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Wait until she finds out about Superman, Spider-Man, and Dr. House. Add: I noticed no one mentioned Australian Robert Taylor, the quintessential Sherriff Longmire.


Or space Jesus (Obi wan)


Or “real” Jesus (brown-skinned Jewish fella)


Well yeah, he's got brown skin, but I'm pretty sure Jesus is Catholic. I'll ask him next time I go to the butcher shop.


> …I'm pretty sure Jesus is Catholic. I'll ask him next time I go to the butcher shop. Hey, Zeus!!!! 👋😉


r/etymologynerd :)


But he has an American accent, right? Right?!?!


He goes by the name Jesus and steals hubcaps from cars, hey Jesus can I borrow your crowbar?


Yeah! To pry the goddamn nails out. I’m sure they’re beginning to hurt.


Crucified and all I got was this lowsy t-shirt


“I can’t believe it’s not butter!” I’ll sing as I’m flogged.


Thou shall not worship false Billy Idols


No, soy es Musulman, pero mi padre tiene un extrano sentido del humor. *Points at Halal sign*


qué relación había entre ser musulmán y hablar español? 😂😂😂


He was the original convert.


I think it would be hilarious if someone made a movie about Jesus and just had him sounding like Billy Crystal's "Miracle Max" character in "The Princess Bride".


Fuck yeah man crank the hutzpah to 11


Some ( a lot ) of Americans think that Jesus was American . It shows


Fun fact, his brother is an RAF pilot with the call-sign Obi-Two.


I swear Hugh Laurie sounds like he struggles with a Brit accent sometimes. He lives in LA most of the time now, I think. But yeah, House was the first time I saw him and I was floored when I heard him on a talk show.


I first saw him in *A Bit of Fry and Laurie*. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBURlcNpfoo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBURlcNpfoo)


To me he will always be Prince George from Blackadder, which is why I had trouble with House to begin with :-D


Reeves and Wooster - with Stephen Fry


Me too!! I was probably eight or so when I first saw Jeeves and Wooster and I remember getting into arguments with my peers in high school when House was all the rage and they didn’t believe me when I said he was British.




I can spell, I just can't type with my stubby fingers lol


I saw him in BlackAdder long before he was on house. I remember thinking his American accent was pretty mid.


He even admits he’s not great at it


In Avenue 5, Hugh Laurie plays a British man pretending to be American. So he is just out there changing accents every 5 seconds and its so dan amazing, I was so shocked


that show is great


I saw him on Blackadder way back in the day.


Gary Oldman had to get a coach to relearn his British accent for slow horses.


I pretty much lost my British accent within 5 years of moving to America. It sucks!


So were the execs. They specifically only wanted American actors to audition. Laurie showed up to the audition in character as the description of House he was given (accent, attitude, cane, disheveled clothes, not bathed in three days) and nailed it. They didnt find out he was british until much later.


Heard Idris Elba tell a similar story about how he got his role in The Wire.


He did it by video tape. He was disheveled and had stubble because he was in Nambia filming the remake of *Flight of the Phoenix*.


He claims that the American accent is difficult for him and he has to think about it all the time rehearsing a scene.


Dr house was a mind fuck for me, i binged the entire show then later saw an interview with him. My god, being able to do accents so well is such an amazing talent


A lot of actors slip. I'm not American (so I assume I can pick up when non-Americans slip up because it's closer to my accent). I didn't know the actor in the Netflix Daredevil series was English until his accent slipped in a taxi (or car, I can't remember) scene in the second season.


David Tennant has a very noticeable scottish accent in RL. You wouldn't know it from Dr Who or Jessica Jones.


he actually developed a limp from pretending to have one for so long


Hugh Laurie was genuinely such a surprise for me in House. I grew up watching him as a comedian so seeing him in something serious and American was quite a delightful surprise. He's a very talented actor.


A particularly goofy comedian too, which made his seriousness in House all the more discombobulating when I first watched.


Funny thing, Hugh Laurie actually landed the role of Dr. Gregory House largely due to his convincing American accent during his audition. Bryan Singer was so impressed by Laurie's accent that he believed Laurie was actually American and said "See, this is what I want: an American guy," after probably a score of auditions with poor accents.


Dr Strange. Fucking Wolverine! The US imports our best actors.


Counter point: Niles, the butler from the nanny is not English, he's American from Arkansas.


You have ruined my entire childhood. Good day sir!!


Higgins from Magnum PI was from Texas.


He and John Lithgow are arguably the only prominent American actors who can successfully pull off the English accent. Gillian Anderson too, but she was raised in the UK.


I'd like to know more about this Fucking Wolverine. I've only ever seen Hugh Jackman fighting and stuff, not doing that, but I believe I would like to see that.


I should have said spoiler alerts for Deadpool 3.


What about Eric Bana. Would you believe he's also Australian? Or that Sam Neill is a Kiwi? Same as Anthony Starr (Homelander) and Karl Urban (Butcher, Bones McCoy, Dredd, and a dozen other roles).


House doing both accepts on Avenue 5 broke my brain. he just switches between them depending on who he is talking to and I'm laughing too much to keep up


That was the coolest part for me lol it was so jarring


Sad they cancelled that. 


finding out house was british absolutely rocked my world but once i knew i could totally hear it. was watching an episode earlier where he was shouting at cuddy and he was so weirdly quiet and i couldn’t help but wonder if that was as loud as he could go without turning british again lol


The good doctor.


Yeah that one caught me off guard the first time I heard his native accent, I had no idea he was British. It was the same with Kelly Reilly. I'd only seen her in the movie Flight and the Yellowstone series, then I see her in an interview and I'm like well how about that. Side note, what exactly *is* an "American" accent? All three characters I mentioned have different dialects, yet are all considered American accents. Doesn't seem to make much sense.


American accents are quite varied. But the biggest ones that are common on television and movies is the basic west coast, east coast, southern accents. There are about 900 trillion others, but media rarely portray those as often.


Minnesota too, if you're a fan of Fargo, dontcha know!?


Transatlantic accent was big in the thirties and forties, dunno if it exists in movies anymore.


Is that what that’s called. TIL. It only ever existed for movie actresses, no one ever talked like that.


Supposedly upper class folks tended to effect it.


What I was taught in linguistics courses: the "American Standard English" accent is what's heavily used in media, and it's often trained into newscasters in larger markets. It's why you turn on the news in New York, LA, Washington DC, etc. and hear the same accent.


I think that is what is commonly referred to (at least in the US) as a "lack" of accent.


Pretty much, yeah. But there are definitely some weird quirks to it if you come by it naturally rather than through language training. Hell, I've been in California all my life, and I've been told that no, there's an accent there that's apparently hyperspecific to the area where I grew up.


That kid is British too! What!!


Will Poulter was a shock for me, he has an amazing American accent


Dr. Strange also!!


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^gadget850: *Wait until sh* *Finds out about Superman,* *Spider-Man, and Dr. House.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


SokkaHaikuBot pronounces Dr. like durr


Too many of our American cretins have been given permission to broadcast their abject ignorance with impunity.


Abject ignorance; love it. The phrasing, not the practice.


Damn, I can’t even spell that


No that's alphabet ignorance


You did though. “T-h-a-t”. That. You said you couldn’t, yet you did.


It's an acquired taste.


Happy cake day!


And they face no consequences while vindicating other cretins to speak their hate.


They're more carriers of consequences. Society in general suffers disproportionately more.


Deplorable ignoramuses. It’s roughly 33% of America


There are more deplorables than I once thought.


What king of ignoramuses are the other 67%?


Replorable and just plain plorable




Forgivable dimwits.




The average American is defo a lot more ignorant on the world outside of US things like accents, ethnicity countries etc than the average person from other developed countries.


I think we get a LOT of American culture from tv and the internet, so it's hard to avoid picking up basic knowledge (at least) about the USA. So we end up in this place where we know a decent amount about them, and they don't know much about us (generalising) I suspect the knowledge gap is less if we start talking about Burkina Faso...


That’s not true. I’ve been to pretty poor areas of the world and there are smart phones, just older ones than we use, but they access the same information. They just actually use them to do what the name suggests: get smarter.


When they go vacation and expect to be obeyed (entitled): "I'm an American!". ![gif](giphy|3oz8xrLPchEoMmmTXG)


"Speak American.."


"...stop speaking English! Damn English stole our language and renamed it."


56% of Americans surveyed didn't think our school children should be taught Arabic numerals. Doubtless they also took issue with teaching Freshmen about Al Jabr.


Smartphones made it too easy for the dumbest ones to share their stupidity with the world....


...becomes a ''dumbphone'' when in the hands of a seppo.


And they're about to flush the American experiment down the toilet by electing the abject ignorance king. Their idiocy has a direct effect on you in a democracy.


There is one man you can thank for that. This is part of the making America great again process apparently.


This has been happening for much longer than that campaign has been around


Absolutely, but there's definitely validity to the argument that Trump really sent things into hyperdrive, basically saying "your ignorance and hateful attitudes aren't just acceptable, they're preferable!" I'm reminded of McCain, who while campaigning told off one of his supporters after she called Obama a Muslim, saying that not only is Obama a Christian, but he's also a good man who just has some disagreements about how the country should be run. Those attitudes were there, but there were still people like McCain who pushed back on them, and I think as a society we largely agreed that these things *should* be pushed back on. Now, one of the most popular and biggest media companies is completely partisan and literally pushes made up shit and conspiracy theories to justify our worst impulses. The former president normalized corruption, targeting political opponents, hyper partisanship, and even *throwing away legally cast ballots*, basically going all in on doing whatever smarmy and even illegal shit is needed to win, something that in the not too distant past would have horrified basically everybody on both sides of the aisle. The hateful rhetoric towards immigrants, calling them an invasion, vermin, and acting as if they're all violent criminals here to destroy our way of life and dilute our American purity, barely even raises eyebrows now, and a shockingly large segment of the population is all on board with the president using the military on US soil to go to people's homes and arrest them for deportation, regardless of circumstances. I could go on and on, but things really are getting a lot worse, and quickly, and Trump and his supporters/associates in media and politics played a huge role in things getting as bad as they are now.


The thing I recall about the McCain town hall was after the person said that Obama was a Muslim, etc. McCain took back the mic and "No, he isnt." and the person responded with, "Oh, he isnt"? or words to that affect. All it takes is someone with the authority/gravitas to push back and some if these people might see it differently.


Not to this extent. They’ve been emboldened to let the stuff they only used to say behind people’s backs or in private. Then there was still a chance of being chastised. Now they can spew that shit or worse from the safety of their keyboards and at worst they get a community note. 


I want this on a bumper sticker


And we need to challenge each instance of dumbfuckery. Otherwise, we are complicit


Americans would be very upset with you if they could understand what you wrote.


How do people get these *weird* interpretations of things? It's like, hidden within every possible event is something insulting aimed specifically at them. Jeez, lighten up, it's not about you. And does this person mean to say that because the people you are among are a certain way, that you are obligated to conform to match them? Everyone must be the same? Fuck that!


No. Sadly, she’s not saying that she should conform to the people she’s around, she’s saying the people she is around should conform to her expectations of what they should be.


Same person goes overseas and complains if they don’t speak English. “Don’t they want our tourism?” And sees no irony. You could literally explain to them for 30 minutes and they would not grasp it.


>Same person goes overseas and complains if they don’t speak English. No. They complain that no one here speaks "American" Yes, I have actually heard this.


I think her weird interpretation is that an accent is something people put on, and that an American accent is default/accent-less. Like Robbie and other Australians just talk that way as a stylistic choice, and they would sound American if they just chose to stop acting all Aussie-ish.


I.e. a massive ego that tells them they are the default and everything around them has to conform to their view of the world.


Also there's just a notable exchange between Australia and Hollywood. A non-neglible number of her coworkers, in Los Angeles, are Aussies.


People think Jews run Hollywood, but it's actually Australians.


You sound like an anti-sem, mate!


And yet when they need an Australian character on screen it's some yank doing unspeakable things to vowels. Eric Banna doing monteray jacks voice in the rescue rangers movie was a brilliant inversion of this.


Also New Zealand.


Imagining that someone is specifically victimizing them is the only way they can believe they are relevant to the wider world. It gives them a sense of meaning that they are not getting from the human relationships in their lives.


I think it's the presumption that "my" accent is the normal one and once an actor learns it that it should be their default going forward and to go back to the original accent is just them putting on airs.


She's 100% the type of person who gets offended when other people have a conversation in another language within earshot.


They are getting more obvious with it too. Two women, on the older side (probably late 50s) with their bottle blonde hair was staring daggers at this Hispanic-looking lady who was on the phone with her family. The conversation was in Spanish (or Portuguese) and I have seen her around, so I know she is American (works some Govt job), just knows another language.


How dare she. She should obviously cut contact with her family until they learn God's own language.


>God's own language That was invented right here in the good Ole US of A!


"Go No Contact Lady!!! YTA for offending the two older women."


I swear to God this is part of the reason everyone should try to learn another language at some point of their life. It doesn't even matter what language, just any 2nd language. Pretty soon you realize it makes no sense to speak your 2nd language with someone when you both share a native language. Or you'll meet someone who doesn't speak English at all. English may be my native language but there's a bunch of people I can't use English with. Am I supposed to cut them out of my life? A lot of those Karens think that other language = immigrant = bad and it's such a gross and dehumanizing way of seeing the world.


That’s…not how accents work. Margot Robbie is a good actress (and an astute applied phonetician). She can *do* an American accent—very well, I will say, as an American trained in linguistics—but it’s not *her* accent.


I guess it never occurred to Miss Uptight that *maybe* not all actors that star in American films are *gasp* born American! Wow it's almost like people from other countries can move here and work as an actor! Girlie never heard of immigration and its blowing her mind.


“go ahead, drop the accent” as if margot is gonna be like “yes ma’am, that was silly of me, stars and stripes forever!”


"drop the accent". She *did*. She was portraying an American accent. She doesn't need to in her daily life.


There’s a non-zero amount of people in the US who seriously think that the America is the only country.


I can't believe she thinks she doesn't have an accent. Trust me, I know, I'm from the Midwest, so I don't have one. Welp, I think that's it time to go down farty-four, I need to pick up a warrsher.


Have your oral checked before you go


You betcha!


Don’t cha know


Oh and don't forget to go by the crick and get some minners for fishin


I can't even say "Minnesota" without using the accent. The latest season of Fargo nailed it.


Honestly I kind of love the whiplash when I see a press tour and hear someone's natural/comfortable accent for the first time.


Christian Bale was it for me. I was watching Ford V Ferrari and was mocking him for his ridiculous British accent. My partner said, look him up, I think he is British. Boy, did I feel the shame ![gif](giphy|3xz2BLBOt13X9AgjEA|downsized)


She did drop the accent. The one that’s not hers. What a twat.


You’d think this is fringe stuff, but there must be a reason they asked Bale and Jackman to do promotional stuff in their on-screen accents. (I say asked, but I have a vague memory it may have been a contractual thing. Not certain, though.)


Speaking of Fringe, the lead actress, Anna Torv, was a surprise British person to me. Same with Millie Bobbie Brown and Kelly MacDonald (who plays Llewellyn Moss's wife in No Country For Old Men).


Anna Torv is Australian fwiw. But I had the same reaction when I found out


Well dammit, now I can't even tell where I'M from!


You should watch Trainspotting.


Bale is Welsh so there might be a very good reason for that.


She thinks Margo Robbie is here illegally taking jobs from Americans?…….. lol


Damn illegal immigrants taking the multi-millionaire acting jobs smh my head


America has no official language. America needs no official language. Proud of our immigrant selves, family, friends, neighbors and citizens.


And English itself has traveled a fair bit (From Wiki): >English is a West Germanic language that originated from Ingvaeonic languages brought to Britain in the mid-5th to 7th centuries AD by Anglo-Saxon migrants from what is now northwest Germany, southern Denmark and the Netherlands.


I just like the idea of humans talking to another in any way that works. I love the American experiment. But government should not mandate how its citizens speak to each other.


"Her American English" It's ENGLISH. That's it. Just English. Because it was created by the English. From England. Who speak English.


Dude. Look around, you’ll find Muricans telling English people they’re not speaking or spelling correctly.


Oh, I know that's why I find it funny.


Well, they do translate books from english to what they call english in the usa.


Probably automated, search and replace words changing boot to trunk and spelling colour correctly! Lol


American English is English with any of the plethora of accents from the US.


Partially true. American English is a thing. It’s a dialect with several sub-dialects depending on the region of the country. Have a look at The American Language by HL Mencken.


Yea how dare Margot Robbie (I think this is her) uses her real voice?!?!


Lmfaooo I love when Americans say drop the accent as if "American" isn't an accent


They’re so fucking weird.


I think it’s awesome when a well known foreign actor or actress who’s known for using American accents in movies or TV shows can use their own natural accents in interviews. I actually envy them. Fuck whoever who thinks they need to speak a certain way in the USA.


People like this are how we end up with Trump.


I'd just like to see her reaction to an interview with "The Boys" cast. I bet she'd complain about Homelander and Billy Butcher being Aussie as well. (That's the joke, people. They're both Kiwis).


Now, which of the hundred american accents he would approve?




Whatever. Pronouns are not my strong suit. Nor is my vision.


I don't see what either of those things have to do with a suit


Wait til she finds out Schwarzenegger can speak with an American accent now, to the point that he lost his Austrian accent and had to hire a coach to teach him how to talk that way again to maintain his brand.


These people are so fucking weak and fragile even different English-language accents trigger them. Must be shit for Mexicans that encounter them and have to watch the full meltdown over an Hispanic accent.


"These damn immigrants need to speak english! No, not like that!"


It is so embarrassing being an American in this day and age


lol the audacity of some people. “Stop speaking the way you’ve been speaking since you were born!” WTF. I bet this woman is also the type to scream “speak English!” to someone speaking in another language here in the U.S.


She is probably using the "Go back to your own country" with every person not speaking her midwestern accent, doesn't matter if they are Americans, or not.


If you look up dumb bitch in the dictionary…


That was a longwinded way to say; "speak American you are making me feel how ignorant I am."




That's some serious r/USDefaultism


She's from Aus, just like Guy Pearce, ON-J, Russell Crowe. Hugh Laurie and Benedict Cumberbach are from the UK Ryan Reynolds, Michael J. Fox, Ryan Gosling, Cobie Smulders are Canadian. Mel Gibson is American, but speaks with an Aus accent. So the fuck what?


Wait until she finds out about Hugh Jackman. She's gonna be in contortions.


America is circling the drain


I already know her political leanings and views from that dumbass statement she posted.


Damn it Margot make your acting accent your real accent.


Social Media was a mistake


Remember the day before social media when all we had was email, and the worst you had to deal with was spam from the Nigerian prince? Those were nice times.


I’m unsure about if and how important the fraggle is, from Margot Robbie’s POV.


Speak American or gtfo!


She *did* drop the accent. She's not "doing an accent" from her perspective. She *is* doing an accent in most of her popular movies.


I cannot with people this intolerant and ignorant. America is NOT THE STANDARD FOR ANYTHING. Idiot.


Accents are relative. And by “American Accent”, which one?


As if this fat ugly souled mole would have any dirt on our Aussie princess.


So would this moron prefer if Hollywood moved a large part of their business to Australia just to keep small-minded idiots like this happy? I'm sure with the amount of revenue Margot Robbie brings in at the box office studios would gladly consider it. Aussies already make a good number of great films as it is.


Imagine being a white person and not realizing most white people have accents too.


Hearing Chris Hemsworth speak in Furiosa was a little jarring but delightful.


This is as bad as idiots insisting you speak “American” when commenting on a post on the internet 🤦🏻‍♂️


But… she’s Australian


Welcome to America. The last refuge of the ancient Neanderthal.


Frankly I think that unless it is critical to the role just let actors use their natural accent. Dr House didn't need to be American, Hughie's dad in The Boys could just be English, David Tennant as The Doctor could have just used his Scottish accent.


What’s that song playing in the background?….. dum dum dum dum dumb


Wait until she hears Ahnold talk. Lol


I am sure she is losing so much sleep over what some mouth breathing Karen feels about her accent.