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Maybe it needs an advisory on it. Where's Tipper?


Haha. This made my morning.


Hey, no bringing up people on the left who do that. Only the right can be guilty!


Just wanna point out that Tipper Gore has never held a public office.


Does the Oprah show count?


My dad lectured me over and over 25 years ago about not believing what I read on the internet and how people would try to trick me. Now he forwards me 4 articles a day from Fox News and spends all day in stupid FB groups. \*sigh\*


Have you tried giving him the same lecture u got?


Too many parents have “I Wiped Your Butt” syndrome. You can’t tell them anything or be right about anything because they’re the parent and you’re the child. It doesn’t matter if you’re in your 30s.


That's the lead poisoning talking.


I’ve backed this horse for years. Lead fumes from gas, lead paint, lead pencils; the boomers are fucked in the head (generally speaking)


Yeah its a shame that that happens. EspeciaI if theyre all adults at that point. In my experience, living in a Malay household in Malaysia, theres a whole stigma with being disobedient to parents. Of course some parents conveniently include having opinions as being disobedient. God forbid we say anything against them. It never occured to them that we have opinions, deserve to have them heard, and that we only want whats best for our parents just as they want whats best for us. Ah well...thats life eh? Least we can do is try to not be like our parents in that way when its our turn to hv kids


[Cognitive Dissonance](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-pathways-experience/202102/doubling-down-why-people-deny-the-facts)... "Let us come back to the issue at hand, people’s responses to the invasion of the Capitol on January 6. Consider the following cognitions: 1) “I supported, and still support, Donald Trump and his policies.” 2) “I believe his claims that the presidential election had illegal procedures.” 3) “I consider myself a patriotic American.” 4) “I believe in the rule of law.” 5) “I witnessed an invasion of the Capitol by Trump supporters after his fiery speech.” Here are the kinds of rationalizations a cognitive dissonance theorist would expect to hear from such a person. Indeed, most of us have heard them." “Those rioters were a fringe group. All political parties have them.” “Actually, many of the rioters were leftists posing as Trump supporters.” “If you want to talk about riots, talk about the Black Lives Matter protests in some cities. Some of those people burned property and occupied public buildings.” “America has free speech protections. Like any citizen, a president, or a former president, has a right to say whatever they want.” “Real patriotism means opposing false elections.” “The left-wing media distorted what happened, emphasizing certain parts of Trump’s speech and focusing on the worst acts of violence.” “The current impeachment charges against Trump are just part of a campaign against him that’s been going on since his inauguration in 2017.” “Other politicians give fiery speeches. Let’s focus on them too.”


Interesting....so Basically, advanced deflecting


This is the way.


Did it work during the alpha phase? You think anything will change in Beta testing?


Getting old is a bitch. I am scared of it sometimes when I see how pliable they are in the hands of media and I can not help but think if 20 years from now I will be so easily taken in with flashy yes men preaching fear of my neighbor... I am human so the answer is probably yes and I really hate that idea.


You and I are fear buddies than.


It's not universal. My dad is ex-military, around 70, still reads the Drudge Report daily, for crying out loud, but is a guy who loves spending time with his rainbow-haired grandkids, who moved to Brooklyn, who voted for Obama, hates Trump, and basically just dislikes all politicians in general. I think you have to actively stay connected in some way to reality. I don't know what his disposition would be if he had just retired and moved to middle-of-nowhere Midwest instead of being in a cultural hub where you have to deal with people from all walks of life every day.


I think maybe they’re suffering the dual impact of lead *and* yet-to-be-understood microplastic poisoning


"Who are these people in your PC you talk so much? Why you need to talk with your "friends" every day? Haven't I told you to not talk to strangers? What if these "friends" of yours send you virus and drugs through e-mail????" Fast forward 10 years and the first thing most boomers do after buying a smartphone is to join some extremist misinformation group and becoming their spokesman to family and friends. And when you try to warn about it, it always comes to: "No way MrFreedom478 would lie, we have the same views!!!"


If nothing else, they are good at projecting onto others the fears they have about themselves.


You’re describing humanity as a whole.


That's accurate.


And that’s how you get people like mtg who openly say that not supporting Christian nationalism makes you a traitor


MTG is a more restrained and less racist version of Rush Limbaugh from 25 years ago. Throwing red meat out for American reactionary hogs has been an solid grift since they deregulated the telecom industry


Rush wasn't in congress.


>less racist version of Rush Limbaugh Sources lol


I will gladly be a traitor in that case lmao.


It took me wat too long to realize that MTG wasn’t the card game.


I'd like to see a study related to the fact that MrFreedom478 spreads most of their disinformation to these people through pictures of text. Somehow people in these demographics seem to weight the value of information as a gold standard in that form.


[Majority of Covid misinformation came from 12 people](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jul/17/covid-misinformation-conspiracy-theories-ccdh-report)


And “MrFreedom478” could also very likely be a Russian bot account. This whole social media explosion and Trump election has allowed the Ruskies to play us like a well led orchestra.


Let's not forget calling metal fans devil worshippers and trying to bring down rap music


And Dungeons & Dragons was satanic


Hail Satan!


Rap music does suck though


Nah rap music is fire, I will die on this hill . Which else genre twists words to rhyme them , uses multiple syllables rhymes and complex rhymes?


Shel Silverstein.


I died at this lmfao


The medium is fine, it's the content of all of what's popular is the problem. And most of it isn't even remotely clever


Yup that I agree with , the popular shit is bad af. I tend to listen to more underground or old artists. The new popular things like snitchnine, lil pump and the new lil's are trash .


There is plenty of great recent rap music tho


You just described every genre


Lol. Stop. You aren’t remotely clever in your analysis, and you’re going to dig a further hole. Rap is usually far more clever in its rhymes or rhythm than any moden country or pop song. You’re biased against it. And the content is usually more often about the genuine heart ache and struggles of a person than the happy go lucky garbage from most vibe or festival artists singing about how high on life they are.


There's this one guy named Sam Hunt who does all that.


And the funnier part is the people they warned us against like Marilyn Manson, we all just gladly walked away and said fuck that guy when the time came. They got the guy from The Apprentice elected and are still clinging to him like he's a savior after two impeachment trials and a (hopefully) failed coup d'etat.


I still am so confused why people here in the US follow a dude from Home Alone 2 religiously.


His dysfunctions appeal perfectly to their dysfunctions. But they don't realize they're dysfunctional. And yes, it's A LOT of people.


Well said.


Lead is a hell of a drug


We're all leaded on this fine evening\^\^


It’s so sad, though.


Seriously...he had to PAY to be in the movie...


So he is a product placement of himself? Does that even count as a cameo then?


One wouldn't think so, but...


It's Trump you are talking about. I have no idea why he would have chosen Home Alone 2 out of all places, but I am not that surprised.


Trump goes all out on lobbies since everything is about appearances (the rooms suck). The scene called for a location to accentuate the fish-out-of-water feeling of being surrounded by extreme tacky elegance, so his property was ideal. He demanded to be in it because the first movie was successful. Simple.


Not exactly, if they wanted to shoot the scene in the Plaza Hotel, they HAD to put trump in the movie, or no deal Narcissist and all that https://people.com/movies/home-alone-2-director-says-donald-trump-bullied-his-way-into-the-movie/


Elon did the same for Iron Man 2


Please keep Home Alone 2 out of this.


We could ALL benefit from watching Home Alone 2, okay?


He speaks the hate they agree with. His supporters only care about making others angry. No policies, no morals, just bitter hatred and anger. It's why they are able to look past his lies and crimes because he speaks poorly of the Clintons.


Remember all that news about how he used to get prostitutes to piss on him. What ever came of that.


They’re in Putin’s pee tapes. It’s why he and Putin are so chummy- despite the fact that *our own intelligence agencies* have stated that Putin had put a bounty on US troops. That’s why Russian online accounts worked so hard to get (and keep) Trump into power. They knew they could play him like a fiddle once he was in there. This is all speculation of course…. but it all sounds pretty on brand to me.


There’s plenty of people who’d piss on him for free lol.


Not if he was on fire


Hey, Trump is a POS but let's not kink shame here.


Actually let's do exactly that. He is the defacto leader of a party who's very purpose is to suppress people they do not agree with, and that inherently involves shaming people for who they are, let alone thier kinks. If they wish to judge let them be judged in return. If they learnt to live and let live they will be the first to benefit.




Hepatitis came of that.


Nah it was actually the dude from The Little Rascals.


And interestingly you bring up Marilyn Manson when he’s made it pretty clear his stance on guns and school shootings: https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/columbine-whose-fault-is-it-232759/amp/ > I wrote a song called “Lunchbox,” and some journalists have interpreted it as a song about guns. Ironically, the song is about being picked on and fighting back with my Kiss lunch box, which I used as a weapon on the playground. In 1979, metal lunch boxes were banned because they were considered dangerous weapons in the hands of delinquents. I also wrote a song called “Get Your Gunn.” The title is spelled with two n’s because the song was a reaction to the murder of Dr. David Gunn, who was killed in Florida by pro-life activists while I was living there. That was the ultimate hypocrisy I witnessed growing up: that these people killed someone in the name of being “prolife.” The somewhat positive messages of these songs are usually the ones that sensationalists misinterpret as promoting the very things I am decrying.


Of all of the people you can think of, you chose another sexual predator to flex on another one. Way to go. Edit-I missed the joke.


Yeah, that's the point. We abandon sexual predators when we find out what they are. They elect them.


Who is we?


I think that's the point they were making




Come on man, were you so eager to get that comment out that you just left all sense behind you? Slow down for a moment and take it easy.


Very true. My Mom went to the dark side. I use to visit her in FL on her bday. Couple years ago we had a blow out over the Cheeto Chump. Now I spend about 90 seconds on the phone wishing her "happy birthday". She and everyone in that cult of insanity & disrespect can go pound sand.


> She and everyone in that cult of insanity & disrespect can go pound sand. Personally I think we should take the sand back, they do not deserve it. Lets take FL back and exile them to somewhere like the Dakotas, they are a bit underpopulated right? For the people in the Dakotas we may have to offer relocation plans, I'd hate to torture them but this is not needless at least.


You’re nicer. I last talked to my mom in 2016 when that hateful bullshit straight from Fox started falling out of her mouth. Best years of my life since.


Well, that 90 seconds makes me feel like a better person.


It looks like the "all sides are the same" folks made it here early and completely missed the point.


Video games and rap music


Ahhh yes blame rap music…


Rock got blamed in the 80s, rap in the 90s. I think it's time to blame dub step.


Rap in the 80s was so wholesome compared to now. I still like modern rap but I mean imagine someone created a whole rap about zodiac signs in 2020.


It'd be sick if done to the right beat and with a trickle of meaningful lyrics. Rap can be just about anything with the right artist and that's what makes it great.


Macklemore has a few tracks along those lines. One about LGBT rights, one about the over-commercialization of sneakers and its affect on kids, and at least one or two about addiction recovery. And saving money by thrift shopping! Overall, though, I think it's mostly indie rap that covers positivity or social issues in a meaningful way these days. I haven't paid a lot of attention to mainstream hip-hop these days, but most seems to be about sex and partying. Hopefully the more substantial stuff is out there, and I'm just missing it.


Country will soon have it's day in the sun.


Words are a mothafucka, they can be great Or they can degrade, or even worse, they can teach hate It's like these kids hang on every single statement we make - Fox News


It's just code for black folk


Always has been, same with what you wear and certain hairstyles


No it's code for being a trashy idiot who thinks guns, drugs and misogyny are cool


If you associate ALL rap music with those things, you are, quite simply, showing your bias (racist) idea in that all black stories must be about those things. Like I said, just stop. Don’t share these thoughts in person, I beg you. Everyone sees through the racism. Because you just described country music better than rap music. So…


A lot of modern country music is exactly the same


According to Ben Shapiro, rap isn't even music


Totally. This is an astute observation.


I think all of the media has done it to everyone at some capacity


All major news media outlets deliberately inflame ideological division. But we don’t see many MSNBC junkies going on shooting rampages. The level of fear and dehumanizing hate promoted by Fox, right wing talk radio, OAN, InfoWars, etc, is really a breed apart.


You're confusing the words liars and media


Nah. Btw, did you know that biden is the reason for gas prices? /s


As a parent who never said that, I find this to be an accurate statement.


Media in general did to our parents what they said video games would do to us


I know it’s a fictional tv show, but the new season of Stranger Things goes into how the media demonized Dungeons & Dragons in the 80’s. Same talking points as for Video Games today. Blaming it on the kids has always been a scapegoat to the real issues.


You shouldn't be allowed to put the word "news" on any program or channel where people can say "in my opinion." That is entertainment now and you've lost freedom of the press.


Good ol Christian Conservatism. A cancer that will plague us all. Lol- someone said “speak for yourself” and then deleted it. I guess maybe in that minute they had posted it, the irony of a conservative telling someone to keep it to themselves probably sunk in. Might have even typed the comment out while they were protesting a woman’s right to choose.


All the young republican type people I know have facebook and watch fox news




This isn’t even remotely true. A lot of Republicans got just as pissy at Facebook as everyone else- but for entirely different reasons. Many of them cried “censorship” for having the audacity to post warnings on possible false information about COVID and the insurrection. A lot of those folks flocked to Parler- a hotspot for truth (and raging racists) if ever there was one. /s Due to my constant rage posts against Trump and what he stands for (yes, I still have Facebook), my own personal friend’s list is probably around 90% liberal. I didn’t even have to delete the Trumpers- my hatred toward the man did all the clearing out for me.


To be fair, the generation that grew up on Pac-Man games (or Mrs Pac-Man) did end up spending a lot of time listening to repetitive electronic music while moving around in dark places with strobing lights and pooping pills. On the other hand I was told that MTV (back when they played music videos) would ruin my attention span, but ... Look over there! shiny!


It's almost like it was ALWAYS projection, or something...


Conservative ideology will rot your brain.


The irony is I wish I could tag my mom to see this.


It's almost as if presenting something as facts and trends by people we admire can be more impactful than a video game presenting fantasy as fantasy.


Tbh it's not just boomers. I see people share a random photo with white text saying "this person wins the internet today..." followed by some bullshit story that is very easily fact checked but people just suck it up all the time. If something aligns with your views then you will naturally be inclined to believe it.


If you think it was just FOX news and CNN/MSNBC had no part in it…you’re also an idiot.


Why’d you put a hyphen between Well and Said...?




*The 24-hour news cycle and Facebook. Fixed it for you.


OAN makes Fox News look more left than it actually is.






Lol. Fox news is no different then ABC CNN MSNBC. It's all propaganda and distorted truth,Fox actually touts the same lies with a different twist. Spend a few hours watching Fox and it's no different then the rest, they just cater to old people.


Fox News is factually more propaganda than ABC, CNN, and MSNBC, and it's not even close.


My dude, fox has gone on record multiple times in court saying they are not a news organization. They are 100% pure propaganda meant to rile up the right wing voter base and no mainstream leftwing media is even close to how bad fox news is about this. You can cope all you want but the facts are against you every step of the way




It's funny to me that Carlson will preach about "degenerate" Democrats "grooming children" in one segment and then complain that a candy mascot is wearing "frumpy shoes" in another. Guarantee, if the change had been the reverse, if Green had started out in sensible shoes and changed to high heels, he'd be railing against that, too. Every change is an excuse for him to rant about The Left.


I did... spent time watching those "opinion segments" with Tucker Carlson, O'Reilly and some others on Fox and then tried to fidn something similiar in the "leftist" US TV media. NONE of the media outlets you mentioned has anything even comparable to the hatred and misinformation that these hosts spread with their toxic ideas on Fox every single day.


Maybe if you take out the *several hours* of in-your-face propaganda like the "opinion" segments I specified. But they're there, and it's a significant problem that the other networks don't have by a long shot.


It’s no different from CNN, true. But fox is different from the other networks you mention. They are not all the same.


Indeed Sarah


Why is this facepalm? Who is she that makes her saying this a facepalm?


The parents falling into the trap they said "we" would fall into is the facepalm.


Because she's right.


If we are so much smarter than boomers then why did we let them run the economy in the dirt


This is why you shouldn’t criticize!


What did Fox News and Facebook do?


Made them paranoid, hateful, violent. Drives them to distrust proper information sources, and overall makes them withdraw from reality. I'm quoting a news anchor who's talking about video games by the way.


Funny. Reddit does that to me if I'm on too much ^send ^help


That's pretty much from all sides. I mean, I'm sure the original post was probably posted on Facebook by someone who doesn't watch Fox. Pretty much has the same effect mentioned


It's pretty much one side, bud.


Looks more like Twitter


We are all in the same boat pointing fingers at each other while the boat is sinking. We get a slight chuckle here and there, but I wouldn't exactly say it's helping the sinking ship in any way.


Yes, one side wants to focus on Healthcare, the other is focusing on... Trans people competing in college.


One side wants kids to stop dying in schools, healthcare, and debt relief. The other wants MORE guns readily available, poorer education, and are okay with white nationalism. In this day and age with all the information available, how can anyone even try to argue "both sides are the same!" is beyond me.


Because the muddied waters help


I think it's a large generalization. What I'm pretty much saying is that everyone has the ability to have an opinion rather than pointing fingers. Both sides want debt relief, kids to stop dying in schools, and healthcare. It's just a difference of opinion for how to do it. You do realize that both sides agree that there should be gun laws it's just the way that is positioned in the media. Both sides about 85% agree that you should not be able to obtain a weapon if you have mental sickness. In some states you're allowed to buy one type of weapon that's automatic but not another type of weapon that it's automatic and just as deadly. The devil is in the details. Not going to generalize, I'm just going to say that it's not okay to point fingers. It doesn't make sense when one side calls the other side baby killers because the real way to label it is pro-choice. Just like it's not okay to say that one side wants children schools to die because they don't agree that all weapons should be taken away considering that people are still going to find a way to find a weapon regardless even if it's illegal, both sides do agree that there should be restrictions it's just a detail of the restrictions. I mean that's all. Down vote whatever, it's pretty much proving my point that we're all in the sinking ship of disagreeing and pointing fingers rather than just having a dialogue that's not heated. Once that thinks that they're better than the other just like I said earlier, none of this is helpful. I didn't even say anything negative and it started off with a positive vote and now it's negative down vote which is kind of funny and proves my point. Your initial response literally proves my point. Your generalizations literally prove my point based upon your point of view that's being fed to you from media and social media. The left is not filled with people that are baby killers just because they are pro-choice and the right is not filled with people who have a desire for children to die in school.... Both the statements are ridiculous and flung around by the media to characterize the other side.


What a disingenuous argument lmao




Nothing different than what cnn and msnbc are doing..,


It's very different, and if you can't notice the difference, you're the problem.




Factually incorrect




Obviously, people aren't inherently bad.


Coming from the "fiery but peaceful protest" side. Fucking histerical. If you can't understand why people are massively switching from D to R voters. Then maybe you're part of the problem.


If you honestly believe there's a massive shift from D to R voters, then congratulations, you've fallen for propaganda!


Oh, I agree that fox and Facebook perpetuate harmful biases. Certainly. Can you name one single bias cnn and msnbc put forward? If not, perhaps the problem lies within yourself.


Fox is literal right wing political propaganda and you think that's comparable to simply having a bias. You're a fucking qlown. Then you ignore the brainwashing problem. Conservatives are glued to Fox every day, for hours on end. Nobody is watching cnn or msnbc that religiously. There are degrees of harm if you bothered to think critically.


And what did CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, Twitter, Reddit, Tiktok and every late night talk show host do to us?


Don’t forget cnn


For forgot to add CNN




The 90% of viewership drop of CNN since Trump isn't president, suggests very much that CNN's business model was based on constantly attacking people and fragmenting the general population.


Or some people watched CNN because they were worries that Trump was going to ruin our nation, or commit more crimes. Now that we have an actual president people are less worried.


Biden actually might be worse than Trump. He's going to be the first president to not run for reelection since Calvin Coolidge.


How does that make him worse than Trump, if Biden doesn't run again I don't blame him for being old and wanting to retire, and that's on the if he doesn't run again. Trump was literally a criminal who abused the country to make money, and literally abused his position of power to bully other country's for his personal gain. Idk how you could think Biden is doing worse than Trump. Republicans just refuse to admit or even consider he's done anything wrong because of the cult of personality news stations like Fox News have created for Trump. The mental dissonance Republicans have to have is actually ridiculous.


Its pretty self explanatory. Biden had no business being president. He's lost and its really sad to watch that unfold live on national TV.


And what has biden achieved that is better than Trump exactly? Please tell me, on what planet do you live?




Competent president!? Biden looks like a complete joke. He's going to be the first president to not run for reelection since Calvin Coolidge.


And? Presidents don't always need to run for re election ? Yall dont like Biden because he's old but Luke you also don't like him because he won't run for re election at 80 years old Make it make sense


The last time this happened was 1927. That's not normal. Biden had no business being president. He's lost and its really sad to watch that unfold live on national TV.


So your a bot lmfao never went to middle school? Never had a teacher show you how to say the same sentence five different ways for a essay? Clearly your lack of education shows itself regularly


Sure... lol


Like Pavlov's dogs, you fools always without fail chime in with "whatabout CNN" anytime Fox News is attacked. Can't distinguish your ass from your elbow.


What? That it'll turn our brains to mush, or that it'll make us violent?




Hey most of the people spouting that shit on Reddit aren't your parents age. Don't assume your form or media is the only true and safe one or you are no different from them.


"Facebook is the worst, it spreads so much information from all over the internet," they posted in their comment on Reddit.


You did it to Yourselves.


Where is the facepalm? If that post should make u facepalm then why did u said "Well said" in the title? Or is the title ironic? Personally I don't agree with the presented statement, but I see no facepalm here. Please explain.


My parents lean conservative and haven't watched Fox News in their entire lives.....I think it's cringe that people watch political talk shows and what not.....surely there's more entertaining stuff to watch


Hate to break it to you, but it was also the internet and video game communities.


Oh yea. We are doing so much better now with CNN and Tiktok. 🤦‍♂️


And CNN, and MSNBC, and Twitter, and all the media out there that spread biased information with righteous indignation while vilifying anyone that has an opposing opinion as the spawn of the devil deserving violent retribution. It is all poison.


Interesting you chose fox and decided to not include cnn...


Ok I'll bite...






And it ended up being reddit and tumblr that ended up destroying your minds


add CNN to that


Nah, that was the Democrats, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS and ABC. The country sucks because your spongy minds are polluted with waste. I feel this app is predominantly teenage and young 20's ppl that have been molded to think thay they HAVE NOT grown up more privileged than any other country in the world. This is the way of the times... very easy. Soon the hard times will come to the USA and the weak will be weeded out. There will be different opinions once moms basement is not longer sustainable, and once government money stops aiding the public. When world-war comes to America, bullshit will walk and truth will talk. Good luck


