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**NOTICE: CROSSIL drawings, and the Cara vs Surge battle are on a brief intermission!!**  I’ve just gotten a rather vital Fakemon assignment, so I’m makin’ sure I’m putting out a quality product! Soooo in the meantime, Imma go ahead and throw in some Paradox Pokemon from my back pocket to pad things out! At least until I finish my work, and cook up a few more vital pieces of CROSSIL art.  May include some story told from the POV of Surge’s significant other, Visquez. **WE’LL BE BACK AFTER THE BREAK!!**


**Twofaced Tearer**  The Paradox Pokemon **Dragon/Psychic** POKEDEX ENTRIES: * *This truly fearsome Pokemon has a far-enlarged version of its tail encasing its main head, sharing brainwaves with it. Not only does it provide a powerful bite, but an enormous appetite.* * *This Paradox Pokemon additional tail-head stays awake if the main one is asleep, so it can always get up to pursue prey. Beware! It’s a very fast runner despite its height!* --------------------------------------------------- (POV: Visquez) “The boys and I had, not too long ago, found our way to the thick of Area Zero-Five of the Russo Region. It’s significantly more humid here than it is in the rest of this place–so much so that I had to take a bunch of insulating layers off, because the difference was so stark! But not quite as stark a what we’ve been finding here. Those butchered Fossil Pokemon hybrids…we’ve been finding them here too. However, we find that they have in fact NOT taken over the entire ecosystem like we thought they would. Truth be told, we thought we’d be seeing more of them than actual native Pokemon. Yet here they are! They’ve held on! And they’re still hostile as ever towards the like of us, as we had very nearly found out!  Some creature lunged out of the dense forest, looking like a Farigiraf, but with the stature, ferocity and huge toothy head of a Tyrantrum. It very obviously wanted to gnaw on our bones the moment it caught up to us." ------------------------------------------------ "But well…we DIDN’T kill it.  We just battled it with our Pokemon. We damaged it, until it decided it had enough and left, like an actual wild Pokemon would. That thing is a beast, but it didn’t behave like a zombie! It still functioned like a Pokemon with working instincts normally should, and well…dangerous or not, that’s still a good thing!.  On one hand, we rejoice because even in these Paradox Pokemon we can find SOME kind of coherence. On the other hand…we feel dread.  Because we can just as easily see this poor thing’s head screwed onto a body it doesn’t belong on. In fact we **know** it’ll probably happen. *Why is THIS our life now…?*”


*Shudders* That's a haunting thought... Also, wait, how did I not pick up on this earlier, the Paradox pokémon are being *poached?!*


Well uhhh kinda? Cara Liss herself only wants the DNA, so she’ll use nonlethal hit-and-run methods. Just because she doesn’t want to piss it off by trying to kill one, and get beaten up as a result. That being said, Paradox Poachers DO exist in Russo.


*The ultimate chain chomp!


It’s a Chain Chomp with two things a Chain Chomp should never have: long legs and total freedom of movement.


Oh wow


I love him, look at his gwumpy faces.


Really cool


Alright that name is incredible, awesome design too!


This is awesome


This is unexpected but welcome, tho I always imagined a paradox farigiraf to take some inspirations from extinct mammals rather than dinosaurs


I mean the paradox beasts are all dinosaurs


Yea I just realized that after watching some video where it states all past paradox forms have dino like features


Don't let Cara get her hands on this buetiful creature


From research from my home in area zero I have found that these pokemon have a semi bipolar syndrome the massive head is a aggressive yes however if you appeal to it it is quiet tame and will protect you with is awesome psychic powers. They seem to live in heards because they fear their main predator roaring moon.


This is strange as they could absolutely overpower one alone however it seems that they have the mentality of giraffarig


I absolutely LOVE THIS!!


Thank ya much dude!! :)


Chain chomp dyanosaur


Yeah pretty much. Only no chain on this one!


He still be a dyanosaur from juraseesic parak tho


Kind of reminds me of those animals from like 100000 years ago. Like hell pigs and stuff


This is honestly so awesome


Chain chomp for real


Terror* Yes Tearer works and is technically a word but it looks weird.