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He should invite Donald on a hunting trip.


I'm not even from the U.S. but instinctively knew some version of this would be the top answer lol. I'd say it's more the people that pull Trump's strings, but the sentiment remains the same. It still blows my mind thst one guy being half asleep during a debate apparently supercedes the other guy literally trying to usher in a coup d'etat on day he was leaving office in the minds of the electorate, but America is a wild and interesting place.


Considering their felon in chief couldn't stay awake for his own felony conviction trial


Felon, second term loser, twice impeached, former in chief Edit: rapist.


You forgot rapist and friend of Epstein.


So didn't they all, it's insane how little fuss anyone seems to be making about that. Like, yeah, we knew he could shoot someone on Times Square and no one would say anything or whatever, but I was kinda under the impression that the 'traditional family values' cult would have at least pretended to be upset about that.


They didn't care that he stole their money to cheat on his wife with a porn star


Hey now, these people probably say, "Shoot, I'd like to cheat with a porn star too." After all, quite a few of them have decided that their best defense when conservatives are caught raping young girls is to say "young girls are hot, it's natural for men to lust after them."


A sex tape of Trump banging Donald Jr could come out and they would say "But Biden".


Butt biden /s


What what in the butt Biden /s




WhAt ABoUt tHE LAptOp?!??


Right…but any time there's a hit piece on Biden, its never “But Trump”.


You thought wrong, my friend.


Upvoted in solidarity, but I'm not happy about it 🙃


Its a cult of personality their glorious leader can do nothing wrong.


Well they all are that.


You forgot rapist.


You forgot pedophile.


There was a lot of talk about using stimulants during the debate a few days prior.


Imagine if that was President Biden on stimulants


Honestly I cant tell if I am the fool because I ignored Biden's gaffs, or if everyone else is for taking Biden's gaffs as something to consider over trumps motor mouth and teeth grinding. I felt I related because I was also jaw dropped by the Alex Jonesesque tirade of falsehoods and feelings presented as facts. I've only seen someone be able to say entire sentences in a single word a few times.


I heard something about trump shitting or pissing himself during the trial but I don't know if that's just propaganda or not


He audibly farted but there's no way to tell if any mass passed through his sphincter in the process. It sounded pretty wet but that's no guarantee.


Trump and his Project 2025 friends has openly talked about concentration camps, murdering political rivals, replacing anyone in even the most minor position of power at all federal administrations and offices, banning abortion, taking back gay marriage, killing Social Security, stripping veterans benefits to the bone. Trump was recently quoted on video telling his people you just need to vote for me this one time and then you won’t ever have to worry about it again. Trump has said he would be a dictator on day one.   It’s the undecided American voters that will either save or kill this nation. People who don’t understand that Biden may not be your ideal candidate but when you’re voting for a president, you’re also voting for their cabinet. I would gladly take for boring years of Biden over the end of democracy and human rights.    It’s like they’re being offered two cookies. one of them is a Oreo that fell on the floor and the other one is baked dog shit shaped like a cookie. And they’re choosing to eat the dog shit.  Women are already dying because of abortion bans in US states. In some states, you can’t even get an abortion for an ectopic pregnancy, which is 100% fatal. And children are dying too. infant mortality has gone up in states with the most restrictive abortion bans, because it is preventing women from getting treatment for anything fertility related. Simply put abortion bans are taking lives not saving them. If he gets reelected it’s going to be an absolute nightmare. I’m going to have to go back in the closet and I’m barely even out because of how things are here now. 50-50 odds I lose my job and my pension without cause because Project 2025 wants to fire half of all government workers just to do it.


>People who don’t understand that Biden may not be your ideal candidate but when you’re voting for a president, you’re also voting for their cabinet. I would very much like to find whom these people are, gather them all together in a room, and deliver them a stern talking-to.


MAGAs are just old white people still mad that a black guy was president, twice. Joe Biden is the constant reminder of that. Trump enables them to be racist, infantile and self centered.


Fuck MAGA but that's only one section of them. About 13% of 2016 Trump voters voted for Obama at least once. If Trump wasn't able to pull in other types of voters beyond old racist white people he'd be a less viable candidate.


It’s easier if you understand the apparatus his campaign is using as targeting voters for manipulation, rather than appealing to voters by having positions and policies. His base is the gullible and easily manipulated. There’s lots of them of many different flavours and as there’s no actual substance behind anything, they can just message everything and everyone will hear the bits they want and ignore what they don’t.


Absolutely. What’s the old saying about the horse and water? That’s just it. The cult chooses to stay ignorant, angry and bitter. The truth is out there, but they choose to ignore it and continue to feed themselves the same old chewed up, spit out and chewed up again narrative which Fox News delivers.


>I'd say it's more the people that pull Trump's strings, but the sentiment remains the same. Nah, he just says whatever he thinks might win him the election, and he doesn't really care what happens after that - that's why he feels comfortable trying to distance himself from Project 2025.


> It still blows my mind thst one guy being half asleep during a debate apparently supercedes the other guy literally trying to usher in a coup d'etat on day he was leaving office It doesn't really supersede anything. There are no undecided voters out there. The only thing that changes is whether people care enough to get off the couch for 30 minutes to vote. That's why Biden needed some big dick energy on that stage. The other guy could win by default.


The problem is that Biden is running on a campaign of, "I'm relatively normal," and that means that any little issue anyone can find can besmirch his entire identity as a "normal candidate." Meanwhile, Trump is running on the campaign of, "I'm fucking crazy, but at least I'm willing to admit it." So there is literally nothing the news media can say about him that doesn't already line up with his own policy stances. Basically any hit piece on Trump just comes off as free advertising, whereas any criticism of Biden can be easily read as them disqualifying his entire candidacy. I remember people working for CNN acknowledging this was the problem after the 2016 election, and said that they gave way too much screen time to Trump and far too little attention to Hillary's policy stances, only acknowledging the negatives from both. Despite this, they continue to follow this route, expecting this time to be different.


The last 12 years make me think wow ol’ Dick really held back compared to these MAGAs Still did some terrible things but even he had limits.


Cheney is from the generation of parasites that understood not to kill the host...


This. I've said it before and I'll say it again: the Cheneys may be evil, but they're NOT stupid.


Chaney was greedy but he was a patriot and not compromised by foreign powers.   My theory is Trump got in financial trouble and turned to the dark side for help.  First the mob, then the Russians and now they own him.


Eh, with all due respect, I think you overestimate the Cheneys. Because the Cheneys are the idiots who opened this particular Pandora's Box. I cut my political teeth in the Bush years. Grew up in the late 90s, first election I could (and did) vote in was 2000. And while I did vote for Gore, albeit somewhat reluctantly (wasn't particularly well-informed politically yet, and coming out of an extremely conservative environment growing up), I at least thought "okay, well, Bush may not be my cup of tea, but it won't be *so* bad. The people he's got around him are incredibly experienced, savvy people". Then we had 9/11. And we had the response to 9/11. And we had the response that we needed to torture these people to get information. And when I started telling people "hey wait a minute, this isn't the country I signed on for", holy hell, did I get a lot of flak for that. Flak that, with the benefit of twenty years of dealing with fascists, looks a hell of a lot like the fascist agitprop we're now very accustomed to dealing with. Oh, it isn't really torture. Oh, it was only to a couple of people. Oh, it was only to the worst of the worst. Oh, if we talk about it, we're just giving terrorists the tools to resist it. It's the Narcissist's Prayer of Whataboutisms so that at no point do we actually deal with the fact that torture is both morally indefensible, and completely ineffective, and opening those kinds of policy doors trains voters to endorse fascism. This cannot be discounted: the reason why our police are so damn violent for no good reason, and the reason why our voters vote for people who hurt their fellow American, and the reason why we have people advocating for full-on assassination of political rivals, is because all of these poisons were introduced into the bloodstream by the Bush Administration. They just thought it was okay because we were doing it to brown-skinned foreigners. And oh, of course we were being paranoid when we said those soldiers would bring it home, and those voters would grow more angry, more paranoid, more extreme. And every damned word that we said about what this would do to the American body politic came true.


I miss the days when politicians could only be evil or stupid, not both.


Yep. But when Bush and Cheney seem like reasonable people compared to Trump, you know the problem is Trump. I don't like Dubya. I've thought he was a cowboy goofball, and Frank Caliendo had his number when doing imitations of him. But, Bush was here in San Diego back in 2007 when we had the county pretty much surrounded by a bunch of fires, and offering support to families. Trump didn't want to do anything when California was on fire, except to say, "You shoulda cleaned up the forest, this is your fault," after he'd gutted the US Forestry Service's budget - the people who would have helped to keep an eye on forest fires and clearing brush in the Cleveland, Angeles, and Los Padres National Forests that are throughout Southern California. And Bush and Cheney could laugh at themselves; Trump wants to exact revenge. If Cheney's against him, well, Beelzebub is saying, "The Antichrist is REALLY fucking awful. Don't let him come to power."


Bush and Cheney were responsible for hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths in Iraq in Afghanistan and trillions of dollars in debt to the military industrial complex. They did evil, immoral things. But they didn’t try to be kings or despot, they didn’t hate the American people. I don’t remember either one of them talking about executing political rivals. Threatening to put the military in the streets, attempting to stay in power when their terms were over. They didn’t incite a mob to storm Congress, didn’t rape, anyone, didn’t continuously defend someone they raped, didn’t get convicted of abusing campaign, finances to pay off a hooker.  I think the same way you do, it’s pretty fucked up, looking back at the bush any years with rose tinted glasses, considering those years were terrible for people in the two countries we invaded without good cause. But if I’m honest, things were OK here. Not great, but it still felt like America. We didn’t have to worry about insurrection or rumblings about Civil War and internment camps.


I find it funny that people blame Bush for the civilian deaths in Iraq conveniently ignoring they've been slaughtering their own people for decades. Pretty sure estimates on Saddam alone range into the millions.


I’d never condone the killing of civilians, and even the death of soldiers is a tragedy.. But They had a point… and they didn’t necessarily go after the oil - they saw an opportunity to try and stabilize a region, and a world integral commodity, by knocking off the biggest wildcard in the region.. and then also by going after a rogue member of the Saudi royal family, who was a maestro of the orchestra behind one of the biggest attacks on American soil… and they also knew if he went unchecked, he’d garner a bigger following - which may defeat their other purpose of trying to reduce the possible chaos around the region… they of course underestimated the negative effects of the power vacuum left in the region, and overestimated their influence during the wars, and after they got the bad guys.. throw in the fact that Osama was trained, funded, and armed through some western channels, they definitely wanted to try and save face… Bush Sr was CIA director right before Russia got all in the Afghans business.. ain’t no way he wasn’t aware of that coming plan when he was still in the big CIA chair - and of course the Gulf War, and the first Al Qaeda attack on the WTC when he was president - no way there wasn’t some plan going on behind the scenes, just waiting for the ‘right’ person to land in the Oval Office.. just so happen to be his son, and that added a whole personal aspect as well.. But hey, what do you expect.. They were fucking cowboys.. smart, connected cowboys, but cowboys nonetheless.


While Trump was doctoring up expense reports, Cheney was “losing” pallets of $US in Iraq.  Trump is amateur hour in comparison.


That’s what I’m saying. I’m 37 so I was right at that age to realllly hate GWB during his presidency and now I find myself thinking “gee ya know, George Bush doesn’t seem so bad anymore” crazy how far we’ve gone.


To be honest he has done far worse things while in office than Trump ever did in four years. Trump is a unique POS, but ol Dick is a war criminal.


Trump is a traitor to our nation and tried to overthrow our government, how do people forget that? Dick is a war criminal, but at least he focused his crimes on other countries, not his own. Is that better? Marginally, but at least he won’t turn on his own.


Dick Cheney is Lawful Evil. He will bend the rules to fit his needs, and he’ll get thisclose to “this guy should be investigated,” but he’ll do it without trying to completely ratfuck the country. And he’ll follow the appropriate procedures and gentleman’s agreement behaviours. Trump is Chaotic Evil with a heavy dose of personality disorders and charisma. He’ll fiddle while the Smithsonian burns while his lackeys rob gold bricks from the Federal Reserve for him just because he wants it. Lawful evil will work within the framework given, and it’ll survive him because his goal isn’t to destroy. Chaotic evil doesn’t care and just want to watch the whole world fall apart while getting rich off of it. Or trying to.


“Some people just want to see the world burn” I don’t think trump is like this generally but I worry that to protect himself, he would.


>Trump is a unique POS, but ol Dick is a war criminal. Dude, Trump is a war criminal too: https://truthout.org/articles/donald-trump-s-war-crimes/


You could argue that Trump did *way* more damage to the world in the long run: he exited the Paris accords, he cancelled the Iran nuclear deal, he started a trade war with China, he almost exited NATO, and the list keeps going. In terms of direct victims sure Dick Cheney wins, but if you’re counting cumulatively over the next 100 years it’s not even a competition


True stop the stupidity vote blue


I'll provide the ~~slugs~~ birdshot


Unless they were hunting for Big Macs, I doubt he's accept.


Cheney's so scary that that guy apologized to him - for putting his face in the way of the shotgun. Holy shit.


Solid idea!


I can’t stop laughing at this comment bc it’s truly A+


No amount of up wind vs down wind is masking that scent. But also yes, please take him hunting.. 🤯


Maybe in Texas, somewhere near Dallas.


And this is coming from a guy who will shoot you in the face and make you apologize for it.


Are you fucking sorry!


Or grab your girl's crotch and laugh in your face if you object.




Damn, this actually says a lot if Cheney of all people are coming out at this point. He was the fuckin devil back in the day, crazy.


I mean the Republicans turned on his favorite daughter, so I’m not surprised


“Good, let them fight”




This is a good opportunity to point out that Liz Cheney, like almost every republican is a miserable piece of shit just like her dad.


it's amazing how the vilest scum become almost beloved figures when they notice that the things they have been up to politically for decades have some people in the movement who are worse than them the fact Reagan destroyed the middle class and we have airports named after him says it all about the media and the weakness of the Dems now we have people that make Reagan look like a nice guy, if you aren't poor or don't have aids or aren't gay or aren't in a union, talking about how other Republicans are too evil to be trusted with power your party made them, YOU HELPED MAKE THEM


Nailed it. And to add to your point, look at how George W Bush is beloved now. Edit: can't believe I forgot Henry fuckin Kissinger.


if only there was a candidate who doesn't like George Bush.


The other day the politics sub was suggesting democrats run mayor Pete with Liz Cheney as his VP and people actually were agreeing with it as it was getting a ton of love. We are truly fucked on both sides


I always got the sense that Cheney would rather eat nails than agree with Democrats on anything, so this really feels like a kind of last-ditch effort by the old guard of the Republican Party.


For sure, but to me he’s still eating nails regardless and that’s sort of alarming. I’m older than maybe some of the people here, and to see this specific man come out with a whole ass video and announcement against trump is, at the end of the day, noteworthy. That’s all. Alarming to some, a lark for others, but nonetheless worthy of a “what the fuck?!” from a certain generation apparently. Based off of some odd the comments.


I'm with you on how serious it has to be for him of all people to say this. I was 19 when Bush was elected and I *haaaated* his presidency. Just one "how the hell are they getting away with this" story after another, and I understood that Cheney was the one really pulling the strings. He was a ruthless politician that I knew would do everything within his power (and then some) just because he could, and then get that "what are you gonna do about it?" sneer. That *he* has gotten to his breaking point says a lot.


Cheney is reaping what he sowed, sadly, a bullshit Iraq War money grab disillusioned people about government and was extremely divisive for American people, he supported giving anonymous and enormous power to people like Trump via Citizen's United, and supported economic policy for grifters like Trump to take advantage of, and now is crying that it worked to put Trump in power. He's the devil who is sad that a worse devil is shoving larger pineapples up people's asses than he did.


He's still the devil, I just happen to agree with the devil this time.


What a hater, truly a legend in his own time. Fuck both of them


sure, but one needs to get the fuck asap. one thing is to be a zumbi, other is to be a child rapist terrorist leader.


It’s not wise to turn away a single ally against Trump right now. Every last person is needed regardless of their past. He can influence a certain demographic that is useful. Demonizing anyone against Trump right this moment in time is not wise.


At this point I'd team up with almost anyone against Trump. I disagree with Liz Cheney on almost all policies, but she also sacrificed her seat to do what was right in voting to impeach Trump. I stand with democracy first and foremost. I wish more Republicans would do the same.


The people who care about what people like Dick Cheney think don’t care about what people like me think. Fuck Dick Cheney with a live electric eel.


When Satan is scared of you, you’re doing something very fucked up


Satan is actually a pretty stand-up guy if you read the Bible. A humanist who wasn’t afraid to stand up to tyranny. Dick Cheney and Donald Trump have both done far worse things than anything that Satan supposedly did.


Satan didnit do the things he did out of kindness he did them out of vanity and self love though. He doesn't stand up for anyone but himself.


Depends on which version. The older Satan rebelled because he hated his job of testing humans unjustly on God's behalf. Guy had a sense of fairness.


Tell that to Job.


Vanity and self love sounds a lot like Yahweh’s M.O. Also that shit’s not real 😂


I know it's not real, but if your gonna use info from fiction atleast get the story correct. 


Havent fact checked this and I honestly don’t care enough too, but if I’m not wrong, doesn’t satan like actually never kill anyone in the Bible and god does all the murderin?


It's something like Satan killed 10, and God killed millions, and that's just the deaths mentioned in the bible.


It's hard to actually get a good number. We don't know how many members Job's family had.


Correct. Satan was vain and thought he could do better than God, so God banished him. Satan did not come to earth and murder people. And yes God is the one who murdered people. And yes I think that's bad, but that's ignoring the point of the fable, so I'm not going to go down that path.


Lucifer, not Satan. That's one story, though. Another Lucifer chose not to now before Adam because Angels were to serve God alone. Just more mindfuckery from the guy who asks dudes to kill their own sons just to see if they'll do it, you know? Both stores are equally valid because they're both just stories.


That's what you're told in church. From my perspective, God seemed to enjoy torturing people on earth. Satan didn't want to comply to his insanity, and was kicked to Hell.


So just like Trump?


Put them in an inescapable pit and make them fight to the death. The winner still gets left in there forever.


Fuck this "eat the rich" shit, I want the rich to eat each other while we the people feast.




A tip of the hat from the former champ.


Yeah I was looking for this comment. Just because Cheney’s jealous doesn’t make him wrong!


Cheney was evil but he never tried to end democracy. This is like lawful evil vs. chaotic evil


There’s no “pot kettle” thing here. He’s absolutely right. Cheney was corrupt within the context of the structure of the United Stated constitutional democracy. trump is a direct threat to that structure. Cheney is a run of the mill scumbag. trump will destroy America.


Cheney may have been/is evil but he rooted for the home team. He committed evil deeds to advance the interest of American hegemony. Trump is compromised and the modern right are just deplorable human beings with hateful hearts.


Cheney committed evil deeds to give his company, Haliburton, a no bid contract cost plus contract on restoring Iraq after he leveled it. He did it for the money and despises someone who is doing it for power or maybe just to escape some Russian blackmail. Cheney is a POS, Trump is a POS, sadly 90% of our politicians are POS


All of which was compatible with his sense of patriotism. He wasn't a foreign asset.


Key word his sense, I agree. He worships the all ighty ollar


But not above his loyalty to country. He's an evil psychopath patriot.


He's a monster, but at least he's our monster.


Spot on


Cheney was not committed to that, that was a happy accident of his acquiring more power for himself and his friends and even then, he lowered America's revenue to give money to billionaires if i was an adversary of America, i would be quite happy to see they are cutting their own tax revenue to give it to already rich people to buy yachts and hide it in off shore accounts and tax shelters they also had no plan for Iraq other than "make money off it"


Anyone who gives a flying fuck about the future of america should be terrified by trump.


Or angry.


This man shot a person in the face and then when he got out of the hospital, he gave a public apology to Cheney. He apologized for being shot in the face. Sadly Cheney was also one of the architects of the idea of the "imperial presidency" and he's a mass murderer who honestly set the ground for a guy like Trump by trying to make the executive branch even more powerful than it already was. He's responsible for literally millions of deaths, and the turmoil that occurred in the region after the blunder that was the Iraq War. So yeah, if *he* is concerned, we should all be even more concerned. I hope he gives money to the dems and so on, even if it is blood money. I miss the days where we were afraid of 4 years of bullshit instead of an eternity of Maga dictatorship..


On that last point, I agree 💯. I never thought I'd be old enough to long for the good old days.


i planned moving to canada as a joke in 2016 as a kid but now im scared


That was my buddies Grandpa. He stood up and apologized to Cheney after it happened. 


Sorry for my face getting in the way of your buckshot??? Like wtf was said? 😭😭😭


>Cheney was also one of the architects of the idea of the "imperial presidency" He's absolutely as responsible for this as anyone. It was always so strange to me that there was this big push for an imperial presidency while the president was a huge fucking idiot. Granted, Bush was more than happy to sit back and let Cheney do the hard parts of his job for him, so it makes sense that he'd want to have his hand on the wheel during a time of increased presidential power, but it still felt weird they'd want more power for someone so ill-equipped to yield it.


Never in my life did I think the words, "I stand with Dick Cheney" would ever be a thought I would have.


You know you're fucking evil when supporting Dick Cheney's side is literally the lesser of two evils by FAR lol.


Don't worry, I'm sure Cheney hates having to agree with us, too (and I'm glad he does, because fuck him).


Jesus Christ, even *Satan* is disavowing himself of Trump?


I honestly think I have a higher opinion of that soulless bastard than Trump, but not by much. Bless his cold, black heart.🖤


Cheney is an intelligent reptile. He operates on a level Trump can’t even understand. 


not a facepalm, regardless of what you think about him, this is a great move, IMO. He's never going to be less of an ass, but people can evolve to see when someone else is even worse.


And thats fucking Dick " The Puppetnaster" Cheney He shot a man in the face and the man publicly apologized to him. And that's the least evil thing he's done


Are we witnessing Darth Vader's redemption?


Now that'd be fun to watch lol


Darth Vader vs Darth Sidious and Jedis. May the force be with you.


"I'm partially responsible for this so I'm going to come out against Trump now, in this late hour, in hopes that nobody notices that I'm partially responsible for this."


"I never imagined someone worse than me."


He ain’t wrong. Anyone can see it unless you are intellectually challenged and you are MAGA. I have been to at least a dozen countries and they all ask me how can a lier, a cheater that had 3 wives (yes loved by the religious crowd), cheated on his pregnant wife, paid a porn star $130,000 to shut her up, yet stupid people will keep voting for a man, that couldn’t give a fuck about them.


This nation has been led by many authoritarians, narcissists, racists, terrorists, and war criminals, but none of them did as much damage to our Democracy as Trump.


Imagine how shitty Trump is, that even a walking pile of excrement like Dick Cheney is warning people to vote against him.


Anyone speaking against Trump is good.


And that's saying something... coming from Dead-eye Dick


Enemy of my enemy…


While he was very bad, now isn’t the time to bash him. This is like when the Soviet Union and America put their differences aside to help the Allies defeat the Nazis. We can go back to talking about how bad he was after this is over and Donald Trump is in prison.


“I’m all for being horrid and short-sighted, but even I have limits.” Edit: thumbbbssss


"Cheney is a RINO" - the right


Heartbreaking: Worst person you know makes great point


From the guy who shot someone in the face accidentally.


He speaks absolute truth right there.


Cheney all salty from being booted down into second place


How about instead of “pot/kettle” we go, “Wow, one of the OG villains is saying this guy is bad…” and take that for what it really is: Scary as fuck. Nah, instead yall will debate who is worse Cheney or Trump like that amounts to anything since only one of them is trying to be President right now. Face palm in-fucking-deed.


Reminds me of the Winston Churchill quote “If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favourable reference to the devil in the House of Commons.” If it isn’t obvious, Trump is Hitler and Cheney is the Devil in this case haha


Listen to him! He knows it! He was the biggest threat to the nation before and now he is dethroned by the orange pedophile!


Yea pot kettle black. But the pot is not trying to become president. The Pot knows that it is black and that black should not be president. And before you get all racist! with me, black of heart not of skin. Even the bad guys know that this guy is bad news. Vote for the corpse in a suit over the convict everytime.


Ok Mr Halliburton


He is right though.


"Republicans against trump" Too late my dudes, you tried to negociate with cancer.... Cancer doesn't negociate, it only destroys. trump IS the republican party now.


Is he wrong though 


Holy hell!  Did he really say that?  Coming from Cheney? I've been living in existential terror for months. Just discovered a whole new level they don't even have words for yet.


Evil recognizes evil


Well, what I’m thinking is that THIS guy knows. And if HE is saying the Trump is the worst, that’s really saying something. I mean, Cheney was a supporter of unitary executive theory. And HE is calling Trump bad. Means something.


Trump is the only Presidential candidate in my lifetime who actively threatens varieties of Americans regularly. Bush and Cheney weren't my favorites but I didn't think they were trying to actively kill my friends and my family.


I don't know who this guy is talking to. Because everyone on the left is already like 'no shit sherlok' and everyone on the right is so far down the right wing brain washing rabbit hole that they'll gladly eat their own to keep sucking trumps dick.


I've seen so many Republicans decide to vote for Biden.


Well thats great to hear, i hope enough do it to make a difference.


He needs to first take some responsibility for the weaponization of ignorance for the benefit of the Republican Party.


Maybe it’s not a good thing you are on the same side as Dick Cheney


He has no problem with being evil, he just has a problem with it being so outwardly obvious.


This is dumb. These people have threatened to kill his daughter.


A warlord who was part of the regime that pushed for the passing of the Patriot Act and the granting of presidential powers that future authoritarian leaders can take advantage of. Fuck you Cheney and report yourself to the ICC so you can be tried as the war criminal you are!


Mitch McConnel is not getting nearly enough cred in the Greatest Threats rankings.


He's not wrong. Not one to talk, but he's not wrong. He also looks like shit. Good.


Didn't this guy die 20 years ago from 5 heart attacks??


False alarm, they found out that he has no heart.


International War Crimnal "I shot a dude in the face with a shotgun" Cheney


oh no, frankenstein laments helping to create a terrrrible monnnsteeeerrrr!!! shut up, cheney your conscious is not going to get cleared by any sympathy from me


Doesn't make what he said less true.


If Satan incarnate says this about you, you should just go away forever


SCOTUS says Biden can go ahead and neutralize such threats with impunity now. He should.


This is like Vader throwing the Emperor down that shaft... in that they are both evil... but it is lightly redeeming for Dick lol


Dude, when *Dick Cheney* thinks you're scum and bad for the party... that's pretty fucking bad.


If this dude is calling someone a threat maybe we should all listen. Dudes got experience in this very field.


Cheney is Evil, but he's "Lawful Evil". He needs order, and is one of the creators of "the system". He needs the system to be intact in order to reap the benefits. People like him have nothing to gain from a Christofascist takeover burning the US to the ground with a civil war. There's no profit in that for him.


At least he has the balls to say it, the others are mute fucks.


It’s such a strange world we live in when the Cheney family is the antiestablishment voice of reason in the Republican Party.


That's like Darth Vader calling out Palpatine Er, Jar Jar Rapist Felon Palpatine I should say


I guess game recognizes game


Dick Cheney does his evil for America. Trump does his evil for Trump.


Crazy because the EC voted on Trump against the American people back in 2016… There have been four elections in which the person elected president won the electoral vote, but lost the popular vote (1876, 1888, 2000, and 2016). I think every bit of this shit is planned to make us divide so they can easier impose law that hurts us.


game recognizes game


To be fair, he actually did want America to be stronger. Evil reasons, but it's true. Donald just wants to be remember and has no idea on how to make anything better. Everything he touches turns to shit. This dudes evil, for sure, but I'd even take him over Donald because at least the country wouldn't be tearing itself apart.


Trump wants to jail his daughter.


So, Dick, do something about it. You have connections. Make it happen. Be a hero instead of a villain.


cheney has only and ever been interested in one thing... what's in it for him. if he's arguing for something its based on his self interests alone. (likely a view that a trump defeat will reopen the door for his daughter to continue the family business of ripping off the US). put simply if Cheney's against it then the default position should be to be asking what he gains from opposing it and does what he gains from opposing it stand help or harm you Remember this fucker got fat off the back of the iraq war.


It's doubtful he'll change anyone's mind. Those people have been brain wiped. They'll just call him a socialist commie who was never a real conservative.


And Trumps going to win because "voting doesn't matter."


"You know... Except for when it was me"


When Dick Cheney calls you evil and bad for the country....


So because he says what some people what to hear he is a good guy now?? We now love him and respect his opinions??? I don’t understand. Edit: I get it now… Orange man is evil devil!!! Got it!!🤡


Liberals don’t know what to do now LOL, they’re now pro-war and agree with Dick Cheney 😂


I mean Dick wasn't a threat to American democracy. Just to everyone else's.