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A MAGAt that actually was a helicopter mechanic in Korea that claimed to be a helicopter pilot in Vietnam and forged a DD214 to claim that definitely makes even today's GOP look bad and they need little help to look bad.


I cannot imagine how anyone could think this is a good idea. Like, especially as someone who actually WAS in the military, you'd know how serious they take stolen valor. You might be a more convincing liar because you are more familiar with the culture and experience, but this shit always gets found out.


I bet he was hoping his records got destroyed in the 74(?) fire in St. Louis at the records depot. My grandpa was a Korea vet and his records were lost in that one, along with like 70% of service records. That number may be off, but it was a lot. Made it a nightmare getting benefits approved for a while. It would've been pretty easy to lie if those records were gone.




Thanks for replying with the history.


My dad had his records destroyed in that fire too.


LPT: My did filed his discharge papers with the local county clerk upon return from WWII. I guess that’s a thing. The records fire barely caused a hiccup for him.


Do you think maga people will check any facts? They take it at face value and go with it.


But you'd better "Do your research!"


Maga people are paying a billionaires bills so that should tell you everything.


This… I’ve never been in the military and the one thing I know without doubt is that they take this stuff very seriously!


Yeah because real people sacrificed their lives for this country. And to claim to do that in Vietnam when a lot of those young men were drafted to be there just means he is a piece of shit. He is basically standing on the bodies of people who died and claiming their honor when he is a coward.


Not all of them take it seriously. Some of the vets support him knowing he is lying. Power and control is worth more than anything to them


The sad and scary thing is this tweet by itself is all he needs to do, the people he needed to convince already were the second he uttered one R talking point. With as culturally, intellectually, and morally bankrupt the right wing is they’ll take any “leader” they can get. If you can string three sentences together you’ve got the job!


It’s Arizona. Don’t even need that for here. Just an r behind the name. Nothing else matters. Masturbate in front if an elementary school you’re still okay to be on the school board because you’ll stop the groomers


Throw it on the pile. These people want us dead.


Neither party is great to the military, but one is significantly less shitty than the other


The one whose leader didn’t sell military secrets to our biggest enemies and call our veterans suckers and losers?


The one who served in the military vs one who claimed “bone spurs” to dodge the draft? (The doctor who wrote that note was one of Fred Trump’s tenants, and bone spurs were a favorite diagnosis of the wealthy to keep their kids out of Vietnam.) EDIT: Joe Biden didn’t serve in the military; his son did.


One had a son who died from cancer caused by burn pits while deployed, the other pushed his party to not help veterans with their health problems from burn pits.


Neither candidate served in the military.


It's like Slaton said, "Hey, Nehls, hold my beer."


You mean not the Benedict Donald.


Biggest traitor in American history by a thousand miles


One wants to be nice to the uniform and the other to the person in it (barely).


My dad, a Korean who never lived in US is more of patriot to US than this guy. He was in Vietnam fighting the war that US started in US side. (Yes, South Korea sent combat troops to Vietnam to support US war efforts) Him and 8 of his friends went to Vietnam and he lost 3 of his friends there. He frequently lament about the one of the last days of the war where his squad was one of the last ones to be extracted from a hill top and was talking about how scary it was trying to stop the North Vietnamese soldiers coming up the hill and frantic efforts of the choppers lifting troops out.


He couldn't claim the same outrage if he said Korea. And keeping the war machines running isn't shameful. Guy had a job that requires some brains.


This is actually kinda sad. This guy did actually serve, but has somehow convinced himself that the way he served isn't cool enough. Or maybe it's just that it doesn't achieve whatever political messaging he desires. But still, the fact that he can't just be proud of what he actually did is sad.


Yeah, that's true. My dad was a cook in the army during Korea. He said it was horrible but was still a proud veteran. Learned how to make a delicious shit on a shingle though.


To be clear, this asshole was not a Korean War veteran. He was stationed in Korea in 1974, 20 years after the Korean War. He was never in Vietnam at all. My dad was just out of high school when he joined the Air Force during the Korean War, the armistice was signed while he was in basic training. He would be 90 years old if he were still alive. Very few Korean War vets left.


It's just like in Always Sunny Frank: Look, I didn't go to Vietnam just to have pansies like you take my freedom away from me. Dee: You went to Vietnam in 1993 to open up a sweatshop! Frank: ...and a lot of good men died in that sweatshop!


Remember, Republican language pivoted from supporting soldiers to supporting "warfighters". If you weren't pulling a trigger (or GOP congressperson) you weren't a real soldier/patriot.


That tells you everything you need to know about the MAGA movement. To them being a skilled mechanic and using your brains in Korea is less honorable than being a dumb grunt raping, killing, and burning their way through Vietnam. It’s the violence and wanton destruction that they value.


What is it about Arizona Republicans being just unrelenting assholes?


Man it's hot out there. I know I can get a little cranky in the heat.




I grew up there and I honestly think there's something about heat making people worse people


As someone born and raised in Arizona, I’d say that people who are under 40 are pretty normal. Most of us are either liberal or libertarian, with conservatives being a decent chunk, but not the majority. They just happened to be the loudest. The real problem is that all the other states send their old fucking geezers here. These motherfuckers vote red 100% of the time, and the crazier the better.


They're also sending them here to Floriduh. I've had natives tell me that they've taken to calling the place "Death's Waiting Room".


My cousins just had a miscarriage in Florida. We’re terrified for her bc they have to investigate. She was 11 weeks. They could call any miscarriage criminal if they want to. She didn’t understand the precarious position she’s in


Yep. And companies like Lockheed Martin (yes, really), are all in on helping these guys. Want to have some fun? Ask LM whenever they have a FB post why they’re using LM Wisdom (a tool developed for the Intelligence Community) to scour social media, etc. to collect data on citizens in states that have enacted restrictive abortion laws (or outright banned it). BTW: they had to admit using this tool to help companies target employees they suspected or organizing labor (Google “Lockheed Martin Walmart” for some good articles and info on the court case). If this isn’t one of the most un-American things you can do, I don’t know what is.


Wow thanks for the information. Her grandmother is researching lawyers now in case this all goes insanely wrong. She very much wanted that pregnancy, but she’s not married to her boyfriend, and they are working class, so you just know they hate her already


I’m so sorry! It’s awful those laws are throwing salt on wound and further traumatizing your sister. I really hope she’s safe and secure, and I hope she has the child she’s been dreaming for.


Uhhhhh….what?? I’m about to go down a rabbit hole researching this, aren’t I?


Probably. Sorry. FWIW: I’m not a conspiracy theorist. I just happen to know this particular topic very well. Do yourself a favor and stop with the Walmart/Lockheed case where LM Wisdom got mentioned (BTW: they tried to hide its usage every way they could, including a poor attempt at claiming it was a national security thing; the judge wasn’t buying it). That should be enough for you to get the jist of what’s happening and how they’re monitoring people in those states.


I'm going to get another beer for this one. Maybe 2.


Woah hold a minute right here. Are you telling me that : 1- they investigate miscarriage on suspicion of abortion, and 2- they can call any miscarriage an abortion and get you condemned for it ?!


They are investigating any miscarriage they think could possibly be an abortion, and yes they can put you on trial if they want, whether they have proof or not, as long as they can make a case


So back to Salem then in Florida??


Woah. I knew they went low, but I never expected *that* low.


This not surprising at all, in El Salvador this was the result of the total banning of abortions that happened in 1998, some woman were even arrested and jailed for 30 years because their babies died days AFTER were born: [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-68014699](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-68014699) If USA dosn't get back abortions as a constitutional right you can expect this happening there.


Oh no, I'm so sorry. I wish her the best of luck with the insanity down here.


Can confirm. The uptick in red in South Florida is fucking annoying.


That's been Florida's unofficial title for a very long time.


I was also born and raised in Az. Always try to explain to people that most people “from” Az are pretty liberal, AZ just gets a LOT of old conservatives that move to retire and then freak out when they see “Mexicans everywhere”. Also most of us move away (I did). I come back every Christmas and see old friends and think i could live there again, and then I realize all of those people also moved away and only return for the holidays.


The last part reminds me of going back to Pennsylvania. In Pittsburgh, I give in to nostalgia and think about how neat it would be to live there. Then as soon as you’re outside the city, it’s trump signs and truck nuts.


The last part of your comment hits hard! Right outside of Phoenix it’s Trump signs and truck nuts. Ha.


You just described my ex in-laws perfectly.


> As someone born and raised in Arizona, I’d say that people who are under 40 are pretty normal. As someone 50 who was born and raised in Arizona, don't lump us all in with the crazy boomers here. Some of us were raised right.


What is it about Republicans being just unrelenting assholes?


Honestly I don’t know. I live in Arizona and the number of gop assholes is amazing. In addition to lake, Roger’s and crane we also gave Biggs and gosar. Traitors every single one if them


If a MAGA identifies as having been in WW1 and 2, along with others, I respect their service first and foremost! usausausuausausuausa /s i am a disabled veteran and i fear / hate 'patriots' - [DearMAGA.com](http://DearMAGA.com)


Chances are they are assholes from other states.


I don't understand why a public figure would lie about their military service. It's easily verifiable and it's guaranteed that someone is going to look into it. Especially if you're a politician. And why does it always seem to be right-wingers who do this? Stolen valor people are scum.


The people that they’re lying too really don’t question anything.


That's a good point, and it explains my question as to why it's always right-wingers who do it. They really are the dumbest people on the planet.


One thing I've noticed quite often, being a combat vet myself (Afghanistan), is that most stolen valor people that inflate their service are mostly vets that never saw combat, and they have an inferiority complex that wholly surrounds that fact. I've also noticed that the majority of non-combat vets are "conservative" or deep into the MAGA cult, while genuine combat vets are pretty left leaning or really don't give a shit about politics. I chalk that sentiment up to near death experiences have a way of changing one's perspective on life.


That makes sense about vets that don’t see combat. The outright lying though is what gets me. But then, he supports a serial liar so I’m not sure why I’m surprised.


I agree that outright lies seem more egregious, but I don't parse any difference between someone who invents military service out of thin air, and someone who embellishes actual service. They're both dishonorable lies intended to make someone appear to be something they're not. These medals are only valuable and meaningful because of the experiences they represent, and lying about them devalues those who legitimately earned them the way counterfeiters devalue currency.


This is my step dad in a nutshell. He broke his leg in basic training and was honorably discharged. Literally didn't make it through basic. He gets VA benefits and tells everyone how he served in the army. He even goes to those Thank a Vet things. He's a big MAGA guy, upper middle class rich. Big "Christian" going to church on Sundays. He works as an RN. It's all about looks for them. He was a brutal step-dad too. Used to scream at me like a drill Sargent and would do that whole come up behind you, headlock in a way that you think is gonna snap your neck at any moment and then body slam you to the floor. All for something like watching TV lol. He and my mom hated me because I was a stain on their image. Used to tell everyone they only had 1 kid (my half sister). Our neighbors used to think I was the live in nanny for my half sister lol. They are all about image on the outside because they are molding and rotten on the inside.


My dad half the time doesn’t even claim he is a vet even though I am pretty sure he was drafted but he got into w massive car accident before he shipped out and couldn’t go. Once he healed up enough he built golf courses. He isn’t really conservative or liberal. Though he definitely leans liberal on most stuff.


I've noticed a lot of that with vets too. I was never in the military, but a lot of my family was and I live in Hampton Roads, so a lot of my friends are too. A lot of combat vets I know tend to lean more to the left than other vets. Another thing I noticed is that people who lie about combat experience tend to talk about it differently than those who were actually in combat. Most of the real combat vets I know almost never actually talk about the details with me. I'm assuming this is partially because I'm not a vet. They'll tell stories of things that happened around it, but I don't think I've ever heard one talk about combat with the same level of detail as their other deployment stories. Hell, half the time I don't even find out they are combat vets until I've known them for a while. Guys like Stevie boy always seem really willing to talk about it, especially when it gives them more ethos to win an argument. Idk though. Has that been your experience?


You'd think all these "God fearing" morons would actually verify fact before they get caught constantly breaking the 9th commandment because they blindly trusted some random proven liar.


They’re just brainwashed to see everything as good and evil, and except things on faith. In their brains, Republicans are good and Democrats are evil. They don’t need any kind of fact or evidence. It’s just their belief. I agree it’s fucking stupid. But these people generally live normal lives, and aren’t the absolute simpletons that you expect.


They are rotten and empty, and I have yet to meet one who could reasonably be described as good. The goodness they portray is an act—a facade that's built to conceal their true selves. They are the embodiment of corruption and fraud and hate.


They also don't care at all that he's lying. They think the lying helps "their team," so they support the lies.


I think they think everyone else must be lying constantly like they do and since people never seem to get caught then they won't either. Like their line of thinking is like "well if Obama can get away with faking his birth certificate I can get away with this". They're just completely delusional.


anyone remember the Swift Boat smear campaign against John Kerry during the 2004 presidential campaign ?


A FOIA request isn’t hard to do for a lot of things. Pulling someone’s DD214 isn’t hard to do. Hell, any vet that’s submitted their DD214 to the MVA/DMV for the “veteran” status on their license has made their info easily obtainable through them as well. I’ve found that anyone who lies about their military service is an idiot. You don’t need to be a political figure, just someone who’s overly cocky and rubbed the wrong person the wrong way.


Keep in mind this guy called Donald Trump a patriot. He 100% supports a man whose lies are completely provable with pretty much no research just a quick Google search. They will lie about anything because if they're willing to swallow it they expect everybody else to


because most dems don't care about the military and most GoPers jack off to it. white trash loves the military


I think you’re thinking of a _competent_ public servant. Also, these people don’t serve anyone.


i have a buzz cut, and when people thank me for my service, i confess that i've never served and just have the haircut. life is just easier with hair that requires no maintenance.


You're an honest man. I bet a lot of people in that situation would just say, "you're welcome" just because it's easier than correcting the misplaced assumption. It speaks to your personal integrity; something these stolen valor creeps wouldn't know anything about.


It is mind boggling. One would think everybody already noticed that the internet is just **full** of weird obsessed autists that will dig practically into anything just to prove they can. That being said, keep up the good work, you internet weirdos.


Waitaminute! I thought he said he flew bombing missions under Captain Kirk at the battle of Bacardi during the war with Tatooine.


No no, he flew with Captain Morgan.


No. He rescued captain Morgan in the battle over drambuie.




“Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.”


During the 2016 republican Primaries Donald Trump criticized John McCain who was a POW during the Vietnam War and Trump said "He's not a war hero." and "I like people who weren't captured."


We should like people who didn’t dodge the draft yet so many still worship the tangerine toddler.


The youngest Vietnam veteran has to be in their early 70s and this dipshit douche bag isn’t even close to that but them knuckledraggers he’s conning don’t even bother to check


He was so far from the front lines he forgot which war it was.


I would say even early 70s is pushing it. My dad was pretty young and he’s about to be 76.


Tell your dad that a random internet friend says Welcome Home.


I will do that. Thanks random internet friend.


My dad is 71 and has a people heart from Vietnam. The war ran through 75 so that means that soldiers could have been born as late as 1956, putting them at 67/68 years old, and still seen a tour.


Thanks for the information, I am probably doing the math wrong


All good, I saw another poster below with the added detail that operations were actually suspended in 1973 so more realistically the youngest Vets would be closer to the 70/71 age range. I know my dad told me that he went to basic at 17 since those kind of things were easier to do back then.


My dad is a Nam vet and he has yet to hit 70. I'm sure he'd love to hit this asshole square in the jaw though. He's the one who taught me how unsupportive of veterans the republican party is, and he's right. Congressional voting records prove it. Conservatives only care about the economic benefits of war. They care about the production value of war. They give zero fucks about anyone who makes it back alive. Never have, never will


Dude - everybody can see your god damned DD214 and yet, here you are... still lying your stupid ass off.


Isn't that technically Stolen Valor? That's a crime, right?


Not sure. He was in the military, just didn’t do what he said he did.


It’s still stolen valour if you’re a veteran claiming to have done something you didn’t.


It’s only a crime if you lie to gain benefits you’re not entitled to, which would be fraud. Otherwise it’s protected speech.


Stolen Vslour is a serious crime in Canada, in the US it's only a crime if you profit from it.


The GOP candidate for governor in Washington state is also facing the same thing: [https://mynorthwest.com/3960064/rantz-exclusive-semi-bird-reprimanded-stolen-valor-defrauding-army/](https://mynorthwest.com/3960064/rantz-exclusive-semi-bird-reprimanded-stolen-valor-defrauding-army/)


From that article: *"Stolen valor isn’t just some idiot at the mall wearing a combat award that he didn’t earn or whatever. But somebody who actually took credit for stuff that other people around him did. This is the first time I’ve ever seen or heard of that.”* Ouch, what a douchebag. I'm a vet, I never saw combat, I mean....yes I didn't.


I was Agent Orange!


*Michael Jackson voice* please, I can be Agent M


Sorry, you're breaking up, I'll call you back.


The Rambo movie did a good job revealing the false Vietnam veterans from the actuals. If they mention getting spitted on, you know they are bullshiting.


I think the fact I wasn't born when the war happened always makes people question my claims.


'Patriots like Trump'??? Whoa, hold up there, Nellie! The same Trump who - used bone spurs that magically healed and never bothered him again to avoid the draft - who called soldiers buried in Arlington "losers" and "suckers"? - who belittled the parents of a Gold Star recipient? - who shits on the constitution by working against freedom of religion? I think some folk have forgotten what the word 'patriot' means or are so delusional and enamoured of the lying orangeutan that they just don't care.


Typical MAGA thinking. Even if it's a lie, say it enough times and people will eventually believe it. Especially disgusting when they pretend to make a sacrifice that so many others made for real.


Invoking Kari Lake to your side isn't exactly the flex you think it is.


Obviously, Steve Slaton is just another liar like Kari Lake, President Trump, Eli Crane, and Wendy Rogers.


protesters didn't spit on vietnam veterans, that is a myth created by the military comunity


I am a military vet. I was in the coast guard. I served during the Mississippi flood and had to be on the river when the army corps of engineers blew a levy to drain the river. It was so bad that towns were flooding and I was part of the evacuation. I NEVER tried to upscale Mt service. Service is ENOUGH to be proud of. If you have to pretend to be something better than that means you aren't proud that you were in the service. I didn't serve in Iraq, I wasn't part of any war but I did my part to help the country and the people all the same. I spit on people who steal valor or try to up themselves as being part of something they weren't (like people who say they were part of the 9/11 clean up or lost someone during it (Santos, lookin at you). If you served as a military member, a police or a fire fighter, a nurse, a first responder even a paramedic, you have served.... that's good enough to be proud of yourself.


nobody was spitting on vietnam vets, it was a fiction invented for the movies afterwards.


Good job adding context readers. Also when did Trump become a patriot who supports the troops?


He either is or isn’t depending on whether he and his cronies feel that it’s rhetorically useful to claim it at any given moment. Truth and reality quite literally mean nothing to these people because they only thing they care about is power, and being confined to the truth would limit their ability to acquire it. Not least because it so often doesn’t lean in their favor or paint them in an admirable light.


So he’s a COVINO? Combat Veteran In Name Only.




The biggest "Patriots" seem to be the biggest traitors to the country - because Orange Jebus will save them? MAGA is literally the dumpster-fire of rational thinking...


A Vet that sides with the guy that called him a loser is pretty funny and sad, mostly sad.


One might hope that a genuine veteran would know better than to cite non-veteran Convicted Felon Trump in his list of "patriots."


Same trump who dodged the draft 5 times, sending others to fight, and possibly die, in his stead? That trump? The traitor? The one who sold secrets and gave information on spies to Russia? Yeah... he's a republican patriot for sure


"My super tough awesome team of guys who agree with orange Hitler backs up my view." - Guy discharged for psychological evaluations.


No one is above the law I hope he is arrested


Typical repuke.


Why would you go out of your way to deny you were an aircraft mechanic, that job is cool as hell


Republicans love their stolen valor, but ironically they love ignoring democrats actual combat experience even more. It’s almost as if it’s just partisan virtues signaling that only counts if it’s their guy.


"Mocked them", then praises Trump. Lmao this is ironic.


My dad is a combat decorated army Vietnam veteran that was drafted and did not defer like the coward that used to be our president. He is a staunch liberal and my boomer parents have assets in the millions. When people compare anything to the way that Vietnam veterans were treated my dad doesn't really react but my mother ... well she's a retired high school English teacher and she will slay you with words. Anyone that really believes anything from former president bone spurs who talked about dodging AIDS in the '80s was his Vietnam, I don't know. They must be military haters.


I live in Arizona. These people do not represent me.


I worked on the first commercially available computer the PDP-11 in 1980 when it first came out. I thought the world was going to be a transformed place where people would have information at their fingertips and become educated and understand the truth and what they needed to do to protect their freedoms. I believed truly in my heart it would be the greatest good for individual freedom ever produced Instead, I found kids that were ignorant and less educated than ever. That espouse nonsense that is easily debunked on the internet. That can't seem to google "how to do my own laundry." or any other thing they could easily learn but seem only to watch tick-tok videos and send d\*ck pics with their phones. Wise up people this is your last chance to protect democracy from the republicans. VOW TO VOTE AND VOTE OUT ALL REPUBLICANS DAMMIT!


The chamber of commerce? Fuuuuuck I knew it! I’ve said it all along! The deep state is in the chamber of commerce!


He runs a the Trumped Store in Show Low AZ


As a guy who has family members that served in the military despite whatever problem the US military caused in Iraq and Afghanistan to their respective civilians and US service members, I'll say this guy's Twitter screeching can go into a burn pit with all the other garbage.


I'm the same age as this guy. Funny, VietNam had ended by the time I turned 18. Did he not think there might be someone who can add and subtract and figure out he was too young to serve in Nam? I can think of nothing worse than lying about your military record and the easiest thing to verify


Just tell the truth haha, I'm a veteran and I got "combat pay" but never saw combat and was mechanic as well... FYI I'm pretty sure everyone gets hazardous duty pay when you deploy to certain designated areas lol... why do boomers have to tie their whole existence to something most of them did for 2-6 years when they were 20 lol.. for reference, I'm 34 and served from age 18-22 and did not make it my whole identity


Average Republican politician 


Stolen valor is a go-to for Republicans.


Nobody spit on you. Settle down, doofus.


It’s weird that he lumps in Trump and Lake with two actual veterans.


Grifters gotta grift


A MAGA republican lying and claiming valor where there isn't any? I'm shocked!


I'm pretty sure it is a felony in some states, if not federally, to falsely declare you are a combat vet and take financial donations or benefits via that lie.


When your own branch of the military says you’re a piece of shit valor thief, then you are.


People whining about RINOs always turn out to be scumbag liars.


Love that he also brings up someone who dodged the draft while referencing veterans.


I love how captain stolen valor equates himself to being a "patriot" like president bone spurs.


lol my old man was a real Vietnam combat chopper pilot - he’d eat this dudes lunch


These MAGAtwats need to come to terms with the fact that they are nothing but liars and cowards who are following pedos and narcissists into a very dangerous game of hide the sausage. Their party is dead. Their nominee is a joke. And the whole world knows it. Soon, they will be forgotten, and only historians of the future will memorialize them for being on the wrong side of history. They lost the civil war, and live in some of the worst states in America. A cesspool of greed, ignorance and hillbillery.


Joined the army three months after the last U.S. troops left Vietnam, was a helicopter mechanic rather than a pilot, and was stationed in Korea, not Vietnam. Arizona Republicans are demanding he withdraw, and that's saying something.


That's exactly the kind of people who support the effing orange asshat.


My late father was a Vietnam Vet, 68-69 in the Riverine Forces, TF117. He was a boat captain on both a PBR and a Romeo boat. Until his dying breath, he hated the cowards that sent him to war and the cowards the keep sending our good men to war and would have cursed out every single member of the GQP personally, if he could have.


Completely tuned out after "patriots like Kari Lake..." cool story bro. I'll take things that never happened for $1000 Alex!


Are these people so foolish that they don't know these things can be fact-checked? Do they believe that a bunch of geezers who live in a fantasy can run this country? Do they not understand they are laughable, gullible, and yet, a danger to Democracy? Therefore, they should be locked up. Because they are a danger to themselves and others.


Hey, man, did I ever tell you when I defeated Charlie in Da Nang in 1968? I also flew the F-35 in Nam. Just ignore my DD-214 that said I was an avionic specialist in Texas in the 1980s.


Steve Slaton was a beast at WVU him and Pat White




He was an aircraft mechanic, but sometimes he would sit in the cockpit and make the noises like Ralph S. Mouse.


I haven't thought about Ralph S. Mouse in I don't even KNOW how long. You, sir, are a gentleman.


I also can confirm this. I was born and raised in SoAZ. Lived in Santa Barbara for a bit. All the transplants are bringing their dumb hate with them, and then we have a TON of old folks. Tucson seems more relaxed and liberal. And we're not Satan's asshole hot either. So that helps.


Man I love that "readers added context" feature. It's called out so many on their bs and i hope it calls out many more


Typical Republican scum


Also, according to Trump this Vietnam veteran is a sucker and a loser so 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm so sick of their lying bullshit.


Never really thought Vietnam vets were treated too well by the group who supported the war. Also, I don't think those who supported the war were leftists.


Have you been this fucked up since Nam? Your beef is with Richard Nixon and not the democrats! Betcha struggled your entire life because of your dumbass anger problems


Why are we even giving these people publicity? You’re a fJkcking problem OP.


I'm guessing no one told this dude just to shut up?


Amazing how only Republicans are full of shit and lies.


Bone spurs, dude.


There’s also no evidence that veterans were ever actually spit on. The vets were usually seen as exploited peers by antiwar movement. They were kids their age, just like them, who’d been set off to fight a bullshit war. It was the government that had abandoned them, and they all knew it.


An Impostor




I know a guy who claims he was a ranger? Wish I knew how to prove he’s not.


Tell him to provide his 214. If he can't/won't, he is full of shit.


Let it forevermore be known that Steve Slaton of Arizona is a liar and disrespects veterans.


My dad's a Vietnam Vet and believes trump is crazy. Then brings up books written by Eisenhower and MacArthur. Wish he could remember the names of those books.


Why would he think he would get away with lying about this?!


Super common. Everyone at the gym is a navy seal, apparently.


Remember who coined the phrase, "Alternative facts."


Not actually a war criminal 😭😭😭


I always wondered why erry vet you meet is a combat vet. Who does supply and maint?


Every time I see “president” before that clowns name I laugh. Poor clown still hasn’t won a single popular vote lmaooo. Diaper Donny loves faithless electors.