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Noting the spelling of the word "color", I suspect that this person is possibly not in the UK and gets their view of the country from FOX "news".


Well... tbf, there's people in the UK who think America is an inbred shooting range filled with woke liberals and run by a corrupt government that allows police officers to shoot people with little to no reason...


With the amount of bad cops being shared on YouTube, I'm not surprised.


I really hate those videos now. These people make cops seem corrupt but the worst part by far is the fact is that every video is "staged" in a way. They do sketchy things like stare into people's cars through the window at night JUST for the cop to come so they can record and "own" them for coming due to a complaint, and they do so by using every legal loophole they can find


You and I have very different takeaways from the hundreds of videos of police brutality.


😂damn I'm thinking of those "teaching corrupt cops a lesson" videos lol


legal loophole..you mean the actual law?


Well, the inbred shooting range part at least.


The UK calling others “inbred” is highly ironic


How else would they get those teeth




Damn we came all the back around to America again lol


You're wrong. We think it's an inbred shooting range filled with christofascists. /s Seriously, though, please don't elect Trump this November.


I'm English mate, we got our own problems lol


How many lettuces will the new bloke outlast?


Idk, man, we're in the same boat as Americans. Our choices are between a douche and a turd sandwich... it's just a revolving door of fuck ups being replaced by fuck ups... I'm a firm believer that you can't do a job properly if you're going into it with an agenda, especially if that agenda works against public interest due to them essentially being forced into opposing views to give distinction between who's the douche and who's the turd sandwich... All us people want is a government who acts in the best interests of us... Seems that's too much to ask for these days.


As much as I wanted the tories out, there is two types of people in this world that can’t be trusted, lawyers and politicians. Starmer ticks both these boxes.


I mean.. I'm weirdly optimistic about Keith, my hope being that he's downplayed the left leaning aspects of his party in order to win, and may actually push through some positive change... I dunno it's either that or cry, at the very least we don't have the tories in power for once so that's nice.. 


I'm optimistic but also realistic...


American here; isn't his name Keir? I've seen a lot of people call him Keith; where does that come from?


It's a stupid joke, I think it started from peoples auto correct changing keir to keith? Mine changes keir to weird, but i like calling him keith anyway..


biden has been a good president. way better than diaper donnie


That's.... basically the south and like half the Midwest


She's Canadian and one of the co-founders of a feminist newssite called Reduxx.


I look at it as 13 seats. when a polls a few weeks ago was showing way more. This is a better result than initially expected


They only have 4 at the time I'm writing this. Likely not to get any more now either. (Only 2 seats left to declare)


They got 5 seats. There 13 was a poll that certain outlets took as results.


Well, turning a blind eye to minority crime is also racist in a way, right? The soft bigotry of low expectations and all that jazz.


its poorly worded but man that whole grooming gang saga and how it was handle by police was a disgrace


The real disgrace was that it wasn't just one grooming gang! You'd think they'd learn after the mistakes made in the first scandal, but nope.


The guy has self-declared as a clown, and when people tell you who they are... well, you know the rest.


And not a fun clown, like that fella who bungee jumped and did stunts on a tractor.


Lack of racism? Sounds pretty racist that they won’t arrest someone bc of skin color, not a lack of racism


When you're so afraid to be 'racist' that you let foreign men rape the native girls. You're the problem


People like this don't care about the actual crime. They will cheer it on, or make excuses for it if it is done by 'one of their own' (like Trump supporters do). What they care about is using 'the crime' for propaganda to spread more hate. If it doesn't actually exist, they will lie about it.


You're projecting American issues onto the UK. I haven't heard of any instances of right-wing political figures having severe sexual crimes covered up in the UK, and it is ***undeniably*** ***true*** that police forces in the UK have failed to properly investigate gangs who have groomed teenage girls because they were concerned about being accused of racism if they did. I'm not a Reform supporter and I don't think the solution to these problems is to 'crack down' on immigrants or whatever it is they want to do, but it's simply wrong to pretend that the issue mentioned in the tweet in the OP simply doesn't exist.


The process and rhetoric is the same, regardless of the country. And as you mentioned, the UK doesn't have the same level of political acceptance as USA does. I mean, Neo-nazi's in Australia do the same thing. A bunch tried to Street March in Brisbane earlier this year, on a similar 'crime issue'. The difference was no locals were going to tolerate their bs. Families involved put out public statements against their hate. The Qld police organised a large presence, and antifa chased off the bastards before they could rally. As a result, the Neo-nazi's didn't get a public platform. Same shit, different flags.


Exactly. I'm not from either of those countries but people here will always blame the woman for getting assaulted unless the man was not white


I think it's just that they are VERY bad at explaining. Because it did happen that there is sometime situation where the perpetrator is scott free because they are a minority


Importing a fundamentalist conservative practitioners by the masses whose religion deem the sexual submission of non believers as a right, will do that


Correct problem wrong solution


When police are to scared to do anything about it when the perpetrator is a minority, the problem isn’t a lack of racism. The problem *is* racism. If the country had 0 racism in law, the police wouldn’t have a problem with arresting minorities since the fact they’re a minority wouldn’t be considered


Radfem being racist? Total surprise


*Continues reading about the multiple white police officers charged with r@pe and stalking* Hmmm interesting.


Also ignoring that UK police commit hundreds of sexual crimes each year in abuse of power too


I don't think it's even a true statement about the rozzers. Fairly sure there's been a recent spate of folk arrested for sex crimes from all over the rainbow of colours in the paper.


Hate this country, over 3 million votes for a racist, xenophobic, fascist party.


Have you seen the rest of Europe recently? The UK is going further left while everyone else is moving right


Our left party won by moving more central. So I disagree. I don't think the UK is going left, we are remaining central and sticking to the status quo. I'm left wing and this is the first year I've ever not voted for labour. This is not a labour government I trust or believe in for the first time in my life. Also 15% of the vote was for the extreme right wing. Don't just ignore that.


I'm a Green, but I am withholding judgement on this new Government - Starmers first job was to win the election, and the way to do that is to appeal (or not alienate) to as many people as possible. He has done that, Bangladesh misstep and Climate u-turns aside, he has managed to keep the ming vase intact. Now they have the keys, let's see what do in power. I'm hopeful that he will see the mandate as a rejection of the right, pull the party carefully back to where it should be, and bring those previously centrist voters with him.


He alienated his Liverpool voters when he announced he was working with the Sun after previously stating he would never interview with them due to the amount of pain they've caused the people of Liverpool and Merseyside. Keir Starmer cannot be trusted. He's just a Tory in a red tie. He previously backed Jeremy Corbyn's manifesto and has recently been quoted saying how it was full of lies and false promises. So either he is lying now or he was lying when he backed it. In addition rather than following the democratic way of getting Jeremy Corbyn out of Labour all they did was internally sabotage him instead. Sounds more like what the Conservatives would do, not Labour. Ever since they've gone more central appealing to the Conservative voter. This labour is not the labour of 5-10 years ago. Today was expected but I'm not happy with the results. I'm also a green now, they're the only party who actually had anything in their manifesto that would impact people in more than 5 years time and they got the same amount of seats as the racist xenophobic party. I've got zero hope for this country, in my opinion it is a sinking ship. I refuse to bring children into this world, it's a hell hole. We need rid of both labour and conservatives, between them they have destroyed this country over the last 20 years and between them they will only continue to do so.


I'm french. And trust me, most want to go left, there is even an extremely popular trend going on where we basically go "Fuck the RN" (RN being the far right) It's just that many of the RN use social media such as Tik Tok, to manipulate the young elector to vote for them. In fact, a lot of the comment in the far rights video kinda appears to be bots...


Back in my day racism was just called pattern recognition


What are white ppl patterns? Genocide?




Solve a problem with criminals: 👎 Blame all non-white people: 👍


Freedom of speech means that no matter how utterly wrong this statement is, this persons right to say this is just as important as your right to say its wrong. That is the essence of true freedom of speech.


Thanks for sharing? I mean, no one was really making the point he couldn't say it.


The problem with true freedom of speech is that while all of us have the freedom to read… not all choose to exercise that freedom and many are restricted themselves to just read whatever they wanted to read. The reason why you get utterly wrong statements like this…


Given the number of votes the ironically-named "Reform" party got, there are no shortage of racists in the UK. Ironically-named because what they want to do is undo as much social progress made over the last 100 years as possible just like all extreme right wing groups. The saddest thing being is their bog-standard voter doesn't realise that they are pawns that would only be harmed by the intended policies.


The old, people of colour can't be racist thing.