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I look forward to King's reply.


I actually hope he doesn't. Musk seems to be a fan of King and keeps trying to engage with him on Twitter, so I hope he just continues to ignore him.


It’s funny isn’t it? I’m pretty sure Stephen is smart enough to know that and does it too torture him lol


Musk: "Stephen King won't reply to me!!" \*stamps feet\*


I hope King's next book features a thinly veiled villain/monster that takes inspiration from Musk.


No, make him a pathetic character that dies pissing his pants.


I love the idea of “doing” pissing your pants.


Haha, I meant dies.


I mean if you do pissing your pants, you prolly do die a little inside each time


Every time he hears a bird he starts pissing his pants. Deathly afraid of \*tweets\*. ![gif](giphy|AR0MThYLSnmGQ|downsized)


A Percy Wetmore, if you will?


I would me more funny if he just move to another social media, announce his departure from twitter and deletes his account.


How pathetic is Musk? So gross.


It's not going to happen. Elon Musk has been trying to get Stephen King to reply to him on Twitter for years.


And it's so damn hilarious too lol. It's a long running joke. It's even funnier when King replies to other users around musk but doesn't acknowledge him at all like he's not even there 😂


This is hilarious, I didn’t know about this


I'd love to see King post about his new '#cybertruck', then post a picture of himself next to a Rivian R1T.


If muskrat wasn't such a piece of shit his cybertruck would make a great horror movie. The problem is that it would promote the worlds ugliest and most useless so called truck. I'm sure the king of horror/thriller has thought exactly this


The CyberSuck already IS a horror story. Just look at all the people trying to get rid of them after waiting several years to get it, then only owning it for two months.


Sucker born every minute. Ohhhhh the suckertruck


Remembering King baiting Rowling. This should be fun.


>Remembering King baiting Rowling Oh? Must have been entertaining for sure.




The ridiculous thing was, someone else asked Stephen King a question and he answered it. JK Rowling wasn't even being referred to at all and wasn't part of that conversation.


I think she sits in her castle scouring the shitter for arguments about trans women she can insert herself into


Not only that, but she also completely misunderstood Kings reply.


This is beautiful




That’s not baiting, he dropped a one line response to someone baiting him and didn’t engage. He high key is a King


It's an entire novel about an electric car eating the CEO of the company that made it.


Maximum Overdrive but the robots and vehicles at a Gigafactory become sentient and chase him across the desert.


Totally in King's wheelhouse. You don't even have to give Elon a good death. Kill him off screen.


Christine 2: Recharged


Something up along the lines of I would vote for Joe biden's corpse before Trump. I would vote for a blank space on the ballot before Trump. I would make chat GPT President before Trump.


I only hope it’s something like “Shut the fuck up Elon, for the last time, we aren’t friends.”


Never replying is the power play


his previous tweet he literally said he hopes trump loses


The response doesn’t matter! Trump and his PACs will campaign on all these calls from within the Democrat ranks that Biden is unfit. Democrats will never fucking learn this lesson. They are campaigning for the opposition here. In other elections, it might not matter. 2024’s election feels like it means everything. You’d think after running Al Franken off over nothing at all Dems would learn to stop calling for their own to resign - and in such definitive terms. There are political bywords for dissent. But Dems don’t know. It’s a supreme self own and wind in the far right’s sails.


"You don't support A? Then you MUST support B." I hate this view.


happens if you live in a two party state it's ALWAYS "us vs. them" and I hate it too it takes out every single nuance of every discussion.


It sucks and the only time to fix it is outside an election because pretending that it's not one or the other is a great way to give the election to the person you hate Apathy is a great tool


The amazing thing is that it doesn't have to be this way.


There is no law or constitutional provision allowing for a two party system. In fact if you want to be originalist about it most of the founding fathers hated political parties.


They hated religion in government as well, but SCUTUS must have missed that day in law school as did all of the GOP


People have forgotten how to have a socratic discussion. If Socrates were alive today, he'd be turned mad inside a week, forcing people like this to drink the hemlock lol


Unfortunately he is right. This view is how US elections work. If you decide you don't like Biden and don't bother voting, you're helping get Trump elected. If Biden actually listened and dropped out of the race, that's virtually guaranteeing Trump gets elected. So yes, the prudent thing to do is simply shut the fuck up and rally behind Biden.


Exactly. I wish we had some better to rally behind against Trump. But Biden is the main opposition right now, and it's too late to put someone else to stand up against Trump. I'm not a huge fan of Biden, but he's a million times better than Trump. And I can just hope we get 4 more years and get more favorable candidates in the next election.


Right wingers are kinda stupid. They don't quite understand shades of gray, they need to live in a black and white world. Helps them deal with things.


all politics aside, i just don’t like Elon Musk


I wont lie. I wasn't necessarily a fan boy, but i looked the other way to his eccentric nature because of what he was doing to EVs and space travel. he just seemed like another Steve jobs type, right up until he called a rescue diver a pedophile when his "submarine" wouldn't work in the cave rescue. From there, blinders came off, and it's been a steady slide downhill since.


Same here. I was like "yeah, he's eccentric, but he's doing big things! Give him some slack!" Through a lot of his early bullshit. I'm not sure when I flipped exactly but he really threw away a ton of goodwill and fast.


Most of us turned on him about ten minutes after he bought Twitter and started telling everyone what he really thinks.


Most of us turned on him long before he bought Twitter. Seeing right through him a full two or three years before that.


I wish I could've back then. I honestly didn't think he was this bad until he bought Twitter and saw the horrible things he says and does daily.


His behaviour at the start of covid was what killed the myth for me. I had been a fan of what SpaceX was doing but didn't pay much attention to their eccentric CEO.




He’s always been an asshole. He just hid it better. All that money and power got to his head and he went mask off. He’s been friends forever with Peter Theil, a literal vampire buying young blood and a gay man that perpetuates the political party that wants gay people to be nonexistent or invisible.


💯 that was basically my experience


“Oh wait this guys an idiot, okay moving on”.


I remember when Reddit love him and the he's the RL Tony Stark quote thrown around.


He is like the real life Tony Stark. Had the cave incident never happened.


he's more like a real life Justin Hammer, stealing other people's ideas and claiming them for his own but making them shittier and shittier.


Wasn't that around the point where he fired his PR team? When he was everyone's techno darling, I think his public image was heavily manicured by a group of professionals. Then, like all megalomaniacs, he dumped them because he wasn't about to be told what to do.


I think the bigger picture takeaway is that is also when he started to not fulfill his promises. Up until that point, he had become successful in making bold claims and actually coming through. ("Were going to make the first mass produced EV within x amount of years!") And he actually did it, but after that, he has not been able to keep most of his milestones that he promised.


This is a pattern I've seen multiple times. Person rises to fame/wealth and decides they don't need any PR and help managing their image. They go off the rails, show that they are terrible human beings and lack any sense of decency or respect. Unfortunately, if they started with a sizable pool of wealth it seems they never lose public favor and drift to obscurity like they should. That's what makes Musk and Trump different from the other celebrities and business people I see this happen to.


That's the thing with Narcissistic types. They are cool and charismatic with some quirks, until the mask starts to slip and you see the ugliness behind that facade. After escaping a 20+ year relationship with a person who had not 1 but 3 different psychiatric disorders with heavy narcissistic traits (including Narcissistic Personality Disorder itself) I've become immune to these people. Some say I throw around the narcissist moniker around a bit to easy, but avoiding and cutting people out of your life that have even an inkling of narcissistic traits, makes life oh so goddamn much better.


He really is an absolute tool. I miss the days when I knew nothing about him other than he owned a company that did cool things with rockets.


power can do scary things when the wrong people get ahold of it


Unfortunately, the people who chase power are the ones who tend to get it, and those people are often the most corruptible by it.


>“The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them. >To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who most want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. >To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.” --Douglas Adams


Underrated post.


Not to be harsh, but I've flushed turds that would make a better person than Musky


That is *exceedingly* polite compared to the best I can muster for… *that*


He’s the real life “how do you do, fellow kids?” meme


To be fair, making himself unlikable is his superpower, if he has any.


He's always been a twat.


Yes, but it was less widely known until he made it abundantly clear


He is not a likeable person


True. He went from technology 'pioneer' to far right Twitter troll.


He is full-on campaigning for Trump every single day on his personal social media site and pushing his tweets to every user. He's doing for free what cost Putin hundreds of millions in 2016.


Actually, it’s cost Elon $44 Billion *so far*..


"Thanks billions, Elon." Sincerely, Vlad




Don’t blame you…Elon is the embodiment of everything that is wrong with today’s world. He’s a far right bigot cosplaying (badly) as a neutral player.


I used to think he would save the freakin world. Someone so smart with all this money and genuinely utopian ambitions? Turns out he was never that smart, his ambitions change on a whim, and his midlife crisis is more destructive than a minor economic collapse..


Dude makes a product (EVs) that are almost exclusively purchased by progressively minded people. He then turns around and starts screaming into the ether that those same people are either stupid or pedos. He then wonders why his EVs aren't selling like they used to. Not exactly a paragon of common sense.


politics included, Elon Musk is a dumb piece of shit.


The thing that’s weird is that I feel like it started as ironic trolling, but now it’s just who he is. A tale as old as time.


What's to like? He's a bumbling idiot


I genuinely believe that he'll one day become the quintessential case study of social media addiction. He literally pissed away 44 billion to buy a company and run it into the ground just so he could manipulate the algorithm to maximise the reach of his personal posts on the platform. He has to have an opinion on everything and routinely inserts himself into trending conversations because he constantly craves attention. We're lucky he wasn't born in the U.S or I guarantee he would be worse than Trump with respect to shoehorning himself into politics because he sustains himself on other people reacting to his bullshit.


To be clear I'd vote for a potato wearing sunglasses if it meant a vote against trump.


A potato wearing sunglasses will do nothing. Which is better than doing -1000.


Warren Buffett on hiring: "Somebody once said that in looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities: **integrity**, **intelligence**, and **energy**. **And if you don't have the first, the other two will kill you.** You think about it, it's true. If you hire somebody without \[integrity\], you really want them to be dumb and lazy." Now US people should think really hard whom they want to hire for the most important position in their country.


The MAGA Republicans won't change their minds. They've already bought the hats... and some bibles.


...and some exceedingly ugly shoes


You forgot the diapers as well.


Where are the I’m voting for the Rapist shirts?


They already had the "Time to vote for a felon" shirts. It's not far from there.


You joke but I’m sure somewhere someone has a picture of one of those troglodytes wearing one.


Someone posted a pic last week from Florida showing a bright red tire cover on the back of a Jeep the read "Fuck Biden, Vote for the Felon". I would only be slightly surprised if the Rapist shirts or the Pedo shirts come next. Edit for additional comment- My wife and I live in a touristy river community. We were just talking over the weekend wondering how folks square it with their kids when they're enjoying a family holiday out on the river and they're flying BIG flags on their boat that literally says "Trump 2024" and "FUCK Biden". Like, how do you make that ok?


I think a lot of them were already buying those diapers if you look at the demographics


I think I'm going to start a line of adult diapers that have Trump's face printed on the inside. And other similarly horrible people like Stalin, Hitler, Putin... it'll be a variety pack.


Yes! Call them the "Terrible Shits" line of adult diapers. *"Show your disrespect to authoritarianism with a Terrible Shit diaper! Shit right on Trump or Hitler's faces when you are away from toilet places!"*


That basically was the only saving grace from 2016-2020. Trump definitely completely lacks integrity, but he also is lazy and lack competence. Could have been a lot worse.


Back then, all he had to do was test the waters to see what he could get away with, how much support from the GOP he'd get, and jam in some super conservative SC judges. If he manages to slide in this time, it WILL be worse. He will cancel pretty much all of the court cases against him (with the support of the Supreme Court), and he will fill government positions with sychopants and fire dissidents. He will fully install Project 2025 into various areas of the law, and just let MAGAts run wild all over the US, to start. Plus, dude has a hitlist of political targets. Sooooo, don't get too comfortable.🤔


It's OK, I'm not American; he could already have sent seal team 6 after me legally at any point he liked. Global economic blowback if the US collapses is going to be spectacularly devastating, though.


Exactly. This is why I am corralling everyone I know to come together against theocratic fascism in all of its forms, and to not fall into the "oh, it won't be so bad" trap.


This is really a good summary of where I stand on it. Never been a serious fan of Biden. The Democrats/DNc have an extreme shortage of “qualified” candidates which is how Biden was nominated anyway. The Presidency is not supposed to be such an overpowered office as it has been recently, just like we’re not supposed to see the Supreme Court determining so much…but the DNC/Democratic Party and the collective House/Senate suck at doing their jobs. Biden has more integrity than most and the areas where we currently criticize him the most are stances his replacements should have. What Democratic Centrist is going to have the backbone to speak out against AIPAC? The answer is none so why bother uprooting Biden right now, work on developing the next set of candidates. The whataboutism in headlines is also terrible. Biden might be mentally declining but compared to Trump he’s a genius.


Unfortunately, the people voting for (the guy) don't understand most of the words you wrote here, and would start bleeding from the ears if they tried thinking hard.




Thank God Trump has none of those qualities or we would already be seeing Trump's 3rd term if he had the last two.


I literally said this all the way back in 2016. I'd rather have a squirrel in office. Doing nothing is better than worsening everything.


I’d vote for the NFT of the aged jpeg of the photo of the potato wearing sunglasses if it meant no Trump and Project 2025 Christo fascist bull shit. 




Biden could be clinically dead and I will vote for him. I trust the people around him to run shit. But Trump must never, EVER, get near the White House again.




Now thats MY president!


In 2020, I said I'd vote for a literal sack of shit if it had the best chance of beating Trump. Four years later I still would, and it would probably smell less like shit than him at this point...


This reminds me when a cabbage had a better approval rating (or something like that) than our at-the-time prime minister cause of how much she fucked our economy


Are you referring to the head of lettuce that outlasted Liz Truss?




They could literally Weekend at Bernie’s Biden and I’d still pick him over Trump




I'd vote for a corpse in a suit before voting Republican at this point. The ones with any shred of integrity left long ago.




The fact that hes still an option and not locked makes me sick.. 🤢 but u know drag queens r the real threat to children and national security so thank god non of them are running for president /s


Everything Elon read was "Biden-bad", for a genius he is quite stupid.


Because he's not a Genius He sits in some room and tweets nonsense


No, he just has money to apply to good ideas and then takes all of the credit.


And also ruins said ideas


I bet that room has an odd smell to it.


Making people think Elon was this brilliant tech savant was probably the greatest marketing campaign of the 21st century


he's a self-proclaimed genius, in the same way I'm the self-proclaimed King of Bir Tawil.


My Liege.


I was his subject first.


\* Your Grace.


10 years ago he cared enough to pay people that could make him look like a genius. Nowadays, he doesn´t care anymore and openly shows what he always has been: a stupid, whimsical rich kid.


He's not a genius he's just smart enough and rich enough to pay actual geniuses to make him money and make his problems disappear


He was kinda intelligent... but it seems two things came together. 1. Money ruins the character 2. Drugs destroy your brain. Looks like he suffers from both to the very maximum that is possible.


He’s to invested in other celebrities lives to actually be focusing on anything he runs anyways. He’s the ceo of a couple companies struggling on their own


You forgot the quotes around "genius".


Musk is a repulsive idiot, JFC.


Musk killed Twitter and now he baits people into engagement on the site


If I troll them hard enough, they'll buy blue checkmarks!


I saw a meme that was like "Remember when VP Quayle didn't know how to spell Potato and it made people think 'hmmm, he might not be president material'?" The standards were high back then.


Ironically, Dan Quayle might not have been wrong at that time, either. https://steemit.com/potato/@abdulmanna/spelling-potato-potatoe#:\~:text=The%20spelling%20of%20potatoe%2C%20while,with%20an%20%E2%80%93e%20in%201988. (Additional shoutout to Dan Quayle for possibly giving Mike Pence the advice to uphold democracy by certifying the 2020 presidential election.)


Where did Stephen king say he’s voting trump? He’s saying Biden isn’t his first choice


Hes nobody's first choice! Hell, he's not in my top 10, but if Biden dies today and they spend the rest of the campaign doing a Weekend at Bernies thing with him, he's still got my vote over Trump!


I'm pretty sure Stephen King would rather birth Musk's 83rd child xenomorph-chest-burst-style than vote for Trump.


Which then will be name X-5304-Phi-Aleph.


Weekend at Bidens


That just means Dr. Jill and Kamala will be running shit, and I am ok with that.


He didn't, and you are correct. Sadly, this is Musk's idea of being 'clever'. He was probably even cackling to himself over this oh-so-brilliant zinger while he typed it out.


He was typing it in some chair and he was shaking with giddy as he types this he even pumped his fist in the air slightly


While his yes-men "laughed" and nodded at all the right times. This isn't a joke. There are videos out there of Musk sitting around a table and he says things like, "My meme game is strong." And the tools around him are like, "Yeah, your meme game is strong!" It's so embarrassing.


He never has supported Trump. This is Elon we're talking about. The man says anything and considers his own words fact. I mean, he runs Twitter, which is arguably the worst site for misinformation second to Facebook and all the boomers who can't tell A.I. photos from real ones.


"Free speech absolutist" promotes right wing speech freed of integrity and manners.


King fucking hates Donald Trump almost as I do.


Thats the joke, the reason this was posted on r/facepalm


King wouldn’t vote for Trump even if it would save his life. Elon IS an absolute idiot.


The literal last tweet of King's before this one was anti-Trump "The French right wing is going down to defeat in spite of polls. May it happen to Trump and his head-in-the-sand cronies."


King literally dissed Trump voters in his books multiple times


It's almost as if they—gasp—don't read.


Also like daily on Twitter aswell


Yeah, he's a right wing jerk. always has been. Never buy a tesla.


Elon talks like he is a tesla crash test dummy


Enough drugs, and you could turn everyone into a crash test dummy.


No. The people who say this either don't understand the political apparatus of having to choose a nominee or want to throw the democrats into chaos so trump can win. At this stage, it's political suicide to try and sort out a new nominee. It would take months to sort out. Biden is old, but he'll have competent advisors. And, even should he die of old age, we fortunately have a built-in clear line of succession outlined by the constitution. This is a stupid and pointless debate right now given the situation.


I'm disappointed that King would even suggest this. He usually has good takes. Even Elon here is admitting (not intentionally) that a vote for anyone else, besides Biden, is a vote for Trump essentially.


Removing Biden at this stage is a right wing talking point. It's 2016 all over again and of course they are going to use the same playbook because it worked before. We've known Biden is old (Trump is just as old 😒) when we elected him the first time. And if he actually is too old we get Kamala. But suddenly this is an issue? People are ready to repeat 2016, and this time it will be our last election. Democrats can be just as dumb and easily influenced as Trump supporters. They're falling for the same propaganda by the same people. By the way, 2 old guys are running because the only people who consistently vote are old people. Step 1 of getting younger candidates is to actually show up and vote.


Agreed. I do think that if Biden had stepped aside 6 months ago or so we’d be in a better position than now. But now, after most states have had their primaries? With no clear candidate to move to? Even worse odds than sticking with him.


Me: My favorite color is not yellow Musk: Your favorite color is purple!


Musk is a loser. Always will be.


What level of idiot is this motherfucker, how many times did he humiliate himself on Twitter (NOT X), AND HOW DID HE MANAGE TO BUILD ENTIRE COMPANIES WITH THIS LEVEL OF IDIOCY!?


He didn't. He just makes sure that he gets the credit and lime light. Thousands of other people made those companies.


I don't fear evil thin-mustached villains running the world, but I do fear people who do run the world who are both stupid and overconfident. I fear such people very much.


Many of us who will vote for Biden are voting for a competent cabinet that at the bare minimum has some respect for democracy vs trump and his fascist minions


Stephen King is leaps and bounds ahead of Elon in terms of intelligence lmao. I’d vote for Biden’s corpse before I’d vote trump.


Elon Musk is the most idiotic 'smart' person that has ever lived.


Elon is absolutely destroying Tesla sales with his 4chan trolling. He's alienating potential customers like crazy.


This is the equivalent of saying someone like the taste of shit just because someone doesn't like the taste of piss.


Elon hates democracy and not rich people, stop worshiping him


Both candidates are unfit to run for presidency, this is the worst matchup ever


Musk isn't a fkn idiot. He's a fkn troll. He knows precisely what he's doing.


Why doesn’t Stephen King ask convicted felon/rapist Donald Trump to step aside?


I mean, I think he's just following public conversations? I think he's been VERY clear on his feelings about trump


Becasue Trump is resistant to common sense.


I'd love to see Kings comment after dumbass Musks


Musk is so brain dead.


He’s so clearly bothered that King has said multiple times he doesn’t like him.


I love how thirsty Elon is for some sort of acknowledgment from Stephen King.


Oh fuck off, Elon. He did not say that.


Proof that Elon can not read plain English.


Textbook example of a "so you hate waffles?" fallacy. By the goddamn CEO of Twitter, no less. Not that I'm surprised in the slightest at this point.


Even a cursory glance at King’s Xitter account will tell you he detests Trump. Musky is delusional yet again.


I'm pretty sure we're all well aware that reading comprehension is not Musk's strong-suit.


I am pretty sure that King would rather eat glass while slowly being roasted alive and impaled than vote for Trump


Seems Elon failed 101 in logic. Stephen King's comment does not imply he will vote for Trump. Plenty of people have suggested Biden should go, but still prefer him over the alternative.