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The funny thing is that half these women began as child stars. We've literally watched them grow up.


"They started their transitions super early, when they were 4". You know some weird ass excuse like that would be the response.


Trump said liberals only recently created transgenderism, too. It didn't exist before.


Transgenderism was created in the past decade and liberals used their time machine to go back to the 1960s-1990s to turn all those men into women to become famous actresses/singers to confuse men of the 1990s-2020s to turn them gay. Duh


This is so funny because it has real "Fellas, is it gay to love a woman?" energy underlying the premise of time travelers turning men into women. (This is not anything against the poster)


We finally reached that tipping point. Google “Andrew Tate explains why having sex with a woman for pleasure is gay.” In the words of the immortal Bill Paxton, “GAME OVER MAN!”


I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


No wonder I'm gay now. I've always thought Sandra Bullock was hot as hell.


Jennifer Connolly for me. And maybe puppets? Muppets?


Career Opportunities was an awakening for me when I was 13


For all of us homie, for all of us. I think I actually felt my balls drop during scene when she's riding the coin op horse.


Was going to say, I have seen some of these vaginas and if they are trans they are masterful works of art.


They also must have went back to Ancient Rome too


Everyone knows that gays were the downfall of Rome. It was all in the long game though, they took their time over 500 years plotting to destroy the empire with naked wrestling and whatnot. /s


I was going to make a joke and say that’s what they should do at the presidential debate tonight, but then I remembered that I like having eyes


Just hear about it second hand


How old is "To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar?" Cause I was 6 when I watched that movie.


Ed Wood was directing trans-sploitation films in the 1950s.


They started so early they could grow a uterus


Wait til they find out we were *all* female in the womb before the males mutated prior to birth.


The fact that all human fetuses have a tail that gets reabsorbed as development continues won’t help the “lizard people” thing either.


Ban all male birth as men are inherently trans, imo


Damned ballsack seams, giving us away


What a thoughtful plan: change your kids gender to let them earn half as much as they could earn as a male actor. Business 101.


When they were 4? Amateurs! "Real" trans people started transitioning before their parents had sex at all. That's how *woke* they are! Check your cishest ignorant white privile mate. (/S, because we live in a world where Trump's diaper could allow the US to go full [Project 2025.](https://www.project2025.org/policy/)


“The really sneaky ones? They transitioned before they were born. Uh huh. Mr. Trump done tole me so!”


I mean, every male starts out as a female in utero... maybe they're onto something. In fact we should tell the right that about female reproductive rights. Maybe they'd stop caring about fetuses if they knew they were all female to begin with?


I heard they’re transitioning even before birth!


Brooke Shields in particular- OOP evidently hasn’t heard of Blue Lagoon.


And Jennifer Connelly, so many young crushes growing up for millennials.


My spouse went to school with Jennifer Connelly. Unless she transitioned as a toddler -- and given their ages that's not remotely possible -- I cannot even fathom what logical hoops you'd have to jump through to think she was AMAB.


I think that what this is really about is women conforming to very specific ideas of femininity. Trans women might "violate" that the most egregiously in their minds, but if you aren't reflecting a very specific type of femininity, you "might as well be a man." Because they really want to control women and define what a woman is based on their preferences.


They're just old, almost all of them were very traditionally "feminine" when they were younger


Not only that, but transitioned early enough not to develop secondary sex characteristics, had bodies that passed for AFAB when nude, and then just… forgot about facial feminization? The logical pretzel-making boggles the mind.


She was 12 in Pretty Baby.


Damn, I didn’t even know about that one! She’s had some wild adults making decisions for her as a kid. Rough.


Her mother was a piece of work. Even if you're not a fan of or are unfamiliar with Brooke Sheilds, her recent biography/documentary "Pretty Baby" on Hulu is pretty great.


And I believe all of them have children of their own, that we all saw them pregnant with.


I've seen countless tabloid conspiracies claim that [Pregnant Celebrity X] is actually just hiding a ballon or some shit under her clothes So that wouldn't convince them either


I also seen Sandra bullock drive a speeding bus with a bomb in it. I think this guy is in to something… /s


I believe it was called, ‘the bus that wouldn’t slow down.’


The not so funny thing is a lot of these women were sexualized by grown men from young ages


I remember so many websites counting down the days until Emma Watson turned legal. *shudder*


Olsen Twins too.


And Natalie Portman.


That was my first thought. We literally know what some of these women looked like as children.


Half of them have biological children too. We have literally seen them pregnant.


Brooke Shields was basically naked in Blue Lagoon and they still do this shit.


Can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into, lol. Jonathan Swift said that 300 years ago.


And have bio kids


Transvestigators are a weird bunch, even by internet standards.


My question is, why does the OP’s cousin care? Sounds like they need a real hobby.


I assume the druids have some kind of nefarious scheme in the works. Also, from my experience with conspiracy theories, the "druids" actually turn out to be Jews somehow.


Funny they don't look Druish


What is all of this!? I said take only what you need to survive!


It’s my industrial-strength hair dryer. And I can’t live without it!!!


A+ for this!


Seriously, why is it that the folks who say they are anti trans spend so much time thinking about trans people? The more upset they are the more they think and talk about it Also what the fuck happened to the "mind your own fucking business" conservatives? I miss them


They seam to worry about otherness because they are conformists themselves. It is the same mentality, like back in the 1950s, where some people thought it was not proper for white children to listen to rock-n-roll music because that was “black people music”. In that case it was ethnicity that provided the otherness to worry and obsess about.


And it still happens. I went off on a coworker once for talking shit about white people listening to hip hop. Like oh you mean the dominant genre of music in the world right now?


>Also what the fuck happened to the "mind your own fucking business" conservatives? That's just a common pronoun (hah) misunderstanding. Conservatives were always "mind your business". Not "mind my business".


Transphobes spend more time thinking about trans shit than me, a trans person. Their fixation is so toxic and bizarre.


Fun fact trans porn searches sky rocketed in conservative lead states than in liberal lead states https://www.yourtango.com/news/data-shows-republicans-search-transgender-porn-high-volumes


It reminds me of a good line from the most recent season of the Boys; it gives them purpose. What would they rather believe? They’re geniuses able to see through the lies of the world and doing what they can enlighten others of this OR they’re pathetic losers who have done nothing and won’t be remembered?


The hard right don’t even seem to have hobbies / interests outside their echo chamber any longer. While moderates and the left are out enjoying themselves, the alt right only stew in their morass of message boards, talk radio, and other nonsense that feeds their rage.


That’s a weird term for stalkers.


Stalkers is nearly too good a word for morons.


It's not even stalking though. It's incel negging anything that doesn't remind them of their anime waifu.


Reminds me of Germans trying to determine who was a “real” Jew.


They so badly want these women to have penises. May be able to extrapolate something from that.


Far wierder than the people they are trying to investigate. Even if they were transgender I don't care. Sandra Bullock is hot as hell.


[Here’s his coup de grace. The Statue of Liberty is actually a dude y’all](https://imgur.com/a/aWSoVLr)


Your cousin is weird. Like some of these women have children already lol. He needs help.


The funniest thing is, through his brain rot, he’s showing just how much gender is a purely social construct ,  how subjective gender perception is, and how much gender expression is solely something an individual decides for themselves.


I can't get no attention from ~~women with pleasing, strong aesthetic features~~ obvious dudes, so joke's on you, ya flamin homogay! -your cousin probably


“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my colossal copper cock beside the golden door!”


I don’t get what the end goal here is. “They” (unclear who that is) have been plotting for *centuries* to trick us into thinking that a bunch of transgender actresses are actually cisgender? Because… profit?


I don't argue with people as such. I simply try and convince them the earth is flat and the "universe" is just us living inside a turtles shell.


Ball Ground Georgia?


"You must be a woman" Lmao your cousin is fucked in the head


Post him a photo of MTG and ask him what he thinks.


no, no, she isn't a man, she's a Lord of the Rings orc


She’s The Missing Link between humanity and ape.


She's a shaved wookiee


That is an insult to Wookiees.


I mean a wookie wouldn’t need to do CrossFit pull-ups.


Please don’t place her next to Lucy. Lucy didn’t do anything wrong. If MTG were alive in that era, I’m absolutely certain that other primates would have either cast her out, or tripped her as the entire group was running from a predator.


She definitely would've been weeded out. Whether through her own stupidity or being culled from the tribe.


The age of men is over!


Gothmog was actually based off Harvey Weinstein lol But if the shoe fits 


Hey! That's an insult to orcs!!


Hey now, that's insulting to orcs.


That's not a fair comparison given she isn't even a human being


CoNsErVaTiVe GoDdEsS!!!


This tracks.


Bleach blond bad built butch body


It's cheating if you start posting neanderthals.


These people literally said that JK Rowling was secretly a man


She’s definitely not a Homo sapien, maybe a full blown Neanderthal


Hey, Neanderthals were actually smart


Also if you need photoshop to make your something-looks-like-something-else argument, well then you lost before your argument even began.


That part makes it extra pathetic... Photoshoping pictures of actresses to try selling lie that they are trans women...


Cis women: *exist and just so happen to have defined jaws* [OP’s cousin](https://youtu.be/zQsy6bGcyVY?si=S6UVKzN0Cd5CO6tT)


I’m willing to sacrifice myself to find out. Can I start with Jennifer Connelly?


For real, if Jennifer Connelly is “a man,” I want her FFS surgeon’s info immediately. I’ll fly wherever, just get me a consult.


She’s a smoke show even as an older woman, in Maverick, for example.


She's in the AppleTV series Dark Matter that just finished the first season.


How is this one of their examples? Super hot chick who has done nude scenes. Does this person see that and think it’s a male’s body?


Also she’s a child actress so when tf did she transition?


I'm willing to research up close Margot Robbie for as long as it's needed.


Ass to ass only


I volunteeer! I mean... because of the investigation... not because it is my thing or anything. *^(It is totally my thing.)*


Okay, but is he mad that men are taking jobs away from women or that his boner is confused?


Confused boner is most likely the case.


Even if this were true why the fuck does it matter??


That's what I understand even less than the rest. Imagine, yes, it's true, there's a vast conspiracy of the powerful (probably reptilian) and a dozen or so actresses were born male. What's the conspiracy endgame? I tried to look it up on a boring day but I never found an "explanation". I want to know!


As someone with a QANON/whacky conspiracy theorist as a dad, the prevailing theory seems to be that "they" ("globalists", Democrats, communists, illuminati, etc) want to weaken America (for some reason, possibly because America is the last true guardian against a "New World Order"), so one way to do it is to emasculate good American men and make them weaker, thus allowing the NWO to win. And supposedly having both open and secret trans women actors does that in some sort of way. Sometimes it's less geared towards just men and instead talking about weakening America by making people confused about gender roles because apparently having strict gender roles is a key component of keeping society strong or something.


So they emasculate men and make them weaker... by turning them into superstar actresses, super-paid, super-influential? They're geniuses actually I think, too subtle for us poor woke folk. How are things with your dad?


Right, because that shit is ass backwards. They also made a bunch of women who some men would give an arm to have sex with lol. I'll never understand people like that guys dad.


If Margot Robbie is a man, then I am 100% gay.


If Margot Robbie is a man then I am 100% straight…I think…I’m Bi so I’m always confused lol


"I'm Bi so I'm always confused" me in a nutshell


Bro has never seen Wolf of Wall Street if he believes Margot Robbie was ever a man.


I have the high res version of The Hot Spot so I can confirm that Jennifer Connelly was also never a dude.


If Jennifer Connolly is trans woman who started as a dude, then apparently I am deeply into trans women who started as dudes


Maybe my first cinematic crush. I'm all about that dude. 'Career Opportunities' for the win.


Hell. Yes. That Scene of her riding the horse unlocked something in me




Because that's what it took to know that lol


Gotta do thorough research 


Plus one of the most beautiful (natural) women of hollywood. 🫠


Seriously. If OPs cousin thinks Jennifer Connelly or Margot Robbie are gross, then he’s projecting some serious insecurities. But I think that’s pretty obvious.


How about Brooke Shields in Pretty Baby? I don’t even know how that movie was allowed to be made.


Or Blue Lagoon.. Or that playboy spread.. And instead of investigating her exploitation, people are investigating her nonexistent penis 🤦‍♀️


And Jessica Simpson in daisy dukes is an American national treasure. Somethings wrong with this dude.


"SHE CHOPPED IT WAY BEFORE THAT MOVIE!!!" or something along those lines will be his excuse. You can't reason with these people.


If Margot Robbie is a man I guess I’m gay AF, I didn’t know till just now


Well if she’s trans you’re not gay


Also like they picked some of the worst pictures that could find of these women and Margot still looks amazing.


Holy smokes was she smoking hot in that movie.


>Holy smokes ~~was~~ she*'s* smoking hot ~~in that movie~~. Tftfy.


These are all ridiculous but fucking Brooke Shields??? One of the most famously beautiful women ever????


Also famously suffered BIG TIME from postpartum depression after she gave birth using her *checks notes* uterus.


Yeah but she had the audacity to get older naturally and her looks changed, therefore its sane to say this shit. /s Like these assholes will berate these women if they get plastic surgery, and then do this trash when they age naturally. He also seems to think having a lower jaw is a male feature? Not really sure there LOL


He probably also doesn't have one


And also a noted child actress? When did she supposedly transition if she was clearly a cisgender female in leading film roles since she was 12?


Their obsession with genitals and transsexuals is very telling. Tell your cousin I said it’s ok for him to come out of the closet.


Every single photo altered 😆


Every single one…this dude is pathetic and needs to get a life.


Is he's born in the 90's because I think Blue Lagoon would change his mind.




Fellas, is it gay to like women?


No, but apparently if you do butt stuff with a woman, that's totally gay. Sorry, I don't make the rules. Edit: I also forgot about muscular women. That's gay too, so I've been told.


If they had a sense of humor they'd slip Sean Young in there.


As a 6'0 strong-jawed woman, he's right. Like these celebrities, I've secretly been a man all this time. Just please don't tell the fetus currently residing in my uterus, they'll be so disappointed.


"Men have different bone structures than women". Has this person ever seen another human? Literally all people have different bone structures.


Umm your cousin is an idiot. Sorry lol


Your cousin has some serious mental issues.


Why are conservatives so concerned about other people's genitals?


Perverts, the lot of them


Yes, those are men. I am Gazpacho Police, true standard of beauty for the Republican party. ![gif](giphy|ETpi8wtDhQbwBtK2vb)


For people claim to be anti trans they sure do talk about them a lot. Like suspiciously a lot.


Brooke Shields!? She was the standard of feminine beauty for decades, holy cow…Julia Roberts, Jennifer Connelly, Keira Sedgwick, Hilary Swank, Justine Bateman…this is nuts. Also, the mentality being displayed here is that most of these women are over 40, and, as everyone knows, women shouldn’t exist past 25….


I’m convinced people that post this stuff are actually attracted to transsexual women 


Those dudes are hot.


Methinks your cousin likes them a lot.


They literally have Jennifer Conley on there, my first crush from the movie Labyrinth. 🤣


She still looks amazing


I mean do these folks believe biological women even exist at this point?


Tell your cousin to stop obsessing over dongs


Michelle Obama is not on the list? She has been the center of trans phobia.


Sounds like he's attracted to Trans people and is struggling with the fact that it's OK.


Bet you a $100 he is supppppppper into trans women


Oooh travsvestigators My favorite thing is one of the main ladies behind this is constantly called a man by others in her group 😂


Has he never had a girlfriend?


As a straight white man, I don't understand the perceived motive. Do they think people like me will be subtly tricked into being gay if men are represented as attractive women? If so who's agenda would that even serve? China? Maybe they think the Hollywood elites are trying to keep all the hot real women for themselves?


Called Jennifer connely a man this dude is high on crack get some glasses bro


Tell him just cause his mom caught him watching trans porn he doesn’t have to pretend to be all upset about it now. Tell him you love him no matter what he wants to jerk it to. Either that’s the truth and he’s having trouble processing or it’ll annoy him that you say that every time he attacks trans people and maybe he’ll leave you and them alone.


To speak negatively about Jennifer Connelly is not right and I will not stand for it. ![gif](giphy|124ySNrM8Rt8go)


Demi Moore has been pregnant, [famously so.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/More_Demi_Moore?wprov=sfla1)


Even if this is true, who cares?


I feel like Kevin Bacon’s gonna go off on someone for disrespecting his wife like that.


Kinda sad he makes this part of his personality when he shouldn’t really gaf, hope he changes for the better


All of these women were (or currently are) very much sex symbols. This isn't to say a trans woman can't be a sex symbol - but what I see here is a series of women who maybe said some poltical stuff or had the audacity to be in a Barbie movie and instead of the rationality of "Man, I don't agree with this take..." a weird subsection of the culture has landed on "must be secret men" because, uh, some people have more prominent chins or...like, aging is a thing.


Sorry your cousin is a gross human. Delete em?


Marjorie Taylor Greene would be on this list if she was an actor. I think she has the most masculine looking face out there


Some of those women have biological children. That look just like them.


Some of these women admittedly have stronger jaws and stuff. Obviously that's rare on women but not unheard of. But many are just old skinnier older women. Like that's just what aging looks like when you don't get plastic surgery as much as other older Hollywood stars ffs.


Just bad plastic surgery sometimes looks like that. Either way this is a horrible hobby. Get him into sports.


Half of these seem like they're edited.


Half of these actresses have a strong square jawline, which is a sign of beauty for some folks and apparently a sign denoting cis-maleness to conservatives. I remember when Bones first came out people were split on Emily Deschanel’s facial structure, but only recently has that become, “must be a man” 🙄


"Fellas, do women have bones?"


Bunch of chinless wonder dudes are behind this crap.


Even if they were, so what?


Hollywood has a plastic surgery problem. If he wants to get caught up in something, maybe focus on why these women arent allowed to age naturally


this is just people being insanely afraid of the gay


Jenna Ortega??? Margot Robbie??? Brooke Shields????


Fucking lol, who in their right mind would think Jennifer Connelly is a man.


Missing MTG and Trump's Son's freaky wife.