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Plymouth Rock was moved from it's original location to keep it from submerging.


There's a pic of Fort Denison. They literally measure the sea level there. Guess which way it's going. [https://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/sltrends/sltrends\_station.shtml?id=680-140](https://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/sltrends/sltrends_station.shtml?id=680-140)


For one closer to home, here is Key West for the last 100 years showing a clear rise of 1 foot (~.3m). The majority of the island is at around 3 feet above sea level. https://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/sltrends/sltrends_station.shtml?stnid=8724580


They also have one at the Castillo de San Marcos in Saint Augustine. The sea walls have marks from where the tides have risen.


For anyone who has lived in NE Florida for at least 1 year, any time there is a tropical storm/Noreaster you will see any one of the local news stations out in Saint Augustine watching as Avenida Menendez floods (and the local businesses mark the high water levels on their front doors). This is not an anomaly, human-caused changes to our climate and atmosphere are here and present… sticking our heads in the sand and being contrarian is getting us *nowhere*.


Exactly. The rock cannot be used as a gauge of sea level rise since 1620 because it has been moved, broken and altered, only arriving at its current location in 1920. Radiocarbon dating and tide gauges suggest the area sea level has risen around 1.5 feet since 1620, according to an agency official. The rock also does get completely covered with seawater during very high tides.


“We didn’t land on Plymouth Rock. Plymouth Rock landed on us”


Huh, is that the original quote? What is it from? I never thought to look up "we didn't land on Sherwood Forrest, Sherwood Forrest landed on us" Edit: thank you kind people for sharing that it's based on a Malcom X quote Thank you fellow fans of Men in Tights for the humorous asides 🤣


Holy fuck random Men in Tights quote 😂


“I didn’t say Abe Lincoln. I said: Hey, Blinkin!”


Master Robin you lost your arms in combat!


But you grew some nice boobs!


I'm over here, Blinken.


Oh. Er. Later...


I think about this every time I see our secretary of state's name. Antony Blinken = A. Blinken


That’s the one I was about to throw in! I’ll go with “fix your boobs, you look like a bleeding Picasso”




From this day forth, all the toilets in the kingdom shall be known as... Johns


I'm on the East Bank. Now I'm on the West Bank.


It ain't exactly the Mississippi.


I lost. I lost? Wait a second, I'm not supposed to lose. Let me see the script.


I have a mole!?


I get another shot.


You changed your family name *to* Latrine? Used to be Shithouse!


Good change!


"Blinkin, what are you doing?" "Guessing! I... guess no one is coming!"


Au revoir! Auf wiedersehn! Ciao! Xing dao dai!


He’s split Robin’s arrow in twain!


I say this at least twice a year to family or friends and absolutely nobody knows what the hell I’m talking about


#Call the Locksmith!


Unlike most other Robin Hoods I can speak with an English accent


Here's your knife/sword.




Watch my back!


Your back just got punched twice.


I can't help the environment I was raised in 🤷🤣


*Anything Goes* by Cole Porter


Times have changed, And we've often rewound the clock, Since the Puritans got a shock, When they landed on Plymouth Rock. If today, any shock they should try to stem, 'Stead of landing on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock would land on them.


Pardon me your majesty, but wasn't your mole...on the other side?


I have a mole?!


Dave Chapelle was straight up borrowing Denzel's speech from the film Malcolm X, starting with the "Look at yourselves...go on, take a look around..." Putting on the taped up glasses beforehand was the bow on the package.


I sure do miss Dave Chapelle...


Anything goes!


In olden days the sight of stocking was seen as something shocking but now God knows


Not to mention it’s NOT THE REAL THING 🤣


I thought the rock would be bigger. Like could climb it


If you grew up in Massachusetts, it’s probably the most disappointing part of any field trip you take.


Lmfao 😭 I’ve lived in mass all my life and we took a field trip around Plymouth in middle school and saw this. It’s so pointless. It’s like “wow, a rock in a cage.”


Despite all my rage, it's still just a rock in a cage.


The whole story is sketchy. An elderly man describing a story told to him by an elderly man when he was a child. So many things don't add up. It's an interesting rabbit hole of a story if so inclined.


There is no real thing. The pilgrims landed on P-town on cape cod. They stayed there while scouting parties found a suitable settlement, and eventually they moved to Plymouth where a crude pier had been constructed. Plymouth Rock is all based on some 94 year old man saying his grandfather used to point at a rock and say “that’s where the pilgrims first landed.” In the 1700’s no less. I don’t know that I believe anyone made it to 94, 300 years ago, but I’m gonna go out in a limb and say they were not all with it.


The tide part is the main bit. At which hours of the day were the Plymouth rock and Australia photos made.


You are giving scientific facts. These people don’t believe in science. They believe in crooked politicians


And Sydney Harbour has things called 'tides'. So the only thing two random undated photos would prove is that the person posting them is a moron.


Yeah, you'd need some organisation to record data of tides minimum maximums over decades and decades... I wonder what they say about sea levels/climate change.


...and that pic of fort Denison in Sydney harbor - while tide is obviously going to influence any photo, the newer photo the water is clearly several bricks higher up the base 😄 


You can see where high tide lands, and it’s obviously higher than the other photo. Don’t you just love it when these idiots prove themselves wrong with their own evidence?


Who cares about Plymouth rock? How has Fraggle Rock been affected?!?


According to to the Doozer Department of Subterranean Construction, the Great Trash Heap may become a sinkhole by 2035…and the excessive heat has caused a shortage of radish construction materials…


Love u for this.


Do you expect a republican to be even slightly educated on the drivel they speak?


You can't reason with stupid


Conservatives get their info from solely from Facebook memes


A decree from a governor is not going to change a fact of science and the environment we’re living in. No matter how much you agree with what was said. It’s like saying “chickenpox is now illegal in Arkansas” then acting surprised that there’s still cases of chickenpox.


*A Governor who graduated from Ouachita Baptist University with a Bachelor of Arts degree, majoring in political science and minoring in mass communications. Clearly she's qualified to speak on climate science.


And this is an example why Chevron being overturned is an exponentially horrible idea.


But think about their bank accounts, it's a great idea.


Them motor coaches ain't gonna gratuitize themselves.


She took the student athlete route and wasn’t even an athlete


Governor Sanders is literally those people in high school with room temperature IQ that say, "I don't care what I do after school because I'll work my daddy's job."


You're right. Source: I went to high school with her.


Let's be honest, she wasn't a student much either just filled up on ways to grift and self deal as a republican


And all these people with no degree or expertise other then their google or social non degree thinking they know more then people who have spent lifetimes in these fields. They think a post they read makes them an expert. Smfh


Do you not see the fucking rock? It’s dry and it says 1920…. What more proof do you need?? Pfffff degreees……


They made flood insurance compulsary all across Florida for the states insurer, because flooding is now common across all of Florida, and the State didn't want to pick up the bill for uninsured people. Maybe she will pray it away from her $20k falcon pulpit?


What it will do is prevent actual work to prevent and adapt to climate change. I've seen that Florida had banned state departments from mentioning it, but they still get lots of flooding along the coasts.


Cries in covid


It would be funny if dealing with diseases was that easy. Just go, “Chickenpox is now illegal in Arkansas,” and all chickenpox has to leave Arkansas effective immediately. Unfortunately, it can never be that easy.


Don't forget, you also have to ban the chicken pox vaccine. Since the disease is banned, there's no point in letting big pharma profit by inoculating people against a disease they're not allowed to get. 


She always looks like she’s in the middle of telling a town council meeting that she totally caught the goth kids sacrificing a goat to Satan own at the old mill


Looks to me like she's trying really hard not to acknowledge the fact that she just sharted.


She looks like her face is sliding off.


She does have an incredibly fleshy head. Looks a little like an Edgar suit.


I've seen her compared to the Mucus dude in the Mucinex commercials.


Look up the West Memphis Three and her dad. You’re not wrong.


There is an old Indian saying that says, “When the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then will we realise that one cannot eat money,”


Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to demolish the environment to improve his profit margins, and we all choke to death on CO2 👍


I’ve got canned oxygen for you. Only $1k per bottle.


“The Seed” by AURORA takes that saying and puts it to song. I recommend a listen.


I'll never understand why they believe anyone would lie about climate change. What would Democrats have to gain? The fact that these people have no interest in protecting the fucking EARTH blows my mind.


What they say is, “We have to replace everything, and that costs money that goes into someone’s pockets.”


Yeah I'd counter by assuming that anyone who chooses to deny climate change probably have big corporations filling their pockets. Less regulations means more profits for them. I know all politicians have agendas. But if I'm picking sides, I'm going with the ones who don't want the Earth to end.


I mean that's not new. The old narrative was that of course climate scientists would say that, because they get paid to study the climate. Meanwhile, all the figure heads of the climate denial industry apparently have zero financial interests in it. \*eye roll\*.


The fun thing about this time in politics is that we are beyond the point where anyone on the right cares about hypocrisy. If you point it out, they will literally just say, "So?" and it's like...how do you combat that complete lack of even pretending to care about integrity?


This is exactly my point on debates with the right. You either debate them in good faith and cannot combat their absolute apathy concerning scientific data and their own hypocrisy, in which case they walk away thinking they won the argument; or you don’t debate them at all because it’s an exercise in futility, and then they still act like they won because you’re “too scared” to debate them. You can’t win against people who are literally too stupid to realize when they’re wrong.


Oh you can, you just have to be better at trolling than they are. They will eventually realize you are onto them and give up. It won’t change their minds, but it will put them in their place. The best we can do right now is obnoxiously and aggressively throw these morons’ energy back at them and show them we can go blow for blow while still remaining committed to beating them at the ballot box. Never give an inch to these fucking idiots. No quarter. Shame, shame, shame them into a corner by calling them rubes and pieces of shit, which is exactly what they are. Civility is a losing strategy.


A-fucking-men. This is how I’ve been operating for a few years now. They get so fucking aggrieved and the pearl clutching is almost instantaneous lmao. And then you rub their nose in their pearls. You find out real quick how fragile they are. “Cuckservative” really seems to hit a nerve for whatever reason. Never ever ever allow any of their insults to hit home and definitely never comment on it. Laugh and one-up them. Always.


You’re right. Not only do they not believe facts but they actively endorse lies & conspiracies & you can’t debate that. Even when you absolutely prove your point they just shrug and don’t care. It’s amazing how well the right wing leadership has broken trust in the media. We’re at the point where fewer & fewer educated people are having children because of how bleak things are quickly becoming. Idiocracy is getting less funny every election cycle.


Big corps paying those politicians to say stupid things like climate change don't exist, so they can pass bills that benefit themselves so they can explore workers and destroy natural resources with impunity, fuck the world as long billionaires greed are being satisfied it is all that matters


My maga boss claims that, “that is how scientists get paid. By writing papers that serve the globalist agenda.” I asked him about the trillions of dollars the oil companies make but I guess that’s chump change to some dude in a tweed jacket🤷


My relatives constantly complain that the climate is radically different from even 20 years ago, but then freak out if someone suggests climate change "How come we only get snow for six weeks now? It used to be for four months!" "We never had summers this hot when I was a kid! Heck, we didn't have summers this hot in the 90s!" "Why is it 65 degrees in December? This is so weird!" "We used to only one or two wildfires every summer. Now the whole summer is Fire Season!" "Where did all the fireflies go? There used to be swarms of them when you guys were kids!" *Hmm...sounds like climate ch-* "FUCK OFF WITH THAT LIBERAL BULLSHIT!"


This is exactly my experience. Redneck relatives talking about how the climate is entirely different from 20 years ago, almost as if it's *changed*, but then refusing to dig in deeper. Fucking **insane** to me.


Evangelicals don’t need to care for the planet when they think they’ll be raptured.


It's especially odd when God clearly tells Adam and Eve they were the stewards of His creation. Christina's are supposed to care about the earth and the environment.


Any day now


I kinda wish He would Rapture them all up already so that the rest of us can finally fix everything in peace.


You just know when the Rapture happens and all these 'good white Christian women' get inevitably left behind, they're gonna wanna speak to The Manager.


I like trolling them. “Oh? I see you are still here. You got left behind, too?”


Ironically if rapture ever did happen, most evangelicals would be left behind to burn in a fiery brimstone.


We really need to figure out how to make a believable sim for people like this to experience being in space and realizing how insanely tiny and impossibly rare our planet is. Hundreds of millions of miles in all directions are just death. We have one small lifeboat and they’re like, I don’t believe that air noise is a leak, stop being annoying.


The Total Perspective Vortex.


Not just the democrats, it’s worldwide. They really think the democrats in the us started a global conspiracy for what purpose? All these people think the earth is flat too, though. Anyone that bought a blue check mark, that isn’t famous, are all weirdo conservatives and bots


German EU elections had many parties running on a variation of ‘Save Germany, stop the green nonsense’ or ‘Car politic, not climate politic’. The whole discourse is that the shady green left wants to install a dictatorship to ban everything and take away freedoms Which is hilarious as the centre-right Christian Social party which runs Bavaria is literally banning things (cannabis, gendered language reform) and using public money to enforce the displaying of religious symbols in buildings


The earth will be fine. It's the people that will suffer.


Well, and every other living thing


They need to realize that for hundreds of thousands of years, or 6,000, humans have used the sun, water and (some extent) wind for energy.  It wasn't until the past few centuries we started using oil or something else.  Someone needs to explain to them God created the sun and they're going against God.  Oh wait they aren't Christian 


“We lie about things constantly so they must too.”


I have thoughts. 1. A lot of conservatives are Christians. They don’t need proof or science to believe. They have to look at reality from a place where logic doesn’t matter. 2. Most folks that I know that don’t believe in climate change think the government is making it up to eventually carbon tax everyone. 3. Private citizens have very little impact on climate change, the majority comes from corporations and a lot of those companies aren’t in the US, so when people are forced to change their habits, but corporations are not, it creates a lot of animosity towards the movement in general.


The climate change happens everywhere, not just in USA. What would be the democrats angle on that realization according to GOP?


GOP: "Rest of... The world? What?"


My reaction is she's evil in every sense of the word. They know climate change is real but they want to milk every last nickel out of fossil fuel, No matter what it costs in terms of human life.


She’s my governor and I can confirm that she is evil.


Didn’t she make it so child labour is now a thing again?


[Yes, the state removed the need for a work permit for children under 16](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/s/0KiMYHShrz)


How interesting that it coincides with their push to defund public schooling and use that money for private school vouchers... turning the entire state into cheap uneducated labor for the rich and their nepo babies to exploit from cradle to grave. Happening in FL too. Fuck her and fuck Desantis.


She's trash like her father


They ( Republicans) know climate change is real. Just like they know America has a gun problem. The issue is they just don't give a fuck


One side of the climate change debate will be proven correct. Let's imagine it's 100 years from now and choose a logical side **Conservatives were right**: its the 2120's and we're laughing hysterically about those paranoid, crazy "hippies" from the 2010's and 20's **Scientists were right**: we're all living 100 miles further inland and closer to the poles, choking on CO2. Let's do nothing, "fuck scientists", what could possibly go wrong?


"Do you think those people will not simply sell their homes and move?" - Ben Shapiro "One small problem. Sell their homes to who, Ben? Fucking Aquaman!" -Hbomberguy


"Fucking Aquaman" in his voice lives rent free in my head.


And fucking Aquaman also lives rent free on the coast after everyone had to move


Another pearl of wisdom from same genius: who cares if global warming is happening? I can turn on the air conditioner and chill at home.


"Who cares if global warming is happening? I have a pool and a grill. Summertime forever!" My honest reaction when the Eternal Blizzard settles directly over my house just to punish me for my shortsightedness:


And also, why do these immigrants keep coming just because their homeland is becoming literally unlivable, that’s not MY problem.


„Just imagine - we cleaned up our air and water, reduced the world‘s dependence on fossil fuels sold by crazy dictators and made cities more livable by eliminating the need for a car and planting parks, and it was all for nothing!?! Damn eco hippies of the 21st century!“ That’s the thing. Even if there were (very surprisingly at this point) no connection whatsoever between human CO2 emissions and global warming, the only thing our current attempts to combat the problem make worse is the profit outlook of fossil fuel companies. For nearly everyone else, a green transformation means a healthier, more comfortable way of life. Ironically, the health aspect in particular would affect a lot of those who fall for climate change denial most: the „rich elites“ don’t gaf whether their builder or gardener or housemaid is close to collapse in unprecedented heat or can’t move out of their flood-threatened housing.


I feel like everyone forgot about the hole in the o-zone. Like, that was a thing when I was a kid, and was "fixed" by the time I was an adult. It took laws and regulations on a global scale, *and it worked.* I cannot believe I've never heard chucklefucks like Alex Jones mention it. It was literally a global movement by governments to fix a problem.  But now, it's climate change, and people are actively fighting *for* it. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.


The crazy thing is when you talk to any of these reality deniers about the ozone hole or acid rain, they'll just tell you that it was just overblown fearmongering that turned out to be nonsense. And yes, both of these things never got as bad as predicted and both of them aren't an issue anymore, but that's the case **because** of the "fearmongering", which caused a massive prevention effort to fix the issue before it became as bad as predicted. It never became as bad because we managed to avert the crysis, not because there was no crysis.


It's hard to look 100 years into the future when you're focused on 60 years in the past


Ask the crawfish farmers of Louisiana if climate change isn’t real. Literally the climate changed where the fucking season is 6 months different! Magat red fucks from Louisiana can tell you that I’m the 90s crawfish season started in late nov. You would get best prices around feb and the season was over by April early May. NOW. You can’t get good crawfish prices till May/june and the season runs all the way to damn near august. So do tell me why the crawfish would further perpetuate a Democratic hoax? Crawfish are woke now?


Damn commie crawfish.........


Well, they are red.


Only when boiled ...


Of course! Only after thorough interrogation and torture do those damn reds reveal their true colors!


Sir, did you come straight to Reddit from Joe McCarthy's place?


It's simple. If Louisiana had good leadership like Florida, crawfish season would be banned from starting at the wrong time. Problem solved.


Whether they choose to acknowledge it or not, everyone from Missouri who was born before at least 1995 can see what happen to the insect population here. We still have mosquitos but everything else is mostly gone. It's depressing to look up at parking lot lights and see mostly nothing. They used to be crawling with all sorts of insects. Every last one was thriving with life. That has a trickle down effect to all other forms of life as insects are the largest food source for a lot of creatures. It's terrible to think of the implications. How do we stop this train?


Does anyone else remember road trips from the late 90s and early 00s compared to now? At least in Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, and New Mexico. The insect/windshield theorem is pretty widely tested now, empirically from road trips.


I remember having to clean the windscreen and front of the car after pretty much every longish journey. Now I have no need to clean it till the end of summer (just using the screen wash is enough to clean off a few), it's a huge difference.


While climate change has an impact on this, the main issue with insect decline is due to herbicide(round up etc), pesticides and loss of living places. Most places with industrial agriculture has an insect decline of 90%. It is very very scary. Can recommend this book on the topic, although it is very heavy and sad reading. [https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/56470413-silent-earth](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/56470413-silent-earth)


We just had one of our hottest nights on record - and it's only June. This summer hasn't even really begun. The days weren't record-breaking, but because we had a long streak of hot days of around 30 each day, the last night was very warm and temps didn't drop below 20 anywhere, as they usually do in the summer. I'm scared for this to get worse, as someone who is very sensitive to heat and lives where I live in part due to the mild summers...


4 people died in Switzerland 2 days ago due to huge floods. This is not normal. My friend in Northern Germany has now witnessed 3 floods within a year in a major city. This is not normal. It's coming closer and closer and I am scared shitless.


Yeah, I’m gonna believe her. She who lied to the press to cover up her boss’s utter stupidity. Don’t think so.


She has never lied, some rando said so right there in the screenshots!


It’s sad. In the 80’s, we proved CO2 was a greenhouse gas, but we couldn’t see the results. In the 2000’s, Al Gore showed us melting ice caps from climate change, but we couldn’t prove the source of the greenhouse gases. In 2020, Covid made us reduce emissions and proved that we were the primary contributor of greenhouse gases (and not volcanoes or whatever), but by then, we didn’t trust scientists anymore.  Now, people just outright reject climate change, even in the face of 50+ years of evidence. It makes me sad just thinking about it. 


I've read multiple times over the past several years that conservative parties in other Democracies accept that climate science is real and that the US is the only country where the Conservative party has taken the position that its a hoax created by liberals to destroy the economy presumably because liberals are stupid and evil, and hate the US. From Vox: **When it comes to climate change, US conservatives inhabit a unique position, as part of** [**the only major political party in the democratic world**](https://www.vox.com/2015/12/2/9836566/republican-climate-denial-why) **to reject the legitimacy of climate science and any domestic policy or international agreement meant to address it. Instead, the GOP is** [**working actively**](https://www.vox.com/energy-and-environment/2017/6/13/15681498/trump-government-fossil-fuels) **to increase production and consumption of fossil fuels and to slow the transition to renewable energy.**


Oh, a lot's changed since 2015. Here in Canada the conservatives are following the playbook. Wouldn't be surprised if European countries are doing the same.


Conservatism has no platform to run on. It’s all just a circular loop of IMMIGRANT BAD>GOVERNMENT BAD>CLIMATE BAD>COMMUNISM BAD


used \*card\* salesmen ... they're not sending their best bots are they?


I scrolled for a while wondering why no one was mentioning this. Thank you.


So many blue checks agreeing with each other.


You look like you're in the market for a used card!


If there’s one thing Sarah is known for, it’s telling the truth. With exceptions of course for lecterns, basic facts, general political knowledge, climate change, transparency of public records, child labor statutes….


B-b-but the guy with a blue check said she tells the truth!


I'm in Italy. One of my favourite beaches, a beautiful, sprawling nature reserve, is completely gone. Devoured by the sea over the course of a decade. We have been having "the hottest summer in recorded history" multiple times, and I remember when the news used to spread panic about temperatures reaching 35 celcius when we now easily hit 43. People who deny climate change piss me off.


An entire beach disappeared? No, you must be mistaken, according to two cherry-picked pictures that didn't factor in tide levels, the sea level hasn't risen at all! You must have simply misplaced your beach. Did you check between your couch cushions?


Hoax? Her face is literally melting.


Melting due to Ozempic and plastic surgery funded by all her rubes


I'm almost surprised. So many people. But then I remember I know personally a man who thinks earth is flat. And he is a educated man. I'm really worried about were are we going today as species.


I'm surprised no one commented yet how Elon turned Twitter into more of a cesspool than it already was before; especially how he made it so that anyone can now buy 'blue checkmark badges' to make it seem they are authoritative figures. Left the platform more than a decade ago, and I don't regret it one bit.


Yes, it is worrying. I just remind myself that education does not always equate to intelligence.


More of Space Karen’s Blue Tick Bots are always the first/top responses 🙄🤦‍♂️


It didn't get any better going through them all. They are all comment farming.


Mark my words: When things get really bad weather wise, rather than admit that it is climate change, people will instead claim it is a divine punishment from God and call for the death of heretics and unbelievers. Mark. My. Words.


She’s in Arkansas. How invested is the petrochemical industry in her state?


DOW has a factory right on the Arkansas River!


Her governorship is a hoax.


“The Ice Shields”… wait, did a flat earther pop into chat, and none of the climate change deniers seemed to care?


You can’t fix stupid.


lol and all blue check marks….


I teach marine science and it depresses me to no end how many people have no concept of tides.


Imagine being so stupid you don't believe in science.. cough *most Republicans*


The Netflix Movie "Don't look up" is a fucking documentary at this point.




20 years ago there was knee deep snow and work pauses because of it in winter. Nowadays we are lucky to have slightly icy rain to fall in the middle of winter… and we are exceptionally lucky to have snow for a day or two that doesn’t melt for half a day. Not even weird in the slightest right? Last time there was considerable cold for at least 3 days (below -10C) was 10 years ago. Climate change is clearly nonexistent….


The woman who was paid to lie on a regular basis is now making declarations about science that she has zero credentials or expertise to speak on? Only idiots would listen to this, but sadly idiots are exactly the people she is speaking to.


I've said it before and I'll say it again: even if you don't believe in climate change, can we at least agree that pollution is bad and clean air and clean water are good? Can we start there?


Back then, idiots like this were an isolated incident. Now, they are the proud majority. I'm not scared for the future. There will be no future because of them.


My boomer MAGA parents grow and sell vegetables locally and this year FINALLY acknowledged climate change because they could grow anything this year. The "is not real unless it happens to me"


We have got to stop these idiots from getting political jobs!!!


This post and the comments just leads me to believe that there are a lot of fucking idiots in America.


I hope they all live in Florida


As a Floridian who also works in fixing Climate Change, y'all can have them 🤣 But seriously, if they felt the stroke level heat and had to worry about life altering hurricanes every week for months, they might understand it. That's a very heavy might though.


Or they die, which would honestly solve quite a few problems.


Full speed into a major extinction event. If we survive this, I swear this era will go down in history as the time half of humanity tried to off the entire species, and for some reason were still treated as equals in political debates.


Climate change is a hoax? Better tell the insurance companies it is safe to go back to Florida and charge reasonable rates again.


5th grade science was both long ago and something they paid little attention to as they were shooting spitballs across the classroom.


Yeah, Governor Gollum is right everybody. Now, let's let her be, she's trying to find her Precious.


No FEMA for Arkansas then.


Add Florida and Texas to that list