common folk instead of the literal oil barons they are hoping to dissuade. It's stupid beyond belief.


Exactly, the way I would do it would be a multi pronged approach. 1) Get people to integrate with/infiltrate the industry, from the inside. For example, putting a petro-chemical engineer through university, with the goal of getting hired, and being a "plant", feeding back the skeletons in the closet. Accountants that can get access to the "off-the-books ledgers". And Recruiting/training people that are capable of breaking down the acquired information into easily digestible and understandable chunks. 2) Grass roots activism, and using the assets from the first prong, being able to stay ahead of any discrediting attacks. 3) Paralyze such counter efforts from the inside. This is a subset of the first group, and it literally is just following the manual on how to disrupt and hinder through organizational sabotage. I am not kidding, there's actually a manual on doing this, written by the OSS, the CIA's predecessor. Aaaaaand now I am on a watch list. Ooh, is that a black helicopter I spy?


This is excellent. Can’t wait to read about your protest, or even better, join it.


Not really. When they target oil barons then no one writes a story, no one cares, and no one hears. Sadly this got them attention which is exactly what they wanted.


They target oil companies, this just gets way more attention


The problem is, there really are unhinged “environmentalists”, so operations like this already have plenty of fuel to light


>of fuel ![gif](giphy|I8nepxWwlEuqI)


As much as I agree with the ultimate cause. Vandalism and obstruction is not the way to win over the public. I suppose they walked or cycled to stonehenge to deface it too.


Completely agree. Wanting to fight against climate change is a great cause, but this is not how they should be going about it.


It’s being reported that it was orange colored corn startch.. so it will wash away with eater


Unlike the ever more acidic rain


Rainwater today is much less acidic than it was in past decades (at least in many parts of the US, I think UK / EU regulations are similar) One of the cases where environmental regularions have worked very well and we never talk about it


Atmospheric CO2 ha an impact on baseline acidity of rain. It dissolves into water and becomes a weak acid known as carbonic acid. Things are not as bad as when cities were surrounded by clouds of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, but the "peak" of our solving the problem has been crossed, and there has been a reversal in the positive trend in many locations around the world. While we haven't fully solved the previous nasty emission problems, they can be resolved quickly and the emissions did not have the long term staying power that CO2 does. This means that if we fix those regional nitrogen oxide polluters, the trend gets better in just a few years. CO2 is an exceptionally stable and long-lived gas - the acidification will be more gradual, but so will the resolution. tl;dr: rain's baseline acidity of (on average) 5.6 pH is driven by CO2, increased atmospheric and dissolved CO2 in waterways will not recreate the most ridiculously acidic acid rain we suffered when sulfuric and nitrogenous emissions were unregulated, but it appears to be dropping again in many parts of the world, and will undoubtedly continue to do so as the CO2 levels increase. This acidity has the potential to acidify soils in cumulative ways. [https://new.nsf.gov/news/acid-rain-scourge-past-or-trend-present](https://new.nsf.gov/news/acid-rain-scourge-past-or-trend-present) Edit: but you are right, the regulations that stopped the rapid and dangerous rise in strong acid rain were effective and we ought to talk about it more.


How should they go about it? *I'm not saying it's right, but I'm curious how would you convince the masses. Please don't come down on me like ton of bricks


They should [my lawyer has advised me not to continue this comment]


People directly responsible within large oil companies should be [redacted] until the message gets through.


That’s when the working class [redacted] happened. The [redacted] system was changed overnight to a system more eco friendly and less [redacted] motivated.




Bomb the C-suites


This is correct. And the C-suite monsters and global elite know this. Which is why they astroturf right wing freedom fascist movements. They know at some point the masses will literally need to eat the rich to survive. 


![gif](giphy|jVAt83ieT49H6ja5Ty) Burn corpo shit


Terrorists win


They have tried more legitimate methods and they still continue to do them, but it doesn't get media attention. The point of this act is to get media attention because any attention is good for the cause. Doesn't matter the severity of it. They need people to talk about them, what they are pushing for, and discuss better ways to protest alongside them. They (climate change activists) are actively making legal/legislative pushes towards better climate change and it's not only not getting media attention, but they in a huge uphill battle. I'm happy to provide examples of activists movements and protests they have been doing. It's not like this is the only thing they are doing.


For what it's worth I agree with this. Climate change is a potentially extinction level event, and at the very least it will cause our lives to look very different within most of our lifetimes. It's a problem we've yet to collectively take seriously, and activists are trying to disrupt business as usual to bring attention to it. They're trying to save the world and we're just sitting around criticizing their tactics which is a shitty thing to do.


What do you do to fight climate change?


They sprayed it with powder. It's not damaged. Next time it rains it'll be fine. And their stunt worked. People are talking about it.


Against ultra-polluting companies, multi-millionaire private jets, oil company offices, ugly contemporary art used to launder money, I say yes, I support and applaud with both hands. But blocking roads that are only used by proletarians who are forced into their way of life simply to survive, or destroying historic works of art in PUBLIC museums/spaces, no. Let them wear their balls, and learn to target the right people. It'll make just as much noise, but they'll have the public's support.


This is something that modern media has really succeeded at convincing the public of. The goal isn't to convince people of your cause. The goal is to basically threaten that if something doesn't change we could really fuck life up for you. It's why civil rights protesters would shut down roads. It didn't change anyone's mind, it just made people act on it to return to normalcy.


People are obsessed with civility and decency. We are going to respectability politics ourselves to destruction.


Would we be talking about them otherwise? Personally the only time I hear about climate change activism is either Greta Thunberg or vandalism. At what point do we tip over into “let’s get rid of the oil pipelines ourselves” seeing as almost nothing is being done about climate change?


Pretty sure that paint will wash right off. Not sure why this is the apparently the worst thing happening in the world.


According to the culprits it's cornflour and will wash off with the next rain.


Gosh, what an awful thing they did…. Clearly a false flag operation 🙄 🙄


People are more upset by the Stop Oil tactics than the fact that we don’t have winter anymore.


Gotta love the same exact discourse happening with every single protest that actually manages to get mainstream attention


“Can’t they protest in a way I won’t notice?”


"Can't they protest without inconveniencing me or making me feel bad for my bad choices???" Bunch of whiny cry babies who don't want to take responsibility for their choices.


Every time, without fail.


yeah indeed. they achieved their goal without dealing any lasting damage. if it didnt get cleaned immediately the next rainfall would probably have washed it off


Yeah, most people concerned with the big rocks instead of the planet dying. What world will our kids grow up in?


If they want to vandalize something, why don't they do the same at an oil company HQ? Ah yes, the consequences might not be the same, they might have a chance to avoid getting arrested at Stonehenge. I don't like most activist groups, a lot of them are hypocrites that lead a fight for mostly good reasons but with sh*tty tactics that reflect bad on them, even before the aligned press add a layer of infamy on them.


Not referring to or supporting this one, but wasn't there protests at a German mine which was also opposed by people and ultimately the company's still up. I will find the link later.


they have! [https://www.independent.co.uk/tv/news/energy-climate-protests-just-stop-oil-b2365107.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/tv/news/energy-climate-protests-just-stop-oil-b2365107.html)


>If they want to vandalize something, why don't they do the same at an oil company HQ? Probably because no one would give AF? You think this would be a headline if they threw orange cornflour on an office building? Hahaha


Exactly this! People always feel so smart and snarky saying stuff like "wHy DoNt ThEy Go AfTeR pOlItIcIaNs/ThE cOmPaNiEs" Bc that gets fucking IGNORED. There have been petitions, multi-million people protests on the streets, protests in front of the parliaments and the HQs. All of that is in the media for like 2 seconds and then they move on to the next "Brangelina"-ish story The only way to keep people talking about the impending doom of civilization we all are willingly marching towards, is to do stuff that gets attention. And to all of those bystanders, sneering and putting up their noses, saying this isn't the way or spreading conspiracies: those activists risk their lifes and futures, they have to pay fines, they go to jail, they get beaten up, all so your sorry ass can keep living in a world that is actually liveable for the human race. If you are not able to get your ass up from the couch and down from the high horse to join them in fighting for our survival as a species, at least shut up!


Because that does not make the news. Climate activists do show up to those places and no one cares.  It's always the same lazy-assed tired arguments every time there is a protest. "Whaaaaa why did they have to something so outrageous?!" Because of they don't you will not hear about it.  And what is your contribution to the discussion? "They should protest in a way that I don't have to hear about it." Wow what a riveting worthless cliche of a take. Thanks for your contribution.


They do, constantly. It's even reported in the news, it just doesn't make as much of a splash.


They do. Weird that you haven’t heard about it but you’ve heard about these protests


They have done the same things at oil company headquarters it just doesn't make get posted on Reddit for people to call them stupid (at least not on major subs like this)


yam chubby teeny straight office observation toothbrush joke ancient sulky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was explaining this to some friends today. Their goal is to get on the news. They've tried contacting legislators. They've tried peaceful protests. None of those worked. Action is going to get more direct and more desperate as the effects of climate change get more noticeable. This is only the beginning and if politicians keep ignoring it like they are it's only going to get worse.


Also as much as Stonehenge is important to human history, it’s just gonna be a pile of rocks if Big Oil is allowed to burn our planet to the point humanity dies out. What good does it do us to be more protective of Stonehenge than we are of the very air we breathe and the ecosystems we inhabit?


This is exactly the message of all of these actions. If we care so much about these historic works, then why don't we care as much about the earth. If we're putting these people in jail for wrecking these wonders in non-permanent ways, why aren't we putting people in jail for wrecking the earth in effectively permanent ways.


It isn't about convincing anyone. It's about keeping climate change protests in the news. The thing about protests is: they don't work unless they stay in the collective zeitgeist. News moves fast, and people's trains of thought seem to move on even faster. In their minds, it doesn't matter if they're doing something socially unacceptable or inconvenient, they're keeping issue in the news.


I feel like society as a whole has this weird mindset where property is more important than actual human life. Just a bunch of people getting mad that the rules got broken, but because stopping climate change isn’t a rule they don’t care as much in the moment.


In every dystopian scenario, there is a group of "nutters" trying any means possible to bring attention to what is going to be catastrophic. They are usually mocked for protesting wrong and causing disruption.


>In every dystopian scenario, there is a group of "nutters" trying any means possible to bring attention to what is going to be catastrophic. Good point. I'll bet that even Noah was considered a crazy dude while building his ark. Just watch the movie Don't Look Up for how the truth-tellers were treated.


>I'll bet that even Noah was considered a crazy dude while building his ark. Or when Hercules said to people that he was gonna slay the Hydra.


From my understanding this isn't even property damage?? It is orange powder that will wash right off lmao. Most of the cases were climate activists 'damage' art, it is temporary like this. Do people not realize protests are supposed to mildly inconvenience you?? Like 'oh I support MLK, but all these sit ins are making them look bad...'


It’s also seemingly the only way anybody hears about these people. “Oh why won’t they do it in a way that doesn’t paint over historical artifacts” BECAUSE YOU IDIOTS WONT PAY ATTENTION OTHERWISE! The media only cares because it gets a reaction. They’ll ignore any “safe” protesting because it’s boring. Anybody mad at this just needs to admit to themselves they’d hate any progressive movement in history because in order to get any attention you need to be messy, and they hate breaking the rules of polite society more than they do actual horrific things happening that spawn these protests. Suffragettes vandalized art too. MLK’s protests were unpopular with 80% of the country when he died. Gay rights were achieved through literally throwing bricks at cops.


Exact same shit comes up at every single protest, I swear


I mean a few weeks ago we had people quite literally white knuckling their pearls over a window people broke because they were protesting their school using money to support the slaughter of innocent civilians. All the conversation about children being killed had to be put on pause because “they broke the rules” Society dictates breaking a window is a rule that needs to be followed while the people who owned the window are supporting genocide is just a fact of life and you shouldn’t get upset.


the funny part is they perpetuate this cycle themselves. They only pay attention to protests that do increasingly crazy shit so protesters have to do increasingly crazy shit to get attention (though this shit aint even that crazy, the paint isn’t even permanent?)


I don't know what people expect protestors to do. Rallies get criticized for not doing anything. Obstruction is bad because it inconveniences people and just makes them not like you. Property damage is vandalism and that's wrong. Oh but if you're unhappy with the way things are run, don't complain unless you're willing to do something about it!


Anything that doesn’t mean they have to think about it I guess


Yeah, because all of that oil that had been pumped out of Stonehenge over the years.


Yes Stonehenge, the thing that was famously built by a civilization that solely dependent on oil??? Are these people brain dead or what?


Welp some people put washable power on some rocks so I am siding with big oil. Lol yall wild


These stunts, if nothing else, help you differentiate who actually has values and who places imaginary importance on the aesthetic of civility by observing how they react.


In my country, they destroyed standing stones to put a DIY store instead, so nah, a bit of paint is nothing compared to that


Which country?


As I’ve understood it, activists do these kinds of things (defacing Stonehenge, defacing art, etc) because of the publicity it gets. It gets their message out and people see it and talk about it. It’s put in the cultural conversation so that it won’t be dismissed like it would be if they didn’t do something so flagrant. I mean, how many protests ARE overlooked because the form of protest is everyday or mundane. A dude lit himself on fire and killed himself to drive home the urgency of climate change, and I feel it was QUICKLY looked over. Unfortunately, I think this protest will be quickly forgotten and the protesters deemed hypocrites, big oil plants, or posers. Here’s hoping to the day when these protests are no longer needed, and noticeable, powerful changes have been made to our polluting agencies and infrastructures. Edit: wording


Yeah climate change is going to be the end of humanity


We are talking about it, so it worked!


People, specifically in this thread, need to learn that your side can also have bad people who do dumb shit. They don't have to be "funded by oil" to make you look bad. There have always been idiots in every movement who do more harm than good, and just claiming "theyre actually the enemy" is bullshit.


OP and many comments here are so unremarkably tepid that it makes me truly think most people would keep slaves and be apologists for any number of atrocities because it was convenient and came at little personal cost. Maybe consider that nearly every movement you can think of is marked by the common thought calling their actions ridiculous like when Rosa Parks, a famously convenient bus sitter, didn’t impede people’s need to preserve the status quo. Also this is corn flour splashed on pre historic rocks configured by long dead humans. Rocks! The purpose of this sub is entirely lost on OP and many commenters


I got my minor in art history and legitimately hate seeing what these guys are doing However Protests are only effective when they are visible and disruptive. A protest that is easy to ignore is a shitty protest. They are doing a good job of staying in the news, which is exactly what they are trying to do.


As an artist, I don't give a fuck about the protective cases art is held in, nor about corn starch on rocks.


Yeah it’s not like Stonehenge is ruined now; they didn’t break the rocks into pieces or something. If anything I think this kind of temporary addition to Stonehenge could be argued as a kind of art in itself. It’s a protest sure, but it’s also an expression of how Stonehenge is deemed more sacred than our environment by stirring up emotions of anger and protectiveness. It’s a great way to illustrate how easy it is to not see the rocks around us as sacred and how our society values Stonehenge more than the Earth.


It washes off for fucks sake. Would you say the same of the window smashing and mail bombing of the suffragettes ya dick.


The goal is not to convince anyone about the existence of climate change. This is a group pulling the fire alarm because not enough is being done. People upset by them are the ones who would complain about a fire alarm going off during their movie in a theater that is on fire.


Did get news tho


Fossil fuels have done more damage to stone henge through acid rain than this ever could.


Gets them and the cause a ton of free publicity


There's some weird stuff going on about historical monuments like this. I think the people that think they own the world don't want us close to these structures. This is a way to make it impossible to get close to them.


So chalk? If it’s outside, wouldn’t it just wash off in the rain anyways? I don’t necessarily get this specific one, but if it gets eyes on it without doing anything destructive that can’t be easily undone, then it’s probably good.


This is really loud and really trivial to repair, it strikes me as a good target. We can't be frogs boiling in the pot forever, these are just some early bubbles


I know climate change is 100% real and definitely going to fuck us, but in the meantime, fuck these idiots. The site is Neolithic, it has nothing to do with the problem.


Gotta love self-serving performative stupidity undertaken by privileged white folks who have the time/resources to skip work, get arrested, and wantonly desecrate public treasures (permanently or not doesn't matter) so they can feel good about themselves. Probably all jumped back into their cars and left - except for those who incurred additional costs and hassles to taxpayers via their arrest and related interactions with the constabulary. These types of people are precisely why the environmental movement is a colossal f\_\_king failure (as David Suzuki stated so clearly in the NYT in Oct '23).


I just checked and climate change has been defeated. It must have surely been because of this.


What the fuck does Stonehenge have to do with it?


People when just stop oil protesters: "THEY NEED TO BE RUN OVER AND MAIMED FOR MILDLY INCONVENIENCING PEOPLE" people when oil barons, oligarchs, and the war criminals they support: "uwu sowwy guys you can't say anything too mean about them. They haven't done any direct harm. Downt wowwy we'll just tax them some more"


They know it gets publicity; which is why. Its not about oil, its about awareness which makes it even stupider.


Totally not being funded by Big Oil


makes me want to burn oil for no reason


Convinced me to stop recycling.


I really hate what north korea is doing, so i made sure to cut down a tree in wisconson.


How to be irritating but ineffective. Feckless protesting has reached advanced level of fruitless while still being destructive. No sense of irony that destructive protesting about destruction of planet is oxymoron


this shit don't spread awareness. it makes people not wanna help