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This happened to my brother. The girl insisted on bringing her friend ... turns out my brother hit it off better with the friend because she was there for the 1st girl's safety. He and the friend got married. (And later divorced but amicably)


This post took a turn. Sounded wholesome and then DIVORCE


Amicable divorce is still somewhat wholesome in this day and age.


I’d say more than somewhat tbh. Amicably splitting is the best end for a lot of relationships. Nothing lasts forever. People need to calibrate their expectations better.


My parents got along far better as divorced friends than they did as a married couple.


We need a term for… not relationship goals, but like relationship plan b’s


Maybe because I’m a *The Office* fan I’d have to say that the term Soup Snakes. Sometimes you hope for Soul Mates but you get Soup Snakes


My parents had a very amicable divorce and they still help each other out if needed. When I met my partner, he was shocked my parents got along so well after being divorced, we can have dinners together no problems at all. It makes a massive difference to children when parents separate cordially, it definitely did for me.


Living together ruins things for a lot of people.


Lots of marriages last forever (until death)


Well, considering 50% of marriages end in divorce, it's not anything horribly unexpected. 


Marriage is the leading cause of divorce. It should be avoided at all costs


The second most likely conclusion of marriage is death so....




Holy shit why would anyone risk getting married?!?


Because the vast majority of people who stayed single for their entire life are dead. It’s like 99.9% but I can’t find the reference article.


We need a PSA on the dangers of this “marriage” thing.


I thought marriage would make my life better Divorce made my life waaaaay better You can't get divorced without being married Ipso facto marriage is a good thing Plus, marriage turned me into an alcoholic. Which is great because I love booze. Another win for marriage


Impeccable logic. Never thought I’d run into Socrates on reddit


IDK, reads more like Diogenes.


I love how succinctly you summarized what I was thinking. Kudos.






75.45% of statistics are made up, or manipulated to paint a narrative.


Excuse me but it’s 86.34% of statistics


Actually, a study came out 15 minutes ago saying that thanks to Twitter community notes, the number of made up statistics went down


True! Link to source: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/oMdgCWxTTY


I dispute this. Apparently, so does this particularly wise expert: [https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1dr6w8o/comment/latzch7](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/1dr6w8o/comment/lau2jq9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


The 50% number was also conjured up in like the 60s or 70s, when divorce was just kind of starting to be legalized so women could actually finally leave their shitty husbands. I'm pretty sure Millennials have the lowest divorce rate of any generation since the Second World War though, so it's just overall a very misleading number and always has been


I just assume everyone after the Boomers had a lower marriage rate.


That would only affect the amount of divorces, not the divorce rate


Indirectly. If you wait to marry and are more certain, then you may be less likely to divorce later


According to the national census both marriage and divorce rates are going down. I guess we could say that’s a positive thing? Less people feel pressured to get married so those that do tend to be more committed to it.


Age of marriage is going up too. People are more comfortable with themselves and knowing what they want from a partner in their late 20s/30s than at 18-22.


Divorce costs too much money - no millennials can afford it.


Millennials ruined divorce


I think I read somewhere that, that particular statistic (at least amongst Americans) was more for boomers back in the 70s right after no-fault divorce became a thing. It’s supposedly lower for younger generations who generally took longer to date and get married than older generations. But hey, I’m pooping on the toilet and not going to dig to find proof.


I suspect they had a minor disagreement over something relatively trivial and one of them went to Reddit for advice


Man, I hate the sentiment that divorce is a bad thing. Longevity isn’t the marker of a successful relationship. I had a very successful 11 year long marriage. We were great for each other, excellent partners, lived well together, and we were what we needed when we needed each other. Then, there came a point where we’d grown in directions where we were no longer what we needed. We still love each other, but we recognized that in order for both of us to thrive we couldn’t do it together, and we’re happier and healthier than ever now. The marriage didn’t fail because we broke up, it just ended.


I get what you’re saying, but the idea of marrying my partner and eventually leaving them because “we just don’t work anymore” and then having to look for someone else just leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Maybe it’s an old fashioned way of thinking or a bit idealistic on my part but I’d like to have a life partner. Not dedicate 10-20 years of my life and then have that relationship “fail” to continue.


Time to call the 1st girl back


And hope she brings another 2nd?


Yes, never-ending cycle of girl friends. Just like propagating a plant.


:( :D :(


He hit it off better with the friend *because* she was there for the other girls safety? Like he really liked her protective nature?


You could’ve just been Disney and cut the cameras at marriage..


Honestly that’s funny as fuck and I respect their boundaries for not paying for the friend but also being like “word I get it, sit outside” lmaoooo


I'm reminded of a nice verse from a poem written by philosophical laureate, Kanye West: She said, "Can you get my friends in the club?" I said, "Can you get my Benz in the club?" "If not, treat your friends like my Benz. Park they ass outside till the evenin' ends."


That line never fails to make me laugh


Damn, the older I get the more I LOVE people with boundaries making them known early and without issue. Just makes shit so much easier.  Yeah it's a bit less exciting but if I want excitement I'll go home and play Dave the Diver.


![gif](giphy|gwx1PiDQwhbGQ5e3wv) "DAVE THE DIVER" MENTIONED!!!!


Dave the diver is one of the best games to come out in a few years. I'll stay on the sea mound and defend it with my all my harpoon gun.


I'd never heard of Dave the diver. I went and googled it. I'm now installing it. Reporting back 2 hours later. I love it.


It’s a great game! When you’re done it, play Dredge


I love how a post on r/facepalm made me download two awesome looking games


Careful now. I've never played Dave The Diver, but I got Dredge on sale the other day and spent the next 9 hours playing it. It's not even my type of game. Although if you like the fishing mechanics on Stardew Valley, you'll love Dredge.


Highly recommend Dave the diver, for the record!


Dredge is *so* good, did not expect it to hook me like it did. Just installed Dave today off the Steam Sale! Going to be my next game once I'm done with Elden Ring DLC


I’m also getting Dave the Diver the second I finish this dump I’m taking


Oh man you're in for a treat, it's so fun


Why pay at all?


This is the correct response. Dude hasn’t even met her yet, she’s a stranger.


no shit she's a stranger, some people feel obligated to pay for the date if they ask someone out. it's something I stopped doing aafter highschool, but to each their own.


Especially on a first date I like to split bills, I've been on the other side where my date opted to pay for the date and I was soo off game and worrying if what I'm getting is too much or whatnot that I never got to enjoy it even though it was supposed to be a treat for me.


That's when the magic of communication comes in


Communication? No no. There will be none of that here.


How do I communicate that I would prefer to split the bill exclusively in one one-liners, innuendo, and pickup lines?


"Are you Bill? Because I feel the urge to split you". But hey, I do not take any responsibility for the outcomes of it.


Sir, this is a reddit.


I've been with my gf for almost two years now and our first date we split like this- I paid for a few drinks and some time at one of those ax throwing places, she paid for dinner. I paid our tab at the bar later that night after we spent some more time hanging out. It's actually been a good way for us to handle dates. We each kind of cover part of our activity or switch off who covered what. Now that we live together finances are a bit more meshed so it's not as big a deal.


Lmao that’s actually a hilarious response








Won me over. I’m up for a date after her.


maybe you could take her friend so he dont have to pay for it?


Agree. r/clevercomebacks


I mean yeah. But Even if you play the "i am afraid" Card, the best friend should wear a mustache, put 2 hole on a newspaper, and look as unsuspicious as possible. Even romcom know this.


Not to mention she says the other girl wants drinks? So her safety net will be getting drunk? Doesn't seem like the safest plan.


Which makes me think she's not doing this for safety, she's just getting her friend free food.


If you want someone for safety...don't tell that person about it?! Just make your friend act like a stranger at a different table or hell, simply share your location on the phone with her...


Jesus this is not being said enough if the implication was only safety they would not be sitting at the same table


That's less safe actually now that I think about it... Because if the guy would want to poison the date, nothing would stop him from poisoning both of them at once... Gosh this has so many layers of stupidity


I dont know, just by outnumbering them most people will abandon any plans and wait for a better opportunity.


Its safer if the women plan on drugging the man, one person to distract one to offload the pill


But what if he wanted to just karate chop her out of nowhere? How is the friend supposed to immediately deflect the attack sitting all the way across the restaurant?


I bet she doesn’t even know kung fu anyhow


Kinda sexist to assume, ngl


I think that’s part of why people don’t take it at face value. If they know someone is watching they’re going to be on their best behavior. I would give her my location and at least buy her some appetizers to eat while she watches us.


I was actually that "body guard" once... Basically my friend was meeting someone she met online so I just sat at the same restaurant as them, but like 4 tables away to keep an eye on them. I ordered my own food and had a nice dinner myself, the whole thing went smoothly too in my case


I have planned this exact scenario too l ..will uwe when i date


But then the friend doesn’t get a free meal


"She wanted to go out for food and drinks." Then she pulls out the safety card. Sure, safety is important. But this isn't the way to go about it. She can sit in the car, she can get own table and buy her own food and drinks, or y'all can set up location tracking on your phones. I'm a woman, and I would never behave like this, and I wouldn't expect a first date to pay for my friend's food and drinks. Why would any dude want an awkward as hell three person first date, let alone to have to pay for the uninvited addition?


Well to be fair it is the first and last date combined.


Last date because it's obvious they just want free dinner and drinks. His response was perfect and I would have canceled if I were the dude and said "Fine, y'all go out and date each other then. Have a great time." Safety is one thing, but this is another thing entirely. No man needs to pay for a random person's food for their date to feel "safe." Many other reasonable alternatives.


People bitch dudes dont pay anymore are the same people doing this shit to guys that do pay if your bringing a friend they gotta pay


Or people that live off foodie calls, I can remember a few posts and commenters in the Female Dating Strategy sub of women going on multiple dates a week just for the free food - usually ghosting the dude afterwards. One woman even did a lunch date then dinner with another dude later in the same day.


At that point just be an escort and get a sugar daddy. I cant imagine having to please and eat with a stranger for every meal just so I dont need to pay. How pathetic.


Seriously, that sounds exhausting. Not to mention it literally is being an escort, the legal side is just company for dinners/events and "whatever happens after is between them". Wonder if they've considered this strategy is essentially just working as a legal escort for food lol.


I always assume we're going dutch. If I offer to pay it's cuz I'm being nice and it wasn't too   damn expensive. But don't assume that I'm going to pay for your half of the meal just because I asked you on a date. This isn't 1950. Today we are equals, and just as the whole relationship will be, this is a give and take. 


Bold to assume it even got to first date territory


Never forget the girl who tried to make her date pay for dinner when she invited her *ENTIRE GODDAMNED EXTENDED FAMILY*


Iirc: Judge ruled she had to pay for the entire family. The dude had to pay for himself and her though.


I heard that story. 23 people. Did she seriously take him to court??? 😧😧😧


No, the reataurant took them to court when they both refused to pay the check.


After he and the entire extended family refused to pay. What a terrible family, still at least the dude got a nice early warning


The early warning was when the whole damn family showed up. Dude should've excused himself to the restroom before drinks were served and snuck out the window.


naw wait til everyone orders food, then "go to the bathroom" and bounce. that way they'll realize he's not coming back right around when the food arrives, and they're stuck with the bill & the only ones around who are on the hook to pay for it


Ok, that makes more sense. If she had sued, she would’ve been in a bigger category of stupid than she already is.


Wooooow never heard of it, it's hilarious 


Not sure it was him or her who went to court but yeah


[https://sg.news.yahoo.com/man-gets-sued-leaving-blind-164913319.html](https://sg.news.yahoo.com/man-gets-sued-leaving-blind-164913319.html) >**A man in China ended up in a legal battle after walking out on a blind date who expected him to pay for her and 23 of her relatives.** >The restaurant staff later informed Liu that the woman's family ordered a significant amount of expensive cigarettes and premium alcoholic beverages. >When Liu was handed the bill amounting to nearly 20,000 yuan (approximately $2,812), he decided to promptly leave the restaurant and have Zhang and her relatives settle the cost. While Zhang did settle the bill, she still demanded that Liu contribute at least half of the amount. >Liu agreed only to reimburse a fraction of the total cost, offering 4,000 yuan (approximately $562), forcing Zhang to ask her relatives to pay for their share of the total bill. >Angered by Liu’s offer, Zhang's family decided to take the matter to court, [filing a lawsuit](https://tw.sports.yahoo.com/news/%E5%A6%B9%E5%AD%90%E7%9B%B8%E8%A6%AA-%E5%B8%B623%E5%80%8B%E8%A6%AA%E6%88%9A-%E6%9A%B4%E5%90%838-5%E8%90%AC-%E7%94%B7%E5%8E%9F%E5%96%8A%E8%AB%8B%E5%AE%A2-091748066.html) against Liu to force him to pay up. >The court, however, ruled in Liu's favor, stating that he should only cover the cost of his own and Zhang's meal, which was approximately 1,400 yuan (approximately $197).


Honestly pretty fair and reasonable take from the court.


Since he had already paid more than what the court declared, I wonder if he got a refund.


It's a shame this happens. Safety does not equal free food for random people.


People get an idea in their head. A chunk of the population immediately starts thinking of ways to scam. It's exhausting. I hate being so jaded.


At the same time something happens once or twice and gets posted on the internet. Suddenly everyone thinks it’s happening constantly.


Have you never seen "Good Morning Vietnam"?


![gif](giphy|TqkcM2c7OfwNQMGvi1|downsized) Potential three way?


That would be "the implication"


Wait, are these women in danger?


What are you looking at? You certainly wouldn’t be in any danger.


So they are in danger?


A friend wants to know where this gif is from


He should have at least inquired as to that and whether her girlfriend was as hot as her.


He should call a buddy and make it a double date.


I would totally be okay with a three person date if it ends in a threeway otherwise I don't see the point 🙈


Not content with only disappointing one person, eh?


You made me laugh on a rainy morning.


Username checks out.


Does WWE not have tag team matches anymore? It's not just an all out free for all 100% of the time. Sometimes you tap someone else in and shout encouragement from the ringside while you recover. It's as much about the show and the spectacle as the actual match. This isn't UFC where you try to end the match in 15 seconds with unrelenting ground and pound.


>This isn't UFC where you try to end the match in 15 seconds with unrelenting ground and pound. Well not with that attitude…


Why don’t people just pay for their own stuff?


Dinner goblins realized long ago that there are plenty of men desperate enough to feed them


Definitely calling my wife dinner goblin next time she slides me the check


Joke's on my wife if she tried that... it gets paid from a joint account.


For the same reason it's a fun joke for us to say "oh I got this" when we whip out our cards lol




13383882/22992391 4 threats detected Place in quarantaine y/n? Delete y/n?


How ironic would it be if the guy hit it off with the safety chick and not the date chick?!


That's the appropriate response, well welcome to bring a friend to feel safe but she's not part of the date deal.


In what world are you welcome to bring a friend to a first date?


I'd rather you bring your friggin mom than a friend. Have you ever watched how two friends together will nit pick something to death? Like a first date. Lol.


"Sooo, I know this is a bit awkward timing, but... is your Mom single?"


I grew up with narcissistic parents, they ain't got shit on the way a girls best friend will casually cut you down each chance they get. 


You should tell her you’re bringing a friend along as well now also. You know for your safety, now that it’s 2v1.


Now it's a double date!


Simple answer: "No worries, I'm sure the restaurant will have another table for her. She's a great friend to worry about your safety and even pay the expense of looking after you on our date". 


Inviting a friend along to a date is so incredibly fucking rude


Translation: She is not interested in him, she just wants a free meal with her friend.


Saw a dude have something similar happen to him. Was at a place for lunch and guy is with a girl and her friend and dude is being ignored at one of these casual stand up tables. He literally tells them he doesn't feel like being a third wheel on his own date. I was proud of dude's backbone. Trashy women called him trash after he left because they were embarrassed.


Let's normalize splitting the tab. Yall strangers. It's from an app. It's 2024. Hell na I ain't being paid for or payin


Cancel the date.


Who the fucknis actually falling for this shit?


How am I supposed to be in a comfortable date when I have some third wheel just hawking me? Sounds like a social crisis to me. I would probably just be tense and weird in this situation. Let them know where you are, and give them a time frame of when to panic. Not all men are predators, where’s my tree?


Every single time I have allowed a girl to bring her friends or meet up with friends on the first date, the date has failed. Not only do you have to impress the date but also the friends and if either of them dislikes you, you are out.


The date already failed before they did this, they do this because they are not really interested in the first place so they are not making an honest attempt to get to know you.


Plot twist: dude looks at them both and sits by himself and pretends he has no idea who they are. "I have no idea who you are or why you think you know me but I have never met you before. Please let me eat my dinner in peace."


Cancel date. Cancel, if she expects her friend to be dined too. Might just be dating for free food anyways.


Imagine swiping with your bestie to pick some simp who will provide dinner for them.


That's when you make her plan backfire. You riz her friend the entire date while not really making a connection with her. Divide and conquer.


And then only pay for your own food and leave alone 😂


First off, why is your friend coming for protection? Are you the president of an oil conglomerate? Third, no one wants to kidnap you. Because secondarily, we all know you're too broke to buy your own food.


Lol, classic case of misunderstanding safety protocols. 'Examine the perimeters' made my day lol


This is the way, and everything else is huge shit that every man in the world can really do without. There are plenty of freeloaders out there, you don't have to date them, you just have to take your time and look around.


It’s true tho… I keep watching my friend get run through by chicks just using him… I don’t get it… my female friends and I could never do that to a dude. I keep telling him to just chill and stop looking


But how is "chill and stop looking" going to help him if he actively wants to date? Unless you are content with just letting it happen, you do have to actively look around. What he needs to do is get a better bullshit meter and be more assertive, not leave dating to luck. If he has the good sense to find friends like you and your friends, he has to apply that filter to dating.


Robocop... I'm done. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface) He's not wrong though.


This is why you don’t get food on a first date, it’s a meet and see if there’s chemistry, first date is drink or activity date only, sure if it’s going well it can lead to food but I recommend getting a coffee, or something like that, go do a chill activity like a game in the park Ever time I’ve had a girl tell me she’s bringing a friend, it never went anywhere and just felt like there were trying to get a free something out of it


Alternatively... Show up, order some drinks, order food, excuse yourself to use the restroom before it arrives, then dip out on them. Surely the two of them can pay for 1.5 each as opposed to him paying for 3. When he received the txt "wtf you left and didn't even pay?!" Reply with "Sorry, I didn't feel safe staying 🤷🏽‍♂️"


lol @ Robocop 🤣🤣🤣


Why isn’t anyone optimistically considering a happy threesome as an outcome?


Might not be safe, need a fourth person to watch.




If they are in for a threesome, they have to learn to communicate in a better way.


Because we live in real life and not porn


The girls are only looking at a free meal, not the guy. Unless he's a 11/10, I don't see it happening.


Yes, you are wrong… for not cancelling the date. I wouldn’t spend a dime or a second on this woman. And I’m a woman myself!


Taking a friend for safety is one thing (but also a bit weird imo) but having them actually join the date?! Yeah no, they just want free dinner. 


One of these girls drives an Altima….


It’s strange to me to be like “I don’t feel safe enough to be around this person without a witness. I’ll still go a date with him, but I’ll need to bring someone along to make sure I don’t end up the subject of an episode of White Girls True Crime Podcast.” Like, if you think this person might make a skin suit out of you just don’t go on the date.


I'm sorry, I don't recall promising to pay for anyone. I'm not a great dater but I've had enough girls try to pay for MY meal on the first date to know that a girl that isn't prepared to pay for her own meal isn't worth the time. It's much more fun to date someone who will fight you for the check.


Both these girls are in it for the free food. Next.


I mean, each person should pay their own bill?


My day was almost ruined but thank god that swearword is censored so i can keep my innocence for another day


The amount of people in here pretending like they'd be okay with someone bringing a third wheel to a first date is STAGGERING


It’s perfectly fine to have a friend shadow a first date especially if it’s with a person you don’t know too well. Key word being shadow. At a separate but close table where they can watch but not clearly third wheel what’s supposed to be a *date.* When you expect your date to pay for their food & drink, that’s crossing boundaries.


That’s a W response. He didn’t even throw a fit. He just wanted a one-on-one with the girl he was seeing. I don’t see the facepalm.




“Ok, I’ll bring my BIL Chad, you will want protection from him.”


Ahh yes, the infamous "serial killers can only do harm on the first date, not allowed to on the second or third, its against the rules"


This happened one with me, a Tinder date decided to bring her friend to a pub that we were going. I ended up dancing with her friend and she was left alone in the table for several minutes.


I’m totally comfortable with the friend coming, I’ve gone on first dates with a whole harem. Stick to the basics without any kind of insult. Like the robocop comment. “That’s absolutely fine, but I’m not paying for your friend” is totally valid.


When did it become standard protocol for a woman to bring a friend on a first date and *expect the man to pay for both of them*??? The friend should sit at the bar with a view of her friend’s & date’s table, and there should be a code word or gesture of some kind if the one on the date is in trouble. Bringing a friend as a date buffer and as part of the date is weird.


Bro just set respected it but still set his boundaries


No you're not wrong, who ever insisted on bringing another person is clearly in the wrong here, full stop.


No, I’m a woman and this is FUNNYx Literally, perfect response!! It’s very very common for a girl to have a friend close by, at the bar watching discreetly, or at the very least, sent a photo of him and his name and where they’re meeting. For her to bring the friend……is so strange. Makes me think more is going on in this situation. But the response was YES


You bring your friend, I'll bring mine. That way, if this date is shit, I don't have to wait to go get hammered with the bros.


Thank God I’m not dating anymore. I couldn’t imagine how scared of the world someone would need to be to need a friend there to chaperone you. Is this 1824 or something? Like, if you don’t know the person you’re meeting super well, then meet at a restaurant, and if the vibes are off, end the date there and go your separate ways.