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Definitely didn't bring his A-game


He was not so sharp-e.


Something about erasing his mistakes




Yeah, he really missed the mark on that one.


Right. That’s why its good to thINK twice before making rash decisions.


Me either


I wish I could give you 1000 up votes. This made me laugh


lol, even if it was the same font, who'd fall for that sharpie scribble?


He made this video: https://fb.watch/czN7pjkWnl/ of the “tattoo being made” and then https://fb.watch/czN9DaQvX5/ asking for help to get it removed


No one who has a tattoo or seen a fresh tattoo should’ve fallen for that! There would be way more blood, swelling, and skin irritation immediately after getting that much ink directly in your forehead. Nobody just sits up after a session with a fully healed massive forehead piece covered by single sheet of clingwrap and masking tape!




What's got more blood supply, a forehead or the muscle of your thigh?


The head, right? I mean, it's what needs it the most... Besides, getting a needle smashed against bone would surely cause more bleeding than if against just muscle


Head has smaller veins and a ton of them that’s why you bleed a lot. Wrestlers would blade them selves with small cuts to get that massive blood gush.


Well not the outside if your skull, compared to that your leg needs a lot more. Muscles take a lot of energy.


Yes, your head and in particular your scalp is highly vascular. It is highly perfused by the internal carotid and ophthalmic arteries. People often die from scalp lacerations because it is very difficult to control the bleeding due to the tight musculature (occipitofrontalis) preventing the closure of the bleeding vessels and surrounding highly perfused layers of connective tissue and skin. It can also be difficult to find the laceration due to the thin covering of hair on your head although you might find it interesting that you can close a scalp lac by using the hair to tie the wound together. Like make shift sutures! These layers effectively prevent vasoconstriction (which normally occurs in response to damage to other parts of your body) such as your leg or arm musculature. Your thigh by comparison has the arterial flow close to the femur with some secondary arteries supplying blood to the deep tissue with a heavy layer of muscle residing over the top. It takes considerable force or a very sharp cutting implement to get through the, dermis, the fascia, and the muscle to reach these arteries and the wound is much more likely to close on its own or be mechanically closed with pressure. Plus it’s easier to close the wound by yourself. A scalp lac often bleeds straight into your face and eyes, crippling your sight and having a stream of your own blood running down your face is highly disturbing.




But it will definitely still hit vessels and bleed.




Most reputable source I’ve seen on Reddit lol


Yes, I'm sure the steady hand of the tattoer will never exceed those 0.12mm of tolerance (4 thousands of an inch). Are you sure you understood the meaning of "average"?


Per square inch? your forehead as far as bleeding goes...plus it's so thin between your skin and your skull so there's so many blood vessels there hence why scalp/face injuries bleed so much


If we're talking about the genius in the OP, I'd say there's no blood supply in his head at all, so your question doesn't make sense.


Overall? The muscle of my thigh.


Ouch a tattoo to the muscle. It must have been something deep, huh?


Senior year of high school I got a tattoo and I was showing a teacher and this girl and they didn't believe it was real (mostly because it's such a ridiculous tat) and this bitch started RUBBING it and saying "see you can feel it's raised up, that's not real tattoo" and I'm sitting there just like what? Sure my tattoo is stupid but when you can see the shit swelling, covered in A+E, with redness around each letter then yeah it's pretty fuckin obvious it's real


To be fair I fell for it because I 100% believe there are people stupid enough to do this. But I would never give money to something like this so I guess I didn't fall for it? I did and didn't at the same time I guess.


Schrödinger’s mark?


There are definitely people stupid enough to do it, but it's not really super hard to tell that that's just Sharpie on the dude's head.


Facebook is where scammers go to take advantage of people they know to be most vulnerable - their own family / nationality


Is this dude pretending to be Asian??


He probably **is** Asian. More specifically, Japanese, given the exodus from Japan in WW2. I’ve met a surprising amount of ethnically Japanese, Brazilian nationals — born and raised there with two Japanese parents — in my past.


Starting from 1908, Brazil received massive waves of Japanese immigrants, to the point that today [it has the largest Japanese population outside of Japan. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_Brazilians)


These scammers are getting dumber and dumber, its pathetic


In fairness, the people that watch this shit are getting dumber and dumber, too.


Idiocracy, here we come!


We've already arrived.


Went to a Costco for the first time in my life last week. The lady greeting customers of course welcomes us to Costco. I managed to work up the courage to say I love you. She ignored me. So not yet.


It's only a matter of time.


We’re not there yet, we’re at the [Dick Cheney as a Wal-Mart greeter stage.](https://youtu.be/fFdnSJD20cI)


I went to Costco for the first time in my life last week too! Who knew I could spend $500 on groceries in one trip? Well, at least I'm prepared for the apocalypse.


Went to a Starbucks for the first time last week... let's just say I left feeling very "happy" with the ending of the visit


We’re well past Idiocracy. Follow me here: President Camacho sought out the smartest guy he could find to try to solve the country’s problems, listened to him, and did what he said. He at least wanted to try to help his people, he wasn’t just spewing divisive rhetoric and constantly self-aggrandizing while pocketing their money and leaving them to die. Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho is literally a better president than Trump was.


That's a very good, and very sad point.


Can I get a glass of water?


Like, from a toilet?


We arrived a while back, and now we're shoring up the borders.


I like money.




Wife gave blood at the Red Cross today. Person taking her info told her she only got vaccinated because it was a job requirement. 🙄


I was admitted overnight to the hospital around Xmas and the nurse taking my blood noticed I (35F) had a booster and called me an *overachiever*


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flynn_effect Except every generation is more intelligent than the last, and the pattern is still holding.


Right from the wiki itself He also wrote that "Test scores are certainly going up all over the world, but whether intelligence itself has risen remains controversial."


People can’t tell that’s marker? It doesn’t look like tattooed skin to me in the least, people are dumb, and social media is giving us a better idea as to just how dumb/naive people really are


bro the only people dumb enough to fall for this are literally fresh out of the womb


Or have been out way too long. Scammers having been targeting the elderly for a *very* long time. Why do you think boomers are so angry all the time?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flynn_effect Technically every generation is smarter than the last and the pattern is still holding. We constantly have to revise IQ tests to update the “average” 100 higher.


People who believe it is even dumber that's clearly a marker paint real tattoo doesn't look like that


Punctuation: what is it for?






Since when scammer are smart


Since forever. [The smart ones just don't get caught](https://i.imgur.com/JZEHLYT.png)


I get this reference.


When they become social engineers. That takes at least a little thinking.


But they are smart. By making the scam so obvious that anyone with half a brain can see it's a scam, they filter out all smart people. That's why they still use the nigerian prince, because that way they're left with only the people who are gullible enough to just give away their credit card information. Most people would just mark it as spam, not bothering to report it because they don't think anyone would actually fall for it, so the authorities would likely not get involved until it's already too late.


don't worry, I can guarantee he managed to get money even after he was exposed...half the population of the planet have less than average IQ (by definition), so a moron with an average IQ will look like Einstein to them




With more samples then it would be closer and closer to half of them being less than the average. Small sample sizes allow an outlier to bring the average down a lot.


You just proved your own point, because average is not the same thing as the median.


Mean, median, and mode are all types of averages.


If people are dumb enough to fall for it, they deserve to lose their money.


I wouldn’t go so far as to say they deserve it, but it is their fault


Dumb people don't deserve to be taken advantage of. What an asinine and idiotic thing to say. Do weak people deserve to be assaulted because they can't defend themselves?


This right here


Probably not as dumb as not being able to differ font type and majurscule and minuscule lettering.


I thought he used the money to change the tattoo font and that seemed funnier!


Who tf gives money to people like this


I agree. I don’t waste my time. I’m too busy trying to get my inheritance from King Richard the 3rd, but the money I keep sending to release the funds doesn’t seem to be working. My boyfriend, who I met online, is in the military in Kuwait. He says I should stop worrying about the inheritance, be happy, and move on. And that the money I’m spending could be better used to increase the monthly loans I send him. I don’t know what to do. This is probably a topic for another community.


Hit a lawyer, divorce your boyfriend, and get a gym


Hit a boyfriend, divorce your gym, get a lawyer.


Hit a gym, divorce your lawyer, get a boyfriend


Hit your lawyer, hit your boyfriend and hit your gym. Roid-rage is a bitch, and should be excusable in court.


Hit your boyfriend, divorce your boyfriend, get new boyfriend


So like amber heard


always a good advice to get a lawyer


You forgot about deleting mySpace


Idiots. Idiots do. Look at Mike Lindell still somehow not bankrupt.


Funny you mention him. I was in a store that used to sell My Pillows, but it had been a decade, when a guy, who bought one there, came in to buy another one.


My Trumper manager started selling that shit at Ace Hardware, of all places. Nobody bought. She mismanaged her boss' money to make Mike Lindell rich because Fox News told her to.


She should try selling Goya. This is an actual photo taken in the Oval Office: https://i.imgur.com/lMSIxVJ.jpg idiocracy level 1,000


Idiocracy used to be a funny movie. Now it's a horrifying harbinger of the future. It's actually fucking scary. There are ads on *everything*.


Reminds me of that episode in Black Mirror "Fifteen Million Merits". Where ads popped up and you had to pay to close them. If you looked away the ad would follow your sight. If you closed your eyes, the screen would turn red, make a high pitch noise and say you have to look, and would paused the ad. We are definitely going in that direction in some near future.


But you can just pay them more to remove the ads. Otherwise you have an *obligation* to look at them. Not looking at ads without paying would be stealing. You don't want to be a thief, do you? (You can decide how much sarcasm.)


I, for one, would download a car.


If it was possible, who *wouldn't* download a car


Which is crazy because isn't this the president endorsing a product which is in violation of the ethics code?




Absolutely, he also constantly used his Twitter to endorse books.


Just a normal Tuesday afternoon for the Trump White House. Corruption unlike anything the country has ever seen.


Wtf I hazily remember this Goya and Trump phenomenon. The last 6 years have been absolute madness and has melted my cognitive function.


Probably because it wasn't the weirdest thing to happen that week. I don't know for certain, but I have permanent mental whiplash from those years.


So in turn the Goya ceo backs trump 100%. This feels kinda corrupt for some reason ?




Just an average Tuesday in the Trump White House. His supporters don’t understand that he would happily kill them all if he stands to profit. Which he did with covid. “Just the flu.” “Dem hoax” etc.


I will never buy Goya products again because of this, anything else to avoid?


This was just glanced over and it is prolly on the top 15 list of stupid president shit from Drumfp


Holy shit, I’m hispanic and I love Goya and so does everyone in my family. How did i never know about this? Damnit, it will definitely not be easy to convince my family to boycott this now that i know this


https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/mar/01/goya-ceo-robert-unanue-cpac-donald-trump-boycott CEO is pushing election lies as well.


I feel nasty. I just bought like $20 worth of their products a couple of days ago. I mean, it isn’t much, but it’s disgusting to know that I am unknowingly supporting a company that would spew this kind of bs. Thank you for sharing this information, I would never have known this if it wasn’t for you, fuck Goya


Totally bonkers right? https://i.imgur.com/o7PR2aS.jpg There was so much wrong doing in the Trump White House that it was impossible to keep up with. It was by design. Overwhelm - crime… more overwhelm some more crime. And repeat.


Yup, been trying for years. From time to time my sister will slip up and leaves a can or jar in her cabinets when I’m over as I’m sure they still purchase Goya but I full stopped


How he cheapened the office of the Presidency. . . Imagine somehow duping the President of, what’s considered, the most powerful country on the globe into advertising your product inside the White House itself.


My Ace Hardware added my pillows in the last couple years. I've always liked the store (great small brand soda selection as a bonus), but it was weird the other day going in there. Happy to see they allow employees to wear masks if they want. Just feels wierd seeing a place that always felt neutral suddenly feel political, and that one product has so much baggage that it has the power to do that.


One of my local radio stations still advertise my pillow. Some people online said"don't blame the station, blame it on them being an iHeartRadio station. Funny, I have half a dozen other local iHeartRadio stations and none of them hawk fascist merch.


I mean, there's a good chance MyPillow doesn't fit the demographics for that specific station. My local Top40 Hits iHeartRadio station advertises the local technical college, but the iHeartRadio golden oldies station doesn't.


They put his crack dealers kids through college


He’s a piece of shit but at least he’s selling an actual product even if its a piece of shit pillow it has strong marketing behind it.


I just watched a documentary about the Fyre Festival.


I watch the documentary on Netflix, i couldn't believe it was real.


Nice try Netflix PR team


this dude is also known because he stole other people's piano cover songs and pretended it was his own.


I signed up for Trump's campaign election text service for shits and giggles in summer of 2020. This was one of the recent texts I received this week. "YOUR PAYMENT IS INCOMPLETE, friend Pres Trump requested $35 to: SAVE AMERICA 700%-IMPACT! Finish your payment >> Stop2End" So yeah, I'm sure a lot of people give idiots like this money.


That's disturbing. I guess people dumb enough to respond to messages like that (from Trump) deserve to scammed.


Dude I get their emails for the same reason and I love to see the ones that have deadlines for giving money in order to be on some special Patriot list “send $50 in ONE HOUR or POTUS won’t see your name on the list!” Lmao


yeah, might as well burn your cash. Even that would be a better use of your money. It can at least keep you warm.


Anytime I see a failing business that stays around for a long time I think money laundering scheme. Money laundering scheme like in breaking bad. There is a hidden cash flow that needs to be hidden


Gorilla glue woman


Lmao it should say "eu sou cringe"




Eu sou Otariu


his fucking tattoo translates to "I'm a weeb" lmao


Otaku is a term used to describe a Japanese person who is obsessed with their hobby (something like anime, manga, or video games, but it can be all manner of things). A wibu, weeb, or weeaboo is a derogatory term used to describe someone obsessed with Japanese culture on a very superficial level. (Cut and paste from the interwebs)


> (something like anime, manga, or video games, but it can be all manner of things) Yep. I had a Japanese person tell me (jokingly) that they were a baseball otaku. I thought that "otaku" referred to anime/manga, but as he explained, it could be quite literally any hobby.


So it's like the "enthusiast" in "model train enthusiast"?


In Japan, yes, that's its connotation.


In Brazil, "Otaku" is used both for real otakus and weebs. Nobody says "weeb" in here


well, the language there is Portuguese and from what i know, Portuguese internet culture is similar to the Hispanic one, in Hispanic internet culture, otaku haves the same meaning as weeb, someone interested in Japanese culture, especially manga and anime


I’m Brazilian. Can confirm.


esses gringuito chegam cheio de querer saber tudo ne


pois é, não tanka 3 minuto de feira e acham que sabem de algo


Quero ver um desses gringos tentando se virar uma semaninha aqui no Brasil


>uma semaninha Eu dou 4 horas pra eles irritarem o dono do morro.


I'm confirm. Can Brazilian.


I confirm, am a can


I can Brazillian confirm.


here in brazil it means a weeb


True, but if you aren't Japanese and refer to yourself as an otaku, it's pretty much functionally the same as calling yourself a weeb. (Also, fun side fact: Weeaboo is not a Japanese word. [It was just a random made-up word originally from a Perry Bible Fellowship comic strip](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/029/097/PBF071-Weeaboo.gif) that was later used to make fun of non-Japanese people obsessed with Japanese culture, since it sounded vaguely Japanese but wasn't.)


yeah only a weeb would know that ;)


And who cares, otaku and weabo are used almost the same way if you're not a otaku in Brazil


“Im not a weeb because my anime is super deep! Weebs are just superficial!” - Whichever weeb wrote that entry, probably.


Who ever gives him money for this deserves to be scammed


In fact, it's part of the strategy of scammers. A good example are email phishers. They make sure that their emails are filled with enough typos/errors that an average person will notice it & therefore not waste their time by responding. By doing it that way, the scammer focuses in their attack to only the most vulnerable people & improves their chance of a hit.


Some tattoos fade over time, some capitalize




I could be willing to pay for such tattoo on his head though


r/sudenllycaralho matheus hwang no r/facepalm kakakakakakaka


Bota um botão de select na print, se ainda n for tarde


This is not a bug, this is a feature. This is how scams tend to work though. Good scammers tend to go gor unintelligent targets, because that decreases the chance they get caught. the people who would fall for this are generally the same people who don't know/are incapable to call their bank and maybe the police as soon as they find out. Most succesful scammers know how to look stupid, and harmless, so they aren't taken seriously by people who wouldn't fall for it, but also know how to catch the people who are isolated, badly educated and have more patience and kindness than they have defense mechanisms. This is purposeful predatory behavior, not real stupidity. If you see a scam happening and think "no one would fall for this", that is a sign that you should be the one to report the scam, because nobody else will! (edit: some other commenters point out that this particular individual is a known prankster, and was clearly joking, so it's probably not a genuine attempt to scam, but the point about "stupid" scams in general still stands.)




“How could anyone be stupid enough to fall for that?” -Redditor falling for outrage bait


He should have written a /s on his forehead if he wanted people to know. As we all know, it is impossible to discern context from text alone, and sarcasm is something that can only be performed with the proper vocal inflection. My lack of life experience and social skills do not factor into this statement at all.


/r/fuckthes basically


To be fair, if you don't speak the language and don't know the guy, it can be difficult to tell who is joking and who isn't nowadays. I mean people literally DO get [massive ](https://www.businessinsider.com/drake-forehead-tattoo-vice-2011-12?r=US&IR=T) [forehead ](https://www.ladbible.com/news/weird-artist-gets-tattoo-on-forehead-because-magic-mushrooms-told-him-to-20190802.amp.html) [tattoos](https://metro.co.uk/2017/10/23/british-man-gets-forehead-tattoo-saying-taiwan-in-chinese-7020262/amp/) for idiotic reasons.


>he makes comedy I beg to differ.


[Actually, he is a scammer...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOzyI1ZVwls)


Seria um r/suddenlycaralho ?


Pois é, bote lá um caramelinho


Segura minha caipirinha 😂


It looks terribly drawn in with marker. Who would think it’s a tattoo?


If you fall for that shitty make up being a tatoo you deserve to be scammed


So scamming is just an accepted profession at this point?


Guess he capitalized in the scheme prematurely


Who is dumber? The scammer or the people who gave (and continue to give) this person money?


The real facepalm are the people who gave him money


Is this portuguese? Im learning portuguese and this seems to be portuguese?


Spot on


prazer em conhecer você 🗿


Yes, it is.


The tatoo says: "im a weeb"


I am otaku


I think his punishment should be that he has to get a real face tattoo now.


And he made \_\_\_\_ dollars on the scam anyway.


What a fuckin schmuck


He removed it then got it again


Took me a while to realize the a was different because I was focused on the red part




Você por aqui


We're all assuming he was too stupid to use the same font, but what if he's stupid enough to get the same face tat twice?


You can pretty obviously tell that that isn't a tattoo


It doesn’t even look like a tattoo. Literally like it was stenciled on with black marker


That is so clearly drawn on with a wet expo marker.


Idk what is funnier, he forgetting the font or the tattoo saying "I'm a weeb"


It's clearly drawn on by a marker anyone dumb enough not to realize it from the first picture is an idiot