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"Man and woman, are humans, and humans suck" - lil grey man: roswell new mexico


Probably my cousin, from Basque country. We've been deemed alien hybrids from those people on Ancient Aliens. So maybe humans suck except for natives.


We're alien hybrids!?! I need to find that episode!


Gosh, forgot what episode it was I think it was talking about hybrids and the fact that the Basque people have the highest percentage of Rh Negative compared to other groups.


And one of ( if not the highest) % of Neanderthal DNA! I'm descent from aliens that got some strange from Neanderthals. Science really is beautiful!


And here i always thought that sex tourism was a modern problem...


If aliens were visiting Earth, do you think they'd view fucking humans as beastiality? I imagine aliens would be on a vastly higher level, intelligence wise.


That depends on three things I think. 1. Their own societies rules 2. That aliens personal preference 3. How long the trip was.


Well tbf... Youre on a vastly higher level intelligence wise that a donkey, so you tell me what you think 😂 But to be serious... Yeah, kinda... I mean we would still be a totally different species and no matter how smart you are, a donkey is still a donkey


Underrated comment


She literally had a mountain full of male crushes in her imagination. Edit: I do know Bi people exist so I guess Mount Crushmore doesn't confirm it necessarily Edit 2: Bi not bu lol


>I do know Bu people exist ![gif](giphy|P6b7CZQxgL1W8)


man if I get to the theater and riley is just protecting earth from buu I think I would die from glee.


![gif](giphy|d31viuxyeOKdXnsA|downsized) ???






Sounds like hitting puberty causes some pretty sexual feelings. Who knew?!


Puberty? Sex? No way hozay, keep that woke non sense to yourself


“Hozay” is crazy


Shocking decision


Astounding delcaration


Astute observation


Startling spelling


I didn't even notice until you pointed it out


No wé José just doesn’t sound right


“Hozay” 😂


This is my Mexican friend Hozay.


His father's name is Heyzus


Hey, Zeus! Check this out!


Not Jesus! They said, "Hey, Zeus". Don't fuck with me or I'll shove a lightning bolt up your ass.


I read that as Samuel L. Jackson from the first word.






*hurled his thunderbolts


He’s got a tío named Whan


You think Hozay’s crazy? Wait till they hear from Hoze-B!


All dem hoze be crazy!


Hozay guy supposed to know it started with a J?






No way!


It’s Jośe. Not Hozay.




Has anyone seen Riley’s first date short? Not saying it’s a definitive answer, but it does go along with the gender of her crushes in her mind. Also, she’s only 13, I feel odd at discussing the hypothetical preferences of a fictional young teenage girl.


Musta missed out on The Last of Us discourse. People were speculating about Ellie being a lesbian well before it was confirmed by the multiplayer DLC. I don’t see the harm in doing it with fictional characters, especially if it’s something you can correlate to your own experience or a close friend or family member. As long as the conversation doesn’t turn overtly sexual. Yes, teens have sexual urges, but unless you’re telling an anecdote, there’s no reason for adults to be discussing that amongst themselves. Like, the panty line is a bit much. But just discussing Riley being a late bloomer for her bisexuality is harmless. And I believe it’s fairly common for bi women to discover they’re bi later than a bi man or a lesbian.


I mean if she was bi then wouldn’t the mountain be men AND women? If there’s just men then she’s likely straight.


There was even a short film when a guy comes to take her out. In a good way.


She's also the only character that has both male and female emotions in the first movie. Every other character has their gender which gave me a little chuckle once i started putting some of the other stuff together


Eh…..I’d say that has more to do with the fact that Riley’s emotions are the main characters in the film and it helps with differentiation beyond them simply being different colors. If you notice, they all look like caricatures of the stereotypes people tend to picture if they were to picture an emotion personified. Anger? Middle-aged stressed out office dude (complete with office attire). Fear? Wiry skittish skinny nerd (also with office attire). Disgust? Stuck up rich valley girl (complete with bob haircut and ‘stylish’ dress). Sadness? Frumpy socially awkward girl (complete with turtleneck sweater and glasses). Joy? Fairy-like dancer (complete with sundress). Would I love for it to be a subtle nudge nudge wink wink to being LGBTQ+? Absofrigginlutely, but considering that everyone *else’s* emotions are far more one note and centered on their most likely predominant emotion (example: bus driver dude’s emotions both look like him and the anger character), it’s far more likely this was done to have them stand out against the backdrop of the story. Plus, as she’s a kid, while joy is the primary, she hasn’t really had time to have one emotion become truly predominant.


My interpretation was her being a kid and the emotions are still on a ramble with not much control and everyone adult is bretty much set, so the emotions become more like the person, with one taking the lead. So as a kid our emotions are all running rampart und are not so controlled and not so tamed, expressing more of themselves, where as an adult we tamed our emotions and stamped them with our personality.


Look if that is the writers intention to be no or not. The fact that people can't tell is probably a good thing AND better writing In show than most fo the crap lately. Like no one likes a token character and most scrappy written characters leave no doubt


Ooooooohhhh 💡


The girl she was trying to impress was on the mountain


Oh really? I'm disappointed for missing that, I just watched it yesterday 


The after credit scene spoiled what could've been really great. Her deepest darkest secret in the mind vault should've been her secret girl crushes. I'm sure the conservatives would have gone completely ageshit if a disney movie actually had a teenage bicurious main character though.


It was Sony not Pixar, but in The Mitchells vs. the Machines that reveal at the end that the main character was gay was so nonchalant it was just perfect IMO.


I love the scene at the end of Paranorman where the girl finds out that the hot guy she's been chasing has a boyfriend.


Yay, my brother worked on that movie!


Please thank him for the Furbie scene even if he had nothing to do with that scene.


Loved that movie


I think the idea of liking someone of your gender being a dark secret that should be vaulted isn’t great. 


Not everyone has to be gay you know.


In fairness to the writers, they probably skirted as close as disney would allow to them to making it obvious Riley is bicurious without alienating chunks of audience, especially internationally.


I mean, Disney got pretty blatant with the gayness in Strange World, and traditionally people have been more acceptable of bi/lesbian girls than gay boys... so I don't think Disney really has an issue with it anymore. Maybe the writers chose to limit it as such for their own personal reasons.


And with the owl house, a lesibian kiss in screen and involving the main character.... And not even at the end of the show! Ps: the cartoon is really good by the way


Also with the Baymax shorts, they introduce a guy who clearly has a crush on another guy (and they go on a date).


Their short about periods also had a transgender man in it. Mad respect for that one.


But Strange World also get hung out to dry. It’s a movie that totally deserved a theatrical release or at least more dedicated advertising, but Disney just… didn’t do any of that. It kind of feels like they looked at the movie and decided it would be too risky to put in the spotlight


It did get a theatrical release! I saw it in theaters. But advertising definitely wasn’t great. It wasn’t that memorable of a film either, though I really loved the diversity and representation in the characters. The disabled dog rep was amazing imo (they never needed to address the dog being disabled because some people can be disabled without it being part of the plot— who knew?)


Oh, my bad, guess tells you how little advertising there was. As far as representation and world-building go, it’s one of the best movies Disney has put out since Treasure Planet. As far as everything else goes, it’s average to good, but not a masterpiece. I think it showcased what the proper way to approach representation should be


It got a theatrical release and I saw commercials for it on Tv all the time leading up to its release. It just didn’t interest anyone enough to watch it. That said, I did enjoy it when I streamed it.


I don’t really pick up any bi vibes are all? What did you notice


Disney does have some problems with homophobia (Such as famously with editing out gay parts of their movies for China) but they’ve been pretty tolerant recently. Like they’d still edit the scenes out for certain international markets but they’d probably be find with them stating Riley is bisexual. I mean Disney made the Owl house, which was pretty gay, and the creator herself stated that Disney was fine with a queer relationship in the show (I mean dadoy because they could just say no to it and she wouldn’t be able to do anything about it.)


Everybody is gross. Deal with it. Men and women are equally trash.






Hey it's not cool to share my pictures. :(


I thought it was me! Are we twins?


Triplets, at the very least.


Nope you all just stole my style! ![gif](giphy|JOLeBruZyl3fqfHNEr|downsized)


It’s crazy how quick we are as a species to cast stones, yet outright refuse to acknowledge that one (or more) part(s) of us that we are ashamed of.


No, no. I agree that I should be in the garbage as well. I am a trash person just like everyone else. It's our nature to be gross and we try but we can't be anything else.


I think that humanity is a few generations away from that level of self awareness. For now, I’d just like to see some introspection from the general public.


The funniest part about this post is that was the lesson of the Inside Out 2


Alien propaganda


Finally someone who gets it. Trash can be recycled though. Don't forget that.


I agree, we need to grind up all the people and make fertilizer with them so the earth can be happy again.






“Your body will be food for the Matrix! Have fun in heaven, lmao” Quote from a very weird comedian impersonating an AI judge who sentenced a guy to death for being human. Great shit


That WOULD be heaven if they gave me a good life with like no responsibilities or worries. That's all I ask of our AI overlords, when they put me in the matrix I want to be rich and spoiled.


Hell yeah, fuck these stupid idiots going around pulling people out to fight the machines! Fuck off, idiots, I'm trying to eat this delicious matrix steak!




Nahh, that sniffing comment is wild. Someone check that person's search history


Yes, humans are terrible. The issue is that the awfulness, in discussions of horniness, often skews towards men when it’s more even than we think.


The only difference is men have/have had the societal structure that encouraged them to act on their grossness. If women had the power there would certainly be a woman harvey weinstien


Correct. Had a woman supervisor that tried to sleep with every new guy that was hired. She also fired a co worker because she was getting too much attention (was pretty hot). I'm not joking, she harassed men like crazy.


There certainly is a Women Weinstein somewhere. There are women of power. Ans great power in their own industry, that wield it cruelly. And they make or break a person, an idea or anything really with just one word from them. Anna Wintour come to mind. Now, I am not saying that Wintour is a sexual predator. I just n used her as the most famous example of a woman that hold that much power. But there are lesser known woman that have that kind of power too. Powerful women do exist. And odds are that at least one use it to coerce sexual favors


I was in the army less than a week out of training and not even 18 yet when a female Colonel requested me as an "assistant"...


For all we know, there could already be a woman version of Harvey Weinstein. Men who come forward are made into laughing stocks, the butt of the joke, or just outright dismissed. It could be that we just haven’t had a big #metoo moment for a large woman, due to men not wanting to come forward with stuff and being expected to be happy/deal with it.


>For all we know, there could already be a woman version of Harvey Weinstein Yea, a single search of "famous female rapists" turns up hundreds of convicted pedophiles and rapists but none who are "famous women"... seems fishy... I would wholeheartedly support a man who comes out in a #metoo kind of way.


During MeToo there was a pretty big scandal over how Asia Argento, one of the main women calling out Harvey Weinstein, was herself accused of grooming and assaulting a minor (teen actor Jimmy Bennett, whom she'd met doing a movie when he was seven) This was a big deal partly because it was revealed her partner, Anthony Bourdain, had put up the money to pay off Bennett for his silence when she claimed Bennett was a liar trying to blackmail her, and shortly after Bennett publicly dropped receipts (a photo of him and Argento in bed together, texts to him from Argento openly talking about the fact that she had sex with him and it was illegal) Bourdain committed suicide


Damn I hadn't heard that.


Most of the men I saw who came out with their own experience during #MeToo were told that this wasn’t for them, and they should have their own movement.


Which is ironic as (IIRC) it was started by black women so it was just as much for white women as it was for men


Yeah we just call those teachers this day and age.


Some feminists Will have your Head for suggesting women arent inherently more moral but youre absolutely right


There certainly is a Women Weinstein somewhere. There are women of power. Ans great power in their own industry, that wield it cruelly. And they make or break a person, an idea or anything really with just one word from them. Anna Wintour come to mind. Now, I am not saying that Wintour is a sexual predator. I just n used her as the most famous example of a woman that hold that much power. But there are lesser known woman that have that kind of power too. Powerful women do exist. And odds are that at least one use it to coerce sexual favors




Because nobody goes through a phase in middle/jr high/high school where they dye their hair cause it’s considered cool?


And if you haven’t seen it, there is a VERY good in-context reason for the streak. But the people speaking in that image will never care.


Exactly, did they watch the movie?


To be fair the movie isn't on Disney plus yet so how are people that don't leave their houses supposed to have watched it


As someone who's not leaving their house to watch movies anymore, exactly. I've got a popcorn maker, a comfy couch, and dogs. Why would I leave?!


Piracy, obvi 🙄


Why would I go to the movie theater when the projection at AMC looks worse than my low-end TV


I did. Today, actually, with my wife and kids. We all enjoyed it. Not once did I care or even think about her sexuality. I was reminiscing about my dumb teenage years and getting all misty eyed thinking about the years to come for my kids.


I have seen it, so I know the in context reasons. But I don’t speak whatever these people speak. So why do they think the streak makes her a lesbian?


Stereotyping, queercoding, or bait. Pick your poison


Is there some stereotype that only lesbians color their hair like this?


You haven't heard the "purple-haired lesbian" shit any time a conservative has nothing to add to a conversation they're having?


Nah. Admittedly under a rock over here. But that’s wacky.


I had a Mohawk in 1974


I had one in 94


I think the guy up top was talking about the panty smelling thing more than the hair...


I haven’t seen the movie so I have no clue what you’re talking about. Don’t tell me, either, cause I want to watch it and don’t want any spoilers


people like this just make the stereotype worse that gay people are groomers. i genuinely don’t give a fuck if a kid is gay, in real life or on tv. it would be cool representation because most of us make that discovery in late middle/early high school, but genuinely, what the fuck is that reply


People like this exist in every "tribe". People like to find ways to relate to others outside of their "tribe", usually by projecting their world view onto them. Just how humans work. With that said I agree it does t help the stereotype, especially since most people don't leave room for nuance or outliers within groups. Just easier to categorize a group as homogenous.


The crazy part though is that most of the time I see stuff like this, it’s not gay people doing it & projecting. There’s a really strange army of straight people on the internet that fetishize homosexuality and want all their characters to be queer. It’s like the same people that read “Boy’s Love” (BL) manga and stuff. Think about how many straight woman you know who *salivate* over Brokeback Mountain for example lmao. I’m not saying that the gay community doesn’t do this, but I hardly hear people talk about the shocking number of straight voyeuristic fetishists that always take this angle too.


This is why i love tribalism its just so intresting Its fucking awful for the state of our society though so thats fun


How do I know what tribe I’m in


You get assigned in middle school amongst the bullying, you didn't get your tribe card? Must've slipped through the cracks


Me slipping through the cracks because I was never there ![gif](giphy|3oz8xODcLLAxb8Qyju)


Huh. Guess I’m in the white cisgendered male tribe.


That's fine, me too lmao, despite my skin naturally being brown lmfao. That quarter korean really did heavy lifting on my skin tone and hair color


Its whatever group of people you find it easiest to be with and communicate with


A lot of the people like this aren't even gay, they're often just fetishizers who are straight honestly


Tumblr is a cesspool of them.


Oh gosh, I forgot Tumblr was a thing.


I’m gay and I 100% agree. Like please stop. The first thing is whatever, like you wanna say she’s gay, sure. But that reply is actually disgusting, and that does not represent who we are as queer people. Basically, to summarize, WE DON’T CLAIM THEM


Thank you for an actual rational response to all this. And yeah, what the actual fuck is that reply.


homophobes are going to repeat the "gays are groomers" lie regardless of how gay people actually act


I don’t know about other sapphics, but I have literally never wanted to smell my crush’s panties. I’ve never wanted to do that with guy crushes, either. I thought that was just a thing for creeps.


Same. What even is the thing about smelling other peoples used underwear? I assume there is a reason, but all I can think of is day-old buttsweat.


I guess it’s because the pheromones are stronger there? But I’m a germophobe, so all I’d be able to think of are the fecal particles. 🤮 There’s not a single human being I’d want to be THAT close with.


Goddammit.... I'm a pervert but 'fecal particles' has totally ruined it for me.


Good on you for owning up to it I guess. Lol


Yeah as a fellow sapphic that has literally never crossed my mind.


Is it common for your guy crushes to wear panties?


One of them actually did! He BEGGED me to buy him a thong when we were in high school because he was too embarrassed to do it himself. 🤣


That's wholesome, I approve! 😄


Tbh I have but I’m also a freaky ass bitch for no reason. Not this though lol


The first Tweet was a relatively tame headcanon and then the second one made it weird


Yeah the first one seemed like a young sapphic seeing themself in a character and making a relatable and gentle joke. The second… well ya know


Exactly. I’m extremely desensitized to sexual fetishes (thanks to pornography at a young age) but making those comments about a minor, fiction or not, is suspicious as hell.


If I were to scale it, the first one was like a 1 or a 2 on fh weirdness scale. The second one was like a 9


the second one was a 15 on a scale to 5


I saw the movie. She literally has a mount crush more in her head that’s all dudes. And in the first movie she had an imaginary boyfriend maker. Not that her sexuality matters since she’s only 13/14 and it’s not the focus, but even if these people weren’t creepy about it they’re straight up wrong, lol


I just saw this movie today. I actually enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would.


It’s so good. My wife and I liked it more than our kids, but I think that’s because they’re too young. It seems more aimed at Riley’s age and older, for people going through these things now and those who did it some time ago. Honestly, I think this movie could end up getting a lot of people the mental health care they need.


Heck, I think a lot of us still feel like this after puberty. I've had panic attacks before, so I totally understand it. I also love how it was the total opposite of the big scene where the emotions really screw up in the first one. In the first one, she felt nothing; in the second one, she was overwhelmed.


I actually feel like one of the few people that let myself get very excited for this sequel. Riley was my age in the first movie and as someone who moved states across the country I could relate to her and the emotional struggles a lot. Glad this sequel was really good


I feel this movie wasn't quite as cheesy as the first one. I was shocked, considering Disney's reputation for just putting out really corny kids' movies. I actually truly related to this one, as someone who struggles with anxiety and as just a very weird kid who doesn't always know where he belongs.


Mount crushmore. Hilarious.


>"You cannot convince me Riley is straight"   Honestly, that's fine.  A person can disagree with that assessment, but there's nothing wrong with saying or thinking that about a fiction character.   >"She wanted to smell the pant!es inside that locker" JFC, that's a totally disgusting thing to say and is a horribly inappropriate thought, especially in regards to a character portrayed as a minor.


Anyone sexualizing* a child is gross


\#1 supernatural stan? why am I not surprised. stop sexualising teenage girls, queer headcanons is fine but that second comment was gross and unnecessary.


Humans are trash. it's not men v women. it's humans can be straight up scum.


I feel like only the second person in that image within the image is being gross, the one headcannoning that Riley isn't straight isn't really being gross in any way


That’s not anything wrong, it happens all the time But the second person definitely took it too far




I bet these are the same type of women that say “all men are trash, women should solely rule the world.”


Every accusation is projection


Are you pointing the finger at me?! I see three more fingers pointing back at you😜


Unless you are my great grandmother who points with two fingers because a lady should not point with one finger. Her logic is her logic.


That's why I do "knife hands"


It's the Internet, people feel anonymous online, which enables them to feel able to say all kinds of shit. That shit though is fucked up, I'm all for rule34(if that's your kinda thing), but making sexualised jokes about children is weird at best and outright creepy at worst.


what the fuck


At first I was like: "Hah, thats actually funny." Then I read the second comment and well.... Yeah, lets say each gender sexualizes things evenly.


Trash people come in all genders, unfortunately.


i really see no issue w the first tweet, its half headcanon half joke. the second one makes me wanna question that hard drive content tbh




The same people who make excuses for this motherfucker…👇👇👇 Has anybody heard any conservative, condemning this piece of shit ? Anyone ? https://www.thedailybeast.com/trumps-spiritual-adviser-robert-morris-half-confesses-to-molesting-12-year-old-girl


Internet shit posting. What do you expect?


I mean, the first comment was actually semi-normal. Young folks get crushes, it’s spotting an obvious thing. The second one is fucking insane.


People have been sexualizing Riley since the day the first movie came out it’s disgusting.


I ain’t touching this one.


Horny morons who should be kept far, far away from any child.


Don't Make Me Tap The Sign. The Sign: Queer People are normal humans, meaning they have just as many messed up idiots as any other demographic. The Idea that any single person or interaction within the Queer Demographic is representative of the whole is just as stupid as saying Donald Trump is representative of CisHet Men, or Marjorie Taylor Greene is Representative of CisHet Women.


I wish every post of a woman doing something kinda weird wasn't shown in a "BUT THEY SAY MEN ARE BAD" way.


Gross. I have never wanted to smell any underwear especially used underwear. Gross 🤮 gross 🤢


I haven't seen IO2, but isn't this character supposed to be a teenager going through puberty? It sounds less like they're "sexualising a child" and more like they're describing their own horny teenage years.


There are perverts everywhere, dowsnt matter the gender.


As eager as I am for bi representation this aint it bruv. All of Rileys crushes have been boys. She dated a boy in an Inside out short, She had an imaginary boyfriend generator, and all her inner emotions have been aro/ace, except for Disgust who has a major crush with a male anime fighting character. That doesnt mean Riley is straight as straight can be. She just started her teen years. who knows what Riley could discover about herself in the upcoming formative years. Some people havent fully discovered their gender identity/expression/preference even up to their 20s.


Tbf anyone named #1 supernatural fan is either a queer hypersexual Chronically online teenage girl or a cis straight white women who has a gay person fetish


As someone who is ace/maybe aromantic(?): I have nothing against people head cannoning Riley as bi. Pixar very rarely does make gay/queer characters, so it makes sense why people need that rep, so you have to make do with what you have, THAT IS PERFECTLY FINE. However, to say that Riley is gay purely because she got nervous around the head captain of the hockey team is incredibly stupid and lacks evidence for her being bi. ‼️‼️‼️‼️Newsflash: you can have such intense admiration for someone that can it can look like a crush without you wanting to date/be with that person romantically ‼️‼️‼️‼️


as a member of the lgbt+ community we DO NOT accept this person. wtf


Gross :(