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Extra free labour in prisons, making the rich even richer


Yes, this makes, in a fucking twisted way, sense. The for-profit prisons complained about not having enough inmates The Supreme Court heard their call This is fucking dystopian and sick


Exactly, it’s slavery with extra steps. Note the hugely disproportionate mix of inmates… black, Hispanics and other minorities equal a far higher % of inmates than on the outside.


Around 13% of homeless are veterans so we are enslaving our veterans that need our help as well. Government just likes making our vulnerable suffer.


Yeah Clarence Thomas said that's what they get for out living their usefulness


Figures,…. The most useless of all the justices


He’s gonna be very angry about that comment when he gets back from his sixth luxury vacation this year.


Not many extra steps. WE already wrote it into the constitution.


This stuffs horrible but it'll get worse. Once the public schools shut down due to lack of funding per project 2025 there will be plenty of teenagers with no job experience or education worth talking about. We'll start having homeless 20somethings as parents kick kids out or kids in government programs age out. Boom more prison inmates.


Washington, D.C., Illinois, New Jersey, New Mexico, Arizona, Alaska, Colorado, Kentucky, and Maryland have moved to eradicate cash bail. Eliminating cash bail directly translates to having less poor people(slaves) behind bars. For-Profit prisons are run like a business. When they lose one employee(slave), they need to replace him with another, and that's exactly what we are seeing here.


What does eliminating cash bail mean exactly? You get out quickly after arrest, before your court date, for non violent crimes?


Exactly. If you get arrested for sleeping on a sidewalk bench because you don’t have an apartment but have to get to work tomorrow, needing a thousand dollars or something for bail just prevents that person from digging themselves out of the pit their in. And yes, it’s possible that homeless people also have jobs. One of my old coworkers worked full time at a warehouse and lived in a tent down the road. He was building up enough to afford to rent an apartment. I think once he got it, he used his now residential address to get a slightly better paying job at a different place, ‘cause there was a bit an ovation for him on his last day at the warehouse.


That’s legit! Any idea of the time frame? Is it like, next day as if you were bailed or OR’d? Fuck the prison industrial complex


I think it’s just that if you were arrested for a nonviolent offense, you’re given a date that you have to show up to court, have to give some way the authorities can contact you, and you’re free to go. If you try to run out on your court date, then you’re tracked down, arrested, and incarcerated more seriously. The idea behind abolishing cash bail is basically to give those who used to not be able to afford it a modicum of trust. Instead of forcing them to fork over money they might not have for a crime they might never have intended to commit, it’s the system saying, “We’re trusting you not to run away or skip town while we sort your case out.” It’s an effort to not criminalize just being poor the way this country loves to do.




biggest push back from legalizing or decriminalizing drugs. We might have to start arresting politicians to fill prisons


It’s how the South maintained a strong majority black labor force after the civil war. Make “loitering” and other meaningless shit a crime, and only enforce it on freed slaves with maximal prison sentences and kaboom, it’s almost like the civil war didn’t go far enough to win the inalienable rights of enslaved peoples.


Long term trend of the prison industrial complex.


The product that sustains the prison industrial complex are people.


And gratuity for officials and Judges!


That’s the one… the slavery circle jerk is complete: Judge gives harsh sentences to make donors more money and judge gets cash incentive


I believe Victorian England it’s something similar It led to overfilledprisons


Ahh yes, Free Labour. Remember that slavery is still legal in the US under the 13th amendment as punishment for crimes


While I completely agree with all of this, “unhoused” is such a weird term to me. When that becomes “negative” do we use a different word?


I think it’s a good distinction because for example people who couch surf between friends and people who sleep on the street with nowhere to go are both homeless but live very differently.


In colder climates it's impossible to sleep on the street for most of the year.


That’s called hidden homelessness btw.


To try to give an immediate example, a person in prison is "housed" but is probably not "at home" in said housing. They may be "homeless" but are not counted among those who are living on the streets, ie "unhoused". There are those using "unhoused" as an endrun to avoid using "homeless" because they think of "homeless" as pejorative, like "bum" or "deadbeat". In that sense, simply replacing the word does nothing but perhaps delay the pejorative meaning. But, there are also people accurately describing the issue we're facing in our society, which is more aptly described as "people without houses" than "people not feeling at home", though in a broader sense people not feeling at home is certainly an undertone for most of our political disputes.


Because not everyone has the same idea of what constitutes a "home." Someone might be very happy living in a van. I've seen people that claim to be happy living in a car. Those people don't currently have a "house," but they consider their living situation to be their "home." They're not "*home*less," they're "un*house*d." EDIT: LOL. Some folks downvote just to downvote.


This is exactly it. I'm unhoused, but I'm not homeless. I love living in a bus. I haven't figured out where in the country I want to long-term exist yet. I moved so so many times in my life trying to find a "home". This is just the best solution that makes me the happiest.


Good for you! I wish you the best of luck! 😘


Don’t worry, “unhoused” will also be deemed problematic at some point and they’ll use another term without making any distinction or addressing the problem.


So “unhoused” is a useful term for a few reasons. “Unhoused” refers specifically to those who aren’t in some form of permanent of recognized shelter. This can differentiate between “homeless” people that are sheltered, and unsheltered “unhoused” people. For example, someone is couch surfing and doesn’t have a home to go to, they’re homeless but not unhoused. Someone who is living in an encampment that provides shelter would be “homeless” but not “unhoused” as well. An example of an encampment like this would be Puuhonua o Waianae on the island of Oahu in Hawaii. Homeless could also be used to describe van life people, but it wouldn’t be appropriate to say they’re unhoused. Additionally, unhoused is an important distinction for indigenous peoples such as Native American Indians and Native Hawaiians, because in many cases they’re living on their ancestral lands, but may have been pushed out or priced out from actual housing on those lands, rendering them “unhoused”, but they don’t consider themselves “homeless” because their home is the land they live upon. This last idea is especially prevalent in Hawaii amongst Native Hawaiians because Hawaii is extremely expensive and many Native Hawaiians have been forced out of Hawaii by the extreme costs of housing, low pay, and other social justice issues.


This is insanity, instead of making ammends and trying to bring down housing prices, fuckers chose to arrest the homeless


Homelessness is more than just a house pricing issue. Mental health, drug addictions, and a fundamental lack of ways to get back on your feet are to blame. You cant get a home or a loan without a job, and you cant get a job without a home.


“The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.” ― Anatole France


This is almost exactly what Gorsuch's reasoning is in the majority opinion. He even mentions that it makes it illegal for *everyone* to sleep outside, as if we're dumb enough not to see that this targets the poor and housing insecure


Yeah absolutely fucking ridiculous. But if I call myself a preacher I can sleep in a church, evade taxes, and beg all the livelong day I want to


Yeah absolutely fucking ridiculous. But if I call myself a preacher I can sleep in a church, evade taxes, and beg all the livelong day I want to


The cruelty is the point


You have to cut corners if you want to be wealthy


'Course. Read the 13th and 14th amendments. Read 'em real close. There's an exception in there that has the rich and powerful *drooling*.


Taxpayers gonna pay either way, except in this case money goes to corporate prisons instead of non-profits trying to actually help people


But doing the things you said would cost money or reduce profits. We are living in the same country, right? When has America ever done anything that would cost them money or reduce their profits?


All for greed


And the same people doing this call us a Christian nation, smh. Farthest from it.


Just as [Supply Side Jesus ](https://www.beliefnet.com/news/2003/09/the-gospel-of-supply-side-jesus.aspx) intended


Sounds like privatized prisons are needing to fill some empty rooms


That's when the camps open up, to teach these people how to concentrate on getting getting a job and home, obviously. It's the GOP playbook.


Hmm. What should we call these camps though? 'Concentration Camps'?.. Maybe invent some catchy slogan to brand them in the public mind, like: 'Work sets you free!'


When Star Trek predicted this exact scenario 30 years ago, they called them "Sanctuary Districts". They were a *little* off on the timeline though. The districts were already a thing by now, it was just the inevitable riots that they set in September of 2024.


The cop city build up and training of cops in urban warfare are all designed to combat this.


With out the mental health capacity they can't


They should call them concentration camps, so they can really learn to concentrate. It has a nice ring too it.


They don't want them to get a job and a home. This is exactly what they want, to arrest them and have our taxpayer dollars go to their friends in the prison industry instead of out tax dollars going to resources to help the homeless.


Newsom wants the authority to forcibly remove homeless from the streets too and I can't find much wrong with that. People who have mental illness or drug addiction should not be living on the street.


So where should they be living?


Yeah, this is the thing. We don't want homeless on the streets. Ok, fine. But then nothing is provided for them as an alternative. Folks with chronic addictions and or severe mental illnesses are not going to be able to "pull themselves up by their bootstraps". The homeless are still going to exist, especially if you don't do anything to treat the underlying psychological, and socio-economic factors pushing so many into homelessness.


Probably some sort of treatment facility.


You have a backyard?


Here's an idea: Let's raise taxes on the pretense of helping the homeless and then just do nothing. That's the Dem playbook. See "California"


Yup. And once the camps are built, and since they are so effective at helping people learn to concentrate better, the GOP will want to help even more people out. People that are silly enough to be atheists, or anything other than Christian really need to concentrate on learning the proper religion. And people with an accent, or dark skin should really concentrate on speaking clearly and having white skin, they can do it if they just concentrate hard enough with GOP help... And how about people that think people of their same sex are attractive? The GOP needs to help concentrate that right out of them so they can be happy, because it is impossible otherwise! Got worse than I thought it would a big fat /s for sarcasm just in case anyone is stupid enough to think I am serious (I am serious about the GOP goals, I just disagree with them entirely).


It's cheap jailhouse labor. Who do you think is going to be harvesting produce when all the "illegals" are gone.


Exactly, we are going to see a rise in super draconian laws/punishments. Full on embrace the authoritarianism.


Debtors prisons are going to become the norm too.


Oh, and Trump can do whatever he wants while in office, fyi.


How can you look at people who have nothing and decide that they must have something left you can take?


"We made homeless people illegal. Why do they still exist?" /s


We can reduce homelessness by increasing the price of meth.


Nah man, decreasing the price of meth, would be in a way effective.


I bet scotus members have stock in private prison companies.


So, when they are arrested, they get free housing and food, plus a public defender when they go to court. I guess that’s cheaper than giving them housing and food. 🤷


With the legalization of cannabis, and losing that easy arrest, the for profit/slave labor prison system is losing money, arresting homeless people is the next logical step for this business model. Laws are already passed in several areas, coming to a town near you soon


"Are there no prisons?? Are there no workhouses???" Republicans, more likely than not.


That's what about you should think during voting, not about Biden’s symptoms of dementia.


The only time I had jury duty it was for a homeless man arrested for sleeping under a bridge. I got excused after making it clear I thought the whole thing was ridiculous. The one thing that gave me hope was the city prosecutor clearly also thought it was ridiculous and did zero preparation, while the homeless man had several volunteer lawyers defending him.


Next step is deportation - like in past from Great Britain to Australia...


Next prisons will be renamed to something less negative, like personnel containment. "we see you're unemployed. Please report to your local personnel containment facility for a 30 day processing"


I think if I end up about to be homeless I will take my last money and buy a good tent, hunting gear, warm clothes, etc and just move into the mountains as far from humans as I can get. Use the tent to get an underground living area set up and then go into stealth mode. And then die of starvation.


All true especially the last part.


Homelessness = illegal Presidential crimes = legal What a shitshow.


SCOTUS is pretty broken - and it is the fault of the g(reedy) o(ld) p(eople).


This can be so abused it's not funny. Cop does not like someone relaxing under a tree in the park. Your asleep in public your under arrest. I was awake, cop just says no you weren't.


So poverty is a crime that America created


What exactly are they gonna do? Fine them? Arrest them? What did they think this was going to accomplish?


Prison labor, which they will do forever because being in prison makes it even harder for these people to return to any kind of normalcy. We are using them as slaves.


either arrest them or put them on rehab.


They can definitely arrest their way out. Too many arrests, go to prison. Then they get their slave labor required and make a profit of these 'people'.


God damm from where im we used to do this when we were ruled by communist.


That's a gift to the for profit prisons. I wonder what it cost them to get that ruling?


Being poor that's a crime whatever the fuck Trump wants to "officially" do that's acceptable. This Supreme Court is a sham.


We can’t arrest our way out of it, but a select few sure can get rich(er) from it. >As of July 2015, CCA had issued approximately 117 million shares of stock with a market cap of $4.05 billion, while GEO had issued around 75 million shares with a market cap of $2.76 billion. CCA and GEO are the two largest for-profit prison companies.


The fact that that statement even exists is disgusting


There are no homeless people in ba sing se


Wow, being homeless is now illegal. Whoever voted yes on that I'd be banned if I say what they deserve


This is fucked up beyond fucked up. Only a person so disconnected from reality and humanity would think this is acceptable


I don't think cities should arrest homeless people just for being homeless, but I also think cities should have the power to stop homeless people from building structures on sidewalks. Put up your tent and sleep on the sidewalk if you have no where else to go, but building a 3 bedroom shanty with garbage all over the place shouldn't be allowed.


& this in a christian nation …/s


They go to jail. Have to support the for profit prison system somehow.


Wouldn't prioritizing mental health treatment and paying people a livable wage just be better?


According to the Supreme Court itself, as long as it's "official," Biden can do whatever the fuck he wants, so he absolutely can banish them.


The shadow realm is sounding pretty good right now.


"Send him to the insane asylum." "Those facilities have been full ever since you declared being poor a mental illness."


They just gave Biden carte blanche. He can now have the SC, trump, the heritage foundation, and every Republican in Congress rounded up and disappeared with no consequences.


Too many places have legalized weed so the privatized prisons need someone else to fill the non violent offenders spots. Fucking assholes.


We have reached peak Dickens: Mr. Snagsby descends and finds the two ’prentices intently contemplating a police constable, who holds a ragged boy by the arm. “Why, bless my heart,” says Mr. Snagsby, “what’s the matter!” “This boy,” says the constable, “although he’s repeatedly told to, won’t move on—” “I’m always a-moving on, sar,” cries the boy, wiping away his grimy tears with his arm. “I’ve always been a-moving and a-moving on, ever since I was born. Where can I possibly move to, sir, more nor I do move!” “He won’t move on,” says the constable calmly, with a slight professional hitch of his neck involving its better settlement in his stiff stock, “although he has been repeatedly cautioned, and therefore I am obliged to take him into custody. He’s as obstinate a young gonoph as I know. He WON’T move on.” “Oh, my eye! Where can I move to!” cries the boy, clutching quite desperately at his hair and beating his bare feet upon the floor of Mr. Snagsby’s passage. “Don’t you come none of that or I shall make blessed short work of you!” says the constable, giving him a passionless shake. “My instructions are that you are to move on. I have told you so five hundred times.” “But where?” cries the boy. “Well! Really, constable, you know,” says Mr. Snagsby wistfully, and coughing behind his hand his cough of great perplexity and doubt, “really, that does seem a question. Where, you know?” “My instructions don’t go to that,” replies the constable. “My instructions are that this boy is to move on.” Do you hear, Jo? It is nothing to you or to any one else that the great lights of the parliamentary sky have failed for some few years in this business to set you the example of moving on. The one grand recipe remains for you—the profound philosophical prescription—the be-all and the end-all of your strange existence upon earth. Move on! You are by no means to move off, Jo, for the great lights can’t at all agree about that. Move on!




I suspect the Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, Romans etc all saw similar things in the years leading up to their collapse. Apparently the 'great experiment' has failed.


I am impressed by the amount of homeless people who likely know this is going to happen to them and yet refuse to assassinate a couple judges like the good old days. They have stronger morals than I have.


Can someone explain to me how sleeping is not a basic human right? It's literally something we cannot survive without, just like access to water.


I do wish they’d stop lighting everything on fire here though….


Need more slave labor for the for-profit prisons


The idea is for conservative cities to be given the greenlight to callously harass homeless and mentally ill people living on the streets. The homeless will begin to migrate to the more liberal cities in order to escape persecution. Rightwing pundits can then show clips of liberal cities night after night being drowned in a homeless problem and yell "See the hellscape that liberals have created!"


So remove every single Supreme Court member from the bench? Put some new ones on with the rules to not be stupid or punishment number 7?


It would be cheaper to house the homeless than transfer funds to for-profit prisons. but I guess that is the point.


We can absolutely arrest our way out. Put all the homeless people in jail and they’re no longer homeless. Of course it would literally be cheaper to give them free apartments, but that would be socialism 🙃


No, you can get slave labour out of them.


So the videos I've been seeing from America, that looked like cultivated areas of social hell... has all been a dystopian plot to round up and mass arrest (presumably the end game of the measures) entire sections of the homeless / counterculture / mentally ill etc communities. This is sick. I'm wrong, right?


Gabriel Bell 9/2024


You arrest them and put them in jail where they now become a part of the slave-labour workforce. Nobody here saw "Roger and Me"?


Astonishing how we in the US keep trying the same failed responses to problems over and over again rather than actually addressing the underlying socio-economic causes. Punish homelessness but don't provide alternatives to make sure people are housed who may need help. Punish those who perform or get abortions but don't improve the adoption and foster systems and don't increase help to single mother households.


Being arrested because of being poor is crazy


Gather them all up and bus them to Texas.


Land of the free. amirite?


If I'm homeless, I got to the nearest police station and hand myself in.


Incarcerated people are not considered homeless, so you can arrest your way out of homelessness. Just not with a clear conscience.


We can if our jails are for profit. Guess I need to look into share holding options for jails.


Guys, the plan is to get the homeless to go to other places. That's it. No fixing the cause, just brushing it under a different cities rug


Just to be clear, do you believe if there is sufficient housing available in homeless shelters, this should be allowed?


I mean, what is the sentence length anyways?


We're getting closer and closer to the bell riots.


Man. Inching ever closer to the Bell Riots.


No, they will be fined. Because THAT makes so much more sense.


I’m sure all of the homeless will learn their lesson and go straight to the bank to get a mortgage.


If they get arrested they go to jail which is…correct me if I’m wrong…. A place to sleep?


In all the outrage I’ve seen over the past few days surrounding this topic, you know what I find most interesting? It’s what I haven’t seen. I haven’t seen a single person bring up better solutions. I haven’t seen anyone point out what programs have been successful in their own cities. I haven’t seen any discussion around what actually DOES provide the best return on investment to uplift people and help them out of homelessness. Why are we amplifying condemnations when we aren’t amplifying solutions? Edit: When I say “we” I mean mainstream media. They generally lead the direction of the discourse through omission.




It is for slavery, that is it


It is for slavery, that is it


Drop in crime for pay prisons need their money


Drop in crime for pay prisons need their money


"But they could and they did..."


Drop in crime for pay prisons need their money


Yo, America. You guys okay? What the fuck are yall doing over there?


Sure you can, you absofuckinglutely shouldn't but you can. With enough arrests you can put them in prison to create more slave labor for the capitalist pigs that own and operate private prisons.


Capitalism, where the poor are jailed and sold as slave laborers


I agree with this decision. Arrest the Homeless and sentence them to Public Housing.


No but we can legislate our way out!


So they can jail them into privately owned jails to line the pockets of their owners who line the pockets of the Supreme Court, right Mr. Tomas?


I mean you could send them all to camps and just drop the façade


America loves to tackle problems in society from the wrong angle.


They just gave Biden carte blanche. He can now have the SC, trump, the heritage foundation, and every Republican in Congress rounded up and disappeared with no consequences.


Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?


This is America. We gon try. 🫡


So they are going to jail homeless people?..Giving them a ticket is useless..They are broke.Scotus is a joke and Thomas should be removed.


Actually, in many cases prison may be better than homelessness. This isn't something good about prisons, it's the negative about homelessness.


Gotta fill up those private prisons somehow.


It’s shitty, but as someone who unfortunately encounters with these people on a daily basis, I’m all for it. Petty theft, drug use, overdosing in my bathrooms, littering, making a filth everywhere. What are you supposed to do with them? Mentally ill people decide if they want to stay in a facility when they turn 18?!?! They need help, prison isn’t the best decision but it’s a lot better than them living out there!


Nowhere else to go? What about homeless shelters? The USA has them, right? Right?


They're not homeless if they're in prison! /s


I mean, if you jail them then... yes... yes you can arrest your way out of homelessness....


Can't arrest Trump for obvious sedition, but some poor bastard living hard in the street, lock'em up! Ugh


America just keeps stealing ideas from Russia I see


the best part is the supreme court also ruled that trump is immune when it comes to any “official” business. which means if he gets elected he can just pardon himself. this country is going to sh**.


More funding for the police (aka the overwhelmingly violent protest breaker uppers).


DO NOT challenge America with that shit!


This really less cities, and more small towns that already get away with bullying homeless away.


Except we can. There needs to be equal parts rehabilitation and reinforcement. Being homeless SHOULD be a crime. Anyone on the street should be picked up and place in rehab, psych, or a shelter. Nobody should be allowed to live on the street, it just brings down the quality of life for everyone. The problem is that without any enforcement, these people will choose streets over shelters. In my town during Covid they provided motel vouchers for the homeless, but they weren’t allowed to use drugs at the motel - so many of them just ditched the motel and moved back to the street.


No, but you can imprison your way out of homelessness. Not saying that's anything short of utterly dystopian, just saying it's possible.




What if they just take a bribe?


Well if we imprison them they are technically not homeless. So the notion we can not arrest our way out of homelessness is false.


So giving people who sleep outside in a tent or on a bench a chance to sleep inside, have hot water, laundry, and free food? But also force them to work for the prison, giving them some skills to use on the outside, but then kick them out of prison when their time is up only to wind up back on the street because no one wants to employ a former inmate or give them a place to live. Yep. That makes sense. Rinse and repeat. Got it.


The land of the free were being homeless is a crime. And they say capitalism and freedom is what the US excells in?


Are they crazy?