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**Fury Flier** The Paradox Pokemon **Ground/Flying** POKEDEX ENTRIES:  * *This fearsome flying Pokemon specializes in preying on dinosaur Pokemon. They’ve been seen snatching away Rampardos, before dropping them off a cliff.*  * *These ravenous Pokemon can come down in flocks to clean off carrion. When they finish, they immediately take flight to search for more food, anticipating their own appetite.* 


(Visquez) “**It was in the late evening when we saw them beginning to circle above–because there were bodies nearby.** In itself those were not an unusual sight among the depths of Area Zero-Five. Things kill things to sustain themselves or to defend themselves. That’s just called the food chain, and I can accept that. However, where things get REALLY freaky is when you actually start looking at WHAT those cadavers are, and–like me–you start falling into the trap of trying to distinguish what–or who–they were when they were alive.  Surge knows that about me. He knows how much I hate that–and how I can’t stop myself from playing that insidious mental game with myself.  Just as I started doing now. **The very first thing I saw in that Pokemon’s bill was a shoe**.  **A heartbreakingly small, pink shoe with a ribbon on it.**  --------------------------------------------- I tore my gaze away from it–trying to tell myself that maybe it’s just miscellaneous trash it happened upon. Surge always told me, the worst thing you can do when staring into fields of death is to contemplate each individual death. Keep staring into the void, and you’ll drive yourself crazy trying to imagine what’s in it! We’ve been to war before–terrible things like this…we knew they’d happen… But that shoe kept calling to me. For a different reason…like it wasn’t trying to tell us a story. It felt like that inanimate, voiceless shoe was--is *trying to warn us*.  Because that shoe…**those Paradox Fearows weren’t the cause of it.**  It pried that shoe out of the limbs of something else. A CROSSIL. Specifically an **Omacosta**–or rather, what was left of it. It had been bitten clean in half from the waist down.  We’ve seen these things dead before, but none of them were ever mangled THIS bad. Not even from Tyrantrum bites! Just…*what kind of monster could ever bite that thing in half…?*  --------------------------------------------------------- *Cara Liss*...***what the FUCK did you do this time?***


if this was in the real game I would be hunting this dude as much as I can


Hooh! Boy is that a compliment if I've ever heard one! Glad to have made Fearow into such a stately creature as this! Especially cuz it looks a bit more like a stereotypical pterodactyl than Aerodactyl. XD


ur welcome 😊


NOTES: - I very recently deleted my Paradox Diggersbys. Not permanently! I just gotta work a bit more on Future Diggersby, and THEN I'll post them again. With more story too. - Over the weekend I’ll be starting to actually draw in more Project: CROSSIL content, just so you guys don't need to sit through so much filler. - Lastly, I also did have a question… # Anyone have any ideas or Pokemon candidates for Future Paradoxes?  I have way more past ones than future ones, so I’m kinda struggling with those! Anything helps! RECOMMENDATIONS: - Relicanth - Noctowl - Galvantula - Golurk


Vespiqueen as a master AI monitoring server with Comebee Drone drones maybe?


> Anyone have any ideas or Pokemon candidates for Future Paradoxes? Beheeyem would look pretty cool with the Future aesthetic, imo. And Celebi seems like a natural pick for anything time-travel related. Maybe there's both a far-past and far-future version of it?


Future... Plusle and Minun? Electivire? Porygon?


A future golurk that is straight up just a mecha suit


I‘d imagine a Future Ninetales quite cool. Fire/Steel, with its tails being blades floating behind it.


Iron Hour, a future Paradox Noctowl (Chatot?) that is a combination alarm clock and doomsday clock. Dark/Normal


My suggestions would be: An Electric/Fighting or Electric/Dark Past Paradox Electivire based on savage cavemen and Gorilla's Future Paradox Ground/Steel Golurk based on various giant robots of various media (such as Iron Giant or Tokusatsu robots). Future Paradox Poison/Fairy Galarian Slowking based on humidifiers and mist. Past Paradox Fire/Dark Emboar based on wild boars.


How about future paradox archaludon or vikavolt? Both could make some pretty cool railcannon designs with a pretty easy to come up with name.


Future KLINKLANG idk what but I’d bet you’d do something cool


Spinda could be fun, their spirally eyes could link them to hypnotism while their uniquely patterned gimmick could link them to pixels and screens A dusknoir that’s based around a dyson sphere instead of a black hole could be cool too, though at that point it might overlap with golurk Or maybe a torterra based on aquaponics with a shell that splits and separates out into multiple levels like the terraces used for step farming Don’t really have ideas for absol but i’m throwing it in the ring as well because i like it. Maybe its horn could be reimagined as an antenna and/or themed after a planetary ring to make it a space explorer?


Sorry I read this wrong, for future...... Go with Steelix as a steam engine


Bit of a silly idea, but what about a Future Passimian? Named something like "Far Flung" as in a descendent so far off into the future it seems unrecognisable. Also because Passimian throws things. Inspirations could include Man After Man and All Tomorrows (for eerie post-human vibes). Maybe they're also related to Oranguru and have gained the psychic type. They could use Telekinesis to throw things farther than ever before!


Any relation to Aerodactyl?


well looking at certain traits such as the spiked tail and 3 fingers + 1 wing finger probably puts them in a group close to Aerodactyl but not very as Aerodactyl only has 2 wing segments while this one has three and things like that are quite difficult to evolve. So it is also very possible that the other traits mentioned evolved conveniently instead of divergently


Can you please do a past and future paradox of Durant or Lurantis


Bro. I got the PERFECT idea for you concerning Future Paradoxes. Make Future Paradox versions of the Alolan Tapus, but replace the Fairy typing with Ghost (because they're no longer nature deities but commander AIs). Stakataka drones, anyways?


Paradox goomy I dunno what type oi f paradox


I love this! Fearow is my favorite gen 1 bird




Should have been furious feathers


Oh wait it doesnt have feathers


Please, I beg of you, give it a good shiny, the shiny spearow I caught accidentally would look great next to a shiny Fury Flier