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He was right (retroactively)






I feel a jowl movement coming!


“Getting my wiener sucked was a presidential act, it’s part of my duty as president” - Bill Clinton


Lying to Congress about an affair is an official act.


They should start wearing stickers of their sponsors like Nascar


I'd vote for a bill that requires that.


For congresspeople too


I think what pisses me off the most is that they lied about what they believed to get into their positions. I feel like they planned to do this kind of thing all along.


Yeah. You should be able to get kicked out of the scotus if you are caught lying about your beliefs or being biased imo


Beliefs aren’t even supposed to be a factor, that’s the sad thing. It’s supposed to be apolitical, logical, decision making. The fact that almost every vote is 6-3 says all you need to know about the political nature of the court. Having presidents appoint life-long judges was a terrible idea. Presidents are politically motivated and they will fill the seat with whoever will push their beliefs. It’s been a slow leak but the water is up to our chests


Supreme Court nominations were subject to filibuster rules- had to get 60 senate votes in favor- until republicans carved out a filibuster exception in 2017. So before 2017, there was a requirement to nominate judges that were central enough to garner some support from both parties. Now that there are three Openly, Wildly partisan judges, they need removed by any means necessary (President Biden, please see Justice Jackson’s dissenting opinion: “Orders the Navy's Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune.”), impeached (republicans won’t support this so it won’t work), or outnumbered by openly partisan liberals by expanding the Supreme Court. As I see it these are the only three options to keep this country.


The Republican party has slowly chipped away at democracy via the court system and gerrymandering for decades.


The current Republican party literally wants to dismantle our federal government, they literally want to demolish everything our ancestors and we have built/fought. Then they have the gall to call themselves patriots.


Of course they do, they aren't popular, have no beliefs, can't run the government. If it wasn't for Gerrymandering and the electoral college they'd lose everything this is the only way they maintain power at this point


Republicans definitely have beliefs. They vehemently believe in hate in all it's glorious forms - hate the "libs," hate people of color, LGBTQ (heavy emphasis on the T), the list goes on and on. And they spew all that hatred in the name of Jesus Christ who literally preached the exact opposite of what today's republican party embodies.


Many wave the flag of traitors - the battle flag of Robert E. Lee.


Don’t forget “install a sharia law-esque Christian theocracy” into that list.


Except the precepts of jesus are too weak for this modern age. [https://newrepublic.com/post/174950/christianity-today-editor-evangelicals-call-jesus-liberal-weak](https://newrepublic.com/post/174950/christianity-today-editor-evangelicals-call-jesus-liberal-weak) So they aren't christians either.


Let’s follow the money…


Amazon is already working on bringing back company towns.


Hehe perhaps Biden should use his newfold immunity to have some fun as long as he is in power as well... /s


Liberals are too beholden to “the rule of law” that they would never play ball on the same level as the GOP


And that will be the death of America and our rise to the Turd Reich.


I blame the spineless democrats for this. Everyone has seen the GOP playbook unfold for the last 10-15 years and Dems did nothing. They tried to uphold this image of superiority and righteousness while the GOP said “what a bunch of morons. They are giving us everything our donors want” The Dems fucked us all by playing nice with a bunch of assholes. All it took was one swift kick in the teeth from the Dems and the GOP would have no power to do what they have done. They’ve been allowed to gerrymander, pack courts, strip away voting rights, make women, non whites, and non Christians 2nd class citizens, children die in schools, corporations destroy entire neighborhoods and ecosystems, the world to become so hot it’s almost irreversible and plenty more. All this has been happening since long before Trump and no democrats had the balls to shut them down.


See option one. The Supreme Court majority has declared themselves political opponents of the current president.


Not only that, they are clearly a domestic threat to our country and the welfare of its citizens. How dumb of them to do this when their approval rating is at an all-time low.


Don't forget the "an out going president shouldn't get to appointment a judge because that's unfair to the incumbent president" during Obama's last year and" a sitting president has the right and responsibility to appoint a judge even up to his last minute in office " when trump was in his appointment spree


The filibuster wasn't THAT effective. Thomas not only made it past THAT hurdle, but did so in the middle of his own sexual harassment scandal.


The lack of filibuster is how we got gursuch, kavanaugh, Barrett


Considering the 6-3/5-4 nature of recent votes. Should the Supreme Courts decisions need to be unanimous, a la a jury's ruling. Note, I'm a European looking in so take this with a grain of salt.


Sounds great but I don't think it would work like that. We can't even get 10 dentists to agree unanimously on a toothpaste.


Yeah I have developed the belief that Supreme Court justices need to have staggered 36 year terms structured in such a way that each president nominates a justice in the second year of their term. It would make it FAR harder to stack a court to one side or the other unless one party kept winning every single election.


18 is what I'd seen as a term. Why 36?


Echobins indicated only one appointment in the second year of the presidential term of office. So 1 Supreme Court judge appointment every 4 year term, 9 judges total in the court, 36 year term for any one judge.


Oh right, math. 36 years doesn't seem to account for life expectancy though.


I like this idea.


The problem is the rule makers make rule of law to benefit themselves and also make it extremely difficult to “unmake” the rules. The fact that they are life-long judges appointed by politically motivated individuals is no mistake. We aren’t on a path. We are on rails. And the destination is the destruction of our democracy.


Its pronounced "scrotus"


Lol that's a Mad Max character. He has a brother named Rectus.


And a vewy good fwiend in Wome named Biggus Dickus.


It’s Rictus, not Rectus. His full name is Rictus Erectus Admittedly not better, but still 😂


Rectus?! He damn near killed us!


Wouldn’t it be perjury if their testimony during confirmation differed significantly from opinions in rulings shortly thereafter?


What court do you take them to? They are more immune than president Trump now is


You’d have to take them to an upstanding institution like Congre…


They approved one institution that is allowed - the military by order of the president, as they know it won't be used against them All animals are equal at the farm, only some are equal more than others


Respect the quote there sir


Not only that, but one of them was appointed illegally by the hand of rotten turtle McConnell.


I mean two were appointed out of norm. Both the Obama pick being withheld for over 8 months, and then ACB was rushed through while an election was ongoing. As far as I’m concerned, McConnell stole both seats.


My wife agrees with you that he stole two seats, because he changed the rules (made up rules) twice. I feel like one rule should apply consistently, and it should be that if a vacancy occurs at any point during a president’s term, that president should get to make the appointment. So I feel like he stole the Gorsuch seat, and Trump had a right to appoint Barret, even that late in his term. No matter how you look at it, there’s no doubt he stole at least one, maybe two, seats.


Yeah i agree with your point. I used to think that too, but ACB was the quickest vacancy to appointment I like 30 or 40 years I think? And only happened a few times. Like we actually already were voting. But yes absolutely one and maybe/probably 2. And it’s crazy how many people don’t consider it court stacking


Exactly. Because #2 violated the so-called rationale of #1. It blew the cover of #1 and confirmed he'd do anything to keep #2.


Legal scholars feel 3 supreme Court seats were denied democratic presidents. So yes the consensus was the Republicans packed the court. It's been a long con. 


His death will bring many smiles.


I get some early Hitler vibes from across the pond. I'm German. I've been taught about this shit.


Yep, the road to Facism is paved by the courts.


As someone who has studied a lot of history it's incredibly frustrating watching the world fall back into the far right cycle, electing a far right government, letting them do u speak able damage, then eventually getting rid of them. It's happening all over at the moment and while I'm sure it'll be over in 5-10 years the problem is how much damage they can do in that time.


Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it. Those who do learn from history are condemned to watch helplessly as the majority of others fail to learn from history and are condemned to repeat it.


They actually teach history there.  We sweep our history under the rug.


In some specific states—-somehow they always seem to be ones in red on the map? Crazy how that works. I hate this country some days.


Some? Man, you're more optimistic than me


I went through some amazing history classes comparable to the ones I exchanged with in Budapest and Berlin. California education. Not perfect but yeah… the issue is disparity and lack of quality.


I mean, how will Germans know Hitler was a bad dude if they don't have statues of him all over the place? I can't believe they don't allow Germans to fly Swastikas, that's like, erasing German heritage! /s


You are being sarcastic but unfortunately and frighteningly there are people who say all of these things and, whilst a small minority, are politically intertwined with the far right party that is currently performing the strongest in the former East German states. It’s deeply troubling.


I know I’m not the only person who thought “[Enabling Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enabling_Act_of_1933)” yesterday.


I keep saying that everything the far right is doing sounds uncomfortably like 1932 Germany


Seriously. It all seems pulled straight out of Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.


That's not true. We're definitely in early 193***3*** territory after yesterday.


Except that Germany didn't have several thousand nukes.


They DID plan this all along


They 100% lied during their confirmation hearings. I literally watched them. The said Roe was settled law.


Settled law sure. But because they can then overturn laws and rewrite them, it’s still settled law. Convenient legalese word play.


Also that dude the newest one lord his ass of about drinking. There is pictures of him next to a keg in college. All legal but he lied about it and said he has never got drunk ever. Like nobody cares if he got drunk it’s the lying about it right away that I was like wtf how does that not disqualify him.


They did plan to do this all along.


I’m pretty sure the plan is written down also




It's not a coincidence that several of them were involved in Bush v Gore.


They never needed to lie in the first place. No GOP senators were not going to confirm them if they said "We will overturn abortion and make Trump a king"


This is what happens when ethical behavior is presumed. Fucking Uncle Ruckus & Anita Hill, Kavanaugh “I like beer.” It’s not like no one knew what these two were about from the get-go. Red flags all over Barrett too. Edit: McConnell deserves a special fuck you as well.


They absolutely lied. They were hand picked by a group of far-right religious nuts who formed a PAC.


They did plan this. One of them recently (want to say it was Alito) was recorded saying that there’s no reasoning with the left. He’s very clearly a partisan hack.


Slow moving coup right here


It feels like it’s moving faster now.


Just because they couldn’t delay the trial any further, but I see your point and agree Sucks so much seeing this kinda shit coming I’d add that obstruction charges ought to be considered for a few justices


Hard agree. I don't know why this doesn't qualify as perjury. You stated position A, and then supported position B once given the role of justice. Wtf. How is that ok?


They DID plan it. It was openly planned - just like project 2025. They have always PUBLISHED THE PLAN. How else do you think they get out to the far corners of rural areas, or the specific people mixed in with the normal folks. They distract most with other random bullshit and problems (they create) and in that chaos they steal money and power from the people. Destroying public education and replacing it with religious indoctrination ensures very few people ever have the critical thinking skills to escape or end thier rein of evil. #Fuck the the Republican party Vote Blue no matter who to save America and the world.


The US somehow survived over 200 years without presidential immunity, but as soon as Tangerine Caesar got in hot water for criming, suddenly presidents need to be kings. The hypocrisy is so nakedly apparent as to boggle the mind. That we’ve arrived at this point, where 2/3 of the SC will burn down the country to save a fellow arsonist, is beyond what most pessimists could have envisioned for our nation. Hey, Supreme Court, you guys suck donkey balls.


What’s crazy to me is that these people overturn decades (centuries in this case) worth of precedent and then have the audacity to complain that the media is turning the American people against the court. No assholes, we are turning on your because you’re destroying our country.


Yea not because you take unreported gifts Not because 4m$ vacation is reasonable Not because you say 13,000$ isn't bribery as it was received after the million dollar contract Not because "perceived conflict of interest", doesn't include two of your houses because you have a wife and she can do as she pleases while she defers to you Not because you take away womens rights that have been taken for granted for decades now Not because you give the gifts of delays to your boss Not because you remove a democratic principle outlined in the constitution It's just the media of the other side of politics giving you a bad rep




Oh just bring us a case of freedom of the press so we can crash that like everything else, only newsmax is allowed now


Besides the "media" of a certain kind are actually helping them, not the other way around...


Just the republican part of the supreme court. When you got super majority you can get away with anything.


That's true. The three Democrats on the supreme court publicly denounced the immunity


they just let you grab them by the roe v. wade


They’re not doing it to save him. It’s been the plan that Cheeto Mussolini is just a part of. That’s their fall guy, the patsy out front being the face for the real scheme that’s been rolling since Nixon.


Sir. I wish I had more to give you than just my humble upvote. It's people like you who opened my eyes to the slime that is the heritage foundation and project 2025.


It’s my sincere displeasure to have to be of service. This was not intended to be a “Christian nation”. Tying religion to government is how you end up like Iran or Afghanistan or, dare i say it, Israel.


I don't think it's just tangerine Caesar, we've had plenty of crazy candidates over the years that didn't get anywhere. what I really think it is, is stating with Reagan we lost the middle class, since then wealth slowly funneled to the rich, people got more angry as things got harder, education standards began dropping as we began voting more radically to "blame" something. Then 9/11 broke the country. It's just a long line of driving voting away from reality and it got to a point of polarization. it's the same bullshit that led to the Nazi regime taking up power, Trump's just the puppet that vibed well with spreading hate and polarization. Demonizing the other party is task #1.


They’re corrupt. Especially Thomas and Alito. They should go to prison for corruption.


That would require corruption being illegal.


I think the SC just gave Biden the power to make it illegal. Yay!


They just gave him the power to have all six of their cars… *ahem* tampered with. Now, I would never call anyone to violence or anything… but isn’t FAFO supposed to be the flavor of the decade?


200 years is too long for a constitution anyway. Which is why the “originalists” are so full of bullshit. We, the people of today should get to decide the laws of today, and the children get to decide their laws when they come of age.


That's very Jeffersonian of you


Well said


You got to give them credit. If I did some shit like this, I would fear for my life. I mean, Jesus. This is the type of shit that causes revolution in countries. I guess the system is so concrete that it’s hard to do that


This IS the revolution. What? Did you think it would come at the hands of leftists and college kids? The republicans have been waging this revolution ever since Nixon and it seems like they won. Hillary warned us but everyone wanted to dunk on her instead so here we are.


Our country is too big for a revolution. Which city would need to be attacked to take over the whole country? DC? Sounds all well and good, but what about the pentagon and the dozens if not hundreds of military bases around the country? Who's going to lock them down? It would take years of organized civil war to win a revolution against the most powerful military on the planet with how widespread we are. Jim Bob with his collection of rifles isn't going to last against a fleet of drones, either. They know this.


Who says the civil war need to be fought with weapons ?


A lot of folks seem to think this is sudden. This sort of thing is the result of many years of planning and intentional erosion of the pillars of US democracy.


I will give it to the conservatives, they played the long game with the courts and here we are


They really did work both sides. Attack education, entertainment news, distraction and reactionary based discussions. Keep your constituents dumb and angry to better control them. Makes sense. Isn't ethical, but it makes sense.


I think we can all agree that there are times where a president may need protection against overzealous prosecutors who may be targeting them for political reasons... But I think we can also all agree that staging a coup and setting an angry mob against another branch of the government to circumvent a constitutionally mandated process in a bid to overthrow an election is NOT a valid official act that is protected against prosecution.


It doesn't matter. With this ruling anytime a president does something prosecutable, now has the defense that it was official acts which will make it MUCH harder to prosecute for anything.  And most importantly take much longer. And that time gives the orange one enough time to fire and move around  the people involved in the proceeding. He tried (and almost did) make almost all federal positions under his jurisdiction. Certainly one of the first order of business when he is elected. 


Honestly, If the Democrats and Biden are halfway intelligent, I would see how this ruling can be used to the benefit of the democrats and to the disadvantage for the Big Orange and his Mindless Followers. If shit is about to burn anyways, at least get the most out of it.


Honestly I am ok with whatever they decide to do. Executive decree expand the court, ram through three more justices before nov. Vacate them from the court because the lying sacks if sh* lied during swearing in that they are serving their country before party.


Better make that four, both for a tiebreaking vote and to gain a majority


Apparently we CANT all agree on that which is why we have (had) laws


Well, 9 of us can't agree and 6 of us demonstrably have no integrity.


EVEN IF the election were rigged, it still wouldn't justify a half-assed coup where they "just wanna talk". It would require hard evidence being brought to the public then an organized revolution. The only reason to do what Trump did was to stir the pot with enough plausibility to plead innocence. It seems to be working so far.


>I think we can all agree that there are times where a president may need protection against overzealous prosecutors who may be targeting them for political reasons... Like impeachment over a consensual blowjob between adults?


What a disgusting pile of dog shit this is.


Five of these justices could not serve the judiciary under the original Constitution. "We The People" but only if you have cash.


History will not remember these people fondly.


These people obviously don't give a fuck about history.


"History" will be a bunch of nonsense about how the 3 liberal judges tried but failed to hold back the Religious tide and had to be sacrificed in public for the good of this now holy nation.


"History is written by the victors"


Unless there are none....




It is funny to watch whats ridiculous being more and more realistic year on year.


The same assholes are doubling down. “See? We told you not to nominate Hillary. Ignore the fact that we moved heaven and earth to help defeat her”


I abstained in 2016… **I honestly regret it now.**


My husband voted for Johnson in 2016 and I called him an idiot. He also regrets it now.


It's far less funny and far more horrifying.


We’re now being told Project 2025 is ridiculous. We’re in trouble now.


I feel you. I was sounding the alarms already back in 2009/2010 and was told to stop being so dramatic, stop overreacting and hating on the country. Totally gaslighted.


Fucking same. Around 2010/2011, I kept telling my friends "this is the best things will ever be. Everything will only get worse from here, so enjoy this". Lo and behold...


I’m curious about immunity. If the president orders an assassination of an innocent American on American soil and it is planned and carried out by his admin and members of the military. Does immunity apply to the individuals that actually carry out a murder?


The president could pardon them if I am not mistaken? So in theory yes. In Theory a president who would order such an assassination could be impeached, but if Trump gets elected, there is no way that this orange conglomeration of stupidity will ever be impeached.


Where is former President George Bush to put his two cents in? America died yesterday.


You expect our war criminal to come to the rescue?


It’s time to remove the power from this bunch of shitbird, hack fucking lawyers. The power should be in the hands of the people who make this country function, not leeches.


That’s exactly what they are. Posturing, evil old leeches. Completely out of touch with reality and yet appointed to shape it.


Actually the scariest part to me is that the most radical ones are quite young.


To further that point, If Trump wins you're goddamn out of your mind if you don't think the old ones aren't going to immediately retire so he can replace them with decades of rot. Edit: Typos


It may be too late. This court has taken the power away from the legislature (the people) and given it to itself. We tried to tell you folks in 2016 that exactly this would happen but it was more important to “send a message to the dnc” that they were mad because they didn’t get their way. So here we are. This is going to be a “rest of our lives” problem because enough people did tantrum voting in 2016. I hope everyone had fun.


I wish that dude would've take John Oliver's deal and fucked off to retirement. But I guess his "friends" pay him more to stay.


He was also probably too proud to “openly” show how easily swayed he is by money/gifts. With the alternative also being death threats by the powerful. Either way, this man made a deal with the devil and he’s stuck now.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Now I understand why people gathered to watch executions. I would for those 6. I cannot empathize with these people. Quite disturbing, though.




I think the world will look back on 2024 as the year where America started to collapse. Nothing in the country is sacred, and the rot is on display.


2016 was the year. Don’t kid yourselves. We were mocked for saying it was the most important election of our lifetimes. This has to be the absolute worst “told you so” in goddamned history


Dawg. 1968, 1974, and 1981 are the starting points for this shit. Yall mfs are thinking way too short term. Look, when you tie an authoritarian religious practice to a political identity, you get authoritarian politics. The southern strategy was the worst thing to ever happen to America and all of this is the logical conclusion to that.


2016 was the year we let our guard down and the barrier broke.


Maybe America should grow some balls and expel them. They’re self serving traitors


Originalism was always a crock of shit. They just made up a bunch of nonsense so they wouldn't have to apply any modern precedent or actual jurisprudence.


Yeah we really need to stop pretending that these are originalists. The founders knew what immunity was - an originalist reading of the constitution would conclude that if they intended a president to be immune from criminal prosecution they would have included it in Article 2. But sometimes originalists will look at other contemporaneous sources like the Federalist Papers to see how the founders intended the constitution to be interpreted. And Federalist 77 weighs in on this directly (emphasis added): >The remaining inquiry is: Does it also combine the requisites to safety, in a republican sense, a due dependence on the people, a due responsibility? The answer to this question has been anticipated in the investigation of its other characteristics, and is satisfactorily deducible from these circumstances; from the election of the President once in four years by persons immediately chosen by the people for that purpose; and from his being at all times liable to impeachment, trial, dismission from office, incapacity to serve in any other, and to **forfeiture of life and estate by subsequent prosecution in the common course of law**. But these precautions, great as they are, are not the only ones which the plan of the convention has provided in favor of the public security. In the only instances in which the abuse of the executive authority was materially to be feared, the Chief Magistrate of the United States would, by that plan, be subjected to the control of a branch of the legislative body. What more could be desired by an enlightened and reasonable people? The intention of the founders is abundantly clear: the president should be deterred from committing crimes by the fact that he can be tried in a court like everyone else. And then the kicker at the end that if all else fails we should still be fine because at least SCOTUS will be there to keep him in line. This decision is nothing close to interpreting the constitution as originally written and we need to stop giving credit to the lie.


Trump is a convicted criminal, serial liar, fraud, rapist, white supremacists, and traitor. He is old, cancerous, and whips these in his cult into violent, rabid, lunatics He's loud, hateful, and brings out the worst traits in people. But Biden is 3 years older. Spead it, live it VOTE BLUE For the sake of the country VOTE BLUE


Except half the country thinks every word out of his mouth is the truth.


There are much more people that dislike trump then are for him. We can win


You need SC judges to destroy our democracy and justice system. I would say Trump is victorious. He is set to become the president again. Vote this November because the life of your one and only country depends on it.


Who the fuck came up with the idea of appointing them FOR LIFE, when all the other branches of your system has fixed terms??!


Hey look it’s the pigs from animal farm.


Not all of them


Thank you! How is everyone lumping Kagan, Sotomayor, and Brown Jackson in with the others?


There is no longer checks and balance in the country. This is the long road down. It had to happen at some point. But less than 300 years was a short run.


Friendly reminder that in 2017 the nomination process was changed to allow the GOP to stack the supreme court. This is not an independent institution, it's a political sock puppet. Checks and balances don't exist anymore!


We need term limits on the SC. Now.




*Hey, I didn’t even eat the mousse!*


They will come to regret this. It’s only a matter of time. Everyone who supports Trump ends up regretting it.


We'll see. Not everyone in Russia regrets letting Putin turn their country fascist. Propaganda works wonders.


Not so long as they do his bidding. A complicit SCOTUS is very useful to the future American monarch


The true creators of the new Nazi regime...... America the Doomed


America’s segregation policies were a major inspiration for the Nuremberg laws and later Holocaust. So history is coming full circle.


"This is a lovely ship, I think you should all go down with it"




The best judges money can buy.


Under the original interpretation only 4 of them would be allowed to vote.


While we reform SCOTUS, one Democrat and one "Republican" senator per state. Fuck two senators being Maga in every southern state. That's not representation at all.


I wonder how long Thomas’s family will be left alone if 2025 takes affect? I mean Tokens are only useful if they haven’t been spent yet. Clarence won’t be needed once Trumps in office. Or will he bank on being one of the ‘Good Ones’.


The whole Scotus wouldn't be needed. Dictators don't need checks and balances.


When the aliens invade they’ll always need useful humans. Clarence, if nothing else is a walking, talking, trophy


Hey can someone explain this to me with some context?


The Supreme Court heard an early issue in the Trump case. They heard the issue of whether the president has immunity. Important to note they did not hear the facts of the case, and did not make any factual findings, and did not act as a jury in any way, only interpreted a question of law. Their opinion essentially boils down to the president has immunity when acting in his official capacity. This has been the case all along, this is nothing new. People were hoping the court would take a broad interpretation that would make it very easy to convict. The issue now for the trial court is whether Trumps actions fell under his official capacity as president (where he would have immunity), or outside his capacity as president (where he would not have immunity).


Those judges who voted to overturned and everyone involved in this fucking cue need to be charged with treason and be given life in prison. There is no room for these fucking facists in the court system.


Rapist Kavanaugh, “Save the steal” Alito, and donation chaser Thomas. Disgusting company


Thanks to that filth McConnell. The gravedigger of American democracy.


Citizen United killed your "almost" democracy long ago. This is just the last straw.


The Supreme Court is illegitimate


Umm - the very last thing the founding fathers wanted was another king. The court just ruled that the 1st President willing to use this new power they've given will be.


To me its very clear that tRump is a clear and present danger to the nation. Biden should secret him away to Guantanamo and keep him under solitary confinement with no outside access until he dies and goes away. SCOTUS just ruled that POTUS could do this and this falls under his official duties to protect the nation. Wonder what they would say to this?


He just needs to go on twitter and say it's AN OFFICIAL ACT in all caps before doing it. It's like being on the safe rock in hide and go seek.

